• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 7,113 Views, 1,280 Comments

Earning Freedom - Daxisle

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony, but once he's imprisoned under false charges for sexual favors, he receives a package in his cell containing means for his escape, and a letter that would change the way he saw the world forever.

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Country Wedding (Pt. III)

Country Wedding (Pt. III)

"Now tell me, where is Puddinghead?" Sin growled, glaring down at the mare.

The pegasus mare beneath him glared up at the stallion, daring him to lift his hoof away so she could scream. Sin realized how the pradiciment may look, even if Macintosh didn't recognize him with the new cloak and hood.scarf hiding his face, if any of the wedding goes came running, the situation would look more like a rape on his part than trying to stop an assassination attempt.

He had enough strength that the Federalist could drag her somewhere more private, but the problem there was that Sin couldn't both keep her under control and move her at the same time without risking getting caught. He could try knocking her out and taking her off that way, but if she only feigned being asleep and awoke at the wrong time, that was just another can of worms waiting to happen.

Meanwhile, in his head, a small battle was raging between himself and his personified emotions, with Critic passing along the message. This wasn't part of the kid's plans, the kid had enough of Sin killing. Though, Sin had the high ground here. The Trotski assassin was sent by Puddinghead to kill Macintosh. If not for revenge, than he'd need to leader to ensure the safety of his friend.

Sin gingerly lifted his hoof just enough, but a small screech from the mare made him slam it back down. It wasn't a long one, some might mistake it for a birds chirp.

The stallion smirked down at her. "I guess the easy way isn't going to cut it. That's alright, I have ways of getting what I want." He glared down at the mare and summoned the aura, but her look of defiance persisted in lue of the expected fear.

He pushed the boundaries, making her defiance crumble a little to fearful resistance, but it was clear his actions weren't having the desired affect.

Critic, what the hell? Why isn't she petrified?

'Hold on... Kid says that was the Nightmare's power. Since he's got her under lock and key, you don't have access to it anymore.'

You've gotta be fucking kidding me! Tapio dammit all! Fuck it, we'll do this the old fashioned way.

Suddenly, Sin released his right hoof's hold on the mare and dug it into her belly and dug up into her abdominal, finding the sweet spot for a sickening mix of discomfort and paralysis. She struggled a little, getting a good shot in at his face, but he held firm, pressing up into her sternum and irritating her lungs and reaching up for her heart.

After a few seconds her legs fell limply to her side and the defiant mare was absolutely helpless against him.

He relaxed his leg, keeping the pressure on to limit her volume of speech if she got any more funny ideas.

"Now then, let's try this again. Where is Puddinghead?" He asked, twisting his hoof to emphasize that he was growing tired of asking the question.

The Trotski acted as expected and didn't reply, cringing a little as Sin pushed in more, rubbing the top of his hoof against a very sensitive area that lay on the inside of the ribcage. It sickened him to no degree to admit, but he was actually a little glad she was putting up such resistance, it gave him an excuse to indulge his sadism.

He tried asking the question again, but the results continued to disappoint, resulting in farther exploration of his hoof into her insides. "Hmm, let's see here, kidney, gal bladder, small intestine, stomach, I don't even know what that is..." he said thoughtfully. "Ah there it is." He placed a gentle pressure to the upper right quadrant of her abdomine and the mare threw her head back and opened her mouth in a silenced cry of pain, slamming her head against the ground repeatedly.

Sin smirked as goosebumps traveled up and down his spine, reveling in his enemy's suffering. He forgot what this spot was called, but from what he'd heard, to put pressure on this spot caused pain akin to that of childbirth or stomping a stallion's testicles. If the Trotski's actions were any indication, he'd say that the his teacher's words were pretty spot on.

"I could do this all day." Sin smirked, removing his hoof from the mare's person, letting her huff to regain oxygen. "All you have to do is tell me where Puddinghead is, and all of this goes away." He said gently. "Don't get me wrong, you tried to kill my friend, and honestly, I'm having a lot of fun right now. But I've also got a schedule to keep. So, tell me where your leader is, and this will stop."

The mare coughed and breathed for a few more minutes before looking up at him and then the sky. "Why? Hurricane? Why have you forsaken me?" She asked in a raspy whisper.

Sin chuckled, unable to restrain himself. "Kinda hard for her to hear you, what with the arrow bolt I put through her ears."

The mare's eyes widened in horror as they locked onto Sin's again, making the stallion's concionce conflict with his id. He knew what he was feeling wasn't right, that his inner glee at her suffering wasn't moral on his part, but dammit if it wasn't the most beautiful thing... to see the hope drain from someone's eyes who tried to kill your best friend.

"Now, I wont ask this again. Where is Puddinghead?" Sin growled.

It took some coaxing and a little bit more skillful hoof work, but eventually he got the answer he wanted. Unsurprisingly, assuming the mare was being truthful, Puddinghead, as well as the remnants of the Trotski in general, had returned to the Judgement wreckage outside of Trotingham.

"Figures." He said, before looking down at his crossbow and shrugging at the mare. "Well, you're purpose is served." He lifted his foreleg and aimed the bow at the mare's head.

'Hold on a second.'


'Kid and the Nightmare are talking, they're saying something I think you'll find pretty interesting.'

That right?

'Yea, she says that even if you kill this pony, another will stop by to finish the job when the Trotski realize the attempt was a failure, and your luck in catching that assassin wont be as good as catching this one. Mac did a pretty good number on them, dude, she might be right here.'

Sin furrowed his brow, that was a good point. Still though, what was she getting at?

'The Alicorn has an idea, but she wants to talk to you directly.'

That didn't bode well, Sin was just starting to enjoy her lack of discernible presence in his mind, but by the same token, if she could help him protect Macintosh, hearing her out might not be a bad idea.

Fine, but tell the kid to shut her down if I give the word, got it?

"Gah! At last, some breathing space." The unmistakable sultry voice of Nightmare Moon boomed.

Right, I was informed you had something important to tell me?

The Alicorn chuckled, finding his pointedness amusing. "I may have an idea to assist in saving your dear friend, Sinbad."

Macintosh looked over at Spike as he stood at the alter. "Anything happen while I was gone?"

Spike shook his head and looked out at the crowd. The Apple Family standing on one side of the isle while the circus folk stood on the other. The soft music was put on hold, waiting for the song everypony came to hear. Mac felt nervous for reasons he couldn't quite understand. Annabelle and he would be put into life long wedlock, that was a good thing, so why did he feel so sick and nervous right now?

'Because you're becoming oxygen deprived? Breath Mac, ya gotta breath!'

The stallion exhaled a breath he didn't realize he was holding, the world becoming a bit more peaceful when he did so.

'There you go, nothing to be nervous about, right? All you have to do is give your vows, give Anna the necklace, kiss the bride, cut the cake, indulge Spike's best mate speech, do a little dance and head off to your honey moon.'

Mac's eyes shrunk to pinpricks... vows... he completely forgot about the vows!

His inner voice groaned. 'Check you left blazer pocket.'

The stallion lifted his hoof and sighed with relief as he pulled out both the card upon which he'd written his vow and the barrel pendant necklace. He gave the vow a quick once over and it all came rushing back to him.

There we go, you're heads in the game now. Crap, look alive!'

Macintosh put the card and necklace away and looked at the opposite end of the isle. His eyes damn near bulged out of his head at what he saw standing before him.

There, in plain white dress made of sparkling silk, stood Annabelle. Her once braided mane now hung loosley around her head and neck, framing her face ever so perfectly, with her bangs covering just enough of her eyes the way she knew Macintosh appreciated. The subtlest hints of make up could be seen accenting her light blue eyes, a detail most wouldn't notice, but he would and he did.


She was beautiful.

Pinkie nodded at the quartet and the lead cellist took her cue to begin the song.

The crowd shushed, the music played an upbeat theme that everypony knew, and Annabelle and her mother began taking small, calculated steps down the red carpet that had been produced.

With each step, the butterflies in Mac's chest wiggled about a bit more violently, the comfort of seeing Annabelle's smiling face doing absolutely nothing to ease his nervous excitement... Even if she did look drop dead gorgious.

Happy day, happy day, happy day.

In short order, Annabelle was handed off at the platform, her eyes locked onto Macintosh's own as Cadance stepped forth to join them in wedlock. The Alicorn spoke, but no words could reach Mac's ears. His mind was too occupied by the stunning pony before him, admiring her for all she was, contemplating the life they would share together.

She held out her hoof to him and smiled brighter, Mac accepted the offering and felt the unease drain from his body.

'She is quite beautiful, you did well, Macintosh.'


Suddenly Cadance stopped talking and Annabelle pulled out his necklace, coaxing the stallion to lower his head and accept the gift. He then proceeded to take out his own and return the gesture, admiring the jewelry upon his wife before admiring his own.

"And now, the vows. We shall start with the bride." Cadance declared. Taking a breath, Annabelle retrieved a card from her bouquet and began reading.

"Macintosh Apple. I take you as you are, loving who you are now and who you are yet to become. I promise to listen to you and learn from you, to support you and accept your support. I will love you and have faith in your love for me, as my husband, through all our years and all that life may bring us. Till death do us part."

Mac felt his insides go warm and he almost melted as the words hit him like a brick wall. Any doubts he had, any credence he'd given to her lack of faithfulness were erased by those words.

She gave him a gentle nudge, reminding him to read his own vow.

"Annabelle, Ah knew from the moment Ah saw you that we were meant ta be. Ah vow to love ya, encourage you, trust you, and respect you. As a family, we will create a home filled with love n' compassion. Ah promise to work with you knowing that together we will build a life far better than either of us could imagine alone. Today, Ah choose you to be my wife. I accept you as you are, and I offer myself in return. Till death do us part."

With that, both exchanged their respective cards. Cuing Candace to retake the stage.

"Do you, Macintosh, take Annabelle to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, to remain faithful and true, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

"Ah do."

She turned to the bride.

"Do you, Annabelle-"

"I DO!" She interrupted, earning a few chuckles from the audience.

"Very well, but the power vested in my by my birth rite as the Princess of Love, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

The two leaned forward and pressed their lips together in a smoldering show of love, time stopped for Mac in that single moment. His body was on the verge of collapse from the kiss and the world vanished once more. In that instant, there was no wedding, no Cadance, no world, no stress, there was only Annabelle and all of his love for her. In that moment, he no longer had any doubts, he no longer had any regrets, save that the moment wouldn't last forever.

The two pulled apart and the guests applauded with a chorus of stomping hooves and whistles.


Macintosh's eyes widened as he looked down in shock. Annabelle gasped and screamed as the pony fell to his knees and ultimately to his side, the red fletched shaft of a crossbow bolt protruding from his neck.

Ponies gasped and bull rushed the stage, many were screaming and making incoherent demands.

"NO!" Sin watched in horror as his best friend, a pony he respected dearly and loved, fell to the ground from an injury that he knew he wouldn't survive. Even from that distance, Sin could see the blood pooling around the red pony's throat, staining his wife's alabaster dress red.

His irate attention was returned to the assassin who he'd so foolishly allowed to regain her senses. She was running now, retreating back to the Everfree forest.

"You fucking bitch!" He yelled, lifting his hoof and firing off one of his bolts at her. He didn't even wait to see if it would hit home before taking off after her, putting everything he had into catching her and rendering every last bit of pain and torment onto her that he could conceive of.

The assassin looked back at him and smiled. "Don't worry! I'll get you later! Long live the Trotski!" She declared, pushing herself faster as she ran down the bluff.

Are you sure this will work?

Sin could hear the crying coming from the farm. Hallowing wails of loss and pain, of fear and anger. it drove him, it drove him to run harder and faster, to kill the bitch who'd ended the life of a pony he cared so deeply for.

"We're too far along for you not to trust me now."

Sin was gaining on the murderer, the deep orange pegasus pony was almost to the forest now, but he would catch her, he'd catch her and hurt her before she got there.

Just as the mare was about to run through the woods, Sin leapt after her and wrapped his forelegs around her hind legs, wrestling her to the ground at the treeline.

"Now punch her in the muzzle, hard!"

Sin did, he turned her over and decked her as hard as he could in the mouth, bloodying her snoot. Though, in her thrashing, she managed to knock the Federalist off, but her attack only served to fule Sin and redouble his efforts.

"Now, hit her on the back of the head!"

The stallion grabbed the Trotski's head and slammed it against the ground, making her cry out in pain.

"Perfect, now you put her down there and then go lay down over there."

The Trotski mare threw her hind leg up and landed a painful blow on Sin's testicles, making the pony howl in pain before he was bucked off and away farther than he should have, falling in a heap on the ground.

"You bitch!" Sin said, cradling his groin. He watched as the mare sat up and rubbed her head, hoping that the plan would work.

Smirking, the Trotski mare wiped a foreleg over her bloodied muzzle and glared daggers and postulated the victory of the Trotski.

"That was for Commander Hurricane and Prince Platinum!" She declared, beginning her walk to the fallen pony. "And since you've admitted to-"

She stopped, watching as Sin arose from the ground and lifted his now loaded crossbow at her. The assasin glared at him as the pony fired, missing her by mere inches.

"I wont forget this!" She yelled back, running through the tree line. "The Trotski will raise again!"

Sin yelled for her to come back, but feigned pain to excuse his lack of effort to chase after her. It was, after all, part of the plan that she think she escaped.

Once he was sure she was gone, Sin sighed and turned his head back to the direction of the farm.

Well, she didn't go back to finish the job, guess that means you were on the level.

"Of course I am, I am a mare of my word."

'Pretty clever idea.' Critic praised. 'Knocking her out and making her dream the assassination attempt was a success.'

Sin had to admit, the results spoke volumes. He was worried about the Alicorn betraying him and waking the mare while she was on his back, or that some random wedding goer would spot him as he walked to the Everfree forest for her awakening, but the plan worked perfectly. The Federalist even kept giving her minor injuries to match those in the dreamscape to make it as believable as possible.

Once that mare gives her report, the Trotski will think Macintosh is dead and wont try to kill him anymore. At least not for a while, Sin would need to finish off Puddinghead in order to ensure the longevity of his friend's safety.

A notion that was still being debated by his emotions and himself. Still though, he could take comfort in that a gnawing worry that was eating at the back of his mind ever since the fall out between the Trotski and the communists, was laid to rest.

Author's Note:

Well, that happened.

Bit boring, but eh, I'm not too good at wedding scenes, even did a little plagerizing here... made alterations so I couldn't be hit, but yea...

Last part is up next, sorry I didn't make it one big chapter, still working on that fortress for all the hate I'll be getting... you guys think seven feet of concrete is enough? I don't think it is.

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