• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 7,084 Views, 1,280 Comments

Earning Freedom - Daxisle

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony, but once he's imprisoned under false charges for sexual favors, he receives a package in his cell containing means for his escape, and a letter that would change the way he saw the world forever.

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Rockfarm Reprise

Rockfarm Reprise

"KRISTI!" Cried her younger brother.

Sin watched impassivly as the the younger colt leapt forth and threw his forelegs around his elder sister's neck. This one was called Scoria if memory served.

Scootaloo and Angel held back with him, allowing the family reunion to take place with relative privacy.

Since the train rout had been barred by some rather... familiar faces, the troop had to sneak out of Appleloosa without being seen by Spike and Macintosh, or any of their friends for that matter.

As soon as he saw the passangers of the train, Sin's heart skipped a beat. Macintosh saw him, he fucking saw him! Granted he had his hood up, but still, the stallion saw him.

The Federalist couldn't believe how stupid he was, Appleloosa was an apple farming town, it was in the fucking name! Spike had told him about an adventure to help sort out an issue of this like before, of course it would be them who would come to investigate the matter.

No help for it now, the damage was done. He and Scootaloo had managed to hide away before being seen again. Though, Sin had to fight the temptation to out himself on the spot. He wanted to send the young filly with the stallion, to ask him to look after her and give her a place to live and call home, but his own selfishness got in the way.

Now the pony was pondering if he'd made a mistake.

Macintosh and Spike may have understood his predicimate, oh they would have a few choice words for him, sure, but they would likely have kept his none-death a secret. Though, the way she was looking at him while they were hiding, waiting for the chance to bolt out into the desert did give Sin pause.

She looked... conflicted for some reason. A little misty eyed and hurt mixed with reluctant longing. Sin originally figured it had something to do with their aquaintenceship through Applebloom, but looking back on it now, the way she was looking just didn't feel right to him. What really aroused his suspicions was how standoffish she was after they'd finally managed to escape the small town when the Ponyvillians went into the local salt bar.

Krystal didn't help much in her constant questioning, finally resulting in Sin pulling her aside to inform the mare about the possible ramifications of Scootaloo being caught and sent into foal custody. The result was immediate, and the off white mare dropped the issue then and there, though she'd cast worried glances to the foal every so often as they walked.

Scootaloo was so upset over the issue, she didn't even console Angle Bunny, who had elected to hop along with them at a slower and more depressive pace until Sin finally grabbed the rabbit and put him on his back. As much as the stallion didn't care for the critter, he could sympathize with him. Fluttershy also just had to be there, and seeing her had sent Angle into a small depression of his own.

So now, here they were. A disgruntled stallion, a depressed rabbit, a standoffish filly and a saddened mare, standing at the bottom of a ravine.

It defied his desires for travel, but Sin wasn't about to begin moving from a safe haven until moral improved amongst them. Food and water were all fine and good, but it was strive and motivation that kept a group alive in survival and travel situations. Baltimare was a long way off, and if he was reading the map right, a straight shot to the city would require going through some rather hectic terrain. He needed the three to be at their best if they were going to make this trip work, even if that meant wasting a day or two relaxing.

The pony just hoped that the tip Smart Cookie gave him was right and the Trotski would still be in Baltimare by the time he'd gotten there. Scootaloo may think she could stop him from killing, but... really? What was she going to do? What was her two foot, seventy pound self going to do to a stallion easily three times her size?

'Wonder if Golvec thought the same way right before Shade went up and kicked the snot out of him.' Critic mused.

Okay, that was different. That was Shade and a fucking dragon.

'You're right, that was different, he was easily fifty times Shade's size.'

You know what? Shut up.

'Speaking of Shade, I wonder what he's up to?'

"NOOOOO!" Star Shade cried, struggling against the uncomfortable chair he was bound to as a plethora of painted white faced ponies danced in front of him to a jaunty tune of carnival music. He pulled and pushed on his restraints, adrenaline and his fight or flight instinct pushing him to struggle with everything he had to escape his torment, but it was no use. The way he was sitting, the lack of leverage, he had nothing to work with.

"Aww, what's wrong little colt? Aren't ya havenin' fuuuun?" One of the clowns asked with a goofy laugh, the others turning to face the surrounding crowd who laughed and giggled, completely unaware that Shade's entire existence within the act wasn't voluntary.

"NO! You're not funny! You've never been funny! You're horrifying creatures sent from the deapths of tartarus to make me piss myself at any chance you get!" Shade screamed in frustration and horror.

The clown, finding the sour puss pony's behavior unacceptable, proceeded to pull out a long balloon and blow it up.

"No." Shade whispered, ceasing his struggle and watching with wide, almost teary eyes. "Not the animal balloons, I'm begging you! Not the animal balloons!"

"Let's turn that frown, upside down!" The unicorn clown beamed, begining to bend and twist the balloon, making one of the most irritating and disgusting noises the bat pony had ever heard in his life. Tough, he'd have gladly taken that insufferable sound for hours over what the balloon eventually turned into. "Here ya go, little boy. It's a human!"


Probably worshiping Discord or something.

Krystal called the duo over and gave her brothers a proper greeting.

"Scoria, Obsidian, you two remember Islander and Scootaloo." Krystal said.

They were exactly what the Federalist expected, a chipper younger colt and a more subdued and intelligent elder. Apparently they were both twins with Obsidian being the first to birth. Both gave him a forced hello, but immediately turned their attention to Scootaloo, who pulled a little closer to Sin upon their gazes.

"It's nice to meet ya! We don't see too many young ponies around here." Scoria declared with interest, Obsidian nodding his head in agreement. Upon a few words from Krystal, both gave a small apology for their behavior from the initial visit, siting their acts to be very undignified and brash.

The apology was accepted, and all three were lead to the house to be met by a very happy Gem.

"Momma Gem! Momma Sandy! Kristi's back!" Scoria cried, running upstairs. Sin and Scootaloo stayed outside, letting the mare have another moment.

"KRISTI!" A happy light green pegasus cheered, running forth and embracing her daughter as she walked through the door. "Oh my sweet, sweet little girl. How have you been?" She looked past her. "Why are you two outside? Come on in!"

The group made way to the living room, Sin and Scootaloo keeping to a couch with Angle in between while Sandy, who'd also given a hug and affectionat nuzzle to her daughter, fetched everyone some tea. Granite was out in the fields currently, and both the younger colts had been sent out to fetch him.

"So, how was Appleloosa?" Gem asked, giving Sandy a greatful smile as she took a cup of tea.

Krystal beamed. "Oh mama, it was so beautiful! First went into town and I had to remind Islander to speak to the shariff at the train station!"

"I was going to do that." Sin interjected, but to nobody's notice.

Krystal continued on with her recount, about how all of them had worked hard to judge the weight's with Sin doing the math to make sure each of the weights was proper in it's measurements. Scootaloo gave him a look when she'd heard the part about the two heading to see the buffalo that night, both neglecting to mention the fear they were both in.

"I was so scared, but Islander told me that... you said I was strong, and that I shouldn't dissappoint you." Krystal said, both she and her mother giving Sin a look.

"It wasn't that intimidating." Sin mumbled.

"Are you joking?" The off white mare scoffed. "There were so many buffalo that I couldn't count them all, big ones, momma. Easily three times as big as we were!" She held her hooves up in an attempt to visualize their hight," they could have trampled us without a second thought. But Islander didn't look scared at all. He actually said that it was times like those that I needed to be strong the most, and I was!"

Krystal beamed with pride, puffing out her chest slightly while the Federalist turned away as her mother made a few comments of praise. It wasn't all that bad, not really. She could have easily flown away if she wanted to, Sin didn't know what she was acting so proud over.

'Because she's never had to encounter anything like that before? I mean, you understood that well enough when you were there.'

Yea? So? Common sense should dictate-

'Common sense to you, Sin. You've done things she probably couldn't imagine in her worst nightmares. She's not as desensitized as you are to threats like that.'

"And there were trees!" Krystal swooned, her eyes going stary and a small, almost dopey smile gracing her muzzle. "So many trees, they had apples!"

The tale continued onwards, right up until the part where the mystery was solved and Professor Cook revealed himself as the culperate. Of course, Sin told her to keep his little revenge chase a secret, and they'd agreed to stick to Cook's declaration in hatred of Celestia and the restoration of pony rule.

Her story telling abilities were something to behold, her detail and way with words was something the Federalist had to internally admit he admired. Vivid, captivating, and sublime. He suspected he'd find more than a few books in her room if he looked, likely a story or two of her own in the works as well.

"My goodness, that sounds like something right out of a suspense novel." Sandy pipped up.

"Yes it does." Gem agreed. "Why did he do it, though?"

Sin cleared his throat, reminiding the bandana wearing mare to mind her details. "He said that the princess lied to all of us. I mean, more so than politicians usually do. Well, he said that his name was Smart Cookie and he was in command of the Trotski, and that-"


A collective gasp from all around was heard, green tea spilling out onto the floor from the shattered remains of Gem's tea cup as it hit the floor. Sandy was also taken aback by the names, looking over to a wide eyed, pale pegasus.

Krystal looked down at the broken ceramic and then back up to her mother with concerned eyes. "Are you okay, momma Gem?"


Her words were a low mumble, barely audible even by the deafening silence that gripped the room in the moments after the fall of the cup. He wouldn't have been surprised if nobody else heard it, but Sin did, and he knew that she knew who they were.


Gem broke from her stupor and brushed off her prior moment with a light chuckle. "Sorry dear, I was just... having a moment. Oh goodness, clumsy me."

The teal mare stood from her place but Krystal was already one her way to the kitchen, telling her mother not to worry and that she'd clean it up.

Sin took note of Sandy as well, noticing that she too looked a little disturbed. This bothered him for obvious reasons and he made it a point to speak to both of them later on.

"So, anyways." Krystal said, after cleaning up the mess and fetching her mother another cup of tea, double checking to make sure she was alright. "After that, Islander shouted at him, demanding to know where the rest of the Trotski were."

"AHEM!" Sin asserted forcefully, trying to hault Krystal's excitability. She slowed down her speaking and gave him her attention, noticing the slight shake of disapproval he was giving her with a mild look of confusion.

"What? I wasn't going to tell them about-"

The Federalist interrupted her words as a rush of frustration and panic pushed through his limbs. He wanted to yell at her to shut up, to tell her to stop talking before she ruined everything. Somehow, despite his wash of emotion, Sin maintained his calm and politely, though forcefully, requested to speak with her in private outside.

He was angry with her, and as he closed the door behind them, he planned to let her know why.

"What do you think. You're doing!?" He seethed through clenched teeth.

The off white mare took a step back. "I- I was just telling momma the story."

Sin was half tempted to smack her then and there for her idiocy. "I told you not to tell her about that!"

Rubbing one leg with another, Krystal stared down at the ground. "I wasn't going to tell her that part, just the-"

"No!" Sin whispered harshly, making the object of his ire step back in fright. "You aren't to tell anyone about what I said about the Trotski. Not your mothers, not your brothers, not your father, not anyone."

Tears of confusion began to well in amber eyes at Sin's wrath. Krystal tried to peace together what she did wrong. She followed his direction well enough, she didn't understand why Islander was so upset with her. "But I- I wasn't going to... I didn't mean to... You never said I..." She sniffled, looking as if she was about to break down in tears.

"Dammit, mare it was implied!" The Federalist scolded. "If I tell you not to talk about something in particular, it's best you just not talk about it at all! Got it?!"

"But I-"

"Not. At. All!" Sin pressed lividly. It was at this point, Krystal Melody began to tremble, her eyes threatening tears at any moment. To anybody else, she would seem genuinely sorry and guilty for what she'd done, but to him? In that current moment in time? Sin felt absolutely nothing resembling pity or sympathy for her. All he felt was irritated at her attempt to, once again, emotionally manipulate him.

"Do it again, and I'll le-"


But the Critic's call came too late. Krystal was already an inch away from collapsing into an emotionally wracked mess, knowing all to well what the stallion was going to say. Sin only now finding himself, realized just how unnecessarily harsh and cruel he was being. For a moment, he'd forgotten how fragile and vulnerable the pegasus before him was in her emotional maturity, and regret was quick to kick him in the stomach for it.

So what if her parents knew what he was doing? What were they going to do? Stop him? Report that he was on a mission to hunt down a wanted reactionary group? Take Krystal and force her to stay at the farm?

'Fucking Bearking, Sin, what the fuck is wrong with you?! Why did you do that?!' Critic exclaimed.

I... I don't know. I just... got really angry all of the sudden.

'And you think that gives you the right to make Krystal cry?! Poor girl. You should be ashamed of yourself.'

Feeling himself cooling and his rage turned inwards, Sin said a pair of words he reserved for only the worst of blunders. "I'm sorry." He breathed, wincing as Krystal wipped her eyes with a folded fetlock. "That was out of line on my part. But I want it understood that the Trotski are not to be spoken of unless I tell you to. Do you understand?"

Krystal sniffled and shook her head. "I- I don't."

Another surge of irritation at the poor mare flashed, but Sin managed to keep any urges to act oppressed. It was worrying how such a small thing managed to set him off so quickly.

"Because, Krystal. The Trotski are dangerous, and the more ponies who become aware of them, the more ponies they could target." He bit his lip and sighed, cooling his frustrations once again. It was a sad admittance, but one he hoped would salvage his image. "If they hear about your parents asking questions, there is a possibility that they could become targets, and I don't want that for them or for you."

It was a half truth, but one that made the mare recoil more in shock than anything else. The Trotski didn't know who she was, but if they found out and used her parents as leverage, Sin couldn't guarantee their safety. Scootaloo and he didn't have this problem, but Krystal did. The more in the dark they were about the organization, the better.

"If you want to stay here, I'll understand. I don't think you fully comprehended what I was telling you back in Appleloosa, but your family is in potential danger so long as you are with me and-" Sin cringed, a spike of pain shooting through his head. Krystal reached out, asking if he was alright.

"Fine, just a headache. Anyways, think carefully about what you're doing, that's all I ask." Sin finished.

Krystal regarded him for a moment, blinking rappidly to clear the tears from her eyes. Then, she did something he didn't expect. She reached out and hugged him, making the stallion stiffen up in shock. It wasn't a full on hug, just a single foreleg around his neck and placing her face submissively into the side of his shoulder embrace.

"I understand." She whispered, burring her face into his neck, making Sin's breath catch in his throat. "Thank you for caring and worrying about me and my family. Ever since I was a small filly, Papa always said that stallions all wanted one thing, but you didn't. Even though we were alone and you could have taken advantage of me so many times, you didn't... I was scared about that when I left the farm."

Sin felt her cling a little tighter, making his stomach churn with guilt. He felt low, lower than he had in a long time. What right did he have to harbor resentment against Krystal for her emotional manipulation when he was no better? Here she was thanking him for being considerate of her family when... okay, maybe he was a little worried about them, but truth be told, he was more worried about himself.

"Momma Gem," the pegasus continued, her voice dripping with emotion, "she said I could trust you. That you were a lot like Papa was when she'd met him. When you went to the buffalo camp, I was so confused and worried. I didn't understand why you were going alone so late at night, but you were so intent on the truth, in knowing things for what they really were, and not what you wanted them to be. You took the hard way, and were willing to carry two hundred and fifty pounds such a long way and risked being turned away by a buffalo tribe or worse, all by yourself."

Sin's heart crashed at the sentimentality. Is that why she was so willing to go with him? Because Gem said he was like her father? Yea, she told him the story about both having the "dead eyes" and all, and both had no love for government, but the teal mare didn't know that.

Looking down at her, the Federalist felt like he was looking at her for the first time. Not as just another mouth to feed or another annoying companion he'd need to look after and take care of, but as a... pony. A pony who was expressing something, something that made him feel as though he'd finally found what he wanted for a very long time.

Genuine appreciation.

It was odd, Sin usually hated shows of emotional appreciation, favoring monetary compensation instead, though this was different. This wasn't the superficial "thank you for your help" like he was accustom to. The fake and dismissive lip service that he knew nobody would remember in a week or so, but real, honest gratitude for his efforts.

He didn't know what to do. Throughout all of his years, this was the first time anybody had made him feel so... admired.

A small tint of red tinted Sin's cheeks as a disturbingly comforting warmth crept along his body. Reason and socially acceptable responses conflicted with obligation on how he should reply. Was he supposed to compliment her back? Saying "thank you" didn't feel like enough, should he stay silent and just let the moment pass awkwardly?

'Wow, that is... I cannot believe what I'm seeing right now.' Critic gushed.

Critic, need help, what do?

'You're on your own, just be nice to her.'

"Yes, well-" The Federalist cleared his throat. "I said I'd help, so... yea. Stallion of my word, or I try to be."

Krystal laughed lightly, nuzzling into his neck. "That means you really are a good pony. Just like momma Gem said you were."

Sin would have laughed at the assertion if his mind wasn't so compromised by the situation at hoof. It felt good to hear what she had to say, like he'd accomplished something worth while in pleasing her. It was just a small feeling, a light, golden warmth that made his shoulders feel just a tad lighter, but it was there. Krystal was happy with him, and Sin enjoyed the fact more than he should have.



What's this feeling?

'Not sure, kinda reminds me of how you were with... you know.'

It couldn't be that, after what happened last time? Was the kid really doing this to him again?

"What are you doing with my daughter?"

Sin's eyes shot wide and Krystal immediatly pulled away. Both ponies looked to find a gruff, salt and pepper earth pony stallion standing not ten feet away, watching Sin with vengeful eyes that only a father showing disapproval had any right to bear.

'Oh come on!'

With all the shit that's gone wrong in my life, does this honestly surprise you?

"Papa!" Krystal exclaimed, looking between herself and Sin fretfully. "I- it's not what you think, Papa! I promise, Islander was-"

Granite held up a hoof to silence her, his eyes still firmly on Sin, who returned the gaze with his own look of defiance. The Federalist could imagine how angry the pony must be at seeing the hug, but to be fair, he'd never actually hugged her back, so he was just the victim of circumstance.

'Yea, great defense there, buddy. Let's see how that works out for you.'

"Go inside, Krystal." Granite said, his tone neutral and commanding. The off white mare began to protest but a gentle hoof upon her shoulder silenced her.

She gave Sin one last look before returning inside, leaving the Federalist to handle the situation alone. Luckily, Granite had no intention on sticking around. "You stay out here." He commanded, following his daughter inside before Sin could so much as nod.

'Well, this'll be fun.'

'I don't know, and again, sorry to jumping on you like that, but you made her cry.'

Sin sighed, a full thirty minutes having passed since Granite had taken her back inside. Between trying to figure out what it was that made him so angry before and waiting for the stallion to return, Sin felt like a colt, sitting outside the principal's office and waiting to be put "in trouble".

He licked his lips to find them dry and slightly chapped. Dehydration had always had the affect of irritability and head aches, so maybe that was it? He was feeling thirsty for a good while now. Kind of hungry too, now that he took a full status report of his body.

All wounds sustained were healing well enough, they weren't bothering him much anymore, the cavities in his mouth were acting up a little, but that was to be expected.

The stallion looked up and shielded his eyes from the sun. He missed his goggles, the sun was always so bright to him and he wished the black tinted eye shields were with him again. Probably for the best they weren't though, Macintosh surely would have recognized him if he'd had them on.

He knew the apple pony saw him, while the rest had gone into the salt bar, Macintosh began inspecting around town. Sin and Scootaloo used Krystal to move about and keep an eye on him while they jumped from hiding place to hiding place, evading the stallion entirely, but it only served to confirm what Sin suspected.

Something else was bothering him more than any of that though. The feeling he had when Krystal hugged him, when she said what she had. It was driving him crazy trying to analyze what made it come about. It felt so nice, so warm and gratifying. Why didn't he hate it? He always hated feeling nice and gushy, and flustered if nothing else.

Why was this having such an emotional impact on him?

'Because that's what you've always wanted but weren't willing to admit to because it wasn't something you could give to yourself?'


'Admiration, appreciation, genuine compassion. Hate to say it, but most everybody else always saw utility for you and showed you little appreciation. Even Macintosh, Spike and Uppity before she betrayed you. They cared, sure, the former two may have even admired you, but none of them showed you that kind of genuine appreciation like that. You only ever got that from one pony before, and that was Zell.'

Sin rubbed his head, the headache returning in full. His mind felt heavy and strained.

This doesn't make any sense, Critic. Mac and Spike showed me appreciation.

'Appreciation yes, but not the raw, genuine and vulnerable appreciation like Krystal did. Or maybe they did and you were just too emotionally closed off to see it. Regardless, that's what's happening here.'

Emotional things, Sin had no idea what to make of them. He had no idea what to make of them and it was driving him crazy to try to figure it all out. Critic advised him that feelings were just feelings, and didn't always have logic to back them up all the time, but that only farther compounded the Federalist's irritations.

A squeak from the door made the Federalist looked over to see Granite exit the home. He gulped and the two stallions locked eyes once again. Wordlessly, the elder stallion's eyes narrowed and he motioned with his head to be followed. Sin was hesitant but took after him at a matching pace, always staying behind him just a little.

Sin wasn't sure where they were going, but he knew to keep his guard up. It was obvious Granite didn't take well to his family being messed with, and seeing his daughter in tears made what he planned to do very difficult to predict. Sin didn't want to have to use violence, but he would if he had to.

The elder pony reach the water front and looked over the calmest part of the river. He took a seat and gestured for Sin to do the same beside him.

The two sat in silence for a minute, the air becoming thick with anticpation. Sin's head was forward, but his eyes were locked onto Granite's face. The stallion looked lost in thought, giving the air before him a thousand yard stare. Sin wondered what the pony was going to ask him, or tell him, really. It was kinda obvious where this was going to go.

"Your name." Granite paused. "Your real name, what is it? And don't lie to me."

"Sinbad." The Federalist replied, keeping his calm. "Sinbad Von Islander, sir."

Granite hummed, listening to the trickling and washing of the stream before them. Another few moments of silence passed before the elder stallion commented on the oddness of the name. Sin explained that it wasn't Equestrian, that he was from another country entirely.

"Is it custom in your country to lie to others when you meet them?" Granite asked.

Sin smirked and made a comment about how it actually kind of was, and that was one of the reasons he'd left his country in the first place. "Ponies claiming they want things to get better, yet doing nothing to make it happen? Yea, I'd say so."

Granite quirked a brow and gave Sin a side long stare, obviously not expecting such an answer. Of course, the Federalist took pride in his ability to do that.

"My wives tell me that you are involved with the Trotski." The elder growled, dropping one topic for another.

Sin gulped, how could they have known that? Krystal understood they weren't supposed to speak of that.

"Is this true?" Sin wasn't sure just how much he knew, how much Krystal had told him, so he owned up to it and answered in the affirmative. "For what purpose?"

"They hurt someone I knew." Sin answered blankly.

"Revenge, then?" Granite said solemnly, allowing another few moments of contemplative quiet to pass before speaking again. "And you planned to drag my daughter into that, did you?"

Sin pressed his lips and sighed in annoyance. "It was her decision to follow me, Mr. Melody."

"Sediment." The older pony barked softly. "My family's last name is Sediment. Krystal's last name is Melody, only because Gem insisted she be allowed to choose it."

Sin made the correction but maintained his stance. He planned to continued hunting the Trotski regardless of whatever Granite had to say about it.

To his surprise, the stallion beside him began to chuckle. "You've got a chip on your shoulder, don't you, colt?" He said, smiling slightly. "I knew that the minute I saw you. A proud sort, the kind who thinks he knows it all."

Then it was Sin's turn to chuckle. "Nobody knows it all, things change every day. Anyone who thinks they know everything becomes stagnant and complacent."

"Well, you might be smarter than I thought." Granite complimented, turning his head and giving the cloaked pony a look. "But you still think you do, I know those eyes. The eyes of a pony who thinks he's got it all figured out, thinks he knows how life's going to go, cause he's already given up on it."

"You presume much."

"Am I wrong? Be honest, I know how you Federalist types like to lie."

Sin couldn't help letting out yet another chuckle, he'd set himself up for that one. "Aye, I guess you aren't."

Another moment of silence, the two ponies just sitting, enjoying the early spring breeze and the sounds of running water. Sin felt oddly at ease, despite the fact he had every reason not to be. It was nice speaking quietly again, and something about Granite just felt... familiar to him. Kinda like Big Macintosh, but much older and a fair bit wiser.

"Am I safe to assume my wife, Gem, told you about what happened to me in Stalliongrad?" He asked out of the blue.

Sin nodded. "She told me you were injured and left to yourself by the government. Nothing passed that, though."

Granite grunted irritably and took a breath before explaining the remainder of the story. Apparently there was some kind of verbal altercation in the streets where he was stationed. When Granite had gone to check it out with his partner, the two had found the conflict to be between a two large groups.

"Apparently one group had set up a march through the city to demonstrate against the government, and the second group came in counter protest to show support. One of them, a protesting pegasus mare I think, pointed to us as we approached and said something along the lines of 'there, go lick their hooves if you love them so much'." The old pony chuckled for just a second before his eyes glazed over once more.

"Anyways, despite me and my partner trying to calm them all down, both sides got worse and worse. I did what I could to stop them, but simple shouting and screaming matches turned into pushing and shoving, and finally fighting."

Sin listened quietly, wondering if his deduction about this story was correct.

"Trotski, was the protesting group." He looked down at his foreleg, Sin followed, noticing a nasty scar that traveled from the base of his hoof all the way up his inner leg to his shoulder. The Federalist hadn't noticed it before, but it was pretty gnarly to say the least.

"Knife." Granite said, lowing his leg. "Bastard Trotski was going on and on about how the Princess wasn't our rightful leader. It upset me more than I care to admit now, but back then, I thought the Solar Empire was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Hearing those voices, condemning her, calling her a liar and a thief, it made me see red." He confessed, his leg digging into the ground.

The grey earth stallion trembled, elaborating on his own part in the fight. He was green, fresh out of the academy, and had quite a bit to prove. Though, in his youth, zeal and commitment to maintaining Celestia's rule, he was also reckless and arrogant. The press turned what had happened against the guard. The Stalliongrad Tribune printed an article on the front page, condemning him as the instigator of the violence, convinced by the pro-Celestia protesters to silence the anti-government rhetoric.

Sin gritted his teeth, knowing all to well just how easily public opinion was swayed. Apparently, the Trotski had a friend inside of the news outlet, and all other media sources followed the Stalliongrad Tribune's lead.

"I hadn't established myself in the community yet, so it was easy enough to turn my own superiors against me. Just some dumb rookie with a chip on his shoulder who'd gotten in way over his head." Granite chuckled a mirthless laugh, his eyes hardening as he observed the reflection of the sun upon the flowing water and sighed. "After that, I was taken to the hospital and dishonorably discharged from the guard. Tried to plead my case to Captain Mace and the courts, but they didn't believe me."

Granite's face darkened, his eyes narrowing to pinpricks and trembling with anger. "They didn't believe me... I got stabbed and cut up for those bastards, and they didn't care. They just took the story those lying little-"

He stopped himself and took a few calming breaths. Sin watching calmly all the while.

Now it made a bit more sense why he hated government so much. Granite was abandoned by them when he was injured and then vilified as the bad guy in the court of the media. Using the public to condemn the crown and vilify a young guard who was just trying to do his job.

"Trotski or Celestia." Granite continued, turning to face Sin properly. "In the end, neither one of them care about the individual, nor the sacrifices that we whom commit violence on their behalf may suffer. Despite all of the lip service the Equestrian commons give, in the end, the only thing anypony has in the world is their family."

Sin could understand that, before the Federation's protection services had become privatized, there was a single war the nation had participated in; barring domestic disputes. One war, against Griffonstone. If the books were correct, after the war was over, one in five of the veterans were homeless, and more were killed in suicide than in actual combat. Yet despite all of this, there was a propaganda phrase back then called "support the troops", which was more meaning: support the government's actions, rather than supporting the soldiers themselves.

"Do you think I work for her?" Sin asked, turning himself to get face to face with Granite. "Because I don't."

Granite humphed, looking the stallion up and down most unashamedly, not in a sexual way, but in judgement. He asked of Sin's reasons for doing what he did in Appleloosa, if not to defend Celestia's right to ruler-ship, to which the Federalist answered that it wasn't so much for the Alicorn, but against the Trotski.

"I see." Granite smirked. "It's not important she wins, just that they lose?" His smirk dropped. "And what would have happened if you had died? What would have become of that orange filly of yours? Or do you even care, considering she isn't related to you?"

Sin's eyes darkened a little. He didn't have a reply to that, if he did die, she'd be on her own, that was just the fact of the matter. Granite asked the Federalist again, and Sin stated the fact as it was.

The elder pony tensed, his own eyes hardening at that callous indifference he displayed. "And that's it then? You'd just leave her alone? Alone to starve out in the streets or worse?"

Sin turned away, the words digging into his soul. When he justified it in his mind, it didn't sound so bad, but when Granite said it, it just made him feel terrible about himself. Scootaloo wasn't going to starve, she would certainly not be happy, but she wouldn't go hungry... or so he thought.

"To be a stallion is to be relied upon." Granite growled, stepping forward until he was face to face with the Federalist. "To protect and provide for the ones you care about. To be the rock and pillar of support for those you take care of and see to. I do not know how you came to be her care taker, but I know that you are now. As such, it is your obligation to take care of her, do you understand?"

Sin's own eyes narrowed at the commanding tone spat in his face. "I have no such obligation to her-"

In a blink, Granite was upon him, strong, tested forlegs grabbing onto his cloak collar and pulling him forwards, a pair of livid hazel eyes bearing down into his at a hairs breath of distance. "You do!" Granite seethed, sending small shivers down Sin's spine. "She's a helpless foal, a filly who's placed her trust in you as well as her life!"

Sin was caught off guard by the sudden act, but stayed any attempt to push the pony off by the sheer look of conviction in the pony's eyes. He wanted to strike the stallion, to yell that he was no slave and had no obligation to Scootaloo just because he was in her proximity, that just because she was a filly, she was still not entitled to his labor or care... but he didn't.

The way Granite was speaking to him, despite the aggressive nature of it, felt... compelling. Imploring, respectful and somehow guiding. It was sick, it was stupid and wrong on so many levels, but it appealed to something in Sin, something childish. He actually wanted... the pony to keep talking.

"You are strong, I see that in you. You're also intelligent, you've experienced things, but you've got along way to go before you've earned your right to die. Promise me. Promise me that you'll always come back for her, that you wont let your foolishness get you killed and leave an orphaned child to be abandoned like her own parents did." Said the desperate earth pony.

Sin blinked a few times, staring into Granite's before he made the big mistake of looking away.

Once again, Granite pulled the stallion closer, pressing their foreheads together and glaring down, demanding Sin promise to care for Scootaloo, as well as Krystal.

Again, Sin's throat betrayed him, stopping the stallion from countering the emotional appeal with logical reason. Krystal wasn't his problem! If this crazy pony was so concerned, than he could keep her here! Both of them! They didn't control him, they had no right to make him live! If he wanted to die, he should be able to! What the fuck gave them possession over his life?


Sin internally gasped, unable to believe what his mouth just said.

"I promise, I'll keep an eye on her."

No! No, I don't! Why am I saying that!? Critic! What the fuck is going on!

'Huh, kid's plan worked? Very nice.'

"From one stallion to another." Granite said, his grip loosening. "You promise, your word as a stallion."

This isn't a fucking joke! I'm about to give my word on this bull shit!

'Yep, and it's about time too, you've carried on too long as a broken pony, and now it's time you finally begin to fix that.'

Sin felt like his body was on auto pilot, like any action his brain dictated was resolutely ignored in favor of some other command structure. Helplessly, his conscious mind watched as his fetlock reach up and grabbed Granite's. "As a stallion, I promise. I'll take care of both Scootaloo and Krystal."

Granite's looked at him, judging the stallion's resolve. Eventually, he released his hold on the pony and placed a hoof upon the Federalist's shoulder, smiling for the first time since Sin had met him. "Thank you, Sin."

Author's Note:

Aren't emotional manipulations and multiple personality-esque behaviors fun?

This was unintentionally long, I was going to have a break to insert another Mac and Spike section, but this got too long for that. Soooo, yea. Turning point for Sin, maybe?

More elaboration next Sin chapter.

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