• Published 31st Jul 2012
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Earning Freedom - Daxisle

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony, but once he's imprisoned under false charges for sexual favors, he receives a package in his cell containing means for his escape, and a letter that would change the way he saw the world forever.

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Dodge City

Dodge City


"Bless you!"

Sin sniffled and thanked Scootaloo for her blessing as the trudged on. Last night's sleep was anything but restful for him, the Federalist's nightmares had moved farther away from rebellions and post-collapse socioty to more personal matters. He could remember everything that happened during the dreams, even hours after they'd happened, and in vivid detail no less.

Zell and Crasus, the two ponies he was closest to, being the primary themes...

Waking up, while not as terrifying, was still awkward. At some point during the night, Scootaloo had awoken and decided that she wanted to snuggle up to his back, using the cloak to cover both of them, with Angel pressed between the two. As bad as the nightmare was, Sin was glad enough he wasn't thrashing around in his sleep. With the difference in size, he could easily crush the poor filly if he'd rolled over the wrong way, a thought that shook him to the core for some reason.

"Sooo... you're a pegasus?" Scootaloo asked.

"Yea, I am." Sin replied. He didn't know what all she saw last night, if she knew he was a winged pony, than she must have seen the his flank and the lack of a cutie mark, but he wouldn't be sad if she refrained from asking about it.

"Huh, I always thought you were an earth pony." The filly remarked thoughtfully before frowning. "Hey, wait a second. If you're a pegasus, then why did you ask me to fly up and see where we were?"

"Because I never learned how to fly."

The foal's lavender eyes shot wide at the admittance, an adult pegasus who didn't know how to fly? That was insanity, it was an obstruction that she, like Rainbow Dash, wouldn't let slip by without a due explanation. Though, instead of giving the full story like he had done for the prismatic speedster, the Federalist gave a half truth about him breaking a wing at an early age. Stating the break was accidental instead of intentional on his part.

A look of genuine sympathy came over Scootaloo and she apologized, though Sin was quick to dismiss it. He hated that look of sympathy, of pity, of others looking down on you because of a perceived "disability". It wasn't like his wings were useless, or he was any less capable for not having them. Even baring the aura, the Alicorn's powers, and the anti-magic dragon scale necklace, he was still a resourceful survivalist, a superior marksman, and a libertarian intellectual -or so he liked to think himself.

"Speaking of which, I don't see you doing any wing exercises." Sin pointed out, flipping the topic back onto her. Scootaloo scowled and mumbled something under her breath. "Come again?"

"I don't know any, okay?" She growled irritably. "I never went to flight camp, and my parents didn't teach me any before they died..."

Sin's ears perked, so her parents were her primary caretakers. Seemed obvious, but it was always good to know the facts rather than assume. It would be a good segue into asking about her family though, a topic the stallion had spent all day thinking about how to breach.

"Simple enough, really. all you have to do is stretch them out all the way, hold for a five count, relax, hold them down, relax, and repeat that. At least, that's what Rainbow Dash had me do."

Scootaloo gasped. "You were taught by Rainbow Dash!?"

Sin chuckled.

'Yea, "taught". More like she ran your happy ass into the ground like a drill instructor with a hard on for breaking the spirits of their subordinates. Well, that was after you smacked her across the face, though.'

Bitch ripped my old cape, she got off light. I've thrown chairs at ponies for less!

"Yea, something like that."

That prompted the two to take a break from walking and drop their bags. Sin removed his cloak and fluffed out his wings. They didn't look right, he'd seen how the wings of other ponies were, and his just didn't look how he thought they were supposed to. Scootaloo mirrored his motion, her movement much more fluid and natural than his own.

The stallion lead a five count up and down a couple of times, the strain still prevalent in his spine and joints, but the pain was gone now. It actually felt good to stretch out his wings now, it was a highlight of his early morning rituals.

The next part was going to be embarassing, but Rainbow Dash swore that it was part of her morning training regimants. "Next, wing ups."

"Wing ups"? Scootaloo gulped, looking down at her short, feathery apendages.

Sin knelt down to the grown and placed his wings on the sandy dirt, adding just a little bit of his body weight to the primary feathers and knuckles of his wing. There was no way he could actually do a wing up, but the demonstration was what mattered, right?

"Aren't you going to try?" He asked, noticing Scootaloo's lack of participation.

The filly nervously looked back at her wings again, extended them downwards past her stomach, and slowly lowered herself down a little and stopped. Once down enough for the primary feathers to touch the ground, she gave Sin a great big "see, I did it" smile. The kind of smile that the stallion knew meant she wasn't giving any effort in. But that was okay, she couldn't fake this next part.

"Alright, so I can't do a wing up, but I've got something else we can do." He slowly shifted his weight from the hind quarters forwards. His back legs lifting off of the air and pivoting on his wings and forelegs until his head touched the ground. The stress and pain in his wings was very present now, despite the fact they were only used to help brace him forwards, but Sin's will was more than enough to push past such discomfort.

"What is that?" Scootaloo asked.

"Tripod." Sin grunted, feeling the blood rush into his head. "Well, it's supposed to be, but I need to use my forlegs because my wings aren't strong enough on their own. There're five points of contact, so a quint...pod? Whatever, it's a work out for your wings, that's all that matters."

He regained his standing and waited for Scootaloo to demonstrait what he'd just done. While her own wings may have been shorter, as well as her body, he estimated she would have the needed span to do the exercise.

As expected, she nervously gave it half hearted first attempt, trying to throw her hind legs up in the air instead of letting the weight shift fluidly, resulting in her falling flat on her stomach.

"Good effort, but you're putting too much effort into trying to end up on your head."

Scootaloo repeated the motion, ending on the same result. "Isn't that what I'm supposed to do?"

Sin shook his head, lowering himself and bracing his wings again. "No, what you're supposed to do is pivot on your wings, slowly and gradually allowing yourself to fall forwards until..."

He stopped with his head on the ground again, brown hind legs stifly in the air. "You're trying to kick up instead of letting yourself slowly fall forwards. Probelm there is you'll end up smashing your face into the ground instead of making gentle contact with your forehead."

He repeated the demonstration a couple of times, stopping when the pain in his feathers and joints had taken their limit. Scootaloo paid special attention to his legs, which were farther back than her own when she'd tried, and taken the same stance he did.

"Alright, take it slow this time, no kicking, just let-"

Sin cringed as the filly fell unceremoniously onto face first into the dirt before collapsing and gripping her head with a painful hiss. As funny as it was, the stallion refrained from laughing.

"You didn't take it slow."

"It's hard!" Scootaloo complained, rubbing a few bits of rubble and sand from her muzzle. Of course Sin knew it was hard, it took him a month in order to do the exercise properly, he couldn't count the number of times he'd slammed his face into the grass before he'd got it right, but he kept at it until he could do it right every time. After that, it was all a matter of being able to keep balance and place more weight on the wings and less on the front legs.

Scootaloo tried a few more times, but grew increasingly frustrated with each failed attempt until Sin stopped her. Frustration only added excess stress and caused more mistakes to be made. Persistence was important, but understanding the fundamental technique with a cool head was just as imperative, if not more so.

The two regathered their belongings and continued onwords to Dodge City, Scootaloo looking very introspective as they walked, which pleased Sin to see. It meant that she was thinking about what she'd been doing wrong and would apply her thoughts to the next time they'd tried to do the exercise.



'You gonna ask her about her family or...'

Umm, maybe later. Let her think about what I've shown her for the time being.

'You're pushing it off? That's not like you, Sin.'

No, it wasn't, but he'd missed his chance to ask. To blurt out about her family now, after the oppertunity for the segue had gone would just be awkward. Sin wasn't worried though, there'd be another chance to ask. Besides, he was establishing trust with Scootaloo, teaching her something to help her grow as an individual. Something her parents obviously didn't do, so when the conversation finally did come, she'd be more receptive to him.

'Eh, I guess. So, here's one for you. Rainbow Dash or Twilight?'

Sin frowned, the question completely throwing him off guard.

Rainbow Dash or... Twilight?

'Yea, which one of them?'

Which one of them in pertinence to...?

'Oh c'mon, Sin. Don't play dumb, you know exactly what I mean.'

... Is this one of those, "who would you rather have sex with" questions? Critic, I am so disappointed in you.

'Seriously? I'm tired of deep philosophical dilemmas and conundrums! Can't we just have a mental dialog about mares for once? You know, help out with that lacking sexual self esteem you have?'

Seriously dude? I'm a... shit, what is the lingo kids are using these days? A square, is it?

'Square? Did you really just use that term? The fact you even say "kids these days" does seem kinda square-ish though, especially since you're so young yourself.'



'So... Rainbow Dash or Twilight?'


'Bull shit, I know you find them both sexually appealing.'

The stallion internally sighed, there were things he didn't want to think about, and his repressed sexuality was definitely near the top of that list.

'Okay Sin, we need to talk about that. Having a sex drive is a natural thing. All of the psychology books you've read said as much, so why are you so against even thinking about it?'

Because sex leads to foals and I am not the type of stallion who should be having them?

'Okay, granted, the primary purpose of sex is reproduction, but that's not its only aspect. It also serves to enhance self esteem and reduce stress, as well as release all kinds of feel good chemicals that make the brain feel all warm and tingly like oxcitocin and dopamine.'

Okay, where is all of this coming from? What are you getting at here?

'You want me to spell it out for you?'


'Okay. Critic cleared his metaphorical throat. 'You. Need. To. Get. LAID!'




I seriously cannot believe we are having this conversation right now.

And I cannot believe we need to have this conversation right now! Tapio's beard, Sin, you're in the prime of your youth! Two years after the two decade mark and you've only had your first kiss a couple of weeks ago! Most ponies have had long term relationship and engaged in some kind of sexual behavior by this point. But you wont even give the thought the time of day!'


So, this is what a quart life crisis feels like, huh? Gotta admit, it revolving around sex took me by surprise. Always thought it would have something to do with my accomplishments in life.

'Don't change the subject! Sex is an accomplishment!'

Biologically speaking and the continuance of a genetic legacy, I suppose you're right.



'Alright, here's another one. Colgate or Rain Drops?'

Dude, what the fuck has gotten into you?!

Sin was genuinely disturbed by what was taking place in his head. Critic was supposed to just be the voice in his mind to help with his moral compass and offered a balanced solution of logical and emotional responses. Where on earth did this obsession with sex come from? Granted, most all animals are driven by sexual selection and what not, but... fuck's sake.

'That right, Sin. You are a sexual creature whether you want to admit it or not. I've had sex on the brain for a very long time now, and the only reason I've failed to bring it up is because of the fact you hate foals and are a selfish mother fucker. But do you know what I've been seeing lately? I've been seeing a stallion who puts the welfare of a little filly over himself. A stallion who stood up to a pony twice his size to protect a child he barely knew for a week, risking life and limb for her. If you can get your head out of your ass emotionally, I think you'd be a damn good father.'

Sin froze in place, Scootaloo walking a few paces ahead of him. His pause lasted only a couple of seconds before he continued on.

Him? Having a child? No, no, that was the hormones and stuff talking. Yea, just a bunch of biological imperatives and primitive desires to procreate and do what evolution had been telling animals to do for years. Critic wasn't in his right mind right now, that's all. He was under the influence of the parts of Sin's brain that demanded he procreate.

'Sooo... Twilight or Rainbow?'

Sin sighed.

Relationship wise? I don't know, Twilight's too much of a statist goody good, and Rainbow Dash is much too hot headed and arrogant for my liking. But if I had to choose which was more physically attractive? Rainbow, I guess.

'KNEW IT! Alright, now Colgate or Rain Drops?'


I hate you so fucking much right now.

"Finally!" Scootaloo sighed happily.

Sin was in agreement, a small conglomerate of buildings grew closer and closer as they walked. The sun would be setting soon, but that was alright, they'd make town before nightfall.

Firstly, though, Sin would need to hit the train station and check to see if there were any "missing pony" boards he'd need to tamper with. The settlement, which from this distance, couldn't be properly labeled a town, was small. Tiny even, it looked more like an old west town from the picture show's he'd seen back home... Actually, that's exactly what it was.

'Yea, you'll need to either get rid of the poster or add onto it so nobody suspects her.'

Simple enough of a job, but it would still look suspicious if he wasn't careful. The two reached the outskirts of town and Sin asked Scootaloo to stay hidden for a moment while he saw to the station. As luck would have it, the stallion found no such board present on the platform nor at the ticket counter. Still, there could be one on the inside of the booth, so he'd just make a mental note to identify the seller and keep clear of them.

Satisfied there, Sin made way back to Scootaloo when a thought occured to him as he passed the town's inn.

He turned and went inside the old wooden building.

"Eavin'!" declaired a cheerful earth stallion wearing an absurdly large stetson hat. "Ya lookin' fer a room, partner?"

"Yea, tonight, possibly tomorrow." Sin answered looking around. No, there was no fliers in here either, hopefully the conesure of the establishment wouldn't have any behind the desk.

"Alrighty then, a room for one or two?"

"Two please, separate beds."

The stallion nodded and searched the desk for a key. "Ya showed up at a good time, just had a whole bunch a' folks head out to Appaloosa this mornin'." He said in a conversational tone. "Some kinda big land sale er some such. Ya headin' that way?"

"Yes sir." Sin replied, always happy to have questions answered for him.

The total came to twenty bits for the night, an outrageous price, but one the stallion had to pay. It didn't leave him in a good financial spot, he'd have enough for a second night if need be, but that would seriously cut into their food and water money. This being a desert town, water would likely not be cheap either. Some hard decisions would be made tonight.

"Hey boss, you wouldn't happen to know where an abandoned coal mine is around here, do you?"

The old earth pony placed the key on the counter and hummed in thought. "Sorry sonny, I know there's one 'round her, but my ol' memory ain't what it used to be. Best to try the Thirsty Mare down the way, ol' colt Blitzen would know 'bout that."


The shop keep nodded and informed the Federalist that the pony in question was the barteneder and keep of the establishment. "Hope ya got money though, we've gotta motto here: 'ain't nothin' free in Dodge City'."


"I see, thank you for your time." Sin took the key and made way outside to collect Scootaloo.

"Please tell me we have a bed tonight, Islander." The filly begged. Sin nodded his head and absently adjusted the scarf around her neck to hide her face as much as possible, just to be safe. He then lead the foal through the dusky town and into the building they'd be staying in.

"Finally!" The filly squeeled, jumping onto the green covered matress with a grin. Angel hopped off over he back and jumped onto the pillow, happy to have something beside the hard ground or Scootaloo's back to lay on.

Sin took a moment and looked at the second bed in the room, enticed by the thought of laying down within the inviting and supple covers on top. Alas, he had a job to do, and would rather get the ordeal over with tonight to spare the second night of the room. This was meant to put Scootaloo somewhere safe while he took care of business.

"I'll be back later, kiddo. Try to get some sleep, alright?"

The filly's eyes darted open and she sat up. "Where are you going? We just got here."

"I told you, there was a reason I came to Dodge." He pulled out the coin purse and picked out a few bits. "I saw a general store on the other side of the strip. If you two get hungry or thirsty, go and get something. Otherwise, stay in here and keep the door locked."

Scootaloo offered him a sheepish green and rubbed the back of her head with a hoof. "Okay, okay. We'll stay out of trouble."

"Good to hear." Sin stated before walking out the door and making way for the town's saloon. He was a little hesitant to leave the two unattended again, especially with the Trotski in town, but the pegasus foal had experienced the dangerous possibilities now, and he was confident she'd make better decisions about her general safety moving forward.

Author's Note:

Next chapter: The big confrontation you didn't know you were waiting for.

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