• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 7,084 Views, 1,280 Comments

Earning Freedom - Daxisle

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony, but once he's imprisoned under false charges for sexual favors, he receives a package in his cell containing means for his escape, and a letter that would change the way he saw the world forever.

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The cold season was finally beginning to wind down with Winter Wrap Up just around the corner.

Mac observed the cloudy sky above with a sense of appreciation he hadn't noticed before. It wasn't anything in particular that he could place his hoof on, but the warming air around him went that the cold and cloudy days would end; and he would miss them.

Things would liven up again, noisy ponies and excitable foals would roam the streets and even his farm. Maybe that was it, the peaceful silence that the season brought with it. An, albeit gloomy, tranquil and calming atmosphere that set others around him into a somber ease that he had embraced earlier in his life. It was a selfish, unspoken desire bu one he'd silently enjoyed.

But life went on, and so would the weather. He contemplated the sore muscles he'd have after the time pulling the giant snow snow plow to clear the fields for next years harvest. Hopefully the pegasi wouldn't waste any time in getting the snow piles cleared up this year and take them back to make precipitation clouds.

Having the snow piles around wasn't really bad, just an eye sore, and a pet peve of his.

The stallion turned from the clouds and began walking into town. He had completed his daily work and chores before noon, there was something he wanted to do today.

He passed the gate and followed the familiar road, but didn't turn to go into the town, instead, he ventured up past a well lit cottage into the ominous Everfree. Inspecting the crossbow he had firmly held on his foreleg, Macintosh took a breath and trotted forth. The wind began to pick up and pushed around his tattered brown cloak, swaying the cloth from side to side.

Even for him, the Everfree forest was dangerous territory. Manticor, Timberwolves, and Ursa aside. There were dozens upon dozens of creatures that littered the forest floor that he'd never heard of, and Celestia only knows what the beasts were capable of. Regardless, he hadn't seen his friends in at least a month. He had to make sure that they were at least alive.

Sin yawned as he stood from the small whiker hut he'd made for himself. He was lucky he carried so much cordage and twine with him. Most saplings and roots that he'd typically use for the task couldn't be found anywhere near by. Luckily, that was the biggest of his worries. His sides were still sore, as were his wings, but he identified some fungi that had very potent pain killer properties.

He looked around for a moment in the preemptive hope to find Star Shade. Strangely enough, the stallion was no where to be found. Typically, the insane stallion would be jumping up and down, complaining how hungry he was. "Guess he went to find food for himself for once." Sin said allowed before stretching and sighing.

Sin wasn't worried about Shade being attacked or anything, the only concern he had was: his friend eating something that first required cooking or boiling to dispel any toxins. Star may have been stronger than anyone he'd ever met, but he still wasn't all that bright when it came to eating, or cooking for himself.

As he walked, he cast a gaze to the fire. It was in close proximity to the huts he made for the two in order to catch the heat from the flame, but not too close to cause discomfort or burn the shelters. Sadly the flame was beginning to die and he'd need to fetch more fire wood before the day was up.

As if to add insult to injury, his stomach gave a loud groan of yearning. Food, believe it or not, was very hard to come by in the forest. Of course there wouldn't be lettuce or tomato and what not, but there were very few plants out side of the amaranth flower that he found to his liking. None of the trees were producing their fruit, no dandelion crops he tried to plant would grow, and most everything failed the edibility test.

Clicking his dried tongue, Sin ventured to a near by tree who's branch was entrapped by a large plastic bag with a rock at the bottom and a collapsible bucket underneath. Condensation was truly and under rated form of water gathering and purification, it may not taste the best, but mixed in with a bit of filtration from rocks and the char coal of the fire, it would serve it's re-hydration purposes. Hey, it was better than nothing, and the closest stream was about two miles away. Too much energy to wast to fill two flasks, two buckets, and a canteen.

Not to mention the rabid animals he would have to continually clash with in order to maintain his place there if he wanted to set up camp. All in all, this was the safer and more intelligent manner of water gathering.

A small rustle of the bushes behind him made his ear flick. He didn't know why Shade did that, he could just as easily go around the bush. "Bout time." He said taking another drink, "did you eat anything poisonous?"

"Excuse me?"

Sin froze then spun around to find one Twilight Sparkle stand outside of the brush. The lavender mare had a reserved and curious look on her face, obviously confused by the stallion's welcome.

"Pardon, thought you were Shade." Sin replied, his tone becoming noticeably more stand offish. He polished off the remainder of the bucket before returning it to it's place, catching a small drip of water. "Can I help you?"

The lavender intruded didn't reply, instead electing to look upon him with a judgmental gaze. As the seconds drew on Sin became more and more uncomfortable and awkward. Finally, he repeated the question.

"Oh." Twilight shook her head and blushed. "Sorry, I uh, was supposed to give this to you." She produced a red ribbon bound scroll from her saddlebag. "It's a message from Princess Celestia."

'Of course, I still have work to do for her.' Nodding, the Federalist growled to himself before he took the scroll, unraveled it, and read through the contents.

Dear Sin

I'm in high hopes that you're doing well this morning. My sister and student told of your battle with Spike and the wounds you've sustained. If you are in need of assistance, feel free to ask.

Now, down to business: In the near by city of Trottingham there has been a 'revolution' of sorts. According to reports, a band of Trotski followers have been making way around the city and demanding others to join their cause to restore the three tribes.

There have been no physical altercations for ponies who wish nothing to do with them, but the organization has become more aggressive in its tactics of recruitment. The crown hasn't persued any action against these individuals out of respect for their beliefs and right to opinions, but they're now starting to infringe on the rights of others.

My task to you is to end the harassment of the ponies of Trottingham by peaceful means.

Complaints are becoming more frequent and tensions are high, it is only a matter of time before violence becomes unavoidable. And I'd rather that not happen.

Good luck.

Princes Celestia.


Battle? That's a choice word to use, considering he'd more or less got his ass kicked with no effort. The matriarch sure had a way of romanticizing things. Now, what in Northwood was Totski?

"Trotski was a unicorn from Equestria's founding." Twilight said, with a huge grin. "When the Alicorn sisters had approached the ponies, he and a few others rejected them. Calling them monstrosities for their having both horns as well as wings. When the sisters offered to rule over the Equestrian ponies, Trotski saw it as a power grab on their part and refused to join them, threatening treason to anypony who did."

"His methods of governance are what lead to the ponies that he worked for and under, abandon him and seek refuge with the Alicorns. Decedent of Commander Hurricane, he held office in the Supreme Executive Arbitration Council after winning popular vote with the earth ponies and pegasi. Trotski believed in pure democracy and wanted to abolish the SEAC, due to a wide and strange set of circumstances, he succeeded, and the country was lead in this fashion."

As she finished, the unicorn mare's grin widened, all to pleased to give a lecture. Sin wasn't too sad about it either, he'd heard stories about the motherland, but had never heard about how the Alicorn had taken rule once the three tribes were present.

But as history showed, Trotski's attempts had failed and the ponies of Equestria passed over to their side to the point where the country actually belonged to them. Twilight wasn't sure on all the specifics, but it was said that Trotski and a few of his loyalists had returned to the old world rather than live under the rule of Celestia and Luna.

"I see." Sin nodded. "Thank you miss Sparkle."

"Of course!"

And with that, the stallion turned around and grabbed his own saddle bag. The place he needed to go was about half a day's trot from here, if he was lucky, he'd have camp set up before the sun went down.

"Uh, Sin?" He turned once again. "Are you sure you're ok?" The librarian's face was tinted with concern.

"Well enough." He replied dismissively, concentrating on the provisions he would need.

"Are you sure?" Twilight asked. "Fluttershy was surprised you were walking, considering your condition."

Sin scoffed, Fluttershy. Just her name screamed protective legislation and pathetic, how she managed to take care of animals and play nurse was beyond him.

"No offense miss Sparkle, but your friend is a bit to sensitive for me to take seriously."

He hoped that would be the end of it, a minor insult to send her on her way. If only he were so lucky.

"Hey! That's my friend you're talking about." The native scolded.


A thick silence hung for a moment, giving a quiet moment for the stallion a quiet moment to piece together the ramifications of his actions. It was obvious Twilight wanted something more than she let on, he could either: ignore her or truthfully proclaim his disinterest until she left, or act as if he cared and held a conversation. The former would strain relations with her, and seeing as she was the keeper of the only free information with in ten miles, that probably wasn't the best way to go.

"Look," Twilight sighed. "I think we started off on the wrong hoof, and I wanted to apologize for- you know- throwing you against that tree a few weeks ago."

Biting his lip, Sin also sighed. He may not like it, but it was within his interest. "You had your reason to do it, I don't fault you for protecting your son."

A small smile crept on the unicorns face. "Thank you."


A sudden realization struck her and the Equestrian began to giggle. "I'm sorry, I don't think we've ever been properly introduced." She offered her hoof. "My name is Twilight Sparkle, personal student to Princess Celestia and bearer of the Element of Magic."

Sin reluctantly shook her hoof for a moment and gave his name as his only form of introduction. He wasn't to keen on the idea of this one knowing more than necessary.

"Uh, nice to meet you." Twilight smiled awkwardly.

Nodding the stallion replied in kind. 'You see, was that so hard? You even made a friend!'

That's nice.

'Yes, yes. You're the lone and tormented politician gone freedom fighter blah blah blah. Get over yourself.

Make me.

"Is there anything else?" The Federalist asked half heartedly.

"Actually, there is, I was hoping you'd like to stop by the library some time and maybe have tea?"

Tea? is she serious?

'Things like that are what friends do, Sin.'

No shit, will you shut up? You're driving me insane here.

'Isn't talking to yourself apart of insanity?'


... I've gotta stop hanging around Shade so much.

"Sorry, I'm afraid tea isn't something I particularly enjoy."

A little disappointed, the unicorn ended her beating around the bush and requested the stallion stop by for a visit. The whole purpose of her being in this town was to learn about the "magic of friendship". It only seemed fitting that she at least extend an olive branch to him.

'magic of friendship? And I thought you had social issues.'

"Plus, I think Spike wants to talk to you."

Sin smirked, if fists could talk, that might be an accurate statement. "I'm sure he does." He finished packing his things and wrote a quick note to Shade, explaining his departure and even leaving a few bits for something to eat. Prep work done he now needed to get to Trottingham, which would be done right now if his way weren't blocked.

"Look, all I want you to do is come by the library, one hour tops and then I'll never bother you again with stuff like this again; deal?"

Only one hour? "Alright." Sin nodded skeptically, "one hour."

Twilight beamed and thanked him and claimed he wouldn't regret it before running off into the bushes.

"Oh, i believe I shall, miss Sparkle."

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