• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 7,084 Views, 1,280 Comments

Earning Freedom - Daxisle

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony, but once he's imprisoned under false charges for sexual favors, he receives a package in his cell containing means for his escape, and a letter that would change the way he saw the world forever.

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Angry Liberation

Angry Liberation

Mac offered to treat Sin to lunch down at Sugar cube corner, but the brown pony politely declined claiming he wasn't much for socializing and being around to many ponies at one time. They arranged another discussion of freedom theory the day after tomorrow, and Sin took his leave.

Figuring he had nothing better to do, Big Macintosh returned home to gather a few bits for the shop, seeing as he lost his desire for the salad his sister had made, and grown a sweet tooth. After a few minutes of explaining to Applejack what he and Sin spoke about, she excused herself to the acres to continue harvesting apples. The red stallion ventured forth into the quaint village and onward to his destination.

"Hello Big Mac!" Called an orange mare waving her hoof with a friendly expression.

"Afternoon' to ya Carrot Top." Mac replied kindly as he passed her carrot stand.

He ventured into the tall cake and ice cream decorated building, the smell of chocolate and vanilla assaulted his nostrils and familiar feeling of the cozy shop brought him comfort as it always did the few times he visited. Though the shop was empty for the time being, he did find two familiar ponies conversing at the purchasing counter.

"HIYA Big Mac!" Called Rainbowdash, her tone cool and knowing.

"Afternoon Rainbow." Macintosh replied approaching the counter, his eyes scanning the delicious sweets for one that caught his fancy.

Rainbow grinned with narrowed eyes. "So, picking out a special treat for a special somepony?"

"S'cuse me?" Mac look up questioningly.

"Oh, you know." She teased, stifling a laugh. "Black glasses, wears a long brown cape, brown fur."

Mac eyed the rainbow mare's cocky grin. "Why do y'all have to go n' assume he's a special somepony?" He asked blankly, his eyes holding an annoyed stare.

Rainbow had to bite her lip to hold back the bellow of laughter at big Mac's annoyance.

"Big Mac," Pinkie called trying to ease the tension that was growing between the two. "Who was that guy?"

"Ya already know his name is Sin." Macintosh barked, his glare now turned to the party mare. "You were there when he introduced himself, but ya ran off before ya could talk to him."

Rainbow burst out laughing, "bahahaha, what... you have to stick up for you're coltfriend?"

"What's yer problem Rainbow?" Demanded Mac slamming his hoof on the ground to gain the convulsing mare's attention. And as quickly as the sound of his stomp came, the rainbow mare's laughter stopped. A look of shock replacing her amused expression.

"Geeze Mac, can't ya take a joke?" Rainbow demanded, her face contorted into an offended grimace.

"I'm hardly in the mood to be laughed at right now." Mac seethed, daggers shot from his eyes and pierced Rainbows subconscious impression of the quiet and tolerant red stallion she knew. She backed away from the scathing stallion and wondered out of the store.

"Sorry you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, I'll catch you later Pinkie Pie." Rainbow gave Macintosh one last look, this one not of anger, but of concern. When she was only met by the same angry glare, she shook her head and shot out of the shop, leaving a trail of dust and rainbow light behind. Mac's expression softened again, and he looked back to see Pinkie staring calmly at him.

"Mac, would you like to talk? I'm here if you need me you know." Pinkie offered calmly. Mac never saw Pinkie as much of a confidant, but his sever agitation with the majority of his friends was starting to scare him. Why was he so quick to lose his tempter today?

With a heavy sigh Macintosh agreed to speak with the pink mare. She nodded her head and placed the "Closed" sign outside of the shop. Mac inquired about Mr. and Mrs. Cake's opinions on the shop's temporary shut down, but Pinkie assured him that they wouldn't mind. "So, who was that pony? You said his name was Sin, and that much I get." Pinkie Pie began. "But what I don't get is why you are friends with him."

Over the next half hour, Macintosh explained what he had learned from the topic-ed stallion, explaining what he could piece together and articulate from their conversations. Pinkie Pie listened intently with the occasional sounds of acknowledgement or question that he could answer when the subject was put into context. He spoke about the idea of his life truly being his own, and how he took it and his freedoms for granted. Along with the stallion aiding in Mac's wrongful arrest.

"I know he may seem kinda shifty." Mac continued, taking a sip of tea that Pinkie was kind enough to provide. "but, once you get to know em, he ain't too bad."

Pinkie looked down thoughtfully. "Maybe, I don't know what it is about him. I mean usually i can figure out a pony moments after i meet them, but he just seems so empty. Like the pony that stands where he is just isn't real." Pinkie shrugged, "But I'll talk to him about that later. You said that when you escaped the jail, you felt alive when you walked out. Like you had taken your very first breath as a free stallion. That sounds very liberating, and I'm glad that you got out of such a bad situation."

"Pinkie, ah'm sorry but, ah have'ta ask. What's gotten into ya?" Macintosh gave the pink pony a puzzling look, which she returned in kind. Mac would expect this kind of behavior from Twilight, Rarity and maybe even his sister. But from the spastic and random party mare who sang songs about meeting new ponies and partying? It just didn't sit right with him.

The now somber Pinkie glanced down at still steaming beverage. Her eyes darted around in thought, trying to figure out how to answer the stallions question. "To be honest Big Mac, I'm not really sure." She rose the cup to her lips and set it back down. "To see a pony like him, already zapped alot of energy from me just thinking about how empty he looked, but now you're telling me he wants to spread freedom and the joys that go with it? It's a heavy contrast to his personality."

Mac's jaw dropped at the words she was using. He was so used to hearing simple words like "Meanie" and "snooty" when she addressed ponies who appeared the way Sin had. "Okay, who are ya, and what have y'all done with Pinkie Pie?"

Pinkie chuckled at the red ponies accusation. "Relax Big Mac," She beamed, "I'm still the same Pinkie Pie! Just in a little deeper thought on how to handle, you said his name was Sin?"

Mac nodded recalling their encounter, "Wait a minute." Mac called remembering what Pinkie said when she left. "Didn't ya say 'ya got it' er somethin' when ya ran off?"

Pinkie scratched the back of her neck. "yea, I was going to just throw him a party and hope he lightened up." Pinkie shook her head frantically, "but enough about him, back on topic. It was today that you became short with Applejack yes?"

"And Rainbow." Macintosh admitted looking down, he did feel really guilty about scaring Rainbow Dash off, even if she did deserve it for mocking him.

"Hmmm." Pinking sigh leaning back in her chair. "Do you feel some kind of new pride about your newly discovered freedom?"

"Yea, actually." Big Mac nodded. "I feel like she was baby'n me, n' i didn't need that. Don't get me wrong, I love mah sister and her motherly ways most o' the time. But this mornin' I just felt like she was disrespectin' me." Shivers went up his back as he recalled the memory of smacking his sisters hoof away from the salad she had made for him, and the anger he felt towards her.

"Well, maybe you should try talking to her about it," Pinkie suggested, taking the last sip of her tea and giving red pony a soft smile. "That and maybe ease up on the idea for a bit. Don't forget, Applejack has freedoms as well,, and she doesn't want to you restrain hers anymore than you want her restrain on yours."

Mac smiled at the seemingly impossible wisdom of the party mare before him. "Ya know? He was right, ya are one of tha smartest mare's I have evah met."

Pinkie's eye brow propped up, "Sin said that?"

Mac nodded and stood from his seat. "When you left, he said tha' with out a doubt; ya' were one of the most intelligent ponies he had ever seen." Mac waved his goodbyes and with out a second look, as well as Pinkie calling after him, he walked out of the shop and began his trudge back to the farm.

The sun was falling over the western horizon, it's light yellow tint grew orange as Luna's moon crept up on the opposite side of the land. Though he hadn't done any work today, Macintosh felt tired. All of the thinking on how to approach situations with his new mindset, along with the confessions to Pinkie and Applejack this morning had left the stallion utterly exhausted.

He entered the farmhouse to see Granny Smith, Applejack, Applebloom and Rainbow Dash sitting in the living room. Once his presence was acknowledged by the closing door behind him, the four mares turned their expectant stares to him. Macintosh stood frozen in his tracks, he was used to the stare from Applejack, but to be ganged up on by both his sisters, Rainbow and Granny Smith; he felt like a young colt who was about to get brow beat by his parents.

"Wha' in tarnation d'ya think yer doin' upsetting miss Rainbow, Mr. Macintosh?" Granny Smith demanded. Uh oh, Mac though as his eyes shrunk. She called me "Mr. Macintosh". The last time she did that was when he actually was a young colt, and he had one of the worst woopin's of his life.

"I'ya ah, err." The distraught red pony fumbled over his words from the nervousness of Granny's accusation.

"Mac, ever since ya started hangin' around that Sin feller, you been changing fer the worst, and fast." Applejack spat.

"Why'd you have to go n' upset Rainbow fer?" Applebloom scolded.

Macintosh tried to reply to her, but was instead cut off by Applejack again.

"Not to mention you had already caused me grief this mornin'. After I made yer' favorite dish." She chastised standing up and walking over beside Granny Smith who only shook her head in disappointment. "I spent all mornin' preparin' that for ya, tryin' to make up for what happened with you endin' up in jail."

Rainbow's eyes shot to Applejack, "He was in jail?"

"Can I ju-" Macintosh tried to say, only to have his words cut short by Granny Smith.

"Yer' darn tootin'." She seethed, her eyes never wavering from her grandson. "Applejack tries to lift up yer' spirits and that's how ya repay her kindness? Y'all should be ashamed of yer'self."

"Well she di-"

"Don't you talk back to me, young colt." Granny's eyes narrowed and gave Mac a stare that struck fear into the stallions heart. The stare that preceded a severe beating with Granny's unused cane.

"Can ah please get a word i-" Mac attempted, but of course, he was cut off again. This time by his youngest sister condescending him about how it's never ok to hit a female, filly or mare.

Mac's eye began to twitch, it was bad enough that his entire family was turned against him, but he also had to chomp on his tongue to with hold his temper. It was what had gotten him into this mess in the first place. Sadly, his efforts could only last for so long. The small voice in his head started to chip at him again. 'Are you just going to stand there and take this? Applejack and Rainbow sound like they only told their side of the story. And granny is going to take their side with out hearing yours?'

The world began to close in on the stallion, he was fighting a two way war. One against his desire unleash the anger that his family had been building, and another to cope with what they were saying. All four of the mares were yelling at him now. He felt his body shaking, his tolerance reaching it's limit.


The mares all hung with wide eyes and gaped mouths. Macintosh huffed glaring at them, than individually point as he made his counter arguments."YOU Rainbow Dash, had implied that i was a colt lover, even after Ah thought Ah made it clear that it wasn' appreciated. YOU, Applejack, treated my like some kind of filly who needed to be bribed to speak. Not onl'eh did ya disregard my feelin' and my word, but then you took my favorite dish hostage; the stuff used to make it was PAID FOR WITH MAH OWN BITS!"

Big Macintosh huffed looking towards a flabbergasted Ganny Smith. "YOU, should be ashamed of YOUR SELF for taken the'r side, with out even LISTENING to my side of tha story." His angry eyes found the last member of the four, a meek and scared filly who lay trembling on the floor with her hooves over her eyes. "AND YOU!" Macintosh bellowed, his stern eyes locking on to his baby sister. "Don't ya' EVAH, sit theh, and condescend me like that again. Ah am fifteen years your elder, young filly, I know a thing er' two about equality. If somepony tries to take what AH paid fer'; don't think fer a MINUTE I won't use force to take it back."

The room was silent, save for Macintosh's own panting. three pairs of wide eyes locked onto the enraged stallion. He looked down to see his sister sobbing quietly before him. He took three deep and calming breaths before he addressed the stupefied crowd again. "Nao, allow me to make ma'self very clear. The days of pushin' around ol' Big Mac er' over. If y'all want me to leave, then fine. But those insults and accusation will be the last."

He grabbed the large wooden yoke that hung from his neck and threw it away in disgust, causing the other ponies to flinch from the sudden movement and loud crash that the instrument made slamming against he hardwood floor. Macintosh felt his anger transform into pride, he wasn't going to be pushed around any longer, he would finally get the respect he deserved. "Now, Ah am gonna head to bed. I suggest you fillies think about how you've treated me over the past years. Cause the Macintosh you knew, the one who put up with your crap, is dead n' gone."

And with that, the proud and liberated stallion walked up the stairs to his loft, there he would have the most peaceful and restful sleep he could ever have hoped for.

Ok, I give you two chapters in one day. Praise be the lord if you worship one/him/her. So, my main question for people reading this is: Do you think i went a little overboard here? Or do you think i captured an enraged Macintosh just right?

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