• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 7,115 Views, 1,280 Comments

Earning Freedom - Daxisle

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony, but once he's imprisoned under false charges for sexual favors, he receives a package in his cell containing means for his escape, and a letter that would change the way he saw the world forever.

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Saviors and Decisions

Saviors and Decisions

Malich smiled happily to himself as he finished the last bit of paperwork for the Inquiry. The Sigma III debacle would be in the papers for a few more days to keep the masses entertained, but there was already a new story circulating about the disappearance of Lady Fatchitaz. Apparently she was supposed to host another, most likely botched, dinner party two nights ago and the press was eating her absence up like no tomorrow.

The best part was that, while he did "agree" to marry her, the condition he'd set was a next to impossible task. He never gave her Sin's location in Equestria, so the search itself would most likely take weeks or even months! But even if she did find him, he hated her almost as much as Malich did, so there was no chance of him actually coming.

He kinda wished he could see his brother's face when he heard that the fat tub of lard was betrothed to him. By Tapio, he might actually crack a smile at it!

All well. As nice a thought as it was, it was nothing compared to the new developments that had come from Project New Wave. According to both Elsa and Voltare, the new shipment of... subjects had arrived and Psy was none the wiser for it. Both Changeling Larva that had been kept in containment had died, unfortunately, though not without a great deal of knowledge being gained.

If his hypothesis was correct, than allowing a fully birthed changeling to be born in the Federation would be the best course of action, though, both of his researches demanded that the Larva were examined at different stages of development. The vice-president approved this only if there were enough subjects to spare, but made the condition that at least three changeling parasites had to come to full maturity.

Had it not been for Malich's quick thinking in offering Psy a few days off to enjoy Unitas and get out of the compound for a bit, he overly empathetic fool might have damaged his project. He certainly wouldn't have stood for it.

But, it was on Voltare and Elsa to keep that little secret from him. Good thing Malich never told him about the sub basement levels for just such an occasion, nor any of the staff about the lower lower levels. He didn't have a plan for them yet, but it was always good to hold a few aces up his sleeves.

Though that did leave one more thing to think about that had a hazardous effect on his mood. Things were progressing much faster than he'd expected for his brother's reptilian associate. As such, Malich had sent one last letter to Equestria for deliverance a day ago when he'd gotten the news.

He didn't have many mercenaries in the country, a maximum of twenty plus his spies to stay out of Celestia's radar. But that wouldn't be enough to stall the trial for long and would be a depressing loss of capital and investment should things escalate to violence.

He needed Spike alive for his scheme. He needed his brother alive, and if things went badly, it was a high risk that both of these needs wouldn't be met.

A small camp awaited the Equestrians as they departed the wagon that carried them from Manehatten to the Dog territory in the Amaranth Vale. As night fell and everypony fell to sleep, a few figures escaped the camp, each leaving at thirty minute intervals to avoid suspicion from any guards.

It took all of an hour for all three to trudge through the lush fields of the Vale with not but Luna's night and cloud to keep them hidden. Taking in the scent of fresh grass, the meeting came to order with silent acknowledgement.

Macintosh, Sin and Rainbow Dash agreed to meet up to get a real plan in order, taking into account some new developments. Luckily Discord must have over heard them, or "happened to be out for a late night stroll" as he put it, and came to join them.

"Alright, so starting off, Rainbow, Mac I'll need you two close to me. Shining Armor and that stallion we met at the Discordian camp a few days ago is with him. I've seen what they are capable of and I know they'll be watching me." Sin declared, stroking his chin while looking at the other two. The clouds brought darkness with them, keeping the conspirators well concealed from anyone following them or seeing them. "Rainbow, think you could handle them long enough for me to get to Spike?"

The mare nodded, even in the darkness the determination and resolution in her eyes was clear as day. Sin turned to Mac and asked if he would cover him while he took out the more heavily armed security detail dogs. Mac nodded in the affirmative, but expressed concerns for how long he'd be able to last.

"That's where the first part of Discord's involvement comes into play." The idea was that once Spike was sentenced to death, the god of chaos would unleash a distraction that would cause the court room to erupt in panic and mayhem. He may not be willing to do all the leg work, but the draconequus was more than willing to lend his aid so long as the ponies put forth the effort. Though a distraction may not be effective in escaping Shining Armor and his apprentice, which was the main reason Sin needed them both present.

It was irritating how vague the whole thing had to be, but he didn't have access to the trial chamber, so reconnaissance was next to impossible. If the drake was kept in a cage while being tried was another variable to take into consideration, Sin could deal with shackles and chains, but if he wasn't able to physically move the drake, than something else would have to be figured out.

"I suppose I could help with that." Discord intoned. "But it'll still be your job to get him out alive. I may be on your side, but that doesn't mean you get to use me for everything."

"Aren't you afraid Celestia will turn you back to stone?" Rainbow asked. "Don't get me wrong, I still don't trust you, but still..."

Chuckling out loud, Discord dismissed the idea. He'd been imprisoned for a thousand and one years because he was foolish enough to challenge the Elements of Harmony. A mistake he would only make twice.

She countered the point by mentioning how disappointed Fluttershy would be in him, to this; the elder had little in way of reply. "She'll understand. Fluttershy may be my friend, but we've talked about this and she's just as much against this as I am." His jovial face turned downcast. "She wants to stop it, but doesn't know how, I'm afraid."

"Guess we'll have to do it on her behalf then." Sin stated, "Sorry I can't give more details, but I'd need to see the schematics of the place to make things more detailed. And since one of us refuses to use his godly powers to-"

"I can give you the drawing I made." All four looked to find Pinkie Pie standing and looking at them. "I snuck into the caves and saw everything when I went to see Spike. The dogs may not smell great, but I asked nicely and they told me where they'd take him."

Sin stood thunderstruck. First Rainbow defected, now Pinkie?

'Well Sin, I've gotta admit, you may have been right about her after all.'

Uhhhh, huh? Oh yea! Right. Told ya.

Pinkie walked over to join the small gathering and produced a crude, blue crayon drawing of a circle inside of a square with numerous details and a half circle that was labeled: "Big judge table". "It's not much, but if it can help in getting Spike out of this mess, than I'll be happy with that."

"Pinkie... What... what are you doing here?"

The party pony smiled sadly. "I've been thinking alot about what's happened, and I don't understand what's going on. All I know is that I want Spike to come back home where he belongs. He was being stupid, but he's a baby, babies are allowed to make mistakes, right?"

Dash gave her a sympathetic stare. "Pinkie, you know what you're getting into, right? You'll lose everything in Ponyville. Sugar Cube Corner, your friends, the Cake family, your own family. You'll never be able to see any of them again."

The pink earth pony's eyes returned to the ground and she took a breath to steady herself. "Dashie I can't let this happen to one of my friends, I just can't! I haven't talked to my family in a long time. I still love them all, but I guess I let them go when I left the rock farm. And Mister and Missus Cake will be mad at me, so will Pumpkin and Pound, but they will understand."

'Dude, this is getting a little heavy.'

Yea, but I need all the help I can get, so I'll allow it.

'Hey I just thought of something. How bad will this look? Two of the four Elements of Harmony turning against their own country? Aren't they well respected figure heads? Wouldn't their involvement here have some kind of political ramifications?'

"You know that if you help us, you'll most likely become an enemy of the state." Sin pointed out, dismissing his inner critiques assertions as utter nonsense.

Her expression turned from warm sadness to neutral as the cotton candy maned mare turned her attention. "I know, but I don't want Spike to-" A hick up interrupted her, tears beginning to form in her eyes. "I can't let them do that to him, and you're the only pony willing to stand up to Celestia to help him. You heard what Twilight and them said yesterday." She shivered and quaked as the raw emotion finally began to bubble over. "I love Equestria, but it just wouldn't be right to do nothing while one of my best friends is... is..."

"Killed." Sin finished, making Pinkie cringe. He couldn't blame her, the thought of Spike hanging from a noose didn't sit well in his mind either, but it was a possibility.

"So it's settled then?" Mac spoke out finally. "We do this togethah? All five o' us?" He looked around to find any objections or reservations. The apple pony closed his eyes to stop himself from blurting out his own objections. This was a crazy plan that would ruin his family and life, but this was bigger than him now.

It was an issue that was on his mind ever since the sun goddess had simply stood by as they took Spike away. His growing resentment for her submissiveness as his friend, her student's son, was thrown in a cage! She sat back and let it happen in the name of peace. Peace, as if it was worth betraying the life of his friend so that she wouldn't have to deal with a few rowdy mutts causing a ruckus. It was a disgrace!

'Did you forget that there was a reason for his arrest?'

No, he hadn't forgotten, as far as Mac was concerned, Celestia should have made some demand that he be tried by both ponies and dogs and a compromise be found for his punishment. Death was too severe for him to allow, and if it demanded the Solar Princess' wrath, than he could confidently say: 'Buck the princess.'

This wasn't just about Spike's life, it was about sending a message to Celestia that her standing by while Equestrians were threatened with death wasn't acceptable, and to the dogs as well that their laws didn't apply to Equestria.

"Are you all sure about this? You understand that once we do this, there's no going back. Once we start fighting, you'll all be seen as enemies of Equestria and chances are that you will end up fighting your own friends if they interfere." None spoke, as the crushing finality of the entire situation was considered and excepted. No one spoke, not even Pinkie. "Then it's decided." Sin proclaimed as he gathered everyone around to make final preparations for execution.

Tomorrow, there would be no place in Equestria for the six of them, there would be no more Ponyville, no more Sugar Cube Corner or Cake Twins to play with, no more Fluttershy talk to, no more Wonderbolt aspirations, no more Twilight to dote and love, no more Uppity to speak with, and no more Apple family to love or Annabelle to build a relationship with.

Tomorrow, all six of them would need to leave Equestria forever.

Author's Note:

And now Pinkie has switched sides, because reasons I don't care to explain. She hasn't really had a role in the story so far, but this story's already convoluted beyond reason. And if you've followed it this far, you're probably like: "Yea sure, why not? My suspension of disbelief can be called upon one more time."

Next chapter? Judgement Day! And a vote for the public to decide what happens next. (Well, if a bonus chapter is written or not anyways. The result of this trial is kinda integral to the last parts of the story. At which point, the Changeling questions will finally be answered.)

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