• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 7,115 Views, 1,280 Comments

Earning Freedom - Daxisle

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony, but once he's imprisoned under false charges for sexual favors, he receives a package in his cell containing means for his escape, and a letter that would change the way he saw the world forever.

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The Appleloosa Extortion (Pt. V)

The Appleloosa Extortion (Pt. V)

Dawn came quickly, and Scootaloo found that, for the first time in the time she'd known him, she was actually up and about before Islander.

She eyed both he and Krystal's sleeping forms for a moment, taking in the contrast between them. While the mare slept peacefully and with a serene smile, the stallion's ears continually twitched and his face contorted in a grimace of either pain or pleading. She briefly wondered if Luna was torturing him, demanding he take her back to Ponyville by ruining his sleep.

The filly hoped not, despite the fact he lied alot and refused to tell her why they were traveling to specific towns so quickly, she didn't want him to suffer like that. She'd experienced terrifying dreams, images that would haunt her for the rest of her life, she didn't want that for him.

She slowly trotted over and began tapping him on the shoulder. "Islander? Islander, wake up." She coaxed.

The stallion's breathing quickened and became erratic, his hoof moving in slow jabs. "Zell..." He whispered pitifully.

"Islander, wake up!"

The pony twitched and twisted in a violent spasm, a stray hoof striking Scootaloo in the chest and sending her scuttling backwards. Her indignity over the assault was short lived however. Her words died in her through and her lavender eyes shrunk as an indescribable sense of terror and panic overtook her, bringing every inch of her form to freeze in a sensation of ice.

The only thing worse was what she saw. Islander was awake now, panting heavily and glaring at her with eyes not his own. His typically ice cold retinas and rounded pupils were gone, replaced by a pair of teal eyes, the pupils thin slits like a dragons.

The fears she'd experienced before, the pink pony, finding out her parents had died, being chased by timberwolves, looking up into the jaws of death itself as they came down upon her. They all paled in compassion to the unbridled fear and sense of impending doom his eyes forced her to endure. It was a second, only a second before she lost all thought, but it was the single most horrifying second of the filly's young life.

"Scootaloo? Scootaloo, are you alright?" Sin asked, feeling himself starting to panic.

He didn't mean to do it, it was an accident! One second he was dreaming about Zell's death, the next he was glaring at a paralized foal. He hoped he hadn't done to her what he did to Sickle, but the look of terror on her face, it was the same look the earth pony had right before he died...

"Scootaloo, Scootaloo, talk to me, kiddo!" Sin barked in a whisper. He checked to make sure Krystal was still asleep and silently asked the filly's forgiveness.


He smacked her across the face. Not hard enough to send her to the ground, but hard enough to get her back to her senses.

"Owww." Scootaloo complained, rubbing her now stinging cheek. "What the hay, Islander!?" She shouted, rousing Krystal from her slumber in a confused daze.

Sin made a split second decision and hoped he'd made the right one. "Kiddo, you've been sitting there like that for the past thirty seconds. You were like a statue, you alright?"

Scootaloo quirked a brow at him and suddenly found that she didn't know what was going on herself. One second, apparently, she woke up and the next, she just got slapped.

"What's going on?" Krystal demanded, jumping down from the bed.

Rolling with the foal's response, Sin suggested that Scootaloo might have been sleep walking. "She was just standing there, she looked pretty out of it, so I work her up." He shrugged.

Sleep walkers had a tendency to be violent if awoken, gently poking and prodding them was a bad idea, snapping them out of their trance was always the best way to go. Considering all the emotional trauma she'd undergone, accusing Scootaloo of sleepwalking made sense to him, but Krystal would need to be put into the loop once the full explanation came to task.

Said pegasus mare, none too pleased with his methods, escorted Scootaloo to the bathroom to help clean the little filly up.

Critic, get me the Nightmare, NOW!

'Got it.'

"Good morning, Sinbad. I trust-"

What. The fuck. Was that?

The Nightmare chuckled coyly, compounding Sin's already frazzled nerves.

"Oh Sinbad, haven't you figured it out yet? Despite your little plan with that inner child of yours, I still am a growing power within your mind." She said in a casual and conversational tone of voice. "It's your own fault really. I'm not the only deamon you have in here you know. You lie so much, you have done such terrible things and are, yourself, a terrible pony. Had you been more virtuous and bound to the light, you would last longer against me. But you are a being of darkness, such as I am. It was foolish of you to willingly harbor me within yourself with the presumption you may exploit my magic to your own ends as you pleased."

Yes, I do harbor you, and if you ever do anything like that again, I'll drop my Occlumency and let Luna rape your ass with her two foot fucking horn! All I have to lose is her knowing where I am, a knowledge she already has by her lackeys tracking us anyways.

Instead of recoiling in horror at his threat, the Nightmare merely laughed again. "Oh please, Sinbad. How quickly your fearful bravado makes you forget. How many times has it been by my power that you have survived or continued on uninhibited? The airship, the Timberwolves, those foal slave runners in the Everfree, escaping those two stallions after the mine collapsed. And not even three nights ago, you were once again begging at my fetlocks, taking comfort in my power as your only means of escape. You know my words true, Sinbad. You wont hand me over to Luna, you need me now, you've had a portion of my power, and you've grown to appreciate the taste."

Her last words came in a seductive whisper, tantalizing Sin's mind in a way he had no love for. She was right, he was relying on her power too much. The Nightmare offered him an edge, a power that nobody else had... but it came at a cost and a risk.

Yet as cunning and clever as he fancied himself to be, the Trotski were equally intelligent. They'd already lured him into two traps, both of which he'd have died in if it wasn't for the Alicorn...

For living in my head, you don't seem to understand me very well.

"Oh? Care to elaborate?"

I may die without you, but I'd rather die on my hooves than live on my knees. Your assumed control over my mind is the worst form of enslavement. Perhaps I would carry on chasing Puddinghead after handing you over, or maybe, I'll tell Luna everything I know, and have her track down the Trotski for me while I kick back in prison. Macintosh is my primary concern, it wouldn't be too difficult to arrange some kind of protection for him now, not that it would be necessary anyway. Luna's guards would find and dispose of all of the heads of the Trotski before they even realized he was alive.

"Luna cannot exercise me from such a distance, she would need to-" The Nightmare stopped, too late realizing her mistake.

Good to know, so it looks like I've got one of two options then: One, I keep going, believing what you say and having you slowly but surely take over my mind, with all the nuances and inconveniences that to go with it, there by taking a risk in ending Puddinghead while holding small fragments of dwindling freedom, or two: I go back to Canterlot, turn myself in, have your happy ass sucked out of my brain like blood work and allow both Celestia and Luna handle the situation while I rot in prison.

Both limit my freedom, aye, but one does so in a conventional way while one takes it to a far worse extreme. Care to guess which one I'll do?

Sin smirked as he heard the Nightmare stutter for a response. Of course he'd rather kill Puddinghead and the rest of them himself out of revenge and vengeance for the wrongs they'd committed against him personally, but he wasn't willing to allow himself to fall prey to her will as the cost.

"And what of your precious little Scootaloo? If you turn yourself in, she-"

Will be fine. I have connections in Ponyville and a certain high government office holding orange unicorn mare who owes me one hell of a favor. It'll be up to Scootaloo what she ultimately does, but I'll see if I can have her stay with Macintosh or something. Granny Smith may be a bit of a bitch, but between Mac, Anna, Applejack and her friend, Applebloom, I think that would be the best place for her to go.

Silent contemplation, but ultimately, the Alicorn's next question would be the biggest test of his will.

"And if she runs away again?"

I'll be frank, I like the kid, I really do, but I've already risked my ass for her twice. I think I've done more than enough for her to justify quitting now. She's done nothing in return for me, and with that little bit of snark last night, I'm really half tempted to stop caring all together.

So, Nightmare, here's the deal. Unless you're ready to meet your literal maker, I suggest you start playing nice.

Silence, the silence of incomprehensible befuddlement. The Federalist took pride in his ability to shut her down.

A small clapping was heard as metal covered hooves banged together in a sign of submission. "Well played, Sinbad. Well played indeed. Though, understand this, it will only be a matter of time until I'm strong enough within your mind to control your little mind barrier, and when I am, your body will become my vessel."

Sin wasn't sure how to take that, part of him said he'd just allow the Luna to take the Nightmare after that, but another part of him urged the pony to take his crossbow and end his life.

The choice between allowing one Alicorn or the other power over his person was an inevitable one. The only way to escape one was to submit to the other...

Scootaloo and Krystal returned from the bathroom and Sin asked the filly once again if she was alright and hoped that there we no hard feelings.

"Yea, I'm fine. Next time, can you just... shove me or something? That really hurt." She complained, rubbing her cheek.

Sin chuckled. "Noted, you guys ready? I think we'll be leaving as soon as this is over."

Scootaloo nodded and donned her saddle bags and brown scarf. Krsytal was also packed up and ready to go, having refilled everyone's canteens last night.

"Seriously, do not strike her again." Krystal warned, prodding Sin's chest with her hoof. "Family isn't supposed to hurt one another, they're supposed to love and comfort. Understand?"

Sin refrained from rolling his eyes. "Yes momma Krystal."

"Ohmigosh it's so pretty!" Krystal gasped, standing in awe as she took in the apple orchard from the small hill that over looked it, Scootaloo by her side.

Sin was more interested in the pounds and pounds of baked goods being loaded onto a well sized crate, ready to be moved to the scale house and then taken over to the buffalo's encampment. He hoped things would go more smoothly this time.

"Isn't it pretty Scootaloo?" Krystal swooned.

The orange filly shrugged. "A friend of mine lives on an apple farm, you should see her orchard. This is nice, but you can't even see the end of Sweet Apple Acres.

"Think this'll be enough?" One of the loading mares asked. Braeburn chewed over the rather sizable display crate before nodding in satisfaction.

Sin agreed, he didn't know what two hundred and fifty pounds of baked goods looked like, but the rows and rows of pies and fritters sitting before him did seem to make the cut. Hell, he'd have guessed that the whole thing was overkill, but it was better to give too much than too little in this case.

Once the wagon was loaded and ready, Sin had to pry Krystal away from her beloved sight, practically dragging the mare away from the orchard. "But... but the pretty!" She complained, trying to look back.

"C'mon Krystal, we've got a job to do, remember?"

The off white pegasus mare pushed out her lip and looked at Sin with pleading amber eyes. The stallion was touched by the emotional display, but emotional manipulation was just that, emotional manipulation. "Quit being such a child, there are other pretty things to look at later."

Grunting in annoyance, Krystal stomped her hoof in a pout and reluctantly accompanied him with the wagon to the scale house. Professor Cook and his masked assistant.

"Mornin' Professor, Seedy." Breaburn greeted cheerfully.

The alabaster earth pony repaid the kindly hello and spat out another for Sin and his companions.

"Ah still can't believe y'all 'er goin' through with this." Scales declared, unlocking the door to his shop.

Braeburn gently reminded the stallion of their intents and the blue earth pony shrugged apathetically in reply, finding the battle not worth fighting any more.

Sin observed the weights he grabbed, using the display weights he'd used himself. He was sure they were the same, not that it mattered, since there was easily more food than the two hundred and fifty pounds necessary.

"That'll be enough." Cook declared happily, seeing the scale balance itself out.

Braeburn rubbed his chin, looking over the remaining two pies and ten fritters, an extra fifteen pounds of food by Sin's judgement.

"Naw, let's just take the whole thing to 'em."

"WHAT!" Scales shouted. "Braeburn, if'n ya do that, you'll be playin' right inta the buffalo's hooves!"

The yellow stallion sighed. "Ah just wanna be able to move our trains without them all tryna steal from us, Scales. If'n we gotta give 'em a little more to make sure, than dag nabbit we will."

The business owner scoffed and shook his head before walking out of the shop, too disgusted with everything to even help them reload the wagon.

Sin watched as every single pie and fritter was loaded, taking a count at the end to make sure. There was absolutely no chance of a the food stuffs not making weight. The remaining three stallions, one filly and one pegasus mare made way out of the shop, closed the door behind them and out into the badlands.

"Krystal, take to the sky, let me know if anything is coming to greet us." Sin whispered.

"Okay." She answered before flapping her wings and circling overhead, while Sin himself watched the crate like a hawk.

Professor Cook walked up with Braeburn, chit chatting about how he thought things were going to go, while Sin walked behind the wagon with Scootaloo and Angel.

"Hey, Islander." The filly called in a harsh whisper. "What happened this morning?"

Sin kept to the story, but Scootaloo's accusatory glare told him she wasn't buying it.

"I remember what happened, I wasn't sleep walking. I tried to wake you up and you did that thing where you scared me! Your eyes went all weird like a snake! What's going on!" She demanded, making Sin grimace. He was really hoping she was serious about not remembering, but apparently that was just so Krystal wouldn't ask questions. If anything, he had to give her credit for that.

"Look, it's complicated, alright? Can we talk about this later?" Sin whispered.

Scootaloo wouldn't let the topic drop, though. "Does it have something to do with that yellow pony on the train? The one you were glaring at before we got here?"


'Damn, dude. You'd better choose your words very carefully.'

"Yes and no." The Federalist spat, continually looking up at the tarp covered crate. "I'll explain everything when this is over, okay?"

Scootaloo cut infront of him, barring his path. "Just like you're going to tell Krystal everything?"

Sin smirked. "Oooh, low blow, kiddo." He lowered his head and looked her in the eye. "Or maybe I'll tell her the truth. How do you think she'll take that, a stallion traveling with a filly he doesn't know after saving her from a pack of timberwolves in the middle of the forest? If you weren't there, would you believe that story?"

"Yes!" The filly shot back. "I would, because unlike you, I don't lie to ponies!"

"HA! Yea okay." Sin laughed passing the filly by. "Whatever you say, Ms. Angel Wings."

Sin's attention returned to the crate, which looked no worse for his lack of attention. Scootaloo took a few minutes to think over his words before catching up and walking along in a tense silence. She wasn't happy, but to be fair, neither was he. And now he risked having to tell her some very disturbing truths about himself...

All of them made good time to the camp with no incident, Krystal giving them more than fair warning about the distance to them.

"Braeburn, Cook, hooded one. You came." Chief Thunderhooves grunted. Little Strongheart by his side and the entire buffalo clan at his back.

"Howdy Chief." The wagon baring pony greeted. "Got yer tithe here, made sure to add extra pies this time to make sure it made weight."

The large bison grunted, along with a few of the dozens of natives behind him. "We shall see, little pony."

Cook whispered something to Seedy, Braeburn gulped, Scootaloo stood and gawked.

Sin jumped onto the wagon to inspect the cargo one last time to find every single pie and fritter in its proper place, not a single baked good was missing by his estimate. Though he felt himself grow tense as a team of buffalo carefully removed the cart and carried it to their balance. He had a bad feeling, like something that shouldn't happen was about to. It shouldn't though, he saw the cargo loaded in, and weighed for himself. Krystal was above, and she would have spotted anyone trying to tamper with it, so not only should the scales be at least even, the added food should give favor to the tribute.

So why was he feeling so nervous?

"We are ready, load Soft and True." Thunderhooves boomed. A single bison stood on the other end of the scale to counter the supply weight while two other natives loaded up the stones.

Sin broke off from the troop to inspect the stone for authenticity. Both had the same marking as the ones who'd seen a couple of nights ago, both had the same shape, color, and looked to be the same size.

'Looks right to me.'

Yea, me too, still, keep the Nightmare on standby. Something tells me this isn't going to end well.

Sin returned and everybody watched with baited breath as the last buffalo on the scale slowly and carefully removed himself from it. Immediately, the balance began shifting, moving the stones high and the apple goods down. Just when Sin thought everything was going to be okay, a collective gasp told him otherwise.

It was inconceivable, a physical impossibility. Yet, there was no denying that it was happening. The balance, it was slowly lowering again in favor of the weights! How?! How was this happening?!

Sin felt his stomach drop as the rock weighted end of the plank gently touched the ground, solidifying itself as the beginning of the end of all things sensical.

"What's the big idea here?" Braeburn demanded. "Ah know fer a dad gun fact we have more n' enough food fer ya. What are you tryin'a pull?"

"Him?!" Little Strongheart asked in indignation. "Soft and True have never changed, the only reason they'd be heavier than the tithe is because you didn't bring enough food!"

The world around him began to liven up with the growing sounds of angry bison. Sin felt his heart rate quicken. "Krystal, get Scootaloo out of here, now!"

"What? No, I'm not leaving you!" The pegasus mare shot back.

Grunting in irritation, Sin turned away from her and back to the scale. He didn't have time for this, he needed to figure something out. How? How was that possible? He watched it, he watched it the entire way! None of the food was taken out!

'Because, Sin, the buffalo likely used different stones. What other explanation is there?'

No! No, those were the same stones, you said so yourself!

'No, I said it looks right to me, big difference. Different rocks have different masses, c'mon, you know that. And unless some of the food disappeared like magic, I don't see how the weight would be off.'

Wait a minute... magic? Magic could have... No... no it couldn't be that simple... could it?

He turned around and saw the only unicorn present looking intently at the balance, his hood inconspicuously covering his horn.

In a flash, Sin rushed past both Krystal and Scootaloo, and gently placed a hoof on Seedy's shoulder. Immediately on contact, a faint pop echoed from the pony's head and a loud crash came from behind, with the food suddenly slamming to the ground and the stones flying upwards.

The crowd was silent now, all looking at the new result. Sin, though, was far to busy eying the deformed pony, who was both nursing a feedback headache while trying to resummon his magic.

"Seedy! Are you alright?" Professor Cook asked, rushing to his side. The stallion groaned, pointing to his head and wincing.

"What in the name o' Celestia?" Braeburn called.

"The balance was being pushed down by magic!" Sin answered, releasing his touch and allowing the mental degenerate to resume his spell. He heard Cook try to stop him, but Seedy was determined and in short order, the balance once again favored the stones. Though, the sudden usage revealed something, something the day light would have concealed had it not been so abrupt. A small aura, a perfect mix of tan and yellow, was hanging on to the crate. It was just a shade darker than the wood itself, but now it was quite visible.

"You can't prove that!" Professor Cook decried, pointing an accusatory hoof. Sin reached up past his cloak and pulled out a large purple scale, informing the pony that it was that of a dragon, and as such, had anti-magical properties.

Sin once again, placed his hoof upon Seedy's shoulder, and the balance fell hard on the side of the tribute.

"The food was all there, I made sure of that. Scales' balance was right on the money and both he and Braeburn had vested interests in seeing the conflict resolved peaceably. The buffalo also had an end in peace, getting their own cut of the apple products. Their constant attacks and raids would have lead to imperial law enforcement at some point, and that was just bad news all around." Sin pointed out, looking at each of the addressed respectively.

"Cook and his assistant? Both had very little to loose in this regard, but I still can't figure out what you have to gain." He looked down at the struggling unicorn. "Seedy is mentally impaired, he doesn't understand what he does. Which means that he was told to do this by you!"

Professor Cook's eyes widened, and his mouth gaped, but he did not reply. He did not deny responsibility and as damning as the evidence was against him, he'd be a fool to try.

Suddenly, the white pony began to laugh and clopped his hooves together in applause.

"Professor?" Braeburn asked.

"Very clever, Sinbad." The white pony said, his veneer of pleasantness and his southern drawl disappearing. "The said you were good, but I didn't think you'd figure me out this quickly, for that, I have to give you credit."

"They?" Sin asked.

"Seedy! Teleport over there."

The unicorn abandoned his efforts and in a flash, both ponies were suddenly gone, reappearing ontop of the food crate. "No, you lumax, I meant over there! Gah, why didn't I point?" Cook groaned.

"Who are you!" Sin asked, running over and pulling out his crossbow. "And how do you know my name?"

Professor Cook cackled aloud. "Well, I suppose since I know yours, it's only fair you know mine." The white pony cleared his throat. "My birth name is Cook, but you may call me Smart Cookie, second in command of the Trotski's earth pony cohort."

Sin gasped, there were a pair of Trotski under his very nose?! Wait, they knew where the others were!

"I believe you saw my grandson, Puddinghead, when he was leaving town?" He asked, casually inspecting his hoof. "Boy's got not tact to him. Shame too, Commander Hurricane was the only one of 'em with any sense of vision, but the dumb broad was so convinced that we were finally high enough in numbers for our revolution. Main reason I stepped down as the Chancellor and gave it to him, if I'm being honest here, of course..." He paused, looking at Sin with a smug smile. "Word has it that you know all about her disappearance, don't you?"

"Am I correct in assuming they told you why I'm chasing after him?" Sin demanded. Smart Cookie chuckled and nodded his head.

"Oh yes, and I have to say, I really don't blame you. First they trick you into getting locked up by Celestia, after you help them escape wrongful imprisonment, threatening a pony you loved to do so. Then they try to have you killed while you're locked up, and then they kill your best friend?" The elder stallion whistled at the mouthful. "But if it helps, I don't condone what they did. Stupid horse crap like that was the reason I stepped down from the head of the earth pony cohort in the first place, ya know?"

"Spare me!" Sin spat, lining up his shot. "You Trotski are all the same as far as I'm concerned. Tell me where Puddinghead is, and I'll consider putting you down painlessly."

Cookie looked back and whispered something to Seedy, the pony replied in a grunt and the Trotski groaned. Though it was another pony that intervined in the situation.

"Islander no!" Scootaloo yelled, jumping up and pacing her forelegs onto his chest. "Don't shoot him, you can't jus-"

A surge of anger coursed through Sin, and he acted before his brain could process the fact.

"Get off!" Sin yelled, pushing the orange filly away and sending her to the ground. Krystal quickly came to her aid, shooting Sin a glare before checking to make sure the filly was alright.

"You have no idea what they've done to me." Sin glowered, his icey blue eyes exuding pure hatred and malice into the lavander orbs of pleading and hurt. Scootaloo may have been his friend, but the Federalist had no qualms about tossing her, or Krystal, aside to get his vengeance now. Not when he was so close...

Cookie cleared his throat. "To be fair, I haven't done anything to you. And I kinda just told her and everypony else here everything, so yea. And really? Did you have to push her down like that? I mean, she's just a filly, guy, jeez-"

"Shut up!" Sin shouted, realigning his bow. "And tell me where the rest of the Trotski are!"

Seedy picked himself up and groaned, making Smart Cookie smile. "Tell you what, since you've figured me out, I'll tell you where my grandson is. He told the ticket pony to tell you, a cloaked brown stallion looking for him, that he boarded a train to Manehatten, yes? But that isn't the truth. Truth is that my grandson's actually headed to a small safe house in the outskirts of Baltimare, no need to worry about time, they plan to stay there a while."

Sin's eyes widened. Baltimare? That was much closer, that was only a week and a half walk from here, and a few hour long train ride!

"Professor! What's goin' on! Why are ya doin' this?!" Braeburn asked, finally free from his stupor.

Cookie chuckled and explained that, while he had no love for how the current Trotski leadership may operate, he still despised Celestia and the diarchy that she and Luna used to rule over them even more. "They lied to us Braeburn, they lied to us on so many levels. Their right to rulership, Equestria's founding, the Windigos, it was all a lie to gain power! Their dictatorship over the ponies is illegitimate, as is their empire. So, seeing as I wanted no part in their little communist Canterlot co-op, I decided to buck the system here and strain relations with the buffalo. Much easier to misrepresent a pair and get the world to hate them rather than try to get their beloved subjects to do so."

Sin, feeling a little curious, pointed out the stallion had exposed himself as an enemy of Celestia, and that all of his work here had become fruitless with the admission.

Smart Cookie thoughtfully rubbed his hoof against his chin. "I suppose I just did, didn't I? Hehe, oops. Old age must be catching up with me." He chuckled, obviously not concerned with his blunder. "Though, I have to admit." he said casually, looking down at the bufallo and scowling. "I've wanted to get these savages off our lands ever since I set eyes on them."

"Savages!?" Chief Thunderhooves roared at the insult. "ENOUGH talk, get him!"

Buffalo began to enclose upon the white pony and his assistant. "Yes, there has been enough words." He gave one last look to Sin. "Maple Wood forest, follow the path leading out of town and a right at the lake."

As the bison began to close in, a larger buff pushed into his line of fire, blocking his shot. Cookie elbowed Seedy. "Come my friend, I believe we have worn out our welcome." And before Sin could do so much as demand they wait, both disappeared in bright flash of light.

"Where did they go!" One bison shouted.

Sin looked around, but the Trotski didn't appear within his line of sight, they were gone.

"FIND THEM!" Thunderhooves boomed. "Scour the land! Find them!"

The entire tribe was in an uproar, a cacophony of trampling hooves and disgruntled yelling, some pushing into tents while others began stampeding out of the encampment in a rage. Sin barely dodged a trio of charging bison and made way back to the girls. "We need to go."

Neither moved, both simply sat and looked up at him in shock. Even Braeburn was was reluctant to follow his order.

"What the fuck are you doing? GET UP!" The stallion shouted, garning nothing more than a flinch from both of them. Seeing that yelling wasn't working, Sin reached out to grab them, but Krystal's hoof interecepted his, holding off Sin's advance.

She didn't say anything, she didn't need to. Her destraught and confused eyes said it all. Krystal was angry with him, angry and confused. She had every right to be, Sin was about to commit murder as far as she was concerned, and the things she'd learned then and there probably shook her confidence in him.

"Look out!" Sin acted before he could think and tackled both of them, barely dodging another trio of bison who trampled the ground where the two lay not two seconds ago.

'Sin! You need to get them out of here, NOW!'


"We need to go!" The stallion shouted.

That seemed to break the mare of her stupor, and she grabbed Scootaloo and took safely to the sky, giving Sin one final glare before doing so. Now that those two were in the clear, Sin pushed Braeburn and urged the yellow stallion to follow him.

Sin stood outside the town's jail, watching as the sun descended into the late afternoon. He and Braeburn had explained everything to Silverstar. The reason for the misweighed tithe, the Trotski, Professor Cook, everything. No details were spared, save for Cook's deceleration to Sin, his real name, and the weapon he carried, not that Braeburn seemed to remember those things anyway.

It would take some time, but he figured it was a mission accomplished. Though, there was a price to be paid for it, always was, it seemed. His companions had been gone for the two and a half hour long debriefing, and he had no reason to think he'd see them again.

'Aren't you going to find Krystal and Scootaloo?' Critic asked.

Why? Clearly they want nothing to do with me.

'... Yea, you were kind of an ass back there.'

Sin admitted as much, it was probably for the best anyway. The Nightmare was right, he was a terrible pony, and he'd warned both of them of the fact. Hopefully they wised up and were halfway back to the rock farm by now.

"Well, no point hanging around here anymore." Sin whispered to no one in particular. He walked down the steps and out into the main street, contemplating his next course of action. Baltimare wasn't too far away, he'd need to consult the map, but if he remembered correctly, it was a coastal city like Manehattan, with a few villages and a couple of small towns along the way. Better yet, it was going north, away from the harsh red and dead of the badlands. It would be a nice change of scenery.

The stallion patted both side of his saddle bags to make sure he had everything and made way due north alone.

'You're seriously going to leave them?!' Critic gasped in disbelief.

What do you want me to do? Track them down, apologize and hope they're stupid enough to continue following me?


Wow, Critic, you're pretty selfish, you know that?

The inner voice stuttered in disbelief. 'Uh- pft, ya- Ah- I'M SELFISH!? Are you fucking kidding me right now?!'

YES! Critic, you're being fucking selfish! Tapio's beard, did you hear nothing the Nightmare said this morning? Did you forget what I did to Scootaloo? How long until something worse happens? How long until I end up really traumatizing her or worse? Huh? I'm dangerous, I'm a dangerous psychopath, and you fucking know it, but you're too concerned trying to fix what's wrong with me to consider their safety and well being.

Critic argued that it wasn't just that, but that they relied on him as well, but Sin was quick to point out that finding the Rock farm wasn't hard, and Krystal was more than capable of following the train tracks. If she flew there, she'd probably be able to get there in a couple of hours max. That being concluded, Critic appealed to what would happen once Scootaloo was found by Luna, to which Sin didn't have an answer.

Sin wanted to believe he didn't care, that he'd more than done enough for her, and as far as he was concerned, that was where it ended. The small prickling of emotional contradiction be damned.


Sin froze.

No, it couldn't be, there's no way she'd be that stupid.

He turned around and felt himself in a mix of disbelief and relief. There, running from the opposite side of town, was a little orange filly, naked her scarf and running towards him, accompanying her was an off white, blue maned pegasus mare.

The stallion stood his place, waiting to see what two wanted.

"Where are you going?" Scootaloo asked neutrally, Krystal standing beside her and taking only sparing glances at him.

"Baltimare." Sin replied. Maybe Smart Cookie was lying, maybe he wasn't. It was one the way up to Manehatten, so, there was no harm in checking it out... unless it was another trap.

Scootaloo frowned for a second, though her harsh eyes soon softened and she looked down at the ground. "Is... is what that white pony said true?" She asked. "About that yellow pony trying to... you know..."

Sin took a breath. "It is."

Sctootaloo flinched, the truth obviously causing her pain. "I see."

"I'll understand if you want nothing to do with me." The oaken pony declared turning back around, though he was stopped once again, this time by a tugging on his cloak.

"Don't go!" Scootaloo cried, Sin turned to look down at her. "Please, don't kill them. Violence is never the answer."

Sin refrained from chuckling at such youthful naivety. Violence is never the answer? In a perfect world maybe, but this wasn't a perfect world. "And what would you have me do, kiddo?" He asked.

Scootaloo suggested telling the law, to tell Silverstar so he could tell Luna and Celestia, as expected.

"You do realize that I'm on the run from them too, right?" Sin pointed out, loudly enough to make sure Krystal heard him as well. "Why do you think I was so reluctant to tell the guard about the that house back in Trottingham?"

Scrambling for a response, the filly looked back at Krystal for some kind of help, but the pegasus was no use at all. Sin had to admit, though, it was nice finally getting the air cleared up.

"Who was it?" Krystal asked, finally speaking. "The friend they... you know, killed, I mean."

Sin pressed his lips and looked down at Scootaloo, she had to know Macintosh through Applebloom. He wasn't really dead of course, but that would require an even bigger explanation. An explanation he wasn't really in the mood to give.

"He was a good pony, but I'm not really in the mood to talk about it." The stallion stated calmly.

That topic reaching a dead end, Krystal began her own line of questions, starting off with Smart Cookie calling Islander by the name Sinbad. Sin shrugged and told her that was his real name, his first name anyways. Islander was his last name, so that wasn't technically a lie she could begrudge him for, and he had a good reason to go by it.

The next question was a big one, a hurdle Sin saw coming and looked to Scootaloo before answering. "Are you and Scootaloo related? Or was that a lie?"

Scootaloo's ears drooped around her face and she looked down, leaving Sin to answer the question himself. "The truth of that matter is far less believable. But yes, that was a lie."

Krystal shook with a small tremor of anger, but took a few calming breaths before asking for the truth. A truth she was hesitant to believe from Sin, but had no choice but to accept once Scootaloo confirmed it.

It took a full hour for Krystal to be brought up to speed, and while she'd occasionally need both of them to stop speaking in order to process what she was hearing, the off white pegasus took everything in stride. Though, that was pushed to its limit when Scootaloo brought up what had happened earlier that morning. Between that and how he'd managed to chase of an entire pack of timberwolves alone, Sin had no choice to quickly come up with something to explain away his abilities.

"I don't know exactly what it is, I just woke up and had it one day." He answered honestly. That is what happened, technically, but he wasn't about to talk about hearing voices in his head or having disturbing nightmares. These two probably already thought him certifiably insane enough already.

Scootaloo asked if it was part of nature magic, like an advanced form of the aura. Sin shrugged, it was a possibility. He wasn't one of the first ponies to learn how to use it, but the utilization of nature magic to such a degree had never been tested on ponies before. It's not like any of the initial members of Alpha Squad, those who first learned it, would speak of such power.

'Interesting theory, though. Too bad we already know Luna was the Nightmare's creator.'

Stick to the story.

'More lies it is, then.'

"Alright, one more question." Scootaloo said, looking Sin in the eye. "Was it Zell?"

Sin fell silent, blinking repeatedly as he looked down at Scootaloo, trying to figure out what Zell had to do with any of this. "Was what, Zell?" He asked, barely above a whisper.

The filly gulped, the realization dawning on her just how touchy the subject was. "I um... I heard you say his name in your sleep..." She replied shakily. "W- was that the friend who they killed?"

Sin made the connection in his mind and shook his head. "No kiddo, Zell died long before I came to your country. The Trotski took someone else."

"I see..."

Krystal cleared her throat. "They said... that they used somepony you loved against you... Who was it?"

Sin cringed at the question, that emotional wound had only festered with time. "They- she..." he paused, unable to finish. "I'm don't wanna talk about that either." He turned away. It still hurt, but the scars of betrayal always did.

A long silence passed between the three of them. "Why are you asking all of these questions, anyway?" Sin asked, unable to take the tension.

Scootaloo tilted her head, giving him a look. "Because I want to know why you're trying to kill somepony."

"Well there ya go." The stallion shrugged. "Now what?"



The filly sniffled, looking up at him. "Stop trying to kill them. Please." She implored.

The Federalist regarded her for a moment, her eyes were misty and full of genuine care. He didn't understand why she did, though. Yea, he'd saved her life a couple of times, but it wasn't like the two were emotionally connected or anything. That should have been clear to her the minute he tossed her aside to get to Smart Cookie.

Without warning, Scootaloo walked up to his leg and hugged it, begging for him to stop and imploring him that he didn't have to kill them. That killing never solved anything and that violence only begot violence.

"Exactly kiddo." Sin agreed in a whisper. "Violence begets violence. To allow their violence to go uncontested sends the message that there is no consequence for it. Their violence has begotten my violence, and I plan to make sure they suffer for what they did."

Scootaloo's grip tightened around him and she went quiet.

Sin looked up at Krystal, who looked genuinely afraid and sympathetic. He could only look at her for so long before again looking away. Things were tense and would soon become awkward, but that was the way it had to be.

"You- you're just trying to stop bad guys, right? Evil ponies?" Krystal peeped.

Sin resisted the urge to chuckle. Good and Evil, Light and Darkness, childish concepts created to justify and comprehend, to unify and rally. One group believing they were rightious because they were "good" and "of the light" and another was "evil" and "of the darkness". He didn't believe in these things, to him, there were only interests and goals that served a mix of pains and pleasures. It was rare that anyone actually acted in the interests of "evil" to do bad things for the sake of unearned suffering.

As he'd come to understand it, the Trotski weren't "evil". They were just a group dedicated to over throwing the empire due to the belief in ponies ruling themselves rather than be ruled by alicorn princesses. A goal that, Sin himself, should actually empathize with, their assasination attempt at Mac was just revenge for his interference with that goal.

The stallion had forgotten all about his curiosity on the matter a while ago, but now that he had a moment to dwell on it, he was reminded of the convenience of the Windigos showing up to the Equestrians and, conveniently, disappearing around the time Luna and Celestia became rulers of the land...

"Yes." He answered. As much as it left a bad taste in his mouth, condemning the Trotski as the "evil ponies" was much more convenient. Most adults wouldn't be willing to listen to his reason and logic, what chance did these two have of understanding it?

"Then I forgive you." Krystal sniffled. "You're doing bad things, but you're doing them for the right reasons."

"No he's not!" Scootaloo shouted, turning to her. "He's not killing anypony else! I wont let him! And you shouldn't either!"

Sin quirked a brow. "You think you have the authority to stop me?"

Scootaloo turned back to him, frowning in determination. "Killing is bad, you're not a bad pony. You act like you are, but that's because bad things happened to you. You're hurt, I can understand that, but you don't fix hurt by hurting others!"

Sin's eyes went wide for a moment, that was surprisingly profound and he didn't have an argument.

"Why do you care so much, kiddo?" He asked, finally getting to his own question.

"Because you need somepony to." The filly replied. "You've done alot for me, and even though you're mean and a grump, you still took care of me and made sure I was safe when nopony else did." She lifted her head, looking up at him. "I wanna help."

Sin didn't know what to say. This was not what he was expecting this to go at all. He figured Scootaloo and Krystal would have seen him as a monster, a killer with a cause and abandoned him for his callousness, yet here they were, hearing out his story and trying to stop him from his quest. And even worse yet, part of him wanted to obey. Scootaloo was right, hurting others didn't fix hurt.

"Besides." The filly sniffled, giving him a smile. "I've got no where else to go, remember?"

And with that, Sin couldn't help himself. He laughed, he laughed a soft, sad little laugh. "You... seriously want to still come with me? Knowing what I'm going to do?"

Scootaloo shook her head. "You're not killing anypony, I'm going to make sure you don't." She replied in cheerful sadness.

Insanity, the orange pegasus was absolutely insane!

"You think you can stop me?" Sin smirked.

"Mhmm!" Scootaloo chirped. "I don't know how, but I'll figure it out."

"No, we will figure it out." Krystal asserted, stepping up and joining the filly in her affection, hugging Sin around the neck. "At least now I know why you're such a grump."

This is fucking unbelievable! I'm surrounded by mares more insane than I am!!

'Bwahahahah YES! Oh man, this is great! You've got a filly and an attractive mare trying to save your soul! Isn't it great, Sin?'

I hate... the fact I have no idea how to feel about this.

Sin tried to deter them, reminding the two that his travels around Equestria would still be dangerous and he would still be chasing the Trotski, but neither Krystal nor Scootaloo minded. They'd "let" him chase the Trotski, since they were the bad guys and needed to be brought to justice, but neither would allow him to kill the ponies himself, or anyone for that matter.

It warmed him, in his chest. It felt nice and a little comforting to know they cared like that. Of course they couldn't actually stop him from killing Puddinghead, but it was nice to know that they cared enough to try to stop him.

"HEY! INQUISITOR!" Cried a voice from town. Silverstar was rushing out towards them, halting and painting upon stopping. "We of Appleloosa would like to extend our greatest hospitality to ya for yer help!"

"Thank you, sheriff, but we don't want to impose."

Silverstar dismissed Sin's humility and offered them one more night's stay for free at the towns inn, a free dinner, and three train tickets to anywhere in Equestria when the express came in tomorrow morning.

Sin considered that for a moment. It would save them a good week and half of traveling... maybe staying another night wouldn't be a bad idea.

Author's Note:

Over 8,000 words... Long ass chapter, and a lot of ground covered. Welp, there you guys go. Some reveals, and missing the one I know you all were hoping for. There's a reason though, you'll see soon enough why.

Mac and Spike next chapter, promise this time... Like, cross my heart and shit.

Any inconsistencies or questions, please let me know.

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