• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 7,115 Views, 1,280 Comments

Earning Freedom - Daxisle

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony, but once he's imprisoned under false charges for sexual favors, he receives a package in his cell containing means for his escape, and a letter that would change the way he saw the world forever.

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Trudging through the mid afternoon sun, Sin rolled his neck as made way for home with Spike. The day at the mill had been particularly brutal today. There was a massive order of wood to help with the repairs in Canterlot since the changeling attack, and the proximity of Ponyville to Canterlot made the birch of Whitetale wood a hot commodity that just couldn't be logged and milled fast enough. Jacker had even requested that breaks be cut short to attempt to meet the impossible dead lines, a request compounded by overtime for weeks to come, if projections were true.

The guys didn't mind, though. An extra hour or two of work and fifteen minute breaks cut down to ten were pretty annoying, but the pay was well enough. The stallion didn't need the extra money, but a good nest egg was always welcome.

"Ah man... Today sucked." Spike chuckled, rolling his arms.

Sin agreed, and it didn't look like it would be getting any better anytime soon.

"At least we're getting overtime pay, gotta be happy about that."

Spike shrugged. "I guess, since I've got my own place now, having a little extra spending money would be alright."

Sin chuckled and shook his head, looking at the portly baby dragon beside him. It wasn't like the drake held it against him for asking him to move out a while ago, but things change in time, even when time that time didn't add up.

The two reached the residential district and parted ways.

"See you tomorrow dude, tell Uppity I said hi." Spike declared tiredly with a wave.

"Will do, get some sleep, something tells me it's only gonna get worse from here."

As the stallion walked home, he felt the corner of his mouth pull up into a smile. For all of his hard work, for all of his suffeirng at the mill and constant struggle, it was coming home that made it all worth it. Many thought that because he was a self proclaimed capitalist, that money was all he cared for. Money? Money was a means to an end, that's all it ever would be to him.

Sin reached the door and pushed it open, taking two steps inside before a ringing noise lifted his spirits.


A pair of foals came bull rushing full force from their spot on the couch, each leaping at one of his throbbing legs and clutching on in a show of affection.

Sin smiled down at the kids, his kids.

One mahogany unicorn colt and one bright orange pegasus filly. Both enthusiastically telling him about their day at school and what all they learned about the world, as well as what they had accomplished that day, or at least that's what he assumed they were saying. Foals had a tendenacy to speak a little too quickly to be intelligible at times, especially when there was two speaking at once.

Suddenly, both were caught in an orange aura of magic, and pride from the stallion's legs, Uppity walking in from the other room. "Alright, let's give your father some space, you know how he is after he comes home from work."

Frowning, Sin reached out his wings and grabbed both the foals from his wife's aura. "No, they're mine. I made them!" He proclaimed in petulant voice, making both foals giggle in his embrace.

"You made them?" Uppity asked, quirking a brow and smiling.

Sin was quiet for a moment before reluctantly admitting. "Okay, you might have had something to do with it.

"Daddy, your being silly." The filly declared.

Of course he was being silly, what was he supposed to do? Come home and be as stoic and pissy as he was at work? Fuck that, this was his home and he liked ponies being happy in his home. The rest of the guys would be dumbstruck to see him behaving in such a way, but here? Where his children were? Being fun and silly was what he wanted.

Sin gave his son and daughter one firm squeeze and let them go, Uppity returning them to their homework and promising to let them play afterwords. The colt protested a little more than the filly, but Sin told him to obey his mother, emphasizing the importance of education.

She walked up and gave Sin a gentle kiss on the cheek. "Hard day at the mill? You're home later than usual."

The stallion nodded and nuzzled her, her playfullness now gone. "Yea, will be for a while. The repairs in Canterlot will take a while. How were things with City Council today?"

Uppity groaned and listed off a few complaints she had. Leaf Spring being the primary antagonist as she usually was. Being the new Arbiter of city council wasn't a job he missed, but for all of her gripes, Uppity enjoyed her work well enough. It helped when you had a husband who equally understood what little work she brought home and could argue in ways she could not.

As usual, she had been charged with reading over something for homework and offered to let Sin read it later if he wanted to, which he usually did. Uppity knew him, and she always kept the legislation and ordinances the council made that he'd find interesting waiting. Sin didn't see that kind of thing as more work, that was just a little bit of fun to help unwind at the end of the day.

She lead him to the couch and told him to relax a little she finished up dinner. Sin could smell the food from the living room and smiled, he was reluctant at first to accept anything other than oats and potatoes, especially when both of the ponies attempts at cooking resulted in such astounding failures, but together, they learned how to make all kinds of delicious and nutritious foods. Even if his time cooking was mainly on the weekend and always had potatoes of some kind or another.


Having had their homework done, both of his foals bull rushed him again. His son showing the Federalist a macaroni picture he'd made, and his daughter climbing on on his back and demanding a "horsey back ride."

"Alright, ooohh, I'm getting old." Sin complained playfully, standing up, exagerating his movements to make the ride more fun.

"You're not old, dad." The colt declared obviously.

"You sure?" Sin questioned as he walked around the living room. "I feel old."

"Nu-uh. Old ponies don't give horsey back rides!" His daughter retorted, extending her wings for added balance.

"Hmmm, fair enough." The stallion said, hopping up and down, playfully putting his daughter off ballance and keeping his wing ready to catch her at a moments notice.

"My turn!" The maroon colt demanded, though his sister wasn't done and demanded she keep riding. Sin smirked as the two began to bicker, picked up the colt in his teeth and placed him along side his sibling.

Sin continued his trot around the living room while the foals giggled with delight. At one point in his life, he hated children. Their laughing, their crying, their constant and incessant questions and weakness was one of the very banes of his existence, right next to government and hippies, but having his own changed a lot of things. He was happy to hear them laughing and giggling, begging for him to go faster. Their jovial sounds of glee were one of the most cherished things in his life, as well as their love and admiration.


He was so lost in the fun, he didn't notice Uppity standing the door way of the kitchen, watching with amusement as he played. "Having fun, love?"

"Nuuu..." Sin lied, continuing his trotting. "And you can't prove otherwise."

Uppity smiled politely and told her husband to bring the horsey ride to dinner, a request both of his riders seemed egar to demand he obey.

He lead them to the table and unloaded the foals to their respective seats and then took his own. The meal provided looked absolutely delectable. Stir fry peppers and spuds, one of his favorites.

He took a bite and savored the delicious texture and flavor of spices and slight tangy burn. Uppity was always the superior chef of the two, but she also had more free time than Sin had to practice. As the family began to engulf the meal and convers, the Federalist felt himself grow a comforting warmth.

His children and wife talked among each other, laughing and smiling and filling the air with a joy and light that he had grown to appreciate. Sin felt protective of every pony here, this was his home, that was his wife and those were his children. He loved them and they loved him...

Too bad it wasn't real...

Sin stood in the black void, having seen enough of the dream. The Critic stood beside him, looking much better than he had a few days ago.

'Why did you stop it?'

"Why do you think?" Sin barked, unable to keep the emotion from his voice.

'I don't understand, I thought you'd be happy to-'

"To what?!" Sin barked, turning to face the stallion. "To see what I'll never have? To see the life I'll never get and the stallion I'll never be? You think that would make me 'happy'? Are you retarded? I mean, really, what on Tapio's sick name would posses you to think I'd find anything but discouragement from this?"

The critic didn't reply, instead settling for a gaze of stoic contemplation and confusion.

Sin found it torture if anything. That wasn't real, it would never be real. It was a dream, a dream so far out of reach it was almost painful to think about. He lived a lot of his life in his head, and often imagined things to be better than what they really were, but he knew that it was a fantasy that would never conflate with the cold, hard, and jaded reality that was his life.

the fantisy displayed him as a nice pony, one who'd shown favor to children. Sin hated children and no mystical event could ever happen that would make that fact any less true. And the trotting about like a moron and being ridden like a horse? What even was that? That wasn't him... even if it did look...

NO! No, no, no! He couldn't let himself get that sentimental. That wasn't real, that would never be real, that would never be his life! It couldn't, even if he wanted it to be.

In a twisted kind of way, that was one of the worst nightmares the stallion could ever have... At least when it came to the ones he was supposed to be afraid of, he could just shrug them off in the morning.


Seeing himself with foals he loved, seeing himself with a wife he adored, working at a job he liked, living in a town he wanted to live in, and surrounded by friends he'd commit acts that would surely get him killed in order to protect..

This would haunt him for the rest of his life.

Author's Note:

Torture, ain't it fun?

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