• Published 25th Feb 2012
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The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

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Lost Love

Main Characters: Apple Bloom, Stormy
Cameos: Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Diamond Tiara, Lemon Sorbet, Redheart, Lyra, Starlight
Original Start Date: May 16, 2013

‘Welcome to Carousel Boutique. Where everything is blah, blah, blah. I’m on break,’ Stormy moans as he lays across the reception counter.

‘Really?’ Apple Bloom asks. ‘Ah’ve only been up fer three hours. It is jus’ nine in the mornin’.’

The young stallion groans as he stands up. ‘I’m on coffee break. You run the counter while I get some Ponybucks.’

Stormy tries leaving, but Apple Bloom stands in his way. A magenta aura surrounds the filly.

‘Ya lift me, and Ah break it off,’ the filly threatens.

‘Sweetie is at her parents’ house. Rarity is upstairs. My coffee is out there. How can I help you so I can get my coffee?’

‘Ah ain’t here fer them. Ah’m here fer you.’

The tired stallion blinks. ‘Like I’ve told Sweetie a number of times, I have a fillyfriend. You’re smart, so this should be your only warning.’

Apple Bloom is confused. ‘Why’d ya have t’ tell Sweetie that?’

Stormy opens his mouth to answer then stops. ‘It is complicated.’

‘Complicated like why mah brother has, like, twenty fillyfriends? Complicated like why mah sister still visits Mr Wanderer even though she sees Sunshine all the time? Complicated like them games Rei always plays in her store? Help me out here.’

Stormy blinks. ‘Honestly? The last one.’

‘Ah. She’ll grow outa it... Ah hope. Anyway, are ya helpin’ me or do Ah have t’ get my rope?’

The stallion sighs. ‘Now, the problem is the second one.’

‘Ah ain’t into ya that way. Now get yer flank in gear and come with me.’

‘Are you sure it isn’t the second one?’

‘Listen. Ah need yer help. Yer the only one that can help me.’

Stormy sits. ‘I’ll give you one sentence. If you get my attention, you can have more.’

Apple Bloom blushes and looks away. ‘Ah’m in love.’

Stormy raises an eyebrow. ‘Go on.’

‘See, Ah met a colt back ‘round New Year, but Ah haven’t seen ‘im since.’

‘And your sister can’t help you?’

‘He wouldn’ let me get any adult t’ help ‘im while he was here. He insisted not tellin’ anypony, especially Mr Wanderer.’

‘Interesting. Why him?’

‘Ah don’ know. Ah don’ know who else t’ ask. Ah can’t ask Rei or Miss Twilight since they’d tell Mr Wanderer. Yer the next smartest pony Ah know.’

‘Well, thanks for the compliment, but I don’t know how I can help.’

‘Ya know things. Ya are good with other ponies. Ya... Yer like Mr Wanderer! Yer the only one that can get thin’s done!’

Stormy takes a deep breath and stands. He rounds the filly and opens the door for her. ‘You’re buying my coffee and paying for anything else we need.’

Apple Bloom nods enthusiastically. ‘Of course! Thanks fer the help!’

The young stallion smiles as he follows the filly away. ‘And for the record, relating me to Mr Wanderer is more of a compliment than calling me smart. Infinitely better.’

As the ponies trot away together, Sweetie Belle arrives at the boutique. Her jaw drops when she sees her best friend and adoptive brother leaving together.

Stormy levitates his coffee and a sketch in front of him as he trots through town with Apple Bloom. He sips his drink while he examines the picture of the blue unicorn. Apple Bloom sighs as she puts away a half-empty bag of bits.

‘Did ya have t’ order the fanciest drink? Was it even on the menu?’

‘You have to know what you want.’ Stormy sips his drink. ‘Well, despite what you may have been told by comedians, I have no idea who he is. Do you have a better picture?’

Apple Bloom blushes. ‘Ah may have gotten plenty of good looks at him, but Ah didn’ get any pictures, ‘kay?’

‘Could you ask Del to impersonate him?’

‘Changelin’s can’ do opposite genders. Weren’t ya at the presentation?’

‘You could have asked her just to match the colors. That would have been a step up.’

‘Well, we can’t ask her now, can we?’ Apple Bloom snorts. ‘Getting t’ go t’ the Crystal Empire. Havin’ adventures...’

‘We’re hunting your lost love based on a couple days where nopony saw you together and ended with him disappearing in a flash of light. How is this not an adventure?’

Apple Bloom smiles and hugs the unicorn. ‘Thanks, Stormy.’

Unknown to the investigating ponies, they are being watched. A furious growl comes from a nearby bush. Sweetie Belle glares as she watches Stormy open a door for Apple Bloom, and they enter a building.

‘How dare they?’ the young unicorn snaps. ‘My best friend and my big brother sneaking around together. This is an outrage!’

‘I thought I was your best friend?’ Scootaloo asks.

‘You are. Now.’ Sweetie turns back. ‘We don’t need Apple Bloom any more.’

‘Can’t they just be spending the day together or something? Like Applejack asked him to watch her or something?’

‘Are you blind! Can’t you see what they are up to?’

The pegasus rolls her eyes. ‘What are they up to?’

‘Where did they just enter?’

‘City Hall.’

‘And what do they do at City Hall?’

‘Run the city.’

‘Not just that! They also give out marriage licences!’

‘So you’re saying...’

‘That’s right! Stormy and Apple Bloom are getting married!’

Scootaloo stares at her friend. She leans close and sniffs Sweetie’s muzzle.

‘What are you doing?’

‘Well, when my bastard father used to live with us, he’d get drunk all the time. I’m checking you for booze.’ She opens a wing. ‘Now, how many feathers am I holding up?’

‘I am not drunk!’ -- Scootaloo opens her mouth to reply -- ‘Nor am I crazy or jealous! I mean it! Stormy and Apple Bloom are up to something, and I will catch them in the act.’ She turns and glares at City Hall. ‘Now, get in there and find out what they are looking for.’

‘What? Why me?’

‘I’m not good at this spy stuff. You have to find out what they are doing in there.’

‘I thought you knew what they were doing in there?’

‘Well, uh...’ Sweetie blushes. ‘Shut up! It isn’t like you know what they are doing either. Why do you have your mobile out?’

Scootaloo stops dialing. ‘Because if this turns out like the last time we followed Apple Bloom around, we’re going to need Diamond, Pip, Featherweight and the rest of the crew.’

Sweetie growls and resumes her observations.

‘Hey, Diamond? Get your flank to City Hall. You’re not going to believe what we got this time.’

Apple Bloom frowns as she and Stormy stand in front of a clerk.

‘Sorry, kiddo, but we just can’t give that sort of information to strangers,’ the clerk says.

‘Ah understand. Thanks, Ah guess,’ Apple Bloom mopes as she drags herself away.

‘Thank you for your time,’ Stormy says, bowing.

The young stallion escorts the filly from the building.

‘Ha! I knew she was too young to get married!’ Sweetie gloats. She turns back to see Scootaloo holding her mobile up. ‘What are you doing?’

‘Diamond is hosting a Hangout with everypony we know. This is great stuff.’

Sweetie turns red with embarrassment. ‘Put that away!’

‘Come on! They are on the move!’ Scootaloo holds her mobile in her mouth as she gets out her scooter. She spits the device into Sweetie’s hooves. ‘Now, hold that steady while we follow them.’

The unicorn groans as she holds the wet mobile.

`Hey, Sweetie~!` Diamond Tiara greets over the connection.

Sweetie sighs and gets on the scooter.

‘Don’t feel so bad,’ Stormy assures.

‘That was mah best idea. Ah figured they have some record o’ Starlight.’

‘That’s a pretty cool name. Shouldn’t be too hard to find in their records.’

Apple Bloom groans. ‘Ah know, but they won’t let us see ‘em.’

‘Which is why I hacked their computers.’

Apple Bloom looks up. Stormy levitates his mobile in front of him.

‘Just got to input a search of all birth records, and we’ll be in business.’ His magic taps a button. ‘Hmm. Might take a bit. Up for some ice cream?’

‘Sure!’ The filly glares. ‘Jus’ make sure ya order the cheap stuff. Ah ain’t made o’ money.’

Stormy laughs as he puts his mobile away. The two ponies trot on towards the ice cream shoppe.

Sweetie Belle fumes as she watches Stormy and Apple Bloom eating ice cream. Scootaloo covers her laughter while several other giggles come from her mobile.

‘Stormy never eats ice cream with me~!’ Sweetie whines.

`Yes, he does,` a voice argues over Scootaloo’s mobile.

Sweetie turns to see Lemon Sorbet frowning at her. ‘Lemon? What are you doing here?’

`Well, I saw Scootaloo’s post, and I just had to join in,` Lemon replies. `You are just so cute when you get fussy.`

Sweetie blushes bright red and turns away as all her friends start laughing at her.

Stormy checks his mobile while he and Apple Bloom dine. The unicorn scrolls through the list of results on his mobile. He sighs and sets down his device.

‘Good news or bad news?’ the unicorn asks.

Apple Bloom sighs. ‘Bad first.’

‘None of the ponies named “Starlight” match your description of him. Definitely no colts too.’

‘And the good?’

‘I found the birth announcement your family made.’ He shows the filly a picture. ‘You were totally adorable.’

Apple Bloom forces the mobile down. ‘Don’ ever show anypony that again.’

Stormy laughs. ‘Sorry. You should see some of Sweetie’s pictures. She was nearly as cute as you.’

‘That’s nice and all,’ Apple Bloom groans, ‘but it doesn’ help me find Starlight.’

‘I wish I could have been more help. Is there any other pony you could ask?’

‘Well, Ah did get Nurse Redheart t’ check on ‘im when he was haven’ trouble with his magic.’

‘Did she scan him with the device she got from Mr Wanderer?’

‘Ah guess so. She had it with her.’

Stormy stands. ‘I think we got our next clue. Ready to go?’

Apple Bloom stands and nods. She smiles at Stormy as they trot away together. A yell comes from behind a nearby planter.

The investigating ponies enter Ponyville Hospital. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle ride up on the pegasus’ scooter a moment later. The unicorn hops off and looks at the building.

‘Why would they go here?’

`Think about it,` Diamond says from Scootaloo’s mobile.

Scootaloo holds her mobile out to her friend.

‘What do you mean?’ Sweetie asks.

`Well, what goes on at a hospital?`

‘You get check-ups?’

`What else?`

Sweetie thinks. ‘Well, there was the one time I ate Opal’s food and needed my tummy pumped.’

Scootaloo, Diamond and several others in the stream stifle laughter.

`You’re so cute,` Lemon coos.

Sweetie growls. ‘Fine. What are you talking about?’

Diamond sighs. ‘Don’t you remember our health class? Sometimes when two ponies` -- she picks her words carefully -- `When they want to have “fun” together without, uh, consequences, they have to take special precautions.`

‘They’re getting condoms from the doctors so they can fool around,’ Scootaloo translates.

‘WHAT!’ Sweetie Belle tries vocalizing more thoughts, but she settles on fainting. Her hind leg kicks as she lays on the ground. Her friends roar with laughter over the stream.

`She is just so adorable when she freaks out,` Lemon giggles.

‘Do you really think that is what they are doing?’ Scootaloo asks.

`Doubt it,` Diamond replies. `I figured that would get the best reaction from her.`

The pegasus laughs, ‘I could kiss you.’

`Maybe later, dear.`

Sweetie squeaks and kicks her leg again. The foals laugh at their friend.

Stormy trots through the halls while Apple Bloom checks every room they pass. The unicorn steps up to a station where a blue mare with a green mane works.

‘Excuse me, is Nurse Redheart available?’ Stormy asks.

Tenderheart looks up. ‘Redheart? She should be around. Did you crack your horn again, Mr Stormy?’

‘Ha ha,’ the stallion groans. ‘We just need her help with something.’

‘I’ll let her know.’ Tenderheart looks down the hall. ‘Sweety, don’t go in...’

Apple Bloom waves at a patient then closes the door. ‘Hope ya get better soon!’

The nurse laughs as the filly goes to the station. ‘Surprising to see a filly unfazed by sick ponies.’

‘Ah’ve seen worse when Ah was kidnapped bah changelin’s. Sick ponies ain’t that bad.’

‘They are when you have to wash your mane and scrub your hooves in the middle of your shift,’ Nurse Redheart complain as she trots up. She sighs. ‘How can I help you Mr Stormy? Your horn looks fine, but your choice of fillyfriend has taken a turn for the illegal.’

‘First of all, ew. Second, she is the one here for you, not me.’

Redheart looks at the filly. ‘Honey, you can do a lot better than him.’

‘Ah know. That’s why Ah need yer help.’

The nurse blushes. ‘Well, I don’t know how I can help.’

Tenderheart giggles. ‘She’s still on her first coltfriend.’

Redheart hold back a yell. ‘Anyway! Let’s talk somewhere else.’ She leads the guests to an empty room. ‘How can I help you?’

Apple Bloom kicks the ground. ‘When ya did the check-up on Starlight, did ya find out who his parents were?’

‘When I did what to who?’

‘Starlight! He was hidin’ in mah clubhouse!’ She gets the sketch out of her bag. ‘He looks like this! Ya helped him get his magic back!’

‘I’m sorry, Apple Bloom. I don’t know who you are talking about.’

The filly stares up in shock then gallops away, crying. Stormy stands in front of the door.

‘Why did you lie to her?’

Redheart looks away. ‘I cannot say who his parents are.’ She glances up. ‘I can’t believe you haven’t figured it out yet.’

Stormy frowns then gallops after Apple Bloom. He catches her as she leaves the hospital.

‘Apple Bloom, wait!’

‘What’s the use? Ah ain’t never gonna find him again!’

Stormy catches her in his magic. ‘It is not over!’ He trots past and levitates her to his back. ‘I know one last pony to ask and if she fails, then we know something crazy is going on.’

The stallion trots away from the hospital with his passenger. Scootaloo fans Sweetie Belle before picking up her mobile.

‘Sorry, guys,’ the young pegasus apologizes. ‘Looks like she is out for good. Guess this is the end of it. I’ll have to take her back to Rarity’s. Thanks for coming out.’

Scootaloo ends the stream. She grunts as she lifts Sweetie to her scooter and rides away.

‘You’re not a cop, are you?’ a voice asks from the other side of a door.

‘Just open up, Lyra,’ Stormy groans.

The unicorn opens the door to her home and shows her guests in. ‘Sorry. You just can’t be too sure these days.’

‘When you are ready to tell Apple Bloom about the school you recruited Sweetie into, then you can tell her why that is an untrue statement.’

‘Right.’ Lyra sits and levitates her lyre. ‘Now, how can I help my best student and my potential best future student?’

‘Ah need yer help findin’ somepony, and Stormy says ya know everypony who has ever came t’ Ponyville.’

Lyra strums her instrument. ‘Well, I don’t want to toot my own horn...’

Stormy rolls his eyes. ‘Unless you’re talking about the one on your head, that is a string instrument.’

The other unicorn nods. ‘And that is why you are my best student.’

‘Just help Apple Bloom.’

‘Right!’ Lyra smiles. ‘What is the pony’s name?’

‘Starlight! Starlight Clarke!’ Apple Bloom replies.

The name makes Stormy think. Lyra nods and gets up.

‘Got it.’ Lyra trots towards her study. ‘Make yourselves at home. Bon Bon always leave plenty of treats. She also left half a sandwich, but it is poisoned.’

Stormy snaps out of his thought. ‘Poisoned?’

‘Yeah. It is cut lengthwise. That’s as good as poison.’

‘Ain’t ya supposed t’ cut it diagonal-like?’

Lyra freezes and turns back. ‘Apple Bloom...’

The filly shrinks away. ‘Yes?’

‘When you get to my class, you will never get below an “A”. I love you.’

Stormy uses his magic to push his teacher away. ‘Just find her coltfriend.’

Stormy and Apple bloom eat the candies Bon Bon left for her wife. They have been waiting for over a hour. Swearing is heard from Lyra’s study. The unicorn storms out levitating a notebook in front of her.

‘Starlight is impossible!’ Lyra declares.

‘He’s real!’ Apple Bloom defends. ‘Ah saw him! Ah touched him! Ah cuddled him! Ah kissed him!’

‘That is what makes him impossible,’ Lyra seethes. ‘You know he is real. There is no doubt about that. What is impossible is that there is no record of him. I can find anypony in the world! Your coltfriend is impossible!’

‘Well, he did have a teleportation-like spell...’


Apple Bloom thinks. ‘It wasn’ like when Twilight or somepony else teleports. It made him all glowy and stuff.’

‘Glowy? What kind of glowy?’

‘Ah don’ know! Jus’ glowy!’ She pulls off her bow and holds up the note from Starlight. ‘What ‘bout the “S”! Does this “S” mean anythin’!’

Stormy stands. ‘I think I know who he is.’

‘That makes one of us,’ Lyra sighs.

‘Apple Bloom, come with me.’ Stormy goes to the door. ‘Thanks for the help, teach.’

Lyra holds up a hoof. ‘Live long and prosper.’

The guests groan and wave. Before Apple Bloom can ask, Stormy gallops across town. The filly follows him to the library. He pushes open the door. Spike is sitting on the center table, eating ice cream from the carton. He notices the visitors, and a glob of ice cream lands on his chest.

‘Uh...’ Spike sighs, ‘Whatever. This exactly what it looks like.’

‘Where is the sci-fi section?’ Stormy asks.

‘This way,’ Apple Bloom replies before Spike can. ‘Ah know this place like the back o’ mah hoof.’

The filly leads Stormy to a shelf in back. The young stallion scans the books. He laughs.

‘Found him.’

Apple Bloom looks at the books then Stormy. ‘What are ya talkin’ about?’

Stormy points. ‘Clarke. Right there.’

‘That’s jus’ a storybook. It ain’t Starlight.’

The unicorn nods. ‘Yes, it is. He was trying to hide his identity, so he didn’t give you the complete answer. He hid himself right in front of you. He got that from his father.’

‘What are ya talkin’ ‘bout?’

Stormy points at the shelf. ‘Adams, Asimov, Bradbury, Clarke, Niven, Wells. They are all famous sci-fi authors.’ He looks at the shelf and laughs. ‘Oh, that is a clever one.’


The stallion shakes his head. ‘Sorry. I think I should explain.’ He clears his throat. ‘Rei, they are giving away free joso at the library.’

Stormy is instantly knocked over by his friend.

Rei stands on her friend. ‘Where! Gimme!’

The unicorn pushes himself free. ‘First, I need to ask you a couple questions. It is for Apple Bloom.’

Rei sits and smiles. ‘Sure. I like Saku-chan!’

‘What is your big brother’s name? His full name.’

The pegasus raises an eyebrow. ‘Bradbury? His name is Apple Bradbury Pie. He is awesome! He’s also his world’s Element of Loyalty and dating Sak-’

Stormy raises a hoof. ‘And what is your big sister’s full name?’

Rei smiles. ‘Rainbow Asimov Pie! I love Asimov! She is so fun! Just like her mommy!’

‘Thank you.’ Stormy smiles and looks down at Apple Bloom. ‘Do you get it yet?’

The filly thinks for a moment then turns to the shelf. ‘Can ya get me that book there?’

Stormy levitates a book down. He turns back to see Rei glaring at him.

‘Where’s the joso?’ the pegasus growls, electricity sparking between her blackening wings.

‘Uh... I’ll raid Rarity’s stash for you when I get home.’

‘You better.’

Stormy laughs nervously. He looks back at Apple Bloom. ‘Come on. Let’s get some dinner. I’ll call Sweetie Belle. I’m sure she’ll love hearing about our adventure today.’

Apple Bloom just nods and reads as she is levitated onto Stormy’s back. The young stallion trots off with his passenger. Rei shrugs and heads back into the main room.

‘Ryu-kun! Do you have any more aisu?’

Author's Note:

Story Timeline: Starlight returns for Apple Bloom, if just for a moment.

Story Event: So, Stormy figures out who Starlight is without ever meeting the other unicorn. I hope I have provided enough clues to who Starlight is so that you could figure out who he is by now. Maybe more than just his identity has been revealed too...

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