• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 7,113 Views, 1,280 Comments

Earning Freedom - Daxisle

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony, but once he's imprisoned under false charges for sexual favors, he receives a package in his cell containing means for his escape, and a letter that would change the way he saw the world forever.

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New Destination

New Destination

"Ow." Complained Scootaloo, rubbing her soar rump for the split second she allowed herself before running to catch up once again. Her wings were aching something fierce on account of the unprecedented and continuous strain she had been putting on them.

It was their fourth day walking in the slowly greening woods space and the glamour and enticement of said travel had long since evaporated. It also didn't help that the conventional food stuffs they'd carried from Krystal's home had run out two days ago and the three were introduced to the culinary blandness that was: boiled amaranth, asparagus and dandylions. Krystal, bless her heart, had tried to uplift the sad excuse of a meal by adding in some salt, but failed to give it any substantial flavor.

It was edible, but barely just. Even Angel, one of the pickiest and most stubborn of eaters, had bowed to the wims of nature and consumed the tasteless, texture deprived vegetable swath.

It was only made worse by by the chef himself, who, while they were eating, watched with that that smirk of faint amusement he had if his eternal scowl wasn't present. Curious, Scootaloo had asked what he was smiling about, but the stallion just told her "wait for it."

It had confused her at first, but the stallion's cryptic message made all too much sense later that day. Tears were shed, holes were dug and closed, and the excess supply of toilet paper suddenly made all too much sense to her. Krystal didn't fair much better, nor did Angel. Both of them demanded to know why Islander didn't outright tell them of the fowl and disgusting effects that consuming that kind of food would have on their bodies, to which, Islander replied that it wouldn't have accomplished anything other than making them worry about it.

Apparently, boiling the plants was a good way to cook and preserve the nutrients within them, but the first couple of meals would deliver a shock onto their digestive tracts. Bellies that had become accustomed to an assortment of food suddenly being regulated to leafy greens and only leafy greens without the breads, fruits, nuts, oats and all other foods to counteract? It really shouldn't have been as surprising to Scootaloo as it was, Or so Islander said.

The sudden change in diet was not only noticeable on their bowls, but also upon their energy levels. Scootaloo felt... not so much lethargic as she did subdued. Not tired, but... not excitable either. It was a weird feeling of calm. Or maybe that was just being bored in the forest? She didn't know, but Krystal had undergone a similar change. All Scootaloo knew for certain was that she'd be willing to do almost anything for a cupcake at this point.

Wiping away some sweat, the filly steeled her nerves and against the growing pain in her spine before sending her small wings into a buzz once again. She felt her body become lighter on her hooves and even left the ground momentarily again, but the tired and soreness in both her spine and appendages beat out her will and deposited the filly back to the earth once again.

Sighing, Scootaloo looked up to find Krystal giving her an encouraging smile.

A smile Scootaloo was growing to hate each time she saw it. No matter how much she tried, no matter how much effort she expended, she just couldn't get off the ground for long.

"It's alright Scootaloo." Krystal said gently, compounding the orange foal's frustrations.

"You just need to practice more and-"

"Krystal." Sin interjected from ahead and motioned her forward. Reluctantly, the mare approached, leaving the filly to her thoughts. Scootaloo was grateful for Islander's constant interruptions and getting Krystal off of her back. Not that she wasn't appreciative of the amber eyed pony's concern, but she just wanted to deal with this in her own way and didn't need the constant support Krystal offered.

After a few more hours of attempted flight, the sun began to set to twilight and Islander suggested setting up camp for the night. Each of them began their rituals of setting up for the night's dwellings, and by each of them, Scootaloo meant that Islander would pretty much handle everything in terms of finding food, water, a suitable place to set down for the night, and collect firewood while the girls sat back and unpacked everything. Krystal would always offer to help, but the cloaked pony declined every time, not even having the decency to give her a reason for his rejection.

She wouldn't allow it to show for very long, but Scootaloo could see the growing disappointment and dejection Krystal went through with each attempt.

Once his saddlebags were off, Islander grabbed his camal pack and canteen and made way into the forest to find a water source.

"I have no idea why he does that." Scootaloo said, pulling out her canteen and having a drink of the charcoal flavored water.

"What do you mean, Scootaloo?" Krystal asked, genuinely confused.

The filly chugged down her last few sips and stared skywards. "I mean, I guess I understand, since he doesn't fly and all, but you can. Why doesn't he just ask you to go get us a cloud for water?"

Krystal frowned and then looked up at the sky, questioning what the filly meant by her words.

"What do you mean? All pegasi can control the clouds." Scootaloo explained, her mood turned even more dubious when her companion expressed her ignorance on the matter.

"Wait, didn't your mom ever teach you how to move clouds and make it rain?"

"Nu-uh." Krystal shook her head. "We didn't have many clouds in the desert."

Of course, the entire trip through the badlands, shrublands and desert scapes didn't have much in the way of clouds. However, they weren't in the desert anymore.

"You see that cloud up there?" Scootaloo pointed to a nice, fluffly white bag of fluff. "I've seen pegasi move them around all the time, if you can go up there and bring it down here, I think we can find a way to get water from it that doesn't taste like a camp fire."

Krystal looked at her own canteen, shuddered and nodded in agreement before taking flight up to fulfill her task. Now, if memory served, clouds could only dispense in rain, rain that would come out far to sparatically to go into a canteen or pot. What Scootaloo would need now was a way to collect the falling water...

She opened her bag and searched for anything she could use to funnle the liquid, nothing suitible popped out to her until she reached a well sized tarp that Islander had gotten her back in Trottingham. She took in the size of the white tapastry for a moment and looked around for a way to make it bowl shaped to collect the water. A pair of tree branches caught her attention, and with a little bit of foalish ingenuity, used the branches plus a few sticks to craft a make shift bowl.

Smiling in pride at her work, Scootaloo turned to find Krystal now atop of the cloud, laying on it and inspecting the mass of condensation for all it was worth. "Mmmm, it's made of water!" She cheered, giving the cloud a lick.

The display caused a disgusted shiver to run up Scootaloo's spine, but clouds were supposed to be the purest form of water there was, so it shouldn't be too bad, right?

"Alright, bring it over here!" Scootaloo called.

"Okay!" Krystal shouted back. She stood up and stared blankly at the white fluff for a moment, uncertain of what exactly she was supposed to do. Figuring pushing was worth a shot, she flew beside it and began to force the cloud downwards to the ground, surprised at how easy the thing was to push.

"Now, be careful!" Scootaloo cautioned, "clouds break very easily if pushed to hard."

Heeding the filly's advice, Krystal manipulated the cloud with all the care of a new born and lowered it to a foot off the ground, following the filly's instructions, she placed the thing over the tarp and waited.

And waited...

"Ummm, Scootaloo? How do we make it give us water?"

The orange filly pressed her lips in thought. "Well, Rainbow Dash would just jump on it and make it rain, so I guess you could try that." She shrugged.

"But, I thought you said that pushing to hard would break it." Krystal reminded.

Scootaloo looked at the sky and back at her companion. "Well, just give it a try. If that doesn't work, we've got more clouds to work with."

Seeing the filly's logic, Krystal hopped up onto the cumulus and gave a few ginger jumps, looking at Scootaloo for direction when nothing happened.


Krystal jumped again, adding some needed pressure to her jump. The results were odd, the cloud didn't break, but it did grow slightly darker in color, as if becoming irritated by the bouncy assault.

"Hmmm..." Scootaloo put a hoof to her chin. Darker clouds meant more water, so it must be getting ready to rain. "Keep jumping, I think it's almost there."

"If you say so." Krystal kept bouncing, and the cumulus took on a dark and menacing shade of purple and grey.

Scootaloo beamed when she heard the first drops of rain hit the tarps surface. "It's working!" She cheered. Krystal, now with vigor, jumped on the cloud with vigor, causing a down pour to emit from the slowly shrinking mini-nimbostratus.


"EEP!" Krystal squeaked as the cloud poofed out of existence, bringing the mare crashing down into the whetted tarp, breaking the foundation and depositing both her, and the gathered water to the grass below. "Owwie. Oh gosh, I am so sorry!"

Scootaloo wasn't mad, she wasn't mad at all. It took her, like, two minutes to construct the water collector, and now they could have water on demand! She forgave the mare quickly enough and sent her back to get another cloud while she reconstructed the bowl, finding some new sticks to hold it in place.

Returning with a much bigger cloud, Krystal repeated the process, stopping when she'd thought the cloud was ready to break and taking it back to the sky and bringing a new one in.

Once Scootaloo felt a sufficient amount of rain had been collected, she slowly went to the edge of the tarp and carefully pulled it down, allowing a small stream to the edge of her canteen and collecting the precious, life giving liquid.

She took a sip and savored the delicious, fresh and pure water as it flooded her mouth. No sickly charcoal after taste, no micro-minerals getting stuck to the back of her throat, just delicious water.

"Mmmm. That's so good!" Krystal purred, refiling her canteen and downing it again. "This was a great idea, Scootaloo, thank you."

The filly blushed a little from the praise that came from something other than just failed attempt. This was an idea that worked, and she felt she deserved to be proud of.

They'd used the tarp to have their fill and replenish both canteens as well as fill the cast iron pot for dinner. If the last few days was any indication, soup was going to be the main dish for the evening.

With the water collected and nothing else to do, the two ponies decided to relax until Sin returned.

Hiding in some dense brush, Sin rubbed his freshly tackled side and glared at the pony responsible. Soarin stood ahead of him atop a tree branch, the white stallion scanning the forest for his Federalist prey.

Sin knew it was risky to wander off too far from his companions, that Luna's lackies wouldn't attack while he was with them. He wasn't sure why, but that seemed to be the case. Even so, water wasn't found easily in this part of the woods, and he had three others depending on his provision for them... And now, here he was. Pinned down by a pair of stallions looking to capture and detain him.

At least he knew where Soarin was, but where was Sombra? Soarin had attacked him head on and directly, without the unicorn's aid. More importantly, why was Soarin out in the open like that?

Bait, bait to lure him out, to lure him out and have Sombra ambush him once his location was discovered. Or maybe he was just stupid enough to be exposed like that? Maybe? No, Soarin was a Wonderbolt, a special agent of the crown... or, formerly, anyways. He couldn't be stupid enough to go after Sin alone... Right?

Prying his eyes off the pegasus, Sin did his own scan of the forest, but was unable to locate the blackened unicorn pony. He had no idea how the pair worked, no knowledge of their tactics, nor capabilities. The aura was less than effective, due to Sombra's ability to teleport, and assuming the worst of the worst, the unicorn was watching the stallion and offering magical support. So if Sin was to do anything, it would need to be immediate and lethal.

Slowly, navigating the brush carefully to make as little noise as possible, Sin lined up his Ragnerock and locked onto the pony hunter's chest.

Sixty five feet, no wind, no obstructions... a clear shot.

Steadying his breathing, Sin placed his hoof upon the make shift trigger mechanism, pinned his ears forwards and did a couple of figure eights to hold his steady... and didn't shoot.

He wanted to shoot, this bastard was hunting him! He was a piece of shit who'd used a love potion on Applejack to hurt Macintosh! He intentionally forwent diplomacy to hurt Spike, assaulted Macintosh, threatened the stallion with treason, worked for Luna and should have been in a prison cell for Tapio's sake! So why couldn't he shoot?

'That's obvious.' Critic replied. 'He saved your life.'

So what? As if saving his life was really redeeming of all the atrocities he'd committed! Hell, he should be shot just for bucking Sin in the side like he had!

A sudden wave of exhaustion caused the stallion's vision to blur and his foreleg to go weak. Temporarily abandoning the shot, Sin slowly retracted his hoof to regain himself, cursing the Nightmare for the fatique and sleep deprivation hitting him at the worst possible time.

Taking a breath, Sin summoned his will and slowly regained his shot, this time aiming at the pegasus pony's neck.

It didn't matter. It didn't matter if Soarin had saved his life! The pony was a piece of shit and a threat! Threats needed to be neutralized! Who cared if Sin was tired and guilty? Life didn't care, the Nightmare didn't care, Soarin and Sombra didn't care, the hungry and thirsty stomachs of Scootaloo, Krystal and Angel didn't care, and most importantly, Luna wouldn't care as she ripped the Nightmare out of him and threw him in a dungeon to rot!

His anger giving him strength and will, Sin found the crossbow much lighter, and his mind much clear. The oaken pony felt a small tingle of joy rush up the back of his neck, the knowledge that he held Soarin's life in his hooves eliciting a long forgotten thrill.

"Kill him."

Very much without meaning to do so, Sin's eyes went serpintine and the subtle pressure of the aura was strong within his mind. Soarin's ears perked and before the oaken pony could shoot, the predator gone prey spread his wings and dashed off into the tree line.

FUCK! What the fuck! Nightmare! What the fuck!

"Oh, I apologize, that was... not my intention."

Silently groaning at his lost chance, Sin lowered his crossbow and turned about to see if he could find where the green eyed stallion had disappeared to, but the slowly budding spring trees were to dense to follow.

You stupid idiot! I had him! All I had to do was pull the trigger and I'd have had him! Do you want to go back to Luna, you fucking retard!?

A sudden, brain splitting pain coarsed through Sin's mind, bringing the pony through the rustling brush to his knees.

"I've warned you, Sinbad, you will not dare to insult me again!"

'ENOUGH!' Critic exclaimed, his proclamation bringing with it relief from the Alicorn's wrath.

Exhausted, hungry, paranoid and now with a small head ache, Sin turned worked his way out of the brush and made way back to the camp. Looks like they wouldn't be replenishing on water tonight. The cloaked pony could only hope that the girls hadn't wasted any of their reserves while he was gone.

"Hmmm, Islander's going to be so happy that he wont have to cook for once!" Said Krystal, using a wooden spoon to stir up the small pot before her.

Scootaloo nodded, proped up lazily against a tree to allow her tired wings and spine a rest. "Yea, I guess. Hey, speaking of which, has he seemed, I don't know, more crabby than usual lately?"

Krystal frowned, the final lights of dusk cast upon her before the sun began to disappear behind the western horizon, bathing them in a light pink glow. "Yes." She admitted reluctantly. "I know it's because he's tired though, but I don't know what to do about it. Stallions are always so stubborn."

"Most stallions aren't like that. Islander's just... I don't know. But most stallion's are actually really nice." Scootaloo countered. "Like Macinto-"

Krystal noticed the filly's pause, but instead of pressing the issue on who the pony was, she asked about what his behavior was like. Back on the Rockfarm, the closest town was Twin Springs, and most of the stallions there, while nice, were still grizzled and hardened veteran types.

"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it, but I would like to know how other ponies behave outside of just what I do know."

Scootaloo thought about the stallion for a moment. "Well, Macintosh is... umm, well: He's nice for one, alot nicer than Islander is."

"Really?" Krystal asked, more than a little interested.

Nodding, Scootaloo elaborated on a few of the experiences the two had shared. About how he used to walk her to school and check up on her in the middle of the night when he thought she was asleep, or how he'd help her with her math homework, or ask her if she was doing alright with chores... and then there was one embarrassing night where she'd had a bad dream and asked him to stay up all night with her... The two ended up doing coloring books together.

Krystal smiled, contemplating the events that Scootaloo espoused with gentle regard. "He sounds like a very nice stallion."

"He is..." Scootaloo smiled, her momentary happiness fleeing under a profound sense of guilt.

He was a nice stallion, a nice stallion whom she'd left heartbroken and to wonder the woods looking for her...

A slight rustling from the trees broke the two from their reminiscing, Islander strutting out from the brush line.

"Welcome back! Sin! Guess what? We have water!"

Scootaloo watched with faint amusement as the stallion quirked a brow. His skepticism turned into full on shock as he observed the bountiful water being used within the cooking cast iron skillet. His shock continued onto all out amazement when Krystal recounted the story about how the water was collected in the first place.

"And it's all thanks to that little filly right there." The off white mare declared, pointing directly at her.

Scootaloo's orange cheeks tinted red and she rubbed the back of her neck in embarassment. "It wasn't that hard."

"Don't sell yourself short, kiddo." Islander said, garning the foal's attention. He pressed his lips and sighed. "You thought of something I didn't, and because of that, we have water tonight, and likely wont have water problems again. So, take some pride in that, you deserve to."

It was hard for him to say, Scootaloo could hear it in his voice. Especially the part where he admitted that he didn't think of it. Maybe it was how difficult he was to please, but she took an extra bit of pride in the stallion's praise. Islander giving her a compliment was a seldomn thing.

The filly wondered up to him, snatched away his water canteen, and despite his protest, poured out the somewhat blackened liquid within. The canteen was surprisingly full, she hoped he was drinking from the camal pack. Though, after she'd replenished it with water collected from the tarp, his chugging of the entire thing lead her to believe he'd rationed the liquid far more than the other two had.

"Wow, somepony was thirsty." Krystal chuckled, watching Sin gasp for air between swigs. It did kinda worry Scootaloo how little he was drinking, she'd noticed him sneaking water from his own canteen into theirs a couple of times when he thought they weren't looking, but decided not to say anything, since water would no longer be an issue now.

"Little bit." Islander replied.

The three sat down to enjoy the bland dinner for the eavening. Islander pointed out that the vegitables hadn't been boiled to the point they were little more than mush, but Scootaloo, Krystal and Angel found that the food having a little bit of chewyness to it made it a little more bearable.

Using clouds for water...


Critic, she used clouds for water. Clouds! The fucking things that have hung over our fucking heads for the last five fucking days... The solution to our water problem was, fucking literally hanging over my head, and I didn't see it.

The inner voice sighed. 'Yes, it was. I didn't think of it either, but I know you're mentally kicking yourself over this. You shouldn't though. You're exhausted, dude, you're mind's not right. Take it for what it is, Scootaloo showed some initiative and intelligence and just be alright with that. You know, like you said before?'

Sin stared down at his half eaten soup. He was proud of Scootaloo for thinking outside the box, but he was also angry that he hadn't thought of the idea himself. It was basic, basic enough that a foal could think of it, so why didn't he? How could that be anything less than utter retardation on his part? Sleep deprived? Who cares? That didn't make his failure to see viable solutions, excusable. What would have happened if Scootaloo wasn't there to figure it out? Would he and Krystal have died from dehydration? He was already not in his right mind, how much worse would that have been made if he hadn't any water to go with it?

No, no there was no excuse. It was a oversight, a mistake, a total fuck up on his part. A fuck up that made him want to slam his head into a tree.

'Maybe you should try sleeping on it for tonight?'

Sin internally sighed, sleep sounded nice, sleep was peaceful and regenerative. Science had no explanation for why ponies did it, only to the consequences for it's deprivation, but he was happy they did. Unfortunately, he knew what awaited him in the dream world... Nightmares, nightmares horrid enough to keep him from the proper rest of sleep. It was getting bad, so bad he briefly considered asking Luna for assistance. Of course, the Alicorn of Insanity had a few things to say about that, though; mainly this weird thing about how it wasn't her causing the night terrors, but something called a "tantibus".

Yea, the Alicorn of Insanity who went by the name Nightmare Moon wasn't the one causing bad dreams. Yea, he was totally buying that.

A small squeek in the distance caught the pony's attention. He shook the tiredness from his head and looked back. The squeaking was heard again, accompanied by the well time trotting of hoofsteps.

"I wonder who that could be." Krystal asked, peering into the dark road.

Sin readied his crossbow as a silhouette came into view around the bend. A single pony wandered forth, carrying a single, well sized wagon behind them.

The pony grew closer and closer, Sin's attention blurring from time to time as they approached. Finally, the pony was close enough to be exposed by the light of the camp fire. The pony, a lighter blue unicorn stallion clad in a light tanned suite stopped a good distance away. A small stripped grey tie hung professionally around his neck, the ensemble complimenting the professional, slicked back hair of his slightly graying mane, as well as an immaculate, thin mustache that hung from his lip.

"Good afternoon." He said politely.

"Umm, hi there." Krystal greeted.

Sin and Scootaloo shared a glance before the new comer cleared his throat. "I do apologize for interrupting you fine folks, however, I've been traveling through this forest for a few days now and was ill prepared for the trip." The blue unicorn smiled a winning and charismatic smile. "I do not wish to impose, but might you have some water to spare? I'll happily compensate you for your troubles, of course."

Before Sin could stop her, Krystal answered cheerfully in the affirmative and offered the stallion her canteen. He took the container in his aura and retrieved a flask from his suite pocket, pouring a small amount into it, chugging the flask down and asking if he might refill it again, which Krystal agreed to.

"You're very kind, kindness is to be rewarded." The stallion said, retrieving a coin purse and and offering a few bits to Krystal. The off white mare reached out to retrieve the money.

Sin watched the transaction with skepticism. Maybe it was just a bias on his part, but something about this pony set him on edge. His politeness, the way he carried himself, the slick and suave appearance... out in the middle of the woods...

'It's like looking into a mirror, isn't it?'

Hey, hey, hey... I don't look that nice.

'No, but the politeness and way he carries himself? That's alot like you, and don't even try to say it isn't.

True as that may be, that only lent farther credibility to Sin's skepticism. "What brings you out into the middle of the woods?" The cloaked pony asked, matching the intruders polite tone in all ways.

"Ah, yes. Well, you see sir, I am on my way to Bliss, a small city on the coast not so far from here. My wagon bearer, against my knowledge, held favor with a mare in Canterlot. This lead to him quitting and leaving me without both a wagon puller and a guide through the wilderness." The stallion explained.

"Oh goodness, that wasn't very polite of him." Said Krystal sympathetically.

"No. I suppose it's not." The unicorn agreed, giving her another smile. "Though, that is life, I'm afraid. So, here I am, wondering through the forest and stumbling upon my saviors, for which I am greatful."

Sin's eyes narrowed a little. Bliss? He studied the map of the area, especially the coast line, intensely and had no recollection of any city by that name.

"You wouldn't have, I'm afraid." The unicorn said with a small, light hearted chuckle. "Bliss cannot be found on any map or compass, only those who are supposed to know where it is may find it."

Now that just didn't sit right, what was that supposed to mean?

"Wait, are you saying Bliss is a secret city?" Scootaloo asked, finally finding a voice for the conversation.

Rubbing his chin, the stallion looked thoughtful. "Hmmm, secret isn't a word I'd use for it, little filly, I would use the phrase: exclusively known of."

Feeling memories begin creeping into his mind, Sin thought about the last "secret city" he'd encountered, one that involved a bunch of beings who worshiped fire and indulged sacrifices.

The conversation turned from him unto them, and the blue pony asked where the three of them were heading.

"Manehatten." Sin answered before Krystal could. "Our business there is our own, if you kindly."

"Of course, it's not my business to pry into other's privacy." The intruder said before placing a hoof to his chin. "Say, Manehatten isn't that far off from Bliss, if you'd be willing to accompany me to my city, I'd be very grateful for the guidance." He paused and gave Krystal a wry smile. "As well as the company."

The mare blushed from the flattery and brought forth a wing to hide the uncontrollable giggle. Sin refrained from cringing at the obvious come on, as well as the hint of jealousy he felt... It was a nice tactic, making one person in the party feel good and then having the ability to use that to wiggle ones way in, and condemn the other for being jealous should they refuse... or maybe the cloaked pony was just reading too much into it.

"I'm afraid we'll have to deline, sir. We are hard pressed for time as it is, and a trip outside of the rout is out of the question." Sin declared.

"Aww, C'mon Sin." Krystal stated, "can't we take a day to see him home?"

The tan suited unicorn nodded. "I must insist that you come with me." He said cooly. "Bliss is unlike anything you have ever seen before, ponies, minataur, griffons, diamond dogs, all coexisting together in one place. Living together under the idea of freedom."

"Freedom?" Sin asked, his attention now had.

His smile intensifying to satisfaction. "Yes sir, freedom. I can tell that you are a stallion of self sufficiency and self protection." He said, motioning to Sin's crossbow. "I believe that you may appreciate the same ideas and protections that we of Bliss agree to."

Sin was interersted now, a place that encouraged self sufficency and self protection? That sounded almost too good to be true...

"Let me ask you this? Is not a pony entitled to the full sweat of his brow and the fruits of his own labor?" The business pony asked with a small smirk. "And if not, how much of his labor does he owe to others? Celestia in Canterlot says we owe her money in taxes. Rex in Rabble says we owe he and the dog dynasty, and Monin in Laberinth demands we owe it to everypony. I reject all of these answers, and chose a new way. A way where the denizens of this earth may be free from the theivory and imposition of the state and the liberation from the masses who'd seek to control them."

Sin's eyes widened at the propostition... No state? Capitalism? and anti-mob rule? What?

"I can see I have your attention, might you reconsider accompanying me?" The stallion asked, the small tinkle in his eye now burning brighter than before.

No, no it was impossible! This had to be a joke, a bad prank, there was no way such a place actually existed. A place free from government rule that endorsed market based capitalism... They were in Equestria! Surely Celestia had... some kind of hold on this place!



But what if she didn't?

What if everything this pony was saying was true? What if... Anacapistan was real?

"Who are you?" Sin asked, conflicted beyond reason from everything he'd heard.

"How rude of me, allow my to introduce myself." He declared with a deep sense of charm. "My name is Scyan, Value Scyan."

Author's Note:

Repeat after me: It's not plagiarism or lazy writing so long as it's ponified.

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