• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 7,084 Views, 1,280 Comments

Earning Freedom - Daxisle

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony, but once he's imprisoned under false charges for sexual favors, he receives a package in his cell containing means for his escape, and a letter that would change the way he saw the world forever.

  • ...

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Business and Nightmares

Business and Nightmares

Sin tapped his hoof upon his office desk as he looked at the lithe, forest green mare before him as she sat in preponderance over his offer.

News of his position had spread quite well around the town since yesterday's city council meeting in pertinence to the slashing of both spending and regulations. This caught the attention of the two pegasi mare's he'd helped in transporting contraband a few weeks ago. Both mares came to him, hats in hooves of course, in hopes that they could have their records expunged.

Seeing an opportunity, Sin granted the request on one condition. That the mares bring in their boss for a little interview with him, and here she was. Shady Oaks. Well, that was her surename anyways, what little he'd spoken to her, she didn't seem like the air head type who'd give her name to government officials.

"So, let me see if I understand you correctly." Shady said thoughtfully. "You will get the police and the guard out of our business if we regulate the black market for you?"

Sin sighed, rubbing his head with a hoof. "No, Ms. Oaks. Regulate the Red Market, not the Black Market."

The mare had a bit of a difficult time understanding the difference. "Yes, but isn't what you've described part of the black market?"

"Yes and no." The new Treasurer grimaced. "Black and Grey markets are simply outside of government interference. Avoiding the tax mare, if you will. So long as the transactions are voluntary, I hold no qualms with anything you do. Drugs, unregulated goods and services, prostitution, I don't care."

"The Red Market, on the other hoof, is a different beast." He stood from his desk and wondered over to the window, staring out into the peaceful town and sighing. "I've come to like this town, and would like to keep it safe. The changes I've made in the government regulations are going to attract some... less than reputable characters to Ponyville." He turned back to her. "When that happens, I want to make sure that peace is kept in the underworld as well as the overworld."

Shady quirked a brow, commenting on his less than orthodox methods of maintaining order. Typically, law saw the underground as an enemy all its own, something to be exposed and destroyed, and yet here was a political figure who was asking for it to be self regulated. This was much to the Federalist's delight. The underworld couldn't be stopped he knew this for a fact, it would be there no matter what the government did, he just figured it was better to get it as safe as possible, and it was going to be within Shady's organization's interest to accept his olive branch.

When divided up, he saw the: Grey, Black and Red markets within the underworld vs the White of the overworld. The Grey was untaxed, under the table work, plus some under the table purchases. Black markets were what many deemed lawfully illicit, but not immoral against the principal of voluntary exchange. Red Markets were transactions that took place against the will of one of the parties involved. Slaver and killers who didn't give the choice to others, they simply took the right to choose away and made a profit off of those whom they committed violence against.

"And what's in it for you?" Shady smiled lazily. Her hazel eyes holding a certain bored interest that could almost be misconstrued as bedroom calling. She was the type of mare who was never surprised or impressed, but found the unexpected more entertaining than anything. "Money? Product? Or perhaps you want to get some of my mares for free for a night?"

An image of Uppity yelling at him popping into his head for some reason, Sin declined, stating that his interest was purely in the benefit of the town. Red Markets housed slave trades, sex rings, organ traffickers and killers for hire. It was always so difficult to regulate the black market due to it's conflation with the red, so it would be easier to just leave the law out of it while he worked his own manipulations. Safety was a priority, everyone wanted to get to their respective husband/wives and children at the end of the day, after all.

If he could get informants in the underworld and kept it policing itself, the guard and police should have no business with it.

Though, there was also the problem of asserting one's self. Drug dealers and and black lords weren't ponies to trifle with, even if they were a peaceful sort. Maintaining Shady's respect would be a priority if he wanted her to trust him and maintain her people's safety, as well as those who'd go after her.

"On second thought, there is one thing I'd like from you." He smirked taking his seat.

"Aha! I knew you had selfish desires." The forest colored pony chuckled, her laugh both knowing and innocent all at once. "So, what will it be? Ask and you shall receive."


Shady's eyebrows soared, though her lids remained halved and smile never faltered. Sin wanted to be kept in the loop of things just in case. He'd made some powerful enemies in the small town, and wanted her to keep tabs on the market for any information pertaining to himself.

"That is my one condition for our agreement. You keep the reds out and don't cause trouble, I'll make sure the law keeps its distance."

She didn't take long in thinking over his proposal and agreed. "You know, I think this could be the beginning of a beautiful partnership." She cooed, standing from her place.

"No partnership, please. I've no interest in participating in what you do." He respected other ponies life choices and styles, but he personally didn't agree with drugs or prostitution. The lithe mare awed patronizingly and sauntered around the desk.

"Don't tell me that you've never been with a prostitute before." Shady teased, stopping just as her muzzle barely touched his ear. "Or have you never been with a mare at all?" She whispered seductively.

Sin froze for a moment, her proximity and hot breath sending shivers down his spine. She was testing him, she was testing him and he needed to pass. He calmed himself and forced a smirk. "Afraid I've never had a thing for whores."

'Wow, scathing.'

Shut up!

Shady found the come back just as humors though and laughed jovially. "Oh my, you really haven't been with a mare, have you?" He had no idea what he did to give her that impression, though she was quick to point out the shakiness in his voice when he'd whispered to her, as well as the blush that tinted his cheeks.

He gave her a quick glare and turned away, unsure of how to respond to a situation he'd never been in. Though, his face was quickly brought back to her by her hoof. "If you'd like, I can relieve you of such a burden." Her hoof traveled down his neck to his barrel. "No stallion should ever go so long without knowing a mare."

In a blur, Sin swatted he hoof away and pushed his chair backwards a good few feet, his skin crawling and stomach churning from the contact.

Again, Shady just chuckled and giggled, laughing like a filly. Sin was already irritated at being touched, he had to bite his tongue to stop from chewing her out.

"Well, this was fun, but I'm afraid I must go." She turned around and made way for the door, stopping to give him one last suggestive smile. "I'll be seeing you soon, Sin." The door closed and the oaken stallion shivered and exhaled to calm himself. Sexuality wasn't something he was comfortable with, in fact, it was probably the weakest point he had in terms of mental defense.

'Maybe getting involved with her wasn't the best idea.'

"Ganja?" Sin asked, looking at Macintosh, who was holding up some brown seeds. "I haven't looked into the drug laws here."

"Ya think ya can do somethin' if it is illegal? Ah'd rather not get too much hassle fer this." Mac replied, looking down at the seeds uneasily. Sin pressed his lips and said he'd have to talk to the city council. Drugs weren't well accepted in Ponyville, but in medicinal use, an exception might be made. To that end, he also asked about why the Stallion was considering growing the plant, he knew the Apple farm was hurting, but he'd never expected Macintosh to turn to drugs for it.

To his bitter sweet relief, it was more for Shade's use due to a... relapse episode, brought about by the lack of product.

Pressing his lips, the former senator shook his head. That was the reason he didn't care for drugs, addiction and withdrawal. It could turn a well mannered individual into a raving lunatic, but apparently it could also do the reverse. Ups and downs, he supposed.

"If I was you, I'd talk to Celestia." Sin intoned. "You'd have a better chance getting an imperial permit than a city permit." Mac hadn't considered that possibility, but it wouldn't hurt, she was the one in charge of Shade's rehabilitation. "You sure you're Grandmother and Sister's will approve of this though? They don't strike me as the drug condoning type."

Mac had considered his family's disapproval, they would verbally slaughter him if they ever found out what he was doing. But, between Shade and Annabelle, he'd made the decision to go through with it anyways. "Alright, your call." The other stallion called with a shrug.

Expecting the meeting to last a bit longer, Mac asked how Sin was liking his new job, to which the stallion scoffed. "Ain't a new job, Mac. I'm not getting paid for this." The apple farmer quirked a brow, though it did make sense, considering where the money would have to come from the pay him. To his surprise and respect, his friend maintained his job as a mill worker on top of this. Considering the hours equaled out to about fourteen hour work days, Mac had to tip his proverbial hat to the pony's dedication.

"You gettin' enough sleep fer all that?"

The Federalist nodded. "I don't need the full eight hours during the work week, I catch up on the weekends. Aside from Shade, how are you doing with Annabelle? You two seem to be spending alot of time together."

Nodding proudly, the apple farmer was very happy with the way the relationship was progressing. It took a special kind of mare to help fight off another stallion for her own.

Sin had to admit, despite his chauvinism, he respected her for stepping up to one of the most dangerous ponies in Equestria. "Sounds like a keeper."

"How 'bout you 'n Uppity?" Mac smirked. "Ya two are sure gettin' along." Sin chuckled and shook his head. She was a government type, her loyalty would always be to Celestia. An anarchist libertarian and a personal assistant to the Crown didn't mix in that kind of way. Mac wasn't buying it though. "Spike was the assistant to Twiligh' n' you accepted him jes' fine."

"Spike was a different matter. He didn't enjoy his servitude like Uppity does." Sin countered.

"Jes' like you don't?"

'Ouch, low blow.'

Truth be told, he didn't mind the job he was doing now, but he was also manipulated and forced into it. Though, he was also more than able to argue his way out of any situation, manipulating him was probably the only way anypony could make him do what was necessary for his own happiness. "Fair point." He thought the issue would be dropped there, but Mac had other ideas.

"We should do a double date."


The red pony smiled. "You, me, Annabelle n' Uppity. We should all meet up in Canterlot tomorrow n' do somethin' fun."

Fun? Him? Sinbad Islander? Sinbad Islander and fun? What? Those words just didn't sound right together.

He appreciated the offer, but dismissed it. Tomorrow was Saturday, and he needed to catch up on his sleep as well as go over some hypothetical scenarios on combating Colgate's proposition and finding work for the soon to be unemployed government employees.

'Wait a minute. Maybe going to Canterlot might not be a bad idea.'

What do you mean?

'Think about it, Celestial owes you a favor right? This would be the perfect opportunity for you to visit their office and figure out something for those construction workers.'

"On second thought-" Sin said, the wheels in his mind turning. "I think I will come. I've got some business in Canterlot I need to take care of." That pleased Mac well enough, but Sin's mind was in overdrive to find a solution. Getting funding would be easy now, but he'd need a real plan on what to do. He'd toyed around with the idea of a charity drive for something, but that never lead to anything substantial. He didn't have a lot of time, and would need to pitch something to the executives.

The next day, three of the four friends exited the train car plus one Twilight Sparkle, she'd been civil enough with Sin, but Spike could sense her unease around the new town treasurer. He and Mac both made way for Canterlot Castle while Sin left to take care of whatever he had to do while in the city.

For some reason he was particularly secretive about his reasons for coming, same with Macintosh now that the drake thought about it.

"I miss Canterlot, sometimes." Twilight said, smiling dumbly as the nostalgia hit her. It was nice to be back with out a crisis for once, just taking in the scenery. Spike had to agree. Ponyville was nice and all, but there was just something about the high spires and over all entirety of the city that made it breath taking. The fact that it was his birth place and the area he'd spent most of his life didn't hurt either.

The three made way through the busy streets on the familiar path to the castle gate. Greeted by the stony faces of the guards, the two ponies and one dragon pushed past the main entrance and into the chambers of Celestia.

"Hello, my little ponies." Celestia greeted regally, waling down to give Twilight and Spike a quick nuzzle of affection. "Are you ready for your surgery, Spike?"

The aforementioned took a breath. "Yes, yes I am, princess." Celestia nodded in approval before calling Twilight over for a few private words. Her student looked at her in questioning, but was told to see to Spike first. Once the two had seen thsmselves out, Celestia turned her attention to Mac. "Machintosh, was it? What may I do for you, my little pony?"

His ear flicking in nervousness, the stallion mentioned that he'd rather hold a private audience with the princess. He'd rather as few ponies know about his inquiry as possible, lest word spread and land him into more crap than he cared to deal with. Nodding in the affirmative, Celestia sent the dragon and librarian to the medical wing, giving the former a nuzzle of encouragement.

Once alone, Celestia turned her attention back to Macintosh. The stallion was about to speak, but the sight of a white earth pony stopped him. "Oh, do not fret, Macintosh. Raven here knows how important confidentiality is among my subjects." Celestia's assurance didn't calm the stallion, though she didn't seem to be leaving any time soon, so he just made his plea.

"Ganja?" The alabaster sun goddess tilted her head. "That is the plant that has depressive effects upon ingestion, correct? You do know that such a thing is illegal within not only Ponyville, but Equestria as a whole, correct?"

Mac nodded, though he made his case about Shade's condition and how it was the only thing that kept the bat pony under control. News of the method Zecora was using to pacify her charge sent a grimace onto Celestia's face. "You were th' one who told Twi n' them to rehabilitate Shade, yer majesty."

The princess looked down at him with a minor scowl, though nodded in the affirmative. "I did not think it would come to illicit psychoactives, though." She sat in contemplation.

"If I may, your grace." Raven interjected, much to Macintosh's horror. "Research conducted in Manehatten has shown positive effects of the Canabanoids on the mentally unstable among the inner city youth. Side effects are strongly prevalent of course, but those whom are confirmed to have mental instabilities and consume Ganja have shown positive improvements in their behavior."

"Thank you Raven." Celestia said politely. "But I'm afraid legalizing Ganja isn't a good idea for the current time. The Canterlot elite, stuffy aristocrats that they are, would bring it up at every turn against me."

That didn't sound right, the noble ponies in Canterlot were supposed to help keep Equestrians safe and happy. Though, Mac could understand their reservation and agreed to a point. Though, he wasn't completely sure what all the side effects were. Wait, did she say they were observing foals using the drug?

"Forgive me your Majesty, but I wasn't suggesting total legalization" Raven corrected, patting the red tuft of cloth that came from her collar. "What I was suggesting was the implementation of medical Ganga usage. Under specific controls and observations of course. Since the main problems with the drug is it's adverse side effects on underdeveloped brains, observing the effects on fully grown adults could help our cause for recreational legalization."

The two continued their conversation and it slowly dawned on the apple farmer that he was about to be part of an experiment that would prove the legitimacy of Ganja usage for medical purposes. According to Raven, the positive benefits out weighed the negative consequences for mental health, as well as trace elements of body purification. He had his reservation though, if he was shanghaied into this, it would be under protest. Shade needed help, of that he knew, but the bat pony suffered from sever mania, dementia and insanity brought about by traumatic events. To use that as a base to push Ganja on others for less sever experiences just didn't sit right with him.

After a few minutes of deliberation, Celestia agreed to the trial that Raven had appropriated and ordered a permit to be written up. As well as a team of observers and researchers summoned for briefing. "Congratulations, Macintosh. " The princess smiled happily. "You're request to farm and harness Ganja has been approved."

Suddenly, Mac began questioning if getting out of bed today was a good idea or not.

Spike was shaking in his chair, and he couldn't figure out why. Twilight sat by his side, gently stroking the drake's head and whispering how everything would be alright, that there was nothing to be afraid of.

He knew that, he'd be unconscious for the entire operation, but that didn't help. He felt ridiculous for being afraid, but the sterile white room and sharp tools of surgery that hung from the wall sent all kinds of images into his head. Not to mention the jar on the counter to the left. The doctor gave it to him to see his transplant eye before insertion, but the more he looked at it, the more sick he felt. Eventually, Twilight took it away from the drakes claws in observation of his distress.

His stress over everything was keeping the anesthetics from claiming him. Twilight was told to calm him down and that's what she was doing as best she could. That would include lecturing a certain brown unicorn doctor about patient bedside manners. Until then, all she could do was sit and whisper soothing words of comfort, saying that everything would be alright.

"What do you plan to do while I'm in surgery? I don't expect you to stick around for it." Spike said with a smile, desperate to get his mind off of what was coming.

"I'll be talking with Celestia for a while. She said she had important news for me about Luna and that she may need my help for something." Twilight replied, catching on. "I'm not sure what it's about, but it must be something important to ask for my help."

'Yep, like when there are enemies she can't be bothered to fight! Like Nightmare Moon and Discord.'

Spike nodded in agreement, he hoped Luna was alright, Celestia had rarely asked for Twilight's help. The two continued to talk to each other, smiling and laughing at jokes and past events in an attempt to defuse his tense apprehension. After a few minutes of talking, due to the conversation or just his body's inability to fight, his muscles finally began to relax.

He'd felt the drugs the anesthesiologists had put in his system taking effect, but asked that Twilight stay until he was asleep. Spike was happy she was there, he wasn't sure he could have done this without her.

"Of course, Spike." She gave him a quick hug. "I love you and I'll always be there for you, even if you do act like numbskull sometimes." She giggled and Spike made an attempt to do the same, more for his benefit than hers. It did bring him comfort, knowing he'd have somewhere to go even when he left. She'd be upset no matter where he went, but something told him that his going to live with Sin would really step in her carrots.

"I love you too, Twi."

Her son now unconscious and about to go under the knife, Twilight left him with one last look and made way straight for Luna's personal chambers. She quickened her pace the closer she got, whatever was happening must have been bad if it warranted her to come to the lunar alicorn's room.

When she arrived she was greeted by at least a dozen solar guards and even more lunar standing in front of the door. "Twilight Sparkle." Barked one of the guards. "You're expected. Please, follow me." The golden clad pony turned to his fellows and nodded. All of them retook formations. The pegasi formed floating pony shields, facing in both directions of the hall while their ground bound breathern stood to cover as much ground as they could to stop any invaders. What caught the librarian's attention was that the guard weren't facing away from the door to stop anypony from coming in, but towards it, as if expecting something to come out.

Her eyes going wide at the display, Twilight began to fear what was beyond the door to warrant this kind of protection.

Satisfied with the formations, the golden clad unicorn opened the dark blue room divider just enough and beckoned Twilight to follow inside. She steeled herself and complied.

The scene inside stole her breath. There, sitting upon a black and blue decorated couch, lay Luna. Her eyes were tear stained red and lifeless, Her pelt was disheveled, and her typically ever billowing, ethereal, starry mane lay dull and lifeless. She was naked of her typical regalia, exposed in a light that could almost make her look like any other pony besides her having both wings and a horn.

Besides her, Celestia sat in solemn contemplation. Her breath visible from the cold chill of the room.

"Princess?" Twilight asked, cautiously approaching her mentor. Awakening from her stupor, Celestia offered a sad smile and greeted her student. "What's going on?" The lavender mare asked, her heart breaking at the condition Luna was in.

"Luna-" Celestia croaked, cringing slightly. "She... she's been..." She trailed off, looking extremely ashamed about something. Twilight's heart broke twice, she'd never seen the solar alicorn looking so defeated before. She quickly moved to Celestias side and pressed her side into her mentor, offering comfort as best she could. Still though, she needed to know what was happening, what had happened to the sun pony's sister.

Sighing, Celesta took a calming breath and told Twilight what Luna had told her. A week ago, Luna finally came to her to confess the reason for her strange behaviors. About the visions and voices that plagued her mind, shadows of a mare they all thought destroyed, of serpentine turquoise eyes visiting Luna in her sleep, a lustful voice trying to pull the poor mare back into the hateful and jealous ways she'd succumbed to a thousand years ago.

Nightmare Moon wasn't gone, and threatened to return.

"But it's worse than that, Twilight." Celestia hiccuped. "She... Luna, she... She's been torturing herself. Twilight." That was enough to send the slack jawed librarian's mouth to the ground. "A few weeks after her return, she... She cursed herself with a horrible creature of nightmares. The Tantibus."

The lavender unicorn could only stand in utter terror at the revelations. Luna had been torturing herself? Why?! Why would she give herself nightmares? How was Nightmare Moon still here?! The Elements of Harmony should have purged her. Why was she only now being told about this? Why hadn't Celestia assembled the rest of the Elements? "W-why?" She whispered, too full of bewildered shock to get anything else out.

"A few weeks after her return. Luna had summoned that Tantabis to terrorize her dreams with possibilities of how she could hurt others. To remind herself never to fall what she once was." Celestia answered, tears falling from her eyes. "And as punishment for her crimes."

"WHAT?!" Twilight demanded. "But- but she was already punished! She was sentenced to the moon for a thousand years for what she'd done!"

The white alicorn shook her head. "She didn't think it was enough. And in her desires to atone, the Tantabus merged with her worst nightmare. Giving life to that which she feared most."

Grimacing from a growing sense of anger, Twilight marched over to Luna glared at her. "Luna, you- you dunderhead! Why would you do this to yourself! Haven't you suffered enough!?" She screamed, tears of indignant rage welling up. "What about Celestia!? How could you do this to her!"

"TWILIGHT SPARKLE! ENOUGH!" Quickly scurrying away from the lunar goddess, Twilight stood shaking at the stone scowl of Celestia. She'd never ever heard her mentor use the royal Canterlot voice before. And to have it directed straight at her sent the mare's neurosis into apology filled over drive.

Seeing her student's state of duress, Celestia's anger evaporated and she used her magic to pull Twilight into a firm hug. "It's okay, my faithful student. I'm sorry I yelled at you, but Luna is in a very vulnerable state right now." She whispered, feeling the first few tears escape her students cheeks and spill onto her shoulder.

Taking a few moments to calm themselves, Twilight listened as Celestia explained that she was attempting to exercise the Tantabus and the remnants of Nightmare Moon from her sister's mind. Her attempts thus far had been unsuccessful, obviously. She was planning on originally commanding the entirety of the Elements if the failures continued, but seeing Twilight today, decided to ask for her help. "The Elements have failed before, Twilight, but perhaps you and I, together, can banish this beast back to Tatarus where it belongs."

Twilight looked up into the hopeful face of her mentor. She wanted to help Luna, she wanted her Princess happy, and that's what she planned to do. "What do you need me to do, Princess?"

"Mr. Sinbad? Fancy Pants will see you now." Called a very fetching and polite secretary. Sin stood from his place in the lobby and thanked her for holding the door open.

Inside was a lavish room full of busts and pillars. The color scheme was a small eye soar, what with the pink and white, but the royal purple rug and it's amazingly detailed pattern of ponies running more than made up for it, that and the tapestries of the same colors, but with different patterns. Sin wasn't typically an admirer of art, but he had to give credit when it was due, these were some absolutely fantastic works.

Behind the ebony desk sat a well built, white unicorn stallion with a small mustache protruding from his upper lip. His attire of a business suite screamed pompous and prissy, yet his eyes and smile suggested a much more Fezzwig-esque character. "Good afternoon Sinbad. I'm glad to finally meet the stallion who helped with those Occupy protesters. We at Celestial and Fancy Pants Banking are grateful for your assistance." He gave a humble bow.

"This is my wife, Fleur De Lis." He motioned to the stunning and delicate mare besides him. She gave a small, though dull, smile and a slight nod of the head, a gesture Sin returned. "So, what brings you to Celestial this afternoon? I'd be most inclined to assist you with whatever endeavor you see to undertake. Return the favor and all that, I say." He chuckled jovially.

Sin, off put by the behavior proceed to explain that he had come for financial backing in the creation of a new development in Ponyville.

"Good show, old boy. But, I was always under the impression Ponyville was doing well for itself, why would you need my help for?"

Explaining his position and what he'd recently done, the Federalist explained that the workers who's pocket books he'd just smacked would need work in order to maintain their life styles and feed their families. He wasn't willing to dip into public funds for any projects to keep them busy, but he was willing to incentive a charity backed program. Fancy seemed both intrigued and hesitant at the offer.

"I see, and what is this program you'd like me to back, dear boy?"

Sin smirked. "A lumber mill. A lumber mill that would quickly grow into a research facility." The stallion explained. He drew several pieces of twigs from his saddle bags. Each generic colors of browns, grays and reds. Though, there was another twig. This one a dark black the likes of which Fancy had never seen. "You've got your basic wood stove burning fuels here. Birch, Oak and Pine." He pointed to each of the twigs and named them respectively. "However, this last batch is a kind of wood that I've yet to hear recorded within any form of dendrology. Not that it's surprising, considering where it comes from." It wasn't really true, the Golden Oaks Library was an isolated assortment of knowledge, but in his research into all the books he could find in his research, no mention of this kind of wood was ever mentioned.

Fancy tilted his head, inspecting the black twigs carefully. "What's so special about these twigs, sir?" He asked kindly. Smirking, Sin looked to the fire place and asked if he may use it. Fancy nodded and the stallion brought over the twigs, grabbed a candle from the mantel and lighting it with a match. "Your typical birch gives off an explosion of heat but doesn't last long." He said, lighting the pine next. "Pine also burns quickly, but the sap pockets produce sparks that can cause damage to both ponies and property, should the proper size pocket catch ignition." He moved on to the third pile of twigs and lit it aflame. "Oak is often considered the superior of the three, no sap pockets and the burn time is optimal. However, the proper seasoning of the wood is imperative to its burning optimization." He explained before lighting the final and darkest of the woods.

In no time at all, the Birch had expended itself, leaving the room slightly warmer than it needed to be. The pine crackled a little, but nothing too drastic before it too finally faded into ash and died. The Oak and Black wood were the only two burning left, a few minutes passed and the oak finally died. Though, the black wood continued to burn for another ten minutes before it too died, the embers of the twigs still glowing brightly.

"This wood requires no such waste of time in its longevity. The process wouldn't hurt, I'm sure, but coming straight from harvesting and production straight to the market would save both time and money. And since the experiments I've performed seem to show its longevity superseded oak wood, cost efficiency of the product would drive consumers to purchase."

Fancy stood in awe, giving Sin's ego no small boost. He was considering running a few more test against actual logs of Oak and Birch, but he found it a moot point. While side by side testing wasn't done, he could personally attest to the fact that a single log of black wood would last at least twelve hours, even if left unattended. And personal usage wasn't the only use for it. Industrial ovens, water heaters, the possibilities were astounding.

But what really made the black wood special was its resilience to moisture absorption. Sin found this out through a log catching fire after a nice rain storm had hit the camp. Unlike most woods that would need to be dried out, black wood lit almost immediately, after the outer bark had dried of course. Everything he'd mentioned didn't even take into account the possibilities that came with using the wood as building materials and other potential uses.

"Marvelous." The Alabaster stallion replied. "Look at that, it's still glowing!"

Nodding, the stallion explained that even after the official fire had died, the ember would remain for about half the time of the initial burn, only fueling his potential backer's interest. As much potential as all of this had for him, Sin was still apprehensive about sharing the discovery. The lack of knowledge on the Ever Wood (as he affectionately called it) was concerning. Tests had no adverse effects on him personally, nor Shade, but that didn't mean there weren't health hazards to be considered. Personal and environmental alike.

"Is it safe?" Fancy asked quirking a brow. Seems as though he was having the same thoughts. Sin answered truthfully. There had been no adverse effects on himself, but he couldn't say for certain one way or another. "I see, than some tests will need to be done, but it does show great promise!" The stallion beamed looking down at the now dimming embers of the twigs, comparing them to the long dead piles that lay in a row. "I've just got one more question. Where did you find this wood?"

Sin's smirk returned full force. "The Everfree Forest."

Author's Note:

And before anyone gives me grief about the technology of the show, it's inconsistent as all hell. They have Jackhammers, but still use quills and spears.

On that note, I'm afraid that this will be the last chapter for a while. Going to be working for a bit and will need to focus on improving the skills needed. So, hopefully this holds you over until I can get back to it. Maybe a week or so.

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