• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 7,113 Views, 1,280 Comments

Earning Freedom - Daxisle

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony, but once he's imprisoned under false charges for sexual favors, he receives a package in his cell containing means for his escape, and a letter that would change the way he saw the world forever.

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Growing Pains

Growing Pains


"Aww, c'mon it'll be lots of fun!"


"Sin, I really think you should at least take a moment to think about it."

"NO!" Sin growled. He turned his head to face Sin, Mac, and Ace. "No. This is beyond the worst idea I have ever heard. And I have known Star Shade... No offense."

"Your mother." Star Shade poked his head into the dining area and quickly zipped away.

Ace shook his head. "Look, I know that you're a guy of doing your own thing. But we need you back now. Even travel by air ship is too long for my liking, and waiting a week on top of that? Who knows what Triple M. is planning?"

Sin shot the stallion a look, "haven't the Syndicate's agents found out anything?"

"No, and that angers me as much as it does you. Believe me."

"Alright, Twilight and Applejack I can understand. But, is it necessary to bring the rainbow one and Pinkie? They don't know how things work in the Federation. Hell, they use a racial slur just to address crowds, for Tapio's sake." Sin exclaimed prompting an explanation from Macintosh and Spike about how any/every'pony'. was exclusive to the other races. A sudden smile crept onto Sin's face. "Besides, they all have responsibilities at home don't they?"

Spike opened his mouth to interject, though Sin did have a point. Rainbow Dash was part of the weather patrol, Applejack had to run the farm, and the lack of Big Mac had already taken it's toll on the family business. Twilight ran Ponyville Library, though her presence wasn't completely necessary, and Pinkie was employed at Sugercube corner, Ponyvilles greatest sugary confectionery.

"Well, Twilight and Pinkie could go at least." Spike shrugged, torn between the happiness of making up for lost time with her, and the thoughts of her pushing him around again and telling him what to do. Mac's face remained relatively neutral though out the conversation.

"Be that as it may." Sin replied with venom. "I'd be skeptical just taking you two along. I know you're both quick to learn, however the Federation works a great deal differently than Equestria. Bodies doing stupid things are imprisoned simply because the law demands it!"

Spike and Mac grimaced at the pony's lack of confidence in them, and each gave their retort about how they could handle the cultural change. Before Sin could address either of them, Ace pressed the issue of the numerous innocent lives who could be affected by such political stagnation. Even still, the brown clad pony was once again cut off by Star Shade poking his head in again, and said something to the extent of how disappointed Fluffy would be if he were here.

Finally, after a great deal of pressure and deliberation, Sin gave in; as uncharacteristic as it was. "Alright." He gave a defeated sigh. "Fine, I'll agree to the terms. On one condition."

"I can't believe it." Ace replied beaming. "You're actually giving in? You actually lost an argument?"

"Don't push me." Sin threatened.

Ace lifted a dismissive hoof, an arrogant smile plastered over his still beaming face, and inquired to the stallions condition. Sin gave a low growl and shook his head. "I want you to fly ahead, and bring the air ship Gonshinian along with it's Captain Demos, to the outlying northern city of Hooftrot. By the time you arrive at the Federation and bring him there, I'll have gotten everybody here informed on how the Federation states operate."

"Demos? I don't know Sin." Ace fidgeted nervously. "Demos isn't exactly the easiest Griffin to approach." Sin sneered at his associate and explained that Captain Demos had owed Sin a favor from a while back, and if there was one thing that Griffin hated more than anything, it was owing a debt. Shooting down any protest that could have arisen, the golden pegasus dejectedly accepted the condition and left the dining area to inform the Princesses.

"Will it really take that long to catch everypo- everybody..." Spike enunciated, trying to end the 'racial slur' habbit. "That long to get up to speed? I can't see it taking more than a day or two."

Sin shook his head grimly. Mac also voiced concerns about wasting time, and how Ace seemed truly adiment about collecting all of them and getting back to the State collective as soon as possible. The former senator rubbed his hooves against his temples and explained how he would need to not only teach the new comers about the law of the land, but also allow the new mares time to adjust to how the traveling four operated. He wanted all the complaints and objections to be dealt with before they reached their destination. And the only way to accomplish this was by trial and error.

Spike rolled his eyes and accused Sin of being over dramatic. While it was true that the stallion held closing all loopholes in common practice, he hadn't acted with such passion before. Mac and the aforementioned wyrm were beginning to think Sin incapable of it. And here he was now, arguing with both anger and vigor. Even if it required a great deal of stress to pry it out of him.

After a few more minutes of conversation, the three came to agree with Sin, and they wondered back into the throne room to speak with Celestia and Luna. Ace had just wrapped up his explanation to the royal sisters and asked Sin when he would arrive to Hooftrot. Sin informed the pegasus about the six week trip, to which the pony's jaw nearly fell off his head, though rectified the situation by telling him it would only take four with no intentional delays. However, that wasn't good enough for the foreigner.

Reluctantly, Sin looked over a map to which Ace declared he would meet the stallion in two weeks maximum. His golden hoof struck a small dot that read "Trottingham" and ordered that the group await the Gonshinian there. There was to little time to waste on needless travel. They came to another agreement, and Ace quickly burst out of the palace; flying north to secure the air ship he desperately needed.

Sin turned around and with a bow, addressed the sisters again. "Thank you, your majesties." He stood and looked up to them.

Celestia waved a playfully dismissive hoof and smiled. Luna on the other hand seemed rather interested in the group, or one particular red stallion of them. "Did Ace inform you my conditions?" The solar alicorn asked, prompting a curt nod from Sin. "Excellent. When will you all be leaving then?"

"As soon as possible. There are some things I'd rather work out before we reach our destination." Answered the oak stallion. Before any elaboration could be given, the lunar mare stood from her throne and made a mad dash for Macintosh, wrapping her hooves around him.

"No sister!" She cried holding the surprised pony in a death grip. "I wont let you take him, he's MINE!" She flared her wings and burst out of the throne room door, carrying a pleading Macintosh off to only she knew where. Leaving a room full of half confused and half knowing individuals.

"Okay, seriously?!" Spike proclaimed throwing his arms in the direction of the now ruined throne room doors. "Is anypony going to tell me what the hay those two are doing?"

"Y'ALL CAN'T SERIOUSLY LIVE LIKE THIS!" Applejack cried over the roaring wind. She held onto her stetson as another snow filled gale threatened to remove the accessory. Pinkie stood shivering in her pink cloak, only moving to keep up with the ever advancing: Sin, Mac, Spike and Shade. Twilight raised a lavender bubble shield and engulfed the farmer and party ponies, protecting them from the cold.

Sin looked back to the luxury the ponies were indulging in and shook his head. It was only their first day of travel, and they even left at mid day for the extra warmth! The four mares said their tearful good byes to their best of friends and promised to return soon. Celestia had requested Sin give the four extra special care during the winter to ensure that nothing too bad would happen to them... You'd think with those four being part of these so called 'Elements of Harmoney': Fighting the also so called 'God of Chaos' they would be able to hold their own in the cold.

And here they were, already using magic just to walk a simple short distance. Though, he thought, it would be fair to note that the sun had begun it's decline, and they were a good ways from Canterlot. Sin felt a prod on his side and looked over to find a tan clad dragon pointing to a near by concave in an approaching cliff side. Taking the hint, the group began to head for the closes thing to shelter they would likely find for miles.

The reverberating heat offered by the fire off of the walls was refreshing, even to the newcomers to the group. Sin and Mac continued the tedious task of drying off dead blades of grass to help kindle. They observed the four mares huddled together to preserve body heat by the fire. Both stallions grinned when they witnessed Spike and Shade emerge from the darkness just out of the cliffs reach, carrying a bundle of sticks a piece. They kept a good distance away from the fire and dusted off the remaining snow, trying to keep the wood as dry, and flammable, as possible before proceeding with a more permanent heat source.

It took the purple reptile using his own breath to do it, but eventually, the wood took light, and the fire became more than enough to comfortably envelop the troop. Once the task was complete, The mares watched with curious eyes as the silent males of the group went about their tasks. Sin wondered out into the storm, Mac pulled out a metal pot from his saddle bag and began filling it with snow before he placed it over the fire to melt it to a drinkable fluid. Leaving Spike to pull out his jewel carving kit, the shavings of which went into his mouth, and Shade to lay against the semi-cave's wall in what looked like a particularly uncomfortable position.

"Hey! Where did Sin go?" Pinkie quipped peering into the raging snow storm.

"Uh... to go scout for food." Spike answered, his tone condescending. He facepalmed and apologized for being rude. "We've been doing this for so long, it's just habit by now. Sin's incharge of food, mainly because he knows the most about it. Mac's in charge of water." He pointed a claw to the half water half snow filled pot Mac held in his hooves. "and Shade and I are in charge of the fire, and getting fire wood."

"I ain't in charge of jack!" Shade mumbled, not bothering to open his eyes to address the group.

"He's not so bad, once you get to know him." Spike grinned, "And neither is Sin."

"Right..." Rainbow Dash said skeptically, keeping a mistrusting eye on the insane stallion behind them. "So, this is what you guys do huh? Imagine if Rarity were here!" She snickered at the thought.

"Wha'? Miss prissy pants her self?" Applejack chuckled. "Boy I can jus' hear 'er now. 'oh no darlin', Ah am not sleeping in the dirt. Spike, be a dear and be my bed'." The four mare laughed at the apple farmers joke. Spike and Mac could only shake their heads in disappointment of such disrespectful talk.

"Aw, c'mon sugar cube. We were only teasin'." Applejack grinned sheepishly.

"Oh, Ah know." Mac replied setting the near boiling water on the ground and shaking his hooves. "I's jus' tha' we dun' talk like that 'roun here." Spike nodded his head in agreement, leaving the four mares with furrowed brows.

"Bit hypocritical of you." Sin said, walking back from the static outside. He shook off the snow from himself and retrieved a few bits of asparagus and chives from his saddlebag. "Or do I need to remind you two of some rather immature things you both yelled your first night? I believe it also had something to do with Miss Rarity." Sin gave an empty smirk to Spike who returned the smirk and shrugged.

"Point taken."

"Hey Sin." Twilight called. "Why did you go out and get all of that? We packed enough food for the trip."

Sin gave a curt nod. "Spike, Mac, Shade and I have a system, Miss Sparkle. I'd rather not break it." He looked at Mac who gave an affirmative nod. The gatherer put the asparagus into the pot of now fully thawed snow, while Mac took out large tripod of metal. He placed it over the fire and then placed the pot onto the metal, allowing the water to boil the vegetables.

"Soup'll be up in 'bout twenty."

Sin nodded and knelt down by the fire, he addressed everybody and requested that give him their attention. Once everyone was situated around the fire, the liberty pony told about the fundamental and basic differences between Equestria and the Federation. Beginning with the basic social interaction, which was clear he hadn't done very much of due to the large questions that arose, he explained that the Federation was made up of different states: The Donkeys who had broken off from New Equine and formed their own state of Orval, The North New Equine Unicorn/Pegasi consortium, the Southern New Equine Earth ponies, the Rovin Republic Buffalo, The Columbus Griffins, the Minotaur hailing from the state of Vain, the Canian Diamond Dogs, and the Centaur from the state of Northwood.

They all paid great attention to the brief history lesson of how the states came to be, and how some of their speech could be viewed as racist and exclusive, to which the girls furrowed their muzzles at the thought of their average speak being so offensive. Sin's lesson was interrupted by the Mac proclaiming the finished cooking food.

"Ah dun' know 'bout y'all, but Ah sure am happy we got some spices for th' food." The crimson cook anounced adding a few of said flavorings to the stew. "Pretty damn tired of the food bein' so dull tastin'."

"Big Macintosh!" Applejack exclaimed covering Spike's ears. "We was raised better n' that." The coddled reptile pushed the famer mare's hooves away and grumbled, looking to Sin for help. Taking the hint, the pony grabbed a wood bowl from his saddle bag and allowed Mac to grimly fill it with the stew.

"Miss Apple, another thing you will find about us is, we accept all forms of speech. Cursing is included in that. We have come to the understanding that we have no right to-"

"Ah don't care what y'all have come to an understandin' 'bout." Applejack replied with a calm, though stern, tone. "Macintosh shouldn' be talkin' like that 'round little Spike here." Twilight nodded her head in agreement, though her face remained passive as did Pinkie's. Rainbow Dash, as unlikely as Sin had thought, was surprisingly the one who voiced an opinion that agreed with his own.

"Lighten up AJ." She said with a smirk. "Spike's not a little baby anymore. If he wants to curse, let him." Applejack and Twilight snapped their heads so quickly, Sin was surprised their spines were intact. What was almost more surprising was how quickly their jaws dropped to the ground. "What? The little guy stood up to me. And that takes some serious guts." She crossed her forelegs to emphasize her steadfast.

The three began to bicker, prompting Sin to shake his head and begin sipping on his stew. He was used to sipping out of this bowl, he had done it for almost a year, though the sweet and flavorful broth that met his lips almost procured a smile compared to the usually bland heated water it bore. The last of the mares not arguing, Pinkie, joined the stallion after being handed a metal bowl by Mac and having it filled. After Mac filled: His, Spikes and the others; promptly joining his more calm associates.

"Do they always argue like that?" Sin inquired watching the debate heat up with hoof pointing and glares.

"Applejack and Rainbow Dash do." Pinkie replied with a giggle. "Twilight though, not so much. At least not when it's something that's not important."

"Eyup." Mac chimed with a sheepish grin. "But don' le' em foolya, they're really the best of friends." Sin heeded the crimson stallions words as he regarded the fact that Twilight had now become the moderator between the farmer and flier ponies. Arguing about something having to do with an 'Iron Pony" competition, and who had been the victor of it.

Sin nodded and took another sip of his stew, chewing down the stray piece of asparagus that had made it into his mouth. "So..." Pinkie began, taking a sip herself. "What is it you do?" She asked innocently, eying the enigmatic pony.

"What do I do?" Sin asked.


"What do you mean?"

Pinkie giggled. "You know, what do you do? Like, I'm a baker and I love parties. Which reminds me, I have to throw a party for you!" Her eyes widened and an unintelligible tirade escaped lungs that Sin swore had to be attached to a hydra. The party mare began to babble on about... An alligators birthday, a time when she felt guilty about not inviting zebra to a party and something about a crazy nightmare involving cupcakes... Sin stood in shock, this was the intelligent mare who had seen through him? This couldn't be the same Pinkie who had held a conversation with him back in Ponyville six months ago. No, she was playing at something, she had to be. But what?

Sin looked over at Mac who simply chucked. "That's the Pinkie Pie I remember."

"AndAfterTheItchWasGone,IFoundOutItWasActuallyAllergies!" She beamed, having finally finished one of her sugar fueled tirades. Which reminded Sin, if what he was told was correct, and this pony practically lived off sweets; than she would need to be prepared for the lack of sugary consumables in New Equine.

"Miss Pie, I feel as though you should know, there-"

"=aren't that many sweets where you come from? Don't worry, I pretty much figured that out when I met you and you were pretty much all 'oh I'm so serious and I never smile'." she said, giving a mocking deep voice. Sin's eyebrows shot up after the pink mare lifted a rock and pulled out a cupcake hidden underneath. "But you don't need to worry, I have hidden cupcakes all over. Just in case of Cupcake emergencies."

Ok, now this had to be some psychological manipulation mixed with illusion. There is no way on this earth that she placed a cupcake under that rock just under the off chance that she would need it here. No, no that's impossible. There had to be some explanation. Perhaps Twilight was using her magic to make the cupcake invisible in Pinkie's hoof, and when she brought the hoof back, the spell was lifted. Though the mares were arguing only feet away, that was probably just a ruse to distract him, and have him lack suspicion... "I see." Sin said calmly, repressing the urge to call out the numerous conspiracy theories that began to pile up.

Pinkie ate the cupcake in one bite before washing it down with more of the vegetable soup. Mac looked over to find Sin's stare unwavering from the party pony, the two had been around each other long enough for Mac to know the tell tale signs of Sin trying to figure something out. Mac nudged the concentrating stallion and shook his head. "Don' mother Sin." Mac said sagely, taking a sip of his soup and chomping down the asparagus. "It's jes' Pinkie Pie bein' Pinkie Pie."

"Right..." Sin took another sip, keeping his eye on the bubbly pony. Mac's words offered no comfort, and the knowledge that not only could he not figure out Pinkie, but others couldn't as well; only served to drive his mind. Sin hated ignorance, he found it to be the root of all tyranny and by association, war. And if there was one thing he hated more than the ignorant, ti was those who remained willfully so. Though there was nothing more to say on the matter, he would do as he usually did in his free time and think. Surly he would find something, he always did.

Finally, the mares closer to the inner part of the concave grew tired of their arguing and had their fill of the now cold stew. They quickly fell asleep, to exhausted from fighting to consider anything else. Spike placed a few more sticks of wood on the fire and adjusted the tinder to where it would last the longest before he too proclaimed his retirement and curled up next to Twilight. Mac washed out the remnants of the meal from the pot and broke down the cookwear before slipping into blissful slumber.

Unable to sleep, Sin decided he would take watch for the night and sat with his back to the wall, the fire glistening off his reflective goggles. He knew there was little to no chance of anything menacing coming to cause havoc upon the refuge, so he allowed his mind to wonder. At first he began pondering how Pinkie Pie had pulled a cupcake from under a rock... Funny how when you actually spell it out, it just seems like utter nonsense. Though, his mind drifted as it always did. Connecting to why was Pinkie relevant, to why had had been told to let her accompany him, to where he was going and why. It didn't take long for his homeland to come to mind. Sin blinked away the creeping sleep, trying to recall all of the Bills he fought in the Senate, how he and his brother would share philosophical ideologies at night; and how other kids treated them like freaks for being more interested with discussion rather than physical activity. And how his cutie mark had actually been a-

"Sin?" A curious voice piped, breaking the stallions concentration. He looked over to see the subject of his initail thought yawn and look at him with a smile. "Aren't you going to sleep?" She tilted her head to the side, a face resembling that of a child asking an innocent question.

"No." Sin replied his head turning back to the still raging blizzard outside.

Pinkie waited for the stallion to elaborate on his answer before finally shrugging. "Well, are you going to tell me why not?"

"... Keeping watch."

Pinkie giggled again. "Silly Sin, there's nothing that's going to get us." She stood up and yawned again before walking to sit by the vigilant pony.

"You can see the future?" Sin asked sarcastically.

"No, my Pinkie Sense would tell me if something bad were going to happen." Pinkie replied happily and matter of factly.

Ok, just, just... no. So now she has a 'sense' that can tell her when bad things are going to happen? No. "You're 'Pinkie Sense?" Sin asked to which Pinkie nodded and told him about how there are a sequence of spasms and involuntary movements that indicate the future in a vague manner. Ok, so not only can she tell when something bad is going to happen, but now she can just tell when pretty much anything is? What kind of sorcery hath been given here? Sin gave a sigh and returned his attention forward. The two were quiet for a few minutes, before Pinkie spoke up again.

"How do you do it? This is so boring." She sighed and lowered her previously straight posture. Sin merely shook his head and continued his aimless gaze, allowing the thoughts to trail again. After a few more fruitless attempts at conversation, the party mare shrugged and returned to her place in between Applejack and Twilight and snuggled into the pile that the ponies and dragon made.

Sin couldn't help but smile, they all looked so peaceful there. So happy and content to be in each others company. He had thought himself above jealousy, though also found the thought rather awkward. A bunch of ponies sleeping in a pile? Yes, he and the others had to snuggle to preserve body heat on a few particularly cold nights with no way to reverberate the heat off of walls, though that was just uncomfortable for all involved; even if it was less so than freezing to death. But how they were together, it wasn't a group of guys trying to push past awkward necessities for survival; they were a family. And each looked just as comfortable as the other.

Peace, Contentment, Relaxation. The last stallion standing couldn't help but wish the best as he watched the pile breath almost in unison. The smiles on their faces betraying the happiness they all felt even under such miserable conditions. Honestly, Sin hadn't expected the endeavor to go so smoothly. He anticipated having to deal with insurmountable amounts of complaining and bickering. Though they had endured a bit of it, none of it was really directed at the cold or the lack of civilized lodgings as he had originally thought.

He took one final look at the happy mass of ponies lost in the bliss of sleep before looking back out into the dying snow storm. He would never say it out loud, but even as little time as he knew all of them, he had a strong protective feeling for them, and this is why he did what he did. To allow others to experience the same love and warmth that made even a miserable cave only lit by single camp fire, a sanctuary of bliss and contentment for those willing to share such vulnerability with one another.

(A/N Alright, so I had One comment and two personal messages asking me to continue the story. Since one of those messages was a death threat involving chainsaws and meat cleavers, I think I'm going to count it as three and say my five was reached. Last chapter coming up next. Plus a nice little surprise for all.)

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