• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 7,084 Views, 1,280 Comments

Earning Freedom - Daxisle

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony, but once he's imprisoned under false charges for sexual favors, he receives a package in his cell containing means for his escape, and a letter that would change the way he saw the world forever.

  • ...

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Immigration issues

Immigration Issues

"How could this have happened!?"

"Who authorized those ships away from their designated areas?!"

"Are you aware of the disastrous consequences that could have befallen our entire nation, should even one of those things have remained undiscovered?"

A bald eagle sat quietly with a small smile upon her beak. Her place was in the higher rafters, out of direct sight of the arguing politicians below, but close enough to clearly hear what they were saying, and who was saying it. With precision hand writing, the Griffan scribbled down the finger/hoof/claw pointing going on, mainly at the lone pony sitting in the middle of the chamber, while the entire Federal Senate floor was in an uproar.

"Triple M claimed they had safe guards in place to ensure this never happened again!" One of the earth ponies proclaimed, recieving words of agreement and nods. "We demand to know why those ships were not in their designated coordinates!"

The lion eagle hybrid looked down to find her boss, a grey earth pony stallion, sitting calmly with bored eyes. "My subordinates had intercepted another unregistered transport vessle." He said blankly. "I have only so much to spend on a blockade you understand."

The earth pony scoffed. "Don't give us that, Malich. You're company recieves very genorous subsidies from not only the state of Northern New Equine, but from the Federal budget itself. Yet in the millions we give to you, on top of the billions your company receives on it's own income annually, you are unable to supply our country with proper protection from one of our greatest threats."

The spy chuckled, even if it was just for show, it was nice to see Malich being on the receiving end of a chew out for once.

"Perhaps if we weren't restricted by purely non-violent deterring tactics, my vessels wouldn't have been preoccupied for so long as to let a transport through in the first place."

A look of horror overcame his scolding senator. "Tensions are bad enough with Zeborica over your methods of removing their people from the Vale!" He slammed his hoof on the bench. "And here you offer open violence on the lawless waters? Do you intentionally test this Senate's patience by making a mockery of its inquiry?"

Malich shook his head with a small, condescending chuckle. The spy in the rafters above just as pleased as he was. The fact was that the Triple M. fleet that guarded the north western coat of the Orvalian peninsula was more than enough to successfully, push back anything short of a war sprung invasion, even that would still have a difficult time getting passed. Not to mention the Donkeys of Orval would fight tooth and hoof to maintain their own good graces with the Zebras, if nothing else but to keep the supply of cheep herbal medicines and exautic food imports coming in.

"Well." the grey earth pony's smile grew, "perhaps my company is to blame for the transport getting through. However-" He opened his eyes and glared daringly. "I was under the impression other measures were taken to insure parasites would never make it past the shore." His attention turned to the five Orval seats.

The Donkeys present each glared daggers, while the blockade was federally commissioned and funded, the Orvalians were very distrustful of Triple M. Electing instead to higher other companies to maintain security of the state. Diamond Dogs and their canine cousins were quite well able to to sniff out the parasites that dwell could dwell within any living creature. As such, there were at least seven stationed at each processing dock and ship yard to ensure none made it through legally.

Any found were immediately turned away from the nation. Despite all the research put into safe extraction/sure kill of the pests, there was nothing that could be done short of costly surgery to remove the Zeborican bred threat.

"The Orvalian Prime Minister has set up and inquiry of his own with K-9 Securities." One of the donkeys seethed, a prim and proper female and supposed leader of their caucus.

The questioning continued on for hours, the Senators roasting the vice president for information. Though the story never changed: The B- class frigate ship "Sigma III", which would be in every news paper in the nation by the morrow, had moved out of position of the blockade to intercept an unidentified transport from Zeborica to deter it away, or send it to the proper channels to dock. Meanwhile, another transport has slipped through unnoticed and reached the shore where dozens upon dozens of infected Zeboricans swarmed into Orval, many of which had almost infiltrated settlements before being detained by K-9 Securities. Who, for some reason, had completely missed the unauthorized landfall at the coast.

While a great deal of the zebra's were currently being relocated back onto the ship to be deported, fears of stragglers were high. If one parasite, who happened to have the ability to reproduce, remained in the country, there was no telling how quickly or easily the rest of the state could become infected.

Little was known about Zeborican Changelings, and what was, was pretty common knowledge: They some how manage to feed off of the idea of fear, a cross breed between insects and ponies, able to shape shift, and while in their natural form the insectioids had black carapace, big blank yellow eyes, and amber fly wings.

Anything past those facts was speculation. Theories buzzed about how they infected other living beings with the parasites, (which eventually grow to consume their hosts in gruesome and horrific ways).

Some believe that the queen has specialized drones that infiltrate zebra villages and subdue one of its inhabitants, allowing it to plant the young insect like being within them without the zebra even knowing about it. Others believe that any drone can infect anything, so long as the queen gives them the egg to do so.

But the zebra saying goes that the queen visits the villages herself to deposit the parasites as punishment for misdeeds done by their ancestors. Little merit can be given to the notion as no credible expeditions have achieved scientific evidence hailing from the mysterious country. Well, none have returned to tell about it, anyway.

Eventually, the interrogation came to an end and the arbitrating centaur called the hearing to a close. Malich proceeded to the exist with no real haste, giving some of the politicians a chance to leave before him.

The griffin gave a sigh of relief and also took her leave, while it was nice to watch her boss be questioned, the prospect of stretching out her wings and body were far more appealing at this point.

Malich was greeted by the yells and questions of the press. Some had Camara's others pens and quill, and there was even a tape recorder for the new radio wave industry.

"Mr. Malich! A statement please?"

"Is it true that the Sigma III frigate was sabotaged by the zebras?"

"Are the Citizens of Orval safe?"

"How did this happen?"

Malich smirked at the throng, his calculating eyes searching for a question he could answer. "Allow me to reassure all of you. Triple M. and K-9 Securities are working in full cooperation to gain control of the situation. As always, the health and well being of the citizens of the Federation is our top priority. No comments farther please."

And while the griffin above watched with amusement, the CEO of Triple M. pushed passed the journalists, who redubbled their efforts on an elaboration of his statement. Fruitlessly for them, he made his way to the awaiting carriage of her fellow griffins and before long, were up in the air, away from the cameras.

Malich breathed a sigh of relief and exacerbation. So much wasted time within the Senate while so much was going on was truly a hot button for him. Stuck with a bunch of know nothing baffoons who knew little to nothing of what they were talking about, sometimes he'd just fantasize about sending in one of his raiding parties and slaughtering every single one of them. Even Spar Hawk could be killed if enough effort was put into it.

"Evening sir." A female griffin said flying along side the carriage.

"Hello Silvia." Malich replied, hiding his surprise. 'I really need to get better body guards.' "I assume you're her to deliver the notes?"

As soon as he saw the multiple scrolls, Malich smiled. Silvia was actually one of the best spies his mercenary division had to offer. How she managed to gain unnoticed access to one of the most heavily guarded buildings in the nation truly escaped him.

"Have I ever let ya down before, boss?"

Malich shook his head and took the parchments. Not only did they contain what was said bay anyone whom spoke, but there was a full three pages detailing undesirable mannerisms from certain senators when topics were spoken about. Obviously some things recorded weren't verbatim, but that would be worth it to find which of the politicians were were displaying skepticism.

From this report, most of the Canim Diamond dogs, and the Vain Minators showed disinterest and/or lament for him, All five of the Orvalian seats were in angst, and the Southern New Equine earth ponies were described to be mostly angry. However, it was the Pegasi/Unicorn Consortium of Northern New Equine that he cared about. Each demonstrated a certain level of unease and whispered alot to their aids and colleagues.

The fact that that level of uncertainty was maintained was all he needed to know. "Thank you Silvia." He placed the documents into a brief case for archive. "Now, I have a new assignment for you."

"What?!" Silvia wined. "I've been on like seven missions this past month. Don't I get a day off or something?"

The business pony gave her a look until she sighed in defeat. "You are to travel to N. Equine's homeland of Equestria." He shuffled through a conveniently placed file holder and pulled one out, making sure it was tied well enough to not come undone from the wind. "There, you travel to the capital city of Canterlot and find audience with their younger Matriarch: Princess Luna."

"Do not give yourself away as an agent of Triple M. her elder sister Celestia, holds no favor for us. Once you are in contact with Luna, I want you to find a stallion named Sin." His brow furrowed. "And be cautious, Sin isn't to be taken lightly by any means. His tongue is as silver and sharp as the arrow heads he uses for bolts. If you're discovered do not engage him, return to headquarters immediately."

Silvia rolled her eyes and took the file. "He can't be all that tough."

Malich smirked. 'You'd be surprised what that stallion is capable of'

"Alright boss, I'm on it." She gave a thumbs up before darting off to the south, presumably to find passage to the motherland.

Malich leaned back into his seat, the carriage beginning to descend upon the border of North New Equine and Orval. A larger building surrounded by stone walls with barbed wire at the tops surrounding the construct. Malich stuck his head out the window to observe the growing research facility, on the surface it was a laboratory for information on mild viruses like the common cold or flu. But he wasn't here for those...

The Futuristics Medical Research Facility held many secrets, even from those who worked there.

Once landed, the business pony was greeted by a surprisingly anxious auburn unicorn stallion in a white lab coat. His mane was a disheveled mess of purple and red.

"Good evening, director." he said with a nervous smile.

"Hello Scy," Malich greeted walking past, the scientist following. "How are the new subjects doing?"

"Well sir-" The pony began before opening the heavily gated front door. "The subjects seem to still be in shock over their capture and relocation. Our simulation of their environment has done less than hoped to calm them."

Malich rolled his eyes, Zebras acted so tough when they were in groups, but get one alone and they were as scared as their foals. The immediate inside of the facility was the cafeteria/lobby. Plain white walls with tilled floors made up the majority of the area, a few scattered benches and paintings gave it a small welcome feel, but not much.

Talking about the lower levels wasn't a wise idea while on the upper, while he trusted his enterauge and Scy, there was no telling who of the employees here was a spy for his rival Fatchataz, or worse, the Liberty Syndicate.

After turning a few corners and showing both identification and being sniffed up by a few dogs, the two eventually reached an elivator that took them to the lower levels.

"Um, Sir?"


As the elevator began to descend, watched the Glass panels that constituted three of it's walls. His mind abuzz with the uses the parasite threat could have for him.

"The staff..." The unicorn paused, his expression unsure. "A- and I would like to make a complaint."


"These Zebras, sir, the parasite that's infected them will eventually reach maturity..." Malich inwardly groaned, here we go with the moral conniptions again. He never considered himself one for harsh punishment for understandable complaints, but this work required dedication. And it could not be threatened by weak stomachs.

Scy wasn't one to be rattled so easily, though, surely not as bad as he was now. Typically he was calm unless he was excited about a sudden break through or angry over a failure. As long as he saw the good in his work, the unicorn scientists would go to almost any lengths to see it come to fruition. Perhaps there was merit to his concerns, but the fact of the matter was: The Zebras would die soon enough anyways. Why not make their lives mean something?

"I know it's hard." The director pony stated with forced empathy. "But Scy, our work here could lead to a cure for the changeling infection in all races, hell, it could lead to the end of the changeling scourge for good. A few sacrifices will be made either way."

The scientist gave him a some what hopeful look. "You're right."

It wasn't a lie, one of the functions of the facility was to find a cure and way to irradiate the changelings from the face of the earth. Didn't mean that the bugs couldn't serve a purpose before doing so.

"Trust me, if the zebras come under too much pain that even anesthetics cannot help, than I'll give the order to euthanize." And with that, the two the rest of the way down in silence. He had a few other projects to see to, but the other two could wait a while. If the lab tests showed the molecular structure capable for reproduction, his plans were locked in for success.

Author's Note:

So yea...

This is a thing now.

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