• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 7,114 Views, 1,280 Comments

Earning Freedom - Daxisle

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony, but once he's imprisoned under false charges for sexual favors, he receives a package in his cell containing means for his escape, and a letter that would change the way he saw the world forever.

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Big Mac shook off what remained of his blurred vision, and gazed upon the mysterious pony before him. He had an idea that this was the individual responsible for the tools that lead to his escape, but he wanted to make sure. "Were y'all the pony who gave meh tha' crossbow?" he asked curiously.

The pony only nodded his head in the affirmative. He turned his back to the red stallion and began to speak. "Mr. Macintosh, I am proud that you have escaped your fear, and unlike many others; fought your way from those who seek to control and use you." He began to trot away slowly before Mac called out for his name.

The stallion halted his retreat and turned his head slightly, giving Macintosh a sidelong glance. "My name, is Sin." His voice was sophisticated though menacing. The kind of voice that made Macintosh question his intentions and skeptical of the pony's trustworthiness.

Though Mac felt a twinge of mistrust, he had to extend his gratitude for the help this stallion had given him. "Thank yah kindly, fer' yer help." He gave a somber smile before it slowly dropped to a thoughtful expression, how did this pony know he was innocent? For that matter, how did he know that Mac was arrested in the first place? Was he there? did he see? And most importantly of all; why?

"Of course," Sin replied turning around to speak. "I don't often accept praise for doing only what I should be doing. However, it has been quite some time since somebody has actually taken the initiative for their freedom." He gave a smirk and bowed his head. "It does exhilarate to see my efforts go unwasted from time to time."

Macintosh returned the bow before looking up into the dark spectacles that concealed Sin's eyes. "If'n yah' don't mind mah' askin', why did ya free me?"

Sin shook his head weakly. "Mr. Macintosh, you have a great deal to learn."

"Beg pardon?"

"Did I truly free you? Was I there?."

Mac furrowed his brow. "Well, Yah' did give me the contraption I needed to escape. That counts fer' somethin', right?"

"Tell me Mr. Macintosh." The stallion cooed turning his back again. "Did you really need that crossbow to escape? Was it absolutely unquestionable, to fire that arrow in order to walk out of that building? Or did you just need the confidence that it gave you? Could you have subdued your captor with out it, assuming you gave time for proper planning?"

"Of course no-" Mac paused, the more he thought about it, the more he realized: he could have done with out the projectile. Once the sadistic bastard had entered his cell, and thought his wronged prisoner vulnerable and broken, Mac could have easily bucked his legs sending the jailer into the wall, and finished him from there. No weapons required. "Ah, uh... er." He struggled to find the right words.

"What you did in there, you did on your own sir." Sin interrupted. Mac couldn't help but smile, this pony's trust in him had given him a chance at a life he had never contemplated. "But, I must ask a question."

"Ah think you owe me one." Mac replied elfish. "Yah been asking questions since i got here."

Sin stood and mused over the point, finally he nodded in agreement.

Macintosh repeated his initial request, hoping the results would be more favorable this time. "Why did ya help me?"

Sin's right cheek curled up in an empty smirk, a dark chuckle preceding his words. "True freedom, Mr. Macintosh-"

"Big Mac," The red stallion interrupted softly, "call me Big Mac." Macintosh hated being called "mister" anything. Far to formal for his typically laid back and casual personality.

"True freedom," Sin started again, "is most appreciated, by those who fight for it." With those word, the dark stallion took his leave, venturing towards the Everfree forest.

"Wait!" Big Mac cried. He couldn't articulate what he wanted to say, but he didn't want to see Sin go just yet. He had so many inquiries for the stallion.

"Worry not, Big Mac." Called Sin over his shoulder, "we shall meet again."

"Come on by tha' apple farm!" Mac shouted. "Tamorrow at noon, i wanna thank ya' properly!"

"I'll see what i can do!" Sin replied holding his retreat once again. "Now go, you have a family who must be worried about you!" And with that, the brown stallion disappeared into the darkness. Though he got an answer, it's vagueness only spurred Mac's curiosity further. He contemplated what freedom truly meant on his decent back to the town.

"BIG MAC!" A young voice exclaimed. As Macintosh entered the well lit farm house, he was assaulted by the embrace of his little sister. She clung around his neck, small sobs escaping her. "We we're so worried about ya', big brother."

"I'm fine Applebloom," Big Macintosh assured her with a somber smile.

"Y'all don't look fine." Barked a deeper but still feminine voice, Mac looked up to see an orange coated, light straw maned pony wander into the living room. A light brown stetson adorning the top over her head above a concerned and skeptical brow. Applejack walking towards he brother, concern lighting her features. "Wha' in tar-nation happened to ya? Ya look like yah just go otta a brawl." She raised her hoof and gently parted Mac's main where the blood had stained. She saw the small wooden cross bow on his hoof and gave him an expecting look

Mac sighed. "Ah'll tell ya 'bout it tamorrow."

Applejack gave her brother a skeptical glare, than shook her head. "Did those guard ponies do this to you?" She asked before letting out an exacerbated sigh. "What happened Mac? Did you resist 'em or-"

"I honestly don't feel like talkin' 'bout it right now." Macintosh seethed, his patience was thinning with his sister's interrogation, and blatant disregard for his own request for sensitivity. He looked away, knowing that eyeing his sister would come across as a challenge and only solidify her pressuring him further.

"Alright, alright." Applejack stepped away from her brother and commanded Applebloom be sent off to bed. The filly wined in protest of the demand, claiming she wanted to make sure Macintosh was ok, but Applejack wouldn't have it. Eventually the yellow pony gave into her sister, and with a goodnight to her siblings, trotted up to her room.

After the slam of the young mares door, silence tensed between the two remaining siblings. Mac looked around the room, admiring the all wood floor that his parents had built so many years ago. His eyes trailed around to the comfy red colored couch on which he would relax on after a hard days work. Granny Smith's rocking chair sat none too far from it, and before them both, a small green rug where Applebloom would play with her toys.

"I hope the party went alright." Mac said, a hopeful smile creeping onto his face. he didn't need to look up to know his sister was glaring at him.

"It was fine, took a little longer than' expected for the cakes to arrive, but aside from that; everypony seemed to be havin' a good time." Applejack replied, her scowl forced up into a small smile.

"Glad to hear," Mac lifted his head to look at Applejack. The smile she adorned was infact forced, and it quickly let away unto a look of worry. She gingerly hugged her brother and nuzzled his neck. "Ah understand if you don't wanna talk now." She admitted breaking the embrace. "But, promise me yah won't leave the family with two royal guards again, ok?"

Mac smiled down at her and gave his town famous: "Eyup." before the both retired to bed for the night.

Mac awoke with a smile on his face, fogging memories of himself gliding threw the clouds with Pegasus wings ,slowly slipping from his memory. He felt amazing, the wind flowing through his main, and the speed of exhilaration that flight gave him; it may have only been a dream, but next to seeing his family and friends, it was one of the greatest things he had ever experienced.

Mac looked outside to see the sun had already broken the horizon. Typically he would be out bright and early to do his work on the farm, but after the events of yesterday and the discovery they lead to; the red stallion figured he deserved a break.

After his stretching and morning hygienics, Macintosh wondered down stairs. To his surprise Applejack was sitting at the table with a cup of coffee and a bowl of: carrot, lettuce, and tomato salad on the table; Mac's favorite dish, it even had the small apple slice on top. His smile grew slightly and the stallion wondered into the kitchen.

"Mornin' Big Mac." His sister called with a genuine smile.

"Mornin'," Mac replied taking his seat and rubbing his hooves together. He leaned down to indulge in the delicious greens that were specially prepared for him, but his face met the bear wooden table. He rubbed his nuzzle with a hoof and looked to find his sister had pulled the plate away from him.

"Y'all should really learn to keep yer eyes open when ya eat." Applejack jested. Mac's eyes drew back to the meal. He wanted it, it was his favorite, why did she torment him so? The red pony forced his lip to quiver and gave his sister a pleading look. "Ya can eat, once we talk."

Macintosh deadpanned, "Filly please," he patronized smacking his sisters hoof off the bowl and taking it for his own.

"BIG MAC!" Applejack cried. "What n' the world has gottn' into ya?"

She was met by a pair of scathing emerald green eyes. A small sigh escaped Mac's chest and his expression softened. He didn't want his sister upset with him; but by the same token, he wasn't going to let her antics condescend his pride. Not anymore. "Ah said last night we would talk, ain't no reason to treat my like some colt who needs bribin'."

The farmer mare stood in shock. She had never seen her brother this way before, he was typically so laid back and easy going with her and anypony else. She always thought he liked her playful and sometimes motherly nature.

Big Mac looked away from her and down to the assorted vegetables before him. He couldn't understand why he was yelling the way he was. Why was he so angry with what she did?

It always caused him a little irritation in the past, that much was true, but more honestly the red pony more enjoyed the games his sister played. It was fun to see what questions she would ask, and what he would get as a reward. But this morning, he just saw her as patronizing and disrespectful.

"Ah... uh." Applejack began, her face down trodden. "Ah'm sorry Big Mac."

A tidal wave of guilt surged through Macintosh, he didn't want his sister to be so over motherly, but he never wanted to hurt her. After a few minutes of thought, his expression softened. "I'm sorreh too, sis." Mac finally replied.

He looked up to see Applejack smiling weakly at him,

Mac took a calming breath and explained to his sister what had happened. She already knew that the Royal Guard had detained him by Applebloom, but as much as he rather avoid the why, he told her anyway. His sister gave a disgusted snarl and slammed her hoof on the ground. "They did tha' so... Sick bastards!" She cringed at the thought of having to let a pony she didn't even know have her way with her. "Wait, if the only way they would let yah' leave was for me to get you, how'd ya get out?"

Big Mac unleashed a prideful smile. "Ah had some help."

Applejack cocked her head and an rose a brow, "Yah had some help?"


The farm mare put a thoughtful hoof to her chin. "Who'd be so crazy as to try to get yah out of a the hoosegow of the town guard?"

Mac looked at the clock, to his surprise; it was almost noon. He couldn't believe how much time he wasted detailing his capture and the sadistic unicorn who kept him prisoner. "Well," he said lowly, "Ah am hopin' he'll drop by soon, and he can tell ya himself."

As if right on cue, a loud knock came from the door. Macintosh felt a wave of nervousness climb over him. Mac knew the pony meant him no harm, but something about the Sin just seem to intimidate him. "Speak'n of..." he he said forcing the hindering emotion away. The two siblings walked calmly to the door and opened it to find a brown cloaked pony with black goggles covering his eyes.

"Afternoon Sin." Big Mac called with a somber smile.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Macintosh, I do hope I am not interrupting anything." Sin's voice still held that sophisticated yet menacing tone that shook Macintosh to the core, but the red stallion dismissed it as a quirk.

"Nah, not at all. This is mah sister Applejack; you came just in time to help me explain how you helped me escape." Mac held his hoof to his sister. "Applejack, this is Sin."

"Pleasure to make yer' acquaintance." Applejack held out a hoof for Sin to shake.

"The pleasure is all mine, madam." Sin bowed his head. "You will have to excuse me, touching is something i avoid if at all possible. No offense intended."

Applejack gave a skeptical glare, Mac could tell she had the same feeling about the new pony that she did. She retracted her hoof and invited the stallion in with a friendly smile. "Well any friend of Big Mac's a friend of mine." The three walked into the dining room to converse. Big Mac took the half eaten salad from the table and stored it in the fridge for later, as the Applejack offered sin a chair and she took her own.

"Thank yah for acceptin' mah invitation." Mac said taking his own seat.

"Of course," Sin gave an uneasy smirk, though he was sitting; it was obvious he was still tense. Though the two apple siblings didn't want to appear rude, they both couldn't help but acknowledge how forced the curved lips were. "Truth be told Mr. Macintosh-"

"Big Mac." Mac corrected.

"Big Mac," Sin repeated. "I am not here on only selfless intent."

"First thing's first." Applejack interjected. " My brother tells me you helped him escape jail. Why did yah do it?" Macintosh was as eager to know the question as Applejack was. The two looked upon the stallion who remained silent for a time.

"Straight to the point, I like that." Sin commented leaning over the table slightly and and placing his hooves in front of him. "Your brother was wrongfully arrested Miss Applejack."

Applejack gave a concerned look to Macintosh who simply lowered his head, a scene of sadness in shame played in his eyes. "And do yah know that?" She questioned, Applejack loved her brother, she really did; but if he did, in fact, commit a crime than he must face the consequences for it.

"He was arrested with out charge." Sin replied simply. "I may not be from Equestrian, or Ponyville for that matter; however, i have studied your laws. And if there is to be an arrest made, charges are to be given to the accused. Or it is considered ponynapping."

The farm mare looked at Macintosh for confirmation, the red stallion pressed his lips together and gave her a gentle nod. Her gaze fell back to the foreign stallion, he had placed one hoof over the other and watched her with a knowing face. "That doesn't answer neither of mah questions." She shot back, hoping to get a reaction. Ever since Macintosh had met Sin, his face had never given any significant change. Sure he would smirk, or twist his lips; but aside from that, he seemed to have the emotional response of a white painted wall.

"In a way it did." Replied the Sin giving a more genuine smile. "Tell me, Ms. Applejack, do you believe in authority over individuality?"

Applejack grimaced in confusion of the question. "Ah, wait what?"

Sin's smile dropped and he took a small breath. "I apologize, that was rude of me. The reason i helped your brother escape was simply because that is what i do."

"Ok," Applejack deadpanned. "Now could you explain to me why you do it?"

Sin's smile returned even bigger than before. "Quid pro Quo, Ms Applejack. You answer my question, and i shall answer yours."

"Excuse me?"

"I am willing to tell you why i aided in your brothers escape because it concerns him." Sin gestured with his hoof to Macintosh who was beyond words to see someone challenge his sister in such a way. He raised his his hoof to symbolize reluctance. "In order to know something about me personally. You will need to exchange information for information. After all, nothing in life is free."

Applejack furrowed her brow attempting to process all of the information she was getting. It wasn't typical to have an encounter with pony's like Sin. Usually, visitors were more open and friendly with the mare, but Sin seemed more reserved and, for lack of a better term, deceptive. "So, i gotta tell yah somethin' about mah self, in order for y'all to tell meh somethin' about yer' self."

Sin simply nodded his head.

"No offence uh, Mr. Sin." Applejack replied. "But, you rub me the wrong way, and i don't feel i can trust yah too much." The mare stared at the pony. She couldn't explain why the pony's lack of emotion struck her as ill motivated, but it did. And the fact he was in her house only put her on edge.

"A smart move, Ms. Applejack." Sin smirked again. "It is unwise to give personal details to a stallion you have just met."

The farm mare was starting to get annoyed with the nonsense the pony before her was touting, she opened her mouth to end it before she was cut off by his speaking again.

"I am from a nation where my fellow citizens are rather... Cynical and selfish." Sin admitted, Mac smiled at the final bit of knowledge on him. His sister breathed a sigh of relief at a straight answer. "I must ask that you excuse my conversational etiquette, it has been some time since i have actually spoken with ponies I could trust not to use my own information against me."

Applejack gave him a smile. "Yah don't need worry none, 'round here, what's said on the farm; stays on the farm."

"Thank you." Sin turned his attention back to Macintosh, "Have you thought about what i said?"

Mac smiled and nodded. "Ah have, and ah think yer' right." The red stallion took a breath. "Ah didn't appreciate mah freedom enough to fight for it, n' ah feel ashamed of it."

Applejack gave a quizzical look at her brother. "But after ah thought about it, bein' locked up in that cell, and used as a barterin' tool; Ah figured somethin' out. Somethin' that ah had never thought about." Mac looked down trying to articulate his feelings.

Sin relaxed his tensed muscles and his smile grew. "Oh, and what was that?"

"This is mah life," Mac looked back up to see his savior, "and ah was put on this earth to serve none other than myself, or who ah wan' to."

A full and genuine smile claimed Sin's face before began to mirthlessly chuckle. "I'm glad." his tone lost of malice and deception put Applejack at ease, she was happy to see the pony before her was more than robotic.

"However," Big Mac continued, his serious tone didn't wavered. "There have been some questions I'd like to ask ya, if yah don't mind."

Sin scratched his chin in thought, after a few moments he placed it back on the table nodded in agreement. "I suppose i don't have anywhere to go for a bit. Please ask anything you'd like."

Closed his eyes and constructed the question in his mind. He recalled a scenario that plagued him before he fell asleep last night. "How do ah balance mah freedom, n' the freedom of others?"

I don't know why, but this chapter was hard to make. But i do hope you guys like it, let me know if you can point out anything I need to improve on, or if it's my own imagination. And yea, sorry about this chapter being so dry, the next one should make up for it.

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