• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 7,115 Views, 1,280 Comments

Earning Freedom - Daxisle

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony, but once he's imprisoned under false charges for sexual favors, he receives a package in his cell containing means for his escape, and a letter that would change the way he saw the world forever.

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Nightmare Night (pt2)

Nightmare Night Pt.2

"MARES AND GENTLECOLTS! FILLIES AND FOULS!" Called an announcer pony; his red ringmaster clothing torn and bits of faux flesh hung from his body. "STEP RIGHT UP!, BEHIND THIS CURTAIN IS A GHASTLY CONCOCTION OF DELIGHT! Horror, FANTASY, and terror. Your every wish is our command, your every whimsical desire brought to life! But I'm warning you, there's always a price. WELCOME... TO THE GREATEST SHOW UNEARTHED!"

As he finished, the single light above him blew out; leaving the inside of the tent in full on darkness. A high pitched scream was heard and than a loud roar followed right after; causing a bit of commotion from the crowed that encircled the ring. Mac felt a gust of wind shoot past him as another roar filled the air, screams erupted from around him as a white flame illuminated the inside of the white tent, and the large red and orange dragon that flew within.

One by one torches shot fire high into the air, bringing an unnatural hellish red lighting, making the creature look even more demonic. It landed in the middle of the ring, and started to glare around the audience, scanning them like they were bits of gemstones that he could feast on. "And a one, and a two."

"La la la la la la," Came high pitched voices that echoed around in a spine chilling orchestra. Creatures began to reveal themselves from the sand of the ring, crawling out of their buried tombs; all while keeping in tune with their song. Macintosh felt the bleacher shake lightly, and looked over to find Spike watching with wide and interested eyes, though it was hard to tell if he was shaking out of fear or excitement.

After all of the zombie ponies had crawled out and finished the ghoulish lullaby, the show continued with an act of a skeletal pony pulling off his head, and kicking it to the far side of the sandy ring, landing in an explosion of sand and rolling slightly over to the side. "Hey what in the sun was that for?" The skull asked rolling itself upright. It watched its body begin to wonder around the the ring looking for its missing skull. Every bump into the wall or dragon elected a laugh from the crowd and a berating from the bodies head. "No!" It yelled in an over dramatic Trottingham accent. "No, no this way! No, no that's the- Yes, that's the wall. Say hello wall. No not tha- yes, yes this way. Yes that- NO, no WHAT THEY HAY? This isn't that hard?" He called as the headless skeleton walked right by him. "Are ya kidden' me?"

Mac couldn't help but laugh along, the original slapstick display wasn't his typical kind of humor, but the condescension of the skulls hilarious accent, mixed with the his body doing pretty much the exact opposite of what he said just tickled the stallions funny bone. Finally the walking bones found its head peace and reattached. "FINALLY! Good goin' ya bastard. Can ya go one show without fallin' apart on me?" it exclaimed the sound of an audible breath being taken. Suddenly, the bones all collapsed to the floor leaving the head to roll off to the side. The crowd laughed again, watching as the pony head lay silent watching its bones... "Your contract with my company has been called into question!" It yelled. Before the pile of bones and the head shot up into the dark abyss that was the top of the tent.

The crowd began to stomp their hooves onto the bleachers, demanding the next act be put forth. After a segment of spectral lights and fireworks, and a few black outs where the crowd was invaded by the zombie ponies from before; earning a few screams of the unknown. Annabell walked out onto the ring, still wearing her cowmare costume and speaking in her accent, she explained that the dragon from before was not in the best of moods, and that he was starting to question if he would destroy the show. For her part, she would use her voice to bring him 'under control'. She called out to the dragon and told him to get his rump to the middle of the floor.

A few moments later, he obeyed, crashing down onto his feet from the abyss above and shaking the ground as he did. The crowed watched with baited breaths as the dragon and pony stared each other down. Mac could feel his muscles tighten, he knew it was all just an act; but seeing his friend in distress was enough to put him on edge. Annebell began to approach, a soft song giving words of kindness and compassion to her foe. At first the dragon looked away in defiance, but the softer Ani sang, the more interested the reptile seemed to become. As the song began to quiet down, she nuzzled the dragons snout with her muzzle, electing an "aww" from the crowd around her.

"and now... you're MIIIIIINE!" Her soft lullaby shot into an evil cackle. The yellow torches around the tent returned to their hell fire, as hard and angry music came from the darkness above. Ani drew the rope than hung from her neck, and looped it around one of the spines on the dragons dragons head. Her voice turning sadistic and cynical as she bellowed about betrayal and his selfish desires at the sacrifice of his friends.

As she began to hog tie the reptiles feet together, the music began to get faster, and her voice more threatening. "You can't escape us, were in your head." The music was beginning to reach it's climax and Macintosh pinched his foreleg and hoof against the bleachers in anticipation. "Try and leave the show," The music finished, giving way to not but the slender mares finall words. "And you'll end up dead."


Windmane walked into the Centaur palace, he observed the white marble floors, laced with swirls of grey and black. The red velvet carpet was soft as he walked down the hall. Nightmare Night decorations hung on the walls, giving a festive feeling to the typically boring and droll building, while still maintaining class and elegance. He bumped into Thornberry on accident, causing them both to blush slightly. They both looked up to see a band playing classical fear inspiring songs into a lower and more jazz settled way. Though Windmane was never one much for music, he couldn't help but feel a light shiver run up his back at the enjoyment it brought.

The pegasuse observed his unicorn companion again. He had always been fond of her over the years, but more in the sense of distant admiration. With her here with him now? It felt like he was walking with an entirely new pony, he didn't know what to expect, but he was never one for letting anybody down.

Behind the balcony dwellers, he noted more ponies and griffons were speaking about politics and other stories; trying to make themselves seem more impressive than the gentleperson/lady next to them. To his left and right, perlwhite table cloths hung over gourmet meals, with diners laughing and snickering about who knows what. All in all, it seemed that everyone around was having a good time.

"Good evening misuor and madam Senator's. Do you have reservazions?" Asked a griffon, looking down at them expectantly.

"Have I ever?" Replied the pegasus playfully.

"Of course." The griffon replied looking over the list on his pedestal. "Luckily, zear is a table zat vas not taken for ze evening." The greeter brought the two over to a circulate table lined with wine glasses and customized silver where so that the forks and spoons would fit into expanding and retracting rings, and three emerald candles that gave little lumination in the middle of the table. He informed the two that a waiter would be with them shortly and wished them a pleasant stay.

After the two watched him march back to his post, they giggled slightly and began conversing about what the Senate would need to do in order to set the federation back onto the right track. Windmand began to drone on and on about the Syndicrats insistence on controlling the Vail, a long and lustrous piece of wilderness that seemed to be the perfect paradise where: The weather was natural and pure, the fields were green and spacious, and it always seemed to be the perfect two hundred square miles on the continent.

Though the founding documents strictly prohibited any kind of settlement among the Vail, he himself has had thoughts about convincing the Boltinians to allow settlements for prosperity. Though, he knew that his arguments would be stonewalled not only by the Syndicrats, but also by the Arbiters; who worked as a second branch to keep the Senate in check by retaining the word of said founding documents.

As the conversation began to wind down, the blue pegasus began to notice that the Thronberry seemed disappointed as she played with a bit of salad that the waiter had brought to her. "Are you alright?" He asked concerned.

"I'm fine." She said giving him a weak smile. "It's just, I was hoping that we could leave our business aside for the time being and enjoy a romantic evening." She returned to fiddling with a piece of lettuce before she slammed her hooves over her mouth.

"Romantic?" Windmane quirked a playful eyebrow. "So, you brought me here to seduce me did you?" He teased holding out his own hoof onto the table.

Thorn started at the hoof skeptically, finally letting her curiosity getting the better of her; she grabbed the offered appendage and squeaked slightly as she was pulled away from the table and out onto an open part of the room. Before she could protest, she was embraced into the stallions forelegs, and found herself moving to the music of the band above. Slowly, her movements became less awkward and she began to allow the music and energy of her partner to flow through her body. (A/N Yea, i just said "energy to flow" it's for lack of a better term alright?)

As soon as the two began to dance, other couples began soon joined in the merriment. Stallions and mare washed over the dance floor, their clopping hooves adding a beat to the jazz and creating a much easier feel of flow. "Is this what you were expecting?" Wind whispered soothingly into the mare's ear.

Thorn gave a twirl under the stallions leg and brought her body back up to his. "Maybe." She teased nuzzling his nose slightly. They continued to dance, the band above winding down the quiet tune with the final play of a light trombone note. The crowed looked up and began clapping their: Hands, talons, and hooves at the wonderful music, before the next song began to play, this one a bit more fast paced.

After another hours of dancing, the two Senators decided it would be a good idea to retire for the evening. They made their way out the corridors to the streets of the capital. They almost didn't recognize it for all of the decorations of it's citizenry covered the buildings like a plague. Though it was primarily a holiday for Pony kind, the other races took a liking to celebrating the night as well, even the Buffalo had their own tribal decor for the festivities.

After avoiding the children asking for candy and the few attempts at being intimidated by passers by; they finally came upon a well lit street where it's houses seemed more conformed to the idea that grey, white and tall were the best way to appear. Their hoof steps echoed more loudly than the two would have liked on the cobblestone walkway that separated the houses that faced each other. Finally, the two reached Thorn's house and she opened the door after a quick trip up a few stairs.

"Well?" She asked expectantly from within the door.

"Hmm?" Windmane replied nervously.

Thorn giggled slightly, "aren't you going to come in?" She asked, as long as Windmane had worked with Thorn, he had always known her to be a playful filly at heart; but that was only one of the things that made her so attractive to him.

The nervous stallion cleared his throat and fiddled with his hooves, "I uh, er." He pondered what they would do inside. Though he was in the prime of his life, he had always been enveloped in his work, and not much one for intimacy unless it furthered his own agenda. He genuinely wanted Thorn to have a good time at Palace, and used his political pokerface to put on the charade that he was himself, enjoying the dancing. Though, now that the adrenaline and spur of the moment had past; he couldn't believe what he had done. "I'm sorry Thorn, but I must return to the debate notes."

A look of hurt confusion passed over the unicorns features, "Work? But, I thought..." her blue eyes threatening to develop tears.

Windmane felt a twinge of guilt pass his heart, the shock of everything he had down was still setting in on him, and now he could add that he was about to ruin the night of a mare who only cared about his well being. "I'm sorry Thornberry, I had a great time, and thank you for spending it with me." He lied, his guilt levels succumbing to his fear. "But, I have to ensure that I am prepared for convincing as much of the congregation as possible to stand with me against Stuborn, than he will have the Federal Government backing him to force the Pegasi to-"

"ENOUGH!" She cried, a tear falling freely from her face. "Enough with the damn, politics already." She sniffled, she stifled her sobs into one of her fore hooves and made an attempt to regain her composure. Windmain reached over to place a comforting hoof onto the mares shoulder before she recoiled away. "One night." She looked up at him with wide sad eyes.


"One night, I wanted it to just be the two of us. Just one night, I wanted to be happy with you; to forget everything and just be together." She coughed a little and let out a disappointing sigh. "But, I guess you just can't do that for yourself." Slowly she closed the door, Windmane called after her; but his please fell only to the grey slab of wood in-front of him.

The pegasus slumped his shoulders down. He didn't want to remain silent while she was angry and hurt, he didn't want to stand by as she closed the door. He wanted to knock or bust down the offending slab and embrace the mare within, and do... stuff... with her. But he couldn't. He had been in the game of politics long enough to know that his country and state came first above all things. Even if those things could mean more to him than anything in the world...

"I'm sorry."


Mac and Spike stood on top of a hill, looking down at the not to distant crowd. They crowd was filled with Minotaur and ponies dancing to the beat of drums and some kind of wind instrument that Macintosh had never seen before. Though it's noise starts out harsh and whining, the way the handler played, turned it into a musical master piece.

The two observed the dancing below, some partners were more traditional and conventional, others were more... Proactive and exotic. The cool blew the red stallions mane around his head, a reminder that it needed to be trimmed and groomed at some point. The smell of ponies and cooked vegetables filled the air, though two weren't hungry after purchasing some more shish kabobs on their way over to find Annebell. Mac wanted to thank her properly for allowing them free entrance to the show, and allowing Spike to hang out with "Brute", the dragon who started off the show with his flaming breath.

"Well, you can stay up here." Spike proclaimed stretching out his arms. "I'm going to go in and dance." he ran off into the throng, leaving Macintosh to stand alone. He smiled as the dragon disappeared into the dancing frenzy, he hoped that Spike would have some fun; he was a young dragon after all. After a few more minutes of observation, a friendly face finally appeared. Mac smiled as Sin approached and stood beside the red stallion.

"How'd the job go?" Mac asked looking over to his companion slightly.

Sin let out a disappointed breath. "He did what most do."

Mac pressed his lips together, though his friend hid his emotions the majority of the time; defeat was one he let off quite liberally. "Sorry to hear." Mac replied turning his attention back to the throng. Though Mac wasn't much one for dancing himself, he did like to see others have a good time.

"BIG MAC!" Called a silky voice. Mac looked over and a big smile claimed him.

"Hey there, Ani." He called waving.

The mare trotted up and took a few gasps of air. "How'd ya like tha' show?" Her eyes were bright and hopeful.

"It was amazin'." Mac replied smirking a bit. "Though, Ah didn't expect ya to sing so uh..." He looked over to Sin. Who simply betrayed him and sat in silence.

Ani laughed, "Yea, I ain't all sugar and honey now, contrary to what I look." She looked down at the dance party below. "Why ain't y'all dancin'?"

Mac pressed his lips together, he wasn't sure how to answer that question. He didn't want to say he didn't like dancing, because that wasn't exactly true; it just made him a little nervous. "Nopony asked me?" he replied timidly.

Ani giggled a little than turned her full attention back to him. "Than may I have the honor?" She held out her hoof. Mac felt a spike of embarrassment shoot threw skull, having the lady act like the gentlecolt just didn't sit well with his pride. Though he did want to dance with her, his nerves began to prick at his confidence. What if he stepped on her legs or made a fool of himself for his lack of ability. Even with her shining face warming his fears, the stallion was still doing battle with his own self doubt.

"Mac." Sin called, causing Mac to look over at him again. "Regrets are terribles thing to live with." he gave one of his more genuine and reassuring smiles. Mac looked back over to Ani and accepted her hoof, the made their way to the bottom of the hill and began to dance to the music as it played. Even through his own nerves and self doubt, the stallion couldn't help but be happy at where he was. All of his quiet and reserved energy finally had some place to be used. A huge weight was lifted from his shoulders as the two embraced for a slower song to play.

"Who was that guy?" Ani asked, her head over Mac's shoulder. "Was he your bother?"

Mac couldn't help but chuckle at the question. "Nah, but he's a good guy."

The two conversed for the rest of the song, questions of each others past holding priority in terms of topics. Though Annabell dominated the conversation, Macintosh had opened up more about himself than he had before. It was an intimidating thought at first, talking so much about himself to some one he had just met. But he can't rightly say he hadn't done it before, even though that was purely business toned.

He put thoughts of Ponyville, Spike, Sin and his past asside. Once again, loosing himself to the music and allowing he and Annebell to dance the night away.

("Dude, the romance was rushed." BITE ME! For Windmane, yea It kinda was, and I could have added a bit more back story, but for what I have planned, the romance needed to happen now. I'm a stiff for time frames.)

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