• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 7,084 Views, 1,280 Comments

Earning Freedom - Daxisle

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony, but once he's imprisoned under false charges for sexual favors, he receives a package in his cell containing means for his escape, and a letter that would change the way he saw the world forever.

  • ...

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Bastards! Fucking bastards!

Sin was not in a good mood. The rib facturing pain in his side evidence of the brutal night he'd had as he slowly limped back into Trottingham. He'd underestimated the tactical capabilities of the Trotski, of Puddinghead and his lackies. They didn't have many ponies, but what they had was more than enough when used correctly.

Sin thought he was being careful, that he saw an opening where the Trotski did not. He couldn't have been more wrong...

He'd played his way around the guards, sparing all of them the fate of a splintering headache when they awoke to find their leader pinned to the wall by his bolts. That was his first mistake, not taking out as many of the reactionaries as he could before confronting Puddinghead directly. The second mistake was not sniping him from the airduct in which he'd crawled into to gain access to the bridge.

He saw the pony sitting alone, drinking himself silly in an emotional mess, torn between the joy of thinking Macintosh dead, and how much he'd lost because of said pony's interference. Instead of taking the stallion out there and then, Sin just had to sate his ego and try to enact the painful justice he wanted.

He learned, though. He learned that Puddinghead was far more crafty and calculating than he'd given credit for. Even a pony who looked at their most vulnerable and helpless could be nothing more than a trap to lul their foe into a false sense of security.

Sin got sloppy when he'd jumped down to confront the stallion, he'd forgotten the most basic rule of entering any room. Do a sweep, do a sweep and check all corners for hostiles.

The revenge endeucedd tunnel vision had almost cost the stallion his life, and it would have if it hadn't been for the Nightmare enhanced aura. Which lead to his third mistake, not having a back up plan.

The details were a little fuzzy to him, but Sin remembered that there were seven enemies in total, including Puddinghead, waiting for him when he'd jumped down. The first two, earth ponies, were easily dismissed upon their meeting with his crossbow bolts. The others, though, easily charged for him and overpowered the stallion, kicking the everloving dog shit out of him. He'd summon the aura just in time to save his ribs, but he couldn't maintain it on four minds at once long enough to finish off his charge, resulting in the stallion making a retreat back into the bowls of the ship and hiding away in one of the coal containers until they'd finally left.

They'd gotten away, Puddinghead had gotten away... he'd escaped because Sin was careless and over confident. He knew they were on the look out for him, but instead of playing it safe and taking the Trotski leader out from a distance, he'd almost gotten himself killed.

Mistakes were made, but Sin rarely ever made the same mistake twice, and when he found them again in Dodge Junction, where they thought they were safe from him; hidden away in their little abandoned coal mine, he'd make sure they knew the pain of his humiliation. They were going to pay, and they were going to pay very fucking dearly.

What he did to Sickle, he never wanted to do again. It was cruelty beyond cruelty, pain beyond pain. Penetrating the earth stallion's mind and forcing him to live every single fear he had, to relive every failure, every horrible memory, every last painful thought he had ever made for himself all at once... it was a death Sin regretted inflicting. That kind of pain deconstructed a pony, it stripped them of everything good in their lives, everything they charished and left them with nothing but the worst of the worst...

It was a suffering beyond what the Federalist had predicted, and hadn't wished on anypony, not until today. Unlike Sickle, though, Puddinghead's suffering wouldn't last only a few seconds. Oh, no, no. It was going to be a long and drawn out process. Hours and hours of the pony screaming and begging him for the sweet release of death, but Sin wouldn't let him have it, nay. He'd break Puddinghead, he'd break him mentally, he'd break him emotionally, and he'd break him psychologically. Leaving the Trotski a writhing mess of desperate madness and helplessness.

And when Sin was bored, he'd leave the pony alive. Alive enough to draw breath and think about everything, but too broken to move. He'd leave him to die a slow, agonizing death and-

'SIN! Milikki's sweet fucking name, listen to yourself! You-


"Mmm, I love a stallion who-"


To call Sin angry was an understatement. Sin didn't really get angry, he was usually set at a low simmer of irritation, sure, but he rarely ever got angry. For him it was either a slow seething or a full on torrent of unyielding hatred and contempt, there was no in between.

Taking a few moments to calm his mind and cool his head, Sin halted his advance back to the inn. He was too angry, too worked up right now. Scootaloo would probably ask questions, questions he was in no state of mind to answer with anything other than telling her to shut up or completely ignoring her.

Critic was right, he needed to calm down. Anger was a dangerous beast of an emotion, one he despised most in his mental arsenal. It made ponies do stupid things, get carried away and act brashly, and his pride was well enough for that.

But that was the thing, it wasn't his physical injuries that hurt most, it was his own pride and ego. Sin always place so much value and arrogance in his tactical abilities, how to avoid fighting head on and use his words, or the environment to his advantage. None of those things were utilized last night, and as angry as the Federalist was with Puddinghead, he was more angry with himself.

After a good five or six minutes of deep and calm breathing, Sin finally felt himself in a decent state of mind. Decent enough that he could pass as "normal". Now he needed to get Scootaloo, find out where "Dodge Junction" was, and make way there. He was a little hesitant to use the train still, especially since his foalish companion was likely being looked for by the law, so walking would have to suffice. Hopefully, the Trotski wouldn't relocate until he'd found them again.

He'd reached the inn building after taking a wrong turn and getting lost for a few minutes, but he'd gotten back just in time for check out. However, a most unexpected site greeted him. Angel Bunny was standing outside the inn building, his eyes scanning around for something. What set Sin on edge was the lack of an orange filly standing next to him.

Already feeling his temper coming to call, Sin slowly made way to Angle and asked why the rabbit wasn't in the room with Scootaloo.

Angel Bunny slumped and looked away, looking more than a little guilty. Sin felt his pulse quicken. "Angel, tell me that the kid is in the room and you just wanted to come out for fresh air."

Again, the rabbit merely continued to slump, his eyes looking anywhere but at Sin's own, before finally shaking his head in the negative. The Federalist fought tooth and hoof to keep himself from exploding in a verbal tirade, instead he lowered his head and glared at Angel with seething eyes. "You. Had. One. Job."

Each word sent Angel a little closer to the ground, making him feel as small as possible.

Sin pulled back and took another round of calming breaths. There was no point in getting angry, there was absolutely no good to come of it. This was why he suppressed his emotions, bull shit just like this.

Alright, so Scootaloo wasn't where she was supposed to be, next step was to find out if she was okay and/or in trouble. To which Angel answered no and yes respectively. Okay so she was in trouble, fine, that was a problem and Sin planned to fix that problem.

"Can you take me to her?"

Angel nodded vigorously and began hopping through the streets due south. Sin followed at a gallop, today was just not his day.

"Let me out!" Scootaloo shouted for the hundredth time, bucking the large metal door to her cell.

It was no use, nopony was talking back to her, and the dark wooden door didn't budge an inch. The filly looked around, trying to figure out any way she could escape her prison. There was nothing in the small room, nothing but a small barred window to allow light to enter into the room.

She'd been at this for an hour now, and the questions continued to pile up. Why was she in here? What did they want from her? Was it Foal Protection Agents? Did they find her? How? What was going on!?

Seeing her efforts render fruitless, the filly placed her back to a wall and sighed.

It was pointless to delude herself with such hopes, she wasn't in government custady... she was foal napped. She was foal napped and she had no idea what would happen to her. The stories that parents always told their kids about being napped is... well, that's it. They "get got", by the boogie pony or whatever. No real explanation to what happens afterwards, but the uncertainty of it all is what made the story that much more terrifying.

She curled up and brought her knees to her chest.

First Scootaloo realized that she was going to be without her friends and family, and now she's been napped away by some jerks who intend to probably eat her or something.

The thought didn't sit well, but Scootaloo refused to allow herself to cry. Crying never helped her before and it wouldn't help her now. But what would she do then? What would Annabelle do?

Well, if she had to make some logical conclusions, the window was too small for her to get out of, even if the bars weren't present. So, the only way out was through the door, and the only time it would open was when somepony on the other side unlocked it. Common sense though it was, it did leave the foal to think on ways to get the guards to open the door to let her out.

She didn't need to wait long, she heard something shift inside the barrier and click before it opened. A portly unicorn stallion walked in and smiled at her. "Good morning, sweet heart, how are you feeling?" The stallion asked gently.

Scootaloo felt herself grow tense and gulp at the pony's words, unsure of his intentions for her. The teal unicorn slowly walked into the room, his eyes continually looking her up and down. She wasn't sure why, but the way he was looking, the way he was smiling, it made her uncomfortable. Not in the way a pony staring at someone made them feel a little uneasy, but it was... worse, much worse. A feeling that made her skin crawl in the most unpleasent of ways.

"Dear child, don't be afraid." He cooed, stepping forward and reaching out a hoof. "Nopony is going to hurt you."

It was a lie, he was going to hurt her. Scootaloo just knew he was by the tone of his voice. She stepped back from his approaching hoof and scuttled to the corner, her adrenaline and tension making her breaths shallow and and quick. Still, the stallion proceeded again, offering words of comfort that she knew were false.

That's when she noticed it. The door, it was still open! But the stallion, he wouldn't just let her walk out.

"Come here, sweet heart." He said, reaching down and scooping the filly up. Scootaloo froze in his grasp, her entire body sezining up like a statue as it was cradled against the pony's chest. He began humming, his other foreleg stroked her mane soothingly. Though, there was no comfort to be found. This was wrong, she couldn't put into words why, but the encounter felt disturbing more than it did comforting.

"Shh, shhh, everything's fine." He cooed, his hoof strokes moving lower from her mane down to her back.

Scootaloo wanted to scream, she didn't know what was happening or what was going to happen, but she wanted to get away. This pony, there was something wrong with him, something that made her want to throw up.

The filly's body trembled as she tried to find her voice, his hoof was getting lower now, stroking her withers to the curve of her back, slowly, it reached down to her flanks and tail. "You're a good foal, aren't you?" He smiled devilishly and smacked his hoof against her flank.

The sudden stinging broke Scootaloo from her frozen terror and she kicked out all of her legs at once, bucking the pony in the face just like she had the pink pony before.

He dropped her to the ground and clutched his face, groaning obscenities that betrayed the stallion's true inner nature. Tears trailing her, Scootaloo bolted for the door and out to freedom.

To her horror, the door slammed shut just before she could get to it.

"You stupid BITCH!"

Scootaloo yelped in pain as a hoof came slamming down upon her head. She didn't have time to hit the ground before the unicorn's magic engulfed her and she was brought snoot to snoot with the reddened, tear pained eyes of her aggressor.

A long moment of silence passed, the pegasus filly doing everything she could to hold in her bowls and bladder. She was absolutely terrified now, she'd bucked him right in the face and he had her in his aura. She waited for the beating to come, he'd hit her once, he'd likely do much worse now that she was at his mercy.

"You're lucky the boss doesn't like damaged merchandise."

He tossed her into the wall with a dull thud and began stomping out of the room. The stallion stopped and turned to face her with one last glare before shutting the door behind him. His hoofsteps echoed from outside, ending after a loud groaning and hissing of something being moved from the floor above.

It took a good twenty minutes for her to regain her breathing. What just happened? Why was he petting her like that? Why did he smack her flank? What was the point? What was the intent? And why did it make her feel so sick and scared? Scootaloo was no stranger to fear, but that was something else, something far far worse...

She brought her knees up to her chest and sniffled, fighting back the tears that threatened to spill forth at any moment. Tears of fear and tears of confusion.

It just didn't make any sense, no matter how she looked at it, the filly just couldn't understand what was going on... and part of her was horrified to find out. She knew she would, though. There was no escaping her prison and her captor was a unicorn. Unicorn magic was stronger than she was, and it would be able to grab her or shut doors faster than she could run...

Scootaloo waited, the only sound from her was the constant sniffling and breathing. She waited for the stallion to return and do something else. Her hope began to fade as seconds turned into minutes, and minutes into hours. The light in the cell was getting dimmer now, and Scootaloo slumped.

"Hey, kid."

Scootaloo's ears perked, a small bit of hope pushing through her chest. She looked up and smiled joyously. "ISLANDER!"

The brown pony put his hoof to his mouth in a "shh" motion, lifting his head and taking a look around. "Are you alright?"

Scootaloo answered in the affirmative, overjoyed that a friendly face had showed up to save her. He asked her some questions, like how many ponies were in the building, to which she could only confirm one. If any of them had weapons or anything, again, what all they'd done to her, if she heard anything when the pony came down to see here, and when the last time she'd seen one of them was.

"Alright, hang tight."

Sin slowly crept away from the window Angel had directed him to and snuck around the cabin, doing a quick check for any patrols or posted guards, as well as the other cells beneath the structure. He counted four total, luckily all the others were empty.

'I can't fucking believe this.'

Sin wasn't surprised. He'd studdied psychology enough to know the facts for what they were. Pedophilia was a thing, and no matter how disgusting nor deplorable it may be, denying the fact made it no less real.

Hiding beside the door, Sin contemplated his options. The windows weren't barred, so, he might be able to break in that way. Though, he had no way of knowing what was on the other side. One guard, two, ten? He didn't know, curtains obscured his vision. But he didn't have time to wait, it was only a matter of time before something happened to the filly.

"Knock on the door."

WHAT? Are you-

"Sinbad. Knock. On. The door."

The stallion pressed his lips, his options were limited as it was, if he knocked, the element of surprise would be gone, and he was in no condition for a prolonged fight. Though, he felt confident in the decision to do so, the Nightmare felt benevolent right now, maybe he should try it her way.

He rasped on the door in a well known pattern.

I hope you know what you're doing.

"On my mark."

"Whadaya want!" A voice barked from the other side.

Sin stuttered for a response. "Heard ya knew where a pony went for a good time!" He shouted loud enough to be heard. The voice on the other side was silent for a moment, but answered again that he didn't know what the pony was talking about.

"Is that any way to talk to a paying customer?" Sin replied and smirked.

As hoped, the locks on the door began to click and scrape. Finally, the door opened an a well sized unicorn stallion with bloodied tissues sticking out of his nose poked his head out. "How much we talkin'?"


Sin's blinked, his icey blue eyes turning teal and serpintine. "How about your soul?"

The unicorn gasped, but made no move as his eyes locked into Sin's own. The Federalist began to step forward, the unicorn stepping back. He pushed open the door and followed the pony inside. "Is there anypony else in the house?"

The foal napper nodded his head and named one pony filly in the basement, his eyes never breaking contact with Sin's own. The Federalist lifted his crossbow bearing leg and smirked, thanking the pony for his help.


Closing his eyes, Sin felt the energy of the demon recede from his body. He waited for the head ache, but it never came.

'Mind control?' Critic asked.

"You've seen nothing I am capable of, dear Critic." The Nightmare cood softly before her tone turned hard. "Raping foals is an act even I cannot tolerate."

'Huh, neat.'

You may be a bitch, but at least you have standards.

Sin began looking around, trying to find the access down stairs. He remembered what Scootaloo had said, that something heavy sounding scrapped on the floor when her assailant left. His eyes fell upon a well sized dresser in the corner and smirked. It took some effort to move the thing, but his work was rewarded by the sight of a trap door beneath.

He pulled it open and began climbing down to the dark hallway below.

Happily, a key ring hung from the wall, one key meant for all doors.

Finding Scootaloo's cell, Sin through open the door to find the filly sitting in the corner. "ISLANDER!" She shouted happily, running forward and jumping on his leg. Sin buckled under her tackle and hissed in pain.

"I'm sorry, are you okay!?" She asked apologietically.

The Federalist nodded, rubbing his foreleg. "Yea, just... are you okay?" He asked, looking her over. The pegasus filly looked to be fine, but Sin knew the trauma wouldn't be physical. She would likely have questions, but he was just glad she was safe.


Fuck off!

"Let's go." Sin declared, leading Scootaloo up the trap door and out of the cabin.

"Are you sure you're okay? You're limping." Scootaloo pointed out.

"It's fine, don't worry about it." Sin snapped unintentionally. It didn't really matter anyway, it wasn't like he could go to the hospital or anything.

The filly looked a little dejected at his outburst, but rebound just as quickly. "ANGEL!" The filly shouted, racing out the door and embracing the rabbit, the two nuzzling eachother in a heart warming reunion.

'She's just concerned about your health, Sin. You know, when someone cares about someone else? Also, D'awww.' Critic gushed.

Okay, first off, quit doing that. I don't "D'aww". Secondly, there really isn't any help for the injuries, so there's no point in addressing it.

Sin allowed the two a moment before reminding them they needed to get moving again, an idea Scootaloo, surprisingly, contested.

"I don't know what this place is used for, but we have to report that pony and this place to the guard!"

Sin, his irritation now returning with Scootaloo's safety, stated the obvious. The idea was a bad one, for multiple reasons, the biggest one being her own personal welfare. A notion the filly argued that she didn't need to go with him and could hide while he went to get the guard.

As much as the Federalist would like to, he knew it was a bad idea. Pedophile rings were the lowest of the low, but he wasn't about to become a myrter to slow one down. Not to mention they weren't really in a place where they could stand and argue about the issue, it was only a matter of time before someone came here and saw what happened.

Summoning the last of his patience, Sin saw one of two options. Either he be truthful and tell the foal that he, too, was on the run from the law, or dismiss her once more and just walk out. He tried to do the latter, but Scootaloo stood in his way, postulating and proclaiming how terrible it would be for other foals who could suffer the same fate she almost did.

"Alright, Fine!" Sin barked, making Scootaloo take a fearful step back. "I'll go tell the fucking guard, fuck's sake!"

He trudged passed her and barked at her to follow.

Critic was about to say something, but Sin silenced him. He knew what the voice was about to say, and the voice was right. Sin was tired, he was tired, hungry, irritated, in pain, and now fearful of being arrested. None of that was Scootaloo's fault, well, save the fact he had to save her, but it wasn't license to take out his anger on her.

He stopped a good distance from the city, his head now clear enough to think properly. The kid had just been kidnapped, and it sounded like she was molested, she didn't need him being a prick right now.

"Islander?" Scootaloo asked, her voice barely above a squeak.

Sin turned to her. "I've had a bad day, it was wrong of me to snap at you, I apologize."

Scootaloo smiled softly and hugged the stallion's foreleg in a show of forgiveness. Sin tensed as he always did when touched by someone, but found the filly's affection enduring.

"Thank you for saving me." He heard her say. "Even if you are grumpy about it."

Sin lifted up his other foreleg and awkwardly patted Scootaloo's back, his dark tanned cloak spilling around her like a shield. The Federalist found his temper fully subsided by the grateful gesture, despite the pain it caused. To make matters worse, her grip on his foreleg tightened as Angel joined her in her affectionate assault on his person. The hug lasted much longer than he would have liked, but he knew that Scootaloo needed it as comfort for herself more so than gratitude to him.



Author's Note:

And thus, the first bit of the Sin/Scootaloo/Angel odyssey ends, but more will come.

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