• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 7,115 Views, 1,280 Comments

Earning Freedom - Daxisle

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony, but once he's imprisoned under false charges for sexual favors, he receives a package in his cell containing means for his escape, and a letter that would change the way he saw the world forever.

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Information and Determination

Information and Determination

After two more days travel, Mac, Sin, and Spike finally arrived at the Minotaur's mountain. The trip had been rather silent considering Sin was not on favorable terms with either of them due to incapacitating the infant reptile, and scaring the Red stallion half way to his deathbed.

"We're here." Sin whispered looking upon a giant shrub covered mountain, residing just before it was cracked and brittle dirt lined with dead brush and small mounds of sand. On it's face, the mountain had numerous tunnels blemishing it's otherwise ordinary appearil. A few dark shaded creatures with horns and varying body types were going about their business at its base, some occasionally glancing over to the trio who began their approach to their shelter.

"Have either of you had dealings with minotaurs before?" Sin asked in a whisper.

Spike mentioned how his friends dealt with a rather particular blue assertiveness seminar peddler back in Ponyville, and how he came a crossed as egotistical and greedy, but also rather silly and lighthearted.

Sin quirked an eyebrow at the dragon before he faced forward again, mentioning that the encounter Spike's friends had, while insightful, was hardly typical. As the three entered the base encampment, two large minotaurs approached them. They bore brown and red painted leather armor, armed with relatively good sized axes on their backs and hips. "Halt!" called the first. A dark forest green monster with double nose piercings. Though his voice was scruffy and harsh, there was a tone of politeness to his command. "If Crude Action may ask, what business do you have here?"

"Crude Action?" Spike recited, looking up into the minotaurs beady yellow eyes.

"Yes?" Crude questioned.

"We have come to see Vice Grip." Sin replied, "I'm here for a favor he owes me."

Crude narrowed his eyes and gave a scoff. "Ha, don't make Crude Action laugh, Vice Grip has no time for little ponies." He motioned his hand, gesturing as if shooing a fly. "Be gone, or Crude Action shall-" His sentence was cut short by his partner placing a hand on his shoulder. The red minotaur with a longer goatee gave his associate a blank stare before his lower and calmer voice filled the air.

"Crude, I do not believe Vice Grip would be too happy to know that you treated his expected guest with such impunity." His words were calm and level, but the stare he gave Sin left the impression of distrust and uneasiness.

Crude glared at his partner before letting out a long sigh. "Perhaps Cold Blood is right. But Crude Action still does not believe these ponies are worth Vice Grips time." He turned his back to the travelers and wondered back to his post.

The red monster turned his attention from the brooding Crude, back to the trio of new comers. His stone cold expression showing no signs of enjoyment to their being. "You will have to excuse Crude, he has a certain... Bias, against pony kind." He explained, his face drooping to a annoyed depression. "Not to mention he's an idiot for jumping on the in-the-third-person ridiculousness that Iron Will started." He grumbled, cursing the blue minotaur for the trend.

"Quite alright." Sin replied with his empty smirk.

"You are free to enter." The implied 'Cold Blood' stated, standing aside to allow the party through. Sin bowed his head to the red monster before they proceeded into a large cave at the base, that Mac was sure constituted the main entrance. As the three wondered in, the walls grew darker as they ventured away from the light at the caves mouth. Mac's stomach churned a bit, he didn't like being unable to see where he was going. Just before full darkness consumed them, a dim red light appeared at the end of the tunnel, bringing with it, a concentrated odor of sweat and metal.

The three walked out of the darkness and found the inside of the mountain to be a free for all of the giant beasts outside wondering around to the make shift stands, built in booths, and staircases leading to the levels above; all illuminated by numerous red torches sticking out from the walls. The inside of the mountain was hollowed out, save the very core, which was carved into a giant bull thrashing it's head in the air. As Macintosh looked around, he noticed dozens upon dozens of minotaurs: drinking, walking, examining larger and smaller contraptions, ceramics, and weapons. That's when he looked up to the higher levels to notice, Gryphons? He stopped in his tracks and narrowed his eyes to see a pair of brown feathered wings flare up before a cat like body with an eagle head and talons flew up into the upper levels.

Mac's discovery was interrupted by an impolite shove and a "Watch it!" from one of the passersby. He brought his attention back to his associates to see they were beginning to walk a little out of view.

Macintosh quickly caught up and kept close. "Wow," Spike mused observing all of the action, his eyes catching a jewel peddler on the second floor. "I had no Idea this was how the minotaurs lived. This place is way more packed and exciting than even Canterlot!" He exclaimed, the young dragon held out his arms for emphasis. His eyes abandoning the tasty gems in awe of the society around him.

"Stay close, and don't look them in the eye." Sin called to the others. "This place is one big brawl waiting to happen." He picked up the pace with his friends in step. After a few flights of stairs, they stopped at a booth where a dark grey beast of a minotaur was standing and inspecting a variety of different color bows that lay on the dark wooden counter for display. He picked up a Recurve bow and began to bend it slightly before giving it an approving smile.

"Oak Recerve eh?" Called a darker grey minotaur on the other side of the counter, his goatee reaching down to his stomach, and the wrinkles around his eyes and cheeks demonstrating his plethora of years. "That one'll cost ya 'round thirty trenny." He said decisively, folding his arms.

Mac, Sin and Spike sat against the rail opposite the stand out of the way of the other gargantuans who were passing by. With interest, the three watched as the patron bartered his desired bow down to twenty five trenny, after thanking the shop keep for his product, the consumer walked away with a smile. Sin shook his head and wondered up to the counter and called the attention of the owner.

"Well, well." The minotaur smiled down, "Sin my old friend, how've yo been? No wait let me guess... You're tired." He said pointing his fingers down to the brown pony.

"You know me too well Vice Grip." Sin called over the crowd and giving a somber bow. Vice Grip chuckled harshly before he shook his head and questioned the pony what brought him all the way to "this rats nest".

"I'm afraid i have to call in that favor you owe me for the delivery to Cloudsdale." Sin replied dryly. Vice quiped a brow before placing his fingers over his beard and lightly stroking down. After a few moment the beast shrugged his shoulders and denied that he had ever requested that Sin do such a job. Sin perked his own eyebrow and calmly demanded to know of the minotaurs sincerity on the matter.

Vice broke out into harsh laughter, wiping an invisible tear from his eye. "Oh Sin, ya gotta learn to take a joke lad." A harsh cough interrupted his next words, but soon after he began to speak again. "Sorry, old age is gettin' to me. So what is this 'favor' you be wantin'?" he asked a sly smirk taking to his lips.

"I need some more of those custom Cross bows I bought last time, three should do for now." Sin replied pulling out a brown bag and placing it on the table. "And if ya throw in one with a finger trigger, I'll give you ten trennys."

Vice pressed his lips and looked down, "Sorry lad, 'fraid I only have two of those in stock right now, I didn't think you'd be back so soon. I can give 'em to ya, but you're gonna have'ta put in a bit more work for me to make ya more."

Sin gave a hard chuckle before shaking his head. "Vice Grip, always squeezing every last bit outta your customers eh?"

Vice shrugged, his scared hands lifting up into the air, ascertained no doubt from all the wood work he had done. "They don't call me that for nothin'." he turned around and started to shuffle through the boxes under the back table. Sin looked back to see Spike and Mac watching, their heads tiltedto see past him. "Here we are!" Vice turned, one hand occupied by a small wooden box, and the other by one lone black and brown arrow shooter.

Sin opened the box and brought out the crossbows for inspection. He looked all around them for anything that might be wrong before placing both back into the cubed container. Satisfied with the product, he began to intarigate Vice about any information he might find useful.

Mac let out a sigh and turned to look down from the rail. He observed the beasts below, a couple of them were starting to argue over a tray that was brought over, only to have it interrupted by two smaller and thinner minotaur who the red stallion supposed were their female mates. "Man, can you believe this?" Spike asked, leaning his arms on the wooden railing and looking around. Mac looked over to the dragon expectantly. "I mean, I had never even seen one of these things before; Thanks to the way i was brought up. But here I am: hanging out in a Minotaur colony and observing an entirely different culture. WITH OUT TWILIGHT!"

After a bit of thought, Mac nodded in agreement. A few moments passed before Sin addressed the two again, and motioned for their departure. The trio made their way down the stairs and back into the throng below, attempting to get to the exit. As they approached the tunnel outside, Spike was tripped up by a young Minotaur around his size. "Watch where yer' goin', shrimp." The brown youngling antagonized.

Spike stood from his knees and looked back to the minotaur with a confused and angry expression. "What's your problem?"

"I don't like seeing runts like you littering my shop!" The brown bull like creature replied holding up his hands. "What, you wanna make somethin' of it?" He clenched his hands into balls and shuffled from side to side. Mac tilted his head, his shop? what on Luna's moon did that mean?

"Hey kid!" Spike spat, "I don't know what the buck your problem is, but you really need to-" He words were cut short by the young creature leaping at him. Spike recoiled from the unexpected attack before he was tackled to the ground and his face and chest beaten by merciless fists. "Hey, ow... Stop!"

"What's the matter runt!" The assaulting minotaur scoffed. "Why don't ya make me?"

Mac began to make his way to the young dragon's aid, only to be met by Sin's leg holding him back. Mac looked over to find the pony looking around at a few well earned spectators who watched the combat with interest. Spike lay with the beast assaulting him, it didn't physically hurt considering his scales were tougher than most diamonds and the youngling hadn't developed the strength of his kind yet, but his pride was receiving most of the young minotaurs blows. "Hey kid get off!" Spike shouted pushing the youngling off momentarily only to have it come back and begin it's assault once more.

As the brown creature began his assault once again, Spike looked back to this two friends for any assistance they could give him. Mac motioned his leg in a punching motion and eyed the dragon to follow suit. Spike looked back in time for the youngling to deck him in the face. His scales may be tough, but his eyes were still a weak point. A rage broke within Spike before he yelled and threw the very first mal-intentioned punch had had ever cast in his life.

Upon his fist making contact with the young minotaurs face, its head shot the opposite direction and its brown hands stopped their assault on the dragons chest. Spike smiled as the youngling returned his attention, "Why you little-" another punch to his face halted his words. Spike pushed the shocked creature off and continued his own assault. He hissed of anger and pained pride all the while, returning the every blow the child had given him.

The observing crowd cheered for him, encouraging the baby dragon to deal the final blow. Spike was more than happy to oblige and with one swift clawed uppercut; sent his enemy flying into the air and onto his back, fresh drips of crimson spurting from the new gashes in his cheek. Standing triumphant, the dragon held up his fist in a show of power, basking in the eruption of cheers around him. He looked down to his defeated and groaning opponente before he placed a scaly foot down upon its chest. "Nopony calls me a runt, and gets away with it." Spike placed an accusing claw up to the younglings face, ensuring he had its attention. "Name's Spike, and don't forget it."

The dragon walked away with the fresh taste of victory in his mouth. Mac couldn't help but express his pride in the young reptiles decisive win, but something poked at him that the dragon went to far in his triumph. Regardless, that would have to wait for another time. Spike lead the way out of the mountain, the cheers only dying down as the distance between the crowd grew.

"What's goin' on in there?" Asked Crude standing up and looking passed the party. Spike ignored the guard and continued on his way. Mac and Sin followed suite giving a cheeky grin to the confused beast before making their way back to the grasslands for a well deserved rest.

"Bitch you just got knocked the fuck out!" Sorry, i just had to put that in here some where. Sorry about this chapter not turning out so well, I had rewritten it about seven times last night before I finally said screw it, the next one should be a bit better. Question of the Chapter: Would it have been better if Spike had lost the fight? You know, give him some more development form a sympathetic angle?

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