• Published 31st Jul 2012
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Earning Freedom - Daxisle

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony, but once he's imprisoned under false charges for sexual favors, he receives a package in his cell containing means for his escape, and a letter that would change the way he saw the world forever.

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Nonintellectually Inclined

Nonintellectually Inclined

Maniacal laughter echoed throughout the dark catacombs, sounds of pained howls and stressed grunts followed soon after.

Mac through his back legs into the air, slamming them into an assaulting canine's mouth. A sickening crack could be heard before the mutt dropped limply to the ground; it's weezes of pain the only indication that it was alive. The red stallion slammed his hoof to another of the beasts, disorientating it before another dog jumped onto Mac's back and dogs it's claws into his neck with a snarl. "Now horsey, don't-" Mac slammed his head back, cutting off the female dogs speech.

A loud boom shot through and gained his attention, he saw Shade standing standing in a newly made crater, a few adversaries crawling away in shock and fear. "I AM STAR SHADE! MASTER OF ALL MUTTS! NOW BRING ME YOUR VIRGINS!" He cried before ascending into the air, preparing another dive bomb maneuver. Another sharp howl erupted, this time from behind, Mac spun to see Sin with his crossbow being redrawn and a larger dog laying on it's side, nursing a newly punctured shoulder.

After a few moments of bucking and slamming his hoof, along with a few bite and claw marks, Macintosh stood panting and and tired. Luckily, most of the diamond dogs attention seemed to have diverted to the flying horror that was Star Shade. Who, for all his scars, scratches and even a black eye; seemed to be having the time of his life. He giggled happily after he let what had to be the twelfth beast fall from the ceiling. Though through it all, Mac noticed that very few of the fanged miners were actually staying down, and those that did were still breathing.

Spike called, snapping the red stallion from his revelation. "Mac! Get me off this thing." The purple dragon strained against his binds. Mac rushed over but was cut off by the biggest, and slightly grayer, dog in the pack.

"Back ye beast!" It cried swiping a clawed paw. Unable to duck in time, Big Mac's face flew left, a few bits of blood tripping from his mouth. After falling to the rough dirt, the initial shock gave way to moderate twinges of pain over his cheeks, only suppressed by the current adrenaline rush. He felt the blood slowly flow down his face, tainting his lighter red coat darker. He lifted his head to see the presumed Alpha's approach.

"Now, now." Called a dark and menacing voice. The Alpha looked over to see Sin smirking at him. "There is no need for any of that." The stallion began to step in front of Macintosh, shielding him from the leader.

"What do you ponies want here? We done nothing to you!" The Alpha bellowed turning his attention to the new menace.

"You seem to have abducted our companion, we are only here to get him back." Sin replied in a polite tone. Another roar from behind gave way to a loud crack into the ground. The trio looked over to Shade panting but standing triumphant over the rest of the pack. "He'll be at it for hours, you know." Sin seethed looking back to the pack master.

The Alpha hmphed, "It don't matter," he growled with a sly smile. "My pack is tough, we have had worse than him. But once he's done, we come for you." He pointed an accusatory hoof at Sin, who merely adjusted his goggles giving a quaint sound of acknowledgment. Sin looked around the cavern, noting all of the the wooden pillars and support beams laden around.

"I suppose you're right," Sin admitted, his sneer turned into a smirk. "HEY SHADE!" He bellowed, halting the bat-winged stallion's decent into a dazed group of dogs. The sudden halt of Shade had quieted the miners, leaving a tension of anticipation and eerie silence "Kill all the wood, It took Fluffy!"

Mac quirked a brow at the random announcement, immediately wincing from the cuts on his face, than turned his attention to Shade. The fore-mentioned stallions eyes shot wide with shock, a silent tear rolling down his cheek. His mouth gaped and trembled as Macintosh supposed the dark pony was thinking back on the memories with the supposed pet hydra.

"GIMME MY FLUFFY!" Shade proclaimed before slamming himself into a mineshaft support beam, crippling the entrance to the vain. He shouted obscenities as his second wind began to kick in. One after another, pillars of wood holding up different veins of hollowed earth fell, small clumps descended from the roof, informing all around what Sin had planned.

"FOOL!" Cried the Alpha, his shocked stare turning into a desperate and angry scowl. "Do you realize what you make him do? We will all be trapped down here!" His last words betrayed the true fear the dog was feeling.

Sin smirked. "Funny, I seem to recall that my companions and I would be stuck down here at your beck and whim anyway. Surly you wouldn't have let us live after the distress we have caused. So what have we to lose?" He turned his head slowly back to Shade, a few brave diamond dogs jumped at the emotionally wrecked pony, though; their bravery was rewarded only with a twenty foot drop down the the bottom of the cavern, along with a surly immense amount of pain. "Though, I do suppose I could call him off, if we are guaranteed the release of our associate and safe passage out of the cave." His gaze turned back to the angry canine leader.

Alpha pondered the idea for a moment, though after seeing the winged pony begin to attack one of the four major pillars of the cavern, he immediately gave his answer. "Alright, alright. Just call of the demon!"

Sin smirked and informed Star Shade that the wood had released his long lost pet. Mac's jaw hung ajar as a mixed expression of joy and sadness washed over the pegasus' face. "But, but... I was having fun." He complained, his melancholy happiness contorting into a pout.

After the party regrouped with the now free baby dragon, Mac couldn't help but confront the dogs and scold them for their abuse. The other dogs started making repairs to the destroyed shafts and damaged pillars, leaving only the Alpha and what was assumed to be his second in command to accept the punishment.

"We are sorry." Quipped the Alpha reluctantly, though his tone turned explanatory. "We didn't know if that dragon was working with Golvec."

"Golvec?" Mac repeated confused.

"Golvec is our masters." Answered the Beta, though he was obviously a younger dog, following the conforming yellow eyes and darker brown fur, he still held a deeper and commanding voice. "He makes us dig for his gems to feast. If we don't, he feasts on us!"

"And we thought your dragon would go to him and work for him." Alpha continued, "We can hardly Mine enough for Golvec dragon's hunger, we can't handle another."

The Alpha and Beta males continued on with the tail of their packs enslavement to Golvec. A massive; yellow eyed, blood clawed, and angry ruby Wyvern, whom had discovered the pack's mining operation at a non to distant hill point. The Alpha went on to explain that once the dragon decided to strike, he devoured their current pack Alpha of the time. Described as an uninspiring, though well liked, pack master; his death pained the current leaders of the miners. More for loss of moral, than the actual death.

Tears began to well up in the Alpha's eyes, Beta took over the explanation. "And now we serve Master in order to survive. It's not so bad." The second in command shrugged, trying to calm Mac's concerned stare. "We may have to work, but at least we are living."

"Why don't you just leave?" Sin asked calmly.

Both Alpha and Beta's eyes grew wide and they shook their heads furiously. "Nononononono, We can't do that." Beta sputtered. "We end up like rest of pack."

"Rest of pack?"

Alpha let out a sigh, his eyes threatening to tear up again. He began to speak, though anything that was supposed to resemble words was lost in a babble of semi-controlled sobs and wines.

"Our pack..." began Beta, laying a comforting paw on Alpha, his tone dropping to a somber whisper. "Our pack divided, and some ran away to leave the mine. Golvec chased after and gobbled them all." The dog finished with a clenched jaw to end his lip quivering.

Mac furrowed his brow and looked to the ground, a wave of disrepair flooded him as he contemplated how the dogs here must have felt when they discovered so many of their brethren were dead. How many were there? Were they family to the Alpha? Brothers, father, mother, and how the came to know about... Mac's head shot up in questioning realization, though Sin seemed to have had the same train of thought.

"How did you come to know," Sin began, though bit his lip as he hesitated. "That the other half of your pack was eaten?"

"Golvec." The Alpha replied calming himself, "Golvec told us we would end up just like them if we tried to escape." Macintosh saw the canines paw begin to clench in anger over the memory. "He said they screamed, they howled, they cried for us to save them but..." he trailed off, his posture turning to one of shame and guilt.

"Have you any evidence?" Sin barked before letting out an angry sigh.

Alpha and Beta looked at each other than gave a confused look to Sin. "Evidence?"

Sin repeated the question, asking them to go into detail about how they were so sure the escaped pack was dead. Over the course of an hour, the Liberty pony inquired and analyzed everything about the missing members of the pack, all of which the leaders happily, if not, skeptically gave. Accordingly, the missing pack members mostly consisted of males who had decided they have had enough of Golvec's demands and attempted to rebel. Though, the efforts were aborted after so many had refused to join. Having no desire to return to their enslavement, the rebellious dogs turned separatist and fled their captivity for a land free of such threat and control.

Mac, Sin and Spike listened intently to the tale; while Shade simply hummed a marry little tune to himself, seemingly oblivious to the current plight. Macintosh pushed the point after realizing the dogs hadn't addressed it; "But how do ya'll know fer certain tha' yo' other pack membah's 'r dead?"

Alpha hung his head and simply gave the same reply of Golvec informing him. A few more attempts from not only Sin and Mac but Spike, each taking a different approach to the question; only fruited the same, or similar results. "So, you didn't see it happen." Spike half stated and half asked, to which the dogs merely shook their heads, "You say somepony told him that the pack had split and some of you ran away, Right?" The dogs nodded again. "And you are simply taking the dragon's word that he got your pack with no proof."

"That's right." Alpha nodded.

"Do you realize how stupid that is?"

Alpha and Beta were taken aback by the deadpanning baby dragon's outburst. Spike looked at them with an expectant stare for a moment, waiting for them to answer his question before he shook his head and began to speak. "Look, I've heard some pretty exaggerated stories in my life. I once knew this mare named Trixie, or 'The Great and Powerful Trixie'" Spike gave air quotes to the supercilious ponies name. "She told of how she, quote un-quote, Vanquished an Ursa Major."

The dogs eyes widened at that outrageous claim. Though they were simple canines, and hardly to be considered one of the more intelligent races, most every creature on Earth knew what an Ursa Major was. "She beat a Major URSA?!" Alpha gaped, his jaw nearly hitting the ground.

Spike shook his head, "No of course she didn't. She made it all up!" He through his hands in the air for emphasis. "She tried to convince everypony that she was the greatest unicorn ever by making up lies like that. No proof, no detail, nothing! And everyone believed her because she simply said it was true." Spikes explanatory posture turned to an amused smirk. "But when she was called on her bluff, she couldn't even stop an Ursa Minor, and my friend Twilight ended up saving the town, and putting Trixie in her place."

"No proof, but a lot of claim. Soundin' any kinda familiar?" Macintosh quirked a brow.

Alpha opened his mouth to speak, though closed it as he went back into contemplation the newly bestowed concept. He repeated the action a few more times before looking at the four creatures before him: three of which watched him with expectant stares, and one looking around absently.

"Well, maybe..."

"It doesn't matter!" Interrupted Beta, causing all eyes, even Shade's unamused stare, to be drawn to him. The second in command relaxed his angered features and his tone turned apologetic. "I'm sorry, but I don't like thinking about it. Nightmares come in sleep, missing pack member screaming as Golvec eats them."

"Besides," Alpha continued folding his forelegs (arms?) His own tone becoming surprisingly defensive. "What's to prove that it didn't happen? Once you see Golvec, you will understand why he is Master. He is much smarter than any of us, he speaks with words that we don't understand but sound right. He knew things he shouldn't have known, he probably knows you're here right now. When you meet him, you will know why we obay."

The six individuals stood in awkward silence, the Alpha and Beta diamond dogs holding an air of resilience and unprecedented confidence in their supposed slave-master's word. Mac was lost in thought, he couldn't prove that the separatist pack did, in fact, escape unharmed. For all he really knew, this "Golvec" really had descended upon the escaping dogs and devoured them all. He opened his mouth to apologize, though he was cut off.

"Regardless of how this dragon may appear, it is you who chooses to stay here." Sin barked, his tone stern. Alpha's eyes shot up and he began to protest, only to be cut off by liberty stallion again. "You think he is the one making you mine all of these jewls? You think it is this "Golvec" that keeps you down here, bound by invisible chains; working you to the bone and forcing your lives in servitude?"

The head Dog gave a confused look to Sin before looking to Macintosh and Spike. "What?"

"He means the only one keeping you down here is yourself." Spike crossed his arms.

The Canine gave an acknowledging "ooh" before he turned back to the imposing brown cloaked pony before him. "He does keep us down here."

"NO!" Barked Sin, causing the surprised duo of mutts to jump back. "YOU keep yourselves down here. You can leave at any time, you just stay out of fear of him. There are many options you have to escape... Dig away, leave while he sleeps; there are no excuses for your captivity and complacency, not even fear." Mac watched on as Sin was practically muzzle to snout with Alpha, though the lead miner tried to keep his demeanor stern and tough, the steps the nervousness of his wondering eyes betrayed any confident front he was trying to push.

"What of the younglings?" Alpha barked back, taking a step forward and pushing Sin back. "What if he does catch us? Would you have them die?"

"You think their enslavement to a dragon is any better?" Sin quipped with a knowing smirk. "From what I see, you have one of two options: One, stay here and live under the authoritative rule of your master, Golvec. Wondering about everything he has ever done, and everything he could and will do to your and your off spring. Or B) You can leave, and run for a life better than what you have now. Yes, there will be the possibility that he will catch you or find you, but there is a world out there better than this. Unless of course, you want your children to grow up under him.

Alpha's mouth dropped and his eyes widened at the sudden and offending question. Mac saw the unruly anger bubbling in the poor dogs iris's, his paws clenched after a moment of glaring into the dark and semi-reflective surface of Shades goggles. The dog's breath began to deepen with the building rage, Macintosh could empathize with the leader of the mining pack. Sin wasn't exactly the nicest of ponies around, and what he said was true; but the dark pony's actions and words needn't have been as harsh as they were, and Mac was finally going to call him on it.

"Sin, that wasn' right. Y'all should be a bit kinder to folks ya' don' know. No reason to mention ther' pups like tha'." Said Mac with a glare.

Sin began to speak though he stopped himself at the first word. The menacing air around him began to thin as his brow had unfurled. "Perhaps you are right, Big Mac." After he spoke, Sin visibly relaxed his stance, he gave a half smile and turned back to the leaders. "I apologize for my blunt and harsh words, however; I only speak the truth." He finished with an uncharacteristically sympathetic tone, void of all calculation and passive aggression that Mac had become so accustom to.

Alpha shrugged sheepishly and cast his eyes downward like a small child who knew he had to apologize for doing something wrong. "We're sorry for stealing your friend, but what if he catches us?"

"It's up to you what to do with your life Alpha." Sin lightening his features.

"Alpha?" The head minor tilted his head before it clicked. "Oh, my name is Rex. I am Alpha, but I prefer Rex. This is Tido." He pointed to the Beta who deeply tilted his head to the side and exposed his neck, a canim form of greeting.

"What's he doing?" Asked Spike watching Tido redirect his neck to the proper posture.

"In the canine world, bowing down like most ponies do, is a show of aggression. Seeing as how said canine's typically pounce after they bow their bodies in such a way." Sin turning to the dragon. "It is their form of an acknowledging nod or bow."

The conversation soon drew to a close with Rex and Tido deciding they would converse about an escape plan at a later date. The dogs wanted to make up to the group for dragon napping their associate, and Rex sent out a party to gather a feast of edible vegetation for the ponies, and some gemstones for Spike. The fore-mentioned dragon couldn't have been more pleased with said offer.

After another hour of introduction to the higher standing members of the pack, and their miserable tales under the rule of 'Master Golvec', the four were lead to a larger cavern than before. A large oaken circular table with a dozen chairs greeting them in the middle of the room. Once seated, they were presented with a plethora of hearty vegetation, actual vegetables and even some fruit. Spike's eyes lit up upon seeing a tray of full of sapphires and rubies presented to him, there was even an accent emerald in the middle. He began to devour the stones as if he hadn't eaten in days, while Mac and Shade dug into their own food; leaving Sin to watch the dragon in shock.

"You he never eaten before!" Sin announced as the dragon stuffed two sapphires the size his fist into his already occupied mouth. Mac laughed and informed Sin about Spike's rather glutinous apatite when it came to a seemingly endless supply of gems. Sin merely shook his head at the incredible feat and started his meal with a nice stock of chives.

After a moment Tido wondered in with another dog baring a new platter filled with the second course of vegetables and gemstones. "Rex hopes you like it, and that there are no hard feelings."

"ARE YOU KIDDING?!" Spike jumped happily. "Who can be mad after all this food? I've been eating dandelions and limestone for the past two weeks!"

Mac scolded the wyvern for his rude comment, conveying that Sin had helped the provide well for themselves during their travels. "It's alright Mac." Sin said with a genuine smile. "He's right, the food we have been eating lately hasn't been the best. Well, before we left Hooftrot, and there weren't exactly an abundance of good Gemstones there."

Tido smiled and began to exit the make shift dining area, though his departure was interrupted by Rex entering the room with a somber expression. Mac and Sin turned their attention while Spike and Shade continued with their food. With out a word, the dog took a seat at the table along side the four travelers and let out a sigh. "What you said is true."

No one spoke while the two stallions awaited the alpha to elaborate on his statement. There would have been an awkward silence, though the crunching of gemstones and and carrots echoed along the cavern walls. "It would be best if we left, the longer we are here; the longer the little ones will have to watch their elders suffer and work. Even if Golvec does manage to find us and catch us, I would rather die than spend another minute down here, and digging for that retched lizard.

"A reached lizard am i?" Called a dark voice that shot shivers up Mac's spine. It wasn't the voice of a Diamond Dog, Though it was scruffy and ragged, the sound was far to deep and sophisticated. They all turned to see two yellow eyes peering through the darkness. A well sized dragon, about seven ponies tall, emerged from the darkened area. It's blood red scales shown brightly when caught by the light of a random magically laminated Gemstone, it's snout was long and squared at the end where it's light orange underbelly met the scales at its mouth. Long spines protruded from it's back, slicking back to a spiked, mace like tail. The dragon sprouted its giant golden wings and stretched it's arms before bringing a black claw it's cheek. "I must say, you're entryway for me must be made bigger."

His statement was greeted with silence, Mac's wide eyes watched the dragons mouth open into a smile, showing razor sharp teeth that held little pieces of yet to be swallowed jewelery. The stallions blood ran cold just hearing the voice echo from behind them, but seeing the beast froze the stallion in place, only allowing him to gock at the carnivorous monstrosity.

"I say," he began in a strange accent. "Is that another dragon invading on my territory?" He asked with an amused smirk.

"What, me?" Asked Spike with an awkward smile, he pushed the plate away and started to shudder out an explanation.

"And what's this?" Golvec asked looking down at the plate of jewels. "And you're eating my gems as well? Hmmm," The large dragon began to think to himself, his claw stroking his chin with a delightful smile. "That just simply wont do. That wont do at all." His eyes traveled back down to Spike and his delightful smile turned wicked.

The smaller dragon gave a nervous chuckle before slowly climbing down from his seat. "Oh uh you see, the thing is uh... well, would you look at the time!" Spike turned to run out of the chamber though, a long red tail slammed down and obstructed the exit he was running for.

"Leaving so soon? Why I was just about to sit down for a bit to eat." He smiled coyly at the dragon than looked back to half eaten trey of gemstones. "Though, since it seems you've devoured my dinner. I suppose I will have to find something else." Golvec made a thoughtful sound while his eyes shifted around the cavern. They finally came to rest on the three ponies still sitting at the table and he smiled.

"Uh... Master?" Called the Beta, calling the amused smirk of the dragon over to him. "We have more gems-"

Golvec cut him off with a dry fit of laughter, "Oh Tido, I don't want any of those gems, I wanted the ones that were right there on the table!" he spoke as if he were telling a joke, but all individuals in the vicinity could tell he was serious. His eyes shot down to Macintosh again, and his sarcastic smile grew genuine. "Now there's a delectable looking specimen. A pony, I haven't had one of those in ages."

Mac's irises shrunk from the terror that slammed into his heart. The dragon was contemplating on eating him? Judging by the height and no doubt weight difference, there was little that the Stallion could do to stop him should an attempt be made.

"Golvec, was it?" Called a voice from beside Mac. Petrified, the red stallion still couldn't move until Golvec's hungry eyes were diverted unto the pony who had addressed him, a sigh of releif soon after. "If I may be so bold, you seem like a sophisticated and Intelligent individual. Why do you spend all of your time around diamond dogs?"

The mentioned quirked a curious eyebrow before answering. "I'm sorry, I don't remember addressing you. However, to answer your question, they do good work for me. Though the conversation is lacking and many try to scurry and hide in their little holes like rats; they do get the job done I suppose."

"Indeed." Sin wiped rubbed a hoof over his lips, removing any crumbs or such. "Does it truly feel an adequate trade? gemstones for lack of intellectually competent companionship? I'd imagine it to be quite maddening."

Golvec leaned down and titled his head to pony before him. "I'm sorry, I don't believe I've the pleasure, Mister..."

"Sin." The stallion nodded.

The gave an approving grin. "Well, Mister Sin, I'm not quite sure how familiar you are with others of my speicies. Though, the fact that you believe they might be even slightly more intelligent the the mutts here; does speak volumes to your ignorance."

A ghost of a smile found it's way onto Sin's face before he replied, "Perhaps it does, though, I don't quite grasp how one who thinks so much of them self, could possible want to surround themselves with those who they consider inferior. Unless of course, said individual desires only to feel superior by hiding from those who surpass him. Dwelling within the coal to make a dull diamond shine in comparison."

The insult wasn't lost on Golvec and the two exchange a few intellectually assaulting quips that would soon turn into a game of psychological warfare. Statements about intellectual honesty and competence coming from Sin, and clever quips on geographical and cultural ignorance from Golvec. In a matter of minutes the dragon had enough of his equine harasser, he let an angry roar after he had backed himself into a corner in a debate pertaining to how his time best be spent.

"That is enough." He growled looking down at Sin who took a deep breath.

"Temper, temper. What you have in form of intellect and sophistication, you lack in temperament and emotional control." The dragon let out another roar and leapt out at the brown clad pony. Sin jumped down from the table and bucked one of the chairs into the dragons face, stunning it momentarily.

He noticed all the other occupants in the room had run through the tunnel hallway that they had come from, and quickly followed after. He ran up to Macintosh and then looked back to see Golvec's head being jammed into the tunnel entrance.

"Wha' y'all do that fer?" Mac yelled as they reached the far end of the cave hallway, returning to the original caver that they had found Spike in. Sin looked back up to what few bridging rails that Shade hadn't destroyed in his emotional fit of destruction. He smiled when a few heavy iron carts caught his eye.

"Hey Shade," Sin called turning his attention back to the night pegasus. "wanna play a game?"

"Sure." Star Shade said with interest. "What's the game?"

"It's called: Hit the dragon with the cart."

(Dry? Yes, a bit. Though, NOW I finally get to introduce two things that will play a role a little later on. Not to sure how this chapter will be recived, please do give feed back.)

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