• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 7,115 Views, 1,280 Comments

Earning Freedom - Daxisle

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony, but once he's imprisoned under false charges for sexual favors, he receives a package in his cell containing means for his escape, and a letter that would change the way he saw the world forever.

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Angel's Fall First

Angel's Fall First

Bouncing through Ponyville, a very hungry white rabbit was in search of something extremely yummy to eat.

Ever since that orange earth pony stallion had made his momma cry, his care taker had tossed him out and ignored his demands to be allowed back inside.

The nerve of her! Dismissing him as if he was some common cricket! Well, he'd show her! He'd show her how unacceptable her actions were by leaving for a full three days! Without Angel bunny there for her to care for, he knew the pegasus would go stir crazy. He knew what she was like without animals to care for, winters were especially appealing to him for that exact reason.

Yea, she'd been the one who kicked him out... leading her to be without him anyways... and... well it made sense in his head. He didn't know why she did it to him, but now she was going to suffer!

He didn't know what the orange pony had to do with all of this, he used many big words that Angel didn't understand, but the constant look of disapproval he'd been given told Angel Bunny that the brute didn't much care for him, nore did he much care for the brute. The pony better hope that the two never crossed paths again, otherwise he was going to suffer the same fate that insubordinate mother of his felt before tossing him into the late winter cold. A nice smack to the face.

When he decided she was worthy of taking care of him again, he was going to let her have it good this time!

Angel couldn't understand her sometimes, did she not know the world revolved around him? That this whole planet was his and he just tolerated everyone else living on it?

Speaking of the surfs and knaves of his world, the bunny was growing hungry, and hungry bunnies needed food. Not the disgusting roots and wild carrots that his... fellows indulged, but real food. Like fresh carrots! And delicious salads with cherries on top! That's what he deserved as the king of his world.

Growing closer to civilization, Angel took note of all of the hustle and bustle of the city he so rarely graced with his presence. The commoners around were wise in their decision to take little notice of him. They knew their worth by comparison. However, the orange mare at the carrot stand also paid him no mind, an act of ignorance that tested his patience.

"Oh, hello little guy." Carrot Top said, beaming down at the rabbit.

Angel crossed his arms and looked at her expectantly, tapping his back leg for good measure.

"Awww, do you want a carrot?"

No, he wanted the wooden bench behind which she stood and the innocent sacrifice of her foals... OF COURSE HE WANTED A CARROT! Was this mare simple?

He glared at her, his foot tapping just a little quicker in want of her to feel as stupid as ponily possible. To his shock, the mare simply giggled at his actions. She was simple... did she have no idea who he was? Had she no concept of the punitive measure that were his, by right, to take against such insolence?!

He had slapped mares for less!

"Oh, I'm sorry little guy, but you'd have to pay first."

Pay? What was this "pay"? What more did she want from him? Angel had already graced her with his very presence, what else did she need?

His irate look went unnoticed as a pair of stallions approached the front of the booth to commit commerce, leaving the rabbit king completely ignored.

Fine! If she wanted to play that, than she could suffer the same fate as his caretaker and be ignored. That'll learn her.

Angel pranced on, looking for another booth to claim nourishment.

To his complete horror and bewilderment, most every single booth keeper had treated him with a similar amount of patronizing or flat out ignored him. The ponies whom owned indoor stores he'd gone into even had the gall to chase him out with a broom!

What in the world was wrong with these ponies?! It was like... it was like they took him for some common rodent! Well he'd show them, he'd show them all! Never again would he come to Ponyville to display his charm and grace! They could all live without the amazing deity that was Angel Bunny, and when they realized the folly of their ways, the rabbit king would cast aside all apology until he slept in carrots for years! Then, he might consider forgiveness.

Gah! This was almost as bad as the time he had to "play" with the pets of his caretaker in the park! That insufferable dog, Winona and simple Turtle worst of all! The cat he didn't so much mind, Opal could understand him, she knew the insignificance of his subject and how they were placed on this earth for nothing but service. Of course she was a little deluded in thinking they were placed on the earth to serve her instead of him, but her refinement was more than enough to make him forgive such ignorance.

Never the less, it was clear to see that his objective wasn't going to be found within the valley of delicious foods. He would need to seek sustenance elsewhere, among the more obedient and intelligent surfs who knew their place. Yes, he was weak right now from hunger, and once he was back at full strength, he'd come back and give that carrot handler a good what-for that she'd never forget!

As Angel bounced through town, congratulating himself on the vengeful plan he'd made, he came across a familiar face he hadn't seen in quite some time.

The purple reptile his momma constantly referred to as "Spike" was talking at a very nervous dark green earth pony outside of a gingerbread house.

Angel sniffed something in the air that made his tummy rumble, the smell that permiated his nostrals made him almost tremble with anticipation to the delicious treats it promised.

"I don't know, Spike, I'm not really in the mood to be rejected right now." The earth pony said sheepishly.

"Blade, as you're friend, I am telling you: Get your plot in there and ask her or so help me Celestia, I am going to kick it all the way to the counter!"

Angel felt himself grow warm and fuzzy as the green stallion slumped and submissively began walking to the establishment. That was how you got things done!

He followed the duo into the building and had to physically fight to keep himself upright. The smell, the wafting auroma was overwhelming, it made his stomach growl in hunger and almost sent the rabbit jumping over the counter to eat the delicious deserts that sat in the display cases. He wouldn't allow himself to be so undignified, though. Kings needed to remain dignified, lest they be seen as less by the surfs and naivs.

The stallion known as "Blade" approached the counter in the empty shop. Behind the counter, the pink pony who'd dared try to hug him on occassion stood and welcomed him.

"Hey Pinkie, you remember Blade, right?"

The pink pony nodded, and beamed widly at the stallion, saying how great it was to see him. Blade cleared his throat and attempted to reply, but his mouth was having trouble distinguishing between coherent words and basic sounds of revolving around "umm" and "uhh".

Angel could see it plainly written on his face that the pony wished to commit mating rituals. It was stupid how conveluted the pony was being with it, just get behind her and take her! Honestly, he couldn't figure out what was up with all of the mouth noise nonsense.

Spike, being the only thing in town he'd seen that understood assertiveness, addressed the mare and informed her of Blade's desire for companionship in something or another. Angel watched as the pink pony blushed heavily and turned away, giggling like mad and giving an oddly shy look to the pony who was now blushing his own shade of crimson.

Rolling his eyes, the rabbit made way for the counter to collect what he'd come for.

"Well, I guess I wouldn't mind going with you." Pinkie said unsurely.

Blade took a breath to steel himself. "Umm, look, I'm just going to be upfront with you. I'm asking as a romantic thing, if you're thinking of it as a friendly date, than I want to know now so neither of us wastes our time."

Spike's jaw dropped and he nudged the stallion's ribs. "Seriously dude! You can't just open up like that!"

Blade turned to the drake and scowled. "Spike, you're my friend and all, but I've had too many 'dates' where I thought things were going one way but turned out to be going into a completely different direction. If I get it out of the way now, there's no false hopes and hurt feelings later on."

The drake lifted his claw to retort, but nothing came out. The logic was sound, but when it came to the game of romance, logic just didn't seem to have the charm and etiquite needed for wooing and courtship.

Pinkie furrowed her brow. "Huh, you know, out of all the stallions and mares who've ever tried hitting on me, you're the first to ever come out and say that."

Blade looked hopeful at being called different, but semi-deflated at the mare's decloration that she hadn't any romantic feelings of her for him at the moment. His hope was renewed, however, when she'd agreed to be his date. She said she was attracted to him, blah blah blah, she'd never had a coltfriend and this was new to her, blah blah blah, and that he could meet up with her and...

Oh for the love of Angel's own left ear, this was just not interesting. There was no talk of him at all, not about giving him delicious foods, not about giving him the due attention he deserved, there was nothing about Angel Bunny what so ever!

Finally the stallion and drake abandoned the counter, both smiling as they walked out and talking about insignificant and inconsequential details of some such or another, giving Angel the chance to come and collect what was his.

"ANGEL!" Pinkie squealed.

It hadn't crossed the bunny's mind that her deep rooted affections for him would make him the victim of one of her feared and crushing embraces as he was now. He knew his servants and the commoners loved him, but there was such a thing as too much love, and this pony was definitely it personified.

With all his might, Angel was able to pry himself free of the mare's grasp and jumped to the counter. Luckily, she seemed to have expressed enough of her admiration and asked what he'd come for. The rabbit king pointed at a rather delicious looking pie in the display case to his left and began rapidly patting his leg.

"Aww, you want the pie? Well how could I say no to such a cutsy wootsy face like that?"

Finally! He was getting some respect around here.

Pinkie halted and then turned back to him. "Wait a minute, are you of-" She halted, reading something behind the counter. "At least eighteen years of age or accompanied by a parent or guardian of such age in order to purchase or receive any and all sweets?"

The rabbit gave her a look before shaking his head in an unsure fashion. He wasn't sure what his age had to do with him getting his pie, but the mare was this close to the end of the short fuse he had.

"I'm sorry, Angel. But I can't give you anything here unless you're escorted by a parent or guardian." The party pony said sadly.

The rabbit felt his hope shatter in his chest and pointed more vigorously at the baked good. Pinkie wasn't breaking though, stating again with the rules.

Feeling frustrated, the rabbit hopped up and down angrily and gestured some rather rude and unclean language at her. Pinkie's eyes went wide at his insults and she scoffed.

"Well, if you're going to be a big meany mean head, than you can just leave!"

Angel turned up his nose and hopped down from the counter, condeming the pink pony and the entire establishment to his "never again" list of places and ponies. The nerve, the nerve of her to deny him his rightful fulfillment of deliciousness. Why, it was a crime against nature! Who did she think she was?! And then she insults him to boot? He wouldn't stand for it! When he got his strength back, she was getting a slap right across the face.

He wondered around town for a little bit until he came across yet another familiar face. The yellow filly with red mane and giant pink bow! She'd help him out, just like she did that one time when here and her friends came to sleep over that one night. She did owe him, she and her friends slept in his bed, after all.

"Hey, Annabelle? What'er we lookin' fer 'sactly?"

The buttermilk pony stood and looked intently at the necklaces on display. "Macintosh's wedding necklace. Since we're both earth ponies, we don't use wedding rings like unicorns do for obvious reasons. So, we get each other necklaces instead."

Angel stood infront of Applebloom to try to get her attention but was ignored once more.

"Ah jest can't believe it. Mah big brother's finally tyin' the knot." Applejack said, smiling with tears forming in her eyes. "Why, ma n' pa would be as proud as the dickens that he met such a good mare."

Annabelle froze for a second and then finally made a decision between the two necklaces she'd narrowed down. The one she'd chosen was a silver, apple pendant.

"Speaking of which, Big Macinotsh never told me what happened to them..."

Both AJ and Applebloom cringed and gave each other a look, a sisterly look of uncertainty that could only be given between two he looked for approval from one another. A look that wasn't directed at Angel and didn't get him his scrumdiddilyumptiousness!

The elder sister sighed. "Alrigh' Ah suppose if yer gonna be an official part o' the family, it's time ya knew what happened to ma n' pa."

The trio of mares made way to the park for a quiet conversation, leaving Angel to seeth to himself as he followed after, determined to get something for all of his trouble in town.

"So..." Applejack started, once they'd reached a private area by the river that flowed through town. "Ma n' Pa were applefarmers like us, it all started when..."

"Meep!" Applebloom squeaked as Angel pounced on her back.

The three all looked at the rabbit. "Angel?"

The rabbit crossed his arms and gave each of them a stern glare before settling his gaze on Applebloom. "Not now, Angel, we're kinda busy."

"Anyway, it all started when-"

"Ow! Angel! Ow! Stop!"

The rabbit hopped up and down on Appleblooms withers, digging in his leg right between the shoulders with every jump like he did Fluttershy when she tried to ignore him.

Not knowing what else to do, Applebloom excused herself so her sister could tell Annabelle what she needed to know about the Apple family history.

"Alrigh', what do ya want?" The filly asked, more than a little annoyed.

Angel quickly pointed at her and then pointed at his mouth.

"Y- ya wanna eat me?

Angel halted his movement and let his jaw drop. This foal, this bucking foal... he'd met simple creatures before, beavers, sloths, that pesky mut of hers, but never in all of his years had he ever heard anything so ridiculous.

That's when a thought entered his head and the rabbit took a calming and relaxing breath. Maybe this was his fault, he was expecting too much from such a little foal, maybe he was expecting too much from the entire town as a whole. They were just stupid ponies, after all, stupid ponies who had no idea what they were doing.

Now, with a thin vale of calm, Angel Bunny began his game of charades. He gestured to Applebloom, who pointed to herself, and then used his front paws to make a bowl shape. He pointed at her again, made a motion of pouring something into the bowl, walked about, put the bowl down, pointed at himself and then picked up the imaginary bowl and pretended to eat from it.

The filly's brow furrowed in a foalish way as she tried to comprehend what exactly she was seeing. "Ohhh, ya'll want me ta feed ya!"

Happy his patience paid off, Angel bounced up and down, nodding his head vigoursly.

He stopped mid jump when the farm foal told him that she didn't have anything for him to eat right now, apologized, bid him farewell and returned to her sister and soon-to-be sister in law.

Nope, nope she was the only one who understood him, and Angel was determined to get something to eat before the day was done, and Apples were his food of choice now.

"So when they went ta visit the Oranges in Manehatten after Applebloom was born, that's when it happened-"


The bunny, his patience fully expunged now, didn't care if the elder mares were glaring at him as he pronked up and down on Appleblooms head, trying to knock some sense into her. He didn't care if Applejack, already emotional, glared at him through teary and bloodshot eyes. He'd had enough waiting, he'd had enough trying to communicate politely. He was a king, dammit, and kings deserved to have their subjects feed them!

Suddenly, he found himself traveling through the air at a rather impressive speed until he came to fall onto his paws and roll from force. "Go bother somepony else!"

Angel stood awestruck. He'd been thrown! He had been picked up with out permission and tossed about! How was this possible?

He contemplated the absurd situation for a moment before his tummy reminded him of his lack of noms. He gave one last death glare to the apple ponies before an idea came to him.

He smirked and made way for Sweet Apple Acres, if they were going to misbehave with him, than he'd not only hurt them by ignoring them, but he'd steal all of the Apples in the orchard. See how they liked it when something precious was denied them that they wanted ever so badly.

Only problem now would be getting past that insufferable canine, Winona.

As Angel hopped along, his mind tried to process the day he'd had so far. It just didn't make any sense, the world was his oyster, it was his playground and everything else just lived in it. How could they treat their king in such a way? Had he not been a fair king? Not that he needed to be, but he liked to think he was a good ruler.

He'd only punished those who dared deny him and continually rewarded all with his very existence, how could they all treat him so dismissively? It just didn't make logical sense to him. Well, not unless he wasn't the king of the world.

He chuckled and shook his head, completely dismissing the utterly ridiculous notion.

The world wouldn't exist without him, nothing happened unless he knew about it. If he didn't know about it, it didn't exist! So how could he not be the king? He had a servant who did his every bidding, if that wasn't a sign of royalty, what was?

Still though, it did bother him that not all of the ponies had treated him with the same kind of respect, if he didn't know any better, he'd think that most of them didn't even know his name.

He saw the farm come into view and the white rabbit's ears perked, listing for any rustling or panting. Winona was a crafty little beast. She may have been a goofy looking little thing, but that nose of hers could detect anything within a one mile radius. He'd need to be cautious.

Jumping, scurrying and hopping along, Angel Bunny jumped from one hiding spot to another. Continually checking the farm house for any signs of trouble. He made it to the fence with ease, so far, so good.

The rabbit did a quick double take of the house and made way for his prize; the apple trees on the other side of the wooden home. The treck took a good twenty minutes, Angel continually going stock still at the slightest ruffling of grass in far of the dog finding his presence. he was in the clear once he reached the Apple orchard, but that presented a much bigger problem to the bunny.

Apples, apples as far as the eye could see! Red ones, yellow ones, green ones all of every shade! Angel closed his eyes and breathed in the delicious fragrance of the fruit. He patted his growling stomach, promising satisfaction to the irritation the small exacerbated. He found a rather juicy and succulent looking apple sitting at the base of the tree, as if the earth had heard his plight and delivered the gift down just for his convenience.

Angel smiled and darted for the fruit but halted upon a sound, a sound he knew all to well that sent tremors of nervousness up and down his spine. The sounds of labored, canine panting. What worse, the longer he listened, the louder the panting became... she was coming.

He looked left and saw the dreaded dog approaching. His instincts and addrenaline kicked into overdrive and the bunny bolted farther into the orchard, making sure to hide behind every tree to keep out of sight. The breathing slowly became sniffing and the sounds grew ever louder and ever closer. Angel knew what would happen if he was discovered, and ran, he ran for the sake of his dignity and dry, unslobber covered pelt.

"I'm so sorry, Macintosh." He heard, halting in his tracks, yet another familir voice. He peered out and found the orange filly who was with the yellow one, one who'd also slept in his bed that night.

He drew closer hoping the foal would be more greatful to his generosity than her associate was.

"Eyup, Ah miss ma n' pa dearly. What Ah can remember, they were two o' the best ponies in the world." Mac sighed, "but there's a reason Ah told ya that story Scoots. Ah want ya to let ya'll know that ya can trust me. Ah want ya ta know that ya aren't alone in loosin' ponies ya care about n' that talkin' about it with ponies who care about ya will help with th' healin'."

Scoootaloo frowned and thought over the words for a moment, she sighed and began to recall what happened to her own parents all those months ago. Apparently, her parents were research ponies, scientists who's moved to town to research the strange anymoly of the uncontrolled Everyfree weather. They wanted to understand why the forest's weather patterns worked the way they did without any pegasi manipulations what so ever.

"They found out a lot of stuff about the Everfree, from what I remember, they wanted their projects to remain secret so that they could submit their research for something or another." The filly sighed, her eyes filling with tears. "It worked. I remember they'd got a letter and were both really excited about it. They said something about the Equestrian Weather Foundation loving their research and requested that they do something similar in the griffin empire."

Scootaloo's eyes closed and she began to cry. "I'm sorry, I... It hurts to remember."

Macintosh placed a comforting foreleg around Scoots and pulled her close to his side, the filly turned into him and nuzzled into his ribs as she cried.

Angel found the display very sad and very pathetic, but it did halt him for longer than it should have. Why was the foal crying? Angel didn't want her to cry, and why did he feel so bad for her? His servant momma had cried many times and he didn't care... usually. Why had this given him so much pause?

Macintosh whispered soothing words into the foal's ears, trying to offer her comfort.

"I miss them, Macintosh. I miss my mom and dad so much it hurts."

Miss her mom and dad? Wait, had she been abandoned too?

In an instant, Angel became all to aware of his empathetic side. He knew the feeling, the feeling of being cast away, unloved, unwanted. His pride wouldn't let him admit it until seeing the foal break down, but it was true. He was neglected, he was neglected and it hurt. Tears stung at the rabbits eyes as he continued to watch the foal cry, to be so vulnerable and to have someone there for support. He wanted that, he wanted that now more than anything.

The cry lasted a good few minutes before the foal finally stopped. Macintosh whispered something to her and the filly nodded. He pulled up his hoof with a small glimmering chain that Angel couldn't see and the sad filly immediately beamed back to life.

"OH MY GOSH, that's so cute!" Scootaloo said, looking at the necklace.

The two spoke in whispers that Angel couldn't hear, but he could easily see that both were somber in whatever the chain was for. After another few moments, the orange filly looked shocked, stunned.

"Ah ain't sayin' we're tryin' ta replace em, but if'n ya wanna live here n' be part o' the family, we'd be happy to have ya."

Again, the foal began to cry, but this crying was different. She jumped onto Macintosh's neck and began to sob, clutching to him for dear life as if he was the only thing that stood between her and death.

Angel took appreciation of the moment. What happened? What was going on? Were those happy tears? Why? Why didn't he know? He should have known, this was his world! This was his world and everything else just lived in it! So why didn't he know?

It was confusing and annoyed him, but the honest truth was that he didn't know. What had happened here happened without his knowledge and that scared him. What if the idea the world didn't revolve around him wasn't so absurd and rediuclous after all? What if that's really how it worked?

But if that was true, what did that make him?

Suddenly, Angel came back to reality as a brush of hot air hit the back of his neck. The rabbit turned to find a beast of brown and white standing behind him, panting playfully and looking upon him with eyes glittering with loving mischief.

Buck... He'd completely forgotten about her.

Like a flash, Angel took off with Winona in tow behind him. He knew what would happen if she caught him and was determined to avoid such a fate. He made a mad dash for his only form of safety that he could see, which was the ponies a good thirty feet away.

Luckily, Winona wasn't as fast as she usually was, and Angel made it to the ponies before she caught him.

The ponies were initially confused by his sudden pouncing into Scoot's lap, but Winona only got in a few good licks on him before the large stallion stayed her vile tongue. All things considered, Angel got off light.

"Angel? What are you doing here?" Scootaloo asked, doing her best to keep the rabbit from the now jumping dog that failed to yeild to Mac's commands. Finally, the beast was placated and Angel pointed to the apple tree under which they stood and pointed to his open mouth.

"You want an apple?"

Angel nodded.

"Okay, hold on."

The filly placed the bunny on her back and made way to the cart that Angel hadn't even take notice of. She retrieved a delicious, ripe fruit and offered it to him. An offering the rabbit took with no small amount of grace. It spoke to him of her character that she could give him something while she suffered so much.

Once given his meal, Angel proceeded to devour the juicy and delicious apple, savoring the tarty and sweet taste as it assaulted his taste buds in the most destructively delicious of ways. Macintosh pulled Scootaloo and Winona away from the rabbit and said something to her in private, but Angel didn't take notice, he was to busy stuffing his face to notice.

Once done, the rabbit leaned back onto the tree and patted his now distended belly, happy to have the hunger he'd felt so viciously gone from him.

Macintosh walked Winona back to the house, stopping her from running back to Angel a couple of times.

Scootaloo leaned down to him. "Sorry Angel, but Macintosh says your feral and have to leave. We'll get in a lot of trouble if you're caught on the farm."

The rabbit wanted to scowl indignantly at being called 'feral' again, that's what that orange pony with the rose holding cutie mark had called him before he was thrown out of his house, but he was still in euphoria over his lunch.

Scootaloo looked back to Mac and then back to Angel. Her gaze was hard but it quickly slipped into a dopey grin as the bunny continued to rub his fat little belly. "Aww, I can't do that to you, you're just too cute."

She took another look around before leaning down and whispering. "The club house is open if you wanna stay there for a while. Winter's over, so it should be alright."

Angel looked up at her to see the filly pointing to a rather nice and cozy looking tree house off in the distance. "The says we can't interact with feral creatures, at least that's what Macintosh says, but I don't care. The law also wants to send me to live with relatives who don't care about me. So buck 'em. I'll see you later on tomorrow to give you another apple, okay?"

Angel watched as Scootaloo trotted back to the farm house. He was sad to see her go, but he understood why she had to. His new momma was under the same threat that his old momma was. Maybe if was the feeling of being so full, maybe it was how greatful he was to her, or maybe it was just how much respect and empathy he felt, but he didn't mind her leaving.

His new momma would be back, and she'd bring more apples with her.

Author's Note:

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Angel Plot Device.

Now available in sassy, irritable, adorable and an excuse for lazy writing because someone was tired of the serious mood of his story and decided to write it in a POV that made it comical.

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