• Published 25th Feb 2012
  • 4,909 Views, 568 Comments

The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

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RSI and the Mystery of FLCL

Main Characters: Rucas, Stormy, Inkie, Spike
Cameos: An unnamed earth pony
Original Write Date: July 14, 2012
Episode Theme

Having used a cure spell to remove the effects of traveling, Lucas is the first member of the group to be out and exploring Neighpon. His first stop is the Animate in Akihabara with plans to hit Toranoana next. The unicorn is browsing their music selection for CDs he cannot find in Equestria. He laughs to himself as he goes through a rack of CDs. He finds several he will enjoy and levitates them to the counter. As the clerk rings up the purchase, Lucas scans the store and his jaw drops.

‘Please tell me there are Full Moon tickets available.’

The clerk looks back at an advert for a concert. ‘Full Moon? Ha! She has been sold out for weeks. It is almost impossible to get tickets for one of her shows.’

‘Aw... I love her so much. The sweet voice. The lovely purple mane. The pristine white coat and feathers.’ Lucas lets out a big sigh.

‘Sounds like she really did suck the love out of you.’

‘I prefer This Day. It is more upbeat.’

The clerk laughs. ‘Well, if you are going to be in town for a bit more, gaijin, you might be interested in this.’

The clerk taps another poster with his wing. Lucas’ jaw drops again and his eyes go wide.

‘I want to go to there.’

‘Tickets go on sell in four days. Every music store in the district is going to have them. Good luck. AKB48 still sells quickly.’

Lucas nods, pays for his music and gallops out of the store.

‘Baka gaijin,’ the clerk laughs.

The night before the ticket sell date, Lucas gathers his forces in his suite to plan the assault. He has a map with each of the major retailers circled. Spike and Inkie study the map carefully while Stormy gives it a quick glance. Rei cuddles Inkie carefully since they spent the day flying around the city.

‘Here are our targets,’ Lucas states. ‘In order to ensure we get tickets, we will each take a retailer and wait in line. We will need constant communication so we all don’t buy tickets. I will pay you back if one of you gets them instead of me. I will teleport us all in on time, but Rei, you will have to fly since my spell isn’t as strong as Twilight’s.’

‘Okay,’ Rei agrees. ‘Oh! You don’t have to get me a ticket. I’m not really a fan of theirs.’

‘Well, thanks for your help anyway, Full Moon.’

Rei gasps. ‘How did you..?’

Lucas stares blankly. ‘Oh! Sorry. You just reminded me of the singer.’ He stares at Rei some more. ‘You know. You do sort of look like her.’

‘Who are you talking about?’ Rei snorts.

Lucas levitates a CD case over. Rei looks at the case, gasps again and darts from the room. The others shrug, thinking it is her normal behaviour.

‘Thanks for inviting me,’ Spike says. ‘I’ve never been to a concert before.’

‘Really? But Boss and Twilight go to The Chaos Theater back home from time to time.’

‘Well, uh,’ -- Spike plays with his tail -- ‘they never invite me. Besides, I’m not really into that nerdy stuff.’

‘If you like going to concerts, then I’ll treat you to one when we get back,’ Stormy offers. ‘Just tell me how attached to hearing you are and I’ll book us tickets.’

‘Really? You’ll do that?’

‘Hell yeah. Any friend of Rarity’s is a friend of mine.’

‘Okay, okay. Enough chit-chat,’ Lucas interrupts. ‘We’re going to have to get plenty of rest if we are going to get there to beat the crowds.’

‘Whatever you say, Dear Leader,’ Stormy groans.

Lucas stands in line for tickets at the Animate. The other patrons ignore the fans in line as they go about their business. The foreign unicorn is wearing a headset connected to his mobile. He fiddles with an app and makes a call.

‘Ah. This should do it. Crystal Leader to Crystal Squadron, check in please.’

`What the heck is “Crystal Squadron”?` Spike asks.

`Are you looking at your flank again?` Stormy replies.

`Hey. How are we all talking at once?` Inkie wonders.

‘Boss gave me this app that allows for smoother conference calls that may or may not automatically force a connection.’

`Ya know, it is cool when he does it since he is actually...` Stormy grumbles.

‘Hey! Where’s Rei?’

`Oh! She was going to go on a trip today. Something about the old capital...` Inkie answers.

‘What?! That is not good! That is one less store we can cover.’

`Calm down,` Stormy grumbles. `It is not like it is “THE. WORST. POSSIBLE. THING!” or some such nonsense.`

`Yeah, how close are you?` Inkie asks.

‘I’m only about five ponies back.’

`A lot closer than I am, bro,` Spike replies.

`My line is moving pretty fast here...` Inkie adds.

‘Okay, okay. First one of us to the front say... Me!’

Lucas happily trots up to the counter. The clerk laughs to himself.

‘Welcome back. Looks like you made it.’

‘Four tickets as close as you can get us please!’ Lucas beams.

`Dude, you’re doing it wrong...` Stormy mumbles.

The clerk sets the tickets on the counter. Lucas’ smile only grows. He pays for the tickets and heads out of the store.

‘Mission complete.’

`All right!`

`Way to go!`

`About time,` Stormy groans. `Anyway, I found a good place for some breakfast. I’ll ping ya.`

‘Wait. What do you...’

Lucas’ mobile buzzes. A map and directions load with the endpoint being a magenta dot. The unicorn snorts and trots off.

Lucas arrives outside of a family restaurant at the same time as Inkie, who is letting Spike ride her. They enter the eatery and look around. Stormy waves them to a table. The older stallion snorts as he sits down.

‘How do you have ping on your mobile?’

Stormy smirks. ‘You’re not the only one Mr Wanderer likes.’

Lucas snorts and glares at Stormy’s mobile. He notices it is the same model as his employer’s. He snorts again and levitates a menu. A waitress comes over and sets a plate in front of Stormy. She calmly waits for the others to order. After the others place their order, Lucas glares at the other stallion.

‘You didn’t even go to the store, did you?’

‘I did, but I didn’t stay long.’

‘So you left as soon as you heard how close I was?’

‘No. I left after I got this.’

Stormy levitates a laminated badge to the table. Lucas stares in shock.

‘Is that..?’

‘They were doing a raffle for backstage passes. Magic-proof containers so nopony can cheat.’ He smirks. ‘Good thing one of us has a Trixie fillyfriend.’

Inkie stares at the badge. ‘Trade you for a hyperactive one.’

Stormy puts the badge away. ‘Sorry, but I am a one mare pony.’

‘What? No! I meant...’

Stormy smiles and laughs. Inkie sighs and laughs, too.

‘Oh!’ Stormy levitates a bag of bits to Lucas. ‘For my ticket. A gentleman always repays his debts.’

‘If I let you keep it, can I have your pass?’ Lucas replies.

‘Mr Grainsborough, it would take far more than mere bits to convince me to part with something this valuable.’

‘I’ll do anything you wish. Just give me the chance to meet them.’

Stormy sets down his fork and sighs. ‘You have a lot to learn if you ever want to be the leader of The Storm Chasers.’

‘The what now? Are you talking about Crystal Squadron?’

‘I still don’t know what that is,’ Spike says. ‘Is that a breakfast cereal?’

‘That is our name. We aren’t really RSI right now.’

‘We could be, Rucas,’ Stormy asides.

The older unicorn growls at the younger.

‘Actually, I think Storm Chasers is pretty cool,’ Inkie comments. ‘It sound dangerous and it says who our leader is.’

‘But I’m the oldest...’ Lucas grumbles.

‘All in favor of temporarily renaming the group to Storm Chasers?’ Stormy asks.

Stormy, Inkie and Spike all vote in the positive.

‘All opposed?’

Lucas raises a hoof.

‘Well, I’m no accountant for the ERS, but I think I can tell which number is bigger. Storm Chasers it is.’

Inkie and Spike cheer for the result.

‘I demand a recount...’ Lucas simmers.

The group returns to their suites. The floor is eerily silent, even for the middle of the day. While the others look around the halls, Stormy heads straight to his room.

‘Hello? Anyone here?’ Spike calls.

Nopony replies.

‘They probably all left while we were out,’ Lucas comments.

Their mobiles ring, and they answer.

`Or they are zombies`

‘Z-z-zombies!’ Spike panics.

‘Damn it, Stormy!’ Lucas yells. ‘Get out here.’

The unicorn groans and comes out of his room.

Lucas puts a hoof to his chin and thinks. ‘Okay... We are left all alone with all of the rooms and the belongings... Everypony is out travelling, so they might send stuff back. All right, everypony. I have a plan.’

Inkie trots past Lucas. ‘Stormy, what do we do?’

Stormy stands tall. ‘We have to maintain the rooms until the others return. That means not messing with everypony’s stuff and receiving any mail for our rooms. It is probably best if we all share the same suite after cleaning up after everypony. We should also make sure to check with the front desk every time we return to the hotel. One of us should check now since we didn’t check when we came in.’

‘I guess that is me since I have no other use...’ Lucas grumbles.

The unicorn returns to the elevator and leaves.

‘What should we do to help?’ Inkie asks.

‘Spike, you can send messages directly to the princesses, right?’


‘Can you send to the others too?’

‘I... I don’t know. I have never tired.’

Stormy nods. ‘Okay. I was just wondering if you could help with receiving packages if anypony sends them.’


‘It is all good.’ Stormy looks around. ‘Once Lucas returns, we should just take it easy for the rest of the day unless we can come up with more plans. As long as we take it easy and not wander too far, we can help everypony.’

To make up for hurting his feelings the day before, Stormy let Lucas pick where the group goes for lunch. They are back in Akihabara at a maid cafe. Lucas blushes as he smiles and takes in everything around him. Inkie blushes as she holds her head in shame. Stormy is away from the table. Spike is the only one eating. Lucas’ grin grows as the server brings him his dish.

‘Enjoy, goshujin-sama!’ the pegasus dressed as a maid says.

‘Food’s pretty good though,’ Spike comments.

‘That is not the point,’ Inkie groans. ‘This whole establishment is pure sexism! Look how everypony is dressed!’

Spike looks around and shrugs. ‘Looks okay to me. Reminds me of staying at the palace. Even Celestia wore outfits like this.’

The young mare snorts. ‘You wouldn’t be so cavalier if it were your plot all of the stallions were drooling over.’

‘Come on. Stormy isn’t behaving like Lucas is.’

‘Yes... but I don’t see how he is any better.’

Inkie looks towards the back of the cafe. Stormy has a small group of maids around him.

‘See, you are doing it all wrong. You aren’t swaying your hips enough when you go to and from the tables. And you,’ he points to one of the maids, ‘you are forgetting that face I showed you. It is more like this.’ Stormy poses and makes a simpering look. The maids swoon. ‘I want to see you get the attention you deserve.’

‘Hai, Stormy-sama!’ the maids reply.

Inkie groans and slams her head against the table.

The group trots back to the hotel after lunch. Spike rides on Inkie’s back. Lucas giggles to himself as he levitates his mobile in front of him.

‘That was pretty fun,’ Stormy comments.

‘You were correcting all of their behavior...’ Inkie growls.

‘Yes. They were doing it wrong. Thankfully, Rarity taught me the proper way for a maid to behave.’

Spike grimaces. ‘And you would want to know that why?’

‘I passed her class with a perfect score, didn’t I?’

‘At least he is not as bad as this pervert,’ Inkie snorts, jabbing Lucas.

‘What! I didn’t do anything wrong! Besides, our waitress seemed to like me.’

‘She had a name, you know,’ the young mare shoots back.

Stormy peeks at the mobile. ‘And a face, too.’

‘What!’ Inkie pushes Lucas out of the way and glares at his mobile. ‘Do you have any pictures that aren’t of their panties!’

Lucas uses his magic to scroll through the photos. ‘There! That one has a face.’


‘There. In the background.’

Inkie butts heads against the stallion. ‘You are disgusting. … And Spike, that better not be what I think it is.’

The young dragon blushes and looks away. ‘Sorry.’

Stormy sighs and keeps trotting. ‘I’ll pay you two hundred bits for every maid you can name.’

‘Uh, Himiko?’ Lucas guesses.





‘Did you even look at the menu?’

‘Can you word that in a more disgusting way?’ Inkie growls.

Stormy looks back and scans his friend. ‘You know, I can give you some pointers if you want to give Rei something special when she returns.’

Inkie blushes and stops trotting.

‘No thanks. I think I planned a great gift for her,’ Lucas replies.

‘I was talking to the pony she actually likes,’ Stormy groans. He shrugs. ‘Though I could give you some tips to be a proper gentleman. That is why Maiko gave me her number.’


‘Doesn’t count, but I will double the offer if you can figure out which pic is her.’

Lucas scrambles to his mobile.

‘Nope!’ Stormy says before the other unicorn can guess.

Lucas trots into the room where the others are relaxing. Inkie and Spike are playing hoofheld games while Stormy surfs Neighponese television.

I am in despair!’ Lucas declares.

‘I hear Aokigahara is nice this time of year,’ Stormy replies.

The nearest book Lucas can find is magically thrown at Stormy’s head.

‘It is so boring,’ Lucas complains. ‘I can’t take waiting for this concert.’

‘Really? You can’t find anything to do?’ Stormy chides. The young stallion tosses a tourist guide across the room. ‘Knock yourself out. Oh! Except tomorrow. Spike wants to see the bayside aquarium. Sounds fun.’

‘Totally!’ Spike cheers. ‘I hear they have samples of fish from all across Neighpon.’

‘Not samples, Spike,’ Inkie sighs. ‘They are examples of fish from across Neighpon. Samples sounds like they are dinner or something.’

‘Whatever. I just want to see what sharks they have.’ He goes back to his game. ‘Hey, do you think they have a kraken?’

Stormy and Inkie groan and facehoof. Lucas trots away, reading the guide.

‘Hm... A trip to the mountain does sound cool...’

‘Told you, you’d love Aokigahara,’ Stormy shoots back.

Stormy and Inkie trot from a train. Spike rides on Inkie’s back. The odd sight of a dragon riding a pony gets a lot of attention.

‘Thanks for doing this for me,’ Spike says, hugging Inkie’s neck.

‘No problem, Spike,’ Inkie replies. ‘You had a great idea. It would have been silly to ignore it.’

‘Plus, it really messes with Lucas when we don’t do what he wants,’ Stormy adds.

‘What do you have against him, anyway?’ Spike asks.

‘Well, to be honest, not that much. Back before I met Trixie, I really liked Rei. He was jealous of us spending a lot of time together. He was a total prick when we were stuck in the illusion, but I count most of that as stress. Then, he was a jerk when I started seeing Trixie afterwards, so I just mess with him to get under his skin.’

‘That’s not very nice.’

‘It gets worse,’ Inkie continues. ‘He has been giving me a stink eye since Rei and I confessed. He is just so jealous over nothing.’

‘I don’t know,’ Spike muses. ‘I get... Never mind.’

‘Spike, I know you have a crush on Rarity,’ Stormy states. ‘It isn’t that big of a secret.’

‘I didn’t...’

‘Of course, if you were to bribe me... Let’s just say I may know a few secrets of her own.’

‘Stormy, don’t extort Spike to sell out Rarity,’ Inkie groans.

The young stallion shrugs. ‘I learned from the best. Sweetie Belle stopped asking to help around the shop for a reason. Or did you think her parents really saw how bad her report card was?’

‘I thought you were tutoring her?’

Stormy grins. ‘Why do you think she has been helping more?’

‘She bribes Rarity to sign her report card, but she bribes you for good grades. What do you get from Rarity to keep the grades low?’

‘Why would I ever want somepony as dear to me as a little sister to get bad grades? That would be heartless.’

Inkie groans. ‘Yep. You are really learning a lot from her.’

The ponies trot in silence for a moment.

‘So....’ Spike begins, ‘What do you want for her secrets?’

‘Spike, don’t encourage him,’ Inkie scolds.

Stormy laughs as he leads them into the aquarium which partially extends under the bay.

Lucas drops the rest of his bento dinner in a bin as he trots onto a train. He has spent the afternoon travelling and is ready to get to his final destination. He nods towards several travellers who have been with him since Haydo. He sits in the nearest seat he can find. The other passengers find seats around the train. A pale yellow earth pony with a sky blue mane sits next to the unicorn. She looks at him with bright pink eyes and smiles. Lucas blushes bright red and smiles back. The train doors close, and the vehicle starts moving.

It is getting dark. The train ride is nearing the end of its journey. Lucas is sitting straight up as the young mare next to him sleeps with her head on his shoulder. He is doing everything not disturb her nap. He glances over at the young mare. She puckers her lips and whispers, ‘chu~’ in her sleep. Lucas squeaks and sits more rigidly.

Suddenly, the train lurches and the lights go out. There is a loud groan and the train jolts back down the mountain for a moment before the emergency brakes halt the movement. Lucas’ blush doubles as the mare beside him lands on top of him. The passengers look around in panic for a moment before the conductor makes his way through the car.

‘There seems to be a problem with the electrical system,’ the conductor says as he forces open one of the sets of doors. ‘The radios aren’t working either, so we are evacuating the train until we know it is safe. Please get to a safe distance from the train once you disembark.’

The conductor opens the last doors and moves to the next car. The passengers slowly disembark. Once off, they start forming up a few meters from the train. Lucas levitates his pack to himself and gets out his mobile.

‘Come on, Boss. Know something.’

Not getting a response, the unicorn sighs and sends James a text message instead. The other passengers mill about and wait for the conductor to give the all-clear. Lucas glances up from his mobile to see the yellow mare looking into the train. She puts her forelegs into the car and looks around. She hops into the car, as if looking for something.

The conductor trots to the passengers. He is talking on a portable radio. He sets the radio down and looks at the assembled ponies. ‘I just received word from our maintenance crews. It seems that the whole rail system is down. They will be sending an independently-powered tow vehicle to take the train to a safe location. Since it is only a short distance to the station, escorts will guide you there. We will help arrange your final destination once you arrive. If you need anything from the train, now is the time to get it. Otherwise, it will remain untouched until you reclaim it when the train is secure.’

The passengers grumble and go to the train to reclaim their items. Lucas sits and waits for everypony to regroup. He watches the train sway as the passengers climb on and off of it. Soon, the lights of the maintenance vehicle are seen. Most of the passengers disembark with their belongings when the vehicle arrives. The vehicle attaches to the train, revs its engines and start pulling. Lucas notices the yellow mare is not with the rest of the passengers. The maintenance vehicle gets up to full throttle, and the conductor releases the brakes to allow for towing. Unfortunately, the train is too heavy, and its inertia starts pulling the maintenance vehicle backwards.

Lucas looks around. ‘Unicorns! Help out!’

He gallops up to the train and uses his magic to help lift it, slightly reducing the load for the maintenance vehicle. Other unicorns get the idea and join in, lifting the train as much as they can. The train slowly starts moving forward. The yellow mare looks up from the car she was in. She screams in shock. Lucas notices her and motions for her jump. She cowers and shakes. The train lurches and the mare tumbles to the next car.

Lucas gallops to see her, still keeping his spell intact. ‘Come on! Jump!’

‘I-I can’t!’ the mare shouts back.

‘Don’t worry. I’ll catch you.’

‘But you’ll lose your magic.’

‘I can do two things at once. Trust me.’

The mare nods and stands. She goes to nearest door. She lines up a jump. Suddenly, the connection with the maintenance vehicle comes loose. The train violently jerks backwards, barely softened by the magic. The mare screams and falls through the train. She slides through the open cars toward the back of the train.

‘Son of a...’

Lucas gallops to keep in contact with the mare. The maintenance workers and conductor race to reattach the train. The mare nears the back of the train. Lucas charges a powerful spell on his horn.


The whole train is enveloped by a white light and starts hovering a few centimeters from the ground. The maintenance workers are able to reattach the train. Lucas reaches the end of the train right as the mare does. She slides out and lands on the unicorn.

‘Told you I’d...’

Lucas passes out from overexerting his magic.

Spike hides under his bed after returning to the hotel. Power was restored before the group returned, but the young dragon is still on edge from being caught in the blackout. Stormy sits with the scared dragon. The unicorn’s horn is bandaged.

‘Don’t worry. Everything will be fine,’ the stallion assures while operating his mobile.

‘We might have had a bit of a shock, but we did do a good thing,’ Inkie says while drying her mane.

‘What if we lose power again?’ Spike worries. ‘What is something really bad is about to happen? What if...’

‘Shh!’ Stormy hisses as he holds his mobile to his ear. ‘Hi. It’s me. … I am the only one here with your number. Anyway, I have somepony here that needs to talk with you.’

Stormy levitates the mobile down to Spike.

‘Hello? Twilight!’ the dragon cheers. ‘It is good to hear your voice. I was so worried something bad happened.’

‘Go on and tell her what you did today,’ Stormy encourages.

‘Right. So, uh, we went to an aquarium today...’

The next day. Lucas moans and holds his head as he trots through a hotel. The local doctor cleared him and gave some pain medicine, but he is still woozy from casting such a powerful spell. The rail company arranged rooms for passengers who did not have one, so Lucas is constantly greeted as a hero as he tries to make his way to get some rest. He finally reaches his room and unlocks the door when he is tapped on the shoulder. He turns to see the yellow mare.

‘Thanks for saving me.’

‘No problem. What were you doing on the train to begin with?’

The mare blushes and holds up a charm with a picture of Full Moon on it. ‘I practically worship her. I couldn’t part with it.’

Lucas laughs. ‘I understand. I think she is great, too.’

‘So... I wanted to thank you for being so brave...’

‘I think you already did.’

‘No. I mean thank you.’

The mare leans in and kisses Lucas. After a moment, she breaks the kiss, leaving the young stallion more than surprised. She steps into the room, running her tail across Lucas’ nose as she passes. She looks back and winks. Lucas gives a hopeful whimper and scurries into the room.

Lucas wakes the next morning alone in his bed. He looks around for the mare, but she is nowhere to be found. He sighs and lays back into his pillow. A note on a bedside table catches his eye.

‘Thank you again for saving me. Sorry for leaving without a goodbye, but the trains are working and I need to get back to work. I really hope to see you again. XOXO’

Lucas sighs at the note. A glint catches his eye. It is the Full Moon charm. Lucas smiles and attaches it to his mobile.

Inkie stares at a life-sized alicorn plushie standing outside of Applejack’s room.

‘It is like it is staring into my soul,’ the young mare comments.

The elevator arrives, and Lucas steps off. He sees his friend and trots over.

‘Whatcha doing?’

‘I am thinking of taking up idol worship,’ Inkie replies.

‘Oh, so you noticed my new charm,’ Lucas beams, holding up his mobile.

‘I meant this thing that Applejack brought back. It is so... entrancing.’

‘Oh. Dang. Anyway! I’m taking everypony out to dinner! My treat.’

The young stallion is instantly knocked over by a pair of unicorns.

‘We know the perfect place!’ Rarity and Stormy declare.

‘Uh... Okay. Just let me get cleaned up first...’

Lucas picks himself up and slips off to his room. Rarity and Stormy laugh at the hapless unicorn’s bargain.

‘Remind me to save my leftovers as an offering...’ Inkie muses.

Stormy and Rarity have Lucas take everypony to an upscale restaurant in a high-end district. Everypony has ordered, and Lucas has just seen all of the emergency money James gave him for the blackout go away.

‘I look forward to such a fine meal,’ Rarity beams.

‘I just ordered their most expensive item,’ Stormy says. ‘I have no idea what I am getting.’

Lucas groans and hits his head against the table.

‘If this is half as good as the inn, Ah’ll be impressed.’

‘So, um, what did everypony do during the blackout?’ Inkie asks.

‘We barely noticed it,’ Rarity replies.

‘Yeah. We jus’ stayed up and telled ghost stories.’

‘I still think I should have won,’ Rarity huffs.

‘Cloudchaser’s story really happened. Ya can’ beat that.’

The white unicorn snorts. ‘What about the lot of you?’

Lucas smirks. ‘I helped move a train and saved a lovely mare.’

‘Cool!’ Spike cheers.

‘That is very noble of you,’ Inkie agrees.

‘Yeah. Totally nothing like holding back an ocean,’ Stormy groans.

‘Excuse me?’ Applejack asks.

‘Well, uh, we are at the aquarium when it happened,’ Inkie explains. ‘Somehow, there was a crack in the the sea tunnel. Spike and I helped lead the evacuation while Stormy single-hoofedly held the glass in place until the repair team arrived.’

‘My word!’ Rarity gasps. ‘Stormy and Spikey-Wikey are heroes!’

‘Great on ya,’ Applejack congratulates.

‘Meh. It was nothing The Storm Chasers couldn’t handle.’ Stormy shrugs. ‘Starting to get used to having my horn crack under pressure.’

Lucas gapes across the table at the nonchalant unicorn. ‘Well, uh, I had sex!’

Everypony at the table and the surrounding ones in earshot look over or groan at the outburst.

‘Now, I wish I hadn’t ordered,’ Inkie groans.

‘Ya coulda kept that t’ yerself.’

Stormy shakes his head. ‘A gentleman does not say such things in polite company.’

‘Just for that, I will be sure to have a fabulous dessert. Ooo! And drinks!’ Rarity waves down a waiter. ‘Garçon!’

Lucas hangs his head. ‘I lifted a whole train, too...’

The next evening. Lucas, Stormy, Inkie and Rarity cheer the concert. Lucas is covered in AKB48 gear. Stormy is streaming the concert on his mobile.

‘Thank you so much for understanding about Spike’s generous gift,’ Rarity says between songs. ‘He insisted when I said I was interested.’

‘Too bad he really wanted to see the show, too,’ Lucas grumbles, ‘but I guess somepony didn’t want to give up his pass.’

‘If that was a shot at me, I also generously gave my pass away,’ Stormy replies.

‘You what?! That was a bucking waste...’

‘Not really. Spike seemed really excited to go.’

‘Wait. He was here?’

‘You didn’t see him peeking from backstage?’ Inkie asks.

‘I was certain they were going to use him in one of the songs,’ Rarity comments.

Lucas falls back and groans, ‘Can this get any worse?’

Backstage. Spike is sitting in a dressing room. Several members of the group are with him. He is a little nervous being surrounded by all of the attractive mares.

‘So, uh, what do you want to do?’

The mares look amongst themselves, grin, make kissy faces and lean in towards the young dragon.

Concluded in:

Tomodachi Sketch

Author's Note:

What is Fooly Cooly?

Adventure in Neighpon - Part 6

Story Timeline: Lucas gets lucky.

Number of Times Stormy Cracked his Horn: 4

Fun fact: This chapter was the first to start and second last to end based on how how many days it takes.

Fun Fact: Akihabara is really awesome. If you are a nerd of any sort, you will like it. And if you go to Toranoana, drop your knees and marvel at all of the doushinji. ... Also marvel at the SFW books too, but that didn't impress me as much.

Fun Fact: Train station bento make a great meal on a long train ride. I wish I could get bento here...

Sad fact: I doubt most non-J-pop fans had even heard of AKB48 until they did Sugar Rush for Wreck-It Ralph. Philistines!

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