• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 7,115 Views, 1,280 Comments

Earning Freedom - Daxisle

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony, but once he's imprisoned under false charges for sexual favors, he receives a package in his cell containing means for his escape, and a letter that would change the way he saw the world forever.

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Fun Times

Fun Times

Applebloom and her friends, a Unicorn filly with an alabaster white pelt and mixed curly white and lilac mane named Sweetie Bell and a pegasus filly, with a pelt orange as dusk and short cropped purple mane named Scootaloo, walked out of the schoolhouse in a slump. Detention was never fun, and with a teacher like Ms. Cherilee, who made it a point to punish them with three hours of it for the innocent crime of trying to get their cutie marks, it was even worse.

How were they supposed to know that removing a few screws from the teachers filling drawers in her desk would end up with the drawer falling on her hoof? They were just trying to set themselves up as for their newest perpetration. "Cutie Mark Crusader Repair Fillies" where they replaced the screws and see if they got their marks of destiny. It was a simple plan that none of them thought could go wrong, life had a tendency to prove against that phrase, though.

Regardless, the three had been kept after hours and would have a hard time explaining it to their family. Applebloom could already feel her hooves pruning from the promise of scrubbing the entire porch by herself. Sweetie's emerald eyes were down cast, Rarity was going to be so disappointed in her. Scootaloo actually didn't look all that upset, she was irritated to be kept after, but aside from that seemed fine.

"We're gonna get it for sure." Sweetie commented as the three walked through the town, observing the final sales within the market district.

"You can say that again. Granny's gonna be sore as the dickens, prolly worried sick, too." Applebloom agreed.

"Well, at least tomorrows a school day, so we can't get it too bad, right?"

"Pft, speak fer yerself, Scoots." The yellow filly dismissed. "Yer parents are awesome n' don't ground you r' nothin'. Ah'll be cleanin' the chimney out fer this one."

"Rarity will make me play filly mannequin, I know it." Sweetie cried, placing her head into her forelegs.

The three reached the light post in the middle of town where they always parted ways, each wishing each other luck in dealing with their respective families and punishments. Scootaloo began her walk to the residential district, keeping an eye on both her friends until they were out of sight. She did a double check to make sure and sighed before turning around and trotting to the carrot stand to seek out her typical order from Carrot Top.

The fee was the usual, helping the mare break down her stand for the night.

"Thanks you very much Scootaloo. It's so nice to see young foals helping out around the community." Carrot praised, patting the filly on the head. "Here's your usual, plus another since I've got it to spare." The mare handed Sctootaloo four carrots for her help and told the filly to send her regards to her parents.

"Thanks, Ms. Top. I will!" She replied enthusiastically, ecstatic at the fourth carrot.

Again, the filly began her walk to the residential district, waiting until the orange mare had left her line of sight. She double checked one last time and turned to the road out of town, making way for the White Tale Woods.

"Where have you been? I've been looking all over for you!" Uppity proclaimed, wagging her hoof at the oaken pony before her like a child.

Sin apologized, as soon as the three mares had started talking about something other than government business, he had no farther interest in listening to them. The conversation he and Uppity were having before, while riveting, wasn't something one discusses in public. Especially if your opponents views are the norm and those in said public might take her side.

"I told you, I had to go check on something." And boy did he show up at just the right time. He was initially going to invite Mac back with him to talk with him. Kill two birds with one stone in his outing, but that didn't work out as well as he hoped. Still though, it worked out for the best.

"Care to share what that something was?"

"No." He stated simply, walking past her. The two looked up to admire the ending of the dusk twilight, signalling it was almost time for him to head back to the Library. "Anything happen while I was gone?"

The purple maned mare grinned sheepishly. "I might have ran back to the library to check if you were there and told Spike to send a message to Celestia informing her that I needed more time down in Ponyville to investigate budget expenditures."

This pleased Sin greatly, though her political beliefs might not agree with his own on the budget allocations, so he still had reservations, never the less the matter was being looked into. "Glad to hear."

"Alsoooo I might not have enough bits for a motel tonight, and might need to stay at the Golden Oaks with you guys."

Sin chuckled, the guest bed was taken, and he didn't picture her as the type to sleep on the floor. He gave another excuse for his laughter though, Uppity really didn't like to be laughed at, evidenced by her disapproving scowl.

The two entered the library to find one Twilight Sparkle reading dutifully on the floor, a few parchments by her side and a quill rapidly taking notes. "Oh hi guys." She greeted. "You two have fun on your date?" She teased and snickered.

"Date?" Sin looked to find Uppity pressing her lips and looking up, feigning obliviousness. "Alright, yea, sure why not?" He walked around back to his usual hiding spot in the library and reopened the economics book he was reading. He didn't know who this "Smart Cookie" was, but she knew her free market economics. According to the book, she was one of the the original advisers to the Princesses after her superior... Chancellor Pudding Head.

His mind was recalled to the separatists back in the fallen Judgement airship, he hoped that the three "new leaders" had maintained their freedom after he helped them. He'd read news of their break, but they didn't help their comrades escape which did peeve him a bit, but that wasn't his problem.

He was just getting into the better part of her two bits on the "theory of labor" when a fit of giggles broke his concentration. He tried to ignore it, but it was quickly followed by another bout of giggling.

This is why he always left when Twilight had friends over, he could never get a moments peace. At least alone, she didn't talk much. Freaking mares.

"Sin? Are you back here again? What are you doing? You've got company here, it's rude to leave them unattended like that." Twilight said, walking behind him.

"No, you have company. This is your house, I'm just a guest." He retorted, much to Twilight's annoyance. She rolled her eyes and cast her magic, picking the stallion up and wandering out to the living area.

There was no point in resistance, her lack of respect for his personal autonomy and will had presented itself many times in his week's stay, only furthering the pony's resolve to leave as soon as possible. He found himself placed back on the couch next to the orange mare he'd spent the last few hours with, desperately wanting to find a hole to crawl in for some alone and quiet time.

Twilight wouldn't have it though, she was on one of her "socialization" kicks again. He swore, whenever she got like this it was as if she wanted to watch him suffer. Yea, she was forced into a social situation when she didn't want to be, and he felt sorry for her for that. But that didn't mean that she had to drag every other introvert down with her.

'Oh lighten up, du-'

Shut it, you don't get to talk for a while. I've had a hard day and it's not even over yet.

"See, told you. He's just as anti-social as I was."

"I think it's kinda sad." Uppity placed a hoof on his shoulder. "It's not right that somepony who's done as much good as he has should be so miserable."

They were talking about him like he wasn't there again, weren't they?

"I don't know about that, he's done a few bad things too." Twilight added, giving him a mild stare. Sin scoffed, life had choices to be made, he chose poorly in many cases. The idea of his failures made the stallion want to slam his head agaisnt the wall, but the fact of the matter was he was still a mere mortal. But he wouldn't address it, he was too exhausted for any more arguments.

"Be that as it may, the bad things somepony has done shouldn't erase the good." She defended. "He should be rewarded for his efforts."

The two thought on the idea for a moment, their silence bringing the much sought after peace the stallion wanted. Though, his feelings of contentment were lived far to short.

. "I know, we can send him to the spa!" Twilight proclaimed with a gasp.


"Hey, that's a great idea. Spa's always help with ponies who are stressed out and uptight. Think he'd go for it though?"

I'm going to kill them, I'm going to kill them and make it look like an accident.

"Not at all, which is why we'd need to go with him to make sure he relaxed and did everything there was to do. Hot tubs, massages, mud baths, avocado mask facials..."

Forget the accident, quick deaths were far to merciful for such twistedness as this. He'd have to wait until tonight, though. Wait for them to sleep, than tape some of the dragon scales to their horns to avoid their pesky magic. Yes... and then they would be at his mercy. Nobody would ever hear about what almost happened this night.

"And after that, we could take him to Sugar Cube Corner! Pinkie is still upset that he didn't attend his "welcome to Ponyville party."

They will never find the bodies...

"What do you think Sin? Sound good to you?" Uppity asked, finally addressing his presence.

"Yea, how about no." He blew dismissively. They were just giving him flack, they didn't seriously think he'd put up with that.

The two shared a knowing look before shaking their heads in unison.

"Why would you try and force me to do that?" He asked slowly. The answer was the same as before, apparently they were legitimately concerned over his irritable personality. Sin was resilient and the very idea of being... pampered just made his skin crawl. He liked being stressed out and irritable, it was who he was as an individual, besides other ponies touching him made him stressed him out more than anything. So, yea, kinda counter productive.

"That's because you're doing it wrong, again." Uppity chirped.

"Doing what wro-" groaned, already knowing the answer.

"Life, silly!"

And here we go...

Author's Note:

Freedom vs Good Intentions. I couldn't help myself, I've got way too much time on my hands.

Comments are always appreciated.

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