• Published 25th Feb 2012
  • 4,908 Views, 568 Comments

The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

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RSI and the Mystery of Musical Expressionism

Main Characters: RSI, CMC, Rainbow Dash, Gilda
Cameos: Chrysalis/Full Moon, Fleur, We Flight Griffins
Original Start Date: May 12, 2013

Rainbow Dash steps off a train and stretches her legs and wings. She yawns as she takes in the platform. Ponies of all tribes trot past. Even several non-pony species trot past.

‘Boring!’ the pegasus comments. ‘This place ain’t got nothing on Manehattan. Best. City. Ever.’

‘Were you just talking about Haydo?’ Rei asks, exiting the train.

Stormy and Inkie follow their friend. Behind them, the Cutie Mark Crusaders gawk, taking everything in.

‘Uh, no,’ Rainbow snorts. ‘Manehattan is the coolest city ever. I should know. I’m from there.’

‘Coolest city? Manehattan? Haydo all the way,’ Rei argues.

‘Ya kidding? We have everything! Big parks, big monuments, great shopping. Everything.’

‘We have all of that in Akihabara alone. Haydo is way better. You’ve been there. You should know.’

The pegasi growl and continue arguing. Stormy and Inkie roll their eyes and watch the foals. It is their first time in Los Arion, and they marvel to see more ponies in the train station than live in their hometown.

‘Pretty neat, huh?’ Stormy asks. ‘It is been about a year since we were here last, right, Inkie?’

‘Not unless you count stopping on our way to and from Neighpon,’ his friend replies.

‘See! We got airships to LA!’ Rei shouts, pointing towards her friend.

‘We got them too! They even get here faster!’ Rainbow shouts back.

Stormy groans. ‘Once we get to the hotel, they should settle down.’ He scans the group. ‘Where’s Sweetie Belle?’

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo snap out of their stupor. They look around and shrug.

Stormy sighs. ‘Get our bags and meet me in the main terminal. I’ll get Sweetie, then we can go meet Apple Bloom’s cousin.’

Inkie nods and starts herding everypony together. Stormy trots off into the train station. He uses his height to try to spot Sweetie Belle. He makes his way past many platforms before he spots her watching a train arriving from the Crystal Empire.

Stormy taps Sweetie on the back. ‘Come on. We have to meet your friend and get to our hotel.’

‘But I want to see the crystal ponies,’ the filly whines.

‘They probably won’t be crystal this far from the empire. They’ll look like regular earth ponies.’

‘They were crystal at Twilight’s coronation.’

The young stallion shakes his head. ‘You don’t want to miss spending time with your friends, do you?’

‘But Stormy, I want to see the...’

Sweetie stops when she notices something. She trots away, her gaze fixed and mouth slightly ajar. She stares up at a tall, black horse with leathery wings. The thestral checks her mobile before putting it back in a saddlebag. She notices the small unicorn.


‘Are you a thestral?’ Sweetie asks.

The thestral sighs. ‘Yes... I’m here on business, and no, I don’t eat flesh. That is just a myth.’

‘Sorry about her,’ Stormy apologizes, levitating Sweetie to his back. ‘This is her first time in LA, and she is a little overwhelmed by everything.’

The thestral smiles. ‘I understand. The city can be impressive if you are not used to it.’ She digs in her saddlebag and brings out a flower. ‘I represent some growers trying to expand our business to sellers in LA. Here is a free sample for the lovely filly.’

The thestral places the flower in Sweetie’s mane. The filly blushes and mumbles thanks. The thestral laughs and goes about her business. Stormy trots back to the main terminal. His group is waiting for them. Rei and Rainbow’s argument has devolved to hovering over Inkie and making faces at each other. Stormy levitates Sweetie to the ground. He exchanges looks with Inkie. The teens sigh and begin looking for the Manehattan platform.

Across the city, an airship is landing at the airport. A tall white unicorn waits in a carriage and fiddles with her mobile while the ship lands. A red pegasus in royal guard armor stands by the carriage. Once the airship has landed, a white pegasus wearing a simple cape quickly exits and darts towards the carriage. The guard opens the door and follows her in. The unicorn taps on the floor and the carriage starts moving.

‘I have arranged for your luggage to be taken straight to our suite,’ Fleur says, putting away her mobile. ‘Did you have a nice trip?’

‘Hard maintaining secrecy on this one,’ Full Moon replies. ‘It is nice having a low profile for once.’

‘It is not what you experienced last time in terms of pomp, but the Philharmonica School for the Performing Arts is handling all your security. You are more safe than during your last visit, Chrysalis.’

Chrysalis drops her disguise. ‘I noticed. Though only one royal guard this time?’ She looks at the guard. ‘You can drop the disguise when we are in private, too.’

The pegasus changes to a changeling with a dark red chitin. ‘Yes, my queen.’

‘Got him special from Shining Armor’s personal unit,’ Fleur says. ‘I figured you would like the personalized service.’

‘It will do.’ Chrysalis leans back. ‘So, what is this event you have recruited me for?’

‘Since we moved all our former organization’s operations to the school, we have been low on talent. Several of our former members have begun their own local vigilante work with our backing, but that leaves the core with fewer operatives in the field. Octavia and Silver do what they can, and we are speeding up the training of current recruits.’

Chrysalis yawns.

Fleur takes a deep breath. ‘With the new shift in our cover strategy, we are focusing our recruitment efforts on singers, actors, models and artists. Ones with grace in the public spotlight and behind a blade.’

‘Sorry. I’m a queen. Not interested.’

‘Which is why we invited you to help judge this music competition. Your keen eye as a changeling and your skill as a singer would be a great help finding potential recruits.’

Chrysalis scratches her ear. ‘Sounds fine, I guess. At least I get a vacation and get to sneak into Equestria again.’ She grins. ‘Just imagine Celestia’s face when she finds out I am here.’

Fleur huffs. ‘This is serious business. We are talking about defending the world here.’

‘Right. Saving the world with music. Like that would ever happen.’

Fleur shakes her head and gets out her mobile again as they ride through town.

After dinner, Rei’s group rests in their suite before their big day. Stormy and Inkie try to watch television while Rei and Rainbow Dash keep bickering. The Cutie Mark Crusaders stand at windows and marvel at the city below them. Babs Seed watches her friends and laughs.

‘This is amazin’,’ Apple Bloom gawks. ‘Ah ain’t never seen nothin’ like it.’

‘Ya should visit me for a change,’ Babs replies. ‘Ya can see the whole city from my sis’ apartment.’

‘That mus’ be the best.’

Babs shrugs. ‘Ya get used to it.’

‘This must be what Cloudsdale is like,’ Scootaloo sighs.

‘Not quite, squirt,’ Dash laughs. ‘First of all, the ground is a lot further away than twenty stories up.’

‘You have to take me some day.’

‘I promise.’

‘Meh!’ Rei snorts. ‘No city can ever compare to Haydo. Where else can you find takoyaki in a vending machine at four in the morning?’

‘And throw up vending machine takoyaki at five in the morning,’ Stormy groans.

‘Totally worth it,’ the pegasus retorts.

‘So yer from Heydo, Miss Rei?’ Babs asks.

‘I grew up in Haydo, but I was born in Canterlot.’

‘Why’d yer family go to Haydo?’

Rei frowns. ‘It was just me... I didn’t have a family until I came to Ponyville...’

Dash sighs. ‘I know what you mean. Before my mom and I moved to Cloudsdale, it was just us in a tiny room. Then I got the most loving dad and went to the coolest flight schools and met Shy. It was awesome.’

‘Where were you from before, Rainbow Dash?’ Scootaloo asks.

The older pegasus smiles. ‘I was from Manehattan.’

Babs’ eyes go wide. ‘No way! What part?’

Dash looks away. ‘I... don’t really know. I was a lot younger than all of you when we moved.’ She thinks. ‘Ya know. I don’t even remember the trip. It should have taken days, but it feels like it was over in an instant.’

‘Maybe my daddy took you in his ship,’ Rei guesses.

The older pegasus laughs. ‘Your father has better things to do than look after me when I was a filly.’

Rei blinks then looks away without saying anything. There is a ‘thunk’ from the window. Sweetie yawns as she pushes back from the glass.

‘I’m fine,’ the filly yawns.

‘She has a point,’ Dash says. ‘We’ve had a long day, and you should get some rest before your big day tomorrow.’ She looks around. ‘So, uh. How do we do this?’

‘Four rooms. Two to a room,’ Stormy replies, standing.

‘Ooo! I want to sleep with Stormy!’ Sweetie cheers.

‘Please don’t say it like that,’ the young stallion groans as he trots to a room with his little sister latched around his neck.

‘Me and Inkie will stay together,’ Rei says. ‘We are almost, barely, practically, sorta pre-engaged.’

Inkie giggles and follows Rei to a room.

Babs turns to Apple Bloom. ‘What d’ ya say cuz?’

Apple Bloom back away from the window. ‘Uh, duh? Ya are mah favorite cousin, after all.’

The cousins laugh as they go to a room.

‘Guess that leaves you and me, Rainbow Dash.’ Scootaloo smiles from a doorway.

‘Heck, yeah. I get the coolest roommate.’ Dash ruffles Scootaloo’s mane. ‘Plus, I sorta promised your mom I’d look after ya.’

Rainbow Dash hits a light switch and closes the door to their room.

Fleur trots into a bedroom levitating her mobile in front of her. ‘Chrysalis, are you almost ready? It is nearly time to go.’

A loud snore comes from the bed. The unicorn sighs at the queen of the changelings splayed out on the bed before her. The guard stops Fleur at the door.

‘The queen requires her sleep in order to adapt to the different time zone.’

‘Well, we were going to get Ponybucks. My treat, of course, since she is our special guest. But I guess sleep is somehow more important.’

The guard looks back. ‘She was insistent.’ His stomach growls. ‘Quite insistent.’

‘Fine. You can join me. I was going to get food for you as well. She can find her own way to the convention center.’

Fleur turns to leave, but she is caught in a green aura. She is dragged to the bed. Chrysalis lifts one of the unicorn’s hooves and licks it.

‘Mmm. That’s the stuff,’ Chrysalis moans, standing. She transforms into Full Moon. ‘Just needed something charge my batteries.’ She licks her lips. ‘And judging by the potency, you must like him a lot.’

Fleur turns bright red. ‘That is none of your business!’

Full Moon laughs and licks her lips again. ‘So, somepony mentioned Ponybucks?’

RSI and the CMC are gathered in a large hall. The groups are in line to register for an event. Rainbow Dash keeps the fillies in line as they marvel at the different tribes and beings around them. Both groups are in the same line despite there being two sections, one for foals, the other for adults.

Stormy sighs and sips a cup of coffee. ‘I take it our fearless leader has some sort of plan, given that we’re in the wrong line.’

Rei laughs. ‘Trust me, Stormy-kun. Auntie Rei-chan has it all taken care of.’

The stallion drinks his coffee. ‘Why do I get a bad feeling about this?’

Over at the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Rainbow Dash drags Sweetie back before the filly can follow a group of deer away. Scootaloo flits around her friends as she watches the crowd.

‘I’m not so sure of this, cuz,’ Babs worries. ‘I ain’t that good at singin’, ya know?’

‘Don’ worry,’ Apple Bloom assures. ‘We got Sweetie Belle on our side. She’s an amazin’ singer. We’ll do fine.’

‘Me?’ Sweetie squeaks. ‘But I don’t like singing in front of large crowds...’

‘Don’ worry. It’ll be dark so ya can’ see everypony watchin’ ya. We’ll be there fer support too.’

Dash pats Sweetie on the back. ‘Yeah. I’m here for you, too. I wouldn’t let anything bad happen to Rarity’s little sis.’

Sweetie moans and kicks the ground. Rei leads her friends to the registration desk. The unicorn receptionist sighs when she sees the group.

‘Aren’t you a little old for the foal’s competition?’

‘The rules say that if the lead singer is a foal, you can enter the foal’s competition,’ Rei replies with a smile. ‘I’m the lead singer.’

‘Really? You don’t seem to be young enough...’

Rei starts tearing up. ‘B-b-but, I am young enough.’ She grabs Stormy around the neck. ‘Stormy! She’s being mean to me!’

Stormy groans and pets his friend’s head. Inkie covers a giggle.

The receptionist sighs. ‘Let me take your information.’

Dash laughs as her friends sign up for the competition. She looks around and starts watching the other line. Another group catches her eye.

‘Scoots, make sure everypony stays here,’ the older pegasus says.

Scootaloo nods as her mentor leaves the line. Dash crosses the hall right as the group leaves the registration counter.

‘Right, now that we’re signed up, head back to the hotel and get our instruments,’ a black-feathered griffin says with an Eaglish accent. ‘It’ll be a couple hours until showtime, but there is no problem getting ready blow their feathers off early.’

‘Right,’ the rest of the group agrees.

‘Gilda?’ Dash asks.

One of the griffins turns around. She instantly groans and rolls her eyes.

‘What do you want, Rainbow Dash?’ Gilda snorts. ‘Come to humiliate me again?’

‘What? No. I’m here with some friends.’ She nods back at the group.

Sweetie is yelling at Rei for hanging off of Stormy. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo sign the CMC up for the competition. Inkie and Babs sigh and watch their friends.

‘So you’ve moved up from dweeb to foalsitter,’ Gilda scoffs.

‘Don’t be like that, G,’ Dash moans. She smiles. ‘I didn’t know you were here. I hope we can catch up. I can’t wait to see you play. I remember you playing your guitar and singing back at flight school.’

‘You used to play?’ the black griffin asks. He looks at Dash. ‘We know she can sing since she’s lead vocals.’

Gilda blushes. ‘Well, uh...’

‘Hell, yeah! She can play!’ Dash cheers. ‘We used stay up all night singing Eagles songs together.’

‘What? No!’ Gilda dodges. ‘I wasn’t into...’

‘Sweet,’ the black griffin replies. ‘I got into music because of them.’ He laughs and looks at Gilda. ‘Ya shoulda said something earlier. We knew you were cool, but we didn’t know we had the same taste in music.’

Gilda is surprised. ‘You don’t think they’re lame?’

‘I’m a huge fan of Wings,’ a red-feathered griffin says.

‘I learned drums from Rock Band,’ a tan-feathered griffin adds.

‘Dudes..!’ Gilda is shocked.

‘You don’t play drums for the band, Toki,’ the black griffin argues.

‘Well, no,’ Toki hems, ‘but I learned how to play them that way.’ He mimes playing drums. ‘Red, red, yellow, green, red, blue. See how easy that is?’

‘That’s not how drums work,’ the red griffin moans.

‘Right. And amps really go up to eleven.’

The griffins start squabbling.

‘Guys! Focus!’ Gilda snaps.

‘Right! We have to get our gear,’ the red griffin remembers.

The group turns to leave. Gilda sighs and follows.

‘Wait!’ Dash calls. ‘What is your band name? I will totally cheer my lungs out for you.’

The group stops and looks back.

The black griffin turns to Dash. ‘We’re We Flight Griffins,’ he introduces.

Gilda facetalons and mumbles to herself, ‘We so need a better name.’

‘I’m St Hubbins,’ St Hubbins continues. He points to the red griffin. ‘There’s Nigel’ -- he points to the tan griffin -- ‘and Toki.’

‘Hello,’ Toki greets.

‘Hi!’ Rei replies from beside Dash. She looks down. ‘We’re all signed up. Ready for lunch?’

Dash looks up and nods. She turns the the band. ‘I can’t wait to see you rock. I bet you kick a lot of flank.’

The band throws the horns before leaving to get their gear.

Rei waves. ‘They seemed nice. … Time for food!’

Dash laughs, and the pegasi rejoin their friends.

After lunch, RSI and CMC wait backstage for their turn to perform. The four fillies try to get over their stage fright. Stormy sighs as he flashes his badge showing he is in the right competition to the current round of organizers. Rei stands by curtain watching the show.

Inkie taps her fillyfriend on the shoulder. ‘Okay. I don’t get it. Why are we in the foals competition? You normally hate being judged by your size.’

Rei grins. ‘How many songs have we written?’



‘I still don’t get it.’

Stormy sighs. ‘In the foal’s competition, they don’t need to sing original songs.’

Rei cackles.

Inkie facehoofs. ‘So you plan on cheating?’ She groans, ‘This is the mare I love, everypony.’

‘It gets better,’ Rei adds. ‘I spotted who the judges are. I hope you all brushed up on your Full Moon.’

‘The girls shoulda brought Del...’ Stormy sighs.

‘Well, that would have been cheating,’ Rei argues.

Inkie facehoofs.

‘Really?’ Stormy replies.

‘I mean, she is as good a singer as her sister. Who do you think I practiced with?’

The stallion smirks. ‘I hear you and Inkie make great music together.’

‘PERVERT!’ Inkie shouts, slapping her friend.

‘Worth it,’ Stormy cackles as he rubs his sore jaw.

An organizer trots past. ‘RSI, you’re up next. Just tell the judge when you’re ready for your music.’

Rei nods enthusiastically. Inkie glares at Stormy as she takes her place beside her fillyfriend. The foals on stage finish their song and trot backstage. A couple of them look shaken at having to perform in public. The organizer nods. Rei leads her friends onstage. The concert hall is half-empty, with mostly parents waiting to see their foals perform.

‘Minna-san suki da!’ Rei blows a kiss.

‘Rei?!’ Fleur exclaims.

The pegasus smiles and waves at the judges. ‘Konnichiwa Full Moon-san, Fleur-san!’

‘You’re disqualified,’ the unicorn sighs.

‘What! That is is absurd!’ Full Moon exclaims.

‘You and I both know she is too old to take part in the the foal’s competition.’ Fleur turns back to the stage. ‘You don’t have any songs of your own, do you?’

Rei sways cutely. ‘Well... My real name is Full Moon so technically I have five albums last time I checked.’

The unicorn facehoofs. ‘Get off the stage, Rei.’

‘Boo! Discrimination against Full Moons!’ Full Moon jeers.

Rei sighs and trots back. ‘Well, I tried.’

Inkie follows her friend. Stormy turns and is about to trot away.

‘Stormy, wait,’ Fleur calls. ‘See me after the show. I have a proposal.’

The stallion sighs. ‘I have a fillyfriend.’

‘It is not that. I just want to ask you something related to the wardrobe department.’

Full Moon snickers, exposing her fangs. ‘Like how to get out of your wardrobe?’

Stormy glares at the idol. ‘Don’t you have a Celestia to pester?’

The pegasus keeps giggling. Stormy sighs and continues backstage. The Cutie Mark Crusaders take the stage. Scootaloo stands in front, flanked by Apple Bloom and Babs. Sweetie tries hiding in the back.

Fleur smiles. ‘Whenever you’re ready, sweeties.’

Scootaloo turns to the others and gets nods. The fillies take their mics. Music starts playing behind them.

‘Look, here, are three, er, four little ponies,’ Scootaloo starts with Sweetie Belle harmonizing.

Ready to sing for this crowd,

Listen up, 'cause here's our story.

I'm gonna sing it.

All the fillies join. ‘Very loud!!!!!!!’

‘STOP!’ Full Moon shouts. ‘You are worse than a changeling getting his throat scratched out by one of those delicious cat things.’ She looks around nervously. ‘Not that I know what that is like.’

Fleur looks at the sad fillies curiously. ‘Before you go, can you each sing for me? Just the first line of your song is enough.’

Scootaloo smiles and takes her mic.

‘Not you,’ the unicorn interrupts. She smiles at Apple Bloom. ‘Go ahead.’

Apple Bloom clears her throat. ‘Look, here, are four little ponies.’


Babs takes the mic. ‘Look, here, are four little ponies.’


Sweetie looks down as she goes forward, embarrassed to be seen. She looks offstage. Stormy smiles at his younger sister. The younger unicorn returns the smile.

Look, here, are four little ponies

Ready to sing for this crowd,

Listen up, 'cause here's our story.

I'm gonna sing it...

‘Thank you,’ Fleur interrupts. ‘What is your name, dearie?’

‘Sweetie Belle,’ the filly mumbles.

‘Would you and your guardian mind speaking with me?’

Sweetie looks offstage. Stormy trots out.

‘When do you have in mind?’ the stallion asks.

Fleur stands and looks around. ‘Attention! We are taking a short recess so I may speak with this contestant. We’ll meet back in ten minutes.’

Fleur climbs on stage and escorts the other unicorns to the back.

Rei motions to the other Cutie Mark Crusaders. ‘Come on! Let’s get some more In-N-Out while they’re distracted.’

The fillies follow their guardian away.

‘Get me at least three Double-Doubles!’ Full Moon calls. ‘And all the fries you can carry!’

Rei pops back. ‘How did you know what I was getting?’

Full Moon smiles. ‘Because Full Moons think alike.’

The pegasi giggle and go on their breaks.

Fleur closes a dressing room door behind her guests. Sweetie nervously hides behind Stormy. The stallion watches Fleur carefully.

Fleur smiles and sits so she can see Sweetie. ‘I regret to inform you, but your group won’t make it to the next round.’

Sweetie nods.

‘Tell us something we don’t know,’ Stormy huffs.

‘Sweetie Belle has a lot of natural talent. I want to switch her to the solo competition.’

‘Solo?’ Sweetie asks. ‘But I don’t like performing on my own...’

‘I was scared too, my first time modelling,’ Fleur shares. ‘I was so nervous that I fell right off the stage. I thought my dreams were over. Do you know what happened?’

Sweetie shakes her head.

‘The designer I was working for came out, helped me up, put one of her newer designs on me and sent me back out there.’ She laughs. ‘I learned if you have somepony who believes in you, like she did with me and I do with you, that you can get through any embarrassment.’

The filly kicks at the ground a bit. ‘Will I still get to see my friends before the show?’

‘Of course! Whatever makes you most comfortable.’ Fleur looks around. ‘It might be cheating a bit, but I would definitely be pulling for you to win.’

‘This doesn’t have anything to do with your school, does it?’ Stormy asks. ‘You are the sponsors of the event, and the prizes are contracts for the adults and scholarships for the foals.’

‘I do see Sweetie’s potential to excel at our school.’

‘Excel at the singing or excel at the extracurricular part?’

‘What extracurricular part?’

‘I helped Octavia get the school you work for. I know what you do for extracurricular activities.’

Fleur turns her nose up. ‘I think that should be up to Sweetie Belle to decide for herself.’

The two adults look at the filly.

Sweetie kicks at the ground a bit. ‘Well, uh, you do have a nice school...’ She looks up at Stormy. ‘I got to see it that time we all helped in Canterlot.’

‘We can talk about it when we get home,’ Stormy replies. ‘Right now, you have to decide if you want to compete in the solo competition.’

Sweetie thinks for a moment, staring at the ground again. She looks up at the two adults, smiles and nods.

‘Excellent!’ Fleur cheers. ‘I’ll make the arrangements right away.’

Fleur giggles and gallops away to sign Sweetie up. Stormy escorts the filly from the room.

‘Are you sure about this?’ the stallion asks.

Sweetie nods. ‘Y-yes. I know how much you and my friends like my singing. M-maybe somepony else might too.’

Stormy laughs. ‘I am sure everypony will love to hear you sing. Now, let’s find the others and tell them the good news. I bet they’ll be really excited.’

Sweetie giggles and brushes against Stormy as they trot away together.

The audience is out in force for the adult competition. Thousands of fans cheer or boo the performances. Fleur and Full Moon make notes on the performances for the first round of cuts. The organizers set up for the next band. A female, grey griffin with white feathers sets up drums and a keyboard. With the equipment set up, the rest of the band comes on stage and go to their instruments. St Hubbins, Nigel and Toki start playing the song. The grey griffin joins in after a moment.

Gilda takes the mic. ‘Thank you. We are We Flight Griffins. This is “Winter”.’ She waits for her cue and starts singing.

I once saw you running from them what did they do to you

They turned you into a fool, but you are nobody's fool

They took something special from you, something you would not release

Shed your tears and let them freeze, shed your tears and let them freeze.

They don't know you like I know you all those ponies are the same

I swear I won't go away, I swear I won't go away

We Flight Griffins run backstage as the audience cheers for them. They resist turning back and going out again. Toki keeps looking back.

‘Holy smokes!’ the griffin gapes. ‘They loved us.’

‘I knew they would love us even if we played a slow song,’ St Hubbins laughs.

The grey griffin ruffles Gilda’s feathers, getting the singer to blush. ‘You were great out there. I’m so proud.’

‘That was amazing!’ a new voice cheers.

The griffins look over to see Rainbow Dash trotting up. Gilda looks away. The other female griffin glares at the new arrival.

‘Thanks a lot, Rainbow Dash,’ St Hubbins replies, extending a talon.

Dash shakes the talons of the rest of the band.

Gilda shakes Dash’s hoof last. ‘I thought your groups were disqualified.’

‘One of the fillies got into the solo competition.’ The pegasus smirks. ‘She is going to blow them out of the sky. Just like you guys did out there.’

‘That’s not even the start of it,’ Nigel laughs.

‘Hey, how about I take ya to dinner to celebrate?’ Dash offers. ‘I know some places that are still open this late. It might be a bit of a fly, but I’m sure they’re worth it.’

‘Thank you, Miss Dash,’ Nigel replies. ‘That’ll be great.’

‘Give us a moment to get ready,’ St Hubbins adds.

Dash nods. ‘Take your time.’

The griffins head to their dressing room. Dash stops the grey griffin.

‘Hey, I’m Rainbow Dash,’ the pegasus introduces. ‘I must have missed you earlier.’

The grey griffin groans. She takes Dash’s hoof again. ‘I’m Gem. Nice to finally meet you.’

‘Do I...?’

‘I’m Gilda’s big sister. She’s told me all about you.’ She looks the pony over. ‘I heard you were Loyalty. You really didn’t show that trait when you last saw her.’

Dash cringes. ‘Oh, uh, I’m really sorry about what happened at the party.’

Gem shakes her head. ‘Don’t tell me that.’ She sighs. ‘Though, you do seem sincere about seeing her again. I hope you have grown into the role.’

‘She’s my friend. We may have had a fight, but she is still my friend. It is just coincidence that she sings with a kick-flank band too.’

Gem laughs. ‘Meet us out front in five minutes. And I hope you brought your wallet. We can eat a lot after a show.’

The griffin keeps laughing to herself as she heads to the dressing room. Dash smiles and goes to wait for her new friends.

Rainbow Dash and We Flight Griffins have a table all to themselves at a Coltifornian cuisine restaurant. The large group laughs and shares stories late into the night. They order another round of drinks.

‘So, Dash, what brings you to LA?’ Nigel asks. ‘Don’t see your name on the rosters.’

Dash laughs. ‘Nah, I ain’t here to sing. I came with some of my friends’ little sisters.’ She takes a drink brought to her. ‘My friends were busy, and I wanted to see the city. I lucked out when Sweetie made it. I get to hang out more.’ She drinks. ‘Totally worth it if I can see you guys perform again.’

‘Glad we have a fan,’ St Hubbins replies.

Nigel raises his drink. ‘Here’s to more to come.’

The band cheers and drinks. Toki falls over after finishing his drink.

‘Looks like he hit his limit,’ Nigel notes. ‘Let’s get him back.’

The males rise and pick up their rhythm guitarist. Gilda get up too.

‘Where you going, G?’ St Hubbins asks.

‘Yeah. Stay,’ Nigel encourages. ‘Catch up with your friend.’

Gilda sighs and sits. The males wave as they carry their friend away. The females sit and sip their drinks silently.

Gem clears her throat. ‘So, Dash, what have ya been up to? Besides foalsitting.’

Dash smiles. ‘Been training for the Wonderbolts.’

Gilda groans. ‘So, same as when I last saw you?’

The pegasus smirks. ‘Training because I got in.’

Gilda spits out her drink. ‘No freaking way!’

‘Just a provisional recruit right now. Still have to go through basic this summer, but I was top of my class at the Wonderbolts Academy.’

‘That’s pretty impressive,’ Gem comments.

‘Yeah... It is pretty boss,’ Dash sighs. ‘That’s why I want to get Scoots as prepped as I can. I want her flying up there with me someday too.’

‘Fillyfriend?’ Gem asks.

Dash frowns. ‘She is a filly and a friend. I’m like her mentor, ‘kay?’

‘Sorry. Didn’t mean to hit a nerve.’

Gilda takes a long drink. ‘What about the others?’

‘My friends are doing fine.’ Dash smiles. ‘I’m sure they’ll give you a second chance if you come back. I mean, we’re friends with Trixie and Discord now.’ She looks away. ‘And we let that monster into the League...’

Gilda fumbles with her drink. ‘They’d really let me back?’

‘Probably. And if they didn’t, they’d have to answer to me.’

Gem laughs as she drinks. Gilda finishes her drink and yawns.

‘That seems like a cue to me,’ Gem says. ‘We should get some rest if we are going to bring the house down again.’

The females get up and head to the door. Dash stops to pay the bill.

Gilda taps the pegasus on the back. ‘Dash... It is great seeing you again.’

‘Always great seeing you, G,’ Dash replies. ‘Can’t wait to see you tomorrow too.’

The griffin smiles, joins her sister and flies away.

Fleur yawns as she sits at the judge’s booth. She and Full Moon are up early again to judge another round of foal groups before the foal solos. The disguised changeling guard forces back the helicopter parents complaining about their foals’ scores while Fleur goes over the roster.

‘Well, are you ready to do this?’

‘Yep!’ a chipper voice replies.

The unicorn looks over to see Rei smiling at her. She groans, ‘Where is she?’

‘What do you mean?’ Rei asks. ‘The placard says the judges are “Fleur” and “Full Moon”. I’m Full Moon.’ The pegasus smiles.

Fleur groans and turns to the guard. ‘Where is she?’

‘She just wanted some time to sleep in,’ Rei answers. ‘Full Moons like sleepi-’

The young mare falls asleep where she sits.

‘Get her,’ Fleur tells the guard. Rei snores behind her. ‘Now!’

Rei falls over and hugs Fleur, rubbing her head on the unicorn’s chest fluff.


Stormy waits in a dressing room. He helping Sweetie Belle get ready for her performance later. He even had Rarity send some dresses for her sister to wear. The door opens. Rainbow Dash and Inkie show the Cutie Mark Crusaders inside.

‘Sorry we’re late,’ Dash apologizes. ‘We were having a little too much fun playing tourist.’

‘Did you see lots of fun things?’

‘We saw a ton of great things!’ Sweetie replies. ‘We went to parks and museums and saw all sorts of ponies!’

Babs shrugs. ‘The ones in Manehattan are better.’

‘And Scootaloo fell int’ the dark muck,’ Apple Bloom grumbles.

Scootaloo blinks under a coating of tar. ‘Don’t act too surprised.’

Stormy laughs. ‘As long as you get cleaned up before... Scootaloo! Don’t touch that!’

The filly retracts a tar-soaked hoof before she touches one of Sweetie’s dresses.

Inkie carefully pulls Scootaloo away. ‘Let’s get you cleaned up before the show.’

‘Hey, uh, have the other bands arrived yet?’ Dash asks.

‘I think I saw your friends in the halls earlier,’ Stormy replies.

‘Sweet! I’ll be back before you perform!’

Rainbow dashes away to find her friends. Stormy laughs and levitates Sweetie in front of a mirror. He starts brushing her mane.

‘What are you four planning on doing tomorrow?’ the young stallion asks.

‘I don’t know...’ Sweetie hems. ‘Depends on how I do tonight, I guess.’

‘I think you should go to the beach,’ Stormy suggests. ‘I know Rei wants to go. I’ll be free too, so we can go together.’

Sweetie blushes. ‘That sounds fun.’

‘Did ya get enough dresses?’ Babs asks, going through a packed wardrobe.

‘Just wanted to make sure we had something appropriate for whatever Sweetie wanted to sing tonight,’ Stormy replies.

‘You haven’t picked my song?!’ the young unicorn panics.

‘I thought that should be up to you. I’ll tell Fleur to prepare whatever you are feeling up to singing.’

Sweetie moans as Stormy goes on to cleaning his sister’s coat.

‘Come on, Sweetie,’ Apple Bloom encourages. ‘Ya can sing whatever ya want.’

‘I know... I’m just not comfortable singing in front of others.’

‘Yer fine at the Sisterhooves Social, and a lot o’ that ya have t’ do on yer own and in public.’

‘I guess...’

‘Hey! How about we pick a song for ya?’ Babs offers.

‘Sweetie would need time to practice if it isn’t one she know already,’ Stormy point out, fluffing Sweetie’s tail.

‘I-I think I know one I can do,’ Sweetie says. ‘I-it is one I heard Rarity singing a few times.’

Stormy smiles. ‘I think I know which one you mean.’ He gets up. ‘I’ll tell Fleur. You two pick something nice for Sweetie to wear.’

The young stallion heads out while the fillies go to the dresses. Sweetie smiles into the mirror and hums a tune to herself

Sweetie Belle nervously trots on stage in the dress Babs and Apple Bloom picked out. Her friends sit in the front row and cheer for her. Fleur claps as the filly trots up to the mic on shaky hooves.

‘Whenever you’re ready, dear,’ the model encourages.

Sweetie nods and levitates the mic.

I'll be the toast of the town, the girl on the go

I'm the type of pony every pony, every pony should know

I'll be the one to watch, the girl in the flow

I'm the type of pony every pony, every pony should know

Sweetie gallops offstage into a hug from Stormy.

‘You were wonderful,’ the older unicorn compliments.

‘Y-you didn’t hear when I messed up?’ Sweetie worries.

‘If I didn’t catch it, then nopony did,’ another voice replies.

Sweetie squeaks and hides as Full Moon trots up.

The idol holds out a headset. ‘Here. This will make tomorrow’s performance easier.’

Stormy looks towards the stage again. ‘Aren’t you judging the show?’

Full Moon smiles, exposing a fang. ‘I am. Can’t a girl be in two places at once?’

‘No,’ Stormy replies flatly.

‘Hmpf!’ the idol snorts. ‘Either way, I can assure you that you are in the finals, little one.’ She smiles again. ‘Perhaps we will perform together in the future.’

Full Moon slips away into the shadows. Stormy looks down at Sweetie. The filly smiles as she stares at the headset. She puts on the equipment and looks up at her brother. He smiles and laughs. They hear a cheer. Sweetie’s friends gallop up and hug her.

We Flight Griffins come on stage to loud cheers. They wave to the fans as they ready their instruments. St Hubbins adjusts some settings on his guitar before taking a mic.

‘Thank you!’ the rocker greets. ‘Tonight’s performance is dedicated to Nightmare Moon!’

The ponies in the audience murmur angrily. Full Moon laughs and looks back at a facehoofing dark blue pegasus behind her.

‘Dude!’ Gilda hisses. ‘Not cool!’

‘Sorry! I meant, tonight’s show is dedicated to Luna. We salute you, our Dark Lord of the Night!’

St Hubbins and Nigel throw the horns. A large number of audience members, including ponies, cheer as well. The dark blue pegasus mutters and swears.

Full Moon leans back. ‘Hey, at least you get a song. Who would ever make a song about me?’

Once the audience calms down, the band starts rocking their song.

Rainbow Dash and the band celebrate another night of victory. The restaurant they are at is filled with the cheers and laughter of the celebrators. They raise their drinks and drink deep.

‘Wooo! Nothing beats partying on somepony else’s dime!’ Nigel cheers.

‘Don’t worry about it.’ Rainbow Dash slips Toki’s money pouch into her pocket. ‘I picked up a bit from Daring Do.’

Gem laughs. ‘Ha! I’d like a piece of that, too. Those books must be worth a fortune.’

Dash looks around. ‘Uh, yeah. That too.’

St Hubbins sets down his drink. ‘So, G, are we using your song in the finals tomorrow?’

Gilda blushes. ‘It-it is not ready yet.’

‘Come on, G!’ Nigel encourages. ‘You’ve been working on it since we met.’

‘You wrote a song, G?’ Dash asks.

The griffin turns redder and hides behind her drink.

‘Yeah, little sis is a great songstress,’ Gem brags. ‘It is a pretty awesome piece.’ She slaps Gilda on the back. ‘I bet Dash would love to hear it.’

Gilda shakes her head and tries to get up. The others force her down.

‘Come on, guys. If she doesn’t wanna, don’t force her,’ Dash says.

The other griffins sigh and back off.

‘Thanks, Dash,’ Gilda mumbles.

‘No prob,’ Dash replies. ‘Now, let’s get back to partying!’

The griffins cheer as the pegasus gets out Toki’s money pouch to pay for the drinks.

Full Moon’s guard clears away the crowds so the idol can make it to the judge’s table. Over-concerned parents and overzealous bands complain about their treatment or beg favor for the final rounds. The pegasus calmly sips her coffee as she takes her seat. Fleur goes over her notes for the final rounds.

‘Sorry I’m late,’ Full Moon apologizes. ‘I was really tired and had trouble getting my disguise on.’

‘At least you made it on time,’ Fleur grumbles. ‘I’m getting really tired of you trying to sneak off all the time. I am afraid you will get found out and blow our whole deal.’

‘Don’t worry,’ the pegasus groans. ‘It is not like I am going to pose as Cadence again just to get a good deal on shoes or something.’

Fleur sets a newspaper in front of the other mare. It has a picture of Cadence out shopping on the front page.

‘That wasn’t me. I swear,’ Full Moon defends.

The tall unicorn glares at the shorter pegasus. The idol sweats under the scrutiny.

Fleur turns to the guard. ‘Find her and bring her to me.’ She turns back to her duties. ‘Your dye runs when you are scared, Miss Silver Fox. Mind explaining yourself?’

‘Well, uh, we did some stuff together, and well, it was a great excuse to break out of my probation in Canterlot... It was her idea! She needed a pegasus who could pull off the part, and Rei is too short!’

Fleur sighs. ‘Say that again, but louder. A little electroshock would be punishment enough for you.’ She takes a deep breath and lets out a small growl. ‘As long as you are here, you can fill in while Full Moon is absent.’ She waves down an organizer. ‘Tell the contestants we are ready to begin.’

The Cutie Mark Crusaders, just back from the beach, bounce around Sweetie Belle’s dressing room, working off their excess energy. Sweetie sits to the side, composing herself and playing with her new headset. Rei, Stormy and Inkie are composing as well. Rei writes out lyrics while Stormy and Inkie write up some music.

‘No, it should be softer than that,’ Rei says.

Stormy grumbles as he adjusts the music. ‘If you did this sooner, we might have made it past the first round.’

‘Not with We Flight Griffins in the running,’ Inkie replies.

‘That and we wouldn’t have another song after this.’

‘Hey,’ Rei huffs. ‘This was going to be present for my mommy. I’m just letting you borrow it because Sweetie will be adorable singing it.’

The filly squeaks nervously at the mention of her name.

‘Sweetie? You know how to read music, right?’ Inkie asks.

The filly nods.

‘Good. That will make practicing this a lot easier.’

Stormy glances at the clock. ‘Rei, are the lyrics done?’

‘They are perfecto!’ the pegasus cheers.

‘Good. If you two can finish the music before showtime, I’d like to get Sweetie ready and give her time to rehearse.’

‘Got ya.’ Rei nods and heads to the door. ‘Come on, girls. Let’s get the best seats.’

‘Aww! But I want to stay and help Sweetie Belle,’ Scootaloo moans.

‘You can help by cheering for her as loud as you can,’ Inkie replies, pushing the filly out of the room.

‘Knock ‘em dead, Sweetie,’ Apple Bloom encourages.

‘Yeah,’ Babs agrees. ‘You’re going to slay them!’

Stormy rolls his eyes after the door closes. ‘Knowing this school, that is entirely possible.’ He pats beside him. ‘Come on. Let’s get you beautiful while you go over the song.’

Sweetie nods and sits beside Stormy. She hums a melody as she reads lyrics from a monitor. Stormy smiles as he listens to her prepare.

Sweetie stands just offstage, waiting for her cue. Stormy is with her to help calm her nerves. He sits and rubs the scared filly’s back.

‘You’re going to be amazing,’ the stallion comments. ‘And I know they would want you at their school even if you don’t win. More importantly,’ -- he turns her attention to him -- ‘I don’t care if you win or lose. Just have fun out there.’

‘Th-thanks, Stormy.’

‘Rei said she is going to be streaming the performance back to Ponyville. I bet Rarity got Twilight to have everypony at the library to watch your show. They are going to be so proud of you.’

Sweetie squeaks and kicks at the stage a bit.

Stormy sighs and get her to look up again. ‘Keep in mind that we are still siblings, but I know this will help and bring you luck.’

The stallion leans down and quickly pecks the filly on the lips. Her eyes go wide and she smiles.

‘Thanks, Stormy. I’m feeling less nervous now.’

The audience cheers the last performer as he leaves the stage.

‘Our next act is Sweetie Belle from Ponyville!’ Full Moon calls from the judges table.

Sweetie gives Stormy one last hug before trotting on stage to cheers of her own. She waves to the audience. ‘Th-thank you! This song is one my friend wrote for her mother! I-I think it fits me a little as well.’

The filly nods to the judges. They start playing the music Rei and Inkie finished. Sweetie waits for her cue and starts singing.

I never tried or needed

To socialize because nature was my best friend

That doesn't mean I conceded

To become what others saw me as: a dead end

I can't say I want to be noticed

But that doesn't mean I like to be ignored

We Flight Griffins are doing their pre-show warm ups. St Hubbins is deep in meditation. Nigel works out. Gem stands on her hind legs and jumps rope. Toki hums a cheery tune to himself as he plays with dolls of bipedal apes. Gilda paces around the room. An organizer knocks on the door and calls them to the stage.

‘We’re doing it,’ Gilda states.

‘What?’ St Hubbins snorts as he wakes up.

‘We’re doing my song.’

Gem smiles and pats her sister on the back. ‘Excellent. I knew we would.

The band goes straight to their instruments. They wave to the crowd as they setup.

Gilda grabs the mic. ‘This song goes out to a special friend of mine! Hit it!’

The band plays. Gilda nods along with the music until it hits her cure.

Flash of red

the spectral wonder takes flight

and she's ready and she's steady and she's feelin' just right

She got the passion, the drive, the tenacity to win

and in 10 seconds flat she'll take your head for a spin

Rainbow Dash stares in shock as We Flight Griffins takes their celebration backstage. Nigel hoists their trophy high while the others laugh and cheers. They all ruffle Gilda’s feathers while the griffin blushes and pushes the others away.

‘G...’ Dash gapes. ‘Was that song about..?’

Gilda smiles. ‘You think I would forget my best friend?’ She laughs. ‘Some Element of Loyalty you are.’

The pegasus leans in and hugs her friend. ‘Thanks, G. That was awesome.’

The griffin smiles coyly. ‘A hug was nice, but I think I’d prefer a kiss.’

Dash blushes and her wings stick up. Gilda reaches out, grabs and kisses Toki as hard as she can. Dash frowns and her wings drop. The two griffins pant when Gilda lets up.

‘I love you so much,’ Gilda coos. ‘I am so glad you got me into the band.’ She looks at Dash. ‘What’s with you? Jealous?’

The pegasus looks away and kicks the ground. ‘No...’

St Hubbins puts a talon around Dash’s neck. ‘Don’t worry. We’ll get so plastered tonight that we’ll need to check YouTube to figure out why there is a trophy in our room.’ He laughs. ‘Our treat this time since we got the big contract and all!’

The group cheers and heads out to party. Gilda drops back from Toki and catch Rainbow Dash.

‘This was the best twist of fate, getting to see you again,’ the griffin says.

Dash smiles at her friend. ‘Hey. There is this pretty cool theater in Ponyville if you are ever on tour...’

Sweetie Belle leans against her trophy on the train ride home. The award is bigger than its owner. The filly is worn out from celebrating all night. An invitation and scholarship letter stick out of her saddlebag. Her friends try to play a game quietly, but they cannot stop being excited for their friend too.

‘Yes, mommy,’ Rei says into her mobile. ‘I wrote that for you. Did you like it? … I knew you would. You are the kindest mommy, after all.’

Inkie groans into her mobile. ‘Pinkie, I know we still have another day on the train, but I am pretty sure we’re going to be too tired to party right as we get home. Maybe it can wait for the next day?’

‘Do you think she can handle it, Rarity?’ Stormy asks. ‘Fleur pretty much told me she wanted Sweetie for the “special program”. … Yes, I know the school would be perfect for her otherwise. That is why I want her to go. … What about your parents? … We’ll talk about it when we get home. … I hope they allow her to go too. Bye.’

The young stallion hangs up his mobile and sighs. He looks over at Sweetie Belle. It seems as if a smile is permanently stuck on her face. He laughs and rubs the filly’s back as he leans back to enjoy the ride.

Full Moon steps out of her hotel suite. She spies a tall white unicorn with a flowing pink mane. She is a little confused since Fleur was still in the room when she left.

‘Can I help you?’ the pegasus asks.

The unicorn gasps and gallops over. She levitates a small notebook. ‘It is you! It is Full Moon! Can I have your autograph?’ Amy begs.

Full Moon laughs, ‘Sure.’ She signs a blank page and gives the notebook back. ‘Here you go.’

The notebook is knocked to the floor. Full Moon looks up to see Princess Celestia glaring down at her.

‘Do you really think you could sneak into my country without me noticing?’ the princess accuses. ‘You have a lot of nerve trying that, Chrysalis. I am going to have to punish you this infraction.’

Full Moon starts sweating, causing her dye to run and silver streaks to appear in her mane. The suite door opens again. Chrysalis calmly trots past the princess and Silver Fox.

‘See ya around, Sun-butt,’ the changeling greets.

Celestia growls and spins around. ‘Damn you, Cheese-legs!’

Author's Note:

Story Timeline: Rainbow Dash and Gilda patch up their friendship. Sweetie Belle is recruited for Octavia's school.

Story Event: We Flight Griffins is supposed to be a bit of a mish-mash of several musical names. (I don't really know music, so I am sorry for screwing everything up.) The band name is based on I Fight Dragons. I love their style. Love the combo of nerd and rock. The members (sans Gilda) are mostly based on Spinal Tap, St Hubbins and Nigel. Toki (based on Dethklok) was originally Derek from Spinal Tap, but I changed it since I wanted to make Dethklok references. Gem is named after Meg White. I really wanted a female drummer and had too many good ones to pick from, but I went with Meg White over the others.

Also, we get our first sorta look at Los Arion, other than in the background of 'A Well-Earned Break'. The city is based on Los Angeles combined with Ventura, Long Beach, Anaheim, Orange and all the other cities in the LA Metropolitan area (except Signal Hill, because screw them! [jk. Signal Hill is cool.]). Despite the traffic volume, the city is really cool and easy to navigate. I highly recommend it if you can afford to live there. (Note: I am from Long Beach so I might be a little biased. Also, LBC is the best! [after Seattle!])

Fun Fact: Because I'm Shy is probably my favorite MLP based song. It really feels like it describes me well... Maybe too well... I'm going to hide for a week now.

Thank to Veda Quila for some advice on the chapter.

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