• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 7,084 Views, 1,280 Comments

Earning Freedom - Daxisle

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony, but once he's imprisoned under false charges for sexual favors, he receives a package in his cell containing means for his escape, and a letter that would change the way he saw the world forever.

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Undesirable Assistance

Undesirable Assistance

Sin awoke before the break of dawn as he always did. As much as he'd like to drift back into blissful slumber, he never liked it when there was anyone awake before him. The thought of others creeping about while he lay unconscious wasn't exactly comforting to say the least.

The stallion lifted his head from the rug on which he slept and yawned. Beds were always unnerving to sleep on for him, the vibrations on the ground were almost impossible to feel from the elevated and overly cushioned surface. If someone walked up to him with ill intent, he'd have his throat slit and be none the wiser until it was too late.

Quietly, the stallion exited the well decorated guest room he was offered quarters in and ventured out into the main hall of the palace. White and black stallions stood in golden or lavender armor at consistent intervals through out his trek.

He was used to being watched by security agents back in his own country, but the Equestrian peace keepers always kept him on edge. The dead pan look of seriousness they bore made their eyes look dead and empty. Why was there exclusively stallions guarding the halls anyway? The number of ponies in Equestria, from what he'd seen, were heavily tipped in the female ponies favor, yet they use the sex that are few in number to do the more dangerous job? That didn't seem very intelligent, but very little happened here. And what did was usually the cause of the government itself.

Again, from what he'd seen.

As the former senator approached the dinning area, he was surprised to actually hear voices conversing and light emitting from the doorway. One of the two voices he recognized as Big Macintosh. 'Why would he be up so early?' Sin asked himself as he wandered into the eatery.

As expected, there sat his read coated friend with white unicorn pony with a electric blue mane. The cutie mark the unicorn had seemed familiar some how, but Sin couldn't place where he'd seen it before.

"Yea man, I getcha." The unfamiliar chuckled. "Cadence has been hounding me to have a foal too, and we've only been married for a year." He took a swig of his drink, "I love her, I really do, but I'm just not ready to be a dad yet."

Mac scoffed. "'Leas' she's doin' it cause she loves ya. Luna jess wants me so she c'n get pregnant."

Sin had heard enough, this was already a conversation he didn't understand and probably never would. Have sex with one of your subjects for the sake of pregnancy? What was this? An ant colony? As the pony made ventured into the light, the unfamiliar of the two tensed a bit.

"Who are you?" He asked wit hard eyes. Sin stated his name and former occupation, but was cut off from telling his reason for being here. Apparently the local already knew about him and introduced himself as "Shining Armor" the captain of the royal guard.

Yet again, Sin just couldn't help but question what was going through Equestrian ponies minds when they named their children.

Still, the captain's eyes didn't lighten. "So, you're the Anarchist."

"I prefer the term: Voluntaryist." Sin gave his famous empty smirk. He always wanted to appear polite when meeting new citizens.

"Right." Shining said before yawning. "So what are you doing up this late?"

"I always get up before day break."


Sin looked out the window to the dark sky, the faintest hints of dawn beginning to brighten the blackness above with a faint gray hue. Once Shining observed the oncoming sun, his demeanor changed from solid to fearful.

He stood from the massive table and let out a yelp about how angry his wife would be if she knew he stayed up this late, and bid the two good morning.

"We'll talk later Macintosh." Shining gave a small smile, though it dropped as soon as he turned forward. "Pleasure to meet you, Anarchist."

"Likewise, Captain." Sin stood aside and watched as the unicorn made way down the hall.

Once alone, the liberty pony took a seat with his associate and inquired what had kept him up so late. Mac explained what had been said during the conversation he'd walked in and out of.

"What brought that up?"

"Not really sure."

If what he perceived to be true was correct, Equestrians were just as devoted parents as those in the Federation. Why would one of the matriarch suddenly want to bare foals with just anyone that could fertilize them?

"Ah don' know." Mac sighed. "Mares are confusin'."

"And that, my friend, is why I've never been in a relationship." Sin proclaimed, a smug grin claiming his muzzle

"Nevah?" Mac tilted his head.

The federalist shook his head. "From what I've observed, mares are more emotionally driven than logical. Controlling and manipulative beings hell bent on being right all the time."

"Tha' seems kinda sexist."

"Hey, is it misogynistic if it's true?"


"That's what I thought."

Mac chuckled and shook his head. "Didn' know you were a mare hater, Sin."

"That's a little harsh." The aforementioned protested. "I consider myself more of a realist." The look on Mac's face pushed him to continue. "Alright, take him for example." He pointed to the door way Shining Armor exited. "He's a grown stallion, yet when he realized he did something that his lover didn't approve of, he tucks tail like a scared little colt and rushes back to her side."

"Seems ta me she'd be a bit upset over him staying up late." Mac shrugged.

Sin smirked and pressed how scared the pony looked. It wasn't just a "oops, better get to bed" kind of expression, but more of a "oh man, better get back before I get an ass chewing". While Macintosh tried to argue in favor of the captain's actions, the former senator just wouldn't budge on how whipped one had to be to act in such a way.

Eventually, Mac had to concede the point. Admitting that he rather envied the fact that somepony cared so much about Shining to be willing to scold him over not getting proper rest.

"Reminds me of my Grandfather in a way." Sin smirked

"Yer grandpa?" Mac asked quirking a brow.

"Oh yea," the Federalist smiled genuinely yet sadly. "My grandmother would always chastise him for working as much as he did. Every day he worked before sun raise to long after it set, in the cotton fields when he was young. If there was anyone deserving of a good mare, it was him. Ol' boy worked his ass off ever since he was-" He stopped, just realizing how irrelevant the ramble was to the current conversation.

"Since he was what?" Macintosh asked.

"Bah, nevermind." Sin dismissed with a shake of his head, he needed to get back on topic. "At any rate, that kind of relationship in general is just disturbing."

"Okay, now Ah'm lost. Didn' ya jus' compliment yer grandma fer it?"

Wow, was he really just caught in a hypocritical moment? Must still be half asleep. "Well, consider it," Sin offered, just trying to get back on topic. "A mare who berates you when you act inappropriately, takes care of you when your sick, and cleans up after you when you forget. What does that sound like to you?"

Mac furrowed his brow, he obviously had an answer but kept it reserved.

"A mother, perhaps?"

"Alrigh'? And?"

Sin just shrugged, it was strange the idea was to want to marry some one who'd act like a parent. Mac argued against him, claiming that he didn't see anything wrong with two lovers acting as parents when need be. Besides, it wasn't as bad as the brown stallion lead it on to be.

The stereo type, Sin countered, was just that. It was something he noticed but could never really understand. The male would mess up and the female would scold him for it. He never saw the reverse of this, and when he did, the male was seen as the bad guy talking down to his mare. While said mare, in turn, simply knew best and should be obeyed for her grand knowledge. By the look on Mac's face, he didn't seem entirely convinced.

"Alright, from all the places we've gone, tell me how many time's you've seen a mare roll her eyes at a stallion and berate him for some reason or another." The apple farmers lips pressed and his eyes shifted innocently. "Exactly."

"Well, t'was always in good fun when Ah saw i'."

Sin scoffed chuckled. "Hold on, let me get this straight. You think one treating their husband/coltfriend as a child, scolding them as such and looking after them as a mother would is all in good fun?"

"Mares 'r nurturin." Macintosh stated simply.



"Am I really the only one who finds this kind of behavior just the smallest bit offensive and condescending?"

Mac grinned. "Eeyup."

"... You freaking suck."

Bursting into laughter, Mac didn't hear the statement about him also being found in a hypocritical manner. Though that may have been Sin's fault, since he too was expressing mirth. It wasn't often he shared a laugh like this.

"By my sun, is that what I think it is." The two's laughter died down upon seeing a very shocked Celestia standing in the door way, flanked by two barley awake golden clad unicorns. "Sin, laughing? I believe Tartarus might have frozen over."

The mentioned downgraded his smile to a curve of the lip, still maintaining a somewhat friendly appeal. "It happens." She's up already? How long had the two been talking?

"Well, it certainly is a nice change." The sun goddess commented before taking a seat at her place and requesting one of the guards to make a spot of tea. "But I'm afraid I'm not here for pleasantries, I was hoping you could do me a favor."

Against his better judgement, the stallion inquired as to what was being asked of him.

"You remember Uppity, yes? I was hoping you wouldn't mind allowing her to accompany you to the occupation this morning." Sin's eyebrow shot up, causing the the mare to offer an apologetic smile. "It's not that I don't believe you can't handle the assignment, but i'd rather her be there for insurance purposes."

"I assume this is an order?"

"That would be correct."

Sin inwardly groaned, he hated it when superiors dressed up orders as requests. Always have to give the worker that small bit of hope to refuse just to rip it away. "Then I have no choice."

Sin trotted down the bustling streets of Canterlot, Uppity following close behind. He felt his stomach drop a centimeter with every step he took. This didn't feel right, he didn't feel right. Not a conflict of morals, but, just trying to end this occupation. He'd never done anything like this before. And the fact he had to watch out for an unwelcome accomplice didn't help either.

"Nervous?" Uppity teased walking beside him now.

"Here's the plan." Sin replied, uncaring to her sass. "I'll handle the talking and you make sure none of them attack me from a blind spot."

The orange mare grimaced in confusion. "Stand back? I don't think so."

"This isn't negotiable."

"You'll have to pardon me if I disagree." The young prosecutor huffed playfully.

Sin gave her a look and shook his head before belly aching on how he wasn't responsible if things went south because of her.

"This seems simple enough." Uppity smirked arrogantly. "I'm sure I could accomplish this on my own if need be."

"Is that a fact?"


The temptation was hard to resist, if he let her go shooting off her mouth, chances are her rudeness wouldn't leave a bridge building impact. Yea, she'd be humiliated when the protesters didn't listen to her, but they might not be willing to listen to him either if she ruffled them enough.

"All the same, I'd rather handle it."

"Don't trust me?" She smirked again.

"Not with two bills to buy a stick of gum."

Uppity scoffed in disbelief but didn't reply. Another round goes to Sin.

A short while after, the two made it to the bank just in time for the general assembly. The situation couldn't have been more perfect. A griffin and younger mare were arguing about what exactly they were doing here and if the occupation was making a difference.

'Finally, a bone thrown my way.'

The two joined the crowd, neither saying a word but listening intently.

"All I'm saying is we've been here for a week, and I haven't seen a single pony shut down their account with the bank." The griffin roared.

"These kind of things take time, Siegfried." The yellow mare cooed.

"Yea, I know that." Siegfried smiled passive-aggressively. "But I'm tired of being looked down on, or being called a hobo who needs to get a job. Hay, I work fifty-five hours a week for Celestia's sake."

"And we're all very appreciative that you take time to come down here." The unicorn said soothingly. "But you have to understand that this is a necessary step in order to bring down Celestial."

"There's another thing, Celestial. If we're going after them, why aren't we occupying them? Huh?" A large number of the occupiers nodded their head with small murmurs of agreement.

Oh Bluecloak, the whole situation couldn't have been better if Federalist had written it himself!

The unicorn mare just sighed in defeat and turned back to the crowed. Her eyes lit up when they found Sin. "Hey! Your back." She smiled. "Come to join the occupation?"

With a polite shake of his head, Sin recalled their previous conversations before retrieving a few posters, fliers and news papers from his saddle bag. The mare took them and observed the text that had been circled. All showing that Celestial admitted to having no connection to princess or the government in general. While she tried to argue that the text was hidden away in the fliers, the stallion down played the area of the disclaimer and pressed the fact that the information was still present.

"From what I understand, the reason for this whole protest is over Celestial's misleading name." He made his tone as understanding and compassionate as possible. "But the information is there for all of you to see. as well as pony's who wish to donate to them."

With a scowl, the socialist griffin stepped forward to defend his comrades. The interruption was actually quite welcome, this was becoming a little too easy.

"The name has a significant impact on ponies psyche's, Filthy Rich knew that when naming the charity. Who wouldn't trust the name of the princess after all?"

"Indeed." Sin nodded, "however the fact remains that they did put a disclaimer that clearly disassociated themselves from the government. As previously pointed out."

And so it began... The griffin, who went by the name Sickle, argued the moral irresponsibility of the enterprise to use such an underhanded tactic to play to the citizens emotions. He was met with the fact that Celestial had no such responsibility to begin with. That was just a matter of opinion, not law or force.

"A matter of opinion to intentionally rob ponies of their money with misleading and fallacious patronymy ." Sickle spat. Oh yay, advanced vocabulary in order to confuse your opponent.

"It's undeniably that the name is misleading, however the truth has been given to all whom care to take a minute to research the topic." Alright, time to end it. "More over, your attempts at gaining public support are questionable at best. You claim to be after Celestial, yet you've gathered here at a bank."

"We have set up this occupation in order to give awareness to the general public about it's support of such a crooked organization." The griffin explained after he rolled his eyes. "If you were paying attention, you would know that."

Ad hominims. already? Wow, that's a bit disappointing. "Fair enough, but what exactly are you protesting?" The pony held up the fliers. "The group you seek to dismantle has already made it clear that they are private, what more do you wish them to do?"

He took a minute to observe the crowd, a few fliers were making their way around them, each one making the protesters look a little more guilty at their lack of research.

"The system is designed to protect companies rights to name themselves what they wish. So long as they give detail to the fact they are not part of the government, I don't see why you take issue."

"Because the system is broken and bias in the capitalist pig dog's favor."

Sin's breath caught in his throat. Did he just say that? Did he know Mallet? Sickle also noticed the stallion's reaction than began observing him.

An unnatural silence took hold as Sickle inspected the Federalist. No words, just inspection. Sin's discomfort grew as he felt those beedy eyes wonder him; taking in his face, and more importantly his goggles. "The pony with goggles and a brown cape." He whispered thoughtfully. "You debated Mallet not so long ago, didn't you."

Oh son of a bitch.

And his image fell apart like a tissue in the ocean. Loudly, Sickle accused Sin of being the reason for the green pony's demise. "You killed him! He's dead because of you!" A few members of the crowd behind him gasped.

While the accusation had absolutely nothing to do with the the argument at hoof, it was probably the best move the griffin could have made. A move that took Sin completely by surprise. Flustered, the stallion began to try to get back on topic, but Sickle twisted Mallet's suicide into the conversation. Defaming Sin and turning him into the poster foal for the elitists.

"Of course you'd defend Celestial and the bank! How much did they pay you huh? Were those fliers recently printed by them to try and make us think you genuine?"

This wasn't good.

"That would be illegal." A female voice proclaimed. Uppity, who the federalist had completely forgotten about, stepped forward. "These documents were taken directly from the Canterlot Archives. To insinuate them disingenuous is to accuse the princess herself of falsity."

"Really." Sickle asked eyeing his new opponent. "And who might you be? Another lap dog of Celestial?"

The mare frowned and stood so her face was only inches from his. "I am Uppity von Council, Princess Celestia's personal prosecutor and deputy District Attorney to the Celestial Criminal Justice system." Sickle seemed surprised at the revaluation, egging the mare to smirk. "And I do work for the government."

"I am not sure about Sin's part in what happened to your associate, however, what he says is the truth. And I couldn't help but notice your obsession with the bank, Mr. Sickle. You've been standing out here months before the occupation. Might you be using these ponies and griffins to farther your own agenda?"

Sickle gasped at the accusation. "I have no such-"

"Oh, but I believe you do." Uppity cut him off. "As long as you've been under the careful watch of the crown, never once have you ever shown interest in Celestial." She looked to the crowd. "Who of you thought it was a good idea to occupy the bank?"

Silence. Uppity returned her attention to the taken aback Sickle, she was in control, and she knew it. "I suppose it was your idea then? Playing on the emotions of protesters to twist their minds into thinking they'd be helping their cause by following yours?"

The griffin's face went from shocked to angry, but Uppity didn't give him a chance to speak. Her address was not with him anyway. "Listen, Celestial did use it's name to in an underhoffed way. But protesting a bank is not going to get them to change it." The crowd let out a collective sigh of acknowledgement. "But," She smirked innocently "If you really wanna stick it too them, just put up fliers and explain to ponies what Celestial is. And put a little emphasis on why they chose that name specifically." She finished with a wink.

Her words elected slow nods that evolved into words of agreement.

"Man, do I feel stupid."

"What were we even doing here?"

The small crowed began to disperse, despite Sickle's pleas for them to stay. Once the protesters were gone, the griffin turned his angry gaze back to prosecutor. "You've ruined everything." He pointed a threatening claw. "I'll remember this."

Uppity just rolled her eyes and walked away. "That's nice. I think we're done here Sin."

Sin, who'd sat in silence took a moment before turning to follow the lawyer.

After a moment of silent gloating, the mare spoke up. "I think that went rather well."

Sin didn't think so, he didn't think so at all. How could that have happened? How could he have not seen that coming?! Stupid fucking idiot! The stone road was just begging for him to slam his head against it.


With a reluctant sigh, the stallion congratulated her on her victory. Proclaiming how proud Celestia would be to avoid being seen as a sore loser. Though, he wanted to be alone. He was angry at himself for needing help because of such carelessness. "Please inform Macintosh and Star Shade that I've returned to Ponyville."

Uppity watched in confusion as the stallion did an about face and made way for the Canterlot train station.

Shade lay in the shadow of Discord, silently thinking about butterflies why the insects existed. What was their purpose besides being wondering works of failed artistry? They didn't live that long, and there were millions upon billions of them on the earth. Why?

"Excuse me." A voice called. His yellow eyes looked up to find a light orange mare looking down at him. "Are you Star Shade?"

"Does a bear eat catfish to complete it's pizza box hut?"


"Riiiiight. Sin told me to inform you that he was heading back to Ponyville."

Shade gave her a patronizing look. "Yea, and he wouldn't come and tell us himself? Sure." He waved a dismissive hoof.

"I'm just delivering the message," She she shrugged apathetically before walking off.

Happy to be in silence again, Shade lay his head back on the ground before his eyes shot wide and he sat up with a gasp. "Wait a minute! Butterflies used to be caterpillars... Trippy." He fell back onto the ground again. His mind falling back into peaceful bliss at having discovered the reason for butterflies.

Now what did that mare say? Something about Sin leaving right? Yea.

Shade shot up again. He didn't remember that mare, and if he didn't remember her, she must not have been around very long. And if she wasn't around very long, Sin wasn't going to trust her, but he saw her leave with him earlier that morning. Why would he trust her to tell him that he was leaving unless... "Uh-oh."

The bat pegasus turned and apologized to Discord for having to leave than took off to the town below. A feeling of dread in his stomach.

Author's Note:

Yay forced conflict.

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