• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 7,115 Views, 1,280 Comments

Earning Freedom - Daxisle

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony, but once he's imprisoned under false charges for sexual favors, he receives a package in his cell containing means for his escape, and a letter that would change the way he saw the world forever.

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Conflicting Bond

Conflicting Bond

Sin, sidestepped yet another cactus only to almost have his frog penetrated by yet another skeletal tumble weed...

Deserts and badlands, the two arenas his skills in survivalism held little sway. He could survive mountains, frozen tundras, forests, jungles, roving hills, grassy planes and even stranded out in the ocean... but the one geography he was completely useless in is the one they just had to go to.

It wasn't like he didn't want to learn, but the Federation's worst landscape was the South Equine scrublands. He had survived a good two weeks out there, life made a lot easier when he'd just stuck along a dried river bed and mastered the delicate art of separating water from mud, but the vegitation was proof of water's existence.

Desert and Badlands? Nope. No nothing but sand, dirt, rocks, and painful heat. Scootaloo had asked about cutting a cactus open and drinking the fluids contained within, but both Sin and Gorge stood against the idea, informing the filly that such a thing was an old wives tale at best, and could be fatal at worst.

Since he'd met the two a couple of days ago, the Federalist had come to appreciate the new Appleoosa bound stallions. Gorge, for his sharp tongue, was a decent enough guy. He knew his way around the dry climate well enough, and taught Sin a thing or two about the landscape. The Federalist was familiar with the fact that water was more likely found in shaded areas like cliffs and crevices, but it would never have occurred to him to specifically target walls that were slopped instead of at a hard angle for digging.

Not that they'd actually needed it, since the towns in this area were all pretty close together and each had their own supply of water and food to restock on. Still, half the point of the Federalist's drive for learning how to survive off the land was so that he didn't need to rely on the provisions of others. To know that he didn't need anybody but himself and his own wits is what gave the stallion confidence, and being in an environment where his life depended upon others, it had been badly shaken.

But that was the price of learning.

Scootaloo and Lemmy were becoming fast friends, the filly taking special care to keep her words small and manageable. The large unicorn was a simple pony, but a genuinely kind hearted one. Scootaloo had even allowed him to pet Angel a few times, adhering to Gorge's advice to not let Lemmy hold the rabbit, though. Which turned out for the best, as Angel would always hop away if the brute became too heavy hoofed, resulting in a scolding from the filly and a glare from Angel.

Though, the genuine sadness and remorse Lemmingway expressed made it impossible for the two stay mad at him, even if he did repeatedly almost take Angel's head off.

"Well friend, I do believe we can make it to Dodge City by nightfall if'n we continue at this pace." The smaller earth pony said.

Sin had checked the map before and nodded in agreement. He was feeling better, his limp had decreased sugnificantly, but the constant walking hadn't made his healing easy. Lemmy was happy enough to carry his saddle bag as payment for the shared camp site, which helped a little.

"I've gotta ask, how are you planning on making a farm out in an environment like this?" Sin asked. Gorge chuckled and explained that Apploosa was a good seventy miles west of Dodge, the landscape was a little more forgiving there, more than enough for apples to grow, apparently. That's all the two wanted, was to grow apples and leave the world behind so they could live their lives in peace and quiet. Sin could appreciate that.

"No, Lemmy, Angel doesn't want to be petted right now!" Scootaloo growled.

Sin sighed internally, and on cue, the stallion began to wimper and whine, begging to be allowed to pet the object of his affections. This had been a constant theme during their travel, every day the well meaning giant would over stay the rabbit's patience, wimper in distress, and then sullenly accept his fate once Gorge put his hoof down.

"No Lemmy, stop! STOP!"

Sin snapped his head back and turned around completely when he saw Lemmy pushing past the filly's protests.

"Lemmy! That's enough!" Gorge barked, but this time wasn't like the others, Lemmy was determined to pet Angel to his own satisfactions. Sin pushed the larger unicorn back and blocked his access to Scootaloo, this prompted the unicorn to begin breathing heavily from the aggression and summon his wrath.

"I want da rabbit!" Shouted Lemmy, trying to push past the much smaller pony, but this wasn't Sin's first time handling creatures larger than himself. Luckily, Gorge was upon the two in a second and stood up on his hind legs to get eye level with his friend.

"Lemmy, listen to me." He said sternly. "These fine folks have been very kind and patient with us, n' if ya keep on as you are, yer gonna get us in very big trouble. Ya hearin' me?"

"Are you okay?" Sin asked, turning to check on Scootaloo. The filly nodded and turned to see Angel pouting on her back, galring at Lemmy with his black beady eyes.

Suddenly, a loud cry was heard, and Sin ushered Scootaloo back and away as Lemmy began to, what he could only describe as, throw one of the biggest temper tantrums he'd ever seen.

"Ugh, great." Gorge rolled his eyes and began nursing his head. "Yer gonna go ahead n' do this now?"

"AH WAN' THE RABBIT GORGE! AH WAN' IT, AH WAN' IT!" Lemmy cried, slamming his massive hooves down on the ground with force enough to feel small tremors.

Gorge sighed and turned to Sin. "You guys go ahead, think we've cause ya enough trouble."

Sin nodded and pushed Scootaloo onwareds, leaving the smaller earth pony to try and comfort his friend's distress.

Once the wailing sobs of Lemmy had faded into the distance, Sin asked if Scootaloo was alright again. The filly answered in the affermiatve, but looked a mix between both indignant and guilty.

"I feel bad for him." Scootaloo said, looking back. "He's nice, he really is. He was gentle with Angel when he wanted to be, but... he's just..."

"Not all there?" Sin finished for her. Scootaloo nodded

Mental deficiencies like that were a mixed bag, as far as Sin was concerned. One on hoof, they were biological failures, misteps in the brain that the world would be better off without, and a plague that those who had them suffered for. On the other, ponies like Lemmy were honest to a fault, they were almost incapable of manipulation and lies, which he considered a positive on the pony's part, but at the cost of things like common sense and a concept of social civility.

Scootaloo wasn't sure what to make of that, and questioned Sin on the concept of mental facilities as they'd walked.

Sin hesitated for a moment, debating on if being as blunt as he usually was with such matter was a good idea or not. Mental deficiencies were a hot button where he came from, to criticize them was "abelist" to many and some even accused him of being in support of eugenics for it.

It also didn't help that the pony had little to no understanding of neuro-science and his knowledge of biology was basic at best.

'First rule of debate: Never talk about something you have no knowledge of.'

Though, no matter how he ran the conversation in his head, the biological and neurological aspects still blead their way in, not to mention that he was a support of moral eugenics for the sole reason of the inability for those like Lemmy, being a liability to those around them, rather than an asset when they were without their proper caretakers. Had Gorge not been there to constantly keep the unicorn in line, Sin suspected the pony would have either killed someone, or been killed himself.

Such a life made a slave of two ponies. One a slave to his own mental defectiveness, and the other a constant care taker who would never forgive themselves if their charge came to harm or harm others.

"Some ponies aren't right in the head. Doesn't make them bad, but it does mean something isn't normal in their head like most others... let's just leave it at that."

As much as Sin wanted to, he just couldn't find the words to explain his position without condemning the mentally ill. To introduce his own set of values onto such a subject on an impressionable mind like hers just didn't set well with him. It wasn't his place to do so.

'Holy shit, you're being sympathetic and considerate without the kid making you? Sin, I am so proud of you.'

"I'm just... kinda worried about him, is all. He's like a big foal."

To see the genuine concern in her eyes made Sin feel more than a little conflicted. Despite almost dying, almost being raped, and being forced from her home and the only life she'd ever known, Scootaloo was still a whole filly. In a way, he was slowly growing to admire her. Developments like that, at such a young age, would have left most shattered and broken. The orange pegasus filly beside him, however, just seemed to take it all in stride and move on...

'Huh, you know, you're right. That is... pretty amazing, actually.' Critic agreed.

It was, and it bothered him. It bothered him because she shouldn't be this okay with the way her life was going. By all rights, Scootaloo should be a nervous, paranoid and suspicious wreck. Yet she wasn't. Her hesitation for allowing those two to join their camp lasted only as long as Angel's life wasn't in danger, despite her molestation by a stallion... How was that possible?

"What?" Scootaloo asked.

Sin jerked his head forward, completely unaware of the fact he'd been staring at her for the duration of his thoughts. "Sorry, I just... don't understand you."

The filly tilted her head and asked him what he'd meant by that, to which the pony gave his honest opinion. "After everything that's happened to you, you just... act like it doesn't bother you."

Scootaloo frowned. "Well, it's not like it doesn't. I mean, it does hurt, but what were you expecting me to do?"

'Be broken, cynical and misequinopic?'

"I don't know." The Federalist shrugged. "Just, not this."

The conversation ended there, but Scootaloo was curious as to what made Islander seem so angry at her. The glare he'd been giving her as they walked made her feel slightly confused and self conscious.

What did he expect her to do? Sit around and mope? Cry about how unfair life was? How she shouldn't have lost her parents? How that creep shouldn't have touched her? Or how terrified she was of the wolves in the Everfree? Why? What good did crying and moping do? It didn't help her be happy, it didn't help her get her cutie mark, or fulfill her dreams of flying or joining the Wondebolts.

No, crying and moping didn't solve anything, only moving forward did, and that's what she intended to do. Besides, it wasn't like she was alone, she had Angel. Who, despite his previous attitude problem, was getting better. She also had Islander who... she knew next to nothing about, really, aside from where he was from and the fact he was good at traveling, and had a philosophical side to him.

That wasn't right, the two had been traveling together for almost a week now. "Hey Mr. Islander?"


Scootaloo cringed, realizing that her mouth had jumped the gun before her brain had time to think of a question she could ask. "Umm, why are we heading to Dodge City? You never told me."

Islander pressed his lips, coming up with an answer of his own. "Reasons."

"Oh. Okay, I guess." That was another thing, the Federalist was very secretive. He'd yet to explain what the two were doing in Trottingham and why he'd disappeared in the middle of the night and came back with a limp. Islander claimed it happened when he'd confronted her captors and helped the filly escape, but she didn't buy that for a moment. If that were true, she would have heard a scuffle of some kind upstairs while she was trapped, but the only thing she heard was talking and a thud.

"Hey, umm, what's your favorite color?"

Islander gave her a look, it was a silly question, one that foals asked each other to break the ice, but Scootaloo was committed to it now.

"Umm, grey?" The stallion answer/asked.

Scootaloo gave him a look of her own. "Grey? That's such a boring color, but I guess that's not surprising."

The stallion quirked a brow. "And I suppose yours is orange because it's exciting?"

Scootaloo corrected him that it was sky blue, but the reason was the same. Sky blue made her think of Rainbow Dash, and Rainbow Dash was exciting and awesome.

Islander chuckled. "Miss Dash is a little hot headed, in my opinion."

"She is not!" Scootaloo retorted. "Rainbow Dash is awesome and the fastest flyer in Equestria. She's a little full of herself, but when she can do a sonic rainboom, she's allowed to be."

"Right, speaking of flying, think you can get a vantage point and tell us how close we are to town?"

Scootaloo felt herself sink at the inquiry. She rubbed one hoof against her leg and reluctantly admitted that she couldn't fly. An admission that Islander regarded with a dismissive apology. She liked that, though, she didn't want sympathy for her short comings, but a little encouragement would have helped, something the stallion seemed to have never heard of.

"Soo... were you apart of the guard in your country?"

Islander gave her another look, but she pointed out the crossbow hidden under his cloak. It was a question that bothered her for a while now, and she figured it was as good a time as any to ask. From what she could understand of his answer, Islander had been part of his country's military, and had learned a lot about how to fight and shoot from there. They'd also been the one to teach him how he did that weird trick where he made others feel intimidated. The aura as he called it, was mainly used as a tactic to install fear in others and avoid hurting others by making them fearful and obedient.

"How do you do that?" The filly asked quizzically. "You're not a unicorn, and you said that it's magic, right?"

The stallion pressed his lips, his eyes dodging around as he tried to piece together the answer. "It's... hard to explain. Well, starting off, it's not conventional magic like unicorns use. It's nature magic, magic that all animals may use if they learn how."

"Yea, but how?"

Again, Islander took a moment to respond. "It's... it's like, um... fuck how did grandpa explain it? Okay, so you know that small feeling you get while you're in nature? How that sense of calmness you feel while out in the wilderness that you never get when you're in civilization? Well, that's actually a type of magic created by the centaur in their attempt to sate conflict and bring peace to the world. When channeled correctly, the magic is absorbed into the body in a way to access skills like the aura."

It made sense how he was so adept in the wilderness now, but centaurs? Scootaloo had never heard of them before. Islander didn't give any information on them though, and blocked any more questions relating to them. So, she settled on asking about his home country.

"Why are you so interested in this all of the sudden?"

Scootaloo shrugged. "Well, we've been traveling together for a while. Guess I just want to know you a little better is all."

Islander's eyes darkened, the ever present dark bags beneath becoming much more pronounced and his brow furrowed into a grim and guilt ridden leer. "Trust me, kiddo. The less you know about me, the better."

Halting her walk, Scootaloo's jaw dropped at the sudden change of tone and words. One second he was as pleasant, almost joyful, and then he just switched to depressive and grim. The filly wasn't sure what to make of the change, but decided not to push the issue.

'Wow Sin, way to go.'

The stallion heard the filly catch up to him and keep pace, staying more behind him than she was before. Sin wasn't sure what to make of her, but he knew that his influence wouldn't be a good one.

Spare me, Critic. Filly's got a good heart, I'm not about to taint that with my past and all the shit I've done in my life.

'The kid says that you should tell her-'

No! You know something? Fuck the kid, and tell him to go fuck himself with a rusty spork. Scootaloo's been through enough, she doesn't need to hear my problems, and let's face it, my past is just one big never ending problem.

'Wooooah, calm down there. Since when did you care this much for her? Remember, the only reason you helped her at all is because the kid told you too.'

Sin knew that much was true, but ever since he'd found Scootaloo, something in him was changing. He felt... protective of her, not because the kid told him to, but because of her just... being herself. She was strong, but still innocent in her youth.

It was hard to figure out why, it didn't make any sense to him, but Sin wanted to protect that innocence. To some part of him, it felt... good to know that she still wanted to see the good in life. That despite her suffering, she hadn't given up on the goodness of others and valued her future in a way that resulted in her being happy and fulfilled.

It conflicted with almost everything he believed in. That innocence were nothing but a synonym for ignorant and gullible, and the preservation of such a thing would only result in the individual being taken advantage of. Yet here he was, feeling a strong urge to stop anything from exposing her to the harsh realities of the world.

And worst of all, the Federalist felt guilty for his world view and belief in consequentialism when putting Scootaloo in the situations he so often condemned others for being in.

Sin knew what was happening, that the feelings of things were not interfering with logical application and follow through, it had happened before with Spike during his trial. With Spike, though, the feelings Sin had gotten were no where near this strong, despite Sin's long time association.

So what made Scootaloo so special?

Author's Note:

Alright, Mac and Spike are back next chapter. (As you can tell, they'll be getting a little less of the limelight for a bit.)

Lemmy and Gorge will return at a later time, so no, their presence wasn't completely pointless.

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