• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 7,115 Views, 1,280 Comments

Earning Freedom - Daxisle

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony, but once he's imprisoned under false charges for sexual favors, he receives a package in his cell containing means for his escape, and a letter that would change the way he saw the world forever.

  • ...

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Dragon Born

Dragon Born

Brute, a dragon who's look lived up to his namesake. A well sized golden drake, portly but strong, with hands and claws as wide as a pony was tall with giant, pristine wings and scales that shimmered in the sunlight. His golden eyes held centuries worth of knowledge and wisdome, tired with age and winter.

Spike smirked up at the elder draco, who smirked back down at him.

"Hey." Spike said,

"Greetings, young Spike. It is good to see you again." The elder bowed his head slightly, an act he'd done upon their initial meeting in Hooftrot. His massive maw, easily big enough to eat a small filly whole, curled into an evermore amused grin. "How have you fared amongst the ponies? Better than I, I hope."

Spike nodded. Unlike Brute, Spike didn't see ponies as lesser creatures who's existence he simply tolerated. It was a small point of contest between the two upon their initial meeting, but for the sake of speaking to the closest thing to a peaceful member of his species he could find, the baby dragon didn't contest the issue much. Especially since Brute scoffed at the idea of, in their first conversation, how he was little more than Twilight Sparkle's assistant.

He wasn't about to mention that he was in service to yet another pony.

"Well enough, been working through the days, you know how it goes."

Brute nodded his head again. "Aye, ponies are amusing creatures, are they not? What with their caging of species unlike their own and caring for them. It is a concept that continues to astound and confound me. Dragons, our kind, do not do this. The strong of us survive, and the weak are left to themselves. Yet ponies care for their weak and captured." He said slowly and shook his head.

That was another aspect of his kind that Spike didn't care for. Survival of the fittest was nice in theory, but the cruelty he'd witnessed during his time in the dragon migration inspired feelings more akin to self loathing than inspiration. Brute, however, was not born into the moral compass of pony-kind, his was a story of being chased out of the horde for the very concept he adored so much: abandonment of the weak.

Yet still, even though his fellow dragons had cast the golden drake out and left him for dead, he held slight resentment for the ponies who's beliefs differed so much from his own. Instead of being grateful for their offered salvation, Brute spoke down of them, condemning his care takers as counter-intuitive to the genetic supremacy of the species, and even regressive.

This was another discussion Spike wanted to avoid, since the debate between the two ended up being about genetic supremacy vs moral superiority; in which neither had backed down.

"Yea, we look after our own, but that's the difference between a herd and a horde."

Brute chuckled. "Indeed. So, your accomplice, Macintosh was it? Has decided to commit my charge with evermore mating." He frowned in contemplation. "For what purpose has this been done?"

It wasn't a surprising question, dragons were not a pair bond species, but a tournament species. To them, genetic supremacy and strength were everything, if Brute was to be believed in his stories. Monogamy was deemed a waste of potential, why should a single male, superior to the rest, be limited to only one mate?

Pony society worked differently, though. Despite the fact that the females heavily outweighed the males, leading to some speculations of polyamory, monogamy offered a security in family structure needed for mammalian social development. Unlike dragons, pony societies didn't thrive on strength being the most important factor; ponies wanted cooperation rather than competition. A curving of violence and hatreds in favor of mutual benefit and love.

Mental health and socialization in society were important skills in order to attain a happy life and integration, which was the ultimate goal of any parent for their foals or for any pony for themselves. Strength was nice, but not as necessary. What was necessary, however, was the character and mental stability that families offered foals.

Brute furrowed his brow, attempting to comprehend the idea... "Ponies truly are strange creatures. Such odd ideals and tactics of survival. And yet-" He sighed, looking back at the farm house in the distance, "-the results are too abundant to be disputed."

Spike nodded, feeling more than a little proud of his adoptive species.

His reminiscent was cut short, however, as he remembered the reason for his visit with Brute.

"Hey, I need to ask you something."

Brute smiled and nodded, promoting the younger drake to inquire about the delema he was currently experiencing. The urges, the small part of himself that relished in violence, his growing need to take and horde...

The golden dragon smiled knowingly. "Hmmm, you are experiencing the change, it is unusual for one so young to undergo it, but that only means your are of good breeding stock."

"The change?" Spike asked, tilting his head.

Brute nodded. "The change is... how do the ponies say, our form of puberty?"

It was an interesting idea, and made a lot of sense, but if that was the case, why hadn't Spike felt it when he was a teenage'd drake before?

"It takes time for the change to take affect." Brute declared, opening his gaping maw and yawning loudly. "For we drakes, our maturity relies not only upon the passage of time, but our collection of wealth and riches. Our greed grows our strength, but without the years of experience, discipline, and mental fortitude, our minds are lost to the greed; we are consumed by it. You've been regressed twice now, the change has been hastened by this to ensure it doesn't happen again."

'So you were right, it is dragon biology after all. It was just sped up because of the greed growth... interesting.'

It was interesting to know, and Spike wanted to know what else to expect. The elder dragon began to list off a few other changes that would eventually take place. For one, his mind would become even more analytical than it already was. Dragon's were beasts of collection and territory, calculations of cost/risk/benefit analysis analysis in relation to situations would soon become common place to him. His cunning would also become more pronounced, along with a desire to hunt and subdue to justify his right to mate.

Again, the dragon was paused. The desire to hunt? Hunt what?

"Well, pray of course. We dragons are predators, after all." Brute clarified, yawning once again. He didn't want to admit it, but his time with the ponies had made him soft and tired in relation to dragon standards. "Those weaker than yourself, such as the ponies you surround yourself with. Though, you are not like most dragons your age. Most are aggressive and much more lustful of the material wealth. You have demonstrated a desire against this nature so your maturity might be different, if only just."

Again, Brute smirked a challenging and amused grin of superiority, as if he could see the futility in Spike's efforts against his own nature and found the battle petulant and immature.

Spike's eyes narrowed and he crossed his arms in defiance. "I don't want to be that way."

And once again, Brute chuckled. "Defiance against the natural order. Perhaps you will succeed, and perhaps you will not."

"Well, you did, didn't you?"

The smirk on Brutes face vanished, beaten over by a scowl as he shamefully declared that the choice was made more for him than anything. His banishment from the horde was anything but desired, but he would do what needed to be done in order to survive, even if it meant the shame of exile to the ponylands.

"And for all the crap you talk about them, you don't seem to mind ponies too much. Especially the ones who take care of you." Spike pressed, knowing he was about to hit on a very sensitive spot. As expected, the elder drake's head tilted upwards in a show of superiority and dominance, daring Spike to continue with his train of thought.

"Watch your tongue, welpling. I may consider you favorably, but it is ill advised to test me." Brute growled threateningly.

Spike quirked a brow, doing his best to hide his fear. "You insult ponies and say I'll eat them, even though you know I love and cherish them. How did you think I'd take that, exactly?"

His golden eyes narrowed, and Brute lowered his head, putting his snoot inches away from Spike's body and eying the younger dragon with a simmering rage. "As the truth that it is."

"And what I said isn't?" Spike snarked in challenge, tensing his body.

Narrowing farther, the golden drake claws dug into the ground, his legs tightening as if he was ready to thrust forth. Spike's breathing deepened as the icy feel of his draconian blood began coursing, ready to fight if the need called for it.

Brute lifted his head, snarled and blew a cloud of smoke, venting his frustrations. Though, his actions took on no more malevolence than that. It was a gamble, but Spike wasn't interested in having his desires and family be belittled infront of him.

With his rage and indignation vented through his nostrils, Brute breathed a few calming breaths to regain his composure. "You are fortunate that Annabelle holds you in regard, whelp."

Though, it appeared that standing up to the drake didn't gain the respect Spike sought, it would likely end the irritating way he was spoken to.

A few more tense moments passed in silence as the two stared at each other in challenge before Brute's smile returned. "You truely see them as your equals."

Spike nodded, of course he did. Ponies had taken care of him and been there for him all of his life. His parents weren't there, mainly due to being hatched while already in pony custody, and he couldn't be happier about the fact. He liked who he was, and he loved his friends. Just because some creatures were stronger and better at hunting than others didn't make them better, it just made them different.

"I see." The golden dragon sighed, his body relaxing as he took on a more casual stance. "And I also suppose it would only stand to reason that you wish to know how to control these urges so you may continue to live amongst the ponies."

Feeling a small pang of excitement in his chest, Spike nodded.

"Hmmmm, well then, I shall disappoint you. Violence and negative reinforcement was the primary method in deterring younglings from thieving from other dragons." Said Brute with a yawn. small whisps of smoke blowing through his nostrils. "If a hatchling was too tired or afraid to steal, they would not. Those who could not defend their wealth from mere hatchlings were deemed weak, and deserved to have their treasures lost to them."

Spike felt his heart sink a little. "But there's got to be another way, right? Besides fear or violence?"

Brute nodded and reiterated the other thing, being tired, and a minor glimps on younglings acquiring their own wealth at great peril. "Hatchlings are high in spunk and energy, remove these things and the hatchling will be passive, at least in body." His eyes narrowed down at Spike. "However, the change cannot be halted, it may only be accepted. To deny the change is as futile an effort as denying the very air you now breath."

Slumping a little, Spike took a moment to process his elder's words. He could stop himself from acting on the urges, but he couldn't stop the urges themselves. He could work himself silly physically, but how long with he be able to keep that up? His work at the mill kept him relatively tired, but how long with that last? As a dragon, he'd grow and make short work of his duty at the mill...

"I haven't had any urges to hunt, though."

"You shall soon." Brute said, his tone now much more serious and somber. "To hunt and engage in combat will sate this urge, but the urge will overpower you. It still overpowers me to this day, and I'm four hundred years your elder with life times of experience in it's management. To indulge this is your only course, to think it controlled is a mistake, and one I suggest you not allow yourself to make. Lest it mean the loss of one you love."

No, that couldn't happen, Spike wouldn't let it... but what if it did? What would happen if he was strong enough and overcome enough to attack ponies? What would they do? The pegasi could fly away, and the unicorns might stand a chance at fighting him, but the earth ponies would be at his mercy... and eventually the unicorns too, once his anti-magic dragon scales grew in again.

'It wont happen.'

How can you be so sure of that? You felt what I did in the library a while ago, how angry I was, how much I wanted everything. If that kind of urge is directed at Twilight or Macintosh...

'Keep asking questions, let's get the full story before jumping to those kinds of conclusions.'

"How did you stop the urge? The urge to hunt ponies, I mean..."

Brute lifted his eyebrows slightly. "The answer to that is simple. You hunt something else."

"Something else?" Spike repeated.

Nodding, the elder dragon explained that, while he was in the reptile house, he was also being studied. He could not spend more than a few days in his pen without getting restless and was moved to a wilderness ground while accompanied by Beast Tamer. While out, Brute would hunt all manner of game, mainly doing population control on a wild boars. Not for the meat they provided, although that was a bonus, but for the sport. For the thrill of the hunt and capture. It was instinct, it was a need, to dominate and subdue, to be greater than and to overcome. This was part of being a dragon.

"You are not where you were born to be, young Spike." Brute motioned to the small town off in the distance. "I have lived well past four centuries and have seen our kind. Dragons are the perfect predator with nothing in the world for us to fear save the demons of Hell, Hades, and Tartarus. If you are to live peacefully among your prey, then you shall require a new prey in order to fulfill your desire for the hunt, for the conflict, and for the kill."

Spike felt a mix of disgust and morbid intrigue. To kill? To kill innocent animals? How could he not think that anything but vile? And yet... in some sick way it appealed to him, to his primitive side. His claws, they were made for tearing and rendering, his sharp teeth were the fangs of a predator, and his scales were armor to protect from other dragons who'd seek domination over him.

The image he'd seen in the doorway of Sombra flashed in his mind, his teenage form glaring down at him, demanding he acknowledge the beast within. No matter how he could try to rationalize it, Spike knew that there was no escaping the reality. He was an omnivore, and omnivores ate everything. Bread, fruits, nuts, vegetables, dairy and meat.

He was also a dragon, not a pony. Brute had lived among dragons for hundreds of years, and Spike had seen them for himself. He hoped, he hoped beyond hope that their behavior was just social conditioning. That their way of acting was the product of their society and not their biology, but he couldn't deny what he felt and what he was becoming...

Coming to terms with that would take time, but Spike stood resolute with at least understanding part of what was going on with himself. He could start figuring things out now, think about possible conclusions to curve his behavior when the time came.

"Good, now what can you tell me about your associate, Big Macintosh?"

"Thank ya fer lettin' me n' Scootaloo stay the nigh', Rarity." Applebloom said, accepting a delicious cup of coco from her babysitter's aura. Scootaloo also offered her thanks as did Sweetie Belle.

"Oh you're quite welcome, dear." Rarity replied happily. "I've heard things on the farm are a little chaotic due to all the wedding guests. I do look forward to the festivities, Annabelle is such a sweet heart."

"Eyup, Ah'm so happy to have Annabelle as part o' the family." Applebloom said with a wistful sigh.

Scootaloo could agree with the sentiment. Annabelle was one of the kindest mares she'd ever met, more attentive than her own parents were by far. The filly would never speak of it out loud, but the two had shared 'girl time' before when Annabelle had brushed her hair while the filly gave her honest thoughts on the adoption. She wasn't the brightest pony in the world, but she was genuine in her affections and those she cared about.

Once the elder Belle sister was gone, a collective sigh came from all the fillies.

"So, you're really going to be adopted by Macintosh and Annabelle?" Sweetie bell asked.

Scootaloo nodded solumnly, she still wasn't sure how she felt about that. Between her parents dying, living in Whitetale wood, her attachment and idolization or Rainbow Dash, trying to get caught back up on her schooling, and integrating to farm life with the Apple family, her thoughts were a little occupied...

Though, she couldn't deny that the idea did warm her in a way she craved for years. Macintosh and Annabelle were there, every single day. Unlike her parents who took days or even weeks away from home at a time in order to conduct their research, and would have their heads in the clouds even when home, the Apples took time out of their day to speak with her, to see her, to acknowledge her. Not just as a "squirt" who needed petulant attention like Rainbow saw her, but as a filly who needed love as well as guidence. A filly who was smart enough to see the mistakes that she could make and treat her with respect enough to allow her to make said mistakes within reason.



Applebloom poked the filly. "Ya alrigh' pardner?"

The pegasus nodded with no enthusiasm and Applebloom was happy to call her out on it.

"C'mon Scoots, we're all friends here. Please don't fall inta that whole secretive thing again..." Sweetie chirped, making all three girls remember how devastated and strained their relationship had become.

Seeing no other choice, Scootaloo sighed. "Well, I guess I'm just not sure what to feel right now."

"Whadaya mean?" Applebloom asked softly.

"Well, I mean, it's a big change, I guess. First I was living with my own parents, then I was living alone in the woods, and now I'm living with you guys... Macintosh said that it's a lot to take in and that I shouldn't rush the decision, but... when I think about it, it just seems so weird, you know?"

"Weird how?" Sweetie asked, jumping down from the bed and approaching.

"Being Macintosh's daughter." Scootaloo cringed the first time she said that, she'd known Mac a while and saw him in an elderly brother light in her own proximity to Applebloom, but as a father figure? That would take time.

"Well, it's better than living out in the woods, right?" Sweetie asked.

Applebloom placed a hoof on the unicorn's withers, telling her that that wasn't the point of the topic. Scootaloo's feelings on being adopted by the Apples were in constant flux of stress and confusion, at least that's how it appeared when the earth pony spoke to the pegasi in private. To throw in the "well it could be worse" bit never helped; if anything, it merely served to cut off ties of communication and trust, both of which were very much necessary now more than ever.

Of course, Sweetie Belle couldn't understand the sentiment. She still had her parents as well a family to care for her. She hadn't experienced the loss that her friends had, nor the loneliness and isolation Scootaloo felt. So she remained silent on the topic, feeling more than a little guilty for her imput.

"It is better, don't get me wrong, I am greatful. It's just a lot to take in, I guess." Scootaloo rubbed her foreleg with a fet lock. Communicating her feelings was never her strong suite, especially when she was as confused as she was. She kinda wished she was with Annabelle and Macintosh right now. This all made a lot more sense when she was around them, the stability and safety the stallion offered, and the comfort and care the mare radiated always made Scootaloo feel better somehow.

"I have a question." Sweetie Belle said, sensing the tension growing. "If you do get adopted by Applebloom's brother, wouldn't that make her your auntie?"

Scootaloo quirked a brow, the thought never having crossed her mind.

"Hey yea! Ah would be yer aunt. Hmmm, you bein' mah niece, that'll mean Ah can tell ya what ta do!" Applebloom teased.

"Does not!" Scootaloo shot back.

"Does too! It's one o' the rules of the family." Applebloom explained matter of factly.

"Nu-uh, that because they're older than you. You're younger than I am, so technically you have to do what I say." Scootaloo said smugly.

"That ain't how it works!" The farm filly cried, desperately trying to figure out how the logic of it all worked.

The bickering continued with Sweetie Belle throwing in the fact she had to listen to Rarity because of her age, giving credibility to Scootaloo's position with Applebloom unable to argue the point since she too had to listen to her elder siblings. It was all in good fun, though. A way to break the meloncholy mood Scootaloo was slowly losing herself too.

As strange and weird as the situation was when she was able to look at it from a more objective standpoint outside of the Apple's infulence, Scootaloo couldn't deny that she wanted to be apart of the Apple family. Was it weird? Absolutely. Was it going to be hard work? You bet. Did some parts terrify her on an emotional level? Of course, but she'd faced those things before and turned out better for it. Tomorrow, she'd officially be eligible to be part of a new family, a family who'd offer her the time and love she wanted.

Macintosh stared at the flicking flames of the fire as they enticingly danced before him.

Tonight was the last night of him being a single stallion, tomorrow he tied the knot and entered wedlock, declairing an everlasting bond with Annabelle and merging two families... two very VERY large families.

The reception started out easily enough, a few Apples stopped in to offer their congratulations, with a few of the males offering playful condolences. Breaburn and Ol' pony Apple came in from Apploosa this morning, the elder stallion giving Annabelle a shameless and critical once over, as was tradition in the Apple family when an outsider was coming into the fold.

Annabelle took it in good order, but her mother, who was the next victim of Ol' pony, met his stare with the crack of her whip. An act that she soon found to be a very big mistake, since the old stallion was afraid of nothing and excited by everything.

Annabelle's family was... interesting, to say the least. She considered everypony in the circus as "part of her family", and the circus was definitely in town. Ponies of all kinds were present, along side a pair of diamond dogs, three minotaur, and of course, a dragon. They were all nice enough, the ones Mac could recall appeared to be very friendly types of ponies.

Brute, however, didn't take well to him. Older dragons had this look of superiority about them, kinda like cats observing something with detached amusement or disgust. Mac had to crane his neck to meet the beasts eyes, and despite the fact he was afraid of the creature, he stood firm and ready. It was a test of Macintosh's will and character, challenging him to see if he'd be willing to stand up to the drake or timidly shy away.

A test the stallion passed with flying colors. Mac had faced many things in his life, mostly in the past year. Compared to being on a besieged air ship, watching your late best friend kill another pony, disbanding a group of political rabble rousers, surviving in the plains of Equestria for months, fighting goats, scaling valleys with drops that could easily kill him, accidentally wandering into a scorpio den and fighting his way out, meeting the roving madness that was Star Shade, and fighting a dragon easily ten times the size of his antagonist, Brute was just another tally on the long list of things the stallion had survived in spite of his fear.

"Figured I'd find you out here." A voice called from the darkness.

Mac didn't need to look up to know Spike when he heard him.

"Ya know me. Never liked big shindigs." Macintosh replied, his eyes never leaving the fire. "Ya talk with Brute yet?"

Spike answered in the affirmative and took a seat opposite the stallion, taking to the enchantment that the flames offered.

"How's workin' with Justice been goin'?" Mac asked.

Spike shook his head and groaned. "She's been pretty difficult to get along with. City Council's becoming more and more against her, but I think I've almost gotten her to the point she'll make up the exemption for Fluttershy, again. I'll just need a little more time." He paused and sighed again. "Sorry to tell you this, but the tax cuts the local farms experienced will be rinstated. I tried to stop her, but..." He shrugged.

Mac didn't fault him, he'd met Social Justice once and that was more than enough for him. To the pink pegasus, Macintosh was little more than an "oppressed pony of no means". Mask, who the stallion didn't much mind since she was at least respectful, also had little respect for the mare. Unlike Social Justice, Mask believed that the stallions needed to assert their own agency in life and not be treated as helpless foals who needed to be protected and coddled.

While Mask may have worked for Justice as one of her lackies, it was clear the mare had no love for her and would often speak with the apple pony about how counter productive Justice's actions were in social justice itself.

It really didn't help with how much of a hypocrite Justice was. First she acts like he's an infantile pony who life has spat upon one too many times and then she turns around and ups his taxes?

'Yea, consistency is a mother bucker, though.'

"How's Twilight n' them doin'?"

Spike frowned. "Twilight's doing okay. Uppity stopped by yesterday before I left, she seems to be doing better. Fluttershy is still up with Rainbow, bawling her eyes out, poor thing. Haven't seen Rarity or Pinkie Pie lately."

Macintosh pressed his lips, he'd heard the story of how devastated Fluttershy was, the town knew her, the town adored her. Anypony who had a pet would always go to Fluttershy for care, how Ponyville wasn't in an uproar over what she'd done was an absolute mystery.

'Well, Spike did say she was threatened.'

Apparently not enough, though.

'Woah, easy there, Macintosh.'

Mac internally sighed, he's been under a lot of stress lately. What with the wedding, Scootaloo's adoption and worst of all his sister. Applejack still wasn't on speaking terms with him, he hoped she'd go to the wedding, her being there meant a lot to him, and the idea that she wouldn't out of spite damn near broke his heart.

Neither spoke for what had to be at least ten minutes, both thinking their respective thoughts.

"You two look pretty glum." Another voice stated from behind.

Mac's eyes widened and his head turned far too quickly to see the pony who's voice he recognized far too well.

"SHADE!" Both gasped.

The lunar pony walked into the light of the campfire and took a seat, the lost pony nodding his acknowledgement to the other two. "Good to see you too."

In a flash, Spike glomped the pony and squeezed the stuffing out of him, making the lunar pony's eyes bulge from his head. "Dragon boy, little too much love!" he managed in a wheeze.

"Where have you been!" The drake demanded, stepping back. Macintosh was also interested to hear where the stallion had run off to, it wasn't uncommon for Shade to disappear for a time, but he'd never had broken bones and wings before.

Something was different about him tonight, though. He was calm, his demeanor was much too subdued, without the easy goingness of being under the influence of ganja.

"I've been busy, looking for something, as I am compelled to do."

"Compelled?" Mac asked, finding the phrase a rather odd one for Shade of all ponies to use.

Shade nodded but refused to go into detail. "I've come to offer you two a warning." He frowned, looking at Macintosh first.

"Tomorrow will not be the day you think it is. Something very dear will be taken from you if you have failed to learn from your passed mistakes." Shade turned to Spike. "And you must trust in your friends to see you through what now plagues you. Should you try and handle it alone, Spike, you too will lose something you value."

Mac was flabbergasted at the prophetic words, he was about to ask what in the world his friend was talking about, but something happened before he got the opportunity.

"Gah!" Shade cringed, rubbing his head. "I need to go, I've resisted the compulsions enough. Don't brush off what I've said, I went through a lot to tell you two this." He spread his wings and looked at the apple pony. "Do me a favor and check in on Stripes for me, she doesn't show it, but she does get lonely alot."

And with that, the night pony beat his wings and flew up into the night sky, both Spike and Mac fruitlessly calling to him to come back and explain himself.

"What in the world was that about?" Spike asked, still looking up at the night's sky.

"No idea..."

Next chapter, wedding. Everyone assembles for the big day. Mane six, Shining Armor, Cadance, the entire Apple family. Everyone's happy, wedding goes to kiss and Macintosh finds one gift without a name, which turns out to be a pacifier.

Author's Note:

Darwinism vs Morality... You may now discuss.

Next chapter will be the wedding, I do not know when the chapters will come out, it will be long, not like the Canterlot wedding, but at least 3 chapters worth, much will happen...

And I guess I'll apologize in advance for something that is unavoidable to happen. Shade's interference be damned.

(New Meta Hole)

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