• Published 28th Oct 2016
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Tales of the Battle Foals - Sirdubya

Equestria hates fighting, so what happens when a foal is born with a special talent for it? For Fire Fight, a grand adventure across the lands will ensue. One that will open everypony's eyes, and show him the true meaning of who he is.

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Cold Winds

“Hmm…..I see…. So if these two emit this form of magical waves, then……yes, then their resonance signature could be identified as……Mmhm, thought so. Therefore…..<sigh> Whoever crafted this security system was far from a novice.” Quantum Tech was fiddling around with the magic lock crystals on the portal.

“You are still trying to surpass this mechanism?” Quantum looked over to see Zebota walking into the room with her. “You would be wise to learn a little patience, Quantum Tech. I have faith that Valkyrie will be with us in due time.”

“Perhaps, but a failsafe is never a burden to have, Zebota.” Quantum said. “I have no doubt that our friends will succeed, but I doubt that nature will be so willing to continuously grant us her favor.”

“Nature does not grant one her favor, but opportunities that one must work for. Whatever or whoever seizes those opportunities first are those that survive in her care.” Zebota said. He then pulled out a small bottle containing a dark-purple liquid and handed it to Quantum. “Here. Take this. You have been working very hard, and it is not healthy to replenish yourself after so much labor. I have concocted this brew from herbs of my homeland; it will awaken any vitals that have grown weary.”

Quantum took the bottle and curiously examined it. “Hmm! Well, thank you, Zebota.” She took a sip of the brew. It tasted….something like grassy dark chocolate that hadn’t been sweetened. The bitter taste made her cringe a little, but she could almost instantly feel it take effect. She suddenly felt like she’d just woken up from a long, relaxing nap. “My word!”

“It will not actually wake you up per se, but it only balances your internal clock. So do not substitute it for real sleep.” Zebota explained.

Quantum giggled. “Doctor’s order, I suppose.” She took another sip of her drink. “Where’s Shrapnel anyway?”

“He is napping just outside the courtyard doors. Once our friends return, he will travel down the mountain again to retrieve them and hopefully, Valkyrie.” Zebota said.

“But…how will he know that they’ll be there?” Quantum asked.

“He should be able to sense the presence of Tidal Wave’s water crystal just as he perceives my brooch.” Zebota explained.

“Talk about a sixth sense! <giggle>” Quantum joked. “I just hope they succeed. I cannot wait to visit the Asgard Forest!”

Zebota frowned a little. “About that, Quantum Tech….You said that this forest is where the griffons bury their ‘honored’ dead, yes?”

Quantum nodded. “That is so. Griffons that held a high place in their history or even just their culture altogether are laid to rest there.”

Zebota shook his head. “That makes no sense. All things that are born live and die all the same. To presume that one life holds priority over another is an insult to the natural order.”

Quantum was a little taken aback by his statement. “Zebota, wouldn’t you want to be remembered when your time comes?”

“My only wish is that my remains nourish the recycling earth as they are meant to. To want something out of death would be mad.” Zebota said. “I will never scorn those who wish to mourn their dearly departed, but once a life is lost, it is lost forever. There is no reason to treat them as though they are still alive.”

“Zebota! That’s just awful! What about your parents? They taught you everything you know and protected you from Shrapnel before…..the rest happened. Surely you miss them dearly!” Quantum said.

Zebota frowned further and lowered his head in sorrow. “I-I do, but…..I cannot allow my grief to hold me back. They are no longer here for me. It is only Shrapnel and I along with all of you. All we can ever do is move forward.”

“Well….. Yes, I suppose you're right, but….what about what we leave behind when we depart? Why do you think we leave wills for our families? What would you want for Shrapnel if you were to die right this moment?” Quantum said.

Zebota sighed. “I have nothing to give to him, save for his freedom, and I can only pray that he would prosper wherever he goes.”

“I’m sure he could, given what a mighty creature he is, but he’ll spend the rest of his life with the memory of a master with whom he shared a beautiful friendship, memories that will encourage him to move forward with a clear mind and strong heart, because he knows that you would want that.” Quantum said. “Zebota….it’s true that death truly is the end, but as I’m sure you’re aware, death makes room for new life, and that can come in a plethora of forms. Those honored dead buried in Asgard, they impacted their people so much that they influenced the very future that they would build together. Their deaths are honored, because their lives were honored.” She put her hoof on his shoulder. “Wouldn’t you want us to go on with the memories you’ve given us? Wouldn’t….you miss me if I were gone?”

Zebota just stared at her. Letting her words sink in, he knew she was right. Was he just running away from his own grief? Had he forgotten what it meant to love in favor of embracing the cruelty of nature? Either way, Quantum Tech’s innocent yet wise eyes nearly brought his to tears as he began to regret his cold attitude. That, and….he would miss her. They were polar opposites, yet they’re ordeal in the ruins of the Fallen proved that they were far from enemies. The mystic zebra couldn’t help but to crease a smile. “Yes…..Quantum Tech….Thank you.”

She took her hoof back. “Of course, darling.”

Zebota felt the need to ask her something. “Would…you miss me if I were gone?”

“Darling! Without question! I don’t think I’ve met a more fascinating character in my life.” Quantum said. She too was suddenly reminded of their adventure underground, and couldn’t help but to chuckle a little despite the horrors they had to endure together. “Well, I’m going to take a little nap. I’m quite tired.”

“Ok. I suppose I should check on Shrapnel.” Zebota said. As he walked towards the door and Quantum walked over to her mech to fetch her bedroll, they couldn’t help but to feel an unknown warmth build up as they parted ways.


Air Slash had just woken up from another nap. His throat still felt scratchy, but his head felt much cooler and not as heavy. He had to sneeze a couple times, but he felt like he could walk around. That’s when Greensprout entered the room. “Oh! I didn’t think you’d get up so soon.”

Air Slash took a deep breath. “Yes. I think you’re elixirs have proven more effective than expected, Greensprout.” He had to sniffle. “I feel quite refreshed.”

“Good! I was expecting you to make a recovery by the end of the day. How are you feeling?” Greensprout said.

Air Slash had to let out a little cough. “My throat burns a tid, but I feel as though I’m fighting it all off.”

“Then, I’ll brew you some herbal tea with honey, ok?” Greensprout said. Air Slash happily nodded as he laid down on his bed roll. As Greensprout went over to a little brewing pot she set up and started making his tea, he couldn’t help but to steal glances at her. Even under the dim light of the temple’s torches, he could clearly see that one thing didn’t change about her: she was shiningly beautiful, and her benevolent spirit almost tangibly emanated from her. Just being within her presence was a comfort to the normally alert and prideful samurai, and to think that she would take the time to care for him in his state was the icing on the cake. He had been used to the many hardships that came with living as a warrior, but Greensprout’s peaceful lifestyle and respect for existence itself gave the feeling of being cradled by a loving mother. Air Slash found himself blushing furiously as he thought about the more notable moments he’d spent with her, such as when he first laid eyes on her, the chat they had on the way to Ghastly Gorge, and especially when he comforted her in the ruins of the Fallen after her temper tantrum. He knew he should express his feelings sooner or later, but how would she react? She was a monk, and thus of a more pure heart. For all he knew, she probably wasn’t even allowed to have such relationships! Would she resent him for trying to get her to overstep such boundaries? The last thing he wanted was a wedge between them.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when Greensprout walked up to him with the tea in hoof. “Here you go, Air Slash.”

“Oh! Uh…Th-Thank you, Greensprout.” He stammered as she set it down in front of him.

“Hmm?” She suddenly had a concerned expression and put her hoof on his forehead. “Are you sure you’re feeling ok? You looked a little red for a second.”

“D-Did I? Well, I…..I do feel better. Perhaps it was just the light?” Air Slash said.

Greensprout giggled. “Of course. You must be fine if you’re able to act as funny as you do.” Air Slash perked up a little upon hearing that, and smiled. “Well, I think I should go check on the others outside. Enjoy your tea!”

“Y-Yeah….Thanks.” Air Slash said. As she walked out of the room, he took a sip of his tea. It was calming, peaceful, sweet, and gentle on his throat, much like she was. If only holding her was as easy as holding the cup of tea she had brewed. He sighed heavily and mumbled to himself. “Greensprout….”


Out in the cold, bitter winds of the courtyard where a cacophony of dead silence resounded, Shrapnel slept just outside the doors where there was warmth from the torches. Zebota had just come out to check on him. However, the only sound that could pierce the silence was the fierce whistle of arrows flying through the air as they struck set up targets.

Bullseye endured the frigid winds to blow off some steam on targets and practice dummies. When she wasn’t cussing out the first pony that set her off or on a murderous rampage, her inherent anger was sublimated into pure focus, focus that she used to perfect critical shots with her bow. Each arrow she shot at the targets carried leaves of the ugly plant that was her hatred for her parents. If she couldn’t inflict unimaginable pain on them as they died a gory death, then she’d just have let it go on whatever she could fire her arrows into. Though, it wasn’t as satisfying if the target wasn’t alive, and therefore capable of feeling pain, pain she yearned to bring to those that have or would hurt her.

She was down to her last normal arrow before she’d have to go retrieve them, and she focused her aim on the dummy’s head, where all of her other arrows had hit. Her good eye squinted as she adjusted her aim accordingly to the wind speed and direction. With her arrow totally nocked back and aimed properly, she was ready to fire…


“<GASP!> F***!!” Bullseye jumped at the sudden blast of noise, causing her to lose her focus and fire her arrow way to the left into an ice wall. Shrapnel too was shocked awake by the noise as he and a very pissed off Bullseye scanned around for the source. “What the hell!?”

When she looked to a little ways to the right of her targets, she saw Crazylocks standing in front of a gong. “MY CRAVINGS FOR GRASS BONES CAN CURED WITH SALT ROCKS!!” She banged her head into the gong, causing it to resound again. “IF YOU CAN’T EAT PIE IN THE RAIN, DON’T SPEAK ANY SPANISH AT ALL!!” <GONG!!> “WOULD YOU LIKE FRIES WITH YOUR KIDNEYS, SIR!?” <GONG!!> “I ONCE HEARD THAT BIRDS COULD FLY!! WHO KNEW?!” <GONG!!> “DON’T WORRY!! I HAVE BASIC TRAINING IN VENOM TASTING!!” <GONG!!> “AND THEN I SAID ‘MY BOYFRIEND IS FROM PLANET FLURPLE, SO HE KNOWS WHEN TO THROW BOTTLES OF BRICK JUICE AT YOUR NEIGHBOR’S POOL GUY!!” She began cackling maniacally as she started repeatedly smashing her head into the gong.

Shrapnel began calmly walked over to her, but Bullseye’s blood was boiling. Why couldn’t this demented filly just learn to shut up? Bullseye threw her bow down into the snow in frustration and marched over to Crazylocks, paying Shrapnel no heed. She pulled Crazylocks back from the gong by her pigtails. “CRAZYLOCKS!!!”

The manic filly faced her, her expression completely oblivious to the wrath she’d incurred. “Hi, Bullseye! Are you here for centennial Gong Gala too!?”


“Oh, right! I was supposed to go to the-”


“<Gasp!> Bullseye! For shame! You know that would be against the Crazylocks Code of Conduct! How would you like it if I forced you break your-”

“SHUT. YOUR DAMN. MOUTH!!!” Bullseye just wasn’t having it. She had to catch her breath from all of her shouting. “Don’t b******* us either. We know you’re more aware than you let on, so quit acting like you were born yesterday.”

Shrapnel huffed at Bullseye. “He says ‘Do not presume her to be any better or worse than you, Blood Cupid’.” Crazylocks said.

Bullseye eyed him. “F*** off, twig face. We’re nothing alike!”

“But didn’t you have gophers for cousins too?” Crazylocks blurted. “There’s lots we could talk about! My grandpa used to put stuff in pickle juice just before he played with me; I was always screaming with joy when that happened! What would your parents do? What are parents anyway? Are they as fun as burpenheimars say they are?”

“The wha- Huh?....UGH! You know what, why am I even having this conversation with you!? Your just a stupid, mutant freak who can’t tell the difference between a blade of grass and a f****** dinner roll!!” Bullseye shouted.

Crazylocks suddenly made an angry face. “AND YOU’RE A PURPLE SYRUP BEAR THAT NEVER EARNED HER UNICYCLE! HMPH!” she walked off with her head held high as though she were posh. “And I thought we were explosion buddies!” She found a mound of snow and started hitting it as if she was playing a piano.

As Bullseye gritted her teeth, eyeing Crazylocks angrily, Shrapnel nudged her. “What?” she demanded. Shrapnel gently raised his claw and lightly tapped her left temple. “Ack! Why you- What about my damn eye? I already told Ms. Hippie not to touch it.” Shrapnel growled as his eyes seemed to narrow. He turned his head to look at Crazylocks, and he let out a small whimper. His expression softened a little as he did. Bullseye looked back and forth between the manic filly and the wooden titan, but whatever he was trying to convey that Crazylocks wasn’t translating was flying right over her head. “Eh, like I care anyway.” She hissed.

Shrapnel shook his head like a disapproving master unhappy with his apprentice, and went back to his napping spot.

As he did, Bullseye noticed a rock that was a little smaller than a baseball beside her and picked it up. A malicious smile spread across her face as she happened to look at Crazylocks. “Hey, Crazylocks!” The manic filly looked back at her just as she threw the rock at her. “Play with this!” Her throwing arm was as deadly accurate as her marksmanship, because it hit Crazylocks square in the face, knocking her to the ground. “Tch.” Bullseye wiped her nose.

“BULLSEYE!!” The angsty archer turned towards the backdoors to see Greensprout standing there, and much to Bullseye’s shock, she actually had an angry expression. The motherly monk ran over to Crazylocks, who looked like she was actually sobbing. She helped her to her hooves, and sure enough, the normally insane girl was genuinely crying from pain. Her forehead was bleeding a little from the rock, but Greensprout took care of that easily with her Gaia Root.

Greensprout walked Crazylocks over to Bullseye, and she didn’t look any happier with her. Crazylocks was still crying a little, and she seemed rather fearful to approach Bullseye. “Does your cruelty know no bounds, Bullseye!? Crazylocks has done NOTHING to you, and yet you’d have the gall to harm her just to satisfy your frustration!?”

Bullseye was nervous enough have the normally soft-spoken Greensprout yell at her, but…..something about Crazylocks’s expression….made her nerves rattle. The tears rolling down her eyes, those cowering eyes that begged for forgiveness of whatever horrible sin she might have committed….. For some reason, it almost looked natural on her, as if the façade she’d been putting on had just unveiled itself, and Bullseye found it….eerily familiar, to a point that she…..actually felt bad. “I-I……didn’t…..think it would……actually hurt her….” she muttered.

“Well, it did.” Greensprout softened her tone somewhat. “And I hope you-”


"What is it now, ya mutt?” Bullseye said as she turned to Shrapnel. However, the arborous beast simply tilted it’s head in confusion.

“B-Bullseye…..I-I don’t think that was Shrapnel….” Greensprout stammered.

Crazylocks happened to look up, and she spotted something standing on a cliff high above them! “Look! Up there!” They all looked up to see an ambiguous silhouette with two gleaming yellow eyes piecing into their souls. It let out the very same haunting, otherworldly howl before leaping off the cliff and falling towards them!

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