• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 7,084 Views, 1,280 Comments

Earning Freedom - Daxisle

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony, but once he's imprisoned under false charges for sexual favors, he receives a package in his cell containing means for his escape, and a letter that would change the way he saw the world forever.

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The Appleloosa Extortion (Pt. IV)

The Appleloosa Extortion (Pt. IV)

Sin stood alone outside Professor Cook's home, Krystal and Scootaloo electing to both stay at the inn for the morning. The filly's mood was still pretty sour, she didn't speak too much to either of them when she woke up, and still wouldn't explain what had her so bothered yesterday. Krystal, being the motherly figure she was, decided to stay with her and see if she could help cheer her up, leaving the Federalist to handle the investigation.

'Hope she'll be alright. I've never seen Scootaloo like that.'

She's been through a lot, she just needs some time.

The stallion listened intently for anything on the inside, not wanting a repeat of what happened last time, yet he couldn't hear anything.

'Maybe they're just relaxing?' Critic suggested.

Or maybe they're in the middle of another experiment or some such and want absolute quiet.

After another couple of insufferable seconds of silence, Sin internally shrugged and knocked, gently at first to ease the broken silence, but becoming increasingly more intent with each hit.

"GAH! Bucking plebeians!" Professor Cook shouted in irritation. "Seedy, just keep up the spell, I'll be right back."

Shortly after, the door opened, revealing the alabaster earth pony, this time, an apron covering his chest and forelegs, with some odd green substance staining the front. He didn't look happy to have his work interrupted, and demanded to know what was so important.

"Hey, wait, you're that stallion who stopped by yesterday!"

Sin nodded and reintroduced himself, remembering to address the stallion by his title. "If you have a moment, I'd like to ask you and your assistant about any-"

"Hold that thought." Professor Cook held up a hoof, his brow furrowing before turning back. "Seedy! Try stimulating the madulla with Devil Pollin!"

Sin quirked a brow as a few seconds of silence passed, he hated it when he was trying to talk to someone and their attention was directed somewhere else.

Suddenly, a long, whiny groan came from within the confines of the home, sounding as if it was meant to be communicative.

"Dammit." Cook cursed. "Alright, just... never mind, just don't let it hit the ground! We've only got one of those! So sorry, but as you can see, I'm in the middle of something, perhaps you could stop by at another time?"

Sin pressed his lips, that was not the response he was wishing for and informed the white earth pony that he didn't have time to continually come back at his own convenience. Cook, nonplussed by the demand, reprimanded the stallion for his behavior, citing an allegory that it was much more effective to catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

"Professor Cook, I'm going to be frank with you. While I can appreciate scientific advancement and research, I also have my own interests to pursue that lay outside the boundaries of this town. I've been hired to fix a problem, a problem that you, sir, seem to be directly involved with. Now, you can either speak to me now, willingly, or I can come back with the sheriff and a warrant."

Cook's indignant expression compounded as his hazel eyes constricted ever so slightly. While Sin wasn't a fan of Government intrusion, and it did go against his principals to use it, seeing Puddinghead slip through his grasp yesterday had pushed the stallion's patience passed giving a husky fuck. All he wanted now was to get results, with all of the time he'd invested in this little endeavor, he planned to get a return on that investment.

After a quick internal debate, Professor Cook asked for a moment to clean up and put his experiment on hold, Sin granted the request and waited a full ten minutes outside.

Finally, he was inside and was offered a seat on a rather luxurious looking green bean bag chair, Sin elected to stand however. Cook did take a seat, now free of his protective apron and gestured for Sin to begin his questions.

"I'll need your assistant out here, as well." The Federalist pressed.

Cook's ears splayed and he made a face. "Umm, Inquisitor, I can assure you, Seedy will be of no help in your questions."

Quirking a brow, Sin asked for why that would be, to which the white earth pony gently tried to explain that his assistant was a... simple pony, very simple. The Federalist refrained from rolling his eyes, he couldn't be that simple if he was helping the professor with biological experiments, what kind of idiot did this guy take him for?

Despite his reluctance, Cook called his assistant in from the other room.

Sin's once again had to restrain himself from reacting, but this time from disgust.

"Seedy! Put your mask on! We have company!"

But it was too late, the Federalist already saw the poor pony's face, and he wished he hadn't. The assistant was a hideously disfigured unicorn stallion, his left eye brow bulging grotesquely from his face, part of his lower lip protruding slightly, revealing oddly decent teeth beneath. Though the worst was his twisted and malformed muzzle, the nostrils mismatching sizes and off set in a way that made it almost impossible to ignore.

Sweet Milliki, what happened to that poor bastard?

'Sin, be nice.'

I'm not going to say anything, but... fucken-a, dude.

The assistant, Seedy, slumped a little, and he let out a groan of disappointed apology before leaving to fetch his face guard. Sin wanted to tell Cook that it was alright, that he was mature enough to handle the disfigured look, but that would be a lie.

Sin found the fact that he was perturbed by the pony's appearance to be immature and a character flaw on his part, but that didn't make it any less of a fact.

Seedy returned, his face concealed behind a brown cotton sack, with one eye hole cut out to reveal his good eye peering out to the world. Had he not already seen the stallion's face, he'd have found the bag's placement just as unnerving.

"Seedy, this is the Inquisitor. He's come to ask us some questions about those times we tried to take the apples to the buffalo. We want to be honest with him, okay?" Cook cooed, speaking softly.

"Guu-huh." Seedy groaned in reply.

Pulling out his notepad and pencil, Sin began his rounds of questioning. Starting from the obvious, if either of them had seen anything suspicious while transporting the apple cargo.

Seedy shook his head and groaned in the negative, while Cook began the tale from the beginning on both accounts. Twice the trio of he, Braeburn and Seedy had traveled outworld to the tribe, and twice the scales had shown the cargo in want...

Krystal flew about a small distance away from town, Scootaloo firmly held within her forelegs. The filly's mood had improved dramatically since taking to the sky, despite her initial protests and forceful removal from the bed.

The wind blowing through her mane and face felt exhilarating, as foot after foot of air and space passed by, only for more to welcome them both. Krystal wasn't moving as fast as Scootaloo would have liked, but a little bit of flying was a great welcome to the constant walking. Plus it also let her mind wonder, not to the nightmare or the conversation with princess Luna, but to the future.

Her mind replayed a couple of stunts and tricks Rainbow Dash had preformed a few weeks ago, aerial loops, barrel rolls, constant spinning, banking, all complete with a Sonic Rainboom. Scootaloo's smiled as she imagined herself doing the same stunts, adding in her own original moves. The adrenaline, the speed, the world zooming by in a blur, that's was what she wanted. The exhilaration, the competition, the uncertainty and control. The constant challenge of pushing higher, faster, stronger...

Scootaloo may be stuck ground bound for now, but she knew that, in time, she too would grow to fly like her idol and the Wonderbolts Rainbow aspired to join.

"Feeling better?" Krystal asked, slowing her pace to a casual glide so the two could talk.

Scootaloo nodded happily. "Mh hmmm. Much better." She looked up. "Thanks for taking me flying, I appreciate it."

Krystal giggled and expressed her own gratitude for the chance, she used to do this with her brothers all the time, but they hadn't wanted to fly with her for years. It was nice that somepony was willing to allow her the opportunity again.

"Wait, your brothers didn't want to do this?" Scootaloo asked in bewilderment. "What kind of pony doesn't want to fly?!"

Krystal's happy smile dropped a little. "Obsi said they were getting too old for it, and Scoria just went along with what ever Obsi told him. It made me kinda sad when my brothers stopped wanting to play with me."

Scootaloo felt a pang in her chest, Krystal looked so forlorn in that moment. The rock farm was isolated from most of the outside world, the family didn't even even attend a proper school, just home schooled by Sandy. It didn't seem there were too many travelers that came by the home, either. Scootaloo could only imagine how lonely she must have been in terms of peer interaction. For all of the filly's own suffering at home, at least she had friends who she could go to school and play with.

Scootaloo motioned that she wanted to land and, with one final roll to liven the mood, the blue maned pegasus brought them both down on the outskirts of Appleloosa.

"Are you okay?" The filly asked. Krystal wiped her eyes and forced a smile.

"Sorry, just having a little trip down memory lane." The mare said cheerfully. Scootaloo was half wanting to press the issue, but Krystal didn't seem all that sad. Not really, anyway. She was a sensitive sort, kinda like Annabelle and Fluttershy were, but she also bounced back quickly enough.

"Momma Gem told me that living in sadness isn't living. That the best way to be is to have a good spirit and a positive attitude."

Scootaloo studied the smiling pegasus, she'd been told the same thing many a times, but seeing how happy Krystal was really made the message hit home.

"How about you, Scootaloo? What was your family like?" Krystal asked.

"They... weren't around much." The filly said, her own eyes becoming downcast. She missed her parents, she really did. She loved them as any child would love their caregivers, but she'd long since gotten over it. What made her depressed now was the feelings she had for Macintosh and Annabelle. The former more so than the latter...

What if Luna was telling the truth? What if they never did intend to send her to foal services for more than a couple of questions? And how did she know Islander? Was she lying about him too, or was he really a bad pony? He said he wasn't a good pony, and he constantly tried to dodge helping others, but he saved her, didn't he? Even if he was a bad pony, there must have been some good in him, right?

Krystal turned bleary eyed as Scootaloo recounted the story of her parents untimely demise in the Griffon country. The filly cracking a little herself when she'd reached the part where she was told about the accident.

She knew it was coming, but she still couldn't stop a small squeak of surprise when Krystal snatched her up into a crushing embrace. Even if Islander wasn't a good pony, Krystal was.

"And that's when Islander came and picked you up?" The older pony asked. Scootaloo nodded.

"Yea, I was sad, but there was other stuff too." Scootaloo offered. Things like The Cutie Mark Crusaders, where she and her friends would get into all kinds of trouble and hilarious situations in an attempt to find their cutie marks. Like that one time where they'd spent an entire day going over all kinds of things: Like mountain climbing, trying to make taffy, checking if they could be mind readers and even tried to be librarians.

That seemed to liven the mood, Krystal explained her own endeavors to find her mark. Some of the activities were dull, like roofing, gardening and rock juggling, but some of them Scootaloo kicked herself for never thinking of. Things like gymnastics and water boarding surfing by propulsion with wings on a board around the ravine. It was similar to what Scootaloo used to do with her scooter.

"But then; one day when Papa was in Twin Springs, he brought momma Sandy home." Krystal's expression darkened. "Sh- she was hurt very badly. Her leg was broken and her eye was swollen and black. She didn't talk to either me or Momma Gem, I didn't understand why, though, not at first. Me and momma were nice to her, very nice. We fed her, smiled, nursed her as best we could, but no matter what, she always acted afraid and wouldn't say anything. She'd only talk to Papa, and he said it wasn't his place to say what happened."

Scootaloo felt herself drop at what she'd heard next. It took a while, but Sandy eventually opened up. She was in a homosexual relationship with a very abusive mare. One who constantly took her frustrations out on the small earth pony. Whenever Granite would visit the town market every other week, he'd notice the earth mare was sporting a new injury of some kind. Finally, one day, he'd seen enough and asked her why she put up with the abuse.

Sandy first denied that it was her lover's doing, but Granite was smarter than that. When that didn't work, Sandy moved to justification and saying she deserved it, but the reasons given weren't satisfactory either. Talking to other mares while out and about and visiting a certain store her lover forbid her from going to. Finally the truth came out and Sandy said that it was because she was afraid, because if she left her marefriend would hurt her worse, she felt like she didn't have a choice.

"That's when Papa told her that there was always a choice, that no matter how bad things may be, that no matter how dire the consequence, there is always three options. To accept, to fight, or to escape. Momma Sandy accepted her old marefriend's abuse long enough, but she didn't want to fight, so she ran away with Papa."

That's was the day Krystal found her tallent. Sandy's old lover found out where she'd escaped to and tracked her down to the house while Granite was out in the fields. Krystal was still relatively young then, about Scootaloo's age, but she could still remember the event like it was yesterday.

Krystal was reading in the living room while Gem was cooking, Sandy was on the couch, also reading. She was getting better, not flinching or hold up in the spare bedroom anymore. Though, once Krystal's mother unknowingly invited the Sandy's old lover inside, all of the grey earth pony's progress suddenly reversed and she began begging and pleading not to be hit again, as if her past lover was holding her hoof at the ready.

The other earth pony mare acted calmly and kindly, saying that she had no idea what the terrified pony was talking about, but Krystal could hear the dishonesty in her voice, and so could Gem. Seeing Sandy like that terrified Krystal and while Gem ushered out the mare, decrying her presence unwelcomed, Krystal began singing to Sandy to try and sooth her, much like her mother did for both of them. Her song calmed the distraught mare and a sudden flash gave way, revealing Krystal's cutie mark.

It was a startling revelation, but it did have a happy ending with Obsidian and Scoria being born from Sandy. She must have gotten better after that, Scootaloo saw her smiling and acting pleasantly enough. Still though, it bothered her to think mares could act that way, weren't they supposed to be the kinder and gentler sex? Stallions were the aggressive ones, after all.

"After that, she tried to come back one last time, but this time, Papa was home. He made her leave and never come back." Krystal said. The former lover's second appearance was not a peaceful one. She behaved aggressively, cursing and saying hurtful things about the family. She forced her way inside and tried to get to Sandy, Gem wouldn't deter her this time, but Granite did. He didn't waste time asking her to leave, he just hit her and forced her outside of the house.

Krystal didn't know exactly what happened next, she was too busy trying to comfort Sandy with Gem, but when Granite returned later that day, he said she wasn't going to bother them ever again.

Krystal closed her eyes sagely "He protected his family, like a good father and stallion should."

The implication unnerved Scootaloo a little. Granite was a very intimidating sort of stallion, much like Islander was. Strong, imposing, capable and very protective. The filly's mind wondered a little on the possibilities, but stopped when the ultimate conclusion over took the hope of her just going to jail.

Scootaloo was happy enough to know a little more about Krystal and how she'd gotten her mark, but the story did beckon a change of topic. One more relevant to the current moment in time...

"You can ask in as many ways as you can think to word it, but I'm tellin' ya. Neither Seedy nor I saw any food disappearing." Professor Cook groaned, pushing his glasses up and rubbing his eyes in irritation.

Sin was trying to word his questions carefully, find any inconsistency with the good earth pony's story and exploit the ever loving shit out of it. His initial plan of interviewing the two separately was an impossibility. Seedy was absolutely incapable of communication outside of groaning in the affirmative and negative, and his mental impairments made him little more than a bit of muscle.

Both ponies had been in town for at least two years, so their establishment in Appleloosa wasn't probable cause. Sin still suspected that Cook had something to do with it, but his mind just couldn't piece together how. He was missing something, things just weren't adding up.

Seeing that the questions weren't going anywhere, Sin switched to the credibility of others. Scales in particular, though that also lead to another dead end. Scales used his display weights in order to judge the weight of the cargo, and Sin had already tested those for accuracy himself.

"I'm sorry, Inquisitor, but there's nothing more I can tell you. I know for certain that the cargo was two hundred and fifty pounds when we weighed it in Scales' shop. All four of us can attest to this fact. I can also assure you, and you may ask Seedy and Braeburn as well, that there was no food taken in transit. The only problem came about when the buffalo weighed the food themselves. If you want my honest opinion, I would look to them." Cook declared before standing. "Now, if you'll excuse me, my assistant and I must return to our work. Good day to you, sir."

Sin, seeing nothing else he could ask, stood from his place and thanked both ponies for their time before taking his leave.

'Could be a conspiracy between all four of them.' Critic suggested as Sin walked down the early afternoon Appleloosan thurofare.

Not likely, Braeburn is a local farmer pony, and Scales sells balances and weights. Both are producing capitalists, and harming profits are the last thing any business owner wants. Disrupting the transport of goods is the quickest way to hurt any profit motive.

'Ulterior motive?'

That also didn't add up to the stallion, money was a big incentivizer, and he didn't see any gain for either of the workers.

According to the Professor, the last time the ponies trifled with the buffalo, it lead to the battle of Appleloosa. Which, much to Sin's bewilderment, resulted in hundreds of bits worth of pies being baked and used as projectiles, property damage to the town and using good lumber to make barricades. Wasting all of that: product, time and money for no other reason than... a fucking food fight.

Okay you know what? I take it back, there might be an ulterior motive. These ponies clearly aren't the most intelligent bunch. A fuck ton of angry buffalo come charging in threatening their lives and they defend themselves with baked goods? Yea...

'Any guesses?'

With that kind of stupidity, anything is possible.

'My suggestion? Let's pretend they learned from their mistakes and give them the benefit of the doubt.'

That wasn't going to be easy, but Sin would do his best to manage. While the profit motive didn't cross off Braeburn or scales as suspects, it did make them less prime candidates. That left Professor Cook and his assistant, which pretty much left the alabaster pony, considering his unicorn assistance less average mental status.

'Don't forget, the buffalo might also be intentionally weighing the cargo.'

Sin didn't think that was the case, but all evidence pointed to that. If the cargo was true in its agreed weight and nothing happened in transit, than the only discrepancy was on the natives. The Federalist didn't want to admit it, he was certain Cook was culprate, but he had nothing to convict the stallion with it.

'Sin, I know you like the buffs and trust them, but you've gotta face the facts, dude. They are where the problem begins and ends. Nobody in Appleloosa has any reason to tamper with the cargo, but the bison do. They have the motive to lie to gain more food and they don't lose anything if Appleloosa's trade routs are disrupted.'

Yea, but neither does Professor Cook.

Sin's counter was met by a growing tension between the races, resulting in a hostile work environment for the sociologist and putting his life in danger for his work. Cook may have been a little conceded and short, but he wasn't stupid.

'Gotta face the facts, dude. The bison are looking pretty bad right now.'

The oaken pony shook the voice off, he knew it wasn't the buffalo, he didn't know how he knew, but he was convinced they weren't the party responsible. There was something else... there was something he wasn't seeing. What's worse, NOW it felt like it was staring him right in the face. A glaringly obvious answer to the question that was just outside of his reach.

'You can try talking to Braeburn, but it'd be a waste of time.'

That's right, he still needed to do that. Sin stopped by the Sharif's office and asked where he'd be able to find the stallion in question, learning the earth pony spent some of his time in the local salt saloon. The oaken pony bid his thanks and found the place in short order, his senses becoming immediatly bombarded by the stench of salt and trace smells of alcohol, appealing to his inner lush.

He found Braeburn in the corner of the establishment among his fellows, sucking a salt like and having a good game of cards.

'Cards, eh? Might be best if you avoid him, you know how you are with-'


Sin had to restrain himself from running over to join the fun, he hadn't gambled in so long, it was almost painful to know the cards were on the table and he couldn't indulge his guilty pleasure.

"Howdy, Inquisitor!" The flamboyant stallion greeted, holding the Federalist off for a moment while the current hand finished. Sin took note of the lack of bits on the table, or anything for that matter. He felt a little relieved, the game was all in good fun.

The hand ended and Breaburn returned his attention. "Sorreh, had a good hand. What can Ah do fer ya?"

Sin requested to speak to the pony in private, but Braeburn cheerful refused, stating that whatever the two would talk about, his friends would hear about anyhow.

Sin informed the young stallion about his dealings with Cook and his assistant and had come to ask Breaburn about his side of the story. He'd already spoken to Scootaloo, but there was a topic in which Sin wanted to expand upon a little bit.

"Sorreh, partner, but Ah already told that little filly o' yers everythin'. Nopony messed with the shipment n' it was weighed smooth n' lawful like." Braburn said.

"Alright, from my understanding, the last successful apple shipment to the buffalo came through two months ago, can you tell me anything that might have been off or different for last month's shipment? Since that was the one that was rejected?"

Breaburn rubbed his chin. "No' really. Only difference was that Professor Cook brough' along Seedy. Poor pony finally got up the nerve to wonder out intah town. Ponies try to be nice to 'em though."

'Different, but hardly relevant.'

Sin jotted down the notes and opened his pad to a marked section. "Sco- er Angel Wings tells me your orchard suffered a raid two weeks ago. Can you tell me anything about that?"

"Ah can." Said one of the other stallion, taking a sip of meed. "Them buffalo came to collect, that's what happened."

"Now Apple Core, we don't know that it was them." Braeburn countered, but Apple Core reminded the pony that more than one farm hoof saw the bison near the perimeter of the orchard on the stampeding grounds that very afternoon.

"Ah'm tellin' ya, Brae, it was them dirty natives that stole 'em. Why would anypony steal from the orchard? Buffalo said they was gonna collect their dues one way or another, didn't they?"

Sin quirked a brow as Braeburn slumped and admitted as much. That was new information, information that condemned his theory on Cook being the perpetrator some how... first the balance, then the motive and now theivory? Maybe the bison were the party responsible. It wasn't often that Sin's gut feelings were wrong, but all evidence pointed to them.

'Told ya, dude.'

Well, fuck me.

"Oi! You!" Somebody called out, Sin turned around and groaned as Scales walked over to the table. "Somepony broke into my shop last nig- wait, are ya still goin' 'round n' askin ponies 'bout the delivery?"

Sin nodded his head and Scales' groaned in frustration. "Why are y'all still harassin' us? It's them buffs that's the problem, not us!"

Murmurs of agreement from the surrounding patrons permeated Sin's ears. The stallion didn't want to admit it, more on account of him being wrong than anything, but the evidence was pretty damning. Never the less, hopefully his presence at the next delivery would offer better results.

Tentitivly, he breached the subject of making another delivery to the buffalo tomorrow to see if the issue could be quelled and peace reestablished on behalf of his non-existent employer.

Scales, predictably, was thunderstruck by the suggestion. "Are ya serious righ' now? They steal from us and intentionally try to extort us, n' y'all wanna give 'em more food?!"

"Would you rather continually have your own profits decline because you can't sell your goods outside of Appleloosa?" Sin countered, eying the pony with skepticism.

That sent the earth pony into a fit of sputtering, but Sin knew he wouldn't have an argument for it.

"He's right, Scales." Braeburn sighed. "Buffs maya jipped us, but they've already raided the trains more 'n once. Until Celestia sends us some muscle, it'd be fer the best we just give 'em what they want."

Sin asked if the delivery would be ready by tomorrow and requested that he and his own assistants accompany the troop. To which Braeburn replied in the affirmative, stating that his family was already working on some apple fritters as well as apple pies. Watering them down a bit for added weight, of course.

"This is ridiculous." Scales spat before turning and walking away. Sin didn't care for how the pony was behaving, usually that kind of self righteousness was meant to cover something up... maybe it wasn't the buffalo's ballance that was off after all?

'I don't think so, but he is acting pretty suspicious to say the least.'

Braeburn stood from his place and stated that he and his friends needed to head back to the farmstead and ready the wagon, informing the pony where the wagon would be and when they planned to depart. Sin bid them all good by and made way out of the establishment.

Sin pushed his way into the inn room and locked the door behind him, doing a quick sweep about to make sure he was alone before putting down his notepad and reviewing the information there in. Yet, no matter how many times he reviewed the material, no matter how he looked at it though, it was clear who the culprits were.

With every last avenue exhausted, the cloaked pony sighed and resigned himself to the facts as he saw them. The buffalo were in the wrong some how.

The door to the room unlocked and Scootaloo and Krystal walked in, the former looking to be in a much better mood. In Krystal's mouth hung a bag with a delicious aroma of baked goods and stir fry.

"Hey Islander, we brought you food!" Krystal said, depositing the bag on the desk.

Sin's stomach growled and reminded him that he hadn't eaten anything all day. Between the hours of grilling Cook and last night's little ordeal, the Federalist had worked himself famished.

"Sounds like he needs it too." Scootaloo added helpfully.

Krystal chuckled and unwrapped the bag, giving the stallion access to the deliciousness within.

Oh delicious bell peppers, how I have missed you.

As Sin indulged his hunger, Krystal asked if he'd found out anything about the case. He sipped down a bit of noodle and swallowed before replying that he had one of two theories, but nothing concrete just yet. While the evidence did point to the bison, there was still a small shred of doubt over Scales' recent behavior.

"I'm not ready to make a proclamation just yet, let's see how things go during tomorrow's delivery. By the way, you two are coming with me."

"What?!" Krystal shrieked, her amber eyes shrinking to pinpricks as she looked between him and Scootaloo. "Are you honestly going to bring a foal to that... that... den of beasts!"

She did have a point, if things went arry once again, things could get ugly very quickly for them. Krystal could likely get Sin out of there if need be, but he wasn't sure she could support both his weight and her and still be able to maneuver properly. Alas, Scales' knew where they were staying, and it sounded if he knew about his little appropriation of the stallion's weights. If he decided to go to the Silverstar about the matter there was potential for Scootaloo to be rounded up and identified. He wasn't about to let that happen, plus he didn't plan to stay another night.

Word must have gotten to Celestia by now, and it was only a matter of time before her own agents arrived to investigate the matter for themselves. Sin wanted to be a memory in the Appleloosan ponies minds by the time they got there.

"So, we're leaving tomorrow?" Krystal said a little dejectedly. "Aww, I wanted to see the orchard."

Sin smirked at her luck, the orchard was where the baked goods were being accumulated for transport, and the off white pegasus gleefully hopped in place at having her wish granted.

"Let me guess, we're going to Manehatten, aren't we?" Scootaloo half asked, her eyes narrowing skeptically.

'Shit! She's catching onto you, dude!'

"Yea." Sin replied with equally as much skepticism. "I am. You two are free to do whatever you please."

The two grounded pegasi continued eyeing each other. One daring the other to challenge in question and one daring the other to elaborate. Sin knew Scootaloo was smart, but that intelligence was just about to become a liability.

"Well of course we're going with you to Manehatten!" Krystal pointed out. "Why wouldn't we go with you? What else are we supposed to do? Stay here? Besides, you two said you'd give me an explanation on why you lied once this was cleared up, and I want that explanation."

"Yea." Scootaloo agreed, her eyes baring holes into Sin's own. "I think we all want an explanation."

The Federalist pressed his lips, there was no other way to explain it, Scootaloo caught him looking intently at Puddinghead. She knew Sin was chasing him.

Author's Note:

Truth next chapter, throw your theories out there, see who's right and see who's wrong.

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