• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 7,115 Views, 1,280 Comments

Earning Freedom - Daxisle

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony, but once he's imprisoned under false charges for sexual favors, he receives a package in his cell containing means for his escape, and a letter that would change the way he saw the world forever.

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Royal Commitment

Royal Commitment

After the Triple M. Corporation raid on Golvec's enslaved diamond dog mine, the escaped dogs returned home to rejoin their pack. Alpha Rex and Beta Tido apologized for assuming the word of thier master was absolute and not even considering the strangers advice.

Macintosh, Spike, Sin and even Star Shade were invited to stay in a small base camp set up by Triple M. a mile away from the caverns. Though Sin had still refused medical treatment from the medical agents, the Lunar sister had her own staff available to tend, even if it had taken a great deal of convincing and that the Luna accept some form of payment.

Most stayed in the Corporate sponsored cluster of tents, surrounded by a durable though lanky chain fence. All accept Sin, who, with lack of confidence or just plain hatred for the enterprise, spent his time in the woods nearby; rejecting anything that could even be remotely associated with them. Though Macintosh and Spike had both tried to confront the stallion on the matter, he simply dismissed them with infuriatingly cryptic and vague words.

After looking over the tucking away the generous amount of stones that the dogs had given Spike and his friends to show their gratitude, in a newly made pouch that flung over his shoulder, curtsey of Luna; He and Macintosh gave the the best explanation for their current adventure.

Luna sat with the two in the white infirmary tent to allow the red stallions leg to heal. Listening with interest as the duo told of their first encounters with the enigmatic pony outside. Both feeling a little ashamed at the mention of how sad their loved ones were during the departure. Lune looked especially hurt when informed that Twilight hadn't come to see her number one assistant off. Though, she didn't particularly care for Spike's own words for his caretaker.

They spoke of their travels north, and Sin's lectures on freedom and the philosophical impact it had on them. Helping the two with challenges on how to live both free and responsibly. Though some of what was said made the princess raise a skeptical brow, she couldn't help but hold some amount of respect for the joy and fire that Sin had brought to her two subjects. Macintosh had come out of his shell more, speaking more words in one conversation than she ever thought the stallion said in his life. After they wrapped up the topics in pertinence to Nightmare Night and the Golvec incident, they shared a hardy laugh for reasons neither of them could explain.

"My, it seems as though you two are certainly keeping your hooves full." Luna grinned sheepishly.

"Yea, no kidding." Spike agreed, then his expression turned down trodden. "But some times, I do miss Twilight and them." To this Mac's face also turned downward. "I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm glad I came along with Sin and all, I've never felt more alive; but, Twilight is like my mother and big sister. And I left her with out even saying good bye."

"We are sure she has already forgiven you, young one." Luna gave a reassuring smile. "Twilight Sparkle has always come to logical conclusions, though you're words may have hurt; we are sure she understands."

The young Wyrm gave a sad smile, but then looked back down, another wave of guilt flowing over him. Mac placed a sympathetic hoof onto Spikes shoulder in an attempt to comfort the tears that were threatening to run. Luna took this as her cue to leave, and wondered out of the tent. She wanted to leave the two to have a moment of reflection and companionship to be sure, though her main goal was speaking to the supposed freedom oriented pony they were traveling with.

She found Sin laying under a tree, a few of the fallen leaves pushed together into a make shift bed on the ground. His head slowly shot up and he observed her encroachment. Once she was in close enough distance, she made her address. "Sin."

"Princess Luna." Sin replied, watching her expectantly.

Luna's eyes turned curious looking at her reflection in his goggles. She never liked being unable to view somepony's eyes when speaking with them, it made her feel more vulnerable then they. Though, she had a pretty good idea that's why he bore them. "I was hoping we could have a little chat about who exactly you are."

Sin gave a smirk. "No one of importance, your majesty."

"Hardly," Luna gave an amused smile. "You have had a great influence in the life of our sister's prodigy and our friend. I'd say that makes you a pony of great interest."

Luna had to clarify that it was Twilight who was the prodigy after Sin inquired about which of Spike or Mac was said high standing individual. After the initial confusion was cleared up, Luna pressed on the issue once more, her tone still friendly, but a forceful undertone was hardly unnoticeable. Sin answered he questions as vaguely and cryptic as he could, only feeding into the Lunar rulers frustration. She wasn't as patient as her sister, though; she had been locked in solitude upon the moon for 1,000 years. You'd think that would have taught her something in the ways of mellow expectancy.

"Remove your eye wear." Luna demanded softly.

Sin quirked an eyebrow before shaking his head. "With all due respect Princess Luna, I have no-"

"You remember that debt you owe us?" Luna smirked after seeing Sin's face turn deadpan. "We wish to make it payable by you removing your eye wear whenever we request it."

Sin opened his mouth to protest but thought better of it. If this was all she wanted for saving his life, than it was his responsibility to oblige. Reluctantly, he pushed his goggles up from his closed eyes and let them rest upon his forehead. For a moment the two stood in silence, awaiting for the stallion to reveal the windows to his mind that she had desperately wanted to see. Finally he inched his eyes open half way, revealing blue sky blue irises and something Luna had feared. Though Sin looked a great deal healthier than the executive stallion she met with to bring down Golvec, he still had the same; dead and soulless eyes as he did.

It was strange, the goggles made him look older than he actually was, even the small bags under his eyes didn't make him seem as aged as those reflective eye protectors had. Had she to venture a guess, she would have actually put the stallion as younger than Macintosh. "Alright," The pony replied looking to the Alicorn. "I have done as you asked."

"Our thanks." Luna stuttered involuntarily. She covered her mouth and began to apologize.

"It's fine." Sin interrupted holding up a dismissive hoof, his eyes looking down to the ground again. "That's part of why I wear these, your subjects react the same way. And I'd rather not make them any more uncomfortable than necessary."

Luna nodded before she continued her questions. "How did you and our subjects become acquainted?"

Sin shot an eyebrow, "They didn't tell you?"


"Odd, though, the answer might be to your displeasure." Sin closed his eyes and gave a small smile. "I'd dare say you could call me an enemy of the state."

Luna stared skeptically, nopony had ever been so blatant to supposed wrong doing against the crown before. "We shall determine that for our selves, young one."

"'Young One'." Sin repeated opening his eyes. "I have not been refereed to in such a way for a long time." His eyes seemed to glaze over, or as much as could be seen before his somber expression turned sour. "My apologies, my first encounter with Macintosh was in a detainment facility outside of Ponyville..."

Sin recalled the day he observed Macintosh's unlawful arrest in the market, He followed the "law keepers" to the facility outside of the village and observed which cell the wrongfully arrested stallion was put in. He explained the tedious task of awaiting the sun to set and set in with his usual bag of supplies for the prisoner to use to escape. Conveniently leaving out the other numerous times he had repeated this plan, and the multiple failures that resulted. Luna reacted as he expected, she became angry and condemned his actions, stating that he should have instead notified his superiors to such gross misuse of power.

"And all that would have been needed was to create a charge." Sin replied giving a sigh.

"That isn't the point!" Luna slammed a hoof down to intensify her point. "We are a nation of laws, Mr. Sin. As such, we expect those laws to be obeyed!"

Sin smirked, his flat eyes some how turning amused. "Laws you say? Where were your laws for Mr. Macintosh?"

Luna was about to answer before the liberty pony cut her off and continued. "Ask for a superior? When it was infact their superior who demanded that said individual be brought in?"

"Excuse us?"

The brown cloaked pony's amusement collapsed to a sad look. "The reason for his incarceration was for a bargain, they would give him release if his sister would give the jailer a sexual favor."

Luna blanched at the accusation, seemingly at a loss for words she gave a seemingly apologetic look before Sin continued again. He stretched the point of a mare relinquishing her body because the Royal Sisters "law" had demanded it. Condemning the act as one of the most disgusting misuses of power he had ever played witness to. "And then there is your would-have-been subordinate, Star Shade." He looked behind him, before staring back at the Princess. "He was locked up for his lack of psychological stability and disinclination to adhere to your word. From what I understand; he never hurt any of your subjects, but they were only afraid of him. And that was reason enough to lock him away for the rest of his days... If that is your supposed 'justice' than I am more than happy to take on the title of 'Enemy of The State'."

"YOU RELEASED STAR SHADE!?" Luna bellowed, her demeanor turning angry and authoritative.

"Indeed I did, your highness." Sin gave a mocking bow.


Sin watched her threatening tirade with blank smile before he looked up the beautiful blue sky. He took a deep breath through his nose and lavished in the fresh smell of the forest around him. The cooling autumn to winter air gently blowing a crossed his face as he lowed his head to look at Luna with a glint of determination in his eyes. "I'm battered and beaten, your majesty," his grin grew wider at the flash of annoyance that hit Luna's face. "Now would be the best time to make such an attempt. Though, even as weak as I am, don't expect me to go with anything less than a fight. This is my life and I'll be damned before I allow you or anybody else to try to restrict me for simply giving freedom to those who did nothing to deserve the loss of it."

The night princess mouth hung open before her mind faltered on her words. She understood where the pony was coming from, though; she knew that the law must be respected. But what when the law fails to give fairness to her subjects? What then? Does this... Vigilante have the right to combat the corruption on his own? He shouldn't. He should have come up the chain of command to her. But would she have heard it? Would another stallion or mare in the chain have dismissed him as a liar? Does the wrongful incarceration, perhaps indefinite, of another entitle him to work outside the law?

"Though as it is your kingdom." Sin continued, snapping Luna out of her thoughts. She looked to the Stallion who had no put his goggles back over his dead-like eyes. "And as it is yours, should you not wish for my presence; I will leave. I've never enjoyed staying where I am not welcome."

Luna furrowed her brow and pondered his offer, it was solidified that she didn't like anypony working outside the law; and it was blatantly admitted that he had broken quite a few. Though, she also understood there were things that happened within the law that would put innocent ponies in places they didn't deserve to be. As much as she would like to believe all anypony would have to do is inform her of said abuse, she knew deep down that such a fantasy would never be reality. "We do not condone your actions." Luna began, trying to word her response carefully. "Though," She hesitated, "We do understand that there are things that are out of our control. We are willing to overlook this for the time being."

To her surprise Sin just stared indifferently at her kindness and practical pardon of his crimes. She expected some kind of gratitude for her leniency on the stallion, she probably would have locked him up on the spot had it not been for his friendly relationship with Spike and Macintosh.

The stallion nodded and fell back to his knees in the leaves. A twitch of concern showed over the princess' face before Sin dismissed the act as one of exhaustion that time would heal eventually. With that bit if business out of the way, the princess had to depart for Canterlot to inform her sister about the success of the Triple M. Corporation's success in dealing with the slave driving wyvern.

She said her goodbyes to Macintosh and Spike, informing them they may stay in the compound as long as the would like. After she informed Sin that though his actions had been overlooked, Star Shade was still a wanted pony by crown, and that if he wanted his freedom to be absolute, the night pegasus would need to stand trial, and receive a personal pardon from the two sisters respectively and publicly. After the freedom oriented pony agreed to relay the message, the mistress called down her carriage and set forth for the destination, becoming a tiny spec of black in the wide blue sky.

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