• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 7,084 Views, 1,280 Comments

Earning Freedom - Daxisle

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony, but once he's imprisoned under false charges for sexual favors, he receives a package in his cell containing means for his escape, and a letter that would change the way he saw the world forever.

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Three Days Grace

Three Days Grace

"Are you ready for therapy?" Asked the doctor with her typical forced smile.

"How many times do I have to tell you, I'm not going to fly!" Sin sighed, adjusting his goggles. It took all of his restraint not to yell at the poor mare. He knew she was only doing her job, but for the love of the gods, he'd told her for the past three days he didn't want to use his wings.

Again, just as the day before, the Doctor insisted that he at least try. His wings were underdeveloped from disuse and had psychological effects on his mind as well as the physiological effects on his spine and shoulders. Apparently dopamine and other hormonal imbalances occurred when the instinct of a pegasus to fly were rejected. But he didn't care, he wasn't going to use his wings and that was final.

Discouraged and far too kind to give him proper grief, the baby blue unicorn removed his bandages and inspected his wound one last time to ensure proper healing. Once satisfied she asked one more time if he was sure about denying wing therapy before dismissing herself from the room.

Though, he knew that if the last three days were any indicator, Uppity would be putting her own two cents in on the matter. And as usual, he was right. Sometimes, he really hated that fact.

"Why are you being so stubborn about that? Your a pegasus, flying is in your blood. It's your advantage and calling in life." She stated calmly, placing her book down on the couch. "A pegasus who doesn't fly is like a unicorn who doesn't use magic or an earth pony who doesn't use their strength and durability. It's not healthy."

This was why he didn't get into relationships. The nagging never ends. "Can you just let the issue die in peace?"

"No, since you hinder and hurt yourself for no apparent reason, somepony's gotta try to do what's best for you."

Sin quirked a brow and questioned that she thought she knew better than he did what was best for him. Apparently that was funny to her and said that if he did what was best for himself, than he would be happier.

Three times, three times she'd said something he didn't know how to respond to. What the hell? He'd utterly destroyed her at his trial, why was she so easily able to leave him speechless? What was wrong with him?

'Alright, hear me out, hear me out, don't throw any disgusting images my way, please. What if she's right? What if you and happiness might just be able to get along?'


'Stay with me on this. Okay? We good? No disgusting images? Cool. So, you know she's smart, you know you are smart. But she smiles alot and seems happy, yea? Her intelligence doesn't keep her miserable. And you've admitted to yourself that Equestria doesn't have that bad a leader, right? So, maybe it's possible for you to be happy here.'

Happy? It was an odd thought. Happiness for himself. Sin could never quite imagine what the feeling would be like, not ever since he'd grown so cynical over the inevitable truth of his homeland. But maybe he could start something new here?

Well, new in attaining contentment with his life, he came to Equestria to 'start new' but never really got anywhere. Was it possible? Better question, was it smart? He knew that Triple M agents were in Equestria, some of them had probably tracked him to the palace and were keeping tabs on his associations. When Malich or Gemini got wind of it, they'd do as they'd done before and kill his friends.

'If that's right, than why are Spike, Mac and Shade still alive?'

That was a good point. Malich himself had seen the stallion's relationship with all three of them. Yet he didn't do anything about it. Why?

"Sin? You alright? You're doing that thing again where you don't talk for a while."

"You mean think?"

The mare rolled her eyes, much to Sin's amusement. "Whatever. Can you at least tell me what's on your mind?"

Sin declined, it wasn't really important anyways. Though, Uppity was as persistent as ever to get into his head. When he'd first learned the mare had an interest in psychology, he wasn't very concerned about social engineering, but her skills in manipulation were well honed. Still, he lied and told her that he was thinking about how his family was doing.

This was a very big mistake.

The orange pegasus proceeded to unleash one of the largest tangents he'd ever heard in his life. It was so fast that he couldn't even make out what she was saying half the time. Something about a grandmother who'd vistited the Crystal Empire, picnic on a boat, Prison therapy, family dog care, niece stuck a carrot up her nose, and it just kept coming and coming.

'Sweet Tapio's beard in Heaven; she likes to talk.'

Changing your tune already?

"Nope, you're actually listening to her this time. Well, trying to, I'm just pointing out the obvious.'

You? Pointing out the obvious? I'll alert the media.

"-So what's your family like?"

Sin bit his lip, he hadn't really thought his decision through. Talking about his family wasn't really much of a topic changer from talking about how they had killed his friends.

"Dad's a dick, brother's an asshole, mom's gone, grandpa's a hard worker and Grandma's a mother hen." Quick, precise and to the point.

Uppity, however didn't appreciate such vulgar language, especially in reference to one's own family, though the Federalist dismissed it. It wasn't often he spoke so casually, and he'd be damned if he's censor himself due to someone else's feelings.

Shaking her head, the orange mare gave a rueful smile and proceeded to continue her coaxing; only to be interupted by a rather annoyed looking unicorn stallion as he pushed a food cart into the room. "Lunch time, Sir." He dead panned.

"Thank you." Sin replied in the same tone. The servant removed the lid and in his typical boring tone, explained the meal of bland carrots, peas, milk, and potatos before taking his leave.

"I like him." Sin declared with a smile, he carefully leaned down to take a bit of the potato before it was engulfed in a light orange aura and lifted to his mouth for him.

He looked up to find Uppity smiling slyly.

"Can I have that back? It's pretty much the only thing that has any flavor in this place."

"Open up and saw ahh." Uppity declared.

'Sh- She's joking, right?'

Let me ask.

"You're joking, right?"

"Nope!" She chirped.

I don't think she's joking.

"I'm injured, not crippled."

"I know, it's just fun to tease you." The unicorn teased with a smile that made Sin want to kick a puppy.

"Anybody ever tell you that you're sick in the head?" The oaken federalist snarked. Her momentary indignation was all he needed to grab the potato from her magical gasp and begin to feast. He smirked at a comment she made about dirty tricks and savored the spud with a sweet taste of victory.

'This is victory to you now, huh? Sweet Miliki how you've fallen.'

Do you just enjoy criticizing me? Seriously that's all you ever do.

'I'm your inner critic, it's kinda my job.'

Though, the victory was short lived as his life back in the Federation was called into account. Deciding to indulge her for once, the mare beamed with joy as he told her about his time in the Senate. He'd never written a bill in his short political career, but he's shot dozens down. He told her about the different nations and his knowledge of them.

The Centaur were where her interest lie most, since they were unheard of in Equestria. Indeed, the half pony, half humanoids were very reclusive and didn't take much to the other races, save when it was in their interest to do so. The Running of the Centaur proved to both awe and horrify her, much to Sin's delight.

It was strange how comfortable and casual he'd become with her over the past few days. He couldn't remember a time where his coldness was taken more as a challenge to tease and play than hostility. Typically he'd take such a condescending attitude as disrespectful, but with her it was different some how, and here he was telling her things he hadn't even told Macintosh or Spike.

He'd just gotten to the second running when the two were interrupted by Celestia.

"Oh my, I hope I'm not interrupting anything personal."

"Of course not your majesty." Uppity said a little too quickly and bowed. "We were just, er-"

Celestia chuckled and told her student not to fret, she may have been royalty but she had just as much a desire to tease and have fun as everypony else. "Now then, I've come to ask Sinbad a few question." She said, her demeanor turning more serious.

"Oh joy. Fine, what do you want?"

"What do you think? To know why you threatened my subject." She said venomously, sending a small chill up the stallion's spine. Sin replied that he'd already told her and that his story wouldn't change. Protecting a friend was his priority and that's why he did it.

It wasn't a smart decision, but it was one that made him feel a little more alive inside.

The Alicorn looked Sin in the eye, past his goggles. Staring into his soul for what felt like hours as the crushing weight of the godesses judgement assaulted the stallion's resolve. He knew what she wanted, but he wasn't going to apologize to her. He'd apologized to Shining for what he had to do, but that was it.

Celestia could go fuck herself as far as he cared.

Her gaze shifted to Uppity who immediatly averted her gaze. A word from her teacher called the young unicorn's attention and was asked of her opinion on the matter.

"Well, I think he's really harmless." Uppity declaired, her snobby and uppity personality returning. For some reason, those words really crawled under the stallion's skin. True he may not hurt her, but he was far from harmless.

'Feeling inadequate?'

Feeling like a walrus?

'That gag's getting kinda old.'

So are you, but you're still around.

"I see, and what do you think we should do with him? We certainly can't have him going around pointing dangerous weapons at innocent ponies."

Were they really talking about him like he wasn't there?

"Where is Shade?" Sin asked suddenly. "I've heard nothing about him for the past three days."

Celestia's ears perked and a thoughtful look adorned her face. "Shade has been taken to Ponyville with Discord at the request of Twilight Sparkle and my sister for his own rehabilitation. After an... incident involving your friend, it was decided best to keep the two together."

Sin's eyes widened and he gulped before asking as to the nature of this 'incident'.

However, the solar princess didn't answer and instead changed the topic back to his plea deal. But the look of pure neutrality on her face told him all he needed to know.

Three days into the investigation, three days Malich had been stuck in the Unitas Triple M. Head Quarters. Three days he'd been forced to be away from Project New Wave with only titilizing and exciting memos to keep him up to date.

Half of them he couldn't even read because he couldn't risk the questions of the two dunces infront of him! It was maddening, the vice-president wasn't sure how much longer he was going to be able to last. Shit, he almost found dealing with Lady and Lord Fatchitaz more preferable than this.

Happily, though, his western fleet had intercepted a rather large raft of Zeborican refugees, and after a little well timed moves, passed the K-9 Securities and transported the new subjects to the lab for testing. He'd given very clear and hidden instruction to Elsa that half of the infected Zebras were to be separated from the rest and allowed supreme nourishment to help the parasite to flourish and grow.

She was also instructed to keep the pet project and absolute secret from Psy and any other Staff aside from a select few he'd mentioned. Mainly, Dr. Voltare. Voltare had originally suggested to Malich, in a report, that the best way to garner a Queen was to constantly allow the parasites to grow. Mainly in the hopes of producing a Queen instead of a drone.

Sadly, Psy caught wind of the report and threatened to abandon the facility should such an experiment take place.

Morals and Ethics always held back progress.

"Mr. Malich." Called his assistant, poking his head into the room. "I'm afraid you've got a visitor, sir."

YES! Finally, an out!

"Thank you, Radclif, if you will excuse me." He said before departing the office, leaving the Federal Investigators to their research. He didn't have anything planned for today, he'd cleared his entire schedual so he could keep an eye on the pair, but for the god's sake was it tedious and boring.

"She's waiting in the conference room, sir." A brisk trot down the hall and the ashen earth pony opened the door.

"Good afternoon, how may I- oh shit." His stomach clenched in disgust and his mouth and nose crinkled in an involuntary grimace as he made a silent deal with himself to be more careful what he wished for in the future.

There before him in all her blubbery and ignorant wonder was the bane of his existance. Lady Fatchitaz, smiling with an unearned sense of arrogance that made Malich's teeth grind to the nub.

"Malich! So good to see you!" The Lady declared, moving to, what was either a hug or to grab and eat him. He wasn't sure and didn't want to find out.

"Quite." He replied, stepping away from her advance, though to his shock and horror, she still walked after him. Every step he took back, she took forward.

"Where are you going, dearest? Why wont you give your fiancee a hug?"


"I have no idea what you're talking about, please stop walking after me." He turned to go around the table.

"Still playing coy I see. Momma does love a challenge."

The ashen pony had clamp his mouth shut to stop from throwing up. Her... as a mother... her... committing the act to become a...

Oh Tapio, I'm gonna be sick.

The chase lasted for all of two minutes before the good Unicorn finally gave up, and by gave up, Malich meant that her labored breathing and sweat soaked coat indicated she'd gotten her bi-yearly exercise in that she was in desperate need of. Still better to be subject to a chase than to actually have the blubbering tub of fat touch him.

Finally catching her breath, the Lady gave her associate a look. "You know, playing hard to get is only fun for so long, dearest."

"I'm not playing, I want nothing to do with you."

Fatchitaz laughed him off as she always did, it was like she was completely incapable of accepting criticism or negative responses. The fat must have kept her insulated from anything other than kind words. A kind of biological defense mechanism, as it were. To his shock and horror, she'd revealed that her reason to visit was that she'd picked out their wedding date and place.

Malich's mind went completely blank, it was impossible. There was no way she could be that stupid. He didn't give her an answer when she proposed at the Palace and dismissed her at every freaking turn! How did she go from that to thinking he accepted her marriage proposal? It was like having a stalker, a stalker who you couldn't be rid of because her rich daddy would launch a financial war that wouldn't end until both companies were in the ground.

And that just wasn't part of the plan.

"I was so beside myself when father told me of your acceptance of my proposal!" She beamed.

Motherfucker. That low down, sick, twisted, manipulative, donkey ridding mother fucker. Lord Fatchitaz set him up, literally with his own daughter.

There was only one option, and Malich knew that he'd never be forgiven for it, but this thing and him were not going to work out.

"My yes came with a condition, Lady Fatchitaz."

Cocking her head to the side and quirking a brow, the alabaster Unicorn stated that her father had never mentioned any terms, but if it meant that Malich would finally come to his senses, than she would accept.

"My brother, Sinbad, currently resides in Equestria. With the new Federal Inquiry, I'm afraid that I'll be unable to find him myself, so if you want us to marry than I shall need you to find him. It's only fitting a pony get his brother to be his best stallion, right?"

Author's Note:

Comments are always appreciated.

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