• Published 25th Feb 2012
  • 4,908 Views, 568 Comments

The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

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Family in Motion

Main Characters: Stormy, Blackberry Sorbet
Cameos: Apple Bloom, Rarity, TWP, Lucas
Original Start Date: October 10, 2012 (Hey! That’s the anniversary of the show!)

CANTERLOT, Equestria - The results of this year’s National Dessert Competition are in. The winner is a first-time entrant Strawberry Soufflé of Ponyville, age fifteen, student, clerk at Carousel Boutique and freelance baker at Sugarcube Corner. His entry deliciously combined two layers of sponge cake, joined together with eclair filling, shaped to look like a pie and filled with raspberry tart filling. The treat was topped with fresh mousse and cherries. After judging, Princess Celestia claimed the treat for herself saying it was for ‘national security’. Fortunately, Mr Soufflé brought several to share.
When asked about the treat, Mr Soufflé responded that is was the combination of several recipes from his mother’s old notebooks, the memory of whom he dedicated his victory to. He added that several of the ingredients were ‘out of this world’ and thanked his mentor, The Wandering Physicist, for helping him acquire them. I tried to ask The Wandering Physicist what those ingredients were and how to acquire them, but he was too busy arguing with a purple unicorn at an eclair booth run by the famous griffin pastry chef Gustave le Grand about whether or not he had had enough eclairs. Having sampled Gustave’s delights for myself, this reporter can calmly state that, no, you cannot have enough eclairs.

A dark purple unicorn with a leafy green mane steps off the train at Ponyville station. The new unicorn trots through the crowds at the station and heads into the town. The stationside marketplace is full of ponies going about their daily business. The streets are extra-crowded with weekend shoppers.

The unicorn approaches the stall with the least customers and asks, ‘Excuse me, do you know where I can find..?’

‘Yer here t’ buy some apples?’ a bored-looking yellow filly sighs.

‘Actually, I was hoping to get some directions.’

‘Ugh,’ Apple Bloom groans. ‘Fine. Where’re ya headed?’

‘I’m looking for Carousel Boutique.’

‘Down past the market a bit,’ Apple Bloom replies, pointing towards the shop. ‘Take a left and it is hard t’ miss. Tell Sweetie Belle Ah said “hi” and t’ come save me.’

The unicorn laughs. ‘Thanks for the help. Here’s a tip for your trouble.’

The unicorn tosses a coin on the counter and starts trotting away.

‘Wait! Don’ ya want an apple fer your coin?’

‘If you insist, young filly,’ the unicorn laughs.

He levitates the fruit from a basket and continues on his way.

The dark purple unicorn trots up to Carousel Boutique and deposits the core of his delicious apple in a nearby bin. He takes a deep breath and presses forward. An extremely bored Stormy looks up from his hoofheld game.

‘Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where everything is chic, unique and magnifique,’ the younger unicorn greets. He leans back towards a workroom. ‘I keep telling you. Whenever I say it, it just sounds lame.’

‘Oh, shush,’ Rarity scolds as she trots out to the lobby. She smiles warmly at her guest. ‘How may I help you?’

‘Uh, actually, I think I am here for him,’ the older unicorn replies. ‘Are you Strawberry?’

Stormy groans. ‘If you are here from my mom’s side of the family, I am sorry that I haven’t gotten back to you recently, but it is still too difficult for me to move on. If you are here from my dad’s side, then I know where you should stick your horn as I kick you out. Otherwise, can’t talk. Working.’ The younger unicorn lifts his hoofheld game.

‘Don’t be like that,’ Rarity scolds, getting a groan for her efforts. ‘Though I can agree with your feelings towards your father’s family. Facing Nightmare Moon again would be preferable to having to deal with them again.’

The visiting unicorn clears his throat. ‘Actually, I am from Strawberry’s father’s side.’ The two other unicorns grimace. ‘My name is Blackberry Sorbet. Truth be told, I think I am his real father.’

The other unicorns stare at Blackberry in shock. Both hosts pull the fainting couch over in time for Rarity to collapse.

‘Well, damn,’ is the best comment Stormy can come up with. After a few moments to let the shock sink in, he asks, ‘Do you have any proof?’

‘You are named after the first pony your mother ever loved,’ Blackberry replies.

Stormy shrugs. ‘Good enough for me.’ He gets up from his post. ‘Let’s go to the back. I can make some coffee. We have some pretty good blends.’ He stops by Rarity’s couch. ‘I’m on break. You can join us when you are through here.’

‘Will do,’ Rarity replies before going back to swooning.

Stormy motions for Blackberry to follow, and they head to the back. Another visitor enters the shop.

‘Can’t talk. Busy swooning,’ Rarity tells the guest.

The patron groans and leaves the shop.

Stormy sits with Blackberry in Rarity’s kitchen. Both are nervous about what to say or do next.

‘So, um, Strawberry...’ Blackberry begins.

‘Call me “Stormy”. Everypony does.’

‘Okay. Um, Stormy...’

‘How did you know my mom?’

Blackberry frowns. ‘We dated back in Fillydelphia. All through school. But then I got a job offer for my talent in Appleanta. It was devastating to leave her. Believe it or not, I am not a baker like both of you. I own a company that makes hardware for mobile phones.’

Stormy groans. ‘That is a horrible joke.’

Blackberry laughs. ‘Although your sister would get along great with you. Her talent is making ice cream. I can’t think of any better combination.’

Stormy freezes. ‘I have a sister?’

‘Yep. Little Lemon. I am sure she would love to meet you someday.’ The older unicorn winces. ‘Though she will be pissed at me for a while.’

‘Why is that?’

‘I just realized I am going to have to talk with my lawyers about drawing up a new will...’

‘Hey, don’t worry about that yet. We don’t even know for sure if I am really your son... dad.’ Stormy laughs at the title.

Blackberry smiles. ‘I would really like to think that I am. After reading about your accomplishment at the dessert competition, one would have to be a real bastard not to want you as a son.’

‘Yeah... He was...’


‘Oh. Just thinking about the jerk mom was with when she got here. He was a real ass.’ Stormy points to the scar on his horn. ‘He’s the one that did this.’

‘Whoa. Just noticed that.’ Blackberry laughs. ‘Actually, it makes you look more like your mother. Please don’t take it the wrong way, but you two are almost identical. The mane. The coat. You’re both very slender.’

‘Well, to be fair, in her case most of that was the cancer.’

Blackberry gasps. ‘Are you sure that is something you should be joking about?’

Stormy closes his eyes and shakes his head. ‘Making a dark joke or two is the only way I keep from crying most days... It has been almost eleven years... I can never get over losing her. It was right on Hearths Warming Eve, too. I hate that day!’

‘I am so sorry to hear that. I know we have only just met, but you can spend it with us if you want.’

‘I might. I tried last year with mom’s family. Just too many memories. I’m not ready yet.’ Stormy takes a deep breath and shrugs. ‘Although, I did tell Trixie I wouldn’t mind spending it with her.’

‘Was that..?’

‘Oh, no. Trixie is far better looking.’ Stormy’s magic comes to life in time to stop a thrown fainting couch from hitting his head. ‘Rarity is great, though. She is like a big sister to me. She and Sweetie Belle are like family.’

‘It is good to hear you have somepony nice to take care of you.’

Stormy laughs. ‘Yeah... Really lucked out.’

‘Is, um, Trixie in town? I would like to meet her.’

‘You said you’re in Appleanta?’ Blackberry nods in reply. Stormy looks up, and his eyes dart as he crunches numbers in his head. ‘Three weeks. She’ll be there again. I’ll have her send you tickets to her show. You’ll love it.’

‘I thought I recognized that name! Lemon has a giant poster of her.’

‘Want it signed?’

Blackberry laughs. ‘I just might. Anyway, can I take you and Miss Rarity out for a meal while I am in town?’

‘Did you see a pink ball of cotton candy seemingly following you through town?’


Stormy nods. ‘Then it is getting taken care of.’ He stands. ‘Rarity! Tell her that he is my dad! It will freak her out.’

‘On it!’ Rarity shouts back.

Stormy motions to the door. ‘Anyway, we have time while Pinkie sets up. I’ll show you around a bit.’

Stormy and Blackberry trot up to The Power Block. The younger unicorn holds the door open for the older then leads him up to the counter. Blackberry looks over the stallion across from him, who is currently absorbed in a hoofheld game.

‘Strawberry?’ Blackberry asks.

‘Yes?’ James and Stormy reply at the same time.

‘D’oh! We did it again,’ James grunts.

‘Right,’ Stormy huffs. ‘Anyway, Mr Wanderer, this is...’

‘How did you know that name?’ James asks. ‘I don’t think I met you yet, but I am terrible with faces. Right, Bob?’

‘Talking to me or Lucas?’ Stormy wonders.

‘Does it have to matter for the joke to be funny?’

‘Are they ever funny?’ Lucas sighs.

‘You’re fired.’

Blackberry clears his throat. ‘Since you asked, Raspberry showed me sketches of some pony that looks just like you.’

‘Page three, book seven,’ James states.

Stormy shudders. ‘Right.’

‘Wait. Did you say Raspberry?’

‘I did,’ Blackberry replies. ‘I am Blackberry Sorbet. I believe I am Stormy’s father.’

‘Blackberry Sorbet? As in...’ The unicorn nods in reply. ‘Your choice in capacitors sucks. They start losing efficiency after fifteen thousand charge-discharge cycles.’

‘How can you...’

‘Also, your magical protection is third-rate at best,’ Lucas comments. ‘I had to replace my logic board after using my mobile in bed and got... a fluid all over it.’

‘Dude. That’s gross.’ Stormy grimaces.

‘Oh, Lucas is just trying not to say he enjoys a good Tentacle Grape now and again.’

Stormy snorts in laughter.

Lucas groans. ‘Don’t remove the “g” and don’t say it like that. Rei will find out and’ -- his mobile buzzes -- ‘and tease me... Damn it.’

‘And Rei is..?’ Blackberry asks.

‘She is my best friend. You’ll meet her at the party.’

‘Anyway, Mister Blackberry, say “aah”. We’re going to see if you really are Stormy’s father.’ James holds his sonic out.

‘What is that? What is it for?’ Blackberry asks as he warily bites the end of the device.

‘It is a sonic screwdriver, and I am using it to take a genetic scan of you.’ James laughs. ‘Also, I wanted to see if somepony who worked QA could trick a billionaire industrialist into putting some random object in his mouth.’

‘Billionaire?!’ Stormy gapes. ‘Yeah, uh, remember what I said about the will? Forget it. I don’t mind.’

Blackberry laughs and ruffles Stormy’s mane.

James’ mobile beeps, and he checks it. He lets out a sigh. ‘You want to tell him or shall I?’ he asks his assistant.

Lucas checks the mobile, swears and slams his head into the counter. ‘Of course he is a billionaire’s son too! Anypony needs me, I’ll be in the back.’

The upset unicorn grumbles to himself and trots away, straight into the 18+ section. He stomps back out.

‘That is not what I meant!’ Lucas shouts before heading into the back offices.

Blackberry turns to James. ‘Are you sure about that?’

James adjusts his glasses. ‘Well, there might be a few nucleotides out of place, but that is to be expected.’

‘Huh,’ Blackberry laughs. He turns to his son. ‘So, uh, what do you say?’

‘Told ya, dad.’

‘Now, hug,’ James demands.

‘You’re not putting this on your blog,’ Stormy grumbles.

‘Of course not. That’s why I’ve been livestreaming this whole time.’

Stormy groans and hangs his head. ‘I am so glad he is my father and not you.’

Stormy waits with his father at the train station. The ‘surprise’ party in Blackberry’s honor was a success. Everypony was so excited to meet the new stallion and learn all about him. Rarity fainted again when she learned her apprentice was the son of a billionaire. Unfortunately, Blackberry could not stay for long and had to catch the next train back to Appleanta. The two unicorns stand silently, still uneasy talking with each other.

‘So, uh...’ Blackberry mumbles.


‘Geez. Put me in a room with a dozen techs, and I can talk code for hours. I can have a boardroom bowing as if Celestia herself just walked in, but I can’t figure out the right way to say “goodbye” to my son.’

‘First time’s the hardest. … What? I’m not good with words.’

Blackberry laughs. ‘It is fine. You have wonderful friends to do the talking for you. … And to tear down all of my products one by one, piece by piece.’

‘I could have warned you about Mr Wanderer and Inkie and Twilight and Fluttershy, but that wouldn’t have been fun.’

‘Right... At least I know, in excruciating detail, which OS to back now.’

‘Don’t forget all of Image’s case and desktop designs.’

‘For a baker, you know a lot of nerds.’

‘Jealous much?’

Blackberry laughs and ruffles his son’s mane. A train whistle sounds in the distance.

‘Hey, how about next time I bring your sister?’ the older unicorn offers. ‘Let you two get to know each other.’

Stormy stares into space and takes a deep breath. ‘I still can’t get over the idea of having a little sister.’

‘You and, uh, Sweetie Belle get along fine. I am sure you and Lemon will get along just as well.’

The train pulls into the station with a cloud of steam. Once the vehicle is stopped, the passengers start shuffling between the cars and the station. Stormy escorts his father to his car.

‘Next time you have time, we can have a picnic with mom,’ Stormy says.

Blackberry smiles and forces back tears. ‘That would be great.’ He takes a breath. ‘Well, it was great meeting you, Stormy. I really hope we can get to know each other better.’ He extends a hoof.

Stormy pushes the hoof aside and hugs his father. ‘We’re family. We hug.’

‘That we do,’ Blackberry replies, crying into his son’s mane.

Both stallions compose themselves. Blackberry boards the train and gives his son one last wave before finding his seat. Stormy waves back and trots back into town with a happy smile on his face.

Author's Note:

Story Timeline: Stormy reconnects with his real father.

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