• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 7,115 Views, 1,280 Comments

Earning Freedom - Daxisle

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony, but once he's imprisoned under false charges for sexual favors, he receives a package in his cell containing means for his escape, and a letter that would change the way he saw the world forever.

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A Free Nightmare Night (Bonus Chapter)

A Free Nightmare Night

"C'mon Twilight and Sin! It's time to go Trick or Treating!" Spike bellowed with glee. jumping up and down from his place in the library. His costume was a quite a project this year. He'd thrown together some armor the royal guard was auctioning off and a red cape covered in black swirls. A knight, a dark knight who's sworn to never again fall prey to the temptations of thankless love and devotion.

Ironic, considering Rarity made the cape for him.

"All ready to go, I see." Twilight said as she descended the stairs. Her costume was a rehash of last years. A blue wizards robe with a complete matching hat with a small stars covering all over both. Spike chuckled about her using the same costume, which lead the lavander mare into a small tyrade about the importance of historical figures in the modern age.

"Yea, yea. Whatever." Spike dismissed, electing a small pout from his superior. "Sin! Are you coming or not?"

He heard a few hoof steps and the black eyed stallion poked his head over the banaster. "Wait, you're serious?" Spike nodded, eager to get his empty sack full of deliciously sweet treats. "Spike, don't you think you're a little old for that?"

In a look of utter horror, the dragon recoiled at the question. Too old? One was never to old to go trick or treating. Sin was of a different mind however, according to him it was customary to end the rite of Nightmare Night at the age of ten in his country. To continue on after that was frowned upon. "And no, that isn't just me being a stick in the mud, that was pretty much how it worked."

Spike and Twilight shared a knowing smile between the two before both turning and yelling in unison. "That's not how it works in Equestria!"

Unimpressed by the entire ordeal, Sin wished the two a good night of fun but stood firm in his position. Trick or treating was for children and he had no intention of going out for it.

A couple knocks at the door drew the attention of all party's present and Twilight sighed. "Well, if you're not going to go out with us, can you at least hand out candy?"

Seeing Sin agree disappointed Spike greatly. He wanted to see the Federalist dress up as one of the political figures he was talking about when they met. He had no idea who Tapio Bearking or Sparhawk was and was looking forward to it.

"Trick or treat!" Cried a group of ponies from the door. Sin took a hoof full of candy and began filling bags, halting as soon as he saw that one of the foals was quite a bit larger than the rest. "Miss Pie?"

"Hiya Sin!" Pinkie greeted, holding out her bag for him to fill. "Happy Nightmare Ni- HEY! You're not in a costume!"

Spike chuckled at the bewildered look the stallion had, moving his head back from the accusitory hoof pointed directly at his face. "Well of course not, trick or treating is for chil-" His words were interupted by a sudden gasp from Pinkie, who went into a tyrade about why he hadn't dressed up for the night. The drake had to hold himself back as she went over the various scinarios, asking if he couldn't think of anything to be, if he didn't have the money and how he should have asked and so on.

"NO! I've got it, you're sick aren't you?" The pink mare bonked herself on the head. "Duh, of course that's why you're not out and about. Silly me, I remember this one time I got sick on Nightmare Night. Well, I wasn't sick during the day, I actually got sick because I ate so much candy! It was terrible, my tummy felt all achy bakey and-"

"Yea, here's your candy, have a good night." Sin said in a rush, throwing a few pieces into her bag and slamming the door. He turned away from the portal and sighed, glad to have that over with.

"She'll be back, you know." Twilight declared with a smug smirk. The Federalist tentatively asked her to elaborate.

"Yea, Pinkie hits up every house like five times on Nightmare Night!" Spike agreed, gaining amusement from seeing Sin's face drop. "So, you can expect to see her again in another half hour or so." The drake turned around an folded his arms, he turned just a little bit to see his friend's reaction, giving the librarian a small wink.

The threat had the desired effect and Sin reluctantly agreed to go out and about with the two in town. Though he made it very clear he wasn't going to be trick or treating, he was just going out to avoid giving candy to the hyperactive chatterbox. The two briefly discussed pressuring him into wearing a costume, but decided against it.

"C'mon! We have to go before everypony runs out of candy!"

His declaration made and logic sound, Spike opened the door and lead the way out, Twilight in the rear and locking the door behind her.

Walking with his head held high, Sin wandered behind Spike and Twilight in a mask of neutral indifference.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing, for every foal dressed up in scary or silly costumes, at least two adults were doing the same. What was wrong with this town? He knew the ponies around her enjoyed acting foalish, but this was just plain ridiculous! Even when they'd reached the town square, he saw Mayor Mare and Colgate in cheesy get ups! Was there no more shame left in the world?

But the worst was yet to come, he'd find. While the stallion was running the "bobbing for apples" stand, he still couldn't believe Macintosh, the somber and gentle giant that he was, was also dressed up. His costume was a little more sophisticated than most though, so it was semi-forgivable.

"Ello Tvilight and Spiyak!" The apple pony greeted in a strange but enticing accent, lifting the black cape he wore over his fanged mouth. "Vood you like to bob vor some apples?" Annabelle gave some pun about biting that Sin couldn't quite understand and playfully nipped Mac's neck. Her costume was of a similar variety, though the chest was far more open for some reason, and her hair was pushed into a giant bun on top of her head.

The two intellects agreed immediately and dunked their heads down into the water. In a matter of seconds, both resurface, both holding delicious fruit in their mouths and smile broadly.

It was official, Sin was stuck in a town full of little foals stuck in adult pony bodies.

'Here's a crazy idea, maybe they just know how to have fun. You know? That thing that makes ponies feel good on the inside?'

Right, because ponies getting dressed up and acting like children was how fun worked. My mistake.

"Hey Sin! Come tah enjoy the night?" Mac asked, dropping his accent. "Kinda surprised to see you out and about."

Sin gave his formal hello and explained that he was just out for a while until Pinkie was done trick or treating. Mac laughed and asked if his sister was still with her, apparently dressed as a mummy this Nightmare Night. Sin nodded, he didn't know that the mummy was Applebloom though, guess the big red bow on her head should have been a dead giveaway, though.

Another few ponies wanting to play came up to the stall and Sin bid the pair good night. Though, he turned to find himself alone, both Twilight and Spike having ditched him. "Dicks."

'HA! Nice.'

Unsure of what exactly to do, Sin began looking around at all of the activities that the town center had to offer. It was a proverbial smorgasbord of entertainment and culinary consumables. Including the spider toss, pop corn on the cob, Night Mare pies, one of those games with balloons attached to the wall that you had to hit with darts and a good deal more.

Soon, he found himself wandering about out of curiosity, a small hope welling in his chest as he walked. There was a booth for sea weed on a stick, another booth of speed pumpkin carving, a vendor selling comically large sized candy, and... No, no it couldn't be."

'Mother of Tapio, is that what I think it is?'

Sin approached and he had to hide his excitement. It was! A cross bow shooting range! He felt his speed increase the closer he got to the booth, surprised at how empty it was. There were three rangers, and only one of them was occupied. Thuugh, Sin soon understood the attractions lack of interest as he approached, finding the station unmanned.

"Sorry, miss?" He asked, the only other pony present. This one being what he guessed was a mare, drapped in a cloak and aiming an orange leg down range. "Do you know where the booth head is?"

Loosing her bolt, Sin watched with mild interest as the bolt hit a good six inches to the left of the bulls eye. The mare humped and turned her hooded head to look at the stallion. "That would be me." She replied with a slight smile. "One bit for six bolts, please."

Sin thought about the idea for a moment, how long had it been since he'd used his beloved crossbow? He was a great shot, one of the best back during his time with Triple M. It had been far too long since he'd heard the sweet thud of the bow releasing, sending a projectile at speeds almost too fast for the eye to see. The weight, the power, the sense of security and control...

He reached into his cloak's hidden pocket and pulled out one of his emergancy bits for the game. The mare smiled and placed six, rahter dull and worn bolts before him. Sin had to force himself not to criticize the damaged fletching and lifted the crossbow onto his foreleg. It was... light, much lighter than he was used to. With a quick look for a draw hook and failure to find on, Sin reached out and grabbed the string in his fetlock, pulling to full draw with relitive ease.

It was disappointing, the draw weight couldn't be any more than twenty pounds. Still though, it felt so right on his leg. He quickly loaded the bolt and took aim. He lined up his sights and did a quick inhale and exhale before pulling the release mechanism. The sights were off point, badly off point. He knew how to aim, he know how to shoot, yet the bolt was a good six inchest high from what should have been a dead on shot.

Considering the off sights, Sin repeated the motion and retook aim at the target. He compensated downward a little and loosed the bolt, hitting a mere inch from the bulls eye. "The fuck?" He asked under his breath, looking over the cross bow. It was a light brown little thing, barely to be considered above a child's toy at all. Still, that shot should have been dead on with the compensation. he looked at the cloaked mare besides him who merely stood with a small smile on her face.

Knowing he wouldn't get any answers, Sin loaded up the third bolt and compensated accordingly. The bolt hit just to up and left of the bulls eye. He loaded the forth bolt, repeating the same process with the projectile ending up in close proximity, but still never hitting the bleeding target. The stallion quirked a brow and and let an idea slowly form in his head.

He mythdically loaded the fifth bolt and breathed heavily, taking aim at the lower left quadrant of the red and white target. His breathing calm, he forced out all the noise of the festival around him. Opening one eye, he lined up to his target and released the mechanism. Again, his shot hit not where he was expecting it to. The green and orange fletchings were sticking out just to the right of the bulls eye. A good foot and a half from his intended mark.

That's when it dawned on him what exactly was going on. "You can turn off the assist now." He grumbled, a little disappointed it took him this long. The hooded mare's small smile grew wide, a dull orange glow emitting from her horn. In that moment, a dull flash dispursed the spell from the range and Sin took his final bolt into the bow.

His final shot hittind in the direct middle of the bulls eye. He always hated assists, they were meant to raise confidence and for a setting like this, let everybody have a good time but still come back for another game, thinking that they "almost had it".

"Congratulations on figuring me out, and hitting the bulls eye." The mare smiled stepping a little closer. "Here's your prize." Before Sin could react, he found a pair of orange lips pressing into his cheek. The shock enough to stunt his movements, but not enough to stop his sense of smell. Clearly picking up the faint scent of office paperwork.

"What the... Uppity?"

Her smile broadening ten fold, the mare pulled down her hood to show that it was the very mare. "Hey, Sin! How'd you figure me out?"

His mind finally making sense of everything, Sin told her that he'd aimed at the very edge of the target and still managed to get the bolt away from where he wanted it. "I see, and how you know it was me?" She asked, fluttering her eyes innocently.

"You have a very distinctive smell." The stallion smirked, placing the crossbow back on the counter. The orange mare just rolled her eyes and tossed her straightened mane behind her shoulder, it was quite a lovely style for her, though Sin still preferred the braid. Much more feminine and attractive. "So, did you set this up in the vague hope that I'd stumble accross it?"

The mare giggled and shook her head. No, she said she knew he'd be out and about tonight, despite his reluctance to be in large crowds. When questioned about her knowledge, Uppity denied telling him, electing instead to find enthusiastic interest in the spider tossing game. "Oh, oh! Sin! Let's play that game!"

"No, how about lets tell Sin why you knew he- woah!" Was all he managed before having his leg grasped in hers and was pulled to the mare's game of choice.

'Don't do it, dude. Don't you DARE make this into some cheesy ass romance thing. Sin, I sweat to Tapio, I will give you shit for a fucking month if you win her a prize!'

And that's exactly what the scinario was turning into. Uppity, the foal at heart she really was, pointed to a large stuffed Princess Celestia plushy sitting against the wall, asking Sin to win it for her. "You're good at these types of games, so it should be easy for you."

Sin looked at Uppity, fully regarding the mare for a moment. "If you want it so bad, why don't you play? The game doesn't seem that hard." Truth be told, he was kinda surprised the plushy was still up there. With as big as it was, it must have been the "grand prize" or whatever it was called.

"Because silly, the stallion is supposed to win it for the mare. That's just the way it works!" The overly interested booth watcher declared, leaning in to whisper. "He seems a little slow in the romance department, doesn't he?"

The Cloaked Unicorn sighed playfully. "You have no idea."

'Sin, Sin you listen to me, Tapio dammit. Do not do this! This is the ultimate sign of being owned! If you do this, she'll see it as you obeying her, and once she's got it in her head that she can control you with a pouty lip or by appealing to your ego, she'll play on it every time she needs something. You know I'm right on this!'

"One bit to play!" The mare declared, awaiting the stallion provide payment for the privledge.

It was at that point an idea hit him and he told Uppity to pay for the game. Both mares looked in stunned silence, like he'd just slapped a filly across the face for even daring to suggest such a thing. "What? Hey, this was your idea mare. If you want me to play, you're gonna have to pay."

It was genius, absolutely genius! It would demonstrate his ability to compromise and meet her half way, yet still allow him to maintain the boundary of rebellion! And if she decided to fight him on it, he could just denounce the typical gender roll thing, calling her out on the whole "anti biggot" stance she had while still supporting traditional gender roles.

"Hmmm. No, I think you'll be paying for it." Uppity declared happily. Sin was about to give his retort, but was quieted when he saw her reach into her cloak and produce a single bit for the booth keeper. His bit that he gave her for the archery range.

'... That clever little fox.'

The stallion shook his head, unable to believe he didn't see that coming and took three stuffed, velcro spiders from the, now miffed, booth head. He tossed the spider up and down a few times, getting a feel for the weight of the thing and felt the top of it to find the top of the toy had another layer of velcro so the spiders could layer one on top of the other.

And just like with his shooting, he tossed all three spiders into the center of the web, procuring the stuffed Celestia plushy, still a little creepy she wanted it, to Uppity for her hugging pleasure.

"Thank you!" She beamed, placing the toy down and throwing her arms around the stallion's neck.

Clearing his throat and feeling his body tense from the contact, Sin rose a forleg and patted Uppity's back in an almost robotic motion. No matter how often she hugged him, he just couldn't find it in himself to return the embrace. "Hug me back." She said sternly, tightening her grip. Figuring it best not to fight this battle, Sin brought a single leg up and pulled the mare closer. It didn't feel quite as awkward as he fear, it even felt a little nice.

Still uncomfortable though, very very uncomfortable.

The embrace finally broken, the two wandered around the town, checking out numerous stalls and attractions. The deal where he won her something was a one time thing, after that, Sin found himself in constant competition with Uppity. He'd won the dart toss, but lost in the water canon. He'd barely pulled out a victory in the ring throwing competition, but lost his ass in a "for funzies" black jack booth.

A good hour flew by as the two continued to play games, each trying to out do the other. It was... enjoyable, to say the least.

'F is for friends who do stuff together, U is for you an-'

I will fantasize about Lady Fatchitaz's clit growing into a dick and having her fuck a clone of herself in the ass if you even think about finishing that.

'... You're sick, you are a very sick pony and you need the professional help.'

Still, he had to give credit where credit was due, the time they were spending together was more than tolerable. Sin would dare say he wouldn't mind spending the rest of the night like this.

Though Uppity checked heard the clock strike nine and said she had to depart. There was a trial tomorrow and she needed her rest for the night. Sin felt a little sad about it, but also a little relieved. After the night he had, crawling into a cupboard in the library and simmering for a few days was very appealing at this point.

"Thank you, for everything tonight, Sin. I haven't had this much fun in a long time." Uppity said as she averted her eyes. The stallion nodded, glad he decided to come out, it was always good seeing her. Again, before he could react, the orange mare slowly leaned forward and planted a kiss on his nose. "I'll see you later. Take care."

And like that, she grabbed her Celestia toy and made way for the train station. It wasn't fair how she always pulled that stunt on him.

'L is for the way you look! At me. O is for the only-'

A THREE WAY! A three way between three futa Fatchitaz clones! Each sucking each others... Oh fuck, I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

The reminiscent mood thoroughly killed by the disgusting image he'd forced into his mind, Sin continued his wandering around the town. None of the games appealed to him by himself, alone, it just seemed creepy for a fully grown stallion even be here. Though, it appeared Mayor mare was about to make announcement. The fabled demon "Nightmare Moon" was allegedly going to appear tonight, and all those who wished to see her were to accompany a zebra named Zecora.

Sin's eyes squinted from under his goggles. He was honestly surprised and a little disturbed to see a Zebra in Ponyville. But that was a prejudice he didn't like that he had. Zebras weren't bad, they were just different. Still, it was strange that he'd never seen her before tonight. Also, he'd like to see this "Nightmare Moon" for himself. Maybe gain a little insight into who this mare was.


Again, it was a prejudice that he didn't like himself having, but to say that he didn't have it would be a lie. He didn't trust Zeboricans. It wasn't that they'd ever done anything to him personally, but the news papers he read sure loved to report every single time they'd committed any aggression against an innocent Federalist. This rang especially true when your father was a raging racist who hated anything outside of the main races within the country.

It was then that he noticed Twilight and Spike were accompanying the children as they were lead into the woods by Zecora.

"Hey, thanks for ditching me." Sin spat at the two.

Spike put his armor clad claws up in defense. "Hey don't look at me, I was just doing what Twilight told- ow!" Spike rubbed where Twilight struck on his arm. The mare offering a forced and awkward smile.

Sin dropped the issue, a few dots connecting in his head. Finally, Zecora approached a giant grey statue that stood in a clearing.

Odd, but okay. I'll buy it.

Zecora began speaking, telling the tale of Nightmare Moon and the origins of Nightmare Night in the most painful way Sin could imagine. Rymes, the freaking zebra spoke in rymes. He didn't have too much time to dwell on that though, as a green puff of smoke suddenly appeared and took the image of Nightmare Moon. In a fit of rage and hunger, the illusion took off down at the crowed, shooting mach ten right at them. The illusion was so terrifying and surprising that Sin raised his hoof to protect himself from the coming crash and arguable devouring.

However, the illusion was jsut that, an illusion. The spell disolved into smoke the minute it made contact, leaving everyone present unharmed. Save a few crying children.

"This stuff is meant for kids?" He asked Twilight, unsure about how he felt about it. There was a good prank on children, and then there was bat shit, making your children prime candidates for therapy. Yet somehow, not a single child had gone running. He had to admit, compared to the chicken shits in the Federation, these foals had balls of steal.

The Zebra finsihed her speech, declairing some kind of sugar tribute to Nightmare Moon in order to appease her and avoid having the foals be eaten.

'Talking about children being eaten alive by a spirit long since trapped away or dispelled. Ponies, truly the most gentile and kind of all beings.


A sudden, low groan shifted around them, splitting the silence of the night. "What was that?" Sin heard a young colt ask in a shakey voice. Another groan was his reply. Slowly the groaning grew louder and louder, it was all coming from all around them. The trees began to shake, quietly at first, but becoming more and more violent as the groaning grew louder and louder.

Then it stopped. The groaning, the shaking, every sound that was to be heard suddenly muted itself. His eyes shifting around, Sin could feel the tingle of fear that crept up his spine, it wasn't a deafening silence like this that was always accompanied by-

Suddenly an ear piercing shriek echolated from the trees around them. Causing each of the ponies faols to jump in their place, the tree branches were thrashing now, wildly kicking all around them. "Nightmare Moon, she draws quite near, quick children, give her your tribute and disappear!"

As quickly as she finished, every single foal was pulling out hoof fulls of candy from their bag and throwing it at the statue before taking off screaming out of the forest. Sin was tempted to join them, but stayed his place when he saw both Spike and Twilight sitting and watching with anticipation.

Once all the foals had all run back home with thousands of bits worth of mental trauma, Zecora smiled and called out that all the children were gone.

"Heh, that was fun!" Shade declared, flying down from a near by tree branch. "You were right, Stripes, helping you with your Nightmare Night thing was- Hey Sin! Feels like I haven't seen you in ages!"

Sin smirked and bid his friend hello. Twilight and Spike looked disappointed, they were expecting Luna to show up but Zecora said she was going to make an appearance in Trottingham this year.

The two caught up a bit, Sin was almost beside himself with disbelief when he'd found out about Shade being in a relationship, but said relationship being with a zebra made accepting it much easier for some reason. Still, the stallion seemed happy, so who was he to open his ignorant trap about it?

The night done, Twilight and Spike bid Zecora good by and Sin did the same. He was tired, confused, anxious from all the social contact and wanted nothing more than to hid in a cupboard.

Though that did leave one question left unanswered.

"Say, you guys wouldn't happen to know how Uppity knew I'd be out tonight, would you?"

Spike tensed a little and bit his lip. "N- Nooooo.."

"Care to try again?"


Author's Note:

Halloween/Nightmare Night chapter! Posted at 10:30 PM, so it still counts in my time zone.

This chapter has absolutely nothing to do with the story, save a little bit of exposition to Sin's less than favorable views on the Zebra race. If I decide to do a Thanksgiving or Hearths Warming/Christmas chapter, they wont either.

It's not completely useless, but it doesn't really farther the story along either. Still a fun piece to do.

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