• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 7,113 Views, 1,280 Comments

Earning Freedom - Daxisle

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony, but once he's imprisoned under false charges for sexual favors, he receives a package in his cell containing means for his escape, and a letter that would change the way he saw the world forever.

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Totalitarian Dream, Libertarian Nightmare

Totalitarian Dream, Libertarian Nightmare

Screaming and panic filled the streets around him as he walked. While everyone in Unitas was running away from the metropolitin area, Sin was walking to it. Pushing and shoving past everyone he'd come into contact with. The sounds of discharged spells and yelling was ahead of him, the first skirmishes had begun, and he needed to be there for them.

It was amazing how nightmarish life could be to those who didn't pay attention... One day, you think everything's fine. You go to work as you always do, spend your time and labor to get money, go home, spend some time with your family and go to sleep. Day after day, the routine feels like nothing could ever change it.

And then, one day you wake up to find the streets crowded and your fellow citizens yelling and screaming at law enforcement. You find out that the grocery stores are barren of all food and drink, and that your place of employment was either closed down or was riddle with broken glass from rocks and bricks thrown into them. Sin didn't know exactly how that felt, but he imagined it to be rather terrifying.

The collapse finally happened, news papers were flooded with the headlines about massive sell offs by Triple M. that sent the market into a selling panic. Stocks became worthless, the bills they'd used for capital had lost their power, succumbing to a giant bout of hyperinflation. And with enforced rules of no competing currencies, the amount of money that had once been enough to buy a cutting edge Archno-Tech chariot was better used as kindling for a fire or toilet paper.

It still amazed him how no one had seen this coming. Martial Law was rumored to start soon, effectively shutting down all borders around North New Equine and preventing any legal aid from the neighboring states. The Senate had been stormed the other day, angry Unitas residents had been reported to have charged in, walked right past the Triple M. security detail and mauled over half of the Senators to death. Those lucky enough to survive fled, retreating from the danger of the angry population.

Oh how he wished he'd been there to see that.

North New Equine had little in terms of agriculture, all their trade being down with South New Equine for nourishment, meant there'd be shortages. And the only thing worse than a rich pony with a grudge, was a poor pony with nothing left to lose.

But that was all planned for by the Liberty Syndicate. They had tons of supplies stashed away, easily enough to feed every single citizen in North New Equine for at least three months. The problem now was to calm them all down enough to lead them to where the food was in order to keep the citizens alive.

Sin pushed past the main crowd and entered a back alley, keeping his crossbow at the ready as he approached the fighting ahead.

He wasn't a fan of introducing the masses to the Syndicate's food supply. The populous was just as much a danger to the Syndicate as it was to the Government at this point. They were desperate, hungry and helpless. Served them right for their worship of the God of Apathy, as far as he was concerned, they deserved to perish for their indifference to how their government ran the state into the ground. Still, it wasn't his decision to make.

"LET US THROUGH!" He heard someone ahead demand.

"NORTH NEW EQUINE! NORTH NEW EQUINE!" A group began chanting. Hurrying, Sin turned the corner and found that the fighting he heard was actually riot control. The killings hadn't started yet, but he'd be ready when they did.

The mass of citizens was much larger than the armored, baton wielding minotaur and diamond dogs who stood in a line barricade. Behind them was the banker district, where all the corporate fat cats held business. He guessed they were going for the rich who'd started this mess, mostly his father and brother.

The clashes were minor so far, just a few ramming protesters and retaliatory riot police. He saw rocks and other such objects being thrown, but nothing that would kick off the powder keg of violence and desperation just yet. As he watched, he smirked. A small streak of bravery lead to the protesters all bull rushing forward, though, as one solid unit, the minotaur pushed them back, and began stomping their hind legs in a loud and intimidating display, pushing forward a few steps and driving the crowd back.

It was so close now that the former senator could almost taste the real skirmish.

A small bit of movement caught his eye and the stallion looked to find two more brown clad ponies standing on the second story balcony, watching the riot group as well. Other members of the Liberty Syndicate were arriving now, it would only be a matter of time now.

As time went on, Sin noticed more and more members of the Liberty Syndicate slowly congregate around his own hiding spot. There weren't many that he could see, but they all wanted to remain hidden for the time being. The plan was discussed a few days ago for when this happened. The goal wasn't to storm the rich and hold them to task, no, the goal was going to be a rescue mission for the group below. These were a special group of citizens, the citizens who didn't run away, the ones who were willing to fight for themselves.

The Syndicate was far to few in terms of numbers, and even fewer in terms of technology. The organization wasn't a secret, and any whom paid membership dues were taxed with the main head audited daily. Still though, they did have some tricks up their sleeves, and Sin was both afraid and morbidly curious to see what the sons of liberty were able to pull off. They had the knowledge, the ability and the skills, but would that be enough?

A sudden boom of lightening and thunder broke his musings. The scent of chard flesh and the sound of screaming sent the other members into action.

Guess he'd find out soon enough.

Panting from exhaustion, Sin took cover behind a large pile of stone and concrete. Powerful Unicorn lightening shot overhead, hitting one of the sky scrapers a block behind him with a loud boom, sending bits of rubble and dust flying everywhere.

Shivering, he looked down to his quiver of bolts to take inventory of his ammo. He still had about a dozen bolts left, not enough to complete the assault, but he'd find a supply holder by then. He looked left to see other members of the Liberty Syndicate taking cover, a unicorn peaking her head over and unleashing a bit of ice magic.

"Sin!" His head jerked left to find Ace landing before him. The golden stallion was limping, a fresh burn mark scoring his left hind leg. "Glad to see you're okay." he smiled, joining the oaken pegasus in his hiding. "We're almost there, I can't believe he would let us get this close."

"He got sloppy." Sin replied, loading another bolt. With a nod, both stallions lurched up, and quickly took aim of two Griffons whom had barricaded themselves with sandbags around the main entrance of the building. Two thuds, two head shots, two kills.

Ace chuckled as he reloaded his black cross bow. "We're within two miles of the Triple M. Corporation Head Quarters building. Scouts have reported multiple air ships en-rout from Vain and Columbus." He paused, jumping up to release another bolt at the enemy. He cursed and jumped down just as a ball of fire shot past him, singing the top of their rubble cover. "Son of a bitch."

Sin shook his head. Vain and Columbus were the most Triple M. heavy city states in the Federation outside of Unitas. The Liberty Syndicate was causing trouble all over the country. This battle wasn't a small rebellion, it was a full scale, post collapse revolution. Other reports confirmed riots throughout all of North New Equine, refugees were fleeing the states border over into South New Equine, Vain and some were even rumored to flee to the Centaur controlled Northwood.

The city was alight tonight, not with the typical bright lights of the buildings, signs and lamp posts, but with fire. All around him, he could see the ominous glow of flames flickering against the oppressive night. That was nothing compared to the sounds though, where the was once the sounds of vendors selling their wares and hustle and bustle of commuters to work, there was screaming, shouting, explosions of electricity and the roaring of fire magic. It was impossible to tell in all the chaos how many skirmishes were taking place, but he was certain that most of Unitas would be reduced to rubble before it was all over.

Another explosion crackled off in the distance, a loud and continuous crash echoed throughout the city. Sin looked back to a sight he'd never forget, a few blocks down, a rather large sky scraper was collapsing into itself, sending massive clouds of dust and debris everywhere. Killing anyone within it's range, if not by the force of the crash than the flying bits of stone or the suffocating dust.

Unitas, the city meant to be a symbol of the unification of the States of the Federation, wouldn't last the week. The building's fall didn't impact the fighting at all, if anything, it egged everyone else, rebel and loyalist alike to fight even harder for survival.

Sin had no idea what would the plan was after his father and brother's assassination, there would be more in the chain of command for the mercenaries of the company, but hope was that with the heads of the beast gone, too much turmoil and disruption would break the fighter's spirits and interests for whatever plans they were order to fulfill.

A sudden boom and bright flash to their left generated enough force to send the two stallions flying. Ears ringing, Sin was the first to recover and found the position of the other members whom aided them completely annihilated, three lifeless bodies laying scattered about, mostly in smoking pieces.

Panic coursing through him, Sin looked up to find three unicorns standing on balconies above them, all three charging up lighting magic. "MOVE!" He yelled, pulling Ace with him as he ran. Another bright flash and thunderous boom called a shockwave that sent both ponies flying again. Thinking fast, though, both of them splayed their wings and used the energy to thrust themselves forward and banking hard left, taking shelter within the buildings through broken windows. The insides of the buildings where the real war was taking place.

"FLANK LEFT!" Cried a black clad minotuar after seeing Sin burst in. The beast withdrew some knives and began throwing them at the pegasus, barely missing by inches with every throw. Thinking fast, the survivalist flew to the wall, caught himself with his legs and bounded back to neutralize the threat.

The sound of cracking and shattering bones filled his ears as his foreleg smashed through the minatuar's face, smashing the beast down into the ground with a puddle of blood forming around his head. Someone yelled from behind and the stallion institutionally dived left, narrowly escaping a fire ball that sailed directly to the corps he'd just made and incinerating it in an instant.

With a chance to finally breath, Sin reached down and reloaded his crossbow, slipping momentarily over the blood and brain matter. He drew the string back and looked for any reflective surfice he could to tell him where his enemy was. He didn't have time to wait as a sharp pain in his back pushed him forward. In a rage, the stallion turned, roughly aimed his crossbow, and fired. Marking his bolt into another pegasus's chest.


Sin felt the chains around his ankles rattle and quake with another step forward. He was in line now, along with all the other survivors of the Rebellion. The utter silence of the crowd around him made the rain fall almost deafening. The only sounds to be heard was the occasional beggar and the commands of the Reaper.

"Death to the rebellion!" He declared before using his hoof to slam down a switch, releasing a giant blade from up high and dropping down onto another rebel, severing her head from her body. Sin cringed as the head rolled past him, coming to rest right before being picked up by a griffon merc to be be used for Tapio knew what.


The guillotine, an inefficient and crude device developed by Triple M with only one intention. Intimidation. Killing the Liberty Syndicate members, and those who joined them, methodically, slowly, one by one was a genius tactic to deter future usurpers. The torture of waiting, slowly going step by painful step was a mental torture in it's own right, but watching it? Watching the Reaper as he slammed down his victims, laughing like a mad pony as he watched them squirm, and finally releasing the giant blade to end it all with no chance of escape? That wasn't just terrorism, that was spirit breaking.

Another step forward, another step closer to death. It only took about a minute for one pony to be put on the contraption, be decapitated and have the body removed and the blade reset. He looked up and, with a morbid sense of curiosity decided to count out how long until it was his turn.


"MOVE IT, RUNT!" One of the escort griffons barked. Sin felt his heart sing at what he saw. A colt, no older than a decade mark slowly trudged forward. His mouth clenched as the Reaper picked the poor foal up and slammed him down upon the bench.

He turned away.


He heard the head roll and bump into his leg. Opening his eyes, Sin slowly took in the empty, dead eyes of the child's severed head looking up at him, begging him and almost asking why? Sin pressed his lips to stop himself from throwing up. This wasn't right, this was wasn't how it was supposed to be.


He walked forward, slowly coming to terms with what was about to happen. He looked at the captured: ponies, griffons, dogs and minatuar around him. Each looking just as defeated and disappointed as the last. How so many were taken, Sin wasn't sure. He wasn't even sure when he was taken, but that didn't matter anymore. They were all as good as dead, his only hope was that Ace had escaped and was seeking out the remaining members to finish tomorrow what they'd failed in today.


Another head, this one of a zebra.

A few moments passed in silence as Sin made peace with himself. He'd failed, he failed to stop the future he feared most. He failed in the Senate, he failed as a philosopher, and he failed as a rebel. It was kinda funny, really. He never intended to fight in this war, he intended to sit by and watch as all of this happened, to allow the country to fall to its due ruin as it was meant to.


And now here he was, walking over a griffon's head after being capture in an attempt to fight against a newly solidified corporate owned government. It was so funny he almost laughed.


Almost thirty minutes had passed by the time he'd finally made it from behind the device to the front. What he saw would have shocked him if he hadn't already given up on life. There, standing in the rain were rows upon rows of younglings. Pony foals, Griffon cubs, Minataur younglings, Pups, Donkeys, every race was present.

That's when it all made sense to Sin, why the Reaper was yelling. He wasn't yelling at the captured and executed rebels, he was installing fear into the next generation to make them obedient...

"For the state!" The reaper cried, loosing the guillotine's blade and giving it another head count. It would be Sin's turn soon, and at this point, he didn't mind death. It would be a welcome release from the constant feeling of impending doom.


Sin could finally see the Reaper now. A figure drenched in pure white, with a blank emotionless mask. His chest was covered by a blood drenched apron and his hooves were lathered in the red of countless fighters. The Reaper, as he was called, did not discriminate. The young, the old, male, female, meat eater or herbivore. The Reaper killed all of them, constantly demonizing any whom opposed the new state.

The pony in front of him had his shackles undone and was lead up onto the platform, "No!" He begged, struggling to get free. "Now, please no! Please don't kill me! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!" It was pathetic to watch him squirm, knowing that no amount of pleading would stop the fate he'd soon face. But a group of flying gryphs carrying a pony stopped them.

"Ace?" Sin asked as the mercs briefly conversed with the Reaper.

His wish granted by a momentary miracle, the pony's begging was headed, and Ace was the next on the chopping block. "HERE WE HAVE, THE LEADER OF THE LIBERTY SYNDICATE!" The Reaper barked, addressing the lines of young whom stood to watch the massacre. ""THIS IS THE END OF EVERY ENEMY OF THE STATE!" Cried the stallion, his emotionless mask a severe disconnect from his passionate voice.

Sin looked upon his friend one last time, saying a silent good bye. He hoped Ace had gotten away, that he'd managed to escape to live and fight to being an end to this madness.

Sin lifted his eyes slightly and made contact with Ace's golden orbs. The oaken stallion couldn't help but offer his friend a sympathetic smile, even to the bitter end, Ace's eyes still held the fiery determination they had when the two had first met all those years ago...


Right up to the bitter end...

"No! No, please!" The previous victim began his protest again. The slam accross the head with a baton soon silenced his pleas before he was placed onto the bench. He'd regained just enough sense to see the blade before it came. "No-"


Sin took his steps onto the platform. "I'll be right behind you, Ace." He chuckled as the body was removed from the bench. He offered no resistance now, and as he was forced down to await his death, Sin's life flashed before his eyes. His father Gemini and brother Malich, the adventures and teaching of Tyken, the meeting of the Bloody Sky Captains, his time in the senate, all of it. He chuckled again as he watched the Reaper walking around, giving another speech about the futility and immorality of fighting the new government.

His life was so hollow. Sin had spent so much time in logic, trying to figure out how to convince the individual of how important individuality was and how terrible the state was that he'd foregone any sense of happiness or fulfillment in his life. Love, passion, accomplishment, he could find no comfort in any of those things now. And this was how he would die, bitter and hollow.

Maybe him dying now was for the best then...

The Reaper was beside him now, strangely enough, the white clad figure was staring at him, taking much more time than usual to pull the leaver. The sight of the murder sent chills up and down Sin's Spine, the fact he was being given so much attention sent his sense of dread into overdrive.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Sin asked, the sweet embrace of death becoming more and more appealing. "Do it." His voice was barely above a whisper, still the Reaper didn't move. It just stared, observing him. His nerves grew raw and a growing sense of disturbia and despair joined the sense of doom. Sin wanted to die, he had to die, he needed to die.

"DO IT!"



Jumping up, Sin stood and swiveled his head, eyes and ears around himself, prepared to fight and kill as demanded.

However, he quickly discovered that there was no need, as his room was hardly the thing of such nightmares. No war, no dead friends, no fallen countries, and no Pony in White. "It was a dream." He sighed, his chest heaving and a hoof coming to cover his eyes. "Just a dream."

Well, not a dream so much as a nightmare, and one of the worst he'd ever had. Not because of the frightening images, but because of how accurate he saw it being in terms of the Federation's future. The economy was in dire straights, there would be food shortages, and with Triple M.'s power, the corporate entity would most likely use the collapse to seize power. Killing any and all who stood in their way.

Once calm, Sin noticed he felt a great deal better than when he'd gone to sleep. He was just tired stressed, that was all. His irritation made sense now, how long had he been burning the candle at both ends now? What with his late nights staying up to work on the business proposal on top of two jobs? That also explained the hallucination he'd seen in the mirror, just a trick of the mind. The same could be said with that voice he heard.

Compound that with his emotional acceptance, Pinkie's intrusion, his guilt there in, Rain Drops little temper tantrum, and little relaxing time, it was no wonder Sin was seeing and hearing things.

"Maybe I should take tomorrow off and get more sleep." He said to himself. He looked at the clock to see it was midnight on the dot, he'd slept a few hours and felt better, maybe he'd be back to normal with another few. Time would tell and he'd make a decision in the morning.

The Federalist closed his eyes and told himself everything would be better in the morning.

Author's Note:

Inspiration from this scene taken from the grey state.


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