• Published 25th Feb 2012
  • 4,909 Views, 568 Comments

The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

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Trio ad Libitum

Main Characters: Octavia, Lyra, Silver Fox
Cameos: Sugar Cloud, Rei, Inkie, Vinyl Scratch, Archibald Skybound
Original Write Date: 04/08/2012

A hooded and robed figure jumps across the Ponyville rooftops at night. It runs at full speed on only its hind legs. It makes its way from building to building with stunning aerial acrobatics. No wings are visible through the white robe nor is a horn sticking from the hood. All of the impressive stunts are done by an earth pony.

The mysterious earth pony leaps a large gap between two buildings and lands with just one leg still in the air. The pony lowers itself and gallops to the edge of the building and jumps to the next one. It looks around and goes to the side of the building. It looks over the side. It turns its back to the edge and falls off.

The hooded pony catches itself on a ledge and pulls itself through a window. It looks around the room and finds a pony sleeping in his bed. The mysterious pony trots around the bed and looks at the pony laying there. It leans out from its robe, exposing its muzzle, and kisses the dreaming pony. The sleeping pony moans and sits up.

James blinks as he looks around his room. He thought somepony was in the room. He gets his sonic from his bedside and scans the room. There is nopony else present. James shrugs and goes back to sleep.

The hooded pony looks across the gap between The Power Block and Ponyville Programming. The pony smiles, jumps off the building and trots away.

The key to a great cup of coffee starts with the beans. Fresh ground beans are a must. Without fresh ground beans, you just have odd-flavored hot water. And it must, must be served with fresh baked pastries. The best barista in Equestria insists on those points, and she cannot be wrong.

Octavia gives a content sigh as she sips her coffee. She might be kilometers from home, but that does not mean she cannot have a good cup of coffee in the morning. Fortunately, Trixie always has a large stock of the finest beans in the world at her apartment in Ponyville, even if the branded mugs are a bit much. Octavia has been staying at Trixie’s apartment while in Ponyville on some business.

Octavia finishes her coffee and heads out of the apartment to get her fresh pastries from Sugarcube Corner. She is immediately confronted by a number of large boxes blocking most of the walkways. Before Octavia can turn and leave via the wagon-port, she hears her voice called out.

‘Ohayo! Tavi-tan!’

Octavia shudders. ‘I am older and taller than you. Don’t use that damn suffix.’

Rei pouts as she flies past with a box on her back. ‘Aww! Tavi-tan is grumpy.’

Rei sets the box with the others then disappears in a flash. Inkie sticks her head out of the next door apartment.

‘Was Rei here?’ Inkie asks. ‘She is helping me move, and she is bringing my boxes faster than I can get them in.’

Octavia stares at Inkie. ‘You’re the kid that helped Trixie on the cruise, right?’

‘Right. I’m Inkie Pie.’ Inkie smiles. ‘I’m your new neighbor.’

‘Uh... Actually, I am just staying here on business. I’m just borrowing the place from Trixie.’

‘You know Trixie-sama, Tavi-tan!’

Rei pins Octavia to the ground and grins into the grey pony’s face. Octavia tries to get up from under the smaller pony, but Rei is carrying one of Inkie’s boxes and the added weight is too much.

‘Yes,’ Octavia growls. ‘I know Trixie, Rei. Now let me up!’

Rei performs a hip thrust and tosses the box to Inkie. She backs up and helps Octavia to her hooves. Octavia looks the fillies over.

‘Why is she moving anyway?’ Octavia asks.

Inkie frowns and goes back into her apartment.

Rei frowns. ‘Twilight got all meanie on us recently. She is nice again, but Inkie-chan needed a change.’ She smiles. ‘Inkie-chan gets to have her own place now! And so near me too! Isn’t that great?’

Octavia forces a smile. ‘That is gr...’

Octavia’s stomach growls. She closes her now twitching eyes. Rei keeps smiling at the older pony. Inkie pops back outside.

‘Don’t worry, Miss Octavia.’ Inkie grins. ‘My sister will take care of that for you. Don’t forget to smile!’

Octavia grumbles louder than her stomach and makes her way towards breakfast and the rest of her day.

Near midnight in Ponyville is when most good ponies are asleep. Some good ponies prefer to stay up late. The residence at The Power Block is full of those sorts of good ponies. James is currently having his weekly gaming night with Twilight and Selene. This week, Selene brought her new friend Cloudchaser with her. The four ponies are having a fun time hanging out and playing games. Rei is celebrating Inkie’s move by staying over at her friend’s apartment.

Outside The Power Block, a pony of questionable morals clings to the side of the building. The pony has an easier time then most since Lyra uses her magic to help her keep her balance. She uses her free hooves to take notes on the ponies inside the building.

‘Interesting hobby you have.’

Lyra looks up to see the hooded pony from the previous night standing on the opposite side of the window. The mysterious pony has both forelegs and hind legs crossed as it stands against the wall.

‘About time I see you,’ Lyra grumbles. ‘I figured you’d show up after I heard you were in town.’

‘I have a business proposal for you.’

Lyra turns back to the window. ‘No deal.’

‘Selene’s secret identity?’



‘Celestia. I should know.’ Lyra taps her head. ‘She is the one who wiped my mind seven times.’

The group in the residence cheers at the game.

‘Rei’s real parents?’

Lyra turns to the hooded pony. ‘Do you know how long I have been trying to find that out?’

The mysterious pony extends a clothed and gloved hoof in front of the window. Lyra reaches over, and they shake on the agreement.

When shopping for candy, quality always wins against quantity. In Ponyville, the best place to buy candy is Bon Bon’s Confectionary. Make sure you get there early or else all of the good stuff will be bought.

Lyra kicks her hind legs on her desk as she does some work on her laptop. She uses her magic to type away while her hooves are busy playing her lyre. She starts humming a tune to her music. A bag of candy lands on the desk.

‘You are rich enough to move back home and open a shop for her. You could make your investment back in less that a quarter.’

Lyra stops her playing. ‘You couldn’t handle the competition if I returned.’

Octavia laughs as she trots around the desk and sits in the same manner as Lyra.

‘Great to see you again, Lyra,’ Octavia greets.

‘It has been too long, kid,’ Lyra replies. ‘What brings you to my neck of the woods?’

‘I have a collab project in mind. I want the best. You in?’

Lyra leans back and plucks her lyre. ‘I’ll have to ask the wife, but it sounds interesting. Anypony else in this project of yours?’

‘I have one in mind, but we’ll have to ask in the next few days or we might miss our chance.’

‘Hmm. Then I better do a good job convincing the wife.’

Octavia glances at the bag and taps it with her hoof. Lyra levitates the bag to her and opens it. She pulls out a small card. She smirks.

‘Just don’t hurt me as bad as she asks,’ Octavia laughs.

Don’t let anypony tell you that Ponybucks is bad coffee. They obviously have never been to the one run by Sugar Cloud. Whenever I am in the area, I always stop in for a brew. It is so delicious. I need some right now!

Octavia and Lyra trot into a Ponybucks to get off the street. The shop is empty except for a lone white pegasus working the counter. Octavia and the pegasus smile and wave at each other.

Lyra looks over the menu. ‘Your dedication to coffee is only matched by your dedication to the cause of your hangovers.’

‘Be nice.’ Octavia scolds. ‘Besides, Sugar Cloud here is the best barista on the planet. Isn’t that right?’

Sugar Cloud blushes and tries to hide. ‘I don’t really know about that...’

Octavia goes to the counter. ‘I keep telling you to stop being so modest. Anyway, I’ll have the usual and your freshest pastries.’

‘Yeah. I’ll just have a cappuccino,’ Lyra says.

‘Right away,’ Sugar Cloud cheers as she gets to work.

Octavia and Lyra find a table and sit. Lyra looks out of the windows at the passing crowds.

‘What do you think?’ Octavia asks.

‘I think her publicist is really rude.’ Lyra snorts. ‘Saying she doesn’t have time to even meet with us. What a lie.’

‘We’ll just have to ask her directly then, won’t we?’

Sugar Cloud arrives with the drinks and starts setting them on the table. Octavia gets an idea.

‘Sugar Cloud? Has Silver come by here lately?’

Sugar Cloud stops to think. ‘Well... I have seen her late at night and early in the morning, but she isn’t too talkative then.’

‘When is she ever?’ Lyra groans as she takes a sip of her coffee.

‘Sorry I can’t be more of a help,’ Sugar Cloud says.

‘You’ve helped plenty.’ Octavia smiles at her friend.

Lyra slams her cup down on the table. ‘This is too good! More coffee! I must get my hands on more! MORE!’

Sugar Cloud scurries away to get Lyra more coffee before the unicorn does something crazy. Octavia laughs and sips her coffee.

‘Happens to every n00b.’

A pegasus dressed all in black with its face covered in a matching black mask creeps along the ceiling of an art gallery.

‘No upward facing cameras to watch for pegasi,’ the pegasus whispers into a recording device.

The pegasus rounds a corner and creeps down another hall.

‘Gap in the coverage on the north hall large enough to hide a manticore.’

The pegasus stops and looks up at the floor. A large earth pony in a security guard uniform is sleeping against the wall.

‘Fire Night Eyes.’

The pegasus continues forward and enters a large, domed display room with a display case holding a golden statue of Celestia. The pegasus scans the room.

‘IR and UV lasers on the ground and ceiling. Good. Pressure-sensitive locks on the windows. Oh! And magically-shielded electrical boxes. Nice touch. Hmm... Pressure and heat sensitive glass on the case. Not too hard to beat with the right tools. I think the curator will like a nice paperweight for his office in the morning.’

The pegasus plants a tether on the wall where it is standing. It creeps around the room and plants three more. With the tethers in place, the pegasus starts pulling the lines and aligning itself over the central display case. It looks down at the case to see it empty. The pegasus quickly searches the room and finds an earth pony, hooded in white, holding the statue in a gloved hoof.

‘Great. What do you want?’ The pegasus grumbles.

‘I just want to talk. You never answer my calls, Silver.’

Silver Fox growls from her perch. ‘You are so lucky they don’t have audio on the cameras aimed at you right now.’

‘What cameras? Oh! You mean these?’ The hooded pony drops some loose bolts to the floor. ‘Easy to disable without setting off the alarms.’

‘And I can assume there is a laser blind spot where you are standing.’

‘Rei is doing fine. Her fillyfriend has her own place now. Who knows what they can do when they are there alone.’

Silver steams under her mask. ‘And I wanted to know that why?’

‘Just trying to get a reaction from you.’ The mysterious pony laughs. ‘Will you hear me out yet?’

‘Return the statue, and I’ll listen.’

The hooded pony tosses the statue to Silver. ‘Good. Meet me at the usual place. We’ll be waiting.’

The pony in white disappears into the shadows. Silver places the statue in her bag and starts undoing her lines.

‘Oh!’ The pony calls out. ‘And how is your singing voice?’

There are two schools of thought when it comes to covert operations. One idea is to be as invisible as possible. Don’t stand out in any way. Nopony gives a second glance to the business pony, donut maker or adorable barista. All the better to hide in plain sight. The other school of thought is to make yourself as visible as possible. A famous actress or prominent musician can get more access than a baker. Not to mention the financial and political benefits that come from being famous. Also, when in doubt, press conference.

Octavia, Lyra, and Silver, in her disguise as Vulpe d’Argento, sit in front of microphones as they face the press. All of the photographers present snap away while the reporters jockey to get in position to ask questions. Octavia clears her throat.

‘Thank you all for coming,’ Octavia says into her mic. ‘It is great to see interest in our collaboration project. I am very excited to work with such talented ponies. I am sure you have a number of the questions, so I hope my colleagues don’t mind if I open up the floor.’

All of the reporters raise hooves. Octavia points to one at random.

‘Miss Heartstrings, I thought you were retired. What prompted you to come back to the musical scene?’

Lyra groans. ‘I never retired. I just went on hiatus with my professional career. Yes, I am a teacher now, but I still compose and perform locally. I am not rusty, and these two know it.’

‘Octavia, where did you get the idea to work with them?’

‘Out of dumb luck, Lyra and I performed together on a cruise earlier this year. It was a dream to work with one of the ponies who got me into music. As for Miss d’Argento, we met at a couple social functions. We just needed a time when we were all free to work on this project together.’

‘Vulpe, we know you are a great actress, writer and producer, and now singer?’

‘It is no surprise that I work with a voice coach for my show. She has many times suggested that I take up singing. Who better to take it up with than two of the best?’

‘Cello with vocals? Seriously?’

Octavia growls. ‘I can play other instruments as well! If need be, I can forgo an instrument and record my vocals separately.’

‘Is DJ-Pon3 going to join you on this project?’

‘NO!’ Octavia shrieks.

The other mares at the table giggle at the overreaction. Octavia takes a moment fix her mane and bow tie before returning to the conference.

The trio of ponies are meeting at Octavia’s apartment in Canterlot. Octavia is practicing her cello. Lyra has her lyre out. Silver looks between the other ponies.

‘Well?’ Silver asks.

‘Well, what?’ Lyra replies.

‘Aren’t we supposed to be, you know collaborating on something?’

Lyra leans back in her seat. ‘Actually, I am thinking about some of my compositions. I think some can be adapted for this project. We might have to work on some originals or try to get some works to cover.’

‘I emailed JoColt and asked for permission to use some of his works. I am sure we can work out some sort of licensing deal,’ Octavia adds.

‘I meant our other collab,’ Silver snorts.

‘I am curious about that myself.’ Lyra sets down her lyre.

Octavia stops playing and sets aside her instrument. She trots to the back of her apartment and returns with a folder in her mouth. She drops the folder in front of the other ponies. Lyra uses her magic to open the folder and lift a series of photographs.

‘I intercepted a messenger from Las Pegasus carrying that earlier this week,’ Octavia explains. ‘It seemed big so I made copies...’ She growls. ‘And made his drop. I would have loved to have taken them all out.’

Silver examines a photo. ‘Funds received. Preparations moving forward. Materials being shipped in two weeks.’ She looks up. ‘Our friends we took down a few weeks ago?’

‘They fractured after I eliminated their leader,’ Octavia grins. ‘The remaining pieces are eating each other alive.’

Silver frowns. ‘You really should have a dagger for your cutie mark.’

‘I just like seeing justice being served. Not all of us only take a passive role in Equestria’s safety.’

‘You know I would be in prison in some foreign country if I took a truly active role. Getting our nobles to take a more proactive stance in defense is my best contribution.’

Lyra sets the photos down. ‘Kids. Please. Important business time.’

The others roll their eyes and move in to listen to Lyra.

‘We are dealing with a rich business pony or noble. Likely a pegasus. Whatever is going down will target all of Canterlot. The big boss will be here when it goes down.’ Lyra’s eyes scan the photos rapidly. ‘They are going to try to kill the princesses.’

Silver looks up. ‘How the hell did you get all of that from just that note?’

Lyra looks at Octavia. ‘Whiteboard in the usual place.’

Octavia nods. A whiteboard levitates into the room along with Lyra’s saddlebag. Lyra sets up the whiteboard and starts getting out other papers from her bag.

‘Now, it all started two months ago when...’

There is a loud knock on the door.

‘Tavi! I am coming in! No need to get dressed!’ Vinyl Scratch calls as she walks right into the apartment.

Vinyl looks around the room. Octavia is going over some sheet music with Silver while Lyra writes out some lyrics on the whiteboard. Octavia looks up and scowls at Vinyl.

‘Three of you? Is it my birthday?’ Vinyl grins.

‘Vinyl, what do you want?’ Octavia snorts.

‘Well, I caught your little press conference, and I knew you were only joking. I’m here to help!’

All three ponies look at Vinyl, turn to each other, then back to Vinyl. Lyra quickly writes out a list and levitates it to Vinyl.

‘What is this?’ Vinyl asks.

‘Coffee run.’ Octavia answers. ‘Ponybucks please. Make sure it is Sugar Cloud or else we’re sending you back. I can tell.’

‘Aww man!’ Vinyl groans.

Vinyl grumbles and leaves the apartment. As soon as the door closes, the trio sighs and Lyra places several papers on the whiteboard.

‘Now. As I was saying...’

Octavia and Silver stare at Lyra and the whiteboard. It is covered in papers and lines going every direction. Lyra levitates another paper to the whiteboard.

‘...and this brings us to the disappearance of my precious piece of cake in relation to an alleged parasprite infestation.’

‘Stop!’ Octavia commands. ‘You were done two hours ago. We should have sent you for coffee instead.’

‘I feel stupider. I literally feel a lot stupider right now.’ Silver rubs her temples. ‘I would read something to get smarter again, but I think I forgot how to read.’

Lyra sits and crosses her forelegs. ‘You three are the worst audience since Bon Bon told me I was crazy for thinking Pinkie’s blood was really chocolate syrup.’

Silver groans. ‘And you brought her in because...’

‘Wait. Did she say three?’ Octavia asks.

Octavia and Silver turn to see Vinyl sitting across the room.

‘Waiting for her shift was boring,’ Vinyl complains. ‘Can you go back to the part of the fire-breathing, mind-controlled, robotic spiders? That was the best part.’

A cello bow shoots past Vinyl’s head. Some electric blue hairs fall to the floor.

‘How much of that did you hear?’ Octavia growls.

Vinyl shakes nervously where she sits, but her trademark grin slowly appears.

‘Have you picked out a sound engineer for your recording project yet?’

There are many great places to hide a body in the city...

Having successfully bought off Vinyl for the time being, the trio starts planning their next move. Octavia is slowly putting on her robes and equipment while Lyra lays out a map. Silver joins the group in a full stealth suit.

‘Bit of an upgrade from the little catsuit you had the other night.’ Lyra comments.

‘I figure I should go all out if we’re in the big city now,’ Silver replies while making an adjustment to the suit.

Lyra smirks. ‘Looks like you seem to like it though.’

Silver looks back at her erect wings. ‘It is custom fitted so I can fly as if I were wearing nothing at all. The only way that works is if I keep my wings ready at all times. I have gotten used to it over time.’

‘Does it help if you think of James’ kid?’

‘I have no idea who you are talking about.’

Octavia fits an foreleg guard over her right foreleg. ‘She means Rei.’

The sound of Silver’s suit stretching is heard. The two earthbound ponies laugh at the pegasus’ reaction. Silver turns away from the others. Lyra tilts her head to the side.

‘From this angle, I bet Rei would get the same reaction.’

‘Shut up!’ Silver snaps. ‘You’re embarrassing me!’

Octavia checks her foreleg guards to make sure they are tightly secured. ‘Good idea. We have to plan our first target. Who has the best security in the city?’

‘Princess Luna,’ Silver answers. ‘She is the only one that has implemented all of my security recommendations. With the exception of any possible holes I may have left, her wing of the palace is secure.’

‘How about best security, excluding the palace?’

‘Oh, the rest of the palace isn’t even on the top ten.’

Silver looks over the map and thinks. Octavia fits her chest plate over her inner robe.

‘If we are serious about potential pegasus threats...’ Silver points on the map. ‘Skybound Tower. The place is built like a fortress. It is also the biggest employer of private security contractors after Prince Blueblood’s estate. Oh. And the security are all pegasi.’

‘Archibald Skybound? That pony is a saint.’ Octavia says. ‘I met him when he opened the new music school for underprivileged foals last year. He practically bleeds money when it comes to helping others.’

‘He also owns half of Las Pegasus,’ Lyra comments. She looks at the others. ‘At least that is the legal amount he is known to own.’

‘Right. That makes him worth at least checking out.’ Octavia throws her hood over her head. ‘Avante!’

Octavia and Lyra are sitting on a roof. Lyra has her binoculars out and is watching a large skyscraper. Octavia is playing with the hidden blades in her foreleg guards.

‘Is she done yet?’ Octavia moans.

‘She just got to the security room. Give her some time,’ Lyra replies.

Octavia groans and pulls her hood back. ‘This is so boring. You guys do this all the time?’

‘Our special, uh, hobbies involve watching others for long periods of time. We don’t just drop from the ceiling and leave a mess for the cleaning lady the next day.’

‘That’s not fair!’

‘Fine. It is not always a lady.’

Octavia snorts and goes back to playing with her blades. Lyra sets down her binoculars and turns to face Octavia.

‘Sorry. I forget it must be hard since you’re the youngest of the group.’

‘What!’ Both of Octavia’s blades snap out. ‘That is a lie and you know it!’

‘Well, her official bio says...’

‘I am older than her by five months... four months ten days... I’m not a filly anymore...’

‘Octavia Philharmonica. The most sought-after classical musician since her mother. The height of poise and dignity. Not even two Pinkie Pie rampages can keep you down. Why do you get so hung up about your age?’

Octavia retracts her blades. She looks over Lyra to the building. ‘Looks like you have a call.’

Lyra turns and sees a light flashing. She levitates a pen and jots some notes on a pad. The light stops.

‘Looks like we have some intel. Ready for more fun?’

Octavia groans and gets up. ‘I’ll make my own fun.’

Octavia runs to the edge of the building and jumps off. Lyra watches the fall until Octavia disappears in the darkness.

‘Kids these days.’

Octavia sips a cup of fresh-brewed coffee as she rounds her kitchen table to join Lyra and Silver at a laptop. Lyra is typing away using her magic.

‘Anything good? Do I have a target yet?’ Octavia asks.

‘Not really getting anything yet...’ Lyra replies. ‘Might have to farm out the hacking...’

Silver rolls her eyes. ‘Excuse me for not going after unencrypted files, but I doubt we really care about custom document headers.’

‘Yeah. I’m definitely emailing him. Put Tavi’s name on this and get it back in less than a hour.’

‘Wait. Who are you...’


Octavia winces. ‘I hate you and him so much right now.’

An email is received on Lyra’s laptop. Lyra giggles. Octavia groans and turns away. Silver looks over.

‘To Octy, with love, from James?’ Silver looks up. ‘Octy? James?’

‘He’s an ass. Ignore him.’

‘Literally or... Wait! Rei’s dad. I remember.’ She tries retracting her wings, but her stealth suit is still on. ‘I thought you were into unicorns, not pegasi.’

Lyra resumes typing. ‘He’s neither, and she has yet to pay up my end of this venture so don’t ask for the details.’

‘Right. Rei’s great aunt’s second cousin twice removed was a pegasus. Makes perfect sense.’ Silver pauses to think. ‘Who in Luna’s name is the mother?’

‘Think that’s bad. His main fillyfriends are only a few months older than you,’ Lyra mentions.

Silver points at Octavia. ‘You told!’

‘Oh please. You hide your... everything! I have that one little piece of real you and nothing else. You’re afraid of ponies finding out who you are.’

‘Maybe I have something to hide. Something to protect. Ever think of that?’

‘Girls! Stop fighting and look at this.’ Lyra leans back from the screen.

Octavia and Silver look over. Their eyes go wide with alarm.

‘This can’t be true. Not there. So many...’ Octavia stammers.

Silver plops down on the floor, hard. ‘Who the hell do we call for this?’

Lyra tents her hooves and sighs. ‘Girls, the ponies we call for this... are us.’

Octavia backs away. ‘I don’t believe it. It can’t be true. I am going there in the morning. There is no way he would do that.’

Octavia gallops out of the room. Lyra leans back and looks for her friend.

‘I put a bow tie with a web cam on your dresser. Please wear that one.’

Playing an instrument like a cello or a double bass has many benefits. First of all, ponies who play a musical instrument are known to be smarter and do better in school. Being valedictorian is proof of that. Also, a large instrument makes for a good workout if you have to carry it everywhere. Ponies with a weak back need not apply. Best of all, a large, heavy case makes a perfect hiding place for a chest plate, a pair of foreleg guards with hidden blades built into them, hind leg armor, a light rapier and two layers of white robes. Just the essentials.

Octavia calmly walks into a school with her cello case on her back. Her well-known ponysona proceeds her as she gets stares from students and teachers alike. She heads straight to the main office.

‘Excuse me. Who do I see about doing a free show or two?’

Octavia sets down her cello bow and returns to standing on all four legs. She stretches her neck and back. The class she was performing for heads to lunch. A number of students look back and thank Octavia for the performance. The teacher approaches Octavia.

‘Thank you for the performance. That was wonderful.’

Octavia sits. ‘Thank you. It is an honor to play for the students.’

‘Is there anything you need? It is the lunch hour now.’

‘Thank you, but I had a large breakfast. Just give me a moment to rest.’

The teacher bows and leaves Octavia alone in the classroom. By the time the classroom door closes, there is nopony in the room. For once, Octavia is thankful for her size given the tight fit in the air ducts. She makes her way to an empty room and drops to safety, taking a moment to straighten her bow tie and hook a bluetooth headset to her ear.

‘This thing on?’ Octavia says to herself.

`Loud and clear. Your timing was off by about an eighth of a second. You need to practice more.`

‘And your harp is out of tune.’

Octavia winces at the harsh feedback. She starts looking around the school. She dodges teachers, staff and the odd student as she searches from room to room.

`Plans say it is under the school.`

‘Quiet. I just...’

`Your precious school could be ground zero.` Silver cuts onto the line. `Just get your worst fear confirmed so we can go to dinner.`

Octavia growls and finds a stairwell. She heads down and starts looking around. She finds and unmarked room.

‘Looks like it.’

`Learn to read a blueprint. Two steps left.`

Octavia takes two steps left and groans. ‘PE equipment? Really?’

`For a school with no fields of any sort?`

Octavia closes her eyes. ‘I really hope they have a killer ballet program.’

`Want to choose a different word?`

Octavia growls and opens a room. Before her are two vats of liquid connected at the middle by a pump. Inside the vats are several stones that appear to be magically-reactive, likely to make the potential explosion even bigger. She calmly closes the door and marches away.

`Just arrived two days ago. First of many.`

Octavia rips the headset from her ear and clips it on her bow tie. ‘I am going to kill that stallion!’

When meeting with the enemy, it is best not to let him know you are on to him. It is even better not to let him know you are his enemy. That way, he doesn’t suspect when you throw him from a three story building. ... Wait. No. This one is a pegasus. ... Break his wings first.

Octavia is putting her cello back in the case at the end of the school day. The door to the classroom she was assigned opens and a pale yellow pegasus with a short, sky blue mane enters. He smiles at Octavia. She looks up and smiles back. Her hoof starts working its way into the handle for her rapier.

‘Octavia! So good to see you!’

‘Thank you, Mr Skybound.’ Octavia bows slightly. ‘I hope you don’t mind me showing up unannounced.’

‘Not at all! But I would have guessed you would be busy with your new project.’

‘We are still waiting on some song licenses,’ Octavia explains. ‘Not to mention Lyra and I are working on some original compositions. I just needed a breather to think out some ideas and felt it would be fun to share my joy with others while I did so.’

‘Oh. Anytime. It is greatly appreciated. I just hope your concert next week is still on.’

Octavia covers the urge to scowl with a big smile. ‘They would have to blow up the symphony to keep me from missing a performance.’

Skybound laughs. ‘Great. That is why you and your mother are the best.’ He sighs. ‘It is a shame I will miss it. My nephew will be in town that day for the Wonderbolt Derby. He has a race with them too. He is going to blow them all away.’

‘Not if Fleetfoot is flying again.’

‘I wouldn’t worry about her.’ Skybound smirks. ‘She’ll be dust under his wings.’

Octavia laughs and uses her free hoof to steady her rapier before she can draw it. Skybound checks a watch on his leg.

‘Oh. Dang. I have to go. I just wanted to thank you for coming in today. I know the kids loved it.’

‘It is my pleasure. I would hate for anything bad to happen to this school.’

Skybound nods. ‘Me too. I would hate to see the dreams on these foals crushed.’ He bows to Octavia and turns to leave. ‘We really must do this again sometime. Goodbye, Miss Octavia.’

Skybound closes the door behind him. Octavia contains a scream and kicks a hole in the floor with one of her back legs.

`Forget him. Just get back here. We have to plan our next move.`

Octavia slams her cello case shut and hefts it on to her back. She marches out of the room as fast as she can.

Back at Octavia’s apartment, the trio stare at a map of Canterlot. There are nine locations circled. One of them is the school Octavia visited. Another is the pegasus racetrack. A third is Canterlot Palace. Octavia’s eyes dart all over the map as she imagines the quickest paths to each location. Lyra sighs and plops to the ground.

‘It is no use.’ Lyra states. ‘All of the bombs are wirelessly linked. If we take one out, the rest go all at once. If we go to the authorities, they will make a mess of things, and he could just set them off early. We need to disarm nine bombs simultaneously.’

‘What if we strike now? He can’t have more than three bombs in place.’ Silver says.

Lyra shakes her head. ‘No. I would need at least a day, maybe two, to figure out how to do it without using magic. In that time, who knows how many more can be set?’

Silver notes something about the pattern. ‘He is leaving the poorer areas untouched. Most of the bombs are set where there are larger concentrations of unicorns.’

Lyra points to one of the circles. ‘My house is a few blocks from that one. If I am reading the bomb schematics correcty, my parents will be vaporized before they know what was going on.’

Silver shakes her head. ‘That is horrible. To think one of my tribe would do this. I think I am going to be sick.’

‘Keep it off the carpets,’ Octavia says. ‘I just had them cleaned before we returned.’

‘I think that won’t matter in just over a week!’ Silver shouts back.

‘That is why we are going to take out all of the bombs at once. One quick blow. Not one innocent life will be lost, and Skybound will face the justice he deserves!’

Lyra and Silver look at their friend.

‘And how do we do that?’ Silver asks.

Octavia smiles and looks to Lyra. ‘I need to borrow your surveillance notes. We need to recruit a super hero.’

Bonus scene

Author's Note:

Trio ad Libitum Duology part 1

Sugar Cloud appears with permission from the Ask Sugar Cloud tumblr.

Story Timeline: First appearance of The Trio ad Libitum. First appearance of the Skybound family.

Story Event: Diving into the gritty underbelly of Equestria a little here. Dealing with spies, thieves and assassins and their efforts to protect Equestria from itself and from others. The real action does not start until the next chapter, so hold on.

Fun fact: Having Octavia narrate the chapter was inspired by watching way too much Burn Notice before writing

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