• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 7,115 Views, 1,280 Comments

Earning Freedom - Daxisle

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony, but once he's imprisoned under false charges for sexual favors, he receives a package in his cell containing means for his escape, and a letter that would change the way he saw the world forever.

  • ...

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Justice and the Beast

Justice and the Beast

Macintosh felt bad, really bad.

He'd made a declaration and an offer without first consulting the family and all of those who'd be affected. It was a momentary lapse in judgement and getting swept up in an emotional moment, at least with Anna. He had no excuse for his second outburst with telling Scoots herself. He knew it was wrong, he knew that he should have spoken to Granny and Applejack before even thinking about taking the filly into the family home.

And now he was about to face the consequences of his brash decisions.

The stallion took a breath as he stood at his bedroom door, contemplating what exactly he was going to say. Some how, he didn't think: "Hey guys, I adopted Scootaloo, k thanks, bye" was going to cut it.

'Yeeeeaaaa, that wasn't one of your brighter moments.'

My heart was in the right place, though.

'You've been hanging around Annabelle too much. Honestly, though, I think you're only real problem will be AJ. Granny's pretty much chomping at the bit for the foal you have on the way, I don't think she'd be opposed to you having another... So long as you get married... like, now!'

Mac shuddered and clenched his hind legs over his most sensitive of areas, the bone chilling sounds of screeching eating utensils on ceramic echoing through his mind as he recalled a very disturbing memory.

It was fine, though, the wedding was only a few days away. That wouldn't happen to him, at least.

Taking a breath, Macintosh pushed his door open and made way downstairs. It was mid morning, so the only pony around would be Granny Smith. Annabelle and Applejack would be out in the fields, and Applebloom and Scootaloo in school. For this, he was glad. It would be easier to handle the two mares one on one rather than have them gang up against him.

He walked into the kitchen to find his grandmother sitting at the table with a cup of tea and half eaten sandwich. Her orange eyes trailed up to him and she allowed herself a wry smirk. "Well, been watin' on ya tah come on down." She said, polishing of the rest of her lunch in one good bite. "Somethin' y'all wanna tell me?"

Mac's brow furrowed in concern, did she know? How could she? He hadn't told her, but that knowing glint in her eye was one he knew all to well. It always meant she knew something, something that she was only going to give one opportunity for him to come clean on, and if Mac knew what was good for him, he'd be honest and upfront with it.

"Yea, it's about Scootaloo. Don't suppose y'all already know what it is?"

The elder mare's smirk dropped a little, but only just. "Filly asked me 'bout it this mornin'."

Mac cringed, of course. Of course she'd be asking questions to the other members of the family. How could he have not seen that coming?

"Chil' was wonderin' if'n ya asked us 'bout it, first." Granny took a sip of tea. "'Course, Ah told her she'd be more n' welcome ta stay here-" She cast a glance glance at Mac, ending any relief he may have felt, "- but Ah'm a might miffed ya didn' talk tah me first."

The stallion slumped and apologized. Not the neck rubbing, sheepish grin apology, but an honest and dignified one to let her know he understood the significance of his error.

"Does Applejack know?"

Granny shrugged, she honestly didn't know if Scootaloo had asked her or not, nor did she care to ask. The filly wasn't dumb, she knew the whole family would need to agree to her staying, so chances were that she had.

The two went quiet for a time, and Granny asked if Macintosh was sure about the adoption. "Ah know yer jest tryin'a do what's best fer Scoots. But Ah'm worried ya might be bittin' off more n' ya can chew."

Mac frowned.

"Y'all er gettin' married, still recoverin' from yer hootinany in Canterlo', n' ya got one foal on the way, maybe two. Annabelle, bless her lil' heart, is still a youngin' at heart, Mac. When Scootaloo tol' me 'bout the adoption, Ah thought it was her idea." She stopped to sip her tea. "Kinda surprised me when she said y'all were the one talkin' to her 'bout it."

It was just as much a surprise to him, too.

"Ya know we'll be helpin' ya out." The elder mare said polishing off her tea. "Ah ain't as young as Ah used to be, but if'n Ah can handle Bloom, Applejack, n' the shinanigans those two always get in, Ah'm sure Ah can handle two more foals."

Mac smiled sadly, it was a concern, taking care of all of these kids, he'd seen Annabelle with Applebloom and they got along well enough, a small concern was that he'd never seen her with a newborn foal before. He loved Anna, though, he'd yet to see how she'd handle a little foal, but he had hope. The stallion could remember how he'd held his younger sister at night when she cried and demanded to be fed, wailed on and on until dusk some times. He never lost his patience though, he loved his sister, and would never let harm come to her or Scootaloo or any of his family. The newborn, one or two, male or female, he'd take care of them just as much.

And even if he couldn't be there all of the time, he knew Granny could.

"Thanks Granny." Mac said.

The elder mare chuckled, becoming a bit more lively. "Don't be thankin' me yet, t'aint me ya gotta worry 'bout, chil'."

Suddenly, a loud bang echoed in the living room as the front door burst open with a loud crash.


Mac cringed and Granny pressed her lips. "Guess Anna told her the good news."

Applejack came storming into the kitchen, and she did not look happy.

Spike considered himself a patient sort, the kind of dragon ponies could come to with their problems and vent their frustration. A confidant who could with hold judgement, remain objective, and offer helpful suggestions and criticisms in a very gentle way when the occasion called for it.

However, as he sat at the table besides Social Justice, listening to the pink pegasus drone on and on about her life story, the drake's good nature and desire to help felt like it was being pushed well beyond reason.

She talked, and talked, and then talked some more. It was like her vocal cords had a never ending itch that only talking would satisfy. Talking about her life, talking about her father, talking about her mother, talking about her previous organizational participation, talking about how said organizations would continually challenge her because of their "preconceived social norms and expectations" and talk about how they were wrong for doing so.

While the talking wasn't as animated or fast paced, Spike would swear on his right claw, that the pegasus might be able to out talk Pinkie Pie. Though, where the party ponies words were somewhat endearing to her immature and playful nature, Justice's diatribe was nothing but slew pseudo-intellectual verbal diarrhea that just didn't seem to end!

Seriously! What in the black name of Tartarus was a "socially constructed dominant dichotomy entrenched in the culture zeitgeist"? What did that even mean?

Spike could take the words apart to analyze each of them individually and piece together what the mare was trying to say, but in the time it took for such an analysis to take place, Justice had already moved on to a whole new topic after expanding on the statement Spike was trying to comprehend.

"... and so then, while the protest, you remember when I was talking about the Unicorn privilege and how Earth Lives Matter? Well, the guard's unethical treatment to stallions due to the unfounded construct of males being the stronger and more durable sex, earth stallions receive an unprecedented amount of guard brutality. Like the alleged 'communists' in Canterlot and anecdotes from witness saying that the guard was much more forceful than necessary with the earth stallions than the unicorn mares and..."

'Oh sweet bucking Celestia, it's like Pinkie Pie on verbal steroids! How? How can anypony talk this long? How can they have this much to say? I can't believe we've been sitting here for three BUCKING HOURS, listening to this.'

This was your idea, remember?

'Spike, from the bottom of my heart, I am so sooo sorry.'

It's for the foals, and Fluttershy.

'You are one of the bravest souls I've ever known. You should be given an award for this.'

Seeing Justice winding down to take a breath, Spike saw an oppertunity and took it.

"Hey, umm, as interesting as all of that is, I was actually hoping to talk to you about something."

Justice gasped, her oversized glasses quirking to one side as realization hit her. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry! I've been sitting here and talking this whole time. I'm sorry, I was just caught up in the moment. Not a lot of ponies, or dragons, listen to what I have to say too much. They say that I'm really annoying when I talk. You don't think I'm annoying do you? Please don't think I'm annoying, I try not to be but..."

'No! No! Stop her! She's about to go on another tangent!'

Spike looked her in the eye and raised his claw, the mare's eyes were brought to the claw and he slowly began to lower it. The more he dropped his hand, the lower Justice's pitch became until finally the sweet blissful sound of silence was once again realized.

"Let's go for a walk? Get out of this dingy motel room for a bit." Spike proclaimed standing up. Justice beamed and stood as well. The two made way for city hall, the drake opening up with his concern about Fluttershy being his friend and her current emotional condition over the law's prohibition of her practice.

"I'm sorry, but your friend isn't licensed to care for animals." Justice said apolitically.

Spike tried to argue that the pegasus had been Ponyville's resident zoologist and veterinarian for years. The town didn't even have a licensed veterinarian because of her and her skills in animal care taking. It was her passion, and wasn't that more important than some college degree?

Justice held firm in her position on the law. The law was meant to protect both ponies and nature. She admitted that his kind words for the timid pegasus were endearing and considerable, but if equality was to be maintained, exceptions of such like weren't permitted.

Spike stopped walking and slumped, looking absolutely miserable.

"Spike?" Justice asked.

No response.


The drake sighed and sniffled.

Justice gasped and began apologizing, though her words were ignored. Spike's form began to tremble with emotion, and he looked at the mare with a sole wide and misting eye.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please don't cry! I didn't mean to make you cry, I'm so sorry, please, please, please don't cry!" The pink mare cried, trotting in place frantically and neurotically looking around. She didn't realize it, but her actions were what was calling attention to the two, not Spike's acting.

His subtle performance was having the desired effect, though that didn't guarantee success. Spike would need to experiment with Justice's emotions a little, being too forward too soon would probably make her suspicious and realize his disingenuous behavior.

He shuddered and rubbed his eye with a fist. "I'm okay." He sniffled. "I'm sorry, it's just that Fluttershy's so upset about it. You know? She's one of my best friends..."

The drake's voice was warm and empathetic, but his mind was cold and calculating. He explained his relationship with Fluttershy, throwing in a few of the times he'd gone to her when he himself was feeling under the weather. He exaggerated a few of his dragon specific illnesses and draco unique biology that Fluttershy had helped him with. Like scale molting and a sickness pertaining to his fire breath. Doing his best to play his friend's abilities up and make Justice feel as small as possible for her rejection.

"But, you're right. The law is the law, I guess." He began dragging his feet to city hall, his down trodden face curling into a smirk as he noticed the distinct lack of hoofsteps behind him.

It was a cruel and calculating move on his part, manipulating the mare's emotions like he was. Spike took no pleasure in what he was doing, feeling equal parts shame and guilt over his dishonesty in intent, but he'd played witness to how Justice could twist words and concepts. She was almost as good at the word game as Sin was, maybe even better, though her logic was eschew by comparison.

No, no. If he was going to get what he wanted from her and benefit the town for it, the results he wanted would need to first come through emotional logic and manipulation. It was a sick and sad thing, but if he was going to get Fluttershy her ability to care for animals back, he'd need to do what needed to be done; even if the drake didn't like it.

Sitting stone faced, Macintosh watched his sister pace back and forth in the kitchen.

He'd messed up, again. She had every right to be upset with him, he knew that and already apologized. He'd promised her that he'd consult her and the family prior to making any big decisions like Annabelle had made with Scootaloo.

"Ya promised ya'd... gah!" Applejack declared, too flustered to even finish her one hundredth reminder.

This wasn't one of the silly family misunderstandings or a small squabble that would end with everypony kissing and making up at the end of the day. Applejack was genuinely upset and angry, honesty mattered a great deal to her, and Macintosh had broken his word to her not a month after making it.

He'd lied directly to her face in a promise that meant alot to her and to the stability to the family. She didn't dislike Scootaloo or Annabelle, the warmth she'd displayed to both and the budding friendship between his sister and fiance was evidence enough of that.

What the cowpony was angry about was because of him and what he had done. And as much as he stood by the decision he'd made, Macintosh knew that a few seconds of forethought and consideration would have avoided the entire situation.

"Ya looked me in the eye Macintosh, ya looked me in the eye n' promised me ya wouldn't make these kinds o' decisions without tellin' us first. How could ya do that tah me, to the family?"

"Applejack, please-" Annabelle began, only to be cut off by a glare from the irate mare.

"Ah'd be quiet if Ah were you, bad enough y'all made a decision fer the family like ya did, noa ya gone n' made mah brother just as rash and inconsiderate."

"This ain't her fault, AJ!" Macintosh said. "Ah was the one who told Scootaloo Ah wanted to adopt her. Annabelle had nothin' ta do with it."

AJ regarded Macintosh for a tense few moments, searching his face and soul for something. As guilty as the red stallion felt, he wasn't about to stand by and let Annabelle take the fall for what he'd done.

"Fine, Annabelle, Ah'm sorreh fer snappin' at ya like that, but Ah ask that y'all kindly keep yer opinions tah yerself nao." She resumed her pacing. The orange earth mare had been walking around in circles for the past hour, Mac was a little impressed she hadn't grown dizzy from the constant turning.

Finally, the mare stopped and took a breath. "Ah can't be here righ' now. Ah'm headin' to town fer the night."

Mac frowned but didn't speak. Few knew just how short tempered the mare really was, as well as the consequences of provoking her ire past mild challenge, especially when she'd been betrayed.

As Applejack made way for the door, Mac shook his head and began berating himself over his mistakes. Yea, he could have gone the indignant rout and pointed to the fact that Scootaloo would have likely just ended up living with them regardless of if he had asked permission or not, but that wouldn't be addressing the heart of the issue. His character and commitment to being truthful.

A stallion being of their word and following through showed good character. It showed trustworthiness and principal, things Mac wanted to think he had and a value his family had tried to instill in all of its own. A family without values and principals was doomed to crumble and fail, he remembered his mother and father telling both he and his sister this when they were young, and both of the foals took the lesson to heart.

'But you did it for the right reason!'

It's not about what I did do, it's about what I didn't do. There's no justifying me breaking my word and making the promises I did. I hurt Applejack and shaken her trust in me.

'Yea, but she-'

Don't try to shift blame off of me, I messed up here, I messed up and Applejack has done nothing wrong. I deserve for her to be angry because it was my actions that made her mad.

Macintosh slumped and Annabelle nuzzled him for comfort. She didn't speak, what could she say? As long as Anna had been on the farm, she didn't know how Applejack was when she was angry. "Will she be alright."

"Eh, she'll be fine." Granny shrugged. "Applejack's always been a might less fergivin' 'bout broken promises, specially when they're given while lookin' her in the eye."

Mac cringed, it was painful enough to hear his sister say it herself, to have Granny remind him was just salt in the wound.

A few knocks echoed from the front door and the three ponies looked between eachother for a second to see if anypony was expecting. Annabelle made way from the kitchen to answer.

"Ah messed up, Granny."


Suddenly a loud piercing squeal was heard throughout the house, sending Macintosh running and calling for his fiancee.

His panic swiftly turned to relief as he saw Annabelle jumping up and down for joy. Her once somber face now alive with glee. Outside the door stood a mature, though still young mare with a resemblance.

"It's so good to see you, mom!" Annabelle proclaimed, taking the mare into a hug.

And just as quickly as the panic had left Macintosh, it came back full force once again. Annabelle never spoke about her mother, ever. Well, okay that wasn't fair, she'd said a few things about her, but... not much worth noting. Just about how she'd left her husband for unknown reasons and lived in Manehattan.

The mare was nothing like Macintosh would have imagined her to be...

Which was more than a little odd, considering he'd only ever given the thought consideration once or twice.

Annabelle's mother was an off white pegasus, with a loose red mane that reached down to her shoulders. While mature, she was still quite youthful in appearance, attractive in a way that Mac couldn't really describe. Though, what made her stand out was the freaking armor she was wearing. It wasn't all out battle wear like the royal guards had, but a silver shoulder plate on her right side that looked to be charred by fire of some kind and more than a few belts holding up various other bits of blackened metal. On one belt, she had a coiled up whip hanging on her side.

"It's soo good to see you Anni!" Her mother said, squeezing her daughter tightly.

"How's working at the zoo?" Anna asked stepping back and taking the pegasus in, her smile dropped a little. "Looks like Brute gave you a few fresh burn marks."

The mare chuckled. "Yea, well you know how he is, never listens to anypony but you." Her attention was turned to Macintosh still stuck in stunned silence from what he was looking at and what he'd just heard.

"Oh my goodness, is that the Big Macintosh I've been hearing so much about?"

'Hearing so much about?'

Anna nodded and lead the mare inside. "Mom, this is my fiancee, Big Macintosh Apple and his grandmother, Granny Smith. Macintosh, this is my mother. Beast Tamer."

Author's Note:

I'll never understand why you people read this story.

The plot's all over the place, convoluted as all hell, the political plot points are abandoned in the first fifth of the story, typos everywhere, the female OC's have little to no personality (working on fixing that), I'm setting up yet ANOTHER arc right after saying the story was "winding down", the writing is inconsistent as hell in both format and grammar with the rough draft going directly to publish because I'm impatient, and I've pretty much forgone most all libertarian messages after Sin was stuck in Ponyville (Bringing it back for Social Justice).

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