• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 7,113 Views, 1,280 Comments

Earning Freedom - Daxisle

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony, but once he's imprisoned under false charges for sexual favors, he receives a package in his cell containing means for his escape, and a letter that would change the way he saw the world forever.

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Prison Transfer

Prison Transfer

"Shining." Sin barked, nudging the stallion's shoulder. "Shining, wake up."

The alibaster pony shivered and tightened farther into the fetal position. "Canterlot, manufacturing, fillies, stork." He mumbled under his breath.

'Oh no, he's trying to comprehend Star Shade's conspiracy theories. Quick! Smack him over the head with a hammer!'

"Don't think about it, he's insane." replied the stallion, cutting the rope holding him and pulling the prisoner to his hooves. "C'mon, we gotta get out of here before somebody wakes up."



"You said somebody, you meant somepony." Shining replied groggily.

Deciding there was no point in explaining how such a word was associated with pony supremacy back in his country, the two slowly crept out of the tent, and stealthily passed the sleeping piles to the far end of the camp.

Thinking they were home free, Sin looked back to see Shining Armor glancing back at the encampment with sever resentment. "Shining, we need to go."

"No, you need to go." The guard captain replied. "We tried things your way, now we do them mine."

"Your call." Sin declared before walking away. He'd helped the guard captain escape, his debt was paid. It wasn't his concern what became of Shining at this point. Besides, eventually Celestia would find them anyways, so might as well let him get it all wrapped up tonight.

"Leaving already, Sinbad?"

Nope, this wasn't his problem anymore.

"Really, Sin. I'm surprised at you." Discord's voice declared in offense. "You're really going to just walk away and leave Star Shade to this fate? I thought you two were friends."

"We WERE friends, up until he held me captive against my will."

Discord sighed. 'Alright, look. Shade may not show it, but he's scared right now.'

It was comical to even entertain, Star Shade, the most insane and hateful pony in the world, was afraid. "Don't insult my intelligence."

The draconequus denounced the accusation, claiming that the Federalist was acting irrationally, and allowing the bias of his philosophies to cloud his judgement of the situation. But he wouldn't have it, no matter how the alleged god of chaos put it, Shade had acted against him.

"Listen to me!" He barked, causing a massive headache that made Sin faulter. "When you first met him, the lad was so far gone that he couldn't even talk in coherent sentences! Haven't you noticed how much more rational he's become since you brought him before me?"

That was a good point, but still not his problem. If anything, it just meant the night pony was aware of what he was doing, and did it anyways.

Discord nearly boiled over in frustration at the rationalizations. He'd been attempting to heal Shade's mind ever since he found out the stallion had the plan to kill Luna. Claiming that such actions were counter to his desires and interests. To claim Sin skeptical of such a claim was an understatement, wasn't destruction part of the chaos that the imprisoned god loved so much?

"The same could be said about chaos and anarchy, could it not?"

Ok, that was fair point. Still, though...

At this point, the head ache intensified, bringing the stallion to his knees. It was clear that Sin wasn't going to be allowed to leave... And maybe he shouldn't.

He'd spent his life turning his back on his friends in their time of need. Abandoning them to fates that were far beyond the crimes and foolishness they'd committed. Yea, Shade had committed against his will, but it what if it really was because he was afraid?

So what if he was afraid! It's his actions that matter, context only holds so much sway! It's the way of most ponies, you know this and you've known this for years.

Aye, but what's that gotten me? An aimless future, dead friends, a hut in the woods and nothing else to show for it. Is that what I want to be for the rest of my life? Someone who runs away at the first sign of trouble?

Ponies, and zebras scrambled in every which direction, the majority of the buffalo had already fled the encampment along side the griffins as Shining Armor fought both Valiar and anyone foolish enough to attack him directly.

He'd had multiple experiences facing enchanted magics in his life, but the Stones weren't something he'd ever encountered before. Though, his last duel had left him far more knowledgeable of how to combat them.

"STOP!" Valiar cried. "I'm not your enemy!" Another powerful pink bast from the captain slammed into his spell shield, sending a spider web like crack from the top of the magical field to the bottom, before Shining dismissed another zebra with a lesser spell, dropping it.

"LIES!" He spat before charging forward.

Valiar grunted and his horn ignited brighter, the red aura around the stones causing them to shift and encircle him before drawing close and teleporting the stallion in a bright flash of light.

"Darn. Where did he go!?" The unicorn stomped looking around. Shade could wait, it was rare that Shining Armor had ever met a Unicorn strong enough to withstand his own magic as that pony had. He was a threat that had to be neutralized and brought to Celestia.

Valiar appeared behind a hut and looked back to make sure he wasn't detected. Satisfied he was safe for the time being, the stallion contemplated what to do.

That was Captain of the guard, Shining Armor. Surly he'd have Discord replaced into Canterlot garden, so there was no point in continuing the fight. Though, being the competitive and entertained as he was during the battle, he also wanted to stay just for the sake of the rush. Ever since he'd traveled to High Unicorn Citadel and proved himself worthy of the Runes of Anti'arch, Valiar had faced certain victory after certain victory in any duel he'd entered.

This may be his one chance to face an opponent worthy of his time. Captain of the Guard, acclaimed as one of the strongest Unicorns in all the land.

How could he refuse such a delicious challenge?

Doning a smile, Valiar strutted out from behind the hut and looked into the eyes of his opponent.

Time to put the Runes of Anti'arch to the test.

The guard captain smirked. "Finally done running?"

Valiar smirked in return, half of his runes making way for his opponent. Shining saw this and winked away before the stones could encompass him. He appeared behind the stallion and cast a spell, as anticipated, the spell was deflected by a small circle shield and cast back at him. He jumped out of the way and charged the red stallion.

Seeing the rush, Valiar set his weapons to spin rapidly and returned the gesture. Right as the first rune was about to hit, Shining slid under them and slammed his left hoof into Valiar's own, sending the stallion skidding into the earth.

Ok, that wasn't his best moment.

"C'mon." Taunted Shining with a smirk. "Rookie mistake, kiddo."

Lifting his head, the crimson unicorn returned the smile. "So is taking you're eyes off of your opponent." Shining's smile didn't falter, even as he ducked and dodged the six stones that swung past him from behind.

Catching them before they made contact, Valiar grunted. Alright, so that didn't work.

'Shouldn't be surprised. He didn't become Captain of Royal Guard by being sloppy.'

Switching up tactics, Valiar set all twelve runes into a circle infront of him and lit his horn for a energy attack. Seeing this, Shining waited until the unicorn unleashed, telephoning behind him and using the stallion's preocupation to land a strike to end the duel. Though, he didn't count on the fact he'd miscounted and had his hoof intercepted by a single rune.

With a smirk, Valiar retracted the stones and winked a good ten meters away from his adversary. "Think you're the first to pull that little trick?"

Again, Shining's face contorted into a smirk. Those stones were a problem, but he had the solution. Using a spell Celestia herself had taught him, Shining channeled his mana into a different kind of magic. It would drain him more than the energy blasts and teleporting, but one on one combat with this guy would take too much time. If stories were true about Star Shade, than he'd need to be unoccupied in order to subdue him.

Suddenly, the aura of his horn died down and the earth started to quake violently. Valiar's eyes widened and he jumped away as two, four digit stone appendages reached out where he was. He watched with irritation as three, six foot, hunched over masses of earth with two legs, two arms and faceless heads climbed forth to challenge him.

"Earth gollums." Valiar spat. "Not bad."

They charged for him, each horrify step they took shaking the earth beneath him, with stomping sounds to match.

"But not good enough." Again, Valiar shifted his runes, forming three squares of four runes and casting a magical blast to hit each of the earth born enemies. Though, as soon as his spell had cast, the unicorn felt a painful jab push right into the back of his neck right before falling to the ground unconscious. All twelve runes falling to the ground with him.

"Good enough to distract you." Shining quipped before instructing all three of his creations to collect Valiar and his runes. Satisfied that his adversary was secured, the stallion turned his attention back to the main hut. He strutted forth and found the lunar pegasus slowly coming to.

"Wha? What happened?"

"You're under arrest for conspiracy against the Crown." Asserted the unicorn, lighting his horn and pointing it menacingly. "Come along quietly, or else."

"Any word on when they'd be back?" Applejack asked.

Celestia shook her head, she'd just explained to the five elements of Harmony of Twilight and Cadence's mission to locate Shining Armor, who'd inexplicable disappeared the day Discord had gone missing.

"I would rather you all stay at the castle from now on." The white alicorn declared. "If Discord does show himself, having the Elements of Harmony present to combat him would be the best course of action.

"Forgive me, your highness, but wouldn't it have made more sense to keep Twilight here, if that was the case?" Rarity interjected humbly.

"Yea, I mean, they don't work unless they are all here, right?" Pinkie agreed.

Celestia sighed. "I tried to stop her, but she was determined to assist princess Mi Amore Cadenza track him down, nothing I could do short of restraint would stop my faithful student."

Everyone gave a sideways glance to the lone chuckling rainbow maned pony. "Wow, didn't think Twilight would disobey the Princess. But hay, if somepony I loved went missing, I'd risk the world to save them too."

"We know ya would, Dash." AJ smiled.

The six chatted a bit longer, putting the missing statue on hold in favor of more pleasant topics, though that wasn't to last as a silver clad stallion burst through the door, announcing the arrival of an escort of Diamond Dogs to take Spike into custody.

Macintosh watched over the baby dragon as he slept. Tired himself from being up as long as he had, but he promised to look after Spike as long as he could.

It was strange how he was feeling, how protective he'd grown over the little dragon. The entire ordeal really put into perspective how stupid the whole Rarity incident had been. Hopefully, when all was said and done, Spike would serve out a rather harsh but short sentence. He wasn't a bad guy, he'd just made a mistake. And mistakes shouldn't cost anypony their lives.

The stallion's attention was caught when a quiet knock came from the door. Standing from his place, Macintosh slowly made his way and opened the door to find Pinkie Pie and his sister standing with their ears drooped and frowns present.

"Hey Mac, Spike up?" AJ asked.

"Sleepin' righ' now. Why?"

Biting her lip, Applejack cautiously explained that the Diamond Dogs had come to take Spike away for judgement. When Mac protested that it was in Equestria and that the Princess should have jurisdiction over the trial, Applejack quietly explain the political issues that Celestia and Luna would face if they didn't hand the drake over.

"Ah'm sorry, Big Mac. Ah don't like it either, but fer the good o' Equestria, we gotta hand em over."

Macintosh stood trembling. Against Celestia, Spike had a chance at a quick punishment and moving on with his life. But the Diamond Dogs? Who knew what they would do to him? A few thoughts came to mind, each serving to make the stallion a little more angry than the last. He had to do something, but what? If he stood by and let it happen, Spike was gone for Celestia knew how long, if he tried to stop them, he'd start a revolt.

This wasn't fair, Spike just made a mistake! He couldn't let it happen, he wouldn't.

'Bucking politics!'

"It's okay, Mac." Spike declared, rubbing his eyes and grabbing his brown cloak. "If me turning myself over keeps peace for the rest of Equestria, than I'll do it. I deserve it."

"Ya do not!" Mac protested, reproducing his internal thought.

"Mistakes happen, and the prices for those mistakes need to be paid." Spike soothed. "I know it looks bad, but I've gotten away with so much because of Twilight. Like the first time I went on a rampage, I didn't get time in jail like I should have, and that's not fair. I should have been punished. I can't keep counting on everypony else to take care of me, I need to start taking care of myself. And the first step is for me to take responsibility for the pain I've caused."

Both AJ and Pinkie looked at Spike with Shocked faces. Mac already knew how Spike felt on the matter, but it didn't make him any less protective.

After a few words of confirmation and concern, Spike was lead down to the main hall where Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Celestia were waiting, Fluttershy being to beside herself to see the drake taken away again.

"Are you ready, Spike?" Celestia asked solumly. "They've brought a... carraige for you."

Mac felt himself tense up as he looked past the troop of dogs to see a square, black steel cube of bars sitting behind them.

'They're going to put him in a cage!?'

It made his stomach churn, but a part of him knew it was coming. He didn't want to see it, but it made the prison no less real.

Taking a breath, Spike stepped forward to his fate, only to be intercepted by a wailing Rarity, pleading with him to take care of himself and how sorry she was that it was happening.

The dragon still had mixed feelings about the mare, but determined that he wanted to leave with as many fond memories as he could get his claws on. Who knew? They might be the last he'd ever make.

"You stay cool, Spike." Said Rainbow, fighting the tears. "Thanks for being awesome, we'll do everything we can for you."

He embraced the sky blue mare and squeezed tightly, treasuring the affection. He then turned to Pinkie and received a bone crushing hug that he wasn't prepared for as she bawled her eyes out, muttering gibberish he couldn't comprehend.

Breaking away from the irate mare, he gave a hug to Celestia who wished him all the best and turned to Mac and Applejack. "You two keep things together for me. Alright." The dragon declared, fighting the quivering in his voice. "Twilight will need somepony to keep an eye on her with me gone."

Mac's eyes closed and his face scrunched to fight the crushing despair. This was really it. Spike was really leaving.

"We don' know what them mutts have planned fer ya, but we promis' ta look after Twilight, fer ya, pardner." AJ proclaimed, giving the next hug.

Mac stood next, no words needed to be said, save two as he gave the dragon the strongest hug he could. "Ah'm sorry, Spike."

Author's Note:

This is the part where you all get sad... Now get sad. Next chapter, a hearing.

Comments are always appreciated.

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