• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 7,115 Views, 1,280 Comments

Earning Freedom - Daxisle

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony, but once he's imprisoned under false charges for sexual favors, he receives a package in his cell containing means for his escape, and a letter that would change the way he saw the world forever.

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Big Mac sat quietly in the Canterlot throne room as Celestia and Luna quietly whispered to each other. He let out a sigh and bit his lip after his eyes landed upon Sin sitting before the two.

He and Spike had been standing to the side for the better part of two hours, allowing the Federalist to tell his side of what happened on the airship. The applepony wasn't sure what Twilight had told the crown before the hearing, but Sin's words hadn't angered either of the sisters, so it was a safe bet the stories matched up.

Neither he nor Spike had spoken to the stallion ever since the Gonshinian incident, which hadn't pleased Canterlot in the least, but for some reason, he felt as though he'd betrayed his friend in a way. But how could anypony blame him? Mac had never seen a pony killed before, much less at the hoof of somepony he came to think of as one of his closest friends.

But by the same token, with all the time he had to think on it, what Sin said made sense. The other airship did attack them outright with no regard for his life. He'd done them no wrong, yet they would have arrested, or worse killed, he and his friends. Though, he still couldn't shake the unsettled feeling he had about the experience.

He looked to his side to find Spike with a painfully thoughtful look as well, the two had talked about the incident a great deal on the way back to Canterlot. The dragon holding a more lenient stance on Sin's actions than Mac, The worst to take it were the girls, it wasn't really surprising that they unanimously decided to abandon the excavation to the Federation.

To their surprise, their escort decided that since his sentence of acting as a tour guide could not be fulfilled he would seek an alternative form of redemption. And after Celestia's personal investigation into the fallen airship and Twilight's testimony, she too was only happy enough to oblige.

And though Ace heavily protested the decision, Sin's words to stay won out in the end. Mac wasn't there for the whole conversation, but with he and Spike having to pull the two apart after the golden pegasus tackled his associate to the ground, it was safe to say the two didn't end on good terms.

"We've come to a decision on your alternative sentence." Celestia announced, her neutral expression baring down onto Sin.

A moment of silence passed, Mac's breathing grew unintentionally shallow, as angry, hurt and confused as he was, he still considered the stallion his friend; and the last the he wanted was to see him suffer.

"What?" Sin sneered. "You expect me to contest it? I've already agreed that I'm indebted to you, and that I'll accept any punishment that you see fit to bestow. So, could we get this over with?" He paused before giving a snide smirk, "-your majesty."

Mac internally flinched at the harshness of Sin's words, or rather his tone. He hadn't noticed it before, but the stallion's mannerisms and etiquette had warmed quite a bit since the three had traveled together. The coldness displayed now resonated a bitter nostalgia that the farmer wished to leave forgotten.

"Very well." Celestia sighed before reminding the Federalist about his debate performance the last time he'd visited the capital. Once he affirmed recollection, the sun goddess requested that he remain in Equestria to act as her agent in quelling such rallies before use of the guard became necessary.

Sin's mouth gaped and he stood for a time in utter shock.

"Do you feel you can do this for me?" Celestia half asked.

Sin shook his head frivolously, as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing. "As if I have a choice."

Celestia smiled and dismissed him from her chamber with kind words of thanks. Once the pony began to depart, Mac and Spike followed after. Leaving the bright shine of the throne room into the darker, more ominous hallway.

Once the doors closed, the Federalist stopped.


Mac and Spike stood silent. The eerie quiet of the darker environment weighing far more heavily on the mood than it should have.

Sin turned. "What do you want?" Still no reply. "Why did you come here? You have no more business with me... Or did you wish to find out how I got my just deserts?"

Mac quirked a brow at Sin's tone, yea he and Spike might have said some things, but nothing to earn this kind of treatment.

"Sin, we're sorry about what we said." Spike piped. "And I- uh-" he looked down at the ground, "am sorry about, you know, hitting you."

Mac cast a dubious stare, he wasn't sorry for crap, why was Spike speaking on his behalf?

Instead of accepting the apology, Sin merely scoffed and shook his head before turning away and walking to the place entrance. Spike and Mac followed after. The former insisting on Sin accepting his apology. The closer they grew to the entrance, the more agitated the drake became with the wall of stubbornness.

"Ok, what is your problem?" Spike snapped, his patience fully drained.

Sin turned around quick enough to make the drake take a cautious step backwards. "My problem? You're really asking that?" He gave a mirthless chuckle. "Not only have I been sentenced to work under the very institution I despise most in this world, but I'm also the princess lap dog to be commanded as she sees fit until she decides that my time serving her is up."

He turned away before either of them could respond and burst out of the palace entryway. Mac's eyes slammed shut as the bright golden of the sun and icy cold assaulted his retinas. He quickly recovered and caught up to Sin as he was beginning to enter the courtyard.

"Now see here." He demanded stepping in the way. "Ah understan' yer upset, but that ain' no reason to take it out on us."

The two stallions eyes locked for a moment before Sin pushed past, muttering how the fault really lied with him.

Sin was enraged, how could he have been stupid enough to leave himself open like that? This wasn't just a momentary lapse in judgement, it was the most idiotic decision he'd ever made! He didn't want to return to Federation, but this was a hell he'd gladly trade for it.

Never the less, he'd agreed to it, and as such, must adhere to the contract.

But that didn't mean he had to like it.

"Shade!" He called as he pushed past Mac to find his associate bowing hastily before the statue of Discord. "I'm heading out."

Shade looked up and tilted his head. "But we just got here, and I haven't preformed the ritual of appeasement where I suck Discords toes yet."

The liberty stallion stared blankly upon the acolyte before shaking his head and walking on.

"Where 'r ya goin'?" Big Mac demanded.

"Hopefully to a place where your good princess can't find me." Sin had to obey the call of the princess, but how could he do that if he never heard it? Though, fortune seemed to scorn the pony as two pegasi guards clad in bright golden armor interrupted his departure and handed him a scroll bound with the royal seal.

"What? She's got an assignment for me already?" He took the note and the guards wordlessly returned to the palace. The stallion sighed again and unraveled the scroll, his eyes quickly taking in all of the text addressed to him.

After a moment too long of quiet, Mac inquired to the contents.

To his surprise, Sin actually answered his question in a way he'd never expected.

"YOU FUCKING CUNT GOBLIN!" He looked to the alabaster castle behind. "You're really sticking me there? Really?"

It was no use other than to relieve the great deal of built up stress the stallion kept bottled. The princess couldn't hear his anger, probably for the best. He'd been assigned to keep residence in Ponyville, Most likely so her lap dog elements could keep tabs on him.

The stallion cursed again under his breath as he ventured into the city proper.

The cold of winter was still heavily prevalent, he paid no real attention to the small hills of snow nor the ponies who buzzed about their daily activities. All Sin wanted right now was to get onto the train and give himself time to think... Preferably in peace and quiet.

Though, if there was an otherworldly power in this world, it seemed hellbent on pissing him off as much as possible.

"Sin, wait up!" The unmistakable voice of Spike piped. Odd, he never noticed how deep it had grown. Regardless, his pace didn't slow, if anything, it actually sped up a bit. Still, it didn't take long for him to be joined. "I don't get it, you worked for the government before when you were in the Senate. What's the problem with working under Princess Celestia?"

Sin stiffed the urge to growl, and attempted to regain his typical demeanor. "That was different matter entirely."


"I did it of my own accord."

"Well." Spike looked away and awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. "You did come back here voluntarily too, didn't you?"

Sin grimaced, that was a good point. He could have just left on the Gonshinian and he probably would have never heard from the princess again. Hell, if he'd have just walked away after the landing, chances are she would never have found him. "Yes, well, I said I would." He stated matter of fact, "and I keep my word."

The crowd began to thicken as the trio approached a large platform with a long train track running through it. The noise of the concentrated beings made conversation difficult, but Sin did hear Spikes rebuttal about how he was sure Celestia would have given him an alternative if he was truly so unhappy about his predicament.

Instead of arguing the point, the stallion feigned ignorance and gestured that he couldn't hear what was said. He needed time to think about this one. Eventually, the drake gave up on his speech and waved the stallion off. Approaching the ticket counter, the brown pegasus paid the necessary amount of bits and acquired the desired slip, stiffing both Spike and Mac. He hoped they would take the hint, but... yea, the universe, him, everlasting hatred.

He tried to stay near the crowd, but his anxiety quickly got the better of him and elected instead to sit on a rather secluded bench on the far side of the platform. As expected, the two Equestrians shadowed him and sat as well. Cold as the bench was, the hooves had suffered their part.

The silence actually lasted longer than he thought it would, a full five minutes before the first words were muttered.

"Y'all chose this fer yerself." Mac declared sagely.

'ya don't say.' Sin inwardly scoffed. Did he really need to be told that? Had his explanation not proven that he already knew this was his fault?

"But." The farmer continued. "Ah don't wan' no hard feelin' 'bout wha' happened." He extended his hoof. "Ah'm sorry fer yellin' atchya."

Sin observed the offered appendage than Mac's face. His typical solemn smile was replaced with a more genuine and welcoming look. It was rather scary, how nostalgic the look was.

It was the same apologetic stare that Zell gave him after he'd caused unnecessary trouble as well. Mac tilted his head and Sin's blood ran cold.

The way he looked at that point in time, he resembled the pony to an almost indistinguishable level. A sudden wave of anger overcame the former senator, not at Mac, but at himself. The way Sin had treated his friend wasn't what one would call the best. The memories of using him for herbology experiments and constantly criticizing his social beliefs were enough to make his gut twist, not to mention he'd...

Sin shook his head and looked down. 'No, I've been over this. I did what I had to...' "Hmph, it's not your fault." He admitted, trying to push the memories away. "I should have left when I had the chance."

"Then why didn't you?" The dragon inquired sternly. "And don't give me that 'you gave your word' crap again."

He couldn't help but smirk, perhaps he'd rubbed off on the drake a bit more than he'd meant to. Truth be told, he really didn't want to go back. There was nothing there for him. His home's downfall wasn't something he could alter even if he wanted to.

But before he could even solidify words to reply, the dragon continued on about how his sentence wasn't really all that bad. Celestia was a benevolent ruler, Sin admitted that himself when he'd first met her. What would he have to do? Something he admitted enjoying? debating ponies on an individualist point versus a collectivist one?

A slim memory flashed where he'd told the Alicorn he was going to do what he was born to do right before debating a pony preaching before the castle. How was this all that different?

"Yea, it's the princess telling you where to go." Spike conceded with a teasing smile. "But think of it as her-" He tapped his claw against his chin, "-just telling you where you can find them."

Sin quirked a brow, he had a point, if he just looked at it in that kind of way, it wouldn't be so bad. Of course the fact that she could have guards swarm him at any given moment if he didn't comply would always be at the forefront of the issue. But he could over look that for now, besides, he did agree to it after all.

His eyes looked up to the newly arriving train, the one bound for ponyville. "Perhaps." he admitted. It wasn't long before the cars emptied and the baggage compartment bared. After that, the Conductor announced boarding and the group entered the transport.

To this day, Sin couldn't get over how warm and inviting the railway cars were here. Instead of the cold plastic seats he had grown accustom to, there were velvit recliners and beds. beds by Tapio's beard. There was traveling in comfort, then there was wasting a ridiculous amount of money on frivolity

This would be the latter.

It didn't take long to find the chair he was assigned, nor the cozily shelved books beside it.

Waste. Of. Money. 'For Bluecloake's sake, does some one actually live in here?!'

But instead of voicing his complaints, he instead admired how the owner of the train had actually made enough money to give such glamor. If memory serves, this was a privately owned enterprise, as such, this would be exactly what he wanted in a way. The pony who owned it must have been well off enough if he could afford all of this just for his clients. So, what was he complaining about again?

'Ah screw it, I've had enough thinking for right now.'

And he had taken his signed chair, hot damn was it comfortable, and with all of the days events, quickly lost all interest in consciousness.

Sin brushed off a pesky something on his forehead, his mind hadn't organized to where he was or what he was doing, but for once in his life, he didn't care. He was comfortable and warm where he lied. A lazy hoof brushed off what ever was on his forehead and he tried to go back to sleep, but what ever it was prodding at him didn't like his plan.

He sighed and lifted his head, allowing the rest of the world to come into focus. Mac stood over him, repeating that they'd he'd slept the entire trip to ponyville.

Not surprising, Canterlot couldn't have been more than twenty or so miles away. Grogy and some how more tired than before, Sin shook the sleep from his eyes and gave a quick stretch before the apple pony lead him off to the platform.

"So, what now?" Spike asked.

"Now, I must have an audience with..." Sin withdrew the parchment. "Mayor Mare... Really? Mayor Mare?"

Mac didn't seem to get the redundancy.

When the former senator had first arrived in Equestria, he'd thought the first few ponies he had encountered were playing some kind of game with him upon introduction. 'Sweet Dreams' and 'Harsh Tones' were their names. At first he didn't believe either of the mares, but when the small town they were in addressed them as such, it took every bit of his restraint not to comment on how ridiculous the names here were.

But Mayor Mare? What was she before that? Just "Mare"? Couldn't addressing her in a crowd be perceived as sexism a bit? Or was her name always "Mayor" and she took on the office just so her name would make sense? Or maybe some parents just want to watch their child suffer.

Never the less, he had to meet with her.

Luckily, most residents knew his companions and took a great interest in their return. A pair of residents wondered up and greeted the two with friendly smiles. One a teal green unicorn mare, the other a manilla earth pony with curly pink and blue locks. Spike and Mac tried to politely push past, but the two wouldn't have it.

Sin smirked as he heard the mares begin to scold the two for being rude and trying to wiggle out of catching up with them. One turn of a corner later, and the mess was out of his mind.

Hey, chances are that if Spike and Mac truely wanted to, they'd just push past. It wasn't his fault they were still pussy whipped to the point where simple words made them stop dead in their tracks. Perhaps he'd failed them on that front, all well.

It didn't take long to reach the Mayor's hall, it was an impressive building for the town it was in. Though, as he approached the door, it swung open to reveal a fuming lavender mare beginning to exit.

"It's you." She gasped, her face loosing it's previously angry look for one of surprise. Sin nodded, but he wasn't here for her, so he walked past with out a word. "Wow, rude."

He never understood Twilight, but with what little time he'd spent around her, it wasn't hard to understand why Spike was the way he was.

Putting the distractions aside, he wondered up to the receptionist and polity asked to see the Mayor.

"Do you have an appointment?" The unicorn mare asked dryly, not even bothering to look up from her paperwork. Sin retrieved the royal seal and parchment from his bag, again, and placed it on her desk for inspection. The pony's demeanor changed dramatically upon seeing the mark of Canterlot upon it. "Oh, of course." She smiled nervously. "I'm sorry, p-please follow me."

The mare motioned for the stallion to follow, and the two began to ascend the stairs, but not before he noticed Twilight still looking at him from the corner of his vision. She was probably still upset with him, not that he was all too concerned about it. As a politician, he was used to being given hateful stare, be it from ponies, griffins, or any other type of sentient being.

Though getting it from her was unnerving, even to him...

"What was living off the land like?"

"Did you really fight a dragon?"

"You guys sure are brave! I'd never do that."

"Who was that pony walking with you?"

Mac backed up from the growing crowed and questions. He wasn't used to this kind or amount of attention. Yes, many of the ponies present were his friends but, just give him some breathing space guys! Anytime he or his friend tried to answer, another question cut them off. Luckily, it didn't last long before Rainbow Dash entered the frey and herded the onslaught of words to go about their business.

"These two have had a tough day. So why don't you leave them alone alright? They'll talk when they're ready."

A collective "aww" erupted and the ponies dispersed back to their daily lives.

Mac breathed a sigh of relief, though the angry glare RD was giving him tensed him right back up.

"So," She began awkwardly. "You guys decided to come back?"

"Eyup." The two nodded.

"Well." Rainbow looked away, flustered for some reason. "It's- um- good to have you back home."

The apple farmer's spirits soared at the word. "Home" the word had never sounded so unbelievable wonderful before. Even Spike was smiling at the notion.

"I guess you two should go see your families. C'mon, I'll make sure no mobs rush you."

With that, the three traveled into town. As grateful as Macintosh was for Rainbow's help, her words were still being analyzed in his head. Home, he was home now. But would his family accept him now? The reason he left was because they were reluctant to accept the new him.

What would they think now?

Applejack was happy enough to see him. But what about Applebloom and Granny? After yelling at them, he'd scared them out of the house. Yea, they'd had a good time before he left, but was that because they were still afraid of him, or because they genuinely wanted their last days together to be favorable?

Had they forgiven him? Could they even do so?

His introspection was broken by the happy coincidence of finding his kin in the market place. It was the right day for them to be there, for all his time gone, he could never forget all the time he'd spent in this place.

"Heya AJ." Rainbow greeted, the addressed turned her attention, and her pleasent smile shifted to a more awkward look.

"Oh uh- Hey Rainbow," Mac's breath caught in his throat as his sisters eyes moved to him. He'd only seen her a few days ago, and the two were favorable of one another, so why did he feel like now was the time for judgement? "Hey big brother, what'er you doin' here?"

"Ah- uh..." Come on, just say it.

"He's coming back home." Rainbow answered all too eagerly.

Applejack's unsure demeanor changed to a more natural one. "Is that true?"

Mac took a breath, he'd intended to give the matter a bit more thought before visiting any of his family. Tartarus, a little bit of small talk to ease the tension was hoped for in the scenarios within his mind. But to be thrown the question like that? No greetings, no easy conversation?

As if he wasn't flustered enough.

"Ah'm home 'n Ponyville." He replied, hoping to keep any implications at bay.

"Well." She said while shuffling her hooves. "Uh, do ya, ya know, plan on stayin' anywhere?"

Mac couldn't help but chuckle at that, of course he had to stay somewhere. He wasn't going to sleep on the street, not that it would be an alien experience. But he settled on shaking his head.

"Well, we need some help on the farm... Thing've been kinda tight. With us havin' ta higher extra hands 'n all." The mare chuckled "Never knew how much ya did there. Darn near took three ponies to do yer chores and what not."

The tender reunion was broken by a loud and intrusive gasp. "SPIKE!" it yelled before a pink blur whipped by and tacked the unsuspecting dragon to the ground with a thud. "I've missed you so much... MACINTOSH!" What little warning he had didn't help as he too fell to the overly excited party mare.

"I'm so HAPPY you guys are back!" The crushing feeling that enveloped his stomach felt more like a large clamp than the legs of a pony. Had AJ and Rainbow not pulled her off, he was certain Pinkie would have cracked a rib or two.

"Oh, sorry." She smiled sheepishly. But, it was still good to see her. Especially now that she was in such high spirits again.

It didn't take long for Twilight and Rarity to arrive, the latter taking a bit of shock to Spike's older appearance.

"Oh darling!" The alabaster unicorn exclaimed while examining the taller dragon. "What has that brute done to you?"

Spike flushed furiously. Strange, wouldn't her remarks be more hurtful than embarrassing? In Macintosh's opinion, the dragon should be respected for his growth, not ashamed of it. Though, that was just Rarity being Rarity he supposed.

After confirming that the drake was actually happy with his growth, the mare only stared skeptically. "Well, when I see that Sin character again, I'm going to give him a peace of my mind. I still cannot believe he made you fight a fully grown dragon!" She embraced spike and, with comical strength, waved him around like an over protective mother. "My poor little Spikey wikey."

'Wait, didn't he leave to avoid that kind of treatment?'

The drake freed himself and voiced his displeasure of the treatment.

'There we go.'

"Well, you'll get your chance." He said straightening out his scales. "He's talking to the mayor right now though."

"HE'S HERE!" The mares exclaimed in unison.

For the next half hour the two explained how after the princess had investigated the Judgement incident and had all the injured placed in Trottingham medical facilities, they'd given Sin a new order to take residence in Ponyville and have him quell any uprisings around the country in form of peaceful debate. Neither knew much about mob psychology nor it's difficulty to manipulate, but his demonstration in Canterlot had proven his ability to handle himself and preserve the royal order.

Ironic really.

"Well in that case," Rarity piped, a bit less confident. "Then I will give him a peace of my mind next I see him."

"Is that so?" Well, speak of the demon lord. The very topic of the time strode up with his typical scowl. "And what exactly do you have to say to me?"

"SIN!" Pinkie exclaimed, though her assault hug was stopped by a hoof placed upon her forehead.

"Yea, let's not do that." He lowered his hoof and turned his attention to Mac, leaving Rarity to chew her lip. "If you don't mind, I'd rather you not speak of my person, Mr. Macintosh, Spike." He nodded before walking past.

"Hey wait a minute!" Rainbow called flying in front of him. "Where do you think you're going?"

"To the Everfree forest." The pony replied pushing past.

"What!? Why!?"

He stopped and looked back at her. "I was told I had to stay in the region in order for your dear matriarch to keep tabs on me." He smirked, "But she didn't say I had to make myself convenient to find."

It was no secret that the dark forest wasn't the safest place in the land, with all the survival skills and tenacity that the Sin had, Mac still had mixed feelings about him staying in there. Last he checked, there was not only an Ursa Minor, but it's superior dwelling within it some where.

That's not to even mention the Timberwolves, Cocatrices, Mantacores and deadly foliage. And that was what he knew off the top of his head.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Twilight asked.

Sin shrugged, "I've wondered through it before," He began walking forward again, though the rainbow pegasus stopped him... again.

"Alright, as much as I don't like you, I'd really rather you not go in there." Her words went unheeded with a dismissive shrug and she cast a look to her friends for help.

Mac knew better than to speak out, unbeknownst to the girls, Sin had almost abandon he and Spike on multiple occasions because they didn't want to follow him. Fact of the matter was, if he said he was going to do something, he did it. No amount of talking or convincing would discourage him unless it was of new information that was of threat imposing significance.

And the fact of the matter was, Sin probably knew more about the forest than even Fluttershy. So chances were that none present could alter his decision.

It wasn't long until the pony was out of sight and the five mare broke from their dumbstruck silence.

"I can't believe somepony would rather live in that forest than out here." Twilight commented, "why does he hate the princess so much?"

To a being who'd traveled for months and learned a great deal about individualism from the Sin, that was pretty much the dumbest question anyone could ask. But to somepony who didn't know him, it really wasn't a surprise.

"No kidding." Her cyan friend agreed. "Hey Spike, what is his deal anyway?"

And thus began the arduous process of trying to explain Anarcho-volunterism to a group of ponies who's undying loyalty lied with the princess and ruler of the land...

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