• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 7,114 Views, 1,280 Comments

Earning Freedom - Daxisle

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony, but once he's imprisoned under false charges for sexual favors, he receives a package in his cell containing means for his escape, and a letter that would change the way he saw the world forever.

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Farewell Equestria

Farewell Equestria

The two weeks of travel had taken longer than Sin would have liked, speaking in perspective anyway. The newcomers were all well and good when things were peaceful and passive, but when an activity they didn't understand took place or traveling in an area they were uncomfortable... By all things on this earth, he had never heard so much groaning and complaining. Even his time spent in the Senate with all of the political squabbling was more was nothing compared to these four mares. What's worse, from what he understood; these four were nothing compared to the white unicorn, though Sin took some comfort in the silver lining.

The Rainbow one and he still hadn't gotten along well, assumable from the confrontation back at Sweet Apple Acres. Twilight and Applejack spent most of their time questioning Mac and Spike, chatting about how things would be in the Federation, or remaining silent. Pinkie for her part was surprisingly chipper and accepting of most of what went on. Star Shade, for his part, was uncharacteristically silent, and very wary of the mares. Keeping mostly to himself the majority of the time.

The group had finally made it to Trottingham, the older town that while holding some newer age buildings, also maintained some more archaic ones. The sun was blocked out by grey clouds, but enough light showed to turn the world in a dull grey tint, giving the perception of muted color. The town itself was less than impressive, a few white and grey buildings reached past the clouds, though the town itself couldn't have been more than a few miles wide. Judging by the amazed looks on the other's faces, the foreigner of the land could only conclude that big cities weren't as common here.

What caught the liberty stallions eye more so, was the giant zeppelin holding a low flight off the the side of the city proper. A thin smile graced Sin's lips as he recognized the darker red and black swirl patterns of the rigged frame. Each of his companions let out a chorus of "awws" upon seeing the air suspended Gondola above.

"It's huge!" Twilight proclaimed staring wide eyed at the airship.

"It's... Awesome." Rainbow agreed, her gaped mouth turning into a smile. "I want one."

"Das too bad lass." Called a voice from ahead. The group had been so distracted and enticed by the magnificent marvel above; they hadn't noticed the group of griffins and ponies approaching them, a nervous looking Ace included. "The Gonshinian belongs to me." The lead griffin, a rare spectical with black feathers where the brown ones should be, along with a corny modern day captains hat. His voice was gruff and discomforting, giving a harsh contrast to his playful tone. The griffin's eyes wondered between each of the ponies before finally landing on Sin. "Aye, so the lad wasn't leadin' me on a goose chase." He smirked.

"I do apologize for the inconvenience Demos." Sin bowed his head, returning the captain's wry smirk. Demos waved a dismissive talon, gesturing for the pony to continue. "Though, we need Immediate passage to the Capital city of Unitas, think you can get us there?"

Demos stroked the three feathers that constituted some form of a thin neared under his beak. He hesitantly eyed each of the ponies once more, paying particular attention to Twilight and Spike. "Your friends there." He waved his claw in the direction of the two. "I hear they are government types, I'm surprised at you for associating with such filth."

The four mares and Spike gave offended scoffs. "Hey," Called Rainbow Dash, prompting a bored look from Demos. "Celestia is a great ruler!" Demos gave the mare a mocking yawn and readdressed his associate.

"Why should I allow you on my ship when you have become some 'Celestia's' lap dog?" Demos quirked a playful eye. His smug expression didn't last long before brown hoof literally smacked it into the ground. Sin's group stood in shock while Demos' men drew weapons and tensed at the hostel act, with only Ace to hold the crew where they stood.

Sin bore his teeth to the fallen captain, "Don't you ever refer to me in such a manner." He threatened. The Griffin arose to his feet, a bit of crimson flowing lightly from the site of impact. He glared daggers for his assailant, a tense moment where Twilight, Applejack, Mac Spike, Star Shade and Rainbow Dash glared down the multicolored pegasi and griffins, arose. The two leaders locked eyes for what felt like hours, knowing that the wrong move could begin a bloody brawl between the Equestrians and the crew of the Gonshinian.

Demos' beak began to quiver the more he looked upon the stone faced pony. Finally it broke out into a smirk and a light laugh. "Ah laddy, you're still the same still-wall bastard ya always been." He pulled Sin into a brief hug and released him. Demos turned around and furrowed his brow. "What's this? Baring weapons against my honored guests?" The crew lowed their weapons slowly, most letting out a brief sigh of relief. "That's better. So Sin," Demos spoke casually as if the small stand off hadn't happened. "This be the favor you need, eh?" he eyed the Equestrians again and shrugged. "Well, since I'm in your and your grandfathers debt, I'll transport ya over. Won't be happy about it o' course. What with them being government and all."

Sin smirked. "No need to worry Captain, the Old Equine have fine rulers compared to ours."

Demos closed his eyes and gave disappointed shake of his head at the comment. "Laddy, there be no such thing..." He stopped and tilted his head to the side before poking Sin's cloak with a tallon. "Are ya still not usin' your wings?" Sin nodded in the negative and Demos slammed his claw against his face. "As long as I've known ya, you've always been stressed out and uptight, you're to young for that. A little flight might do ya some good." He pointed to the hovering rainbow mare behind him. "Ya could learn a thing er two from the lass."

After noticing the arrogant smirk on Dash's face, Sin couldn't help but chuckle. "Old promises die hard, I'd expect you to know that better than I, Demos." Demos scoffed and rolled his eyes. Before he could retort, Ace interjected motioning how they should have already boarded and left, fidgeting his hooves nervously. The commanding Griffin gave a hearty laugh before informing the golden pegasus that provisions would need to be accumulated for the voyage before headway could be made. Feeding a crew of sixty some odd ponies wasn't cheep you know.

Demos turned to his men, "LOAD 'EM UP!" he cried. Before anyone could question it, the crew grabbed each of the ponies, and dragon, who couldn't fly and hoisted them to the behemoth above. Leaving only Sin, Shade and Demos below.

Mac gave a minor protest to the dark blue pegasus whom reached under his forelegs and began to lift him into the air. Once he processed what the Captain had said, it made sense what the pegasi and griffins were doing.

"Woopie." Pinkie explained before giggling, giving her griffin escort a bit of difficulty maintaining control over he squirming. "Ohmigosh this is so amazing! We are so high up in the air right now!" Mac looked down, a sudden fear of heights all to conveniently realized. He latched onto his own pegasus escort, causing a slight falter in their balance, which did nothing to calm the red earth pony's nerves.

"Quit yer squirmin' you." The dark blue pony grunted, eying Mac. "If ya give me to much trouble, I'll drop ya here n' now." Any anger Big Macintosh would have felt over the threat had been quickly over powered by the dread of falling at least one hundred feet to the ground below, and he froze to a near statue like paralysis.

After a few more minutes of flight, the entire group had reached an out stretched platform of the gondola. Mac's escort began to pry the petrified pony off, with some difficulty and less than presentable vocabulary. Mac's legs wouldn't seem to to budge from around the ponies neck, the others were beginning to wonder if he was glued in place, but eventually the stallion was forced off onto his rump.

Cold wood greeted the stallions touch, the oxygen was a great deal thinner at the higher altitude, thus harder to breath; not cripplingly so, but defiantly noticeable. Mac sat for a moment and took calming breaths before looking around to the others. Who, other than Rainbow Dash, seemed to be having difficulty with the sudden climb in altitude as he had, albeit not as dramatic.

"Woah," Spike groaned massaging the back of his legs. "Man, what's up with the cramps?"

"It happens from time to time." Dash answered. happily. "When you stress your muscles and get really excited, something happens to your legs so that when you use them, they cramp easier after being off your hooves." Spike quirked a brow than shrugged it off after the relief of the cramps came. He looked back to see the crew filing in to the inside of the massive suspended structure before them. All the ponies smiled at the impressiveness of the Gonshinian gondola.

"Alright boys, Mr. Shmee should return with the provisions in fifteen!" Called a voice, the Equestrians looked over to find a black unicorn with a red mane and a white tribal designed porcupine as his cutie mark proclaim with a confident smile. "Mr. Ricochet, please inform the engine to warm the rudders, Mr. Vandilier, could you and Mr. Chains ready the supply bay for new provisions? It would be appreciated." Mac watched as a a pony and griffin each gave a firm slap of their fore extremity to their chest and went about their business. Was this the ship's second in command?

"Hey!" Pinkie pouted before pointing an accusing hoof to the blackened stallion. "You're doing it wrong! What kind of pirate says 'please'?"

The charcoal stallion was taken aback by the sudden outburst and accusation. His ruby eyes locked with the blue of Pinkie Pie and he wondered over to the new group. "Pirates? Who told you we were Pirates?"

"Well duh!" Pinkie threw her forelegs out and motioned to the few members of the crew looking at them. "You have a mean captain, a second in command who calls everybody 'mister', you carry weapons everywhere and even a crew member named 'Shmee.' How are you not Pirates?"

The unicorn dramatically quirked an eyebrow and cocked his head to the side, examining the pink mare before him. His mouth gaped as he observed just how serious the mare was and he began to laugh. Pinkie furrowed her nose at the display and tilted her own head in confusion. "Madam, pirates are plunderers and thieves. We operate on a more voluntary exchange basis. Violence is only given to those who antagonize it here." The crewmen nodded their heads in agreement, before grumbling about the insult.

Pinkie gave a sheepish grin before apologizing for her assumption. The unicorn stallion dismissed it as a cultural thing and introduced himself. "Most refer to me as Mr. Goldman, Third in command of the Gonshinian." He gave a slight bow and inquired to the names of the newcomers. To Mac's relief Twilight stepped forward and began listing off everyone's names and finished with an interested look and question about the airship.

Macintosh looked around to see the gondola was more dark painted metal than wood, a long balcony encased the the gondola, complete with black rails and several other platforms presumably for easier deposit and withdraw of goods being transported, presumably a transport vessel. Though, the bows and swords the crew carried didn't exactly help the display the persona of peaceful exchange.

Though, Sin always carried his crossbow, and he had never forced anypony to do anything against their will. So maybe it was purly for self defense. A sudden gust of wind brought Mac back to his sense as the ice cold air brushed by him, causing him to shiver heavily. The others had the same reaction, even Rainbow Dash.

"Huh? Oh right." Goldman slapped his hoof against his for head and laughed. "You aren't used to the cold. And with it being winter and all, that can't help either. MR. VANGARD!" He cried, summoning a bored looking silver pegasus. "Please show Twilight and her companions to their respective quarters and offer them something hot to eat and drink." The stallion nodded and motioned for the others to follow him inside. Mac smiled at the thought of not having to endure the weather anymore and gladly played caboose to the trail of ponies who cautiously followed the pony in. He stopped once he noticed Sin and Shade weren't present and turned to address Goldman.

"Aye." He agreed looking over the rails. "The cap'in hasn't returned yet either. I wonder what their talking about."

Demos shot up as if on cue and landed beside his crewman. "I swear, some ponies." The captain shook his head and questioned his crewman about the whereabouts of the new comers. Goldman answered him and with a delighted smile, Demos also addressed the lone Equestrian still present. "What are ya doin' out here lad? There be soup and warm inside the ship."

"Ah was wonderin' where Sin and Star Shade were." Mac answered calmly. The commanding griffan didn't rub Mac the wrong way, not in the least. Though, he was still cautious of him due to the fact that they were at least five hundred feet in the air, and the captain didn't seem quite right in the head. Maybe he was a little insane? But not to the point of installing terror; though enough for Mac to be careful with his words.

Demos gave a sigh and motioned to his right, as if also on cue, Shade appeared, carrying Sin just as the blue pegasus had carried Mac. "The lad still refuses to use his wings." He shook his head again as Sin and Shade descended to the bridge.

"You will never let that go, will you?"

Demos shrugged again but let out a knowing smirk, one the tan clad stallion returned. The captain motioned for the three to head inside. "Mr. Goldman..." Goldman nodded and lead the three into the iron casings.

Mac looked around in wonder of the interior. The first thing he noticed was something that helped him relax immensely, warm. The first step he took in, a rushing wave of heat immediately dispelled the frozen feeling that had made it self at home on his coat. The sickly feeling of such a dramatic change passed with relative ease, allowing the stallions to observe the surprisingly homey interior. The wooded floor was covered by a soft and warm red carpet. Nothing velvet or fancy, but all to welcoming none the less. There was a sitting area lined with wooden chairs around a cozy looking fireplace. Even a tanned couch graced the living space, though aged an slightly worn with obvious repairs, it was enough to relax the griffin sleeping on it.

"What?" Goldman chuckled observing the shocked pony before him. "You expected us to be uncivilized and purly business? This is pretty much our home." Goldman explained leading the trio down the left hallway. "The captain knows that the best way to maintain his crew, is to keep them happy and relaxed. He maybe a little not all there in the head, but he dose hold our loyalty in the highest of respects." The charcoal unicorn looked forward again, observing the lamp lighted path before him. "He treats us well, and we return the favor."

"Ah see." Mac muttered looking at the wood polished doors and observing the spotless bolted together white walls of the hallway. After a moment of walking, and passing a few other crew members, they reached the far door into the mess hall to see Spike and the rest sitting at a two wooden tables; drinking something that smelt both sweet and delicious.

"Mac, it's about time!" Spike smiled motioning him over. "C'mon, they gave us Hot Chocolate." Mac smiled and began to advance to his friends before a sutdy hoof halted his progress. He looked to find Sin staring at Goldman.

"That wouldn't happen to be Templar's 'special' hot chocolate, would it?" the former Senator growled.

"Well, of courth it ith." Chirped a happy feminine voice. Mac looked over to see a light green unicorn stallion holding a potato and knife in his magical aura. Something seemed, off about this pony. "Thin! It's you!" He said happily.

"Hello Templar." Sin groaned before being pulled into a close, uncomfortably close, hug. Templar giggled in delight of seeing the pony before scoffing and demanding that Sin return the embrace. The aforementioned stallion escaped and sucked the forced out air back into his lungs. "Templar, still as... affectionate as ever."

Templar chuckled then flicked his hoof, "Pu-lease, ever thince Rex left to thee his family, I've been like lonely like you don't even know!" Sin asked about the crew keeping him company, to which the flamboyant pony scoffed. "Oh my gosh, don't even get me started on the crew. You know how everybody is on here. They wont let anybody touch them. Even the girls up here are real prudes."

He turned his attention to Mac before his demeanor turned from agitated to interested. "Oh my, and what's your name?" he batted his eye lashes. That's when it all clicked for the Equestrian stallion, he looked past the teal pony to find Rainbow Dash's face turn red, trying to hold back a fit of laughter that was all to ironic for the situation. While all of his other homegrown friends watched with a mix of bewilderment and amusement. Mac's attention was drawn back to the pony leaning closer to him, pushing for an answer.

"Uh, M- Macintosh... Big Macintosh."

"Ooohhh." Templar eyed him up and down before giving a sultry look. "Any particular reason they call ya, 'Big'." He wiggled his eyebrows teasingly. Mac shuddered and took step back, shuddering.

"Hey!" Called Applejack, the offense and anger clear in her tone and eyes. "That's mah-"

"You're boyfriend?" Templar smirked eying the apple mare, he waved a dismissive hoof, "Don't worry thweet cheeks, you can join uth if you want." A crimson much brighter than any velvet carpet found it's way onto the Apple siblings cheeks. Mac stood wide eyed at the implication, his sister? He felt sick even at the thought. Mac thanked his lucky stars when Sin finally interjected; informing Templar about the family ties between the Apple siblings. "Kinky." Templar replied.

"Templar." Goldman chided, obviously amused by the situation.

Templar rolled his eyes and shrugged. "Fine, fine. I need to talk to the Captain anyway. I mith Rexy." he gave an overdramatic weep before giggling and happily walking out of the eating area, potato still being peeled by magically hosted blade. After the Unicorns departure, the room stood in dead silence, aside from a still snickering Rainbow Dash.

"Well, now that that's settled, how about we-" A violent crash and explosion interrupted the charcoal unicorn, the ship rocked slightly as shouts from above boomed about damage reports and questions about fault. All of the girls immediately dropped their beverages and stood at the ready. Mac's nervous and awkward manner gave way to a serious and determined one. "What the hell?" He opened the door and found a few crewmen running outside. "You lot stay here." Goldman yelled before running out the door. SIn, Mac, Spike and Shade shared a look then ran after the second in command.

Mac was gasping for air after the quick burst, the thinness of the air becoming inconveniently apparent to him. Loud bells began to ring through out the interior of the airship now, numerous pegasi and griffons spilling into the living area and outside, each carrying some form of weapon, mostly projectile. "Avast ye scervy dogs!" Called a gruff Demos from outside. "We be takin' fire. All able bodies to battle stations!"

Finally catching their breaths, the group made their way through the crowd out to the exposed balcony. Mac looked around for any sign of the assailants, though couldn't find much of anything. "Mr. Vangard, Take Alpha and Gamma teams and find out what the bloody hell that was." The silver pegasus from before gave a quick solute and was quickly joined by a group of 10 other pegasi and eleven other griffins. The two desegregated into two groups and both formed their own arrows, before flying around the ship.

"What's going on?" Twilight asked walking up behind Sin and Mac. Mac shook his head to symbolize his lack of understanding and Sin stood silently expecting to find out something soon. "Is everypony alright?" Two nearby griffins looked over in shock at her, causing Twilight to blush, apologize and correct herself. Both of the griffins just shook their heads before flying off into the cold sky.

"Captain!" Called a brown pegasus, floating front of Demos. "We found the source of the explosion," he called panting heavily.

"Well then Mr. Knails, perhaps you could tell me what it was?" Demos crossed his arms, eying the stallion expectantly.

"There." Called the subordinate pointing behind the ship. Demos eyes widened as a fleet of Pegasi and Griffins pulled along a slightly smaller in comparison, but still impressive airship. The insignia of three "M"'s meshed together informed the commander of exactly what he was in for."

""Captain Demos of the S.S. Gonshinian This is the S.S. Judgement of the Triple M. Corporation's Mercenary division. You are under arrest for flying though North Equine Air Space with out authorization," Commanded a booming voice from the Triple M. air ship. "Surrender now, and land the Gonshinian to be taken into custody along with it's crew. Failure to comply will be met with further hostilities."

Mac watched as the Captain's mouth gaped. "By all things earthly, they really followed us all the way out her to arrest us?"

We are sending our forces to board you now, I repeat, resistance will be met with hostility." The stallions amplified voice echoed as the fleet of Griffins and Pegasi began their encroachment. The Gonshinian's own forces stood ready and awaited their captains orders. Each looking more nervous than the last.

Macintosh looked to Sin who was busy chewing his lower lip, than to Demos who was stroking the feather conglomerate that constituted his beard. "So, it's a fight they want eh?" He smiled and took flight with his crew, eying the approaching mass of mercenaries coming for him. All eyes were on the commanding Griffin, the wind blowing past the only sound to be heard from the ship for what felt like an eternity. "Mr. Templar." Demos finally said letting a grin grace his beak. "Go to the engine room and Inform Mr. Chains to set the engines to maximum capacity. Take us out of range of the city, I'd rather not take the chance of the fine folks of Trottingham being caught in any crossfire." He turned to address the battle ready crewmen. "If it's a fight they want, it's a regret they shall have. None have assaulted the Bloody Sky Captains and lived to tell the tale, and I intend to keep it that way!"

Templar smiled as the crowed around him shouted in joy of the Captains attempt at gaining moral. Though his smile quickly dropped and the light green unicorn reminded the Captain of the fact that Mr. Shmee had yet to return with the provisions.

"By gah! What could be taking him so long?" Demos looked up to see the attack force was still advancing. "to hell with it." He addressed his men once more. "All Unicorns, harness up and and blast down any of those bastards that dare get close. Wings: Alpha, Delta, and Gamma, take to the left. Sigma, Theta, and Eta, you take to the right." As the Captain spoke the crew obeyed, save the flying offense who awaited his plan to finish before they acted. Beta and Epison, you two see if you can go for the heart of the beast, and bring that infernal contraption down."

After a quick solute, all 88 ponies and griffins took off from the ship to intercept the approaching fleet. Sin pulled off his bag and drew from it: three crossbows, two for ponies, one to be actually hand held. He handed the two spares to Mac and Spike. giving them ten bolts of ammo a piece. Mac looked down at the weapon with wide eyes. The thoughts of that night where his original bow was destroyed by Sin's own. He knew his associate had gotten another one for him some time ago, though he hadn't the courage nor nerve to take it.

Spike, on the other hand, seemed excited. He grabbed the wooden contraption and loaded a single bolt, placing the rest in his back pack. "Keep in mind, the wind might throw off your trajectory, use your first bolt to get a feel for the air, and wait until you see the whites of their eyes to fire."

"Wait, you mean to kill them?" Twilight asked, remaking herself known.

"We kill them, or they kill us... Miss Sparkle." Sin deadpanned, he looked at his two traveling companions. "If you don't wish to fight; I'll understand." He said before he trotted off to a vantage point, leaving before anything else could be said.

Mac looked down at the crossbow, he'd wanted it back to be sure. Though he never thought of killing somepony with it. Hurting them or scaring them off to protect himself was one thing, but this? Could he really end life of another? Sin didn't seem to have any reservations about it, did that make it right? Or did it make him a monster. Ending a life was still ending a life. No matter how it was justified. Mac looked over to Spike to see him with a look that suggested he was having the same conundrum.

"Spike... Mac...?" Twilight called, the two looked over to see the pleading eyes of their friend. "Please, don't." Mac felt something growing inside of his stomach. Fear wasn't the right word for it, neither was terror. It was something else. Something froze him in place. He was simple farmer pony, a stallion who bucked and collected Apples for a living. Life had been relatively peaceful aside from the occasional attack by some other worldly creature every year or so. The most exciting things to happen to him were Applebloom's Cutie Mark problems and Applejack getting on his back about not getting every last apple out of a tree. How did him being falsely imprisoned lead him up to an air ship being assaulted by mercenaries? At no certain point in his life did he ever think he would be in this kind of predicament. And the fear, sadness and desperation in Twilight's eyes were a mirror image of how he felt inside.

He heard the clashing of metal behind him, and turned to see the two forces had collided. Yells and obscenities were shouted as the skyward battle raged. A scream of pain was heard before a griffin began to descend from the clash, Mac's eyes widened in horror and the pit in his stomach dropped ten fold. That griffin was going to die, he was actually going to fall to his death from another sentient being hurting him. Mac took a step back, tears welling in his eyes. One of the pegasi had broken away from the battle and darted to the Gonshinian.

"No..." Mac heard Spike whimper. The pony drew closer.

"UNICORNS TAKE AIM!" Called Goldman eying the approaching threat. Mac's heart beat wildly in his chest, time slowed down. He could almost hear the beating of the enemies wings as he approached. The harsh breaths began to echo louder and louder... This pony was going to die... Just like the Griffin had. "FIRE!" Upon the order, a barrage of multi colored beams shot forth from the Unicorn crewmembers, each narrowly missing the Triple M. agent by inches or less. He came close enough for the red earth pony to make out his face. His eyes, so full of anger and determination.

There was an audible gasp when the pony stopped mid flight, a single red feathered bolt protruding from his chest. Mac couldn't help the tear flowing freely down his cheek as he saw the despair enter the agent's eyes, then life escape him as he descended to the ground below. That pony, that poor pony... Mac shot his head to the source of the bolt, and found Sin loading another before returning the stare.

For the first time, Mac didn't see a leader worthy of respect. He hadn't feel inspired by the enigmatic stallion or a sense of loyalty or pride in their friendship. What he felt was fear, fear and disappointment. How could he? As long as Mac had known the politician gone wanderer, he never would have labeled him a murdering psycho. Sin was the first to break eye contact, he turned around and awaited the next enemy to come close enough to shoot.

Mac slowly reentered the the gondola, his legs shaking and his throat dry. Twilight and Spike gave him support and lead him back to the others to trying and offer some much needed mental and emotional comfort.

A few minutes earlier...

"Why that's... that's extortionist, good sir." Cried a portly, nazally voice white unicorn stallion. "I am a financial worker," he tutted sticking his nose in the air. "And those prices are beyond unreasonable." He walked away from the cabbage selling stallion and continued on his shopping spree with three other pegasi and two angry griffins.

"Oi, c'mon now Shmee, we need to get back to the Capi'n. We saw him pick up some travelers, we did." Called a stereotypically angry looking maroon stallion.

"I know, I know Von. But you know how the Captain gets when the provisions aren't up to his standards!" Shmee wasn't with the best of sight, and often had a hard time deciphering a ripe apple from a rotten one. The only thing that made him able to see the financial sheets was the monoclel he typically wore around his white collar. "Now, how can we make this budget work?" He pondered looking over the list of supplies the captain gave him.

Von let out a dramatic sigh. It was no secret among the crew that he truly despised Shmee for his constant indecisiveness. He had tried to do away with the unicorn a couple of times, but the first mate had maddeningly good luck. Von shook his head before his attention was brought to back to the airship, or rather, a second airship. He motioned to the others who furrowed their brows in an attempt to read what was on the side of it.

And explosion against the side of the Gonshiniancaused the market to go into a frenzy, ponies from all over began screaming bloody murder and ran into any nook or cranny the brought them comfort to hide in from the battle above.

Von smiled while the others, minus: He, Shmee and single Griffin, immediately took to the sky to aid their comrades. "Gah, what was that?" Shmee asked fiddling his monocle with his hooves. Von looked over the market, this was his chance, he could finally be rid of this pesky, portly god forsaken sack of incompetence once and for all. Completely discarding the welfare of the crew, Von noticed a nice crate labeled "Fireworks." "Waring, extremely flammable."

This was his chance, all he needed was a fire, leave the old dog here, and watch him go in a blaze of glory. Shmee would regret forcing him to be his personal assistant. Then an even better Idea hit the pony. He could not only get rid of Shmee, but also end the battle above AND appear as a hero in the eyes of the crew! Maybe even catch the eye of that pretty young mare he's been chasing for a while now.

"Hey Shmee." Von beamed, startling the senseless unicorn enough to drop his monocle with enough force that the chain hold it to his collar slid off. Von took the moment to swipe the eye piece away.

"Oh dear." Shmee wined fumbling on the ground. "Von, what was it? What happened?"

"Sir, we've gotten word that the Captain has lost patience, we need to grab some supplies and head up to the ship NOW!" He motioned to the Griffin than to the explosives, than to the enemy vessel. The Griffin gave a look of realization than an evil smirk of agreement.

"Oh dear, the Captain sure does get scary when he's mad." Shmee fiddled his hooves over the thought of Demos yelling at him.

"Not to worry boss." Called the griffin cheerfully. His ruff and rugged voice obviously unsuited for such a tone. "We've already got a nice supply crate all ready to go." He picked up the aged stallion, much to Shmees protest, and placed him onto the crate of combustibles. "You hang on tight sir, we'll be up to the ship in no time."

"But, but... My monocle..." Shmee trailed off he felt himself become heavier and lay down on the crate. He'd have to ask to go back once the supplies were given to find his seeing glass.

Von had the crate brought up right under the Triple M. airship to avoid being spotted. Once they were close enough, they slowly inched up to the rudders and stuck the plywood box, and the unicorn ontop of it, on to a small platform that connected the two giant fans. "Alright Mr. Shmee, you open the crate and I'll go get the Captain to inform him of our progress."

Shmee quirked a brow, "What do you mean I have to open it?" Von didn't respond, he was to busy flying back under the gondola with his associate, snickering the entire way. "Oh dear, Von knows I can't see with out my monocle, he could at least tell me which way the balcony was." Shmee squinted his eyes and made out the grey shades to one side, and the darker shades to the other. Concluding that the lighter colors would mean more open sky, and thus death. He jumped into the shaded area and landed nicely on the connecting platform. "Hmmmm."

Shmee hadn't really been one much for manual Labor, how was he going to open this crate of provisions when he couldn't even see where the latch was? He flet with his hoof slipping when he didn't even touch the box. "Dag nabit. Oh wait." He cast an illumination spell with his horn, a nice glow giving him visibility enough to discern to brown blur from the surrounding blackness. "There you are!" The stood on his hind legs and used his forelegs to try to feel around for the top.

"Shoot, I suppose I'll need to wedge it open." He complained trying to dig his hooves into the crevice of the lid. After a few mild words of discouragement, the pony thought about how the captain would react to his inability to do such a simple task. He tapped his for head and looked at his horn. "That's it!" He exclaimed happily before using said extremity to wedge the lid off. As he managed to dig his still lit horn in, he heard an ominous hissing sound coming from the crate. Before he could make anything of it, a voice called to him from behind.

"eh? What are you doing here?"

Shmee smiled, "Oh hello, I was just unloading some supplies for the Captain."

"You were... You know what? Never mind." The first mate felt a pair of hooves gripping him around the chest and, for the second time that day, he was lifted against his will. "You're coming with me."

"With you, but the Captain-"

"The Captain is the least of your problems right now little one. Now pipe down or I swear on Discords statue I'll drop you." The angry pony hushed, descending to the ground. After a few moments of frustration and confusion, Shmee felt himself hit hard ground once more.

"What's going on?" He demanded stomping a timid hoof. "Why did you-"

KABOOM! light show of fire works erupted from behind the offending warship, causing it to dip forward slightly. Shmee heard a chorus of cheers from his ship mates, and Goldman yell something about "Triple M. bastards."

Oh dear, the Captain isn't going to be happy when he finds out Triple M. is here...

And back again

Sin watched as, for some reason, a whole bunch of fire works had exploded in a brilliant display of green and white. Judging from where the fire works were and the destruction they would cause, he assumed it to be sabotage. Though he hadn't really noticed any of the combatants fly towards the Judgement. But they all sure as hell gunned it once the ship began to descend. The crew of Gonshinian returned, battle and beaten, but victorious none the less. Multiple medical mares began examining the wounded before Captain Demos, in much worse shape, landed with a proud smile.

"That, lads, is what becomes of any who dare challenge the Bloody Sky Captains!" Proclaimed Demos pointing his cutlass to the descending zeppelin below. "Even the mighty Triple M. can't stop us now!" The crew cheered to those words, even the wounded gave what they could in means of a positive "ya"'s.

Demos limped around shaking hoofs and claws with his comrades and congratulating everyone. He saw Sin still sitting on a tower/perch, watching the ship continue to fall. Demos wondered over to his old friend and placed a claw on his shoulder. "You alright lad?" Sin shook off his claw and growled that he needed to speak to his friends inside. Demos obliged and allowed the angry stallion passage.

It didn't take long for Sin to reach the door to the eating area, soon this place would be swarming with hungry crewmen who deserved to feast for the night. He wanted to stop and think, but time was limited and he had to get his point across. He opened the door to find what he expected. Macintosh and Spike being consoled by Applejack and her friends. "You!" Rainbow glared dagger. "Get out!"

"I need to speak with Macintosh and Spike." Sin growled, his tone unwavering. Giving the distinct impression he wouldn't take no for an answer.

Twilight stood up, angry tears forming in her eyes. "You!" She fumbled her words, trying to find the best one. "You MONSTER! How could you do that?"

Sin eyed the unicorn pony for a moment, holding his silence until he deemed her finished. "I did it to protect you. Now if you don't mind..."

"Sin." Mac croaked sniffling, Applejack laid a comforting hoof on her brothers back. Sin watched as the stallion stood up from Pinkies lap. "H- How coulja do that? Ah respected you."

Sin neck muscle twitched from the guilt, he hadn't meant to cause such trama to his friends, but they needed to hear what he had to say... just as he needed to hear it himself. "Mac, I warned you it would be like this." He said sadly.

"Be like what? You never said you'd up and kill somepony!" Spike yelled, he fumed and stood tall as Sin entered the room. "That was the most disgusting display I had ever seen in my LIFE!" Spike slapped his mentor, shooting his head to the side.

The room was silent, everyone watched with gaped mouths for a few moments, until finally Sin adjusted his head upright. The reflective surface of his left goggle slightly scratched. Spike gasped at his work but quickly recovered holding his ground.

"Did you think it would be easy?" Sin growled taking a step to Spike, who took a cautious step back. "Did you think I was joking? That I was making things up to scare you?" He glared down at the shrinking reptile. "What? You thought I was being overly dramatic when I said that there are those who would fight and die to take away your freedoms?!" He half yelled sneering at the now horrified baby dragon.

"Hey, we didn't do anything wrong!" Twilight yelled stepping in front of her adopted son. "So you lay off him!"

Sin laughed in disbelief. "Did nothing... Are you kidding me? You think you actually need to do something wrong to be imprisoned Miss Sparkle?" Sin put his face only inches away from hers. "As a Senator from North Equine, I know for a FACT that there are ponies in place who would NEVER allow such legislation to pass. The crew did not break the law, this was an attack on Demos personally."

"I don't care!" Twilight yelled, "You killed a pony!"

"A pony who would have killed you!" Sin shot back, a look of offended shock overcame his opponent. She was cut off before she could give a rebuttal. "They attacked the Gonshinian with NO regard for it's crew or innocent passengers. Do you honestly think they care if you're innocent or not?"

"Tha' don't make killin' a pony righ', Sin." Mac said standing up fully.

The liberty stallion shook his head in disappointment. "Mac, I'd expect you, most of all, to understand where I'm coming from." He looked into the apple green eyes of his friend. "They came to put you in a cage, a cage you had done nothing to deserve being incarcerated in."

"Y'ALL KILLED AH PONY!" Mac yelled slamming his hoof on the wooden floor. "Ya took a life that wasn't yours."

"And what would you have had me do?" Sin replied. "Sit by and let them take us into custody? Do nothing as we were all judged in an unfair court and sentenced to who-knows-how-long because the only way to stop them was to use violence?" Sin waited for Mac's response, though one never came. "This is what I meant when you would have to fight for freedom, Mr. Macintosh. There are those who will try to take your freedom from you, simply to make an example of you. That is what happened here this day."

"Using violence in self defense and to protect the freedoms those you care for isn't something I'm proud of doing, though, If someone has the intention to use physical violence to scare me into submission, than physical violence is my only form of defense. And I will not hesitate to defend myself."

He turned his back to the group of ponies and began walking, holding himself at the door. "I'm sorry for any pain I may have caused you, but I'm not sorry for protecting you." He closed the door with some one calling his name and walked to the bridge.

He hung his head sniffled a bit before shaking the shame away and walking in to see Mr. Shmee helping Captain Demos plot a course. After him a particularly happy looking maroon stallion walked, his smile collapsed and his eyes turned from content to confused. "What?" He eyed Shmee for a moment. "No. No No... How I left you... and hen the fireworks... and then the boom and- and now you're... Oh fuck my life!" He shouted slamming his head against the floor.

"Is that you, Mr. Von? You wouldn't by chance happen to have my monocle would you?" Sin quirked an eye brow as the despair ridden pegasus staggered to the white unicorn and handed him a small seeing glass. He took it and gave a sequel of delight. "Why thank you Von, you're the best assistant a pony could ask for. And to prove that, I want you to work with me full time now."

Sin stepped back as the pony let out a yell of frustration and charged out of the room. Star Shade moved out of the way of the retreating pony and looked at Sin with curious eyes. "What's up with him?" Sin shrugged than asked Shade where he had been this whole time. "Oh right, well, the strangest thing happened to me." Sin's mouth gaped.

"There's strange to you?"

"I know right? Any way, I was going to go to the other airship and maybe cause a bit of trouble for them. But then I saw that little guy," Shade pointed to the newly accounted for Shmee, "sitting on the propellers in the back. I assumed he was one of theirs and brought him back to the ship as a prisoner. Turns out he was actually the second in command, and he has no idea what happened."

Sin gave a genuine look of confusion? "Sitting on the propellers you say?"



"Uh-huh." Shade chirped happily.

"A unicorn who can't fly ends up on enemy propellers and fire works go off." Sin thought on the subject before his own problems began dawning on him again. "Bah, it's probably better not to question it."

"ALRIGHT LADS!" Called Demos looking to address the few stallions on the bridge. "We have a course. We'll stop in at Hooftrot and regain supplies there, and then onward to New Equine." He turned to the silver coated stallion. "Mr. Shmee, tell Mr. Chains to gun it, full speed ahead."

(The End)

(A/N By god I need to get an editor. But this will not be the last chapter, maybe I'll just make it the end of part one.

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