• Published 25th Feb 2012
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The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

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Main Characters: TWP, Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie, Lucas, Tsukiyo Rei/Princess Fullmoon
Cameos: Spike, Sweetie Belle, Coal, Queen Luna
Original Write Date: October 23, 2011

A massive thunderstorm rages over Ponyville. A scheduled rain from the Equestrian weather teams is mixing with a storm that blew in from the Everfree Forest. To protect the town, the electricity has been turned off while the weather teams fix the weather. Except for one building. A certain two-story shop has the entire second floor lit up. Despite being a lightning rod, the building seems to have a shield of some sort that deflects the lightning harmlessly back into the clouds.

Inside the building, a small party is going on. The Wandering Physicist has gathered a number of his friends together to beat the storm. Thanks to Pinkie Pie, his meager supply of mostly nerdy snacks has been supplemented with many delicious treats. Pinkie’s pet alligator Gummy is sitting on the table in the middle of the treats. Rarity has set up shop in an empty corner so she can finish some work started before the storm hit. Her sister is currently playing games with The Hosting Physicist, Spike and Lucas. The last guest, Twilight Sparkle, reads a book while her pet owl watches over the room.

‘Thank you again, Mr Wanderer. I have no idea how I would have finished this order in time if you hadn’t come along.’ Rarity says while magically manipulating several objects and using her sewing machine all at once.

‘It is my pleasure. It would have been boring not having somepony to play with during the storm,’ The Wandering Physicist replies.

‘Yeah... It is hard finding someone to play with sometimes...’ Sweetie Belle grumbles.

Rarity starts going through her supplies. ‘Oh Sweetie Belle, you see your friends all the time. Just this morning you three...’ Rarity stops. ‘I can’t find the imported silk from Draconia! Of all of the worst things to happen! This! Is! The!’

‘I think I have some in the TARDIS. Follow me.’ The Wandering Physicist interrupts.

The stallion steps out of the game. He leads Rarity to a random closet and leads them in.

‘I have more cookies if you want them!’ Pinkie says as she brings out a large tray of cookies.

‘We’re going to have enough leftovers to open up a baked goods section once the storm is over,’ Lucas says. He takes an offered cookie. ‘At least leftover cookies are better than the CDi.’

The Wandering Physicist pops his head out of the TARDIS. ‘Probably would play better on a CDi than most of the games, too.’

‘He does have a point.’ Twilight adds.

‘Which one?’ Spike asks.

‘Both.’ Twilight turns to Pinkie Pie. ‘I think you can go easy on the cooking now.’

‘Aw! But we only have three cakes and a couple hundred cookies. What if more ponies show up?’

Twilight looks around the room. ‘I am pretty sure that this is everyone Mr Wanderer knows.’

‘But what if somepony he doesn’t know shows up! What a whole bunch of someponies show up!’ Pinkie stands on her hind legs and waves her forelegs in the air. Twilight just stares at her friend. Pinkie settles down. ‘You haven’t thrown many parties, have you?’

‘I remember trying once...’

‘Well, you just need more practice. Good thing Auntie Pinkie Pie is here to help.’

Pinkie tries patting Twilight on the head, but she slams her hoof down on Twilight’s horn. Both scream in pain.

‘You okay?’ Lucas asks. ‘First aid is in the bathroom.’

‘I know where it is.’ Twilight says while rubbing her sore horn.

‘I bet you do,’ Lucas mumbles to himself.

Twilight shoots a quick glare at Lucas. She uses a spell to levitate a bandage out of the bathroom. ‘Pinkie?’

Pinkie holds up her hoof and Twilight wraps it to stop the bleeding. The Wandering Physicist and Rarity come out of the TARDIS. The unicorn levitates a roll of fabric with her magic.

‘Well, it is not Draconian silk, but it will have to do.’

‘That fabric comes from sentient spiders that spend decades cultivating their silk to be even a fraction of the quality of that small roll.’

‘Hmm... Well, I guess it will do,’ Rarity comments as she gets back to work.

The Wandering Physicist looks around the room. ‘I know this is weird coming from me, but I can get used to this.’

Suddenly, there is a loud thump against one of the walls. Everypony, and Spike, stop what they are doing and look around.

‘Was that a lightning strike?’ Lucas asks.

‘No way. Even if we were hit, the shields would have absorbed it,’ The Confused Physicist answers.

‘Could it be one of the weather team?’ Sweetie Belle asks from hiding under the couch.

‘Can’t be. They wouldn’t be in this area of town,’ Twilight answers.

‘HIC! Then what the - HIC! - was it?’ Pinkie giggles then hiccups at her clever way of wording the question.

The Investigating Physicist opens a window. ‘Came from out here.’

The Curious Physicist looks around as much as he can without letting in too much rain. The shield around the shop deflects another bolt of lightning. He looks down and sees something white moving. It stops near the back door. He pulls his head in and closes the window.

‘Twilight, get the med kit. Lucas, you’re with me. The rest of you, clear off the couch. We have incoming.’

The two males head downstairs. Twilight gets the med kit from the bathroom. She runs right into Pinkie as she returns.



‘Told you somepony - HIC! - would come!’

‘Pinkie, this isn’t the time. Somepony could be really hurt out there.’ Twilight turns to Spike. ‘Get some towels from the hall closet. They are going to be pretty soaked when they return.’

Spike salutes and gets the towels. He and Rarity lay them out on the couch and keep several spares off to the side. The Wandering Physicist and Lucas return carrying a small, white pegasus with a short, light blue mane and a cutie mark of a full moon on a dark field. They carry her to the couch and lay her down. Rarity lays a towel over the pegasus. Spike hands a towel to the two stallions, but only Lucas takes one. The Wandering Physicist goes right to the pegasus. Twilight levitates a towel over the him without him noticing it. The Wandering Medic places a hoof on the pegasus’ forehead.

‘She is fine. Just knocked herself for a loop,’ The Concerned Physicist says. He starts going through the med kit to find something.

‘How does he know that?’ Sweetie Belle asks her sister.

‘He’s, well, let’s see... He’s really smart, I guess you could say,’ Rarity answers.

The Wandering Physicist gets a small device out of the med kit and attaches it to the pegasus’ head. It lights up blue for a couple seconds then turns green. He takes the device off and returns it to the kit. The pegasus moans and puts a hoof to her head. When she opens her eyes, she blushes at the face very close to hers.

‘Otoosan?’ the pegasus whispers. She looks around at all of the strange faces looking at her.

‘Hi! HIC!’ Pinkie greets.

The pegasus cocks her head to the side. ‘Nani? Doko?’

‘What did she say?’ Sweetie Belle asks.

‘Shh!’ The Wandering Physicist hisses. He looks at the pegasus. ‘Ponyville desu. Genki desu ka?’

‘I-iye.’ She rubs her head. ‘Atama itai. Ponyville ka?’

‘Come on. What is she saying?’ Sweetie Belle pleads.

‘Sounds like Neighponese.’ Twilight responds. ‘Spike, did we remember to bring my Simple Neighponese to Equestrian Translation Guide like we always do?’

‘Wait. You were serious about that?’


‘Hmph. This calls for a lady’s touch.’ Rarity goes over to the pegasus. ‘Excuse me miss, by any chance do you happen to speak Equestrian Common Tongue? It would be ever so convenient if we are to assist you.’

‘What are you saying?’ The pegasus says.

‘See,’ Rarity gloats. ‘Sometimes all you have to do is ask.’

‘Huh? How can I understand you? I never learned Common. Wait! Can you understand me?’

‘It is okay,’ The Wandering Linguist reassures. ‘We have a way of understanding other languages psychically. It just takes a few moments to kick in unless you have travelled with us a bit.’

‘So, wait. Why didn’t I understand right away? I travelled with you,’ Twilight protests.

The Wandering Casanova looks at Twilight, adjusts his glasses, looks away and coughs. ‘Jealousy.’

‘What!’ Twilight glares at the TARDIS. ‘Why you little...’

‘Twilight, it is not little. It is huge!’ Pinkie says, waving her forelegs in the air.

Twilight glares her friend down.

The Wandering Physicist sighs and turns back to the pegasus. ‘Are you sure you are okay? The storm outside is a pretty bad one.’

‘Storm? What storm? It was a clear day last time I checked.’

‘Hmm. Can you tell me what you remember before you awoke here?’

‘I was flying through Shibuya, heading to the capital on royal business. There was a shimmering wall, but I thought nothing of it. After passing through it, I apparently found your wall. When I awoke, you were all staring at me.’

‘What does “Shibuya” mean?’ Sweetie Belle asks. ‘Is it like...’

‘Don’t say it!’ The Wandering Physicist and Rarity shout at the young filly. They look at each other, then away in embarrassment.

‘Wait. If you were on royal business, I can contact the princess, and we’ll be able to help you better.’ Twilight says. ‘Spike! Take a letter.’

‘What? Princess? She’s too young. Don’t you mean the queen?’ The pegasus ponders.

Twilight freezes. ‘Queen? What queen?’

‘You don’t know the queen, but you live in Equestria proper? I thought you would know Queen Luna very well.’

‘Queen Luna!’ everypony stammers. The pegasus looks confused.

‘Interesting...’ The Thinking Physicist puts a hoof to his face as he thinks. ‘Pretend we are completely daft and tell us why there is a Queen Luna as if we are children. ... as if we all are children.’

The pegasus sits up. She looks around at the group. Except for The Wandering Physicist, they all look confused, shocked or upset at what she has been saying.

‘Well, it all goes back to over a thousand years ago. Princesses Luna and Celestia were battling the villainous Discord.’

‘Ooo! I remember him!’ Pinkie interrupts.

‘In the battle, Discord mortally wounded Celestia. With her last bit of strength, she and Luna defeated Discord once and for all. Celestia died soon afterwards.’ Twilight faints. ‘Since that day, Queen Luna has ruled over the New Lunar Republic as a fair and kind ruler.’

‘Princess Celestia...’ Twilight moans from the floor.

‘It seems we have a dimensional traveler on our hooves...’ The Wandering Physicist says to himself. He looks back at the pegasus. ‘You see, in our history, Luna and Celestia used the Elements of Harmony to seal Discord in stone for over a thousand years. He was recently reformed him by the current Elements, three of whom are here now, one being Princess Twilight Sparkle. Princesses Celestia and Luna are co-rulers of Equestria.’

The pegasus scans the room. Her eyes go wide when she sees Twilight, but she looks away quickly enough for it to go unnoticed. ‘Three Elements? I only see one here.’ She points to Pinkie. ‘The Element of Laughter who greeted me when I awoke.’

‘I’m famous in both worlds! Cool!’ Pinkie squeals.

‘Seems the Elements have different masters where she is from.’ The Wandering Physicist notes.

‘All of this talk of other Equestrias is nice and all, but we are missing the key question: who is your Element of Generosity?’ Rarity inquires.’

‘Oh, Prince Blueblood, of course.’

‘What!’ Rarity snaps. ‘That unrefined piece of donkey manure!’

‘I would ask you not to talk about the prince in such a manner. He is a tireless helper of the poor and downtrodden. Just last month, I worked side by side with him on relief efforts for a recent tsunami that hit a nearby region.’

‘Excuse me for a moment,’ Rarity says while stepping towards the exit. ‘I am afraid I must do something unladylike.’

Everypony watches Rarity leave. After a short silence, the loudest expletive anypony has ever heard rings out all over Ponyville. Rarity returns huffing and red-cheeked. She magics a towel off the pile and starts drying herself off.

‘There. I am feeling better.’

‘Ooo! Ooo! Miss pegasus! Call on me next!’ Pinkie shouts, waving her hoof in the air.

‘Very well...’

‘Okay. If I am still my Element and Rarity’s prince...’

‘That-that-that...’ Rarity covers Sweetie Belle’s ears. ‘That flankhole is not my prince!’

Pinkie frowns at Rarity a little. ‘Anyway... Since Twilight is a little fainty right now, who is the Element of Magic?’

‘Her?’ The pegasus thinks. ‘She is the most popular pony in the whole Republic.’

‘Really?’ Twilight leans up a bit.

‘Yes. She is graceful and elegant. She has a million friends. She is the master of countless magics and is the queen’s personal apprentice.’

‘Go on.’ Twilight gets up and beams.

‘You are right to be excited. The Great and Powerful Trixie is the greatest magician to have ever lived.’

Twilight’s face goes from excitement to confusion to anger to blind fury. Having seen this reaction once before, Pinkie quickly runs to the window and throws it open.

‘Quick! Out here!’

The Wandering Physicist looks at Lucas and the pair quickly lift Twilight and get her out the window. Lucas uses his magic to keep her from falling. Twilight bursts into fire for a brief moment then lets it go in a very exasperated sigh. She comes back in and Spike quickly brings her a towel.

‘What is the use?’ Twilight sighs while drying off. ‘At least she isn’t the Element of Magic in our world.’

‘I assume that is you?’ The pegasus asks.

‘Big crown thingy and everything,’ Twilight sighs.

‘Oh my. I am honored to have met you all.’ The pegasus looks around again. ‘I assume one of the stallions is the other element, given the white unicorn’s outburst earlier.’

The two stallions have to restrain Rarity from getting at the pegasus. They carry her into the TARDIS and return without her a moment later.

‘She is having a bit of a time out.’ The Wandering Physicist says before anypony can ask. The TARDIS doors burst open. ‘Or not.’

Rarity storms out. She heads right to the pegasus. ‘I will have you know, I am our Element of Generosity, and I am showing it off by not dragging your flank outside to teach you a lesson.’

The pegasus glares at Rarity before turning her attention back to The Wandering Physicist. ‘As fun as it is to discuss alternate realities, I would really like to return to mine. I have important business to do. If you will return my pack and point me toward the rift or whatever that will send me home.’

‘We have a couple problems there...’ The Wandering Physicist starts. ‘First, you did not have a pack when we found you. Second, I have no clue how to send you back.’

‘What! I need my pack! I desperately need it!’ The pegasus grabs The Wandering Physicist and starts shaking him.

‘We’ll get right on it,’ The Wandering Physicist reassures the pegasus. ‘But first, let’s get us calmed down. I think there are some high emotions right now, and we should rest and wait for the storm to ease. I promise we will find your pack.’

The pegasus wraps around The Wandering Physicist’s neck in a hug. ‘Thank you so much. You are so wonderful.’ She realizes she is hugging a complete stranger. ‘Oh sorry. I shouldn’t be so familiar.’

‘No problem. Happens all of the time.’

Twilight nod and glares. ‘It does.’

‘Whee!’ Pinkie tackles The Wandering Physicist in a random hug.

Twilight sighs and goes over to the pegasus. ‘Sorry for being rude earlier. I am Twilight Sparkle, by the way.’ She extends a hoof.

The pegasus tenses up at the introduction. She looks at the hoof then at Twilight and bows. ‘It is a pleasure to meet you, Twilight Sparkle. I am Tsukiyo Rei, royal regent to Neighpon.’

Twilight does not know what to do. She retracts her hoof and bows slightly too. ‘Uh, nice to meet you Tsukiyo.’ Twilight starts motioning around the room. ‘These are my friends Spike,’

‘Hello!’ Spike waves.

‘Rarity and her sister Sweetie Belle,’

Rarity just turns her nose up.

‘Nice to meet you.’ Sweetie Belle says.

‘You seem to know Pinkie...’

Pinkie smiles and waves.

‘Lucas Grainsborough,’

Lucas bows. ‘Tsukiyo-san.’

‘and last is The Wandering Physicist.’ He bows.

Rei looks at The Bowing Physicist. ‘You don’t know why they call you that, do you?’


‘You don’t know why you call yourself that too, right?’


‘Neat! Thank you all for the hospitality. I apologize for intruding.’

‘Think nothing of it.’ The Wandering Host replies. ‘But for now, you should have one of Pinkie’s delicious cookies and rest a bit.’


Pinkie brings over the tray of cookies and everypony takes one.

The storm has subsided. There are no more lightning strikes. Three groups of ponies leave The Power Block as Spike and Sweetie Belle watch them go. Rarity had ‘generously’ volunteered to watch the shop, but a quick zinger from Rei convinced her otherwise. After a quick look around the second floor windows, the groups head different directions.

Twilight searches the ground around a back alley while Rei frantically searches rooftops for her missing pack.

‘Rei, sorry about getting your name wrong earlier.’

‘No big,’ Rei says, darting from building to building.

‘Do you mind if I ask more questions about where you are from?’

‘Go ahead. I’ll answer as best I can as long as that psychic thingy keeps working.’

‘Well, I have to know, what did you mean by “New Lunar Republic” earlier?’

‘That is the name of our nation. Uh... How do I explain it...’ Rei thinks. ‘What you likely call the Kingdom of Equestria, we would call the New Lunar Republic. Queen Luna reorganized the nation as a republican form of government after she put down a rebellion in our past. She has always been a champion for the rights and freedoms of all ponies. Not to mention she and the king are such a lovely couple!’

‘Interesting...’ Twilight starts thinking of more questions to ask.

Not too far from the shop, The Wandering Physicist is scanning the air with his sonic while Pinkie is digging around for the missing pack. Pinkie’s mane has washed out to become completely flat.

‘Hmm... These readings are... odd.’

‘Readings? I don’t see a book.’

‘What? Nothing. Just looking for the pack.’

‘Well, the pack wouldn’t be in the sky, silly. Although she is a pegasus... Hmm...’

The Wandering Physicist scans the sky again. He quickly checks the readings.

‘Pinkie, what do you think this means?’

‘Hmm... If I could see what you were looking at, I would say...’ Pinkie thinks hard. ‘I’d say they make no sense!’

‘Exactly!’ The Wandering Physicist starts walking away. ‘Come along, Pie. We have some shopping to do.’

Rarity and Lucas are searching around the main streets near the shop. They are using their magic to try to detect the missing pack. Rarity is wearing her slicker and boots and has two umbrellas just in case.

‘Miss Rarity, what do you think of Rei?’

‘I am trying not to,’ Rarity sneers.

‘You don’t think she is alluring? Mysterious? ... Pretty?’

‘My, my,’ Rarity laughs. ‘Sounds like our little Lucas has gotten himself a little crush.’

Lucas blushes. ‘What? Well, maybe. Sure. ... And I am almost as old as you are!’

Rarity laughs. ‘It is all fine. I won’t tell anyone.’

‘Like you did for Twilight before we saved Derpy.’

Rarity’s eyes dart. ‘That was the burgers talking. They had an evil grip on my mind.’

‘Boss says that they might be putting in a store here in Ponyville.’

Rarity picks Lucas up and holds him against a wall. ‘What! When is this happening! I must have more of their burgers! I demand a Double Double animal style!’

Lucas starts looking for an escape from the crazed mare pinning him to the wall. ‘Um, er... Hey! Isn’t that the pack?’

Lucas points in a random direction. Rarity looks. He just happens to point at a small pack with a chrysanthemum emblem embroidered on it. The pack is hanging from a roof.

‘Oh. There it is.’ Rarity starts levitating the pack down.

‘I’ll signal the others.’ Lucas casts a spell that causes a burst of light to trail to him and Rarity.

There is a crash of thunder and Rarity’s spell breaks, spilling the pack all over the ground. The two unicorns quickly start using their magic to refill the pack. Most of the objects are usual items like a money pouch and makeup. There is a small ledger with Luna’s crest on it. What gets the attention of the two unicorns is a sealed, gold locket. It has another crest on it.

‘Is that crest what I think it is?’ Rarity asks.

‘As a certified Neighponophile, I am pretty certain it is,’ Lucas answers.

‘Here they are!’ Twilight calls toward the sky.

Rarity returns the locket to the pack as Rei swoops down. She quickly takes the pack and searches through it. She gets a huge smile then immediately hugs Rarity and Lucas together.

‘Thank you so much! I love you both a lot right now! I can never repay you!’

‘Heh, heh. All in the day’s work.’ Rarity says, trying to break free.

‘So happy...’ Lucas sighs.

‘Come on. Let’s get back to the shop and dry off. We’ll meet up with Mr Wanderer and Pinkie there,’ Twilight suggests.

‘That sounds like a great idea,’ Rarity agrees, breaking free. ‘A nice warm shower would be great now.’

Rei lets go of Lucas and heads back to the shop with Twilight and Rarity. Lucas just sits in the street smiling. A sharp whistle snaps him out of the spell.

‘Lover boy! Get back here!’ Rarity snaps. She realizes what she just said. ‘Oops. Sorry.’

The Wandering Physicist and Pinkie approach one of the closed shops. A small light is seen within. Getting closer, the light is revealed to be Coal Tale holding a flashlight in his mouth as he reads. The Wandering Physicist knocks on the door. Coal sets down his book and light and lets the pair in.

‘Thanks, Coal.’

‘What are you doing out in this storm?’

‘I need to find a book. You’re the only one who would have it in stock.’

‘Have you thought about asking your librarian friend?’

‘Indy published book by Dr John Smith.’

Coal sighs and nods towards the back of the shop. He goes back to his book while The Wandering Physicist heads off to look. Pinkie gives Coal an odd look.

‘You know, you are an unicorn.’

Coal sets down the light. ‘Bad things happen to objects I use my magic on. Thus, I only use it on my brother.’

‘Where is he? He is usually so wacky!’

Coal groans. ‘He is hiding under his bed. He is a little afraid of storms. Fortunately, we’ll have plenty of fresh water to clean any of his “little messes”.’

Pinkie looks even more confused. Suddenly, her mane poofs back to normal, spraying water everywhere.

Coal wipes water from his face. ‘Thank you. I am sure my books really enjoyed getting a shower.’

‘That is good! They look a little dusty.’

Coal thinks about using a spell on Pinkie, but The Reading Physicist returns from the back carrying a book.

‘Thanks mate.’ The Wandering Physicist tosses some bits on the table and starts leaving.

‘Guess I’ll catch you aroundy!’ Pinkie bounces after her friend.

Coal just groans, locks the door and goes back to reading.

Back at the shop, all of the ponies are celebrating the return of Rei’s pack. She is extremely happy to have her belongings back. The Wandering Physicist is off to one side reading the book he bought. Rarity has been in the shower since she returned. Rei has her ledger out and is going through it.

The Wandering Physicist sighs. ‘I hate to dampen the good feelings, but I don’t think there is a way to get you back to your world, Rei.’

Rei moans a little. ‘I figured as much. Fortunately, Queen Luna issued orders in case something like this occurs.’

‘That sounds like something very odd to plan for,’ Twilight comments, ‘but I have to appreciate her thoroughness.’

Spike moans from where he sits.

‘Ah! Here we go.’ Rei gets a disk out of her ledger. ‘This should have instructions for this situation. I don’t really know what they are since I could not play it when I tried.’

The Wandering Physicist takes the disk and scans it with his sonic. ‘Seems like the last few bits are intentionally corrupted. I can fix that.’

The Wandering Physicist starts cycling through sonic settings to repair the disk. Rarity comes out of the shower. She magically wraps a towel around her mane.

‘Well, it is not the spa, but it will do for now.’ She notices The Wandering Physicist working. ‘Ooo. What is going on here?’

The Wandering Physicist holds up the disk. ‘Movie time... I think.’

The disk is inserted into The Wandering Physicist’s PS3. An image appears on the screen showing the New Lunar Republic’s banner. It is replaced by an older-looking Luna.

‘If you are viewing this, then you have found The Doctor or The Wandering Physicist of this universe,’ the video Luna states. ‘They are your key to returning to our home. They should be able to acclimatize you to your new surroundings while they look for a solution. If no solution can be found, they can help you find a new place in this new world. If you are stuck in a new world, I implore you to find my counterpart or counterparts and give them as much information about where you are from and advise them on some of the policies we have implemented for a better tomorrow. Thank you and good luck in your journey.’

The disk stops playing and automatically ejects. Rei looks sad. The others are upset with the situation too. Twilight puts a foreleg around the pegasus.

‘Don’t worry. We’ll help you in every way possible. Who knows, we might even find a way to get you back home.’

‘Thank you, Twilight.’ Rei leans into her new friend for a moment then goes back to her bag and gets out the locket. She looks at it and sighs.

The others watch their new friend and wonder what she is doing. Rarity goes over to Lucas and pokes him. He looks at her. She nods towards Rei. He shakes his head. She rolls her eyes and steps forward.

‘Pardon me, Miss Rei,’ Rarity begins. ‘We noticed that when we found your bag. It appears to have a crest of...’

‘The Neighponese royal family. Correct. I am the last of the royal family, thanks to a major earthquake when I was a foal. This locket is the only thing I have to remember them by. It is said to contain their photos, but I have been unable to open it. Queen Luna took pity on me and had her attendants stationed in Neighpon take care of me. Technically, I am also known as Duchess Full Moon.’

The other ponies are taken aback. The sudden revelation comes as a big shock. Lucas is embarrassed to be attracted to a royal. Rarity is embarrassed to have gotten into yet another tiff with nobility. Pinkie is upset that she did not have time to prepare more regal treats. The Wandering Physicist is the only one to react calmly.

‘This day is turning out to to be more and more exciting,’ The Wandering Physicist says. ‘Twilight, you will have to get in touch with the other princesses and tell them about this. They should be able to help.’ Twilight nods. ‘Tsukiyo-san, you are free to stay here as long as you need. I can stay in my ship.’

‘Thank you, sir.’ Rei sighs.

‘Excuse me!’ Pinkie raises a foreleg again.

‘Yes, Pinkie. Go ahead and party.’


Pinkie shoots streamers from out of nowhere. She instantly starts trying to revive the party to raise Rei’s spirits. While the other ponies are cheering up, The Wandering Physicist slips into his TARDIS and locks the door. He gets out his sonic and looks at it. He goes over to his center console. His TARDIS is more high tech and looks more computerized compared to The Doctor’s more organic themes. He goes to a spot on the console that looks like an outlet and plugs his sonic in. After a second, a holographic version of the older Luna springs to life. The Wandering Physicist sits to watch the recording.

‘Ah, my beloved James. So good to see you again.’ The hologram greets. ‘It has only been mere moments since we were last together but as I record this, it feels like centuries... again. I wonder which face you are wearing wherever you are. As you may have guessed, the one calling herself Tsukiyo Rei is not really who she says she is and by now, you know she is trapped in whatever dimension she ended up in.’ She sighs. ‘You have always been there for me. You were there to comfort me when I lost my sister. You stood with me when we raised a revolution and saved my people from oppression. We mourned together when that unspeakable horror stuck down the Elements of Harmony, including my rival for your affections and your true love, Twilight Sparkle.’ The Wandering Physicist feels his stomach drop. ‘This time, I am afraid we lost something more dear. It devastated us when we heard the news from The Doctor, but we knew it had to happen if it were a Fixed Point in Time. We tried to remain detached, but you know us. We did everything right to prepare for this day. I know the whole family will be crushed once it finally comes.’ She goes silent briefly and wipes away some tears. ‘Please take good care of Rei, Princess Full Moon, our daughter. I know you will do a great job no matter what reality you are in. Thank you and I love you, my husband.’

The recording stops. The Wandering Physicist calmly removes the sonic from the outlet and goes to the door of the TARDIS. He takes several deep breaths to steel himself and goes out. He looks over his friends enjoying themselves once more and wonders what to do with his secret information.

Author's Note:

Fun Fact: Rei was originally conceived to be a rival for TWP's affection. My first idea was somepony from another country (hence he being from Neighpon), but that would have been solved by an airship ticket or TARDIS ride. My next idea was adding a time travel element, making her be from the past. (Technically, Rei is from approximately 20 years in the future from this point in time.) Again, this is solvable with time travel. The final result was Rei's origins as they are seen here. In order to make that work properly, I had to remove the romantic rival element. Not that much of a loss seeing what she will become.

The elements of her birth parents plays an important part to who she is and why she feels a connection to TWP when they first meet. It is just one of those added complications to add to her character. The issue of Rei's family is one of her driving motivations through the entire series.

Bonus: I did an Ask TWP art inspired by the opening scene. There is a certain mint green unicorn of future plot importance hinted in that scene.

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