• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 7,114 Views, 1,280 Comments

Earning Freedom - Daxisle

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony, but once he's imprisoned under false charges for sexual favors, he receives a package in his cell containing means for his escape, and a letter that would change the way he saw the world forever.

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Capital Debates

Capital Debates

Behind the door was a very angry looking elongated alicorn. Her slender and delicate form was a stark contrast to hate-filled stare she had been giving one of her subordinates. The crown atop her try collared flowing mane confirmed her royalty and linage.

The smaller red pegasus looked up at her with a bored and and expectant expression. Mac quirked a brow and suppressed the shudders he was feeling. Was this pony more insane than Shade? To have the Princess of the sun, capable of banishing him to the moon, yell at him and stand there and give her a look that practically said: "is that the best you can do?"

To eveypony's surprise, the celestial goddess' expression softened and she cleared her throat. "How was that?"

"Eh, could be better, but it will have to do I suppose." Called the pegasus shrugging.

Celestia looked past the blood red stallion and blushed upon realizing there was more of an audience than just him. "Oh, uh... Sister," Celestia stuttered, her blush shaming the crimson of the pony before her. "I wasn't expecting to see you right now."

The pony turned to see who had come in to visit. His amber eyes and cocky smirk held a familiar kind of arrogance and pride that Mac couldn't quite place his hoof on where he remembered it from. "Well, it seems you have other guest." The Pegau quipped turning to them. "I suppose we will finish this later." As he passed he stopped for a moment and his gaze shot to Sin. "Do I know you from some where?"

Sin observed the pony for a moment. "Blood wing, you were a performer with the Shadowbolts at Cumulonimbus city. I was attended one of you shows."

"Front row?" He asked.


"Ah." Blood wing shrugged and walked by with out another word and proceeded down the red carpet to the castle entrance.

"What was that about?" Luna asked trudging up to her sister and taking her place on her own throne in front of a Lunar tapestry.

"Oh, Blood Wing and I had a bet a while ago," Celestia waved a hoof dismissively, "It's a long story." She brought her attention back to the crowd below and smiled when her eyes landed on the former assistant of her pupil. "Spike!" she called standing up and descending the stairs. to her gold plated seat. "It's good to see you again."

Spike and Celestia shared an embrace and a gentle nuzzle.

The warm feeling of the reunited turned dark when the princess looked past the dragon to his companions. Celestia's eyes narrowed an she placed a stern foreleg on the purple reptiles shoulder. "We will speak about your abandonment of Twilight later." She scolded giving a disappointing glare. To which the dragon backed away and turned his head in guilt.

Celestia pointed and accusing hoof at Sin, "YOU!" She called, prompting the gestured stallion to quirk an eyebrow. "So, you're the enigmatic 'Sin' yes? Twilight has told me much about you."

Sin took a calming breath. "So, it is true." Sin confirmed, more to himself than the goddess. He took another breath and shook his head. "Your student has a tendency to... over reactions and jumping to conclusions, your majesty."

Celestia cocked a brow. "Oh? So you didn't Take her assistant with you on a travel around my kingdom? You didn't convince her friend, Applejack's, brother to accompany you and leave his life behind?" She pointer a golden laced hoof at the red stallion beside him. "and you didn't speak down to her friend Rainbow Dash, adding bits of guilt to the pegasus' conscience over not wanting to see her friends leave?" She let out a low humming sound like a mother who caught a small child.

Sin's ear twitched before he let out another sigh. "First off, the told me to leave; I agreed and Spike offered to accompany me, as did Mr. Macintosh. I didn't take anything. Secondly, I only informed Macintosh about what a free life was, and how he should live it the way he wants. I didn't convince him to do anything, it was his choice." Sin spat now looking straight up at the princess.

"Is that a fact?" The white alicorn replied quirking an eyebrow, her gaze never shifting from the reflective surfaces on Sin's goggles.

"Why don't you ask them?" Sin shrugged motioning to Mac and Spike. "I can tell you don't care for what I have to say." Celestia slowly turned her head to look at the mentioned individuals. They both nodded in the affirmative, giving a small words of confirmation.

Celestia took a breath, her form visibly relaxing. "Regardless." She spat beginning her trek back up the stairs to her throne and she took a seat. "Those are not the crimes you are here to atone for."

Mac cringed a bit at the word "crime".

"So I've heard." the Liberty pony agreed.

"Though, I have to say. I am curious." The elder alicorn scratched her chin with her hoof. "When I asked about where you were from, my faithful student claimed that you said you... were from far away, was it?." Her skeptical eyes turned down to him with a contemplating grin. "Please tell me, where are you from? And don't say far away."

Sin cracked his neck, "I'm from the Federation north of the Griffin Empire."

Celestia's eyes widened a little at the revelation. "I see, and why, exactly, did you come to my kingdom?"

"I came here to escape the idiocy and tyranny that has befallen my country." Sin replied in a serious tone. "Much has happened with an entity known as the Triple M Corporation, but I'm sure you know all about them."

Sin's face was turned directly to Celestia, though his eyes darted to her moon rising sister, who's confident expression was replaced by one of shear terror and pleading.

"Never!" Celestia called, regaining all attention onto her. "I have seen the way they do business. They attempted to expand to Equestria to further their profits. I wouldn't' have any of that barbarianism here." She scolded what she thought was a taken back Sin.

Mac's eyes traveled over to Luna, who gave the stallion a quick and almost unnoticeable shake of the head.

Sin gave a curt grin to the princess. "Of course, my apologies."

The alabaster unicorn calmed herself and sat back in her throne. "As well as mine, you were only asking a question." A glint of subtle interest and realization came over her and she gave a small smile. "I've actually been trying to get into contact with the rulers of your country, though I've had little success in the matter. Could you please tell me why that is?"

An empty smile crossed Sin's own muzzle before he informed the princess about the founding document of the Federation that disallowed Political ties with all other nations. Upon hearing this, the princess inquired how the stallion had ascertained such information. He subtle interest grew when she discovered that Sin was part of the Federal Senate. The next thirty minutes were spent with the two conversing about how the aligned states worked, how it came to existence and how nation was divided up between the eight races who inhabited it.

With each passing minute, Celestia's skepticism and mistrust faltered more and more to the point where she actually spoke as if she liked the stallion, and they were old friends catching up after years apart. Luna's terror had diminished once the topic was off Triple M. and she too listened with interest. Even Sin was speaking with a bit of warmth, away from his typically cold and calculating voice.

"That bad?" Luna called wide eyed.

"Oh yes," Sin nodded, "Diamond dogs maybe more submissive in Equestria, but in the Federation, they are well renowned for killing anything that dares attempt to steal from them."

Luna let out a sigh, "I will never look at those dogs the same way again."

"Quite." Celestia agreed before she flared her wings for a stretch. She noticed the odd look from every one else and scoffed at the notion that royalty was to remain 'prim and proper' at all times.

"I see." Sin smiled, "I like that."

"Thank you." The solar alabaster unicorn cleared her throat and her friendly expression became more serious, though not as threatening as before. "However, this minor advent does not excuse you from judgement." She walked down to stand in front of him again, standing a full head taller. "I'll be calling in the witnesses and have the trial set up for tomorrow morning." She said sternly.

Sin let out yet another sigh of annoyance and nodded his head. The solar princess gave a sly smile and a satisfied nod. "Good," Her demeanor turning friendly again.

The princess sure likes to change her moods...

"Now that that's settled, by all means. The castle is free reign, just inform me before you leave, and I'll have the servants prepare a room for you all tonight."

Sin was about to give protest over having another work for him on her her order, but a black streak shot by, causing him to flinch. He looked over to find Luna grabbing Mac's foreleg and looking at him with sultry eyes. "Come big Macintosh, you have a trial of your own to attend."

Mac, completely caught of guard, pulled away from the princess and backed away in both confusion and shock. "Princess Luna Ah..." he began only to be cut off by a dark and lively glow which plucked him off the ground. He looked upon his captor with a pout, Luna returned his gaze with a lazy eyed grin.

"Now, now. Big Macintosh." Luna scolded playfully, "We wont have any of that." She winked and began trotting off to who knows where. Mac searched the confines of his mind for what he was in for. Yea it was true that he found the princess attractive, and maybe it was true that he might have given her a bit more attention than Celestia while they were interviewing Sin... And it wouldn't be a complete lie to say that some of those looks were rather affectionate. Still, he was nervous and unprepared for what lay ahead.

"Sin, Sin help!" He cried as he was pulled past.

"Mac, she's an alicorn, what on this green earth do you expect me to do?" Sin smirked knowingly.

The red Stallions attention turned to his dragon friend. "Spike buddy-"

"Yea," Spike laughed. "You're in real trouble there Mac." He called sarcastically and gave a wink.

With one last attempt to revive assistance, the stallion looked to his ever loyal friend, Star Shade.

"I'm just here for the food!" The Night pegasus proclaimed proudly and gave an oblivious smile.

Mac's eyes narrowed as he was dragged out the doorway. "Y'all suck!" was all he could get out before the heavy doors slammed shut, ending their wittiness to the pony's plight.

A few awkward moments of silence passed before Spike pipped up. "Do you think we should help him?"

"Nah, he be fine." Sin replied before walking to the door himself closely followed by Shade. Spike shrugged and began to walk before a white glow surrounded him. He let out a squeak of surprise, calling the attention of his comrades and looked back to a stern looking princess.

"I believe you and I need to have a little discussion on your abandonment of my pupil." Celestia chided.

"And like that the circle of screwed is complete." Shade proclaimed walking out the door.

"What are you talking about?" Sin shot back, leaving the dragon to mercy of the solar goddess. "We came here because you were called to court, and now you're the only one not getting any-" The door closed on the two, leaving a very distraught wyrm to face his scolding that was sure to last for an hour.

The sun was still bright, but it was clear the evening would draw close soon. After a quick conversation with Shade, who to Sin's relief, was back to his old self; the pegasus darted off outside the castle to explore his home city. The liberty pony wondered over to a window and glanced down to see the small rally hadn't yet dispersed and the same Green earth pony was still preaching and name calling.

A few minutes passed of Sin hearing the Stallions words before he let out a grunt and left the window to approcach the castle entery.

"Where do you think you're going?" Called an Icey voice behind him that Sin recognized as Celestia.

Sin stopped to open the door, not bothering to turn to the princess. "To do what I was born to do." He said as he closed the door behind him.




"PERHAPS BECAUSE YOU DECIDED TO DO IT?" A voice boomed in return, electing a sequences of gasps from the ponies below.

The green stallion gave a grimace. "OH SO WE HAVE A CRITIC? The tyrannical capital class has sent one to interrupt our rally then? NEVER! The people came to hear Mallet speak, and I will do just that!"

Slowly the crowd began to shuffle and move until a brown pony cloaked in a tanned cape marched to the front and onto the stage. "None have silenced you." Sin said quietly with a smirk. "But to answer your question, were you forced to do it? Had Mr. Toity held a blade to your throats and forced you make those cloths?" Sin addressed the crowd. Electing some more thoughtful sounds and shakes of the head.

Mallet walked over to sin and cast his magenta eyes over stallion, judging him. "So, Hoity Toity sent one of his Pseudo-intellectual lap dogs to challenge the workers eh?"

Sin gave a wry smirk. "Hardly, I've never met who you're speaking about. However, I have my own reasons for being up here, surly you don't mind debating your points off of another? Trying to convince everyone here about your side might go over a little easier while you have the other side represented."

Mallet quirked an eyebrow than furrowed them both with a devious grin. "Of course not, I hope you know you wont walk away from this victorious." He puffed his chest out proudly.

"We shall see." Sin replied turning back to face the now very interested audience.

A few topics were brought forth by the audience, including: Working conditions and "slave wages."

Sin began to speak but was cut off by Mallet, preaching about how the Elite have a responsibility to their communities and their employees to care for them, and how a happy employee is a productive employee. "The masters of the Capital Class should be held responsible and accountable for any sufferings that befall those who serve them!"

"Indeed, a happy employee is a productive employee." Sin agreed. "However, these so called 'Elite' have no responsibility to you. As a matter of fact, do they not enrich your lives with their products? With out these so called 'Elite' who gave the concepts for the cloths on your very backs, would they be there? And what is to stop you from ending your employment with them and going the way of live YOU wish to go?"

Mallet let out a laugh. "Ignorant PIGDOG! With out this!" he held out a hoof full of bits, "These ponies would go hungry! These, these... PIECES OF METAL!" He gave a disgusted look and threw the bits onto the ground. "Have more power than any one pony. Those are NOT labor and production. They are tokens of repression, a race to the bottom of who can run out quickest; and go with out feeding their families. We are taught at birth that they mean something, but they are only tools of our enslavement."

Sin looked out to the cheering crowed, many smiling and happy faces beaming up to the new proud worker stallion. "Yes," he said and everyone quieted down a bit. "They look very repressed and miserable... and hungry."

A few laughs came, along with nervous chuckles and scolding stares. "Now, allow me to put it to you this way." The liberty pony continued. "This money is earned through mutual exchange yes? You give it to other so that they will do what you want. So, in a way, these are, 'good deed' tokens. You do someone a favor, and they give you these in the appropriate quantity." Sin picked up one of the Bits to demonstrate, earning a scowl from his opponent. Sin walked to the end of the stage and rose his voice. "How many of you will give someone one of these for doing something you didn't like?"

A few of the crowd nodded their heads in understanding, but most of them just looked onto him confusedly. "Exactly, you will not give that which is valuable to you, to some one who does you harm."


Sin continued his explanation, giving emphasis to how Mallet was half correct. The bits didn't have any intrinsic value, but it had perceptive value. He motioned to how the majority of Equestria used this as currency, hence, it's worth something only because ponies say it is. "and even then, you don't have to use this. One could grow his/her food and simply give it away if he/she wants to. The same could be said for all manner of things. Hell, you could even start your own business and make it into a charity if you so chose. Who's going to stop you." He looked back at the currency in his hoof.

Then he decided to humor Mallet, and ask how the monetary system would work with out the Bits, or any kind of currency since it would all be "oppression" in one way or another.

Mallet answered with what Sin had predicted. Government force. Though not worded in that way, it was the inevitable and bear bones argument. Though, The green earth stallion phrased it to where the ponies who resided within such a government would happily share what they produce, for they do not own it. All is owned by the community, hence there is absolute equality over all

"Consider it." Mallet began to pace, his words directed evenly between Sin and the crowed. "No more need to go hungry, no more are refused medical care due to income. No one is forced to get sick by working themselves to the bone, no Elitist pigdogs exploiting the humble laborer." Mallet gave a faux look of sadness to Sin, playing to the crowds emotional side before his voice turned from angry to pathetic. "Why do you want suffering?"

The crowd's gaze turned scolding as the looked onto the brown stallion for his explanation. To their surprise, Sin actually began to laugh a little. Mallet's eyes narrowed as Sin's laughter dragged on. Finally after a few tense seconds, the stallion calmed down and his goggle hidden eyes darted right at Mallet. "You think that's how it's going to work? I suppose you're going to use Democracy as your primary means of decision making as well?"

"Yes, and it will work that way-"

Sin burst into another fit of laughter, apologizing between snickers. "I'm sorry, that was rude." he coughed and regained his composure and turned around to address the audience. "Excuse me everybo- I mean, everypony. May I ask you all to do me a little favor?" The angry looks turned to ones of confusion and interest. "Don't worry it's not hard. I just want to ask you, how many of you want to end mares' suffrage?"

The audience began speaking amongst themselves, trying to determine what the word "suffrage" meant. Suffrage? Suffera, Suffer, sufferer? Suffering? Suffering? The crowd started to chant that they didn't want mares to suffer and angrily stated no. Sin asked if the majority of them felt that they wanted to end mares' suffrage, and almost unanimously the crowed roared in the affirmative. Sin gave a toothy grin. "Congratulations, you just took away all mares' right to vote."

Many of the ponies gave protest to the tan clad stallions accusations. Though, most were just confused and talking amongst each other about what he meant. Sin told of the definition of suffrage and how mares would no longer have a voice in any democracy because the crowd had just voted that right away. And since rights were things that couldn't be voted away, it would count as a privilege.

Mallet made a series of retorts as to how preposterous it would be that the commune would allow such a thing to hold any water. Sin smiled and turned to face his opponent. Claiming how it wouldn't be on that grand a scale, but the same concept would apply if the immediate positive out comes out weighed the perceivable and immediate negative. Sin told a story of how an entire town was brought to ruin as one of their major exports, onions, were disallowed for a single harvest due to majority vote to perpetuate the consumption of potatoes and olives because the producers had convinced the majority of the 'greater good' that nutrition from said vegetables would give to the community.

As the town was full of Onion farmers and others to help ensure a decent existence for them, the mandate for the immediate halting of Onion farming gave way to a bit of restlessness in the town. Eventually, the town became too restless and began farming the onions again anyway, but to only keep it within the town so to not have it distributed to the rest of the state. However, supply line ponies had seen the town's abundance of the eye watering root, and word soon spread about the outlawed production taking place. Ponies in other towns became angry that they couldn't have any, and became jealous. So, another vote was called as to how to deal with this dissension within the town; As ordered by the majority, a contingent of the "Equalists Brigade", which was the state's military, were sent to stop the production immediately, and by any means necessary.

"Surprisingly enough though." Sin's voice was informed the crowd the story was drawing to a close. "The townsfolk were reluctant to end their way of life on behest of the numerous stallions who had come to threaten them. As such, the stallions arrested many of the farmers and spilled salt all over their lands. Giving a show of forces as to not challenge the majority. Though the majority was not pleased with that either, and the ban was abolished. All it took was the destruction of the way of life for one town to show that the 'majority' doesn't always know best."

A wave of enlightened "ohh" washed over the crowed as they took in the story. Some pointed out the mistake made by the term "any means necessary" being used. Though, Sin quickly dispelled that by the state wide anger clouding the inhabitants judgment.

Mallet scoffed and began to point out other flaws, each met with a considerable argument from the strange stallion before him. Finally after the sun had began to fall behind the castle spires, the green pony let out a huff of anger. "Why you?" He walked up and grab Sin by the neck of his cloak. "You shut your pigdog mouth!"

Sin gave another wry smile and answered calmly, "Now who's doing the oppressing and silencing?"

A look of realization and pure hatred crossed Mallet's face, his green coat turning a dark shade of red from his bubbling anger. "YOU'RE AN EARTH PONY LIKE US! WHY DO YOU FIGHT US?!" He threw his fore leg forward, attempting to move Sin. However, the lightness of the still clenched cloak informed him of the missing pony.

The crowd gasped at the white bandage bound wings on Sin's side, and the mark on his flank. Even Mallet took a step back from the sudden revelations. He looked between the brown pegasus' body and his reflective shielded eyes. The earth stallion rubbed his eyes to make sure he was seeing correctly, still unable to accept what the stallion had done to himself..

"I fight you." Sin seethed grabbing his cloak back. "Because I have seen the world you want to create. And unless it's done through voluntary means..." He replaced the cloth and turned away. "It is slavery of the majority over the minority. Using the force of the government body to cause pain to those who don't live the way the many say they should." Sin walked off the stage, the crowd giving him ample room to walk, and he wondered up to the castle grounds to a very surprised looking pair of alicorns.

As a reminder, I do respect other peoples beliefs in terms of: Economic, Political and Social view points. This Story isn't meant to degrade or shame disagree beliefs, but to simply be part of a story, inspire thought

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