• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 7,115 Views, 1,280 Comments

Earning Freedom - Daxisle

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony, but once he's imprisoned under false charges for sexual favors, he receives a package in his cell containing means for his escape, and a letter that would change the way he saw the world forever.

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Government Restructuring

Government Restructuring

Sin limped through the library door, fighting the urge to slam it shut to relieve some frustration.

He was seriously beginning to regret making that bet with Rainbow Dash yesterday, for two days he's done nothing but stretch out his wings and put up with animals as they encouraged Fluttershy's flying. He wouldn't mind so much if it wasn't for the fact they were supposed to be watching each other. He could preform his wing exercises no problem, but every time he looked at her, she'd freeze up on whatever she was doing and stare at him like a deer looking at a wolf.

But that's not what bothered him, what bothered him was the fucking grizzly bear who made it his life's mission to ensure no discomfort ever came to the mare. The thing chased him around for twenty minutes because Sin refused to look away from her. How the hell was Fluttershy supposed to get past her stage fright when her little "woodland critter friends" kept trying to maul her audience?!

She finally made the bear calm down and apologized for his behavior, but that didn't make up for the few swipes it landed on Sin's hind legs. At least she was decent enough to give him ointment for it though.

He growled and walked past Twilight who give him a look of concern as he strutted by. "Are you okay?"

"Fucking peachy." He growled, walking over to the kitchen for a drink of water. He shouldn't take it out on her though, it was his own stupidity that landed him in his current situation. "Sorry, how's Spike doing?"

"Spike went out for a walk. He didn't look too good though, I'm worried about him." The lavender mare replied, her expression turning downtrodden.

"He's lost his eye, being a little depressed is to be expected." Sin stated matter-of-factly. "Getting active will hopefully get his mind off of it and is a good start in the right direction as far as coping and getting on with life."

Twilight nodded, still worried about her son. Sin would be lying if he said he didn't feel the same. He knew Spike was a resolute and tough little bastard, but beneath all the snark, sarcasm and wittiness, he was still a being with feelings and hurts like the rest of the world. "Oh, I almost forgot, Uppity wanted me to remind you to report to the Mayor's office at two."

Sin looked at the clock and groaned. He only had twenty minutes to unwined before the real stress came. He shook his head and filled his glass a few more times before washing it off and setting it to dry. "I still don't get why I'm being sent to clean house."

Twilight chuckled, recalling a conversation she had with his probation officer about the matter. His distrust of government and dedication to the sufficient usage of tax payer bits is what made him an ideal candidate for the job. "Believe it or not, Uppity and Celestia both have a healthy distrust of government power being abused, you seemed like the best pony to make sure it never happened here."

Thinking it over, the Federalist did see the logic to it, but they had no idea what they were doing. He had a certain method of doing things, a method some have called unorthodox, a method that garnered results. He didn't play politics, he didn't care about "feelings", and he most certainly didn't compromise on retarded spending practices. He cared about the individual tax payer, the one who didn't get a say in having to pay. The bureaucracy wasn't going to like him, and that's exactly the way he liked it. When the proper ponies hated you, it meant you were doing something right.

"Before you go, I wanted to talk to you about Uppity." Sin's ear flicked at the name. She was acting strange yesterday, some insight into that matter would be appreciated. "Yes, she wasn't her usual self and I think I know why."


"You know that she has feelings for you, right?"

Sin pressed his lips, he was not in the mood to talk about that, but that's exactly what her problem was. According to the scholar, his technicality and boasting about his victory over her had scorned Uppity more than he thought it would. She was a playful sort herself, so he wasn't sure why she was getting so bent out of shape.

"Maybe because she's been extremely lenient with you and you've shown her no appreciation for it." Sin quirked a brow at the blunt statement. Well, yea of course he wouldn't give her any leeway, she was his probation officer, his handler. He submitted to her on the grounds of his agreement with Celestia. She had power over him, and Sin hated when others had power of him. "Yes, but has she used it against you?"

"Not really."

"Than why are you so bent out of shape over that? Doesn't that seem sort of stupid?" His eyes narrowing, Sin opened his mouth to retort, but couldn't come up with an argument. It was true, she'd been very fair with her powers, keeping her orders limited to what the Princess had passed down. Still though, that was her job, he shouldn't have to be grateful she was doing it correctly.

Twilight had debated with Sin enough to know that a psychological frontal assault was a bad idea, so she simply said that he should think about the way she was treating him and the way he was treating her in return and left it at that.

The Federalist reluctantly agreed before leaving to make way to the mayors office.



'You going to admit it?'

What? That I'm an ass? I thought this was established already.

'No, that's a given. I'm talking about that you've been treating Uppity unfairly while she's been overtly kind to you? You know her patience will only last so long, right?'

Groaning, the stallion pushed his inner critic into the small corner of his mind and readied himself for what he knew to be a most unpleasant orientation with mayor Mare.

"And this will be your office, all matters of taxation, budget allocation, and regulations will be brought to you for approval or rejection." The tan and grey earth pony declared irritably. Sin took a look around to find a well sized cherry desk sitting in the middle of a white and light blue wall colored room. The red patterned rug stood out against the bright oak floor, and the few cabinets that lined the walls were all stacked with files that Sin could only imagine were too numerous to fit in the drawers. The smell was of stale air and dust, but that could all be worked with.

The orientation had gone far better than expected. Despite his almost assault of the mayor, Mare had been extremely corgeal with him. Sure the occasional dirty look here and there, but it was all prefaced that she'd rather just let the matter go if he would. Her beurocratic assistance, however, didn't seem to take to him to well.

Colgate, the white and blue mare, was the town's dentist and was apart of the city council. Her primary job was to look over the towns complaints and determine if regulations were or were not necessary. Next up was Leaf Spring, the green mare from before, she was the towns treasurer, figuring out the numbers and budget. Finally there was Rain Drops, the younger mare, her mane done up in a stylish fashion of teal curls; she was in charge of tax money care. When introduced, the first two just glared at him and gave generic greetings, the last didn't even acknowledge him, she was far too busy filing her hooves.

Out of all of them, he knew he'd hate her the most. Nothing, not even government, could Sin's gears more than a princess who'd never done a hard days work in her life, having political power.

"Do you have any questions?"

Sin asked a few, just in regards to pay and what the limits of his new powers were. He was told that he had the power to veto any legislation proposed by either the bureaucrats or the mayor herself, but didn't hold sway over a popular vote held by the town, though he could certainly make his case. He could also write up his own suggestions for laws to be looked at, but that might as well have been an insult. He wasn't on the City Council, as those had to be elected, but that suited him just fine as well.

He quickly wandered to the desk and grabbed one of the many files that was stacked on it. Clearly an attempt to make him feel overwhelmed. "Am I correct in assuming that all three of the City Council members will be answering to me prior to coming to you with legislative concerns?" He pulled the file off and looked over the legal jargin, this was going to be a headache, but one that got his blood pumping.

"Yes, Celestia's letter states as much." Sin looked up and clarified that he didn't care what Celestia wanted in that regard, siting that the Mayor herself was tired of the council pushing their agenda on her in legal speak she couldn't understand. He wasn't asking about the order the princess gave, he wanted to know if she was on his side.

Taken aback by the question, the Mare frowned. "I'm not sure I understand what you mean."

"I'll simplify what I can, and pass bills onto you that I don't think are too preposterous, but they'll be worded in a way that you can understand." He clarified, looking back at the file. "Wagons with a gross combination weight of eight hundred pounds requiring special permits for road maintenance? Where the roads made of sandstone? Pft, that's gone." He tossed the file to the desk and found a prize he was all too happy to see.

He smiled and reached down to the two stamps on his desk, picked one up and slammed it down on the file. Lifting it up to read in red bold print "REJECTED".

The elder pony thought on the idea for a moment and nodded. "Thank you, I would greatly appreciate that."

Sin nodded and stated that he was in no more need of assistance. He quickly looked through the file in search of any study to justify the amount cost and the higher weight vehicles causing damage that would warrant the fee. To no surprise, he found none, just a bunch of notes stating that the possibility of damage was high when the wagons would catch the curb and knock off a few cobble stones.

He placed the file in the "out" slot of his desk, a slot riddled with more dust than any other area of the room and gave a sigh. He was going to have a migraine the size of Unitas before this day was over, but he was responsible for cleaning up the mess these four had made, and by Tapio, he was going to do it.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!" Sin barked at Colgate who jumped back at such an aggressive demand.

Sin was shaking, he'd read dozens upon dozens of the regulations and capital justifications for them. Only two or three holding any validity to them. His work was interrupted as Colgate entered his office and offered a new proposal. The Federalist was hesitant to take the folder, fearing that he'd finally lose his sanity if he dared peak at it.

His fears were justified upon the title alone: PV: Proposition 3325-09: Restriction of Candy sales to Minors

"I- it's a proposal to-" Colgate began, though she was quickly cut off.

"I KNOW WHAT IT IS!" He slammed the file on his desk and placed his head in a hoof. "What I'm asking is why you feel the need to tell colts and fillies what they can and cannot buy!"

"Hey! You're new here, I've been living in this town for years! I've seen most every filly and colt in Ponyville and the cavities they get. It's absolutely disgusting! Selling candy to children is irresponsible, and should be abolished within the city!" She decried, her anger and indignation a simple paper tiger against the storming hurricane of Sin's own.

"Justify it."


The oaken stallion opened up the file and read aloud the subtext. "Foal enamel cavity accumulations are appearing within at least four out of every seven foals in Ponyville. This kind of public health hazard is a preventable problem by simply rejecting the foals purchasing power of sweets until they are of proper age."

"Tell me, what is this 'proper age' and what makes foals suddenly capable of comprehending the responsibility of their decisions there in at such an age but not at the age they are currently? I want you to justify that."

The cobalt unicorn gave him a stare as if to ask if he was serious about his inquiry, as if he'd just asked the stupidest question in the world. "Ummmm, they're foals? They don't have the thinking capabilities of adults?"

Sin pressed his lips and inhaled sharply. Treating children as infants was another of his pet peeves, he knew kids were young and ignorant, but they were able to comprehend more than most adults gave them credit for. "You are going to sit there and tell me that kids are too stupid to know that candy gives them cavities?"

Colgate answered in the affirmative, arguing that he was stupid for even questioning the notion. "Alright, so if we go down to the school house right now and I ask the class to tell me if candy gives them cavities, they'll all say no?" He asked. This worked out in one of two ways for him, if they did say no, the education system would need serious revamping or they said yes and made the unicorn look like over reaching, nanny state advocating authoritarian she was.

Logic presented, Colgate back tracked a little, but appealed that the maturity of foals was her primary reason for her proposition. They may know that the candy gave them cavities, but they didn't have the fore sight and mature responsibility to fully understand the long term consequences of their decisions.

"If you're on about managing choices of immature foals, then tell me why you feel as though the responsibility of protecting these children from their own desires and urges for candy should fall upon the government as opposed to the parents." The Federalist asked flatly. "Explain to me why you should be given more authority over the choices of children than the ponies who are responsible for their upbringing. Please, I want to hear this." Children were children as far as he was concerned, getting hurt and making bad decisions was part of being a foal. Choices had consequences and he believed that, so long as they weren't life or limb threatening, foals should be allowed to make said decisions and face said consequences at the discretion of the parents for one simple reason: Life lessons weren't taught in class rooms, they weren't something that anyone could or should protect others from.

Such things were how children learned the value of decisions and the consequences there in, by being allowed to suffer for them. Be there to pick the kid back up, but let them feel the pain of failure and stupidity so they'll give more time to consider the choices life has to offer.

"No, better yet, why don't you introduce a bill that completely bans foals from purchasing any sugar products at all, keep it logically consistent yea? Make Sugar Cube Corner an 18 and over club. You know, since the foal's parents obviously don't know what's best for them and you do." Sin stated calmly, it finally happened, he'd become so utterly enraged he'd come full circle to calm. It wasn't the first time it happened, but he hadn't lost any amount of irritation, he was just channeling his anger into demeaning and down playing jokes.

The glare he was met with showed that Colgate didn't appreciate his sense of humor though. "You think this is funny? You think foals getting cavities is a joke?" She spat venomously.

"No madam, I think this," he pointed to the folder, "this is a joke, and you didn't even give me the courtesy of making anything funny about it!"

The two stared each other down for a few tense moments, each waiting for the other to back down from their stance. Colgate finally broke the silence: "Look, Mare said I had to get this approved by you, so are you going to approve it or what?"

Sin maintained his stare for a second more before taking a breath and slowly leaning back. "You really want my answer to that?" No response prompted the pony to grab the file. "What I want you to do is to get this out of my FACE!" He picked up the file and threw it out the door, sending the slips of paper to scatter about in the hallway.

"How dare you!" The council-mare scoffed in indignation, such treatment of imperial officials was beyond offensive. "Who do you think you are."

The oaken stallion smirked, he loved when government ponies asked that question, and quietly whispered five words to her, just loud enough for the mare to hear. "I am your. Worst. Nightmare."

Author's Note:

Comments are always appreciated.

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