• Published 25th Feb 2012
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The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

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Main Characters: Discord, Luna, Celestia, Queen Luna, The Doctor (10) (RoH), Pinkie (RoH), Twilight (RoH), James Sparkle, TWP, Twilight
Cameos: Rainbow Dash (RoH), Lucas (RoH), Derpy (RoH)
Original Write Date: November 6, 2011

When physicists talk about other dimensions, they mean literal physical dimensions like x,y,z,t. A layman hears that term, they think alternate realities. They think of a vast multiverse where every little change means something different. If that were true, then 99.99999999% (rounded down) of the universes would differ from their nearby neighbors by only one electron, neutrino, photon in a different location. True alternate realities are boring. But the layman did get something right. Poetic, artistically-licensed alternate universes would be pretty freaking rad.


The sun shines bright over Equestria. A young white alicorn filly flies over the land enjoying the beautiful day. She loves the feel of the wind through her long pink mane on a warm summer day. She is especially fond of the wide grasslands that seem to go on like oceans of green. Nothing can interrupt.... What is that strange noise? It is like somepony is gasping quite hoarsely.

Celestia lands to look for the source of the strange noise. She thinks she sees a blue shape in the distance and gallops towards it, but it vanishes. Celestia looks around, confused. She stretches her wings and prepares to fly off once more.

‘Wait. Help,’ a strange voice croaks.

Celestia looks around once more. She sees movement in the tall grass and gallops. She draws near the source of the sounds and movement and comes to a screeching halt. Before her lays a beast like she has never seen before. It appears larger than Celestia’s father and looks like a mixed-up jumble of creatures from various dragons to a manticore to even a pony-like head. Celestia is certain this creature will only bring trouble.

‘Tia! Where are you, Tia!’

Celestia turns to see her younger sister Luna flying around. She knows her sister’s unusually high curiosity would bring her to the creature, and her unnatural empathy would make her want to help that thing. Celestia knows she has to just bite the bullet.

‘Down here, Lulu,’ Celestia calls up.

Luna lands near her sister. She starts troting up.

‘I’ve been looking everywhere for you. Where were y.... Whoa! What is that! He looks cool!’

‘Stay back!’ Celestia commands. ‘It could be dangerous.’

‘Help...’ the creature wheezes.

‘Tia! We have to help!’

‘We don’t even know what it is. It could be trying to trick us.’

‘Trick us or not, I will not let him suffer like this.’

Luna starts trying to cast a magic spell, but it fails. Celestia sighs.

‘You’re too weak still. Let me help.’

The sisters cast the healing spell together. The healing aura fills the creature, and its breathing becomes more regular. After a moment, a low chuckle starts coming from it. Celestia backs up, shielding Luna with a wing. The creature starts rising up as its laughter gets louder. It rises to its full height, which is indeed taller than the father of the two alicorns, and laughs a joyous, yet terrifying, laugh.

‘Oh glorious of days!’ The creature cheers. He smiles down at the ponies with one elongated canine tooth gleaming in the sun. ‘I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.’

The two ponies cower, not knowing what to do next. The creature goes down to the two ponies.

‘How can I ever thank you?’ the creature asks.

‘Not eating us would be nice,’ Luna squeaks, hiding under her sister’s wing.

The creature is taken aback. ‘Perish the thought! I would never harm my saviors.’ He snaps his fingers and a flower appears in his other hand. ‘How about a pretty flower for a pretty filly?’

‘I like flowers!’ Luna cheers as she pushes free of her sister.

‘Luna, wait! It could be poisonous. He could be trying to trick you,’ Celestia warns.

‘Aw! I am hurt. Does this look like a face that would trick you?’ The creature grins in a way Celestia can only describe as evilly.

‘I’ll take it first...’ Celestia says as she goes up to the flower.

Celestia examines the flower carefully. It looks like an ordinary blue flower. It has a pretty, sweet aroma that draws Celestia in. She puts her nose in and breathes deeply. Achoo! Suddenly, the sun goes down, and day switches to night. Achoo! The sun returns to it’s original position. The creature rolls on the ground, roaring in laughter.

‘What did you do to me!’ Celestia demands. She sneezes again, and it goes dark again.

Luna starts laughing too.

‘It is not funny!’ Celestia sheiks. Achoo!

‘No!’ Luna laughs. ‘It is hilarious!’ Luna turns to the creature. ‘Do me next!’

‘Achoo! You will do no such thi... Achoo!’

‘Lighten up.’ The creature ruffles Celestia’s hair. ‘It was only a simple trick with the pollen.’ He blows the flower into the wind, spreading its seeds everywhere. ‘I am sure there is a simple cure if you say the magic words.’

‘Please!’ Celestia growls.

The creature snaps his fingers and another flower appears. A quick sniff, and Celestia returns to normal. She still snarls at the creature.

‘Aw. I wanted to have some fun too.’ Luna sulks.

‘Don’t feel bad, Wittle Woona. I, the great Discord, have a feeling we will have a lot of fun together,’ Discord says with another wicked grin.


Discord and Luna are the best of friends. They have spent years having fun together. Discord takes great delight playing pranks and causing chaos, all to get Luna to laugh and smile. Celestia is frustrated with the couple since she is the one always stuck cleaning up their mess. She is the one that tends to the earth ponies, the unicorns and the pegasi, when one of Discord’s pranks get out of hand. Celestia hates Discord for the things he does. She hates him more for being so close to her sister.

‘Discord!’ Celestia yells outside of Discord’s ‘meager’ ten story tower. He does not want to outshine the ‘true’ rulers of Equestria.

‘You rang?’ Discord asks as he leans out a window.

‘We need to talk!’

‘If you want to talk, why are you shouting?’

Celestia growls and takes flight. She goes to the window where Discord was to find nothing.

‘What are you doing up there?’ Discord asks from a lower window.

‘Can you be serious for once in your life?’

‘If I did that, then where would the fun in living be?’

Celestia teleports into the tower behind Discord.

‘Thank you for knocking and asking politely to come in.’

‘I have no time for your games. Were you in the northern lands yesterday?’

‘I may have been. This is a big world, and that requires a lot of chaos.’

‘Why did you change all of the polar bears black?’

‘They are not all black. Some have stripes. Oh! You should see what I did to the ponies on that eastern continent. I call them “zebra”. Pretty catchy, no? Anyway, the only reason some bears ended up with solid colors is because I started getting lazy and hungry.’

‘Is that why you and Luna were out all night? Again!’

‘Chillax, big sis. It is all good. I was a perfect gentleman.’

‘Enough! I don’t want to hear of it.’

‘Good. Because a gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell.’

‘You are no gentlepony.’

Discord squeals. ‘It is true! Wanna hear how many times we did it?’

Celestia stomps a hoof down. It cracks the stone under it. She has a very powerful magic spell charging on her horn.

Discord taps Celestia’s horn and instantly dispells the magic. ‘Calm down, big sis. It was only a joke.’

‘Quit calling me that.’

‘Fine, Celestia,’ Discord moans.

‘I am sick and tired of always cleaning up your mess. Stop with all of your bloody chaos!’

Celestia glares up at Discord. Discord glares back down. He smirks and stands back. He holds up a hand and a glass appears filled with what seems to be a brown milk. He drinks the glass and tosses the liquid out the window where it explodes violently.

‘No,’ Discord replies. ‘For, you see, the universe is made by chaos. You and your sister may think you control the stars and the solar and lunar cycles, but those are governed by underlying mechanics that are even beyond the control of the god of chaos myself. Any perceived change in the cycle is merely an illusion. The universe was born out of imperfection and imbalance. Stars and planets popping up out of little pockets of nothing just because there was enough something there. A chaotic imperfection, if you will. The mere fact that you dare think you have any true power over your precious sun is more laughable than an entire lifetime of chaos I can create.’

Celestia stands at her full height. ‘I am tired of your nonsense. Our parents left us this land to rule for ourselves. You can either assist us and join our order, or you can continue the path you are on.’

Discord pretends to think. ‘I think... I’ll take the fun path.’ He smirks with his one over-sized fang glinting.

‘So be it. My order will stand against your chaos.’ Celestia starts leaving. ‘And since you chose that path, I forbid you from seeing my sister. I will do all in my power to prevent your unholy relationship.’

Celestia flies from the tower leaving a scowling Discord.


Luna flies over Equestria overseeing her beloved night. Once again, nopony is out enjoying all of the hard work she puts into making every night perfect. Luna sighs and wishes there were some way to make everypony appreciate the night as much as she does.

Luna vainly looks around desperately for the off pony that could possibly be out. Instead, she finds a fire sending ugly smoke into her pristine night. She quickly rushes to the source to try and quench the flame. She readies a spell to cause a rainstorm to put out the fire, but she notices something interesting. ‘Hello beautiful’ and a large arrow is burning on the ground. Luna follows the arrow to find Discord waiting by a lake.

‘Discord!’ Luna swoops down and embraces Discord. ‘It has been forever!’

‘Not quite forever, but your sister tries her darnedest.’

‘Yeah... She is a meanie sometimes...’

Luna pouts a little, but Discord lifts her head and smiles, erasing all her worries until...

‘Oh my stars! The fire!’

‘Oh dear! A fire! Too bad this freak snowstorm will ruin it.’

Discord snaps his fingers. A gale picks up and the fire is instantly erased. A light snowfall starts coming down from the heavens.

‘A mid-summer ice skating, my dear?’

Discord bows and touches a toe to the lake, freezing it instantly. Luna giggles. She puts her hoof in his claw, and they take to the ice.

‘It is wonderful to see you again, Discord. We used to have so much fun together.’

‘Yes, spreading chaos is a pretty fun task, I must admit. But when you are around, the fun is doubled.’

‘Sometimes, I don’t think Tia knows the meaning of the word “fun”. It is always protocol this, and Royal Canterlot voice that. It is so boring!’

‘Come, dear. She has to keep up appearances. I mean, the beloved sun goddess who rules over the day cannot be seen doing anything as exciting as eating a chili dog.’

Luna sighs. ‘Beloved sun goddess... Some nights I just wish...’

Discord gasps. ‘Don’t ever think that. You nights are beautiful. You just have to give the ponies time to realize their splendor. I am sure that in a thousand years’ time there will be whole celebrations dedicated to your nights.’

‘You really think so?’

Discord smiles down at Luna. ‘Would I lie to a face as beautiful as yours?’

Luna blushes. Discord starts leaning in for a kiss. Luna responds by leaning up. The enraptured couple fails to notice a star going out. Suddenly, there is a loud crack, and the ice shatters. A magical force field surrounds Luna and pulls her away. She is pulled right next to Celestia’s side.

‘I warned you, demon! Stay away from my sister!’ Celestia shouts.

‘It has been over a hundred years, Celestia! She can make her own decisions now. She can buy her own insurance and everything!’

‘Tia! Please! Stop this fighting! He wasn’t trying to hurt me!’ Luna pleads.

‘I know that, but did you even stop to think about anypony else?’ Celestia turns to the still smoldering fire. ‘All of the crops are ruined by the fire and snow. How many ponies must suffer just for one pathetic attempt at a romantic gesture?’

‘If it means that I can see my beloved Luna for just one moment more, I will tear my way through your whole army and reshape your entire kingdom for that chance!’ Discord roars.

Celestia turns to her sister. ‘Luna, you see what violence he is capable of? Is this truly a being that would have your best interests at heart?’

‘But...’ He is the only one who loves my nights as much as I...

‘But nothing!’ Celestia snaps. ‘We are leaving. If I ever see the two of you together again, I swear to our parents that it will be the last time.’

Celestia flies away with Luna still in tow. Luna screams to be let free as they fade into the distance. Discord is left fuming by the lake.

‘That is the way you wish to play, is it Celestia? So be it. You may not have known this, but I have ended entire races for love before, and I will do it again if need be. Mark my words! Luna will be mine to cherish! You cannot stop the purest form of chaos and that is true love!’

Celestia meets with some ministers about new plans for expanding the capital of Canterlot. Suddenly, there is a tapping on the wall. Celestia gets on guard, and her guards get ready for anything as well. A hole is blown out of the wall, and Celestia and her guards ready powerful magics. Unfortunately, they have to duck as the main doors to the hall come flying at them.

‘Here’s Johnny!’ Discord calls as he strides calmly into the hall.

The pegasus guards immediately charge and the unicorn retainers fire their spells. Discord calmly walks through the spells. With just a touch of a claw, all of the color is drained from the attacking pegasi. The pegasi instantly turn on each other.

Discord looks down at the unicorns. ‘Run.’

The guards do not need anymore warning, and they bolt, color draining from them as they flee. Outside, a star goes out in the night sky. Discord turns to the furious Celestia. He just smirks at the powerful alicorn.

‘Please tell the lovely lady Luna that I am here for our date.’

‘I will never let you near her. Leave now and I will spare you.’

‘You spare me? Ha! That is so funny I forgot to laugh.’ Flowers and candies appear in Discords arms. ‘Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a wonderful woman to woo.’

A blast of magic vaporizes the flowers and candy.

‘Y U no like me?’ Discord pouts. ‘Is it because I oppose your feeble attempts at imposing your brand of order? No... It is something deeper.’ He walks through another powerful magic blast and runs a claw down Celestia’s cheek. ‘Is it because I have a relationship that you will never have with your sister?’

Discord is thrown across the hall with the strongest magic he has ever felt. Smoke rises from him, and he actually bleeds from a small gash on his torso.

‘You would think I hit a nerve with that.’

Celestia raises a golden yellow tiara to her head. ‘This ends here, Discord. I will see to that.’

‘Ooo! A magic hat. I have one of those too.’ Discord snaps his fingers and a paper crown reading ‘Home of the Whopper’ appears on his head. ‘Mine’s better.’

‘While you have been spreading chaos, I have been preparing,’ Celestia states. ‘I have forged these crowns,’ a onyx black tiara rests by Celestia’s throne, ‘from powerful magics specifically to counter chaos. With these six Elements of Harmony, loyalty, honesty, generosity, kindness, laughter and friendship, we will banish you from the land.’

‘Who is “we”? I only see one of you.’

‘Luna will be here shortly.’

‘Good. Because we are getting late for our dinner reservations.’

Celestia channels a blast of magic through the tiara and sends Discord across the hall again. One of his legs is turned to stone. He snarls and removes the spell encasing him. At that moment, Luna enters the hall from behind the throne. She looks terrified.

‘Tia! What is going on? Everypony is turning on each other. It is pandemonium out there.’ She looks back terrified. ‘I think I even saw a star...’

‘I’ll give you three guesses as to the cause,’ Celestia snarls as she moves between Discord and Luna.

Luna frantically looks between Discord and her sister. ‘Discord! What is going on here?’

‘I promised to do anything and everything to be with you. This is the first thing that came to mind.’

‘You are making innocent ponies hurt each other! Stop it!’

‘I did no such thing!’ Discord is taken aback. ‘I just awoke them to the truth and gave them a little introspection. How they cope is their own accord.’

‘Please end it before something really bad happens! I beg you!’ Luna pleads.

Discord sneers at Celestia. ‘At least she knows the magic words.’

Discord snaps his fingers. A blinding flash brings all of the fighting ponies back to normal. Celestia levitates the black tiara to Luna.

‘What is this?’ Luna asks.

‘A powerful defensive magic,’ Celestia explains. ‘With it we can seal Discord away forever and Equestria can finally be at peace.’

‘But it is Discord...’

‘And you have seen what he is capable of today. He is willing to make innocent ponies suffer in some perverted expression of his so-called love. He is dangerous, Luna!’

Luna cowers away from her sister.

‘Come now, Celestia. You are scaring the poor girl.’ Discord begins to advance. ‘Just let us be in peace, and I am sure all of this will blow over. One day, we will all get a beer and laugh about how silly some of us were acting, Celestia.’

Discord’s advance is stopped by a shot of magic at his feet. He looks to see a crying Luna readying another spell.

‘Please stop.’ Luna cries. ‘Just stop! I don’t want to see any more suffering.’

‘But, Luna, my dear...’

‘No Discord. I don’t want to see you again. You, you are bad. You only use your chaos for bad these days. You never use it for fun anymore.’

‘I would devote myself to fun and good and joy if I could be with you.’

‘I would like to believe you, Discord. I really would, but....’ Luna sobs. ‘Just go! This hurts enough already!’

Celestia stands with her sister. ‘You heard her. You got off lucky.’

‘So be it.’ Discord snarls.

Discord starts walking out of the hall. Distinct sobs can be heard coming from him. Celestia comforts her sister. Discord stops. A ball of magic forms in his hand. He quickly turns and throws it at the princesses.


Now, several things could happen here. Discord could hit Celestia, Luna or nothing at all. One or the other of the sisters could valiantly save the other. Discord could even realize his folly and stop the attack himself. There are countless possible outcomes. Let us assume that Discord did try to stop his attack, but it was too late. Celestia throws herself in front of her sister and takes the mortal blow. Discord is shocked and disgusted by his actions. He freely surrenders himself to the princesses and their Elements of Harmony. Celestia dies and Luna is left on her own. That is one version of the story. You can have your own version if you wish. Let us see where this version takes us a thousand years down the line.


The city of Ponyville is under attack! Alien invaders have landed in a strange saucer-shaped craft. They attacked swiftly and seized the city before the New Lunar Republic defense force could stop them. The defense force has sealed the town and is holding off other invaders in orbit, but the foothold is already there. The Daleks have landed.

In the city, a small resistance is fighting back. The unicorn Lucas Grainsborough uses his magic to blast a patrolling Dalek. He quickly takes cover as a hail of laser fire destroys his vantage point. The pegasus Derpy Hooves draws some fire with her complex aerial skills. Both ponies make their escape to a safe location, for now. The Daleks approach the hiding place. The ponies clutch each other and pray. Suddenly, a rainbow-colored explosion bursts across the city. The Daleks stop for a moment. They turn and head towards the explosion.

‘Rainbow Dash!’ Twilight Sparkle cries as a legion of Daleks descend on her friend.

Twilight uses a spell to cut a line through the Dalek attackers to help her friends, but it is too late. Several Dalek lasers strike Rainbow Dash midair, sending the pegasus to the ground, her Element of Loyalty shattering on the ground. Twilight roars and erupts with magical energy around her. Behind a magical shield cast by Queen Luna, The Wandering Physicist is trying to console a crying Pinkie Pie. Aside, The Doctor is working on some complicated device.

‘Hurry up, Doctor!’ Luna shouts. ‘Or else we will be down to just one Element of Harmony.’

‘I am working as fast as I can!’ The Doctor shouts back. ‘These things take time.’

‘Twilight! Get back here!’ The Wandering Physicist yells.

‘I can do this, James.’ Twilight says as magical energies flow into her.

Twilight glows with magic. Her eyes and crown shine with an eerie light. Bolts of magic shoot down all of the Daleks around her as she moves on the saucer. Her horn pulses as she prepares a final spell. Suddenly, a laser shot passes through Twilight. Her spell is instantly diffused, and the rush of energy pushes everything back.

‘TWILIGHT!’ The Wandering Physicist cries as he rushes to his fallen friend.

‘James! Get back here!’ The Doctor yells.

The Wandering Physicist rushed through the advancing Daleks and their endless laser fire. He reaches the fallen Twilight and holds her up. The Daleks close in on them.

‘Twilight! I am here! Don’t leave me, Twilight!’

The Wandering Physicist sobs as he holds Twilight’s body to him. He looks up in anger and turns on the Dalek closest to him. Several shots pass through him, and he falls to the ground.

‘James!’ Luna cries.

‘He will regenerate,’ The Doctor assures. ‘We will stop them.’

The Daleks turn and close on Luna, The Doctor and Pinkie. From behind them, an insane laugh is heard. The Wandering Physicist stands as his body starts glowing.

‘Stupid bloody Daleks,’ The Regenerating Physicist growls. ‘You forgot one of the most important rules: double tap.’

A Dalek turns to the threat, but is instantly destroyed in a blast of energy. The other Daleks start backing away. The energy surrounding The Wandering Physicist starts causing him to change and mutate. His body elongates and becomes scaly. His hooves become claws like those found on various beasts of the world from dragon to manticore. His head twists and grows. A pair of mismatched horns grow from his head, and one of his teeth becomes an elongated fang.

‘Discord,’ Luna hisses.

‘Discord, you say?’ Discord muses. ‘I like that name. I think in the Dalek language it means... DEATH!’

Discord rips the dome off the Dalek nearest to him. He throws it through another Dalek. He punches a hole through the top of another Dalek dome. The Dalek shell becomes encased in electricity. The electricity arcs from Dalek to Dalek. They scream in pain as they are electrocuted to death.

‘James! Stop this now!’ The Doctor commands.

Discord pulls his claw from the Dalek and points it into the sky. A burst of energy shoots into the air. Discord stares at the sky. Tears start falling from his face.

‘It is over, Theta. It is all over,’ Discord says.

‘James. What is over?’

‘The Daleks. They are gone. They wont hurt us anymore.’

‘James, no, Discord, how could you? How could you do such a thing?’ The Doctor asks.

‘They killed her, Theta. They killed her. I couldn’t control myself. They should have killed me instead. I would have preferred they kill me instead of her. I would have given all of my lives for her.’

‘Discord... You didn’t have to...’

‘Mr... Wanderer...’

Discord and The Doctor look down and see the dying body of Twilight still breathing. Discord lifts her up and embraces her.

‘Twilight. I am so sorry, Twilight. This never should have happened. I failed you.’

‘We... we were to become one.’

‘Yes. Yes, we were. Now we cannot. I am no longer the one you loved.’

Twilight reaches up and touches Discord’s face. ‘You are still in there. You just have to...’

Twilight passes out as her breathing weakens. Discord cries in rage. Surrounding buildings crumble at the cry.

‘James! Listen to me!’ The Doctor snaps. ‘There is still a way to save you both. Just think about it! Think about it really hard!’

Discord looks down at Twilight then to The Doctor. He nods in agreement. Discord starts channeling all of his energy within him. His body starts glowing in regeneration energies once more.

‘James...’ Twilight wheezes.

‘Twilight. This will hurt a bit.’

‘Are... we... going... to... be... one..?’ Twilight gasps.

Discord just nods. He raises Twilight up to him, and they kiss. Twilight becomes engulfed in the regeneration energies as well. The energy passes from Discord to Twilight. The pair fall to the ground. Discord passes out as Twilight starts to regenerate herself.

‘What did he do?’ Luna asks as she draws near.

‘He transferred his remaining regenerations and a good deal of his consciousness to Twilight’s body. It is a very dangerous process. They probably won’t live,’ The Doctor explains.

‘What will happen to Twilight?’ Pinkie croaks as she hold back her tears. ‘Will she still be Twilight?’

‘We’ll have to wait and see.’

‘... And Discord?’ Luna asks as she looks over her former lover from both her distant and recent past.

‘You know what must be done to him.’

‘Can’t we kill him now? Save the past some suffering?’

‘We cannot change the past. Not one line! Without Discord, who knows what horrors you may have witnessed in the new timeline you create.’

‘I guess you’re right...’

‘Ugh... What hit me?’ a male voice says.

The trio look over to see a light brown alicorn with long purple hair and a pink highlight rubbing his face.

‘Glasses... where are my... No, don’t need them any more.’ The new alicorn says. ‘My head...’ He rubs higher. ‘Huh. I’m a unicorn. That’s new.’

‘That is not all.’ The Doctor points at the wings on the alicorn’s side.

‘Oh. That is different too.’

Pinkie slowly moves in close. ‘Are, are you still.... Who are you?’

‘If you are asking if I am Mr James Hayate Wanderer or Twilight Sparkle, I am both. There was a bit of a rearranging of things in the transfer, but most of who we were are still intact in here somewhere.’ He looks over at Discord. ‘We gave him some of Twilight’s rationality too in hopes that it will stabilize him enough to function with some sanity instead of just blind rage and chaos.’

Pinkie’s eyes start swelling with tears again. She locks the alicorn in a hug. ‘Mr Wandering Twilight!’

A very tired Lucas and Derpy arrive on the scene. Derpy takes one look around the battlefield and quickly empties the contents of her stomach behind the nearest pile of rubble.

‘Good timing.’ The Doctor says. ‘Lucas, I need help moving Discord here to my TARDIS. I have lots of work that needs to be finished.’

Lucas moans and starts lifting Discord with his magic. He and The Doctor start heading off. Derpy collects her self enough to pass out in her pile of mess. Luna looks at her changed friend.

‘I am sorry that I am Discord. If I had known I would be the...’

Luna shakes her head. ‘No. You are not Discord. You are James, and you are Twilight. You are my best friend and my biggest rival. Discord was a twisted shell that abused you to get its ends. It will take time, but I am sure we will get to know each other again.’

Pinkie chokes back a tear. ‘Speaking of which, what do we call you now?’

‘Hmm... I am no longer The Wandering Physicist, nor am I Discord or Twilight Sparkle.’

‘Why don’t we just use “James” still? It is pretty easy to remember,’ Luna suggests.

‘Right! James Sparkle!’ Pinkie cheers. ‘That is what you would have been called now anyway.’

‘No, I wouldn’t ha... Yeah. You’re right,’ James agrees.

‘James Sparkle. Future king of the New Lunar Republic.’ Luna giggles.

‘Uh no. Future Mr James Sparkle-Pie.’ Pinkie corrects.

‘Uh girls... I really hate to interrupt...’

The mares stop their fantasies and notice that James is watching as the New Lunar Republican army slowly enters the area. All of the ponies moan at the thought of the tough times that lay ahead for them. In the stars above, one light goes out.


The Wandering Physicist is on the grounds of the royal palace in Canterlot once more. A formal dinner is being held for all of the mayors and city leaders from across Equestria. Since the mayor of Ponyville is sick, Twilight Sparkle has been sent instead. Not wanting to go alone, Twilight dragged The Wandering Physicist with her. In the time before the dinner, The Wandering Physicist is taking time to see the palace. He comes across a secluded manor that has a pair of guards posted outside of it. Above the manor is a large sign with Discord’s face on it.

‘Hello, Discord,’ The Wandering Physicist mumbles.

The guards snap their attention to The Wandering Physicist as he just stares at the sign. Another pony approaches.

‘Mr Wanderer, it is almost time. We should get going,’ Twilight says as she comes closer. After getting no response, she looks at the sign too. ‘I still can’t believe Celestia had us reform him and didn’t have his statue smashed or sealed in a vault.’

‘That would have been cruel. She is above that.’’

‘He would have deserved it.’

‘Would he have?’

‘Don’t make this a political thing. I don’t want any of your Celestia-bashing tonight.’

‘We’re going to have deal with at some point. Was he as evil as you claim?’

‘You had to have been around for the chaos he caused.’

‘Chaos is not evil. Chaos is a natural part of the universe. And don’t tell me the buffalo ballerinas were not funny.’

‘Well, just a little, but he turned me and friends against each other.’

‘Or did he just expose the self doubt that existed within you?’ The Wandering Physicist holds a hoof up as Twilight starts to argue. ‘I talked with the others about it. I heard their versions of the story and what they saw. Fluttershy and Applejack admit what happened to them were caused by internal feelings. It takes some prodding...’

‘I guess you are right. Not to mention what you and Pinkie showed me at your birthday.’

‘Most importantly, you did seem to learn a lesson about friendship from the whole experience too.’

‘I know you are trying to get me to say something good about him, but I still have too many negative feelings toward the whole experience.’

‘Random. Misleading. Manipulative. Taught you a lesson about friendship. Did things just for the lols. Really gets under your skin.’

Twilight scowls. ‘Discord...’

‘I was talking about myself. Who mentioned Discord?’

Twilight groans. ‘Fine, but Discord doesn’t look as good in a suit as you.’

‘I don’t know... Can you imagine him in a giant bow tie?’

Twilight giggles. ‘You’re right. Silver polyester and a bow tie. Maybe a fez. Rarity would flip.’ She giggles some more then kisses The Wandering Physicist’s cheek. ‘Take your time, but not too much, okay?’

The Wandering Physicist smiles and watches his friend leave.

‘Do you love her?’ a voice says from The Wandering Physicist’s shoulder.

‘What do you think?’ he replies. He turns and looks at Discord again.

‘You have to tell her.’ Discord sighs, ‘I missed my chance last time.’

‘Is any of what you showed me true?’

‘Does it have to be to have meaning?’

‘Are the Daleks really coming?’

‘In my time, they were here by now. It seems your Equestria is free from that fate so far.’

‘I have to go now.’ The Wandering Physicist turns and starts walking away.

‘You better tell her or I will find a way to tell her for you!’ Discord taunts.

The Wandering Physicist looks back. He grins smugly. ‘What makes you think she doesn’t already know?’

Discord is hard to write for! There! I said it! And for those who think Discord didn’t teach the Mane6 a lesson or that he is truly gone, read this.

So after I got the awesome Pinkie Still Alive idea, I got another idea: what if The Wandering Physicist was Discord? Pretty much all of these scenes and the commentary from the narrator poured into my head at that instant. Don’t get me wrong. There are better artists that created better Discord origins and better Discord ships. This story was just his origin within this universe. Well, within two universes.

The bulk of the story takes place in the collective past between the main universe and Rei’s home universe. The last two scenes are end result of the different paths. As Rei said in her origin story, Luna and James would go on to marry and have their daughter. It was really tough coming up with a way for Pinkie to be the only survivor. I really did not want to write any other on screen deaths for any of the other Elements (especially Fluttershy), but Dash’s seemed like a good idea at the time. I still hated writing that scene. Any of the writers who produce grim, dark, and sad stories have my appreciation for being able to write that material and keep food down.

Author's Note:

Story Timeline: First appearance of the Rebirth of Harmony universe.

Story Events: SO! This chapter was a lot about the origins of Discord, the Elements and my Rebirth of Harmony side story. Events seen in this chapter have repercussions throughout the rest of the series. It was also one of my favorite to write. I really love the idea behind it and the mixing of the two versions of Equestria.

Story Notes: Thanks to Keep Calm and Flutter On, Discord is no longer in the statue for the final scene. That changed it from an awkward psychic conversation to what we have now. Definitely turned out for the better.

Also, as the second narration scene states, this is a way things could have happened. This is obviously not the way they happened in the canon universe. This story is not the origin of Discord. It is the origin of the Return of Harmony universe.

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