• Published 31st Jul 2012
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Earning Freedom - Daxisle

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony, but once he's imprisoned under false charges for sexual favors, he receives a package in his cell containing means for his escape, and a letter that would change the way he saw the world forever.

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Actions and Consiquences

Actions and Consequences

Sin grumbled to himself as he stormed through the hallway. His eye and neck were twitching from unbridled rage he attempted to suppress, and even then he couldn't guarantee the safety of anything that stood in his way.

After his minor altercation with his grandfather, Celestia demanded he vacate the throne room. Initially he told her to stay out of the affair, but her magic was more than a match for his words and he found himself outside the room with the doors slamming shut behind him.

"Fuck." He cursed, going over what he needed to do. It pained him to consider, but he'd need to warn Malich about his grandfather's plan. The pony himself didn't have the power to stop Celestia should she decide to send aid or take in refugees, but his brother did... but that left another problem.

Tapio Bearking was involved now. He didn't know the full power of the Forest Emperor, but he'd imagined it to be great, considering his life span, if Tapio himself interfered, he might be able to subside the consequences of the collapse to the point of substantial mitigation and-

'What the hell is wrong with you?!'

You know what the problem is, so stow it.

'You want innocent ponies to-'

INNOCENT!? You think them innocent?! That's a fucking laugh, you know that? You can sit there and make them out to victims all you want, but in the end- in the fucking end -it is they whom doomed their children AND themselves. What's happened is because THEY allowed it to happen, and you fucking know it.


SOMETHING! ANYTHING! Their lives are about to fall apart because of their subservience and complacency. It's nobody's fault but their own. No, no, you know something? Let's follow your train of thought to its conclusion. You wanna blame the government? Fine. Now what?

'What do you mean "now what"?'

Well, is the economy fixed? No? Well, that didn't do much good, did it? Let's try blaming the corporations! Alright, I blame them. Is North New Equine no longer on the verge of collapse? No? Huh, looks like thousands of ponies are still going to die and millions starve. Darn it.

'What the fuck is wrong with you?'

What's wrong with me?

The stallion chuckled cynically.

What's wrong with me is that this is the fate of the complacent and the apathetic. Results are what matter in the world, and the results are the same no matter who wins the blame game. Is the government to blame? Yes, now what? Are the corporations and banks to blame? Of course, now what? What happens now that they are blamed? Because I'll tell you what isn't happening, the problem being fixed.


The citizens know they are to blame, how many ponies and others have we spoken to outside of the syndicate who know that all politicians are corrupt? How many have we spoken to who know that the rich use puppet politicians with gold covered strings? Countless, so don't say it's an "education" issue, because the population knows. So tell me, my dear inner critic, the majority of the population of New Equine knows that their government and corporations are a bunch of dirty and corrupt crooks. Now what?


No, no. You will answer that question since you seem to be so high and mighty right now. Let's hear it, let's hear your justification as to why you think these retards should be helped when they know the problem is there but just ignore it. Please, I wanna hear this.

'... I don't know, okay? God! The only reason you're being this way is because you're bitter.'

You're right about me being bitter, I've got no problems admitting to that and I think I'm well passed justified. What I do have a problem with is being told that I'm wrong with nothing but appeals to emotion and Life Worship rhetoric. You think that just because they're persons that they deserve to not suffer, right? Your that last little bit of me that believes that, fine, but I want to ask you why you think they should be able to wiggle out of the consequences of their inaction? Why they shouldn't suffer for ruining the futures of their children and grand children?

'... Because politicians are supposed to run the country right...'

Sin stopped walking his eyes going absolutely flat as if he'd just heard the stupidest thing in the world.

Oh for the love of Milikki, are you serious right now? Are you seriously touting that "shoulda coulda woulda land" bull shit? Sigh, in the perfect little world of "shoulda coulda woulda land" yes, politicians would run their countries good and right. They would be pillars of virtue who'd never take a bribe, only write laws that the people wanted, and never bicker with each other for reasons of personal gain. In the magical world of "shoulda coulda woulda land" there'd be no hunger, everyone would shit rainbows, and everyone would have a brand new arachno-tech carriage. Wouldn't that world be just swell?

Now, here, hehe, you know, in reality, they are a bunch of lying and corrupt crooks. The corrupt seek power and use that power to line their pockets and all of that. C'mon critic, you know this!

'Well they should still run the government right!'



You seem to have forgotten a lot of things lately, specifically why I consider myself an anarchist. So I'll ask: why should a bunch of ponies and what not who have absolute power give a damn about "virtue" and "ethical conduct"? I mean, what's going to happen to them if they aren't? Oh, they're going to get voted out? Oooohhhh, noooo!

'Like, I'm seriously, you guys! Don't vote me out of office! What with all of the millions in lobbyist money, life time senatorial pensions, giant estates and other privileges? How will I go on in life?'

Yea, there is just so much incentive for the corrupt liars to act right, isn't there?

So explain to me why they should run the government "right" when we know that those who seek power are those most unfit to have it. No, go ahead, I'll wait.

'Because it's their job!'

In magical "shoulda coulda woulda land" critic, I'm talking about reality, remember?

He waited, but there was no answer to that question. 'What do you expect the people to do?'

Black market Agorism? Syndicalism? The creation of local currencies? Civilly say "we're not paying taxes to you lying crooks, go fuck yourselves"? Come to the thrilling conclusion that 'hey, we've got no food in this state, gee it sure would suck if S. Equine stopped trading with us.' Or, you know, doing Something, anything? Apparently that's too much to ask, since all I ever get are excuses of some kind.

'Those aren't viable solution and you know it.'

Yes they are, the citizens just don't want to make the collective sacrifice that they would need to to stop what's coming, and now, they will sacrifice a lot more. They are sheep, sheep whom are being lead to the slaughter because of their apathy and ignorance. So you know what? You go ahead and decry your pity for them. You, Mandylion, Celestia and Tapio all. Because no matter how much pity or self righteous indignation you and them espouse, no matter how badly you berate or reprimand me for telling the truth, the problem will still be there, the collapse will still come and I'll still be the one who's right.

Will I take delight in their suffering? Oh sweet Milikki you bet I will. I was right, I told them it would happen and wasted years of my life trying to save them, and you saw how they repaid me. However, that's only why I will like their suffering. The honest truth is that even if they didn't humiliate me, I'd still want them to face the collapse that they've brought onto themselves. Apathy, fear, dogma and complacency are dangerous things and they must be punished if a better world is going to be achieved. I can't explain it any better than that, if you can't understand what I'm getting at now than-


The stallion groaned and turned back to see Uppity running after him. He'd need to keep his temper in check now. "Sin, are you okay?"

A little put off by the question, the stallion nodded. "Yea, I'm fine." He expected to have to argue with her about what was discussed, but the unicorn didn't bring the topic up. Instead she asked if he would accompany her to Ponyville and see to Twilight Sparkle, declaring that Celestia had lifted his bed-rest status.

Sin eyed her warily for a moment. "You're not going to get on my back about what I said back in the throne room?"

Uppity shook her head. "No, that's not what you need right now." She ducked her head submissively, her ears splaying. "I don't like when you're angry, it- it scared me."

A nice little pang of guilt shot through the stallion's chest.

The mare gingerly stepped closer to him to test his reaction before slowly placing her head under his, nuzzling into his neck. "I don't know why you said those things, but I know you well enough to know that you're not a bad pony. If you want to talk about it, I'm here for you."

Sin relaxed, returning the affection by learning into the unicorn. He must have been much more worked up and tense than he thought because his legs nearly buckled from beneath him. Nothing hurt much anymore, going back to Ponyville and getting away from this place was probably a good idea.

Again, Sin asked if the DA was sure she was alright being left in the dark about his words. Again she replied in the affirmative, ducking her head and acting in a submissive manner. His anger dissipated bit by bit as his concern for her behavior grew. This wasn't how Uppity acted, fearful and complacent, was he really that intimidating to her? Again, guilt flowed through him, cooling his rage. He pulled the mare into a small hug and she returned the favor.

He honestly wished she hadn't seen him like that...

Unbeknownst to him, both Ace and Mandylion stood around the corner, listening to the two as they spoke before the golden unicorn leaned over and whispered. "Are you sure it's a good idea to let him go? If he's half as serious about wanting the Federation to suffer as-" his words died as the elder earth pony turned to look at him, causing Ace to look away.

Mandylion looked pensive for a moment. "Sin is... hurting, Ace. He's been hurting for a very long time." He turned back to watch the other pair walk away. "It is possible that he may warn Malich of our attempt to seek asylum or aid, but-" he sighed tiredly. "-he is my grandson, and I would kill to protect him."

"Forgive me, Mr. Islander." Ace took a steady breath, stowing his loaded crossbow. "Sin has been some thing of a friend to me as well, and while I do care about and for him, I also recognize how much of a threat he's presented himself to the Syndicate's plans." He turned his attention back. "If he does follow through with his threat, thousands we could have saved will die. Are you sure it's wise to allow that because your feelings are getting in the way?"

The older stallion closed his eyes and shook his head. "It breaks my heart to say, but I see where he is coming from. The citizens have stood by and done nothing, that much is true. However, I think Sin's cynicism and over simplification of the issue is clouding his judgement." He opened his eyes. "Hopefully, with some help from that mare of his and his friends, he will come to see that those he cares for are not so different from the ones he condemns."

Ace pressed his lips. "As you wish. I think our business here is concluded, we'd best get back and inform Tapio about Celestia's decision..."

Spike and Twilight sat in wait at the train station, both standing as they saw the Ponyville Express pull forward. Uppity was one of the last to exit, and Spike could see why. Sin was with her, limping out with a brand new cloak.

"Hello Uppity, Sin." Twilight greeted pleasantly, the two gave their own in return, the former embracing the mare in a hug. "How was the train ride?"

"Boring as always." Uppity dismissed.

Spike wandered up to his friend and poked him in the chest, making the stallion flinch. "Yea, working with you is going to be fun tomorrow." He smirked, folding his arms.

"Ha ha, funny guy." Sin deadpanned, returning the smirk.

The two conversation eventually wound down and the troop made way for the library, once there all the talking ceased as the new comers came face to face with the condition of Golden Oaks.

"Umm.. Twilight?" Uppity said, forcing a smile over a grimace as she observed the messy home. "Your house looks... umm."

"Like a god damned trainwreck?" Sin finished, Spike jotted him in the ribs with his shoulder and Twilight blushed, explaining that she hadn't been feeling the best lately and the library had suffered for it.

Spike pulled Sin away for a moment and explained the situation to him, hoping the pony would behave himself a little bit out of respect for his mother's current mental state. Surprisingly, the Federalist waltzed right up to Twilight and offered his sympathies, explaining that he could relate to having those you've trusted and helped turn their backs on you.

Twilight accepted his words with thanks and offered to get everypony something to drink, returning in short order with four cups of tea. "So, what was it that you wanted to talk about?" Uppity asked.

The lavander mare sighed and told her about how she was unable to forgive her friends for what they'd done, even though she wanted to. There was more words spoken about details, but that was the long and short of it. Uppity furrowed her brow as she processed the information. She asked if Twilight had cried about it yet, saying that's what she always did when she'd faced a particularly bad case and couldn't get over it. Crying always helped her to "get it out" of her system, as it were.

Spike didn't see how shedding tears would help, but mares processed things differently than stallions (or male dragons) did, so maybe that would help? It didn't matter though, since Twilight had cried, quite a bit by her own admission. She cried herself to sleep every night ever since the wedding.

"Have you talked to Cadance about it?"

Again, Twilight shook her head. "She's too busy taking care of my brother." She paused to sigh. "I don't know, every time I'm with either Pinkie or Applejack, I just... my mind keeps going back to what they did. I... I don't wanna be angry at them anymore... I just want things to go back to the way they used to be."

Spike saw tears forming in her eyes and looked away. He couldn't stand seeing Twilight cry like this, tears of self loathing and defeat. He wanted to see her smile again, he wanted her and her friends to hug and laugh like they used to. To smile and be carefree, enjoying adventures and having all around good lives.

And most of all, he wanted to hurt the one who made her suffer like this. He could still hear the laughter of Chrysalis echoing inside his head as she nearly trick Twilight into killing Cadance. He felt his claws clamp shut as he recalled her mocking them in the cave and it sent his temper on end.

Twilight was a good pony, her friends were good ponies. They didn't deserve to suffer like this...

"You shouldn't be too hard on yourself or your friends, Ms. Pie and Ms. Dash in particular." Sin said abruptly, garning the attention of the room. He looked at Spike for a moment then to Twilight. "I- know that those two, at least, would do what ever they had to to protect their loved ones."

Happily, Uppity cut in before Spike had to. "Have you talked to anypony about it? Anypony at all?" Twilight shook her head, she's talked to AJ and Pinkie, but that wasn't really what she needed.

"It just... hurts, you know? Being there for somepony and having them turn their backs on you when you need them and... you just don't know why..." Twight hiccuped. Uppity rushed to her side and embraced her, letting the mare cry into her shoulder.

Sensing the moment, Spike prodded Sin and both made way out of the library, giving the two a moment to themselves. The drake hoped that Twilight would come out better for their talk, it wasn't Cadance like he'd hoped, but he knew Uppity was a friend as well.

"That sucks to hear." Sin stated from out of the blue as the two wondered back to his house. "I didn't think Miss Dash or Pie would do that to her." Spike frowned, he didn't want to talk about it, and soon enough, the topic would change. If that was a good or a bad thing was up to the pony next to him.

The two walked into the house and Spike closed the door. "Made yourself at home, I see." Sin quipped, looking at the bags of groceries sitting on the counter. The letter the dragon had picked up before caught his eye and he opened it, nodding at the bill before removing his cloak. Spike winced at all the bandages Sin had on and asked if he'd be able to come into work tomorrow.

"Of course I can." He replied confidently. "Now how much use I'll be is another story, though."

Spike snickered and shook his head. "You know, you really need to get, like, a couch in here or something."

"I'll think about it." Sin replied absently as he rummaged through the pantry and withdrew a potato. "So, how's the food situation going to work?" He asked, elaborating about if the two would pool and share or if they'd keep separate. Spike was quick to state that if they were going to combine the food stuffs than the stallion would need to expand his consumables. "Fair enough."

"That, and I need to get a bed."

"Let's not get carried away now." Sin smirked earning a nice shot to the good side of his ribs. The jovial moment lasted for only that before the pony's smile faded to a more pensive look.

"You alright?" Spike asked quirking a brow.

"Yea, just... thinking about some things."

The rest of the evening passed in silence, apart from Spike making a suggestion about either a practical furnishing item or aesthetic decoration. It bothered him how often he'd need to repeat himself just to get Sin's attention, usually Sin was aware of his surroundings, but whatever he was thinking about, it must have been pretty bad. He'd need to ask about it in the morning.

Author's Note:

Aaaand there it is.

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