• Published 25th Feb 2012
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The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

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Main Characters: TWP, Twilight, Luna/Selene, Fluttershy, The Awesome and Magnificent Maxie, Derpy, Rip Chord, Dream Maker
Cameos: Lucas Grainsborough, Coal Tale, Droll Tale, Marvel Crystal, Diamond Crystal, Kaeko Umaku, Jonathan Colton, Ruby Dart, The Doctor (10), Spike, Applejack, Pinkie
Original Write Date: October 8, 2011

The Wandering Physicist is currently with a pony he never thought would be a customer at his store. Applejack is gift-hunting for her sister and ended up at the local gaming store. Unfortunately for The Wandering Physicist, it is a pretty busy time for him, but he happily engages the rare customer.

‘Sooooo, Applejack, how may I help you?’ The Wandering Physicist asks.

‘Oh no. Yer not tryin’ yer trick sells tricks on me. Ah’m wise t’ yer tricks.’

The Wandering Physicist laughs. ‘Just trying to be of service to you.’

‘Yer tryin’ t’ WHAT me?’ Applejack accuses.

‘I am trying to help you,’ The Wandering Physicist moans. ‘Get your mind out of the gutter.’

‘In that case, Ah’m looking fer a game fer mah sister.’ Applejack glares at The Wandering Physicist. ‘And Ah don’ want some violent game that would pollute her mind.’

‘Hmm... What systems do you own?’

‘Let’s see... We have one o’ them thingies where ya wave the controller around.’ The Wandering Physicist nods at the poor description of a Wii. ‘Uh... Big Mac has one o’ them Box thingies.’

‘Right. I see him on Live all the time.’

‘Excuse me?’

‘We play games online together some times.’

Applejack thinks. ‘Huh. So they are more like tubes...’ The Wandering Physicist stifles a laugh as poorly as he normally does. Applejack glares. ‘Anyway... Big Mac also got me one of them handheld thingies with two screens. Ah only use it when Ah have downtime in the orchard.’

‘Ah! Good. I think I know a game she might like...’ The Wandering Physicist goes over to a rack of games and picks one off. ‘Here you go. You might have to give up your DS to her, but that would be a small price to pay.’

Applejack is a little incredulous about the title. ‘Human Crossing? Ah don’ know... sounds a little weird. What’s it about?’

‘You play as a pony who just moved to a small town filled with weird-looking creatures. You just go around town planting flowers, picking fruit, and playing with your neighbors. Basically, it is a more open-ended version of Harvest Moon with a cartoony feel.’

‘Like Harvest Moon eh...’ Applejack seriously ponders the game.

The Wandering Physicist smirks a bit. ‘If you are looking for a more challenging twist on Harvest Moon, I have Rune Factory where you fight monsters and have them work on your farm for you.’

‘That would be mighty convenient.’ Applejack looks around to make sure no pony is listening. ‘Can Ah get a copy o’ that too? Fer, uh, research o’ course.’ She purses her lips and looks around nervously.

The Wandering Physicist gets a copy of Rune Factory. He starts ringing Applejack up at the counter. When he is done, he puts an advert into her bag.

‘What was that ya jus’ put in there?’

‘Oh. It is just a flyer for an upcoming festival we’re having in the neighborhood. There will be game tournaments hosted by me and the tabletop store. The music store has arranged some surprise guests. And all of the stores will be having sales. I figured I’d give you one since Big Mac hasn’t replied to my emails, and he might want to enter the Halo tourney.’

‘Huh. Ah’ll pass on the information to him.’ Applejack starts leaving, but she turns back a step. ‘Good t’ see ya actually doin’ somethin’ nice fer the children instead o’ jus’ scarin’ them.’

The Wandering Physicist smiles and shrugs. ‘We all have our off days.’

Applejack gives the stallion a confused look, then leaves the shop shaking her head. The Wandering Physicist sits back behind the counter and sighs. The increase in visitors recently in the lead-up to the festival has really overworked him. In addition, he has to manage all of the arrangements for the video game tournaments. Some scripts he wrote for online registration help on on front, but he still has to go through the physical applications. Making matters worse, he has yet to hear from two key members of a potential team he is setting up for a tournament.

As if on cue, one of his potential allies enters the shop. Selene looks like your average pegasus. She is dark blue with a lighter blue mane and a crescent-moon-shaped cutie mark. She has a pair of wide glasses and a simple necklace that she wears everywhere. None of the other patrons seem to notice her and the ones that do do not pay her special attention. She spots The Wandering Physicist and prances over with a smile.

‘Good afternoon, James!’

In an effort to have a simpler name for people to call him by, Selene gave The Wandering Physicist the nickname ‘James’. She really seems to enjoy the name, and The Wandering Physicist was happy to make her happy.

‘Afternoon, Miss Selene.’

‘The shop is really busy today.’

‘It is all of the buildup to the festival. Lots of shoppers and people registering for the various tourneys.’

‘Oh! Thanks for reminding me. That is why I am here today.’

The Wandering Physicist is very incredulous. ‘Really. I would never have guessed.’ He says, heavy on the sarcasm.

‘James...’ Selene scowls.

The Wandering Physicist mouths, ‘Lu-na’, causing Luna/Selene to back off. Unknown to everypony except The Wandering Physicist, Selene is really Princess Luna in disguise. Her glasses and necklace are really perception filters that make magnificent Luna appear as the normal Selene. The Wandering Physicist is the only one who has thus far broken her disguise.

‘Sorry,’ Selene apologizes.

‘Think nothing of it. Just sign these forms and you’ll be all set,’ The Wandering Physicist replies, pulling out a set of clipboards from under the counter.

Selene reads over the clipboards. ‘You filled them out for me already.’

‘Right. Just need your hoofprint.’

‘How did you know I was signing up for Super Smash Ponies and Mare-io Kart?’

‘Last Thursday when you swore at Twilight and last Tuesday when you got Twilight to swear at you.’

Selene smirks. ‘Good times.’ Luna prints two of the clipboards and turns to a third. ‘What is this?’

The Wandering Physicist grins. ‘I am putting a little team together for the TF2 tourney. I just need two more members. I was hoping to get you and Twilight to round out the team.’

Selene scowls again. ‘Work with Twilight...’

The Wandering Physicist mouths ‘Lu-na’ again. She growls and looks back at the clipboard.

‘Who else is on the team?’

‘I got Derpy for Spy. I have never seen her get below plus ten when she plays Spy.’


‘Exactly. It took a lot of doing, but I got Fluttershy as Heavy. She is invincible.’

‘Wait. She plays?’

‘She claims she is her rabbit Angel. Even her whole profile is set to look like it is Angel playing. Not to mention her natural shyness and quietness keeps her from really being heard so she can sneak by without saying a word or having it heard.’

Selene thinks. ‘Wait. She’s the Terror of Dustbowl!’ The Wandering Physicist nods. ‘But... she totally decimated me last time I played...’ Luna sighs. ‘How did you get her to agree to come out? She is so shy.’

The Wandering Physicist shakes his head. ‘It took a lot of work convincing her to agree to play publicly. ... I had to make all sorts of promises to her.’

‘What sort of promises?’ Luna glares.

‘All sorts,’ The Wandering Physicist sighs.

Selene’s glare intensifies, and she nods slightly toward the 18+ door.

‘What? No! Grow up, will you?’

Selene growls again at the age comment.

‘Anyway. I was going to be backing Fluttershy up as a medic. We are pretty much unstoppable. If you join as Soldier or Demoman and Twilight as Sniper, I am sure our team can win.’

Selene ponders joining the team. ‘Hmm.... All sorts of things?’

‘Dear Princess Celestia, You’ll never guess who came to my shop today!’ The Wandering Physicist says, mocking Twilight Sparkle.

Selene scowls and prints the roster. ‘I will make you owe me something.’

The Wandering Physicist sighs. ‘I know.’ He notices a pony approaching the store. ‘Uh oh.’

Selene turns to see Twilight Sparkle entering the store with her friend Pinkie Pie. Pinkie is literally bouncing as she enters the store. Selene glares at her rival as she comes directly to the counter with her friend. Twilight just scoffs at Selene. Pinkie is either oblivious to or does not care about her friend’s rivalry. The Wandering Physicist just watches as Pinkie bounces in front of him.

‘Hi! Remember me? You sold me that dancing game!’

‘I remember you quite well, Pinkie. How may I help you?’

‘We are here to enter some tournaments, Mr Wanderer. Pinkie insisted on coming when I told her what games you were hosting.’ Twilight answers for her overly hopped-up (literally, too) friend.

‘Right! I want to play Rock Band and the dancing game and the singing game and everything else that is partytastic!’

‘You’re going to need four for Rock Band. Do you have a group?’ The Wandering Physicist says while getting out all of the proper paperwork for Pinkie.

‘We certain-deediliy do!’ Pinke says as she finally stops bouncing to fill out the forms.

‘I can see you will be busy for a bit,’ Selene says, picking up The Wandering Physicist’s customized Chromebook from the counter. ‘I hope you don’t mind me helping out with the store while you help this fine young lady and Twilight.’

Twilight shoots a quick glare at Selene before turning back to The Wandering Physicist. ‘Um, yes, we have a team of four. Pinkie, myself, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack.’

‘Wait. What? I just told Applejack about the festival this afternoon.’

‘We talked to her about it on our way here.’ Twilight starts.

‘She was all “Ah just heard ‘bout the thing.” and I was like ‘You have to join our band! It will be so fun!’ and she was...’ Pinkie says before Twilight stops her.

‘We were able to talk her into joining our group,’ Twilight finishes. ‘There are also some games I would like to sign up for. I would have emailed,’ -- she blushes a bit -- ‘but I felt more like coming in to see you.’

The Wandering Physicist smiles back as he gets out some forms for Twilight. ‘Just need your hoofprint.’

Twilight looks at the forms. ‘These are all filled out already.’ She scans them more closely. She looks up at The Wandering Physicist through narrow eyes. ‘Selene signed up for these too, didn’t she?’ Before The Wandering Physicist can answer, Twilight slams her hooves on the forms. ‘It. Is. On.’

Pinkie slams her hooves on the counter too. ‘Right! ... What are were talking about?’

‘Girl things.’ The Wandering Physicist answers. ‘You done with your forms?’

‘Yep indeedy!’

The Wandering Physicist looks over the papers. ‘Looks good. Can’t wait to see you at the competition.’

‘Okie Dokie Loki!’

Pinkie bounces out of the store. Once Pinkie is gone, The Wandering Physicist finally stops his head from bouncing with her. Twilight stays back in the store, glaring at Luna.

‘Mr Wanderer...’

‘Miss Sparkle?’

‘Would you like some extra help with the event? I am quite good at organizing.’ Twilight’s Winter Wrap Up All-Team Organizer vest materializes around her.

The Wandering Physicist nods and gets out of Twilight’s way. He backs away and just watches as both of the rivals for his attention take over his shop. Outside, the owner of the used book store, a dark red unicorn with a red mane, waves The Wandering Physicist out to discuss more festival preparations.

The days pass and the festival comes around. All the shops are showing off their wares. There are a pair of stages where The Wandering Physicist is hosting the various video game tournaments and Dream Maker, the owner of the tabletop shop, is hosting various tabletop games. The indie music shop owner, Rip Chord aka MC RC, has samples of various artists playing over some of the speakers spread around the district. There is even a Pokemon tournament going on where the players find and challenge the gym leaders and other trainers to earn enough badges to make it to the finals. Hundreds of ponies have turned out from all over Ponyville and the surrounding area to see the what is going on.

The Wandering Physicist is on stage wrapping up an event. He is wearing a headset mic. ‘Let’s hear it for Team Grainsborough and their killer New Mare-io Wii run.’ A light gray unicorn with a brown mane bows next to three of his friends. ‘They pick up a used game of their choice from my store and ... What was it?’ Another pony motions towards a shop. ‘Right. And a free translated graphic novel from Neighponese Imports. Thanks, everypony, for watching. We’ll take a short break while we set up for the Halo team tournament. Back in a few.’

The Wandering Physicist heads backstage. He immediately collapses by the nearest chair and reaches for a bottle of water just out of reach. A kind hoof pushes the water towards him. He quickly pulls it to him and starts drinking.

‘Are you sure you don’t need any help? You have been up since yesterday,’ Selene says, sitting next to her friend.

‘M mmm mm mmmmm mmmm.’ The Wandering Physicist mumbles while drinking. He stops to take a breath. ‘Besides, how do you know? Are you stalking me? Maybe watching my dreams?’

Selene’s eyes dart. ‘No. Not at all.’

Another pony approaches. ‘Leave him alone, Selene. He has been up since yesterday.’ Twilight states.

‘Are you stalking him?’ Selene accuses.

‘What are you talking about? I have been helping set up, unlike some ponies who were conveniently out of town.’

‘Mmm mm mm mm,’ The Wandering Physicist finishes drinking, ‘game.’

The two mares stare at The Wandering Physicist as he he goes back to laying on the ground. He lets out a large, fake snore that cause both of them to roll their eyes.

Twilight turns to Selene. ‘Anyway, what are you doing back here? Event staff only.’

Selene taps a badge around her neck. ‘VIP guest. It seems somepony thinks I am special enough to have around.’

The Wandering Physicist snorts and and gasps. He sits straight up. ‘I’m awake!’

There is a sharp ‘eep’ and a crash. The group looks over to see that a yellow pegasus with a pink mane has attempted to hide in a pile of chairs and tables but got herself stuck in the furniture. The Wandering Physicist and Twilight go to help their friend free.

‘Sorry about that. I didn’t know you were there.’ The Wandering Physicist apologizes.

‘Oh, it is fine. I shouldn’t have been sneaking up on you.’ Fluttershy apologizes back.

‘I wouldn’t say “sneaking”,’ a new voice chimes in, ‘more like “skulking”.’

A grey pegasus and a brown pony enter the backstage area.

Derpy waves at her friends. ‘Hi! I hope you don’t mind, but I brought my friend with me. His name is The Doctor. Doctor, this is Twilight, Fluttershy, new person, and Chief.’ ‘Chief’ is Derpy’s nickname for The Wandering Physicist.

‘It is a pleasure to meet all of you.’ The Doctor says with a bow.

‘Likewise, Doctor.’ The Wandering Physicist replies. ‘Now that we’re all here, team meeting time.’

‘We are not going to cheat, are we?’ Fluttershy worries. ‘I mean, you are the one who organized everything.’

‘No worries. I have the stages set to a random number generator and Droll Tale will be on hoof to pick a stage if we get a repeat.’

‘Ugh. He is so annoying,’ Twilight says with a facehoof.

‘All right. Enough troll bashing, we should only have about ten minutes before I have to...’ The Wandering Physicist half dozes off again. Selene taps him. ‘Cheeseburger!’

There is another crash as Fluttershy tries diving under the chairs again.

Twilight facehoofs again. ‘This is going to be a long day.’

After the Halo team tournament changed to the solo tournament, The Wandering Physicist is almost out of energy. The last two competitors are in a heated battle. The crowd has a clearly defined favorite and is cheering him on. Suddenly, there is a loud explosion in the game and The Wandering Physicist is wake from his stupor. The audience is clearly upset and is booing the winner.

‘Bow before The Awesome and Magnificent Maximilian!’ the winner declares, triumphantly. The unicorn uses his magic to create some harmless fireworks in celebration.

The Wandering Physicist yawns. ‘That will do.’

‘The Awesome and Magnificent Maxie does not care what you think.’

‘Well, I am the one hosting this thing. So...’

The fireworks stop.

‘Anyway, congratulations on your win. You get two free months of Playstation Plus...’ All of the Halo players look at The Wandering Physicist, then at the consoles, then back to The Wandering Physicist. ‘Or Gold. Whatever. Thank you to everypony for playing.’

‘Let this be a warning to all who challenge the Awesome and Magnificent Maxie!’

‘Right...’ The Wandering Physicist covers his mic. ‘You can leave the stage now.’ Maxie turns his nose up and leaves. ‘Okay! So we’ll be setting up for the TF2 round robin in a bit, but first we have something special planned.’

Dream Maker and several other ponies enter the stage.

‘That is right,’ Dream Maker starts. ‘Once the tournament is finished on my stage, I’ll be DMing a Dungeons and Dragons game being played by The Wandering Physicist of The Power Block’ -- The Wandering Physicist bows -- ‘Diamond Crystal representing Marvel Crystal of Marvelous Comics and Collectables’ -- a light blue pony with striped purple and blue mane bows -- ‘Coal Tale of Coal’s Tales’ -- he takes a bow -- ‘Rip Chord of The Chaos Theater’ -- an all black pegasus with a black mane nods -- ‘Ruby Dart of Ponyville Programming’ -- a yellow unicorn with a red mane nods -- ‘and Kaeko Umaku of Neighponese Imports’ -- a silver pegasus with a blonde mane bows. ‘Can they survive the campaign? Find out soon.’

The audience applauds or stomps in support of the hosts. Dream waves and heads back to the tabletop area. The other shopkeepers head backstage. They all stand around. The Wandering Physicist sways a bit with his eyes closed.

‘How is the festival going for the rest of you?’ Kaeko asks. ‘I am doing well, but I’d like to have a bit of time to check my shop before the game.’

‘Gettin’ a ton of guests wanting to hear or buy the albums I have been playin’,’ Rip answers. ‘It is hard keepin’ the secret under wraps.’

‘It is hard keeping Droll in line, but what else is new?’ Coal says. ‘I am making good sells. Pretty good considering the popularity of the library,’ glances at The Dozing Physicist, ‘or a certain pony that runs it.’

‘The husband and I are always doing good business.’ Diamond says. ‘It is good to see new faces, though.’

The Wandering Physicist snores.

‘Yo. I think he has the right idea. Who’s coverin’ his shop anyway?’ Rip asks.

‘We combined shops for the festival since I didn’t want my place getting too cluttered,’ Ruby answers. ‘His friends Selene and Twilight Sparkle have been... Is “helping” the right word?’

‘Speaking of not helping, have any of you also run into that Maxie that was just on stage?’ Coal asks.

‘Hells yeah,’ Rip replies. ‘He went through my shop then started complainin’ that I didn’t have any “good” music. I asked what he liked and he started up with all of the mainstream artists that I clearly don’t carry. I mean, they’re good ‘n all, but...’

‘He was unimpressed that I did not carry any Naruto,’ Kaeko scowls.

‘Should we have the Enforcers keep an eye on him?’ Ruby asks.

Move faster, Pokey!’ The Wandering Physicist blurts. Everypony stares at him. ‘What were we talking about?’

‘Just wondering if we should watch a disruptive pony.’ Coal answers.

‘Is it your brother?’

‘No, but...’

‘Is this pony breaking any rules?’

‘Well, no, but...’

‘If the pony is not breaking rules, I don’t think we should be so quick to judge.’

‘Hmm. Give it time. You’ll come around.’

A stage hand looks backstage. ‘Almost ready for you.’

‘I guess it is time to do this. Ready, kids?’ Diamond says.

Rip nods toward Ruby and Kaeko. ‘With them around, I’ll put on my robe and wizard hat.’

Diamond rolls her eyes. Kaeko groans. Coal backs away. Ruby swears under her breath. The Wandering Physicist finds a bottle of water and starts drinking.

‘This anypony’s?’ The Wandering Physicist asks after finishing the water.

The others sigh and wait until they are called out once more.

On the night of the first day, the festival is winding down, but the party is still going on. The tabletop stage has been converted to a music stage where Rip Chord’s special guest turns out to be Jonathan Colton. JoColt is playing a small concert while the last gaming tournament is finishing up. It is the last round of the Mare-io Kart Wii tournament. Fourth place has already been mathematically eliminated and is holding back from the main three. Twilight currently leads with Selene right on her tail. For some reason, Maximilian seems to be waiting for something. The Wandering Physicist is too busy singing along to all of the songs to comment on the race. Suddenly, there is an explosion on-screen, followed by Twilight and Selene yelling, the audience booing and Maximilian laughing.

‘Silly foals! Tremble before the might of the Awesome and Magnificent Maxie!’

‘That was total bulls...’ Selene yells before getting cut off by a firework.

‘Motherf...’ Firework. ‘...king blue shells,’ Twilight spits out.

‘...the future soon. I never seen it quite so clear. When my heart is breaking...’

‘Mr Wanderer!’


‘What? Oh!’ The Wandering Physicist takes notice of the game. ‘Congratulations to...’

‘The Awesome and Magnificient Maxie wins again!’ Maxie declares.

‘Way to go. You win the complete Mare-io Kart figure and toy collection.’ The Wandering Physicist pauses to think. ‘Damn. That is pretty fancy.’ He notices Twilight and Selene charging spells. ‘Anyway! Good job winning, keep up the good work, and get off the stage if you want to live.’

The Wandering Physicist hurries Maxie off the stage as Twilight and Selene run up.

‘I’ll kill him. I am going to kill him,’ Selene says unusually calmly.

‘I am so getting Celestia to banish him and have him thrown in a dungeon in the place he is banished to.’ Twilight growls.

‘You have my support,’ her rival adds.

‘Not to sound like I wasn’t paying attention to both of you, but what did he do?’

Twilight and Selene stare at The Wandering Physicist, look at each other, and back at the stallion. ‘Blue shell.’ They say in unison.

‘Oooo!’ Pause. ‘Which one of you was in first?’

‘I was!’ They say at once. ‘What? No you weren’t! I was leading! Stop copying me!’

The two mares growl and butt heads. The Wandering Physicist starts backing away. The two mares notice and turn their attention to him.

‘Uh... You wouldn’t hit a pony with glasses, would you?’ Twilight levitates the glasses from The Wandering Physicist’s face. ‘Oh snap.’

The stallion darts backstage to keep the inevitable earful he will get out of public. After they are gone, a certain pink pony comes out on stage.

‘Rock Band party! All night!’ Pinkie declares as she pulls a Rock Band guitar out of nowhere.

The next day brings changes to the festival. Most notably, The Wandering Physicist is wide awake after getting ‘plenty’ of sleep when Twilight and Selene were done yelling at him for ignoring them. He would have gotten better sleep if he was allowed to use his own bed and not give it up to a certain visiting princess. There is also renewed energy in the Pokemon League after rumors spread about a mysterious ‘Gym Leader Hayate’ who was very easy to defeat and about a certain animal-loving pegasus who is the league champion. There is also a lot of talk about ‘the Awesome and Magnificent Maxie’ dominating games and being a showboat about it.

The finals for the Team Fortress 2 tournament coming to a close. Team Wanderer is dominating. The teams are having a big shootout at the last control point. The defending team is doing a good job of camping at the control point. Fluttershy is giving her monitor her infamous Stare, which is doing a good job of unnerving any opponent who happens to look her way. The rest of her team is equally intense.

‘You set, Derpy?’ Selene whispers into her headset.

‘Roger,’ Derpy replies.

One of the defenders decloaks and backstabs an ‘ally’. At the same time, another defender is taken down by a headshot.

‘Booya! Who is your god now!’ Selene declares triumphantly.

Team Wanderer rushes the point and is able to get enough players on it before the opposing team can regroup. The match ends in total victory.

‘YAHOO! WE DID IT! WE WON! WE ARE THE GREATEST!’ Fluttershy declares, jumping up and down in her seat.

The rest of the team take a breath and start congratulating each other and the other team. They are able to get Fluttershy to calm down and join in the sharing of respect. The announcers, Rip Chord and Droll Tale, come out to congratulate the teams.

‘That was a great game! Real balls to the wall action!’ Rip says.

‘I like popsicles!’ Droll declares.

‘Ya have been just the greatest cohost in ever,’ Rip says, rolling his eyes.

‘Shoo be doo, shoo shoo be doo,’ Droll sings.

There is a crash as Rip starts strangling Droll, and they fall off the stage. Enforcers rush to pull them apart. The Wandering Physicist picks up a dropped headset mic.

‘Ho damn! Thought that was never going to end.’ The Wandering Physicist states. ‘Anyway! Since it would be a gyp to give the host a prize, I had something special in mind in case we won. Once I get back to my shop, I’ll be giving away a free app download of your choice for the next hour to all visitors. See you there.’

The Wandering Physicist gives the mic to an Enforcer as he rejoins his team. They start heading off the stage and back to The Power Block. At the end of the stage exit, Maximilian is waiting. Fluttershy hides from the stranger behind The Wandering Physicist.

‘Way to go on the win. The Awesome and Magnificent Maxie would have helped you get it sooner though,’ Maxie greets.

‘What do you want?’ Twilight says, glaring.

‘I just wanted to tell you that I cannot wait for our match in the Brawl tourney. Ours to Selene.’

Selene just scoffs and turns away. Maxie smirks and starts leaving. He stops and turns back a bit.

‘Oh. And I’ll be seeing you around too, Madam Champion.’

Fluttershy just lets out a sharp squeak and hides even more. Twilight and Selene glare at Maxie as he finally leaves. The Wandering Physicist sighs and starts walking away very slowly, since he is dragging Fluttershy.

‘That guy is a real ass!’ Selene declares.

‘I bet I can find a spell to make him one, too,’ Twilight adds. She turns to Selene. ‘Hey, one of us has to take him down. Deal?’


‘I’m in, too!’ Derpy declares.

‘Excellent! We should be enough to take him down.’

The three mares high hoof.

‘I’m going back to the shop and getting some food,’ The Wandering Physicist says, walking away. ‘Y’all are free to join me if you want. ... It might take me a bit to get back there, though.’

‘Sorry,’ Fluttershy apologizes as she gets up. ‘He just gives me a chill.’

‘He really seems familiar to me... I wonder from where...’ Twilight ponders.

‘Food first. Stranger bashing later,’ The Wandering Physicist says, continuing on.

A large group has formed backstage on the video gaming stage. They have all surrounded The Wandering Physicist, and they are angry. He is standing firm against them.

‘No. No rules are being broken. We cannot eject him without a cause,’ The Wandering Physicist avers.

‘What about Wheaton’s Law? Our unwritten Rule Zero?’ Dream Maker counters.

‘We have hundreds of overcharged ponies competing in tough, direct challenges. It is natural for some to be overzealous.’

‘It is plain rude is what is is.’ Selene snorts.

‘ “Who is your god now?” That wasn’t even five hours ago.’

‘That is beside the point.’

‘He is not just being a showboat. He is being a disruptive element. He has been annoying visitors to our shops,’ Coal Tale adds.

‘He strangled me for no good reason!’ Droll Tale also adds.

‘That was Rip, and you deserved it.’ Coal corrects.

‘Heh, heh. Yeah,’ Rip laughs.

‘I was using Snake and he beat me in the final round!’ Derpy complains.

‘All right, everypony. Calm down. I understand your complaints, but come on, the festival is almost over. We just have the last few rounds of the Pokemon league to finish on my end. I am sure we can end this without too much of a disruption.’

Kaeko goes over to The Wandering Physicist. ‘You have been the only one to resist taking action because he has not directly infuriated you in someway. If you do not stand with your friends now, we might not be quick to stand with you in the future.’

Kaeko turns and leaves. Most of the other ponies look back at The Wandering Physicist and follow too. Only Twilight, Selene and Derpy stay.

‘Sorry to lose my cool, Chief, but sensei is right,’ Derpy says.

The Wandering Physicist sighs. ‘I know. Letting it slide for this long has been tough, but I would rather not blight the show by losing my temper.’

Selene puts a hoof on The Wandering Physicist’s shoulder. ‘There are ways to fight without getting angry. I am sure if the time comes, you will think of something.’

The Wandering Physicist sighs again. ‘Let’s get the others. It is time for some E4 challenges.’

The final game of the Pokemon league is being played. Champion Fluttershy is defending against the last challenger, Maximilian. She is carefully picking her moves in hopes that...

‘Ha! I win! The Awesome and Magnificent Maxie is the greatest pony in all of Equestria!’

Maxie start creating more fireworks and laughing in celebration. At her seat, Fluttershy calmly closes her game, gets up and gallops away crying. She passes by The Wandering Physicist who is doing his best impression of her Stare focused on Maxie. In the audience, the other shop owners murmur and look at The Wandering Physicist. The other Pokemon masters, Twilight, Selene, Spike, and Derpy, watch their one friend leave then look over to see their other friend, silently seething. With a deliberate calmness, The Wandering Physicist gets up and walks over to the still-celebrating Maxie.

‘Very good on the win. You are the only one to make it that far and thus our new champion.’

‘The Awesome and Magnificent Maxie knew he would win. He will be a great and merciful champion to you all.’

‘Yes, yes... You did well, but I notice something amiss.’

‘Oh? And what is that? I followed all of the rules.’

‘I believe you are missing a badge.’ The Wandering Physicist shrugs. ‘I know it is not needed to get this far, but, you know, gotta catch ‘em all.’

‘What? Oh, you mean Gym Leader Hayate? I heard he was basically giving the badges away,’ Maxie scoffs. ‘I heard that nopony has even seen him. I don’t want to fight an opponent I cannot see.’

A small badge is tossed to the stage. Maxie looks from the badge up to The Wandering Physicist’s hoof, still extended from tossing the badge.

‘Really? I am the champion. You are the one everypony beat. You think you can take me?’

‘In my sleep, which, according to my friends, is apparently more aggressive than I normally play.’

‘Pfft. I don’t care. What is one more trinket to me?’

‘Then why don’t we make it interesting. One badge and bragging rights versus your title,’ Maxie scoffs again. ‘Unless you don’t think you can take the one trainer everypony else beat.’

‘Hmm.... Bring it on, as they say.’

‘Excellent!’ The Wandering Physicist turns to the back. ‘Let’s set up over here!’

A small team of Enforcers come out and start reconnecting the equipment. Rip Chord quickly gallops away.

‘What is going on?’ Maxie asks.

‘Oh, right. I was working on a special setup for the final round, but it got started before we could hook everything up. This will allow us to see the battle on the main screen without revealing our moves or our whole team.’

The Wandering Physicist puts his game cartridge into a device set in front of him. Maxie pauses for a moment then does the same. The device is activated and the game starts up. Rip returns with Jonathan Colton, quickly gets him a guitar, and hooks it up. Jonathan Colton starts playing some battle music. The first two Pokemon appear: a Lucario for The Wandering Physicist and a Victini for Maxie. The players input their moves. “Lucario used Focus Blast. It is super effective!” Victini is revealed to be a Zoroark and goes down.

‘What?! How did you know I had a Zoroark?’

‘Just a guess.’

Maxie sends out his next Pokemon, a Hydreigon. The players pick their actions. Their attacks hit. Lucario’s Illusion fails and it is revealed to be a Zoroark.

‘What the?’

‘I never said I didn’t have one too.’

They put in their next actions. Zoroark is switched for another Lucario, which takes the hit. Maxie growls.

The Wandering Physicist turns to the crowd. ‘Who wants to see Aura Sphere!’

The audience cheers, and the players put in their actions. Lucario uses Aura Sphere and takes out the Hydreigon. Maxie growls louder and sends out his next Pokemon, Blaziken.

‘Ha! Blaze Kick, go!’

Blaziken takes out Lucario in one hit, causing Maxie to cheer and the crowd to boo. The Wandering Physicist sends out an Empoleon. Maxie sneers again. The actions are put in. Empoleon takes a hit, but it wipes out the Blaziken. Maxie seethes and sends out Electross.

‘Ah. Looks like I am at a disadvantage. Dang,’ The Wandering Physicist taunts.

The players put in their actions. Empoleon takes a Zap Cannon and faints. A Salamenace comes out. Maxie grimaces for a second but readies an attack. The Salamenace goes down after being revealed to be Zoroark again.

‘Oh no. We are all tied up. Whatever shall I do?’ The Wandering Physicist chides.

‘Will you be serious?’

‘I am always serious, and don’t call me Shirley.’

The audience has a laugh as another Salamenace is sent out.

‘Maxie, did you know Electross is a lamprey?

‘What of it?’

‘Well, lamprey suck nutrients from their prey. Want to know what this one sucks?’

Maxie rolls his eyes. ‘What?’

‘Draco Meteor!’

The crowd cheers as the move is input. Salamenace is paralyzed by Zap Cannon, but it takes out the Electross. Maxie just scoffs and sends out Kingdra.

‘Oh dear. What have I there?’

‘A pretty good play since that has moves that are times four effective against two of my last team.’

‘And why are you revealing that?’

‘You showed me you Victini, good pick by the way. I thought I’d return the favor and show you my lone legendary. B-T-dubs, she is about twenty percent cooler than Victini.’

From the clouds, a cyan pegasus shouts a complaint. The Wandering Physicist sends out a Sky Forme Shaymin, causing a murmur in the audience. Maxie ponders his next move.

‘If you switch, I get a free hit on your Victini. If you don’t,’ he enters a command, ‘you get hit by Seed Flare. Your poison.’

Maxie inputs the action. His Pokemon takes the hit. He just grumbles and sends out Victini, his last Pokemon.

‘Damn. I don’t have anything that would do any good. Oh sigh.’ The Wandering Physicist taunts again.

He just puts in a command and takes the powerful V-Create attack. The Wandering Physicist feigns despair and sends out his last Pokemon, a level one Rattata. Those in the audience that know what is coming cheer. Maxie does not seem to get what is coming his way.

‘Really? That is it? That is your last resort? I can squash you in one hit!’

‘I doubt that is possible. You can concede now if you don’t want to be humiliated.’

‘You are really arrogant.’

‘I know.’

They input their commands. Victini roasts Rattata, but “Focus Sash keeps Rattata from fainting.”


Rattata uses Endeavor and takes Victini down to one HP too.

‘Last move, Maxie. Make it count.’

They put in their actions. “Rattata uses Sucker Punch. It is super effective!” The last HP is taken from Victini. Maxie screams in rage. The audience cheers.

‘In your face, Space Coyote!’

‘Space Coyote?’ Selene wonders.

The special game setup is turned off. Maxie quickly removes his cartridge. The Enforcers start breaking down the stage.

‘You have not heard the last of the Awesome and Magnificent Maxie!’

Maxie casts a smoke spell and gallops away using the spell as cover. He trips of a fallen cart wheel on his way out of town.

‘Oh! That is who he reminds me of!’ Twilight says.

The audience keeps cheering the victory. The other Pokemon masters on stage cheer too. The Wandering Physicist turns to the crowd and waves. Suddenly, he is tackled from the side. Fluttershy has glomped on to him.

‘You did it! You beat that big meanie! You are the greatest!’

Fluttershy gives The Wandering Physicist a big kiss on the cheek. He blushes while Twilight’s and Selene’s jaws drop. Once Fluttershy realizes what she just did, she instantly turns bright red and gallops away stage as Dream Maker and a red pony with a blue mane, Marvel Crystal, come on stage.

‘Way to go! That was an epic victory,’ Marvel says, slapping The Wandering Physicist on the back and knocking him to the ground.

Dream Maker helps The Wandering Physicist back up. ‘That was a great way to end the last tournament of the festival.’

‘I’d say you won some award, but I think Fluttershy already gave it to you.’ Marvel says, getting cheers from the audience.

‘Oh geez. She is never going to come near me again,’ The Wandering Physicist moans.

‘Look on the bright side, you can finally get some sleep.’ Dream Maker turns to the audience. ‘This pony has only slept six hours in the past three days.’

The audience cheers again.

‘That is a lie and you know it! It is more like five point seven hours.’ There are more cheers. Twilight tries calculating point seven hours in her head.

‘That will do. Take one last bow, then GET SOME REST!’ Marvel urges.

‘Whatevs.’ The Wandering Physicist turns to the audience. ‘Thank you for watching. We should be setting up a free play area for the rest of the festival, and the shops will be open for a while longer. Catch ya ‘round!’

The Wandering Physicist waves to the audience and heads backstage to cheers. The rest of his friends are waiting for him, even a highly embarrassed Fluttershy. They all congratulate him on winning the game.

‘You were great out there, Mr Wanderer.’

‘Marvelous, James. Marvelous.’

‘I knew you could take him, Chief.’

The Wandering Physicist sways a little and snores. His friends laugh. Suddenly, The Doctor pops in.

‘Molecular waveguides.’

‘By the Genesis display. Third shelf up.’ The Wandering Physicist says in his sleep.

‘Thanks, mate.’

The Doctor gallops out, leaving several confused ponies and a Slowly Collapsing Physicist.

Days later, The Wandering Physicist is working in his shop. He is getting the usual flow of customers. His Pokemon League and Team Fortress 2 awards are over the counter. He sighs contentedly as he watches over his shop. A new customer enters the shop. The pony approaches the main counter and sets down a wrapped box.

‘Why Miss Applejack, what can I do for you?’

‘Ah was there when ya took down that dern showboatin’ stallion. Ya really gave ‘im what he deserved.’

‘Thank you. That was the last act before I would have taken his horn and done something I cannot say in polite company.’

‘Ah understand where yer comin’ from. Anyway, it was a good thing ya did fer the neighborhood. This here is a little token of mah appreciation.’

The Wandering Physicist opens the box to reveal a pie. ‘Wow. Thanks. You really didn’t have to.’

‘Well, it is also mah way t’ finally be welcomin’ ya t’ Ponyville. The town is better fer havin’ ya.’ The mare blushes. ‘Sorry fer bein’ so mean t’ ya.’

The Wandering Physicist does a hoof pump. ‘I am credit to team!’

‘Heh, heh. Twi was right. Yer a weird one, but yer a fun one.’

‘That was the nicest thing someone has said to me all day. So, uh, like your hat in return.’

Applejack smiles, nods and leaves the shop. She looks back as she is leaving and get a wink from The Wandering Physicist. She continues out, blushing. The Wandering Physicist goes back to enjoying the day.

Author's Note:

Fun Fact: Most of the Pokemon seen in the battle are my favorites. It was really tough coming up with teams that used ones I liked. I know neither of the teams are really tournament worthy, but I wanted to have fun with it. Also, I have played Pokemon in my sleep before. On several occasions.

Story timeline: First speaking appearance of Pinkie. First cameo of Rainbow Dash. Applejack and TWP make peace. Watch out for her.

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