• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 7,113 Views, 1,280 Comments

Earning Freedom - Daxisle

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony, but once he's imprisoned under false charges for sexual favors, he receives a package in his cell containing means for his escape, and a letter that would change the way he saw the world forever.

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Country Wedding (Finale)

Country Wedding (Finale)

Watched with a deep sense of pride as his best friend was bound in wedlock. Shining Armor stood beside him, his eyes brimming with tears, with Twilight offering comfort as best she could.

Once the kiss was done, the crowd around broke out into a thunderous applause, with Spike offering a round of clapping as well as a few rude wistles as both Annabelle and Macintosh walked down the isle. Words of praise and acceptance showered alongside the rice as the two strode past.

Spike felt happy, Macintosh deserved a good mare in his life after all the crap he'd been through. He wished them the best, as well as the family that they were starting together. He looked down to find a small filly standing in front of him, watching the two with longing and merry eyes of her own.

Placing a claw on Scootaloo's back, the filly looked back up him and smiled in a silent show of appreciation. Blade stood on the other side of Shining Armor, doing his best to keep his own emotions in check, he wasn't as bad as the guard captain, but he was not the stoic, if not grumpy and tired, pony he was when he'd stopped helping Pinkie Pie.

Speaking of which, the pink pony pronked up to the quartet as they reached the finale of their song and began whispering something to them as a couple of ponies with a strange mix of instruments followed behind her. The quartet lead, Octavia if he remembered right, rolled her eyes playfully and lead her band off the chairs, making room for the new ponies to sit.

"Alright everypony! Let's get this party started!" She declared, cuing the new band to start thier song.

The beat and tone was casual and upbeat, perfect for both dancing and as happy background music. It wasn't quite the Apple brand of country, but that didn't stop them from turning the front of the alter into a miniature dance ground right along side the carnival folk.

With her part in the ceremony done, Cadance returned to her family. "Sorry, he gets like this at weddings." She said sheepishly, placing a comforting win over her own husband-to-be and encouraging Spike and Twilight to enjoy the festivities. Seeing the chance, Spike grabbed Twilight's hoof and dragged her out to dance, the mare's protest over concerns of her brother lasting only a second before indulging her son.

Ignoring how absurdly reduculous his mother's dance style was, as well as her complete lack of rythem and beat, Spike had fun. Unlike the quadrupeds, his style of dancing allowed his arms freedom to move freely. He caught two of the diamond dogs dancing and decided to give their style a try, finding the beat of the music in his body very fulfilling in a way.

He spied Macintosh refusing Annabelle a dance, though his almost need to force the issue was resolved when the bride grabbed the groom by the hoof and dragged him out to the dance floor herself. The stallion was clearly uncomfortable with the affair, but Spike knew that if he really didn't want to, he could just as easily pull himself away from her.

'Sometimes, we all just need a little push out of our comfort zone.'

Looking around more, Spike took in the rest of his friends. Blade was finally enjoying some quality time with Pinkie Pie, and by "enjoying" Spike meant the stallion was being twirled around like a rag doll out of beat, looked a little confused and terrified, and had to summon every last ounce of coordination just so he didn't end up on his back. Pinkie, taking no notice of his discomfort, proceeded with her unconventional dancing, having the time of her young life.

Beside them, Cadance and Shining Armor danced together in a much more casual and subdued step. Rainbow Dash was in a three way dance with Rarity and a local dark grey pegasus who's name Spike couldn't remember. Applebloom was with Applejack and Sweetie with Scoots.

The environment was jovial, fun, light hearted and full of warmth, just the way he liked it. Through all the crap Spike and Macintosh had been through lately, today was one of the best days of his life. He felt no anger or lust for material, right now, there was only happiness, dancing, good food and plenty of drink.

"Excuse me, may I cut in?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Spike nodded and proceeded to one of the tables for refreshments, only to have his claw grabbed by the lilac maned filly and pulled into another dance with her.

'Well, that was unexpected.'

Spike agreed, but he didn't care. Sweetie Belle was good company, for the few times the two had spoken.

'You developing a romantic love interest?' His inner voice teased.

Meh, not really sure. Honestly, I'm not interested in that kind of thing. Interracial relationships are okay and all, but the last mare I had feelings for used and manipulated me a lot... Not really looking to get caught up in that again, you know?

'You know, Spike, Not All Mares Are Like That.'

I know, but I've got a little too much on my plate to think about things like that.

The song came to it's end and the dance floor erupted in applause. The band giving a slight bow before discussing what song to play next. The next song was more subdued, the wind instruments playing a soothing melody as the strings gave way to a softer tune.

Macintosh didn't care much for fast paced dancing, but slow dancing was one of his biggest fears right up there with public speaking.

'You conquered one fear, might as well face the other.'

The stallion shifted uncomfortably, he didn't know how to dance... Dancing along side somepony was one thing, but slow songs like this? This required coordination and synchronization, atonement to the movements of one's partner. He trusted Annabelle well enough, but the issue wasn't trust, it was capability.

Still, Annabelle's presence offered him the reason, comfort, and the strength he'd need to embarrass himself. A clumsy mess was one way to put how the two danced, each hooking one foreleg around the others neck like everypony else was doing while turning in slow, lazy circles around one another.

Macintosh continually looked down, trying to judge where Anna's foreleg would go before he lifted his own in step... that didn't work out well, resulting in more than one instance of tripping and stumbling. He continually looked around to make sure nopony saw his blunder, but Annabelle was content to laugh the mishap off and admit that she'd never danced this way either. Her words did nothing to sooth the stallion's self consciousness, though.

She stopped dancing and gave the stallion a kiss. "Mac, it's okay. Who cares what they think? This is about us." She gently stroked his cheek. "Just you and me."

Mac felt himself relax as the velvety smooth touch of his wife. She was right, what others thought wasn't important, not right now. Today was their day, the best day of his life, and he wasn't about to let his anxiety ruin it for him.

Letting the tension drain from his body, Macintosh found the dancing much more enjoyable. He stopped looking down at his hooves, content to simply rest his neck on his wife's. The contact, the closeness, the intimacy, it gave him a pleasant feeling of warmth in his belly. A feeling he wanted to hold onto forever, contentedness and completeness, the feeling of love. That, and the fact they'd settled to sway from side to side instead of actually moving helped too.

The soft melody came to it's end, Mac and Annabelle sharing one last kiss to commemorate their first dance.

'Atta boy, Mac.'

The two looked around to find all eyes on them, each face in the crowd offering encouraging smiles at the pair, making Macintosh's anxiety kick right back in. He could hid it's appearance well enough, but the firm squeezing from Annabelle's fetlock upon his withers told him his body body betrayed the attempt.

"Ain't they just the most adorable little things ya ever did see?" Granny whispered to Applejack, who nodded in return.

All eyes were taken from the pair as a small, orange filly approached them. She looked nervous and a little ashamed for some reason. "Macintosh, Annabelle?"

The two stared down kindly at her. "Yes?"

Scootaloo bit her lip and looked down for a moment before steeling herself with a breath. "Can I talk to you two for a minute?"

The earth ponies shared a look between each other before nodding and leading the filly off to the house.

"Wonder what that's about?" Spike asked, watching the bride, groom and foal make way through the crowd.

"Family business, I'm sure." Cadance answered sagely. "Speaking of which, Shining? Can I speak with you in private for a moment?"

The stallion furrowed his brow in confusion for a moment, but agreed. Spike watched them go and shrugged. The main dances seemed to have been over and ponies split off from the floor to indulge other activities. Spike's stomach growled and a particularly delicious fragrance called him over to the food tables.

He grabbed a plate and loaded it with a few apple fritters and tarts, he was about to grab a piece of wedding cake, but a pony he wasn't expecting to see called out to him.

"Inquiry? What are you doing here?" Spike asked, tilting his head.

Inquiry pressed his lips, looking much more irritated than usual. "Are Macintosh Apple and..." He paused, pulling out a note pad. "Annabelle around? I really need to talk to them."

Spike's jovial happiness was dampened by the detective's claim. "What about?"

Inquiry looked back to the entrance of the farm, Spike did as well and found nothing out of the ordinary. "Look. Justice is on her way right now to pick up the orphan filly who's currently residing her." The dark stallion hushed conspiratorially, making Spike's eyes widen in shock and demanding he start from the beginning.

Inquiry grunted impatiently and looked back at the entrance of the farm again. " Okay, fine. I gave them a temporary guardianship form that I wasn't authorized to give. From what Mr. Apple had told me, it sounded like the child was a flight risk. I knew Justice would hold too hard to the law and try to put the filly in state custody. I didn't tell her but she found out somehow and I need to warn him."

Spike's breath caught in his throat, he knew exactly how she found out but hoped she wouldn't pursue the issue. Why? Why would she waste time and effort for Scootaloo? Didn't she have better things to do?

Inquiry groaned again. "Not much happens in this town. Now where are they?"

"They went into the house, wait, why can't they keep-"

Passing by at a quick trot, the detective shouted back that he'd explain later, but right now he needed to talk to Macintosh and warn the pony about what was to come.

"So, what's up, Scoots?" Anna asked, dusting off her dress as she sat on the couch.

The filly mimicked the mare's motion, nervously smoothing out her own gown. She cleared her throat and looked around a little, fidgetting with her hooves while she tried to put into words what she wanted to say. "Ummm, well, I... I wanted to apologize to both of you." She admitted, casting her eyes to the ground. "You've both been so nice and supportive to me, you took me in and showed me how stupid I was being and... I rejected you."

"Awww, Scootaloo..."

The filly held up a hoof, deflecting the dismissal before it began. "I know that..." She paused taking a few breaths to calm her trembling. "I know that I hurt both of you when I said I wasn't really sure about you adopting me. I know that, but my parents... they were never around much and, then they died... and with Applejack acting the way she was, talking about involving police and what you guys said about foal custady and-"

In a flash, Annabelle snatched the filly into an embrace and held her close, promising that she would never allow the government to take her away. Macintosh joined his newly wedded wife in the hug, also promising that such a thing wouldn't come to pass.

The two whispered sweet and quiet words of comfort to the foal, easing her troubled mind and reassuring her that neither of them were angry with the way she'd felt. It was a big change, one that she was understandably unsure about, and neither one of them would hold against her.

Her trembling form finally calmed down and she looked up at both of them, her light lilac eyes puffy with unshead tears. "I... I want you guys to be my mom and dad... I- I saw how you two were out there. You two love each other, you love each other so much and, I... I want to be part of that."

Mac's grip tightened on his wife and foal... "We'd be happy ta have ya, Scootaloo."

Silence reigned as the three shared a moment, a moment where a family was born. No words needed to be said now, only the acknowledgment of presence, comfort, and commitment. Macintosh knew, without a doubt, that his was what he wanted. Scootaloo wasn't his by biological right, but he didn't care. She was a good filly, a respectful and smart sort. A good filly who would grow to be a fine young mare. Attachment of this like was hard to explain, to put into words. All he knew was that he wanted her safe, he wanted her happy, and he wanted to be there with her as his daughter.

"Will you two be my mommy and daddy?"

"Of course we will." Annabelle answered without hesitation.

The hug tightened and an even deeper sense of connection was shared before the three pulled away and smiled at one another. "Though, that'll mean you'll have to take on the last name of Apple."

Scootaloo chuckled faintly. "Scootaloo Apple. I think I like that."

So did Macintosh.

"I think we'll need to stop by the mayor's office tomorrow," The buttermilk earth pony declared. "Make the adoption finalized."

"Eyup," Mac laughed, his mind going over all the things they'd be able to do. Farm work was easy enough, but not really what one would call fun bonding time. The ol' swimming hole out past the eastern fields would be good though, making candy apples, going out on Nightmare Night, and of course, Hearth's Warming.

Scootaloo's smile dropped to a sad one, recalling how her last holiday was spent. "I'd really like to spend Hearth's Warming with you guys." She said, giving both one last hug. "Hey, is it okay if I go out and tell Applebloom and Sweetie Belle about this?"

He new parents nodded and the filly went scuttling out of the house.

"Oh, excuse me." Mac heard her say at the front door. He observed the detective in question called after her but went ignored.

"Detective Inquiry?" Macintosh asked in surprise. "What's goin' on?"

The stallion asked if he could come in and made way for the two. "We need to talk."

Angel Bunny lay on his back, looking up at the small puffy clouds of the mid afternoon sky.

He was thinking over his lot in life and how his new momma had constantly pushed him out of the farm house. She knew it was cold outside, she'd said as much to him, and constantly reminded the rabbit of how unwelcome he was in the house. He didn't understand why, though.

He'd come to terms with the idea that maybe, just maybe, the world didn't revolve around him. It hurt, it hurt his pride, it hurt his ego, and it hurt his world view, but the evidence of his living under an apple tree spoke for itself. He was a rabbit, he was just another critter of many. He was smarter than most beasts of his like, but he was still not as special as he'd always thought himself to be. It didn't change the fact he was angry or felt entitled to certain things, but Scootaloo had made it clear that she wouldn't tolerate his bad behavior like his old momma did.

The pegasus filly had spent one whole day ignoring him after he'd smacked her upside the head a five times in a row for refusing to give him a second apple for lunch a few days ago. He thought she was bluffing, he thought she wouldn't really hold to her anger and realize that the apples were his for the taking. That she was just a conduit the universe used to provided for him.

But he learned a lot that day, the day he'd spent the entire duration with an empty belly until the next morning hiding in his burrow. He'd tried to sneak into the barn for the fruit there in, but that canine beast of a collie had found him out and thwarted his plans, forcing the rabbit to be destitute for the night. It was a humbling experience, having no where to go and having your perceived god-given right to all things dismissed so easily.

The rabbit sighed, he didn't like this, he didn't like this at all. He wanted a warm bed again, he wanted to be pampered and comforted, to be held and have his coat brushed. His new momma didn't do these things. She didn't do much of anything for him besides feed him and play with him for a little bit. Angel was growing sick of apples, he wanted carrots, and lettuce, and celery.

New momma never gave him those things, though. Apples, apples, apples and more apples. Was it punishment? Was this to be his fate till the end of his days? Living bellow the means of the peasantry he looked down upon for so long? At least they had a house with cooked food and warm beds, all he had was a burrow under a tree. No bed, no warmth, no water unless provided.

Angel closed his eyes. He missed his old momma, he missed his old life. He still didn't know what feral meant, but he suspected it had something to do with his demanding and physical behavior. Maybe he was wrong for smacking old momma around like he had, but what was he supposed to do? The mare didn't listen! When he said he wanted his tomatoes diced and not sliced, that meant he wanted his tomatoes dice and not sliced! It wasn't a difficult concept! Old momma deserved it! She-

Groaning, Angel stopped the thought in it's tracks. No, he couldn't think that way anymore. Thinking that way is what got him in trouble in the first place. So what if his tomatoes were just sliced right now? Hay, compared to life right now, he'd take a tomato whole, so long as it meant he could go back home.

He heard some shuffling to his left and the rabbit's breath caught in his throat. There, walking up to a bluff opposite his current position was the telltale cherry blossom pink mane of Fluttershy. The rabbit jumped to his feet and made a mad dash for her, jumping into her barrel when he was close enough, and clutching into her for all he was worth.

"Angel?" Fluttershy squeaked in surprise. "ANGEL!" She crushed him to her chest, nuzzling the bunny and giving his aching heart a new sense of hope. Her hug... it changed something in him. He didn't feel entitled to her affections and favors any more, her embrace warmed his heart and the rabbit, for the first time, felt a sense of gratitude and love.

"It's so good to see you again. Have you been eating well?" The pegasus asked, pulling Angel up to get a good look at him. "Oh you poor thing. Don't you worry, once I've got my certificate, I'll fix you right up."

Angel didn't know what a certificate was, nore did he particularly care, all he wanted was to go home, have a few carrots and snuggle with the mare of his dreams until he felt asleep, warm and safe, away from the pre-spring cold and preying snoot of Winona. He was saved, he was finally going to go home.

Though, for some strange reason, old momma put him down and gave him a kiss upon his head, saying she'd be back for him soon.

Soon? What did she mean she'd "come back" for him? Wait, she must not have realized he changed, yea, that was it!

Angel hopped in front of her, barring her path and smiled up at her, showing his most innocent and happy side in an effort to prove himself. "Yes, Angel. Momma's glad to see you too, but I need to get back to the wedding. I just needed some quiet time to myself."

Again, Fluttershy walked passed him, taking no notice of his change. He tried again, making the smile on his face more and more pronounced. Though each attempt was met with the pegasus continually side stepping him.

Growing impatient with having his attempts at redemption continually dismissed, Angel took the initiative and jumped onto Fluttershy's back.

"I'm sorry Angle," the mare said, reaching up and gently taking the rabbit by the scruff of his neck and setting him down. "But I can't take you right now,"

She said something else, but Angel was too shocked by what he'd heard. Why? Why couldn't she take him home? He'd changed! She was denying him and he wasn't slapping her across the face! Why couldn't she see that his restraint meant that he'd treat her better!? Did she think he wasn't good enough now that the violence had stopped? No, that's why she abandoned him in the first place...

His mind didn't have time to sort out the details before Fluttershy once again made way down to the wedding. Angel watched her go, his heart breaking more and more with every step she took. She didn't care... he'd changed for her and she didn't care...

"So she's on her way here now?" Macintosh asked, his voice and face hard as stone.

"Yes, she told me she was going to collect enforces before coming. She wont be long." Inquiry replied.

Annabelle fretted, continually smoothing out her dress nervously, she looked to Macintosh, her face riddled with concern. "Mac, what are we going to do?"

The stallion took a breath but couldn't find an answer.

"You're both married now, right?" Inquiry asked, the two nodded. "You've signed the marriage certificate?"

Macintosh nodded and picked it up from the coffee table, they were both about to sign it before Scootaloo pulled them aside. "Sign it, hurry! And grab the temporary guardianship form."

Bolting from his place, the stallion made way for the office and grabbed a quill and ink, along with the form as requested. He gave it first to Annabelle who placed down her name and then he placed down his own. All that was left was the signature of the magistrate of the ceremony and ratification of the mayor's office...

Inquiry took the certificate and noted the missing signatures, though nothing could be done about that until Monday.

"Bucking horse apples!" Inquiry scoffed. The stallion rubbed his forehead with a hoof.

"What? What's wrong?" Annabelle asked frantically.

The detective sighed deeply and looked down at the certificate again. "This isn't ratified by a minister. If it's not ratified by a minister, than the marriage has no chance of being legally recognized until it is."

"What are you saying?!" Annabelle shrieked, having lost patience with the situation.

Again, the detective sighed. "It means that Justice is coming to take Scootaloo into custody, and she'll be in the full jurisdiction of the law to do so." He looked out the window again. "I was hoping you two would have it pre-signed by both the minister and the mayor or at least just the minister. Guess I should have told you two to do it."

Macintosh ground his teeth to hold back the growing sense of helplessness in his barrel. "Ya guess ya should have told us!"

"Hey, I didn't think Justice would go this far over a foal!" Inquiry shouted back, bearing his teeth.

His body trembling, it took every ounce of will for Macintosh to hold himself from lashing out. He didn't even know what he would do, all he knew was that somepony was going to get hurt. He was just starting to form his family, and now something was threatening to break it apart not ten minutes after he'd come to accept it?

The two glared each other down, the tension in the living room only egged farther on as Justice's approach loomed. "Mistakes were made, fighting now wont help." Annabelle interjected, placing her hoof on Macintosh's back.

Both stallion's relaxed, she was right, fighting now wouldn't solve anything. What they needed was to figure this out, and cooler heads always prevailed.

"Alright, there are a few things we might be able to pull off here." Inquiry said before listing off a few options as quickly as he could. First, sending Scootaloo away until the marriage was ratified. A simple enough plan, she could go stay with Rainbow Dash for the next few days. Justice didn't know about their association, or so he hoped. Another solution was to hope the Arbiter and guard would be lenient, see the marriage between the two had happened, and allow the foal to stay, a plan none of the three ponies were interested in indulging. Or they could let the law take Scootaloo into custody for the weekend and petition for her on Monday when the marriage was ratified. An option that had worse appeal that either of the former.

'What about Shining Armor? He's captain of the royal guard, he and Cadance have to have some power here, right?'

Hey yea! That's right, they were here.

Macintosh explained the situation and Inquiry found hope. "Shining Armor is here and your friend?! Why didn't you say so!? You need to find him and you need to find Scootaloo, I'll see if I can buy you guys some time."

The three ponies galloped out of the house with haste, Macintosh told Annabelle to find Shining Armor and Cadance while he looked for Scootaloo and sneak the filly off the farm, just in case Shining couldn't be found in time.

"Ah'm soooo happy!" Applebloom cried, crushing Scootaloo to her barrel. "Ah have another sister! This'll be great, It'll be like a sleep over that nevah has ta end!"

Sweetie Belle chuckled and the crushed filly smiled happily. She was happy, happy to have found a new family to call her own. Yea, the chores and such would be... well a chore, and she wouldn't be a single child anymore, but her weeks on the farm had made her old life seem empty by comparison.

Scootaloo felt ashamed to even think it, but her parents never really acted much like parents at all, or even like they loved each other. They weren't abusive or mean or anything, they were just more focused on their research and work to pay her or each other much attention emotionally. Seeing Macintosh and Annabelle together, to see the love they shared, how real it was... How attentive Granny Smith and Applejack were, and how happy the very friend now hugging her was, it made her old life seem so pointless and empty now.

A sudden rush of words from the crowd around them drew the fillie's attention to the front where a group of six guards and a pink pegasus pony mare were seen walking up the path to the house.

"Why are the guards here?" Sweetie asked.

Scootaloo felt an unease in her stomach. They weren't here for her, were they? No, it couldn't be... Macintosh and Annabelle wouldn't let that happen... right?

Just as they were about to enter the crowd, a lone dark stallion in a coat and fedora intercepted the troop and began speaking to the lead pegasus pony. Scootaloo felt relief at first, but her stomach jumped into her throat as the pink pegasus pointed a hoof angrily and bid two of the guards to arrest the pony.

The stallion didn't put up much of a fight, but he did yell a few very crude and rude things at her as he was escorted off the farm.

Sensing something bad was about to happen, Scootaloo recommended they head over to the adults, an idea that the other two found most agreeable.

"Excuse me!" The pink pony declared. "I am looking for Macintosh Apple and Scootaloo!"

There was no reply from the crowd, each pony simply mumbling amongst themselves as to the reason for the intrusion.

Scootaloo's heart went from a heavy thud to a rappid gallop at her name. They were here for her, they were going to take her away! Oh no, no, no, no, this couldn't be happening! This could not be happening!

Sweetie Belle and Applebloom looked at their friend in concern, who slowly began to back up and away. She wouldn't go, not after what she'd heard. She needed to find Macintosh, he'd make this go away.

Applebloom looked back at the pink pony than back at Scootaloo before placing her hoof over her lips and motioning to be followed. Scootaloo did as instructed, grateful that her friends weren't going to sell her out. The three fillies crept away, keeping low to the ground as they made their way around back.

"Scoots, why in Luna's name are ya bein' chased by the guard?" Applebloom asked in a harsh whisper.

"I don't know!" Scootatloo replied frantically, continually looking behind her to make sure she wasn't seen. Things didn't look good for her right now, it wasn't often the guard was called in for any reason in Ponyville, and to have a pony arrested right after Justice calling out for her?

"Did you do something wrong? The guards don't go after ponies unless they do something wrong." Sweetie said with foalish finality. Of course Scootaloo hadn't done anything wrong, she had no idea why the guard was looking for her, but she wasn't really wanting to find out either. At least not without Macintosh here.

"Scoots, Applebloom!"

All three fillies jumped, in fear, but their worries subsided when they saw the red stallion before them.

"Macintosh! What the hay is goin' on? Why're the guards here?" Applebloom demanded.

"It's complicated, Applebloom. Ah need yer help, Ah need ya two to git Scootaloo off the farm while Ah talk to them. Alrigh? Can ya do that fer me?"

Applebloom frowned at her brother and asked why, a question the pegasus filly wanted to know the answer to as well, though again, Mac barked that there wasn't time for explinations and that the three needed to leave as quickly as possible.

"Macintosh!" Applejack barked, marching up to the four. "What in tarnation is goin' on?"

"THEY'RE BACK HERE!" Yelled a voice from above.

Suddenly, four golden clad pegasi circled around the ponies, spaced properly to prevent any means of escape, with Justice joining them along with a few party goers turned spectators. Spike ran up to Justice, asking for her to stop, but the mare pushed passed him, dismissing the drake outright

"Macintosh Apple?" The Pink pony asked politely before turning her attention to Scootaloo. "Scootaloo, I take it?"

The filly, in a fit of horror, jumped into Macintosh's chest, trying to bury herself into him and disappear from whatever fate was about to befall her.

"Alright, what in the sam hell is goin' on here?" Applejack snarled her patience all but extinguished.

Justice ignored her.

"Mr. Macintosh Apple, I am Arbiter Social Justice. Since you were under the impression that your custody of Scootaloo was lawful, I will not have you arrested for foal-napping. However, since you are not a married stallion, you and miss Annabelle's custody over her is rendered null and void. I will be taking her into Ponyville custody. Now, please hand her over."

Scootaloo felt her blood run cold as the situation became all to real, they were really going to take her away.

"No!" She cried, burying her head into Mac's chest.

She heard him say that the two had just gotten married and that somepony should have showed her the marriage certificate, but Justice said something that contradicted it.

Scootaloo, in her state of unbridled terror, couldn't make out what was being said through her chanting of wanting it all to go away. There was shouting now, arguing about something, warning tones given, and then more arguing. She could hear ponies she knew yelling and bickering about something, Spike, Applejack, Macintosh, the pink mare, all of them were arguing incomprehensibly, but then the pink mare said something that made everypony grow quiet...

Macintosh tightened his grip... and began whispering something to her, words the filly was to distraught to be able to make out.

After a few moments of silence, just as she was finally beginning to allow the world back in, Scootaloo felt something that almost made her empty her bowls.

Another pair of hooves reached around her barrel and began to pry her off of Macintosh.

She screamed. "Macintosh! Macintosh! Help me!"

Though, to her utter despair, Macintosh not only didn't help her, he let her go. He let her go and did nothing as the guard pulled her away. "Ah'm sorreh..." He said, his lip quivering.

Scootaloo didn't understand, why? Why wasn't he saving her? He promised he'd protect her! He promised he'd keep her safe! Why wasn't he doing that? She reached out a hoof for him, but the stallion didn't help her. He didn't save her, she was being taken away just like she's always feared she would. The world was silent now, no noise could reach her as realization of the situation set in...

She was being abandoned, again. First by her own parents and now by Macintosh...

Hurt and pain beyond anything she'd ever felt before left the poor filly in a limp and hopeless mess. She didn't struggle as they began to carry her off. She was too much in shock by the betrayal to do much of anything besides a gentle numbness.

How? How could he? She thought Mac loved her, how could he just let them take her like this? Didn't he care? Didn't he mean the things he said? If he did, then... why wasn't he...

Scootaloo felt the pony stop for a moment and then she felt herself being passed to somepony else and cradled. Her mind came into focus as the source of her ire met her gaze.

"Are you alright?" Justice asked, looking down on the filly with pity.

In a flash, Scootaloo found herself once again. All of her shock and hopelessness turning into an equally powerful sense of anger and rage. The one responsible for her life falling apart close enough to feel her wrath. She threw all four of her legs up, bucking Justice in the snoot and sending the mare to the ground to writhe and clutch her bloodied muzzle.

"I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU MACINTOSH!" Scootaloo Screamed before bolting off. She ran, she ran as fast and as far as her little legs could carry her, determined to get away. To get away from the pain that was behind her, to get away from those she knew were chasing her, to get away from everything.

She didn't know how closly she was being followed, but she knew she was. Voices called out to her, begging her to stop and come back. Scootaloo didn't listen, she couldn't, she was done with the lies, she was done having her hopes destroyed, she was done with Ponyville.

Opening her eyes, Scootaloo found herself approaching the Everfree forest. She turned her head to find the pegasus guards gaining on her, with Macintosh and Applejack hot on their trail. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" She screamed, redoubling her efforts as she broke through the tree line.

The filly felt the loose tree branches and thorns of the trees around her rip and tear at her dress, rending and shreading the garmet to ribbons as she ran. She didn't care though, she didn't even care that a few of the branches and brushes scratched and tore at her own forelegs. The screaming for her return from her pursuers pushed her onward.

She had no idea how long she'd been running, the voices of her pursuers stopped a while ago. She'd thrown up more than once from all the physical exertion and strain, but that only stopped her for so long before she charged forth again. Though, her adrenaline was starting to subside, draining the filly of her resolve to keep running.

She didn't want to stop running, running would mean she'd have to stop, and stopping mean that she'd have to face the truth, the truth that the pony she trusted most had betrayed her, had lied to her, had abandoned her in her time of need.

Scootaloo failed to lift her hoof high enough and caught it on a root, bringing the filly tumbling to the ground with a grunt of pain.

She tried to get up, but a shot of pain up her hind leg staggered her efforts. Scootaloo looked around frantically, trying to figure out what to do, where to go, but all she could see in any direction was the dark foliage and bark of the Everfree.

As her body slowed, her adrenaline and will to run depleted in short order, leaving the filly just as physically exhausted as she was emotionally. Tears began to fall freely from her eyes and the pegasus foal cried. She cried a painful and howling cry, throwing every last bit of energy she had into it, as if her wails would cure her of her suffering.

"Why..." She asked in a pain filled whisper. "WHYYYYYYYYHahahaha!?" she chocked and coughed on her own snot, leading to a round of dry heaving.

Her wailing gave way to crying, the crying eventually gave way to quiet sobs and the sobs eventually lead to silence. Scootaloo had nothing left, nothing at all. She had no energy and little capacity for thought, but what little she did have served to remind her of what she didn't. No family, no friends, and the guard was going to put her in foster care if she went back... She could never go back to Ponyville... Ever.

No more Applebloom or Sweetie Belle, no more Rainbow Dash, no more of anything that she knew, she was alone...

A small rustling in the bushes behind her made the filly gasp. She was in the Everfree forest, all kinds of monsters lurked within it's domain. Though, part of her was glad, at least this suffering would be ended soon.

To her surprise, it wasn't a fierce mantacore that exited the brush, but a small, tired looking white rabbit. "Angel?" She asked in a small, horse whisper.

The rabbit smiled at her and slowly hopped forward in short, tired jumps. He collapsed against her side and began panting in exhaustion, leaving the filly at least some sense of comfort.

Scootaloo's mind began to clear a little as she took in the rabbit beside her, she wasn't alone... Angel Bunny was here, Angel cared enough to chase her through who knows how many miles of the Everfree. She had no idea why, but she felt better in knowing that there was something that cared about her.

Her relief was short lived, however, as a pair of glowing yellow green eyes peered at her from the brush, and then another pair, and another. Shuffling could be heard from all sides, and the filly used what little strength she had to pull Angel closer to her barrel as low growling began to echo from all around them.

From the darkness, oaken, canine like creatures began to step forth from the shadows.

Scootaloo knew she should have been scared, that she should have been screaming her head off right now, but all she felt was an sense of exhausted resignation. She watched as the timberwolves circled her, there was quite a few of them, not that it mattered. Even one was enough to do her in now. One of them lowered it's muzzle to her stomach and sniffed her barrel. The stench of it's rotten, mold smelling breath washing over the foal's face almost made her gag

Scootaloo sighed as the wolf stood over her, sap like saliva dripping from it's open maw. Sharpened wooden teeth glaring down at her in front of it's glowing green throat, waiting to stain themselves with her blood and render her flesh from the bone.

It was kind of disturbing how okay she was with what was about to happen, truth be told Scootaloo was more worried about Angel than she was about herself. There was no help for it now, though, and as the wolf's open mouth came down to tear her asunder, the filly found she couldn't hold onto consciousness any longer and embraced the sweet blissfulness of slumber.

Author's Note:

Alright, fortress is complete and I think I'll chill in it for a bit.

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