• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 7,115 Views, 1,280 Comments

Earning Freedom - Daxisle

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony, but once he's imprisoned under false charges for sexual favors, he receives a package in his cell containing means for his escape, and a letter that would change the way he saw the world forever.

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As Sin reached a high bluff that overlooked the small city of Trottingham, his attention was pulled to a dilapidated mess of metal and wood. The wreckage of the Judgement lay with scattered bits of scorched debris littering around it. The stark contrast of the darkened figure that stood strong in a sea of white snow was both sickening and thought provoking in a way, a definite eye sore to say the least. Small platforms had been erected into the dirt with ladders leading up to the base of the gonadala. Probably used by the Equestrian emergency teams to extract the Federalists for medical care.

Seeing no reason not to use the former air ship for a shelter, the Federalist trotted down. The sun would be setting soon, and he wanted to get an early start tomorrow in finding out exactly what this "revolution" was about. Twilight was a bit sketchy on the details, but it was also his own fault for not asking more questions.

'Yea, you defiantly need to work on your communication skills.'

The closer he drew to the remains, the more he daunted he became. Even in shambles the air ship was a mammoth in a class of its own, it made him feel so small for some reason. Small bits of debris would greet his hoof through the snow, apparently that hadn't even been cleaned up, and that made for a very bad minefield, should anything sharp be in his path.

He climbed up one of the ladders and made way inside of the ship. It was just as chaotic as the outside. Small bits of plywood and metal scattered about, large chunks of the cealing and floor had crashed in over themselves with small bits of glass littering the far way. A large hole in the top allowed a skylight illumination, with smaller holes throughout giving more clarity.

Sin carefully wandered in, cautious of creaking boards and anything that could cause any debris from falling on him. It was also worth thinking about any animals that could have taken refuge here for the winter, the last thing he needed was to encounter something poisonous.

That's when the smell hit him.

He inhaled through his nose and exhaled with a nostalgic sigh. Past the smell of cabin and other obvious odors to be present, there was a small scent that brought a certain kind of relaxing nostalgia. During his year and a half in Equestria, he'd become accustom to avoid relaxing; keeping his guard up at all times and forgoing taking comfort or trust in anything and everything.

As he looked upon the Columbian architecture and obvious griffin constructed interior, a small smile crossed his muzzle. How sad was it? That even though the smell and design of the airship that he was in brought him more comfort than anything Equestria had to offer? Especially when it wasn't even from his own state?

Suddenly a noise jutted and he froze in place. The noise was a creaking, but it wasn't him. Revolving his ears to try and pick it up again, he heard whispers coming from the farther down. Interested to see who would inhabit the fallen vessel, the stallion turned to a small hallway of stairs from where the voices originated and descended with all the stealth he could muster.

He reached the bottom of the flight of stairs and slowly tilted his head to check the hallway. There was a small candle giving light to reveal a light blue unicorn standing in front of a large metal door. The shine of the door compared to it's frame told that it was a recent addition, and whoever the new occupants were had an investment made to stay.

Sin's ear twitched when he heard the voice again, the unicorn mare was softly singing under he breath, the squeaking sound a loose board she was stepping on, presumably to entertain herself. The more he listened the more he wanted to just wonder out and slap her silly! The lyrics to her words were nothing but whining and complaining about how she wished she could find a lover and how lonely the singer was.

Bunch of emo bull shit.

As he sat at the bottom of the stairs, he thought about just leaving and going back to set up camp. He'd probably not be welcome here, and he had no real business with the ponies who resided there in; especially if they remnant Triple M. agents. Deciding to not impair himself further, he took back up the stairs, he wasn't sad about coming, but it was mostly a waste of time.

He'd almost reached the top when he heard a pair of hoofsteps coming straight for him.

Frustrated by his exit being blocked, he quickly turned around and walked back down, keeping his head held high and walking with a purpose. If he just acted as if he had no problem being there, he shouldn't have a issue being thrown out.

He reached the bottom and marched directly for the unicorn, who's eyes fell on him and immediately stood at attention. "Halt!" she cried. "What's your business here?"

Sin stopped. "I am Goliath, I apologize for my intrusion, I was seeking shelter for the night." He explained halfheartedly. The mare eyed him skeptically for a moment before the ponies from before reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Hello Frosty Morning, ho- Who's he?" Asked one of them, Sin turned to find a smiling dark blue Stallion with a blond mane and wheel cutie mark. After giving his alias again, the pony walked up to him and offered a hoof. "Nice to meet ya, I'm Hot Wheel, and this is my wife, Sandy Shore." He referenced the pink mare with a long let down white mane.

'Alright, does every pony in this country have to have a verb or adjective in their names?

"Pleasure." He shook the offered appendage and turned his attention back to the guard. "My apologize for intruding. I'll be on my way."

As Sin turned and made way for the stairs, Hot Wheel objected to his leaving, citing that it was almost sun down and how cold it would be. Before Sin could protest, the pony insisted that he stay, at least for the night.

"But I must ask you," he continued, his green eyes hardening a bit. "How do you feel about being ruled over by Celestia?"

The question both unnerved and interested him, if common sense dictated anything then he was the place he was looking for, but not the place he wanted to be. Luckily, he wouldn't have to lie. "I have no desire to be ruled by her."

As expected, all present were pleased to hear his reply and offered to allow him inside. Frosty opened the door and Sin was escorted in.

A grey coated and blonde maned pegasus pony flew over Sweet Apple Acres. her last delivery of the day of the day should have been made a few hours ago, but thanks to a slip up on one of her co-workers, one letter was left behind. Discovered just in time for her to drop off.

Being the pony who's mail service always provided excellence. Er, she tried, anyway.

After the long sea of snow, she finally reached the apple home and landed on the front porch. Putting on her best smile, the mailmare knocked on the door and waited patently.

The door opened. "Oh, hello there, Derpy." Mac smiled.

"Heya Mr. Macintosh, special delivery for Applejack!" She handed him the letter and scratched the back of her neck. "Sorry it's so late, some pony at the post office dropped it during sorting."

Mac thanked her for coming out in the cold and wished her a good afternoon. He closed the door and laid the envelope on the table next to the jar of apples he'd just opened for for a snack. As he ate, his eyes wondered to the letter and curiosity got the better of him.

He checked the address to see if it was sent from his relatives in Manehatten, asking about last years crops as they often did. To his surprise, the message's origin was from Cloudsdale. Odd, he didn't remember AJ having friends from there, but he'd been gone for a long time, she'd probably met tones of ponies look for work.

Shrugging it off, he finished his food, rinsed out the jar, and placed it back in it's crate for use next year.

"Big Macintosh." Granny Smith called as she entered the the room. "Have ya sharpen' th' plow, like I asked ya?"

The apple stallion's lips pressed and his eyes bulged in the universally recognized. 'oh crap' face. Granny caught on to it and gave him a one eyed glare. Chuckling nervously, the stallion slowly retreated from the kitchen outside the house and proceeded to the barn.

The snow was thick on the ground, darn near came up to his ankles. But the Ponyville pegasi like to pack in a nice and thick sheet to finish up winter. So he was used to it.

He pulled open the barn door and closed it behind him. The sun was descending in the sky, so he grabbed the near by lantern and flicked it to life. It didn't offer the best lighting, but it would be enough for the job. Satisfied that it was on it's highest setting, he casually trotted over to the larger tools and found the plow sitting between a couple of shovels and buckets.

He placed the lamp next to the blade and leaned down to inspect it, palpating the now rugged sides and blunt wedge. According to Granny, it took his sister, Rainbow Dash and a hired hoof to use this to plant a new row of trees. Now, Applejack and Rainbow were by no means weak, the two together would probably override him in strength, and considering he didn't have much of a problem with it last year, there had to be at least something wrong.

And there it was, the lowest end of the blade had been compromised. Probably by a dug in rock.

Shaking his head, the stallion loosened a few bits of the tool and removed the metal wedge.

Yea, this thing's done for. He tossed it aside and made way back for the house. They'd have to wait and get a new one, either order if from Smith's shop or go over to Trottingham himself and get it. Well, those things don't last forever, his pop taught him that.

Spike sat at the Library's front desk, his hands holding a crafting file and a well sized sapphire. After he'd finished the ruby dragon, a thought occurred to him to do an entire set in different gem stones, his latest work just finishing up the outline of the upper body. He wasn't in any real intense mood, matter of fact he was quite content with life since he wasn't thinking about it.

"Hey Spike, I'm home!" Twilight announced as she came in the door.

"Welcome back." He smiled genuinely. After thinking it over, he was being unnecessarily mean to her when he'd returned. The dragon didn't want to be a jerk, and he sure as Tartarus didn't want her hating him. So, maybe making the best of being little Spike again would help both of them. "How was your lecture at the school? I bet Miss Cheerilee was happy to have somepony else do teach for once."

The librarian chuckled and removed her scarf. "It was great! Things started off a little boring with Star Swirl's early notes, but the kids loved seeing some of the spells he came up with, including the transfiguration of the class hamster into a frog."

Spike's head shot up and he looked in disbelief. "Hey, I turned him back." He smiled and shook his head before going back to his carving. "Getting hot and heavy into your crafting again?"

"Yea, it's coming along."

Twilight looked out the window. "Winter wrap up will be coming up soon, do you have any plans for when things warm up?"


"You sure? Maybe Rarity could use some help digging for gems."

Spike stopped and gripped the file tightly. Images of the party where she and Macintosh in the back room together dancing through his mind, as well what they might have been doing.

"I'd rather not." He dismissed, going back to his work.

Twilight gave him a strange look. "Awww, c'mon, I'm sure she'd love to have some help."

"Maybe she could get Mac to help her." Spike grumbled.


"I'm just not interested Twi." he shrugged calmly. It was weird, it wasn't jealousy he was feeling when he saw them in that situation, it was just the feeling of betrayal. From one of them? Both? He wasn't sure. Rarity had lost her beauty in his eyes the night he left Ponyville, so why did it hurt so much to see her with Macintosh?

"Alright, if you say so." The mare conceded. "I'm going to make us some dinner, care to make a suggestion?"

Helping to lighten the mood, Spike placed his thumb to his chin in playful thought. "Yea, some carrot and potato soup sounds good. His guardian chuckled and wondered off to the kitchen. Not two minutes later, a knock came from the door.

"It's open." He yelled.

Obeying, Rainbow Dash entered the Library. "Hey Spike, what's up?"

"Nothing much, you?"

The mare gave a big grin. "Oh you know, just preparing to see the Wonderbolt performance in the Canterlot 500!" She pulled out a ticket. "In the front row."

Spike had mixed feelings about the performers., but he only let surprise show with a low whistle. "Nice." He nodded. It wasn't that it was actually a surprise. Twilight had told him a few days ago that Rainbow and herself were called to the capital to receive an apology from the entire team and were given free tickets. So, why was she shoving them in his face?

"Yep, and this one's for you." She held it out.

The drakes eyes widened. "For... me?"

Rainbow rubbed the back of her head. "Yea, uh, look I'm not too good at this mushy stuff, but what you said before? About how we've never really acted like friends? Well, you were right. We haven't really done anything together. So, I pulled a few strings and would like you to join us."

A smile made it's way onto the dragon's mouth. She really wanted him to go? She actually cared to have him there? "Th- thanks Rainbow!" He beamed up at her.

"Anytime. But, I just came by to drop that off to you. Gotta get back in time to work with Applejack."

"Applejack?" Spike questioned.

"Yea, Soarin said he had a new idea for the show and needed an earth pony to do it. At first I suggested Pinkie Pie, but after finding out how bubbly she was, AJ turned out to be a better candidate."

Spike nodded and and bid the pegasus luck in her endeavor. With that, the speedster took her leaves for Sweet Apple Acres.

The insides of the bridge was surprisingly well intact. The helm was replaced with a uncharacteristic mahogany table that was littered with maps of both the Federation and Equestria -as well as some world maps-. Each of the stations had been remade where ponies conversed and debated about various topics of philosophy and strategy.

The room wasn't as big as he would have imagined, holding a maximum of at most 20 crew members. But Sin had to admire their fortitude in utilizing every last bit of the make shift hide out.

The chairs he'd guessed were used for pilots were replaced with luxurious brown trimmed red velvet recliners. Occupied by three ponies, each representing the different races.

"Good afternoon, Hot Wheel." Smiled the Pegasus mare of the throne barrers. Her sunken in eyes looking down upon them with a weak and old smile. "And who might you have here?"

"Good afternoon, Hurricane." Hot Wheel greeted with a bow. "This is Goliath, he is in search of shelter for the night."

The three pairs eyes landed on Sin and he gave a nod of his head. It wasn't a bow, but enough to be considered a sign of respect.

"Goliath?" The mare tilted her head. Her body was slim and frail looking, her tanned coat lacking in the luster of youth and health. "I have not seen you within the confindes of this place before."

Sin's muscles tightened, her voice had a certain elegance to it, a tranquility and wisdom that very few lived long enough to to ascertain. A voice that was soothing and gentle, yet holding an undertone of authority and intelligence. A voice that honestly reminded him of Celestia herself.

"I have recently traveled her from Hooftrot." Sin explained, forming himself in his head. It may not be a one hundred percent certainty, but he had a pretty good idea where he was, and the common sense wisdom to keep his identity to himself..

The mare's eyes scrutinized him, making the stallion feel as if she could glare into his soul. Luckily, his goggles hid his almost uncontrollable blinking. "I see. Oh where are my manners? I am Commander Hurricane, Trotski leader of the Pegasi."

Alright, now that was a decent name.

"I am Prince Platinum, Trotski leader of the Unicorns." Growled the dark red unicorn to her right. His hard eye and shady voice spoke to him being middle aged, but his demeanor and grey mane made him look much older.

Prince Platinum? Yet again, a very dignified name. Perhaps the citizens of this land didn't have the most ridiculous names in the world.

"And I am Chancellor Puddinghead, Trotski leader of the earth ponies."

Aaand just like that, the universe had to prove him wrong. Wait, those names sounded familiar.

The fairly young yellow earth pony looked down at him with expectant golden eyes. "Something to say, Mr. Goliath?" He sat to the left of Hurricane, completing both the race differences and roughly the age differences.

"I'm wondering why you've taken the names of the founders of Equestria." Sin replied, genuinely interested..

"Oh yes, the old tales." Hurricane chuckled mirthlessly before explaining that the Judgement now harbored followers of the Trotski movement. An arguably revolutionary group of ponies who wanted to restore the 'natural order'.

That erased all doubt, this was the movement Celestia had called him to quell, better to hear what a movement was about directly from their leaders instead of a bunch of possibly bias individuals interested in only taking verbal cheap shots.

"After the three tribes had come to the new world," Hurricane said. "There was still mistrust among the ponies. However, with the new and prosperous land threatened by the Windigo's storm, the three tribes quickly saw past their differences and unified under one banner. While it was a fragile truce, it was enough to keep the foul spirits away."

"In time, certain circumstances arose that had drawn the tribes closer and closer together. Inexplicable combustion's that destroyed Unicorn food supplies, malicious griffin raids with out cause and so on. What was curious was the fact that there was always a solution from the other races readily available. The destroyed food happened just as a earth pony caravan was passing the compound. As such, the food was shared, putting the food growers in greater favor of their magic bearing counter parts."

"Why wouldn't there be talk of sabotage?" Sin pointed out. "Building's don't just go into flame for no reason."

The tan mare gave him a smile. "There was, at first. But earth ponies had no means to cast fire on such a magnitude. And the compound was devoid of the few pyromystic's who could preform such a feet."

Sin furrowed his brow and nodded. She continued the story. The three tribes grew and formed the first desegregated town of Canterlot to improve relations. Unlike the the other settlements, this one was not subtly dictated as a "controlled" town by any of the factions. It was to be the capital of the new world, but pushed back by the arrival of two creaturs very alien to unicorn, earth pony, and pegasus alike.

The Alicorn sister, Luna and Celestia had approached the ponies. Some were frightened, some were curious and some were disgusted. These feelings transcended all of the races and only further served to draw them together.

Trotski, finally coming into the story, regarded the Alicorn as "Abominations" and "Unnaturally warped" mixtures between unicorns and pegasi. Claiming they were the one's responsible for all the bad happenings around the camps and compounds. However, his hateful accusations riled up the citizens and brought forth the Windigo's frost once more.

Unable to lose the land a harsh winter once again, the ponies suppressed their fear and anger once more and elected instead to do as they had done with each other. Come to learn and understand the new creatures. Unlike Trotski foretold, the sister's didn't bring harm, they instead became friendly with every pony they had come across. Town by town, the duo would travel, observe, and interact with the various and growing cultures.

Trotski, however, was Tartarus-bent on the idea that the two had caused the phenomena that destroyed food and raided farms and villages.

As time went on, the ponies had come to accept the Alicorn, but Trotski, as well as the entire Equestrian Executive Council and their loyal followers, did not; despite both Celestia and Luna's multiple attempts.

Eventually, Trotski's fears became realized when multiple Equestrian's separated from the camps and followed the Alicorn's in their teachings of friendship and harmony. Unable to stand their subordinates undermining their authority, the EEC began a campaign to halt any farther turn coats from leaving the compounds. Severely punishing any foolish enough to try and escape.

Three days after the lock down, the Alicorn sister approached the diplomats and demanded to know why the ponies were confined into their places. After failing to leave and physically dismissing any whom tried to remove them, the council explained -with no shortage of profanity- that they would not let pony kind be ruled by non-pony abominations.

Unable to accept this, the Alicorn sisters used their magic to free the ponies and gave them the option to join their own nation or remain under the rule of the Equestrian Executive Council. Understandably, the ponies sided with the Alicorns until all but a fraction remained with the original settlers.

Seeing themselves out numbered and fearing retaliation, the settlers migrated back to the old world. However, before leaving Trotski vowed to return and restore order to those whom it rightfully belonged.

Sin stood in awe. Always ALWAYS when he encountered one group in conflict with another, the story was slanted in the current outspoken individuals favor, making themselves look like the righteous and suffering side and their opponents the twisted and misguided. How Hurricane told her side of the story made it clear that Trotski and the original leaders were in the wrong. So why did she follow so with such dedication?

"And we have witnessed first hand the lack of competence our current leaders have!" Spat Pudding Head, with Platinum nodding his agreement. "The changelings, Discord, and now this air ship invading the country... Had it not been for our aid, the-"

Hurricane raised a hoof to silence her associate. "Platinum, we all know full well that the ponies of our land are far more capable than that."

Yet again, explaining the truth even when the lie -a believable one at that- would make them seen in a better light. This was new, very interesting, and worth asking about.

Predictably, Hurricane chuckled and looked upon him with a smile. "Dear Goliath, we do not wish to gain rule through lies and depict. Such ponies of ire are unfit to be command a family, let alone a country. History is to be learned from and informative, lest it be repeated."

The stallion nodded. "But your cause would receive so much more support if-" He was once again silenced, half by himself this time. Was he really about to advocate false promises and slander?

"Our cause is our own, young one." Sin gritted his teeth. "Now, I'm sure you are hungry after traveling all the way from..."

"Hooftrot, it's about two weeks walk from here from the north."

"My goodness, you must be starving." Commander Hurricane clapped her hooves. "Hot Wheel, would you mind escorting our guest to the eating hall? I'm sure he'd greatly appreciate some Amaranth soup."

"Of course, your majesty." The pony nodded before he and his wife nudged the stallion into he left most door.

"Thank you." Was all Sin managed before he lost sight of them.

Sin lay in a cot in a private cabin. The candle he'd used for light was out and he stared blankly up at the ceiling.

His thoughts would start and come to a screeching halt whenever he'd think about the current situation he was in. They told the truth? They admitted how they were on the darker side of history... What was he supposed to do now? Whenever an issue arose with a political group, he could just slam facts down on the table and shame the group into submission or with draw all public support for it.

But this organization had neither. It had no romanticized beliefs about it's founders/leaders or their beliefs, and even if it did, anything he could say would only strengthen their resolve. What was he supposed to do?!

Were they sadists? Did they want their followers to suffer as they did so many years ago? Did they think themselves better than the leaders of old and only held that belief while discarding what their ancestors acts as those of the past and only keeping the story the same to be historically accurate?

No, no There had to be more, the dinning hall was full of dozens upon dozens of ponies. Each seemed very happy with their following of the Trostski. Especially a young couple who just joined the movement not but a week ago. There was the possibility of Stalk Homes Syndrome, and the unicorns using their magic for memory manipulation, or full on mind control but would it be possible on this grand a scale? From what he observed, the ponies seemed normal enough, chatting and conversing like usual.

There had to be more to this that he wasn't seeing... There had to be.

"I don't trust him." Snarled Platinum.

"Our scouts report that he came from the west, from the Everfree. He didn't come from the north." Agreed Pudding Head with his head leaning lazily against his hoof.

They both looked to Commander Hurrican who sat in silent thought. "Indeed he is a liar." She finally spoke, opening her eyes and smiling widely. "Gentlecolts, the pony who now resides within our care is none other than the Celestia's new lap dog, Sin."

"Sin?" The two others said in unison.

"Indeed. An insider of mine in the Canterlot ranks spoke of him. He is a radical, borderline anarchist who now serves the throne to quell uprising much like our own."

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Pudding Head stood from his place and grabbed a dagger "Rets kirr em."

The pegasi of the group rose her hoof. "Still yourself, young Pudding Head," The earth pony did as she requested and she smiled gently again. "I recognized our young friend the moment he entered our chamber, and if my source is accurate, than he is merely serving Celestia out of a moral obligation to her."

Pudding Head waved his hoof for her to continue, obviously finding the detail irrelevant.

"What we have told him is not a lie, to the best of our knowledge. So he has no reason to doubt our credibility, his entire demeanor change the moment I showed our ancestors in a negative light, and it has put him into a state of confusion."

"Yes, yes." Platinum pushed. "But what does this have to do with letting him live, Hurricane?"

"The point of it, dear prince, is that if we can turn him against the Princess, bring him over to our side; we will have a very capable ally. The collectivist movement in Canterlot had gained quite a bit of traction in recent years, and that young stallion had turned it's leader into a weeping recluse in one short day."

"If he can do that, the prospect of him arguing for our cause would be an immeasurable asset. Ponies would come far and wide to understand their true place, and their true leaders. No more will ours be a fringe movement, cast to the side like an insignificant insect. We will raise to power as is our birth right, and make the Matriarch's pay for what they did to our ancestors."

"And how do you plan to do that?" Pudding head scoffed. "Your source said he was an anarchist radical, yet here he serves the princess of the sun? Such a contradictory claims are questionable."

"It will not be difficult, Sin is a stallion of logic an reasoning." The pegasus smirked. "And we will merely use that logic against him. After all, we have yet to explained our suspicions on the Winidgos lack of interference as of late."

"But he did speak on truth while he was here." She turned to the door. "He doesn't hold any fondness to the throne."

Author's Note:

Let's see if I can make a dilemma work.

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