• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 7,113 Views, 1,280 Comments

Earning Freedom - Daxisle

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony, but once he's imprisoned under false charges for sexual favors, he receives a package in his cell containing means for his escape, and a letter that would change the way he saw the world forever.

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Hostile Negotiations (Mal)

Hostile Negotiations

Malich sat in fearful silence as his father took the seat at the head of the table, arrogantly asserting his dominance over a situation in a way only he would have the balls to. Milikki Bluecloak was a hero of the Federation, a powerful witch, and had numerous accomplishments behind her, including defending an entire town of minataur from a pony invasion force that numbered in the thousands. To make the account even more impressive, the death toll was practically zero.

To assert his authority by waltzing in without invitation and taking his place at the head of the table without giving even a single sign of respect was incomprehensible to Malich. Gemini was a powerful pony, probably the most powerful in all of North New Equine, but he was still a mere mortal in comparison to the centaur.

"I apologize for my truancy, there were other matters that required my attention." The dark pegasus said politely, giving Malich a quick glance. For that split second of eye contact, the ashen executive felt his chest tighten. Unlike most who had the aura Gemini's never stopped, he just chose to enhance or reduce it at will. A powerful trait that had, no doubt, assisted in many of his business ventures.

Milikki gave a nod of acknowledgement and both introduced themselves and the centaur explained the reason for her presence.

"I am honored by your visit, Milikki Bluecloak. However, I am afraid that I have no idea what your talking about." Gemini Chuckled. "My father is... less than within his right mind. His association with the conspiracy theorists within the Syndicate has clouded his judgement and lead him to follow the fear mongers and doom sayers of the world."

Malich's head snapped to his father, his eyes wide with shock at how calous he was to deny that which was obvious. Though, that was the narrative that all those in higher positions followed. Rebuke, deny and condemn.

"Mr. Islander." Milikki said softly. "The events that will transpire as a result of your three em organization's actions have encured my husbands ire. Tapio Bearking is no fool, I trust in his wisdom and guidence."

Gemini regarded her for a moment and did his best to act as if he was laughing but trying to repress it, denying how a single company, even a mega corporation like Triple M. had such power over the entire country. "Forgive me, Ms. Bluecloak, but I simply cannot understand how one company could destroy an entire state in the way you are describing."

For some reason, the callous and disrespectful nature of the denial set Malich on edge. Milikki was no fool and it insulted his sensibilities that his father would treat her as such. Though, the Centaur took the dismissal with an astonishing amount of grace and rehashed the arguments that the Syndicate members had often used.

Gemini gave a sympathetic smile and asked a question Malich knew Milikki couldn't answer. "How?"

"Excuse me?"

Clearing his throat, the darker pony repeated: "How does one company bring about the ruin of an entire state?" He asked before motioning to himself and his son. "How do two ponies do that? I mean- there are millions of ponies, griffins, diamond dogs, buffalo, zebra and all other races present here. Each with their own abilities and potentials, money and skills. I'm just a little confused as to how you came to the conclusion that we have the power or means destroy the economy."

"I understand that you've been told as such by Tapio Bearking, who was told by the Liberty Syndicate." he continued, his tone becoming dangerously patronizing. "But I must ask: why do you believe that they are telling the truth? It's no secret that the group are a bunch of radical anarchists and libertarians who have no love for my company's leasing of a private police force to the North Equine government. After all, they consider it a monopoly on violence, when we are all that stand in the way of society delving into chaos and madness. Yet you believe we will bring about the very destruction that my company has invested billions of bills to stop?"

It was a fool proof argument that all Public Relations officials used when Triple M faced with media pushback. Triple M.'s mercinary police division were oathed to maintain security and peace throughout the nation and enforce the laws of the local governments.

Milikki didn't reply, she simply sat and regarded the executive with quiet skepticism.

Seeing there was no argument to come, Gemini continued on to insinuate that the Syndicate was using Tapio's influence to harm the company name with defamation and baseless accusation to Triple M.'s stated goal. To that, the centaur emissary did not remain silent, denouncing her beloved being used by anyone for anything, save his own desire to maintain peace within the Federation.

"I find no appreciation or love for your speech, pony, choose your words carefully before you speak ill of my Shalla." She growled, her calm and pleasant demeanor shifting to passive aggression. Malich took special notice that her eyes color had yet to cycle from red during her speech.

Gemini eased off of the patronizing and offered an apology, saying it wasn't his intent to offend. "That being said, however, I must ask you one thing." He pressed his front hooves together and gave the centaur a pointed stare. "Why do you think we have the ability or interest to destroy the state?"

"For power and gain." Milikki replied simply. "Two things you do desire, yes?"

"I... have power." Gemini frowned thoughtfully. "I am arguably more powerful than any other being within the Federation. I adhere to the government, of course, like any other good law abiding citizen should. I just... don't understand how I would gain anything through death and destruction of my tax paying clientele."

Milikki stared silently for a moment and turned her attention to Malich, compounding the pit in his stomach ten fold as her eyes held orange as she looked at him. He wanted no part of this and was thankful when her glowing stare was redirected at his father, decrying his intent to use the collapse in order to assume control of the citizens and gain the power of a totalitarian dictator by using his company's power and influence to enslave the masses.

A moment of tense and pregnant silence bathed the room, Malich's breath caught in his throat at the notion. It made sense, of course, a fascist monarchy using pre-established military power to control the public. It was somewhat a resemblance of his plan, yet the differences were more than enough to make him genuinely surprised by her accusation.

Finally a small snickering broke the ear shattering silence. All eyes turned to Gemini, who cleared his throat in an attempt to regain his decorum. "Ms. Bluecloak, as amusing as your theory is, I must say that I have absolutely no intention of becoming any kind of political tyrant." The last two words came out in a mocking overtone. "Sure, I've thought about it from time to time and as enticing as such power would be, the stress of facing constant rebellions and running such an empire are of no interest to me."

"I mean, consider it. I, a single pony, would have to oversee everything. That alone is an impossible feat with millions of individuals. So I would need to elect my own oligarchs to assist me. After that, I'd need to worry about assassination attempts from said oligarchs who want my position, right? Then there's the actual running of the empire itself." He continued on listing every minuet nuance and stressful responsibility: ranging from military actions to diplomacy to constant revolts, to solutions to food distribution and medical care, with each point he emphasized how stressful and irritating such a life would be.

Malich found himself in agreement though, running a corporation was bad enough, but to run a totalitarian fascist state? Even setting aside his hatred of government, he still wanted nothing to do with that kind of stress and constant vigilance.

Once he'd finished his speech, Gemini finished by stating, "If you've come here in hopes of stopping a collapse that only the conspiracy minded believe is real, than I'll be happy to inform both you and Tapio that your fears are unfounded and there is nothing to worry about. There is not grand plot to destroy the Federation and take power from the government. Of that, I can assure you."

The president stood from his place. "So unless there are other matters in which you've come to discuss, I believe our business here is concluded."

As Gemini made way for the door, Milikki returned her attention to Malich and eyed him pleadingly. He felt his emotions of guilt welling up once again and called his plan into question once more. Gemini had no part in the coming collapse, he knew it was going to pass, but he'd personally taken no part in it aside from the purchases of his own stocks. The ashen pony, on the other hand, was very much guilty of buying stocks with the sole purpose of crashing the economy...

Before the guilt could sit too long, a powerful feeling of dread began to infest his stomach. His father's aura was mixing with Milikki's magic and raging an internal war within the pony's mind for his thoughts. It was maddening, he couldn't think straight one way or another, chemicals of all types were flooding through his brain, telling him that he should be both afraid and ashamed, mixing into a blend of desperation that almost made Malich lose his lunch on the spot.

"Please..." Milikki whispered. "Don't do this, please."

For a brief moment, the guilt overtook the dread, but it quickly succumbed to discomfort.

"Malich, I'd like to have a word with you in my office. Now." Gemini barked. The ashen pony blinked a stood, offering Milliki a good day and apologizing for his lack of ability to help.

"Radcliff, please see the good healer out." The elder stallion declared before leading his son back through the hallway and into the crowded lobby. All species of citizen had gathered to see the legionares, but Malich's attention was more focused on his father and the consequences the dark stallion would give to Malich for his deception.

Unlike the ashen pony, Gemini had no qualms about using aggression and force to get his point across. To some degree, he might have even enjoyed doing it.

The two reached the end of the hall and patiently waited for the elevator. Once inside, Gemini pulled out a special key and inserted it into the door, baring any stops except the one he wanted.

Malich felt himself begin to shake as the force of assertion fought to pull him to the ground. The aura became more and more prominent the higher the elevator went. Half way up his breathing became labored as the air thickened, it was like trying to breath through a heavy, invisible steam while gravity doubled in strength.

'Keep it together, it's all in your head. It's not real, it's all in your head.' His inner critic cooed.

It didn't matter though, the pony was seconds away from soiling himself out of sheer terror and discomfort.

The doors opened and a flood of relief entered through them, allowing the stallion to breath normally. In short order, he followed the black clad pony into his office and closed the door behind him. It was much more spacious and open than Malich's own, what with the entire back wall consisting of a giant window that showed off the Unitas skyline. Though it was also quite... sterile and minimalist. It had all the things an office was supposed to have, but the wide openness of the room made it feel... empty.


Malich fell to the floor, his ears ringing and the fresh coppery taste of blood in his mouth. He immediately went to nursing his cheek and looked up at his father.

"You tried to go behind my back, Mr. Islander." He growled, lowering his head and circling his son. "Did you really think you could hide Milikki, fucking Bluecloak from me? How stupid do you think I am?" He paused, his blue eyes baring down.

"Father, I-"

Malich's words died in his throat, the aura returned, in ferocity enough to send him into a wimpering and shivering mass of fear and discomfort. He hated this feeling.

"I've given you so much... I've given you power, wealth and life. I set back and let you play big corporate tycoon, and let you blow so much money with a small division of mercenaries. Yet, despite my generosity, you dare to go behind my back for your own agendas." The president growled ominously. "But this isn't the first time you've done that, is it? No... no you've been a very busy colt, haven't you?"

He skulked back to his desk, retrieved a file and wondered back to the fallen pony, reading through one of the pages. "Twenty million bills allocated to miscellaneous and secret medical research expenditures." He looked down. "Did you really think those numbers wouldn't garner my attention?"

Malich flinched, he knew they would, but he had hoped Gemini would buy some excuse about disease funding projects.

"I've been by to visit your little research facility." The president said, walking more casually. "Your rouse on top didn't fool me for a second, but the basement levels were quite interesting." The younger pony felt his balls shrivel, when did, how could?

The look on his face made his father smirk. "What? You think I wouldn't figure it out? One doesn't become the most powerful stallion in the country by being lazy, son." He flipped the page. "Though, I am a little disturbed that you would bring changelings into the Federation." He looked down pointedly. "What are you planning for them?"

He couldn't answer that, no, no the answer would surly bring about his father's wrath. He had to come up with something, anything. Malich cursed himself for not thinking of an excuse, for not even considering the possibility of being found out. The seconds passed and he knew that his failed response in time would render any explanation a falsehood.

A painful kick to the side reaffirmed his fear.

"I asked you a question, boy!"

'Don't take this from him. He may be your dad, but you're stronger than he is...'

Instead of whimpering, Malich arose his head and glared at his father, years upon years of hatred finally manifesting as his own aura unleashed itself. It was a strong presence, but no where near as strong as Gemini's. Still, the message was received. He may have been this pony's child, but he wasn't going to tolerate being kicked around, nor would he answer the question.

"Very well. We'll move onto something else." The tone in his voice promised that the discussion wasn't over, but Malich was glad to have time to think about possible explanations for Project New Wave.

Recomposing himself, the younger executive was interrogated about Project Thanatos and his father giving praise for the newer innovation the pony had invested in. The new "bombs" had already curved many Zeborican issues within the Vale. Despite the ethical debate about the possible abuse of such weapons, polls showed that the Federalists felt safer in knowing that kind of power was being used to protect them. The resources needed to create them were quite cheap in comparison to the labor hours and time needed to achieve the same result.

If only they knew...

"As happy as I am about that, it does raise the question about how you'd come up with the idea."

Malich told most of the truth on that regard. He explained how he'd loosed one of the air ships, leaving out that it was the S.S. Judgement on a chase after the Bloody Sky Captains and that, somehow, fireworks were planted onto one of the air ship in sabotage. To him, it sounded like an excellent potential for weaponization.

"Hmph, Demos." The president shook his head. "Such a shame we lost his employment, his airship was one of the best. Wait, why would you go after him?"

As per the law of the Federation, the Gonshinian was in violation of border air space restrictions in it's departure for Equestria. No permits or anything, as part of protocol, they were to be hunted down and charged for their crimes. However... things didn't work out that way.

Gemini chuckled. "Demos is one of the greatest air ship pilots and tacticians in the world, Malich. With out a fleet to assist, no single airship in the world could compete with the Gonshinian." He paused in thought. "I suppose you are the reason I'd never heard about that?"

The pony nodded and Gemini shook his head in resigned frustration. A few more topics were discussed, mainly how Malich planned to make up for the millions of dollars he'd invested over his little pet projects. For all of the executives love of power, money was his first and foremost priority.

Of course, Malich gave him some small bull shit ROI's, savings in personnel hours, saving heavily money intensive lives, deterring new threats, and, on the spot, proposing a new faction of the company: Triple M.'s Personal Protections. With the companies growing reputation for efficient destruction, and the undead threat still a wide spread secret, citizens would be willing to pay a pretty penny for assurance.

"Using the fear of the eliminated undead to make a profit." Gemini smirked. "No risk, and good returns. I like it."

Malich sighed in relief, glad to have his father's approval once again.

"Though, that does lead to one last thing I wanted to talk to you about. It seems both Senators Windmane and Thornberry have gone missing from my relocation arangement." He quirked a brow. "You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?"

Malich shook his head in the negative. Of course he knew, he'd relocated them from the mining camp out into the country. Gemini had already made his point to the rest of the senate by making them believe the couple dead, they didn't need to suffer for their lack of compliance any more.

"Very well. There is no more business to discuss." The president declared, walking back to his desk. "You're dismissed."

Malich nodded and turned to leave, stopping right before the door when he'd heard his father speak. "We are done for today, but don't think I've forgotten about the changlings. I'll expect an explanation. Soon."

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