• Published 25th Feb 2012
  • 4,910 Views, 568 Comments

The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

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Super Mario Legend of Fantasy Gears of Creed Metal Gear the Hedgehog Gaiden Country Crossing Kart Chrono Theft Auto Hearts Tales of Fate/stay Leaf Green Versus Capcom III: Revenge of Quest de Amigo

Main Characters: TWP, Trixie, Alphonse, Maxie, Twilight, Applejack, Lyra, Lucas, Stormy
Cameos: Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Spike, Inkie, Rei, Rip, Marvel, Image, Dream Maker, Kaeko, Oatmeal, CMC, Luna, Derpy, Bon Bon
Original Write Date: 02/27/2012

A small pink light flies around a forest. It looks around before finding a large tree house and flying inside. On a wooden bed, a sleeping filly Derpy dressed in green is tossing and turning. The pink light flies up to Derpy and gently taps her before darting across the room and hiding.

‘Um... Hey... listen... if that is okay with you...’ Fluttershy squeaks.

Filly Derpy just snores and rolls over. Fluttershy gives a sharp eek and nears Derpy again.

Rei shakes her head as she awakes. It feels like that one time she got into the sake cabinet back home and ended up swimming halfway to Equina. Good times. No time to reminisce! Time for action!

Rei stands and surveys the game she is in. She spies a round, red bird launch itself from a slingshot at a wooden structure full of pigs. Rei squeals with excitement. She is great at this game!

‘My turn!’ Rei shouts as she takes flight and flies right for the pigs.

There is a crack of lightning and a pair of plasma streams follow Rei through the structure. Rei stops to survey her work. The plasma streams continue their path, destroying everything they touch.

How many points do I receive?’ Rei cheers.

The next red bird in line stares in shock. It is then crushed under the collapsing slingshot.

[Recommended listening for this scene - Opening/Bombing Mission]

The Wandering Cloud hefts his sword on his back and starts looking around. The door to the next car opens and a familiar mare steps out. She is dressed in a white tank top and a black mini skirt. She looks around and gallops over to The Wandering Cloud on sight.

‘Thank Celestia Ah found ya,’ Applejack says. ‘Ah was worried Ah wouldn’ find nopony but him.’


‘Oi! Hey Jimmy!’ Tim greets. ‘Check it! I ‘ave a gun on my wing!’

Tim waves his right wing and shows off the machine gun at the end of his wing.

‘Tim. We are trapped in an illusory video game. Drop the freaking accent!’

Tim growls. ‘You’re just mad because I am black.’

‘You’re not black, either! You are like a pegasus version of her!’ The Wandering Cloud motions to Applejack.

Applejack turns her head to the side. ‘What are y’all on ‘bout? Ain’t we got more pressin’ matters t’ attend t’?’

‘Right. A reactor to blow.’ The Wandering Physicist sighs. ‘Tim, you take point. We should be at the checkpoint soon enough.’

‘Got ya!’ Tim salutes and shoots a line of bullets from his wing.

The Wandering Cloud tackles Applejack to the ground. ‘Yeah. You are definitely going to have to learn to control that.’

Tim laughs. ‘Sorry, boss.’ Tim heads off to the next car.

The Wandering Cloud helps Applejack up. ‘Sorry. Just reacted.’

Applejack blushes. ‘Ah get where y’all are comin’ from. Thanks.’ She looks around. ‘If this is the game we think it is...’

‘It is. Trust me.’

‘Then who do y’all think is...’

The Wandering Cloud closes his eyes and grimaces. ‘I can bet... and I don’t like it.’

Knock! Knock! Knock!

‘Lucas!! How long’re you gonna sleep?! Get up! Get up, already! The Dragos brought their babies over! They’re really cute! Hurry up!!’

Lucas moans and sits up. He rubs the sleep from his eyes. He blinks as he looks around the room. He is in a log cabin of some sort. There is a very comforting atmosphere about the cabin. Lucas quickly spots a yellow and red striped shirt hanging from the wall.

‘Son of a....’

Rarity lets out a loud shriek as an oversized bug chases after her. She is on a celestial plane with a starscape shining over a hilly field. Her coat is fluffier than it should be and her features are a little canid, and she is covered in red markings. There is a spinning disc with flames coming out of it on her back.

‘Get away from me, you vile roach!’

The bug takes a large leap and... CLOP! It is squashed between Rarity’s hooves.

‘Disgusting insect.’

The bug moans from the ground. ‘But Rary... I was going to teach you the brush technique to fill in the celestial bridge.’

Rarity shoos the bug away. ‘You can do it from there. Just point me to a brush.’

‘You have to provide one yourself.’

Rarity turns her head to the side. ‘But where am I to find...’ Her eyes go wide. She looks back at her tail. ’Oh no no no no no!’

‘Just dip your brush into the celestial ink and fill in the missing area.’

Rarity growls to herself. ‘If my tail is permanently stained, I am going to kill you, James!’

The Wandering Cloud sneezes as he leads the group into the Mako reactor. Applejack is behind him with Tim in the rear watching their backs.

‘Bless ya,’ Applejack says.

‘Thanks,’ The Wandering Cloud replies. ‘Just a bit further up ahead.’

‘Good.’ Applejack adjusts her skirt. ‘It is gettin’ hard t’ keep this thin’ in one place. It keeps slidin up.

A round of machine gun fire cuts around the ceiling. Applejack spins around and glares at Tim.

‘That’s it! Yer walkin’ in front of me fer the rest of this game!’

Rainbow Dash moans and rubs her head as she awakes. She is wearing heavy battle armor and is in the middle of a bombed-out city. There is a giant machine gun beside her.

‘What hit me?’ She sniffs the air. ‘And what smells like cotton candy?’

‘DASHIE!’ Pinkie cheers as she pops out of a bombed out building.

Pinkie grabs her friend in a hug. Rainbow Dash smiles and pats Pinkie on the head.

‘Hey. Do you know where we are? I remember something about a game and fighting, but I don’t recognize this.’

‘Maybe one of the others know,’ Pinkie replies. ‘Hey guys! Over here!’

There is an explosion and machine gun fire from behind the ponies and Spike and Kaeko run over. Spike covers their backs before turning to the group.

‘Dude. Pinkie. I told you not to give our cover away,’ Spike scolds.

‘Sorry, but I found Dashie so it is all better!’

Spike snorts a small burst of fire.

‘Do either of you know where we are?’ Rainbow Dash asks.

‘Sheesh. Am I the only one who played Gears?’ Spike exclaims.

‘Excuse me for preferring racing games,’ Rainbow Dash grumbles. And Daring Do platformers.

‘I only play untranslated visual novels.’ Kaeko comments. And yuri eroge...

‘Well, this is something like Dance Central,’ Pinkie adds.

Spike facepalms and groans. ‘Just follow me and do what I do.’

Spike raises his machine gun and marches off into the city. The others shrug and follow with the two pegasi flying above.

The Wandering Cloud leaps from an explosion and barrel rolls right into a flower cart.

‘What is it with physicists and explosions?’ comes from the other side of the cart.

The Wandering Cloud looks over the cart and sees the most beautiful flower mare he has ever seen. He rushes around the cart and grabs Twilight in a big hug. Twilight hugs him back.

‘James. I know this game. I am scared.’

‘Don’t worry. I’ll figure a way out of this.’

‘Y-you can’t. It is a scripted event. I am going to...’

The Wandering Cloud puts a hoof to Twilight’s mouth. ‘We’ll worry about that when we get there. Just... Stay safe. You’ll be in the party soon enough. Then AJ and I can watch out for you.’

Twilight chokes back a tear. ‘Thank you.’

The Wandering Cloud gives Twilight a quick kiss. She returns a half-smile and levitates a flower into his mane. They exchange one last nuzzle before The Wandering Cloud gallops away.

The first thing Lyra does when she regains consciousness is reach for her mobile. She notices that her call to Bon Bon has lasted only five minutes. She hangs up the call and looks around. All around her are sleeping ponies. She closes her eyes and thinks.

‘Okay. Who could also resist?’ She groans. ‘Okay. Him and maybe her. Right. Lyra, you got this.’

Lyra’s mobile buzzes, and she checks the message.

‘Well, that is one bit of good news.’

Lyra shakes off the remaining haze from the spell and gallops off towards the nerd district.

[Recommended listening for this scene - Tifa’s Theme]

The Wandering Cloud finally makes it to 7th Heaven after his encounter with Twilight. Applejack, Tim and an unicorn filly cheer his return.

‘Great to have you back, mate!’ Tim cheers. ‘Look what we found!’

The Wandering Cloud looks down to see Dinky Hooves wrapped around his leg.

‘Mr Wanderer, is my mommy safe?’

The Wandering Cloud pats Dinky on the head. ‘I am certain she is fine’

‘Am, am I safe?’

‘Definitely. You are a NPC in this game. One who is guaranteed to live. Trust me. I have Advent Children Complete, Before Crisis, Crisis Core, and Dirge of Cerberus.’

Dinky smiles and lets go. The Wandering Cloud sighs and heads to the back room. Applejack follows him back there and closes the door behind her.

‘So... Was it her?’ Applejack asks.

The Wandering Cloud fights back tears and nods.

Applejack puts a leg over The Wandering Cloud’s back. ‘Do ya have a plan t’ save her?’

The stallion starts crying and shakes his head.

‘Don’t worry. We have plenty of time t’ think of somethin’. I know we can find a way t’ save her.’

‘It is a scripted event. How can we get around that?’ The Wandering Cloud sobs.

Applejack’s eyes dart as she thinks as fast as she can. ‘Hey, uh, get a hold of yerself. This ain’t the same pony Ah saw stand down legions o’ death machines! Ya can’ be beaten by some stupid showboat with a bad attitude.’

The Wandering Cloud sighs. ‘You’re right. You’re right. I am sure... Yeah...’

Applejack gives a small growl then bumps the other pony gently. He turns to look and is met by a kiss on the lips. Applejack looks away and blushes, leaving The Wandering Cloud stunned.

‘That was... ya know... fer luck, ya know. Yeah. And t’ get yer brain workin’ right.’

The Wandering Cloud stares in shock. ‘You know canonically Cloud and...’

‘Well! Look at the time! Ah guess we should be hittin’ the hay if we’re t’ advance the plot tomorrow.’ Applejack fakes a yawn. ‘See ya in the mornin’.’

Applejack trots off to go to her bunk. The Wandering Cloud smiles after his friend.

‘Tim’s right. That skirt looks good on you.’

Applejack snaps back around and points to the wall. ‘Eyes over there, mister!’

Bon Bon, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom are huddled near a castle. They are too scared to venture forth or else lose the game they are stuck in. They are afraid to enter the castle lest they encounter that strange mushroom creature again. There is a flash of light and a port opens before them. Alphonse sticks his head out and looks around. He notices the group.

‘Ah! There you are.’ Alphonse steps through the portal. ‘I was hoping to find you at a safe impasse.’

‘Where, where are we?’ Bon Bon asks.

‘Good question, young miss.’ Alphonse replies. ‘See, you four were unfortunately drawn into this competition due to some unknown accident. Since we don’t want to see anything bad happen to innocent young foals, we have provided a simple scenario where you are free to, uh, lose as many lives as you want. Our illusion overseers have assured me that it is impossible for you to receive a game over.’

‘So, yer sayin’ we can’ die?’ Apple Bloom asks.

Alphonse nods. ‘Most certainly. Once this whole affair is over, you will be returned to normal without any harm.’

Scootaloo raises a foreleg. ‘When you say “affair,” do you mean like what my dad does or...’

Bon Bon quickly covers Scootaloo’s mouth. ‘Uh, thank you for not wishing us harm, but can’t you just let us free?’

Alphonse frowns. ‘Sadly, no. That would require undoing the whole spell. It is easier for us and you if we just provide a safe haven like this.’ He returns to the portal. ‘Play nice and have fun! This will all be over before you know it.’

Alphonse disappears once more. The Cutie Mark Crusaders confer among themselves while Bon Bon laments the situation.

‘Why does this always happen to me? I just wanted a normal life.’


Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle gallop ahead. Scootaloo heads back and drags Bon Bon after the group.

Fluttershy is floating off to the side while filly Derpy fights creatures off to the side.

‘Oh be care...’


Fluttershy winces. ‘Look ou...’




Oh my.


Derpy fells the last enemy, tosses her sword into the air from her mouth and catches it in the sheath. Fluttershy nervously flies over.

That was... nice.’ Fluttershy compliments.

‘Thanks. It is really fun playing this again.’

‘Well, that explains why you are so good.’

‘Ha! When this game first came out, Sparkler and I played it so much I could beat it cross-eyed.’

Right when Derpy says the last word, her eyes align so she looks normal for a second. Fluttershy is a little surprised and floats back a bit. A light and a sound come from behind Derpy, and she turns to see a chest appear.

‘OOO! OOO!’ Derpy clears her throat and sings, ‘I got the thi~ng!’

Fluttershy claps while Derpy goes to the chest to get the item.

Lyra sneaks her way past a pair of patrolling unicorns stationed around The Power Block. The shop is sealed tightly, with guards at every entrance. Luckily, they are not stationed around The Saving Roll next door. Lyra is able to enter from the front. She finds a number of ponies trapped in the illusion scattered around the shop but in the back she sees what she came for.

‘Do you really think the Frostmourne can stand up to them?’

A shaking Dream Maker comes out of hiding with a sword held by his magic. ‘It is a real sword. It might be based on a pretend sword, but it is real.’

Lyra sighs. ‘Put it down before you get hurt.’

‘... Okay.’ Dream drops the sword.

‘Good. Now, I need you to get out there and help me find other ponies that might be unaffected by the spell like we are. Most likely unicorns. We’re going to need help to wake any of the others.’

‘What good will that do? They will just put us under again.’

‘DM, this only started twenty minutes ago. They don’t need much time in a dream. We might have minutes or we might have hours. Anypony we can save early is a step in the right direction, especially if that will gets the invaders arrested sooner.’

‘Okay. Okay. I understand. I’ll do my best. Nothing but high rolls.’

‘Good. If you find anypony, meet at Bon Bon’s shop. I should be there shortly. There is one other pony I want to check on.’

Lyra turns and starts to leave. Dream follows. Lyra stops in the doorway.

‘Leave the Frostmourne.’


Trixie and Stormy are trotting through a rundown castle. They are using their magic to blast any creature that approaches. Behind them, an older earth pony is keeping his distance.

‘I am truly sorry for this mess,’ Trixie sighs. ‘It is all my fault.’

‘Don’t say that,’ Stormy comforts. ‘That is rarely true.’ He looks away. ‘I have used that excuse enough times to know.’

Trixie looks over at the younger unicorn. ‘If you don’t mind me asking, how did you get that lovely scar?’

Stormy scowls. ‘I got in a fight with my dad, and he attacked me. It hasn’t worked right since. Probably why they made me play the role of the gimp in this game. Some cruel joke at my expense.’

Trixie gives Stormy a friendly nuzzle. ‘Don’t feel too bad about it. I know plenty of unicorns with cracked horns who were able to recover and even advance their magic. It just takes time and practice.’

Stormy blushes. ‘Thanks... I guess...’

‘Besides, anypony able to keep up with The Great and Powerful Trixie must have some modicum of magical skill.’

Stormy laughs a bit. Trixie returns a smile. A sock flies out from behind the pair and lands on Trixie’s head. She snaps back furiously.

‘Trixie thought she told you to stop that, old man!’

[Recommended listening - Honeybee Manor]

Twilight and Applejack are walking together through the Sector 5 Slums. They are dressed in attractive dresses. Both are barely containing giggles. Ahead of them, The Wandering Cloud is wearing a wig, makeup and a dress of his own. He is buried under a dark cloud of shame.

‘When everypony hears what game I was stuck in, they are going to make fun of me for this,’ he moans.

‘Don’t worry. It is not too bad,’ Twilight giggles.

‘Yeah. At least it ain’t all froo-froo,’ Applejack adds.

The Wandering Cloud sighs. ‘Well, at least the dress is very breezy and airy. It is quite comfortable. I can see why you girls like wearing them.’

Twilight and Applejack stop in their tracks. They just stare as The Wandering Cloud keeps walking. They turn and look at each other.

‘Did he just...’ Twilight begins.

‘Don’ ask me. He’s yer coltfriend,’ Applejack replies.

Twilight moans, and the girls resume following their friend.

Lucas is leading Trixie, Stormy and a dog up a large tower structure. He quickly heads up the path with the dog following. Stormy takes his time but keeping pace. Far behind the rest of the group, Trixie nervously clings to the walls and railing as she makes her way up the structure.

Lucas looks down. ‘Hurry up down there. I want to get this game beat in no time.’

‘I’m coming. I’m coming,’ Stormy grumbles.

‘I wasn’t talking to you. I meant her.’

Trixie slowly creeps forward. ‘The Great and Powerful Trixie is a little unnerved by this place.’

‘That doesn’t make you sound very “great and powerful”,’ Lucas shoots back.

‘We are climbing something called “Thunder Tower” with magical lightning rods built into our foreheads. It is foolish to feign bravery as much as you are.’

Lucas groans. ‘Come on. What is the worst that can happen?’

A sound is heard behind the group.


Dream Maker and Ruby Dart make their way to Bon Bon’s confectionary shop. Inside, they see a light violet unicorn with a medium length two-tone purple mane. She smiles and waves. In the back of the shop, Lyra is seen caring for Bon Bon. Hearing a bell chime as the door is opened and closed, Lyra rejoins the other unicorns.

‘Good to see everypony here,’ Lyra greets. ‘I hope you have met Amethyst Star aka Sparkler.’

‘I’ve been to their shops on occasion,’ Sparkler replies.

‘Keeping the water off your laptop better recently?’ Ruby jokes.

Sparkler sighs. ‘My sister was still learning to use her magic...’

‘All five times?’

Sparkler shudders.

‘I was only able to find Ruby,’ Dream says. ‘I thought I saw another pony, but it looked to be a pegasus and I only got a brief passive perception check.’

‘That is fine. I am sure nopony else is conscious in this town,’ Lyra replies. A sheets of paper drops from above and lands in front of her. ‘Definitely sure.’

The others looks around the shop for the source of the paper. Lyra picks up the paper. A silver-grey tail disappears into the back of the shop.

‘Okay’ Lyra says. ‘We have a bit of a map of where the invaders are around town. What we should try to do is awake as many ponies as we can, preferably peace officers.’

‘What? How do we do that?’ Ruby asks.

‘We just need a simple spell, which I was informed of here,’ -- Lyra holds up her paper -- ‘to enter and break the illusion.’

‘Yay. A crash course in illusion magic. Wonderful.’ Ruby groans.

‘What good would waking other ponies be?’ Sparkler asks.

‘Think about it. Once their spell wears off, they will be quite tired. If we can overwhelm them with fresh ponies, then we should be able to capture them before they can do whatever it is they are planning.’

‘Overwhelm their weak minions with our fresh minions,’ Dream comments. ‘Good strategy. Let’s hope it works.’

‘Me too,’ Sparkler adds. ‘I’m worried about my mom and Dinky.’

‘Don’t worry!’ Lyra assures. ‘We’ll get everypony out safely or my name isn’t Heartstrings!’

Rei is at the back of a line of birds as they launch themselves at the pigs. This is so boring! It should all about...

‘That’s it! I’m cutting!’

Rei gets in a launch position and fires herself at the pigs’ fort. She flies through all of the blocks making up the fortress, leaving the building and pigs to poof out of existence. The crown of the lead pig drops from the sky and lands on Rei’s head. Finally, she is a real princess! Then an egg almost lands on her. Rei looks up to see a deflated white bird flying away. A black bird drops from the sky and explodes over Rei. She looks back and sees more birds loading themselves onto the slingshots.

‘Uh oh.’

Rei screams and takes off as she tries to escape the monster red bird that is launched at her. Princesses should not be treated this way!

The Wandering Cloud’s party is trekking through a mountainous path. The party has grown to consist of The Wandering Cloud, Applejack, Twilight, Tim, Inkie (with a large shuriken on her back), and a large, red, lion/dog-like creature. Except for Inkie, every other party member is walking ahead of Applejack. The lion/dog creature also has a large lump on his head. The Wandering Cloud and Twilight are deep in thought. Tim looks back from his position in the lead with the lion/dog creature.

‘Yo. Don’t look so down.’ Tim cheers. ‘What is eatin’ ya?’

The Wandering Cloud looks up and glares.

‘Okay. I got ya. What about the lovely Princess Sparkle? Hopefully not the same thing.’

‘Actually no,’ Twilight answers. ‘I was wondering about those outside of the spell. Princess Luna was supposed to be on her way with some additional peace officers this morning. I am worried that she might have been trapped with us.’

‘Don’ worry, sug’,’ Applejack comforts. ‘If she is trapped, Ah am sure she can take care o’ herself.’

In the middle of a large city, a large explosion removes the top floors of a building and shatters all of the glass in downtown. A lone automobile races away from the scene. It is followed by legions of cop cars, helicopters and even military craft. In the vehicle, Luna leans back too admire her handiwork. She turns back to the escape at hand but takes a moment to raise her forelegs up in cheer.

Ha, ha! The fun has been doubled!

Twilight nods. ‘You’re right. I shouldn’t worry about that.’ She sighs pensively. ‘Not when there are bigger worries out there.’

Applejack gives her friend a gentle bump and smiles when her friend turns. At the front of the party, the lion’s ears twitch. He stops in his tracks.

‘Get back!’ Red XIII warns.

A small rock drops from the cliff up ahead. Inkie recognizes the sign and immediately takes cover. The others do not know how to react until larger boulders start tumbling down the mountainside. Tim takes flight, adding to the problem when his wing-mounted gun goes off. The others take cover as the rocks fall. After a few minutes, the avalanche ends when a large boulder lodges itself in the middle of a pass ahead of the group. The party approaches the boulder and groans.

‘Great. What else can go wrong?’ Twilight moans.

Tim swoops down. ‘Hate to tell ya, but that is the only path I can spot unless you want to try climbing over.’ The other ponies moan. ‘Don’t worry. The boulder is at the end of the pass. If you can push it out of the way, it should fall aside.’

Applejack steps up. ‘All right. All right. Ah get ya. Let the farm pony do the heavy lifting.’

The farmer presses against the boulder and gives it a push. The boulder barely slides a centimeter. Inkie creeps up.

‘Damn it,’ Applejack swears. ‘Maybe if Ah get some of you stallions t’ help a bit.’

‘Um... Can I give it a shot?’ Inkie asks.

‘No offense, but y’all are scrawnier than his kid,’ Applejack says, nodding towards The Wandering Cloud. ‘Ah doubt ya can do anythin’.’

Inkie steps up to the boulder.

‘It is pretty heavy. It will probably take the rest of the day t’ move it,’ Applejack warns.

Inkie puts an ear to the boulder. She backs away and marks a ‘X’ with a hoofful of dirt.

‘Ah don’t know what yer doin’, but it is probably no...’

‘YA!’ Inkie shouts as she bucks the ‘X’.

A hole is blown straight through the boulder from the force of the kick. Everypony is left stunned, Applejack definitely not the least. Inkie turns back to the group and smiles.

‘I shouldn’t have to remind you that I grew up on a rock farm and my specialty is geophysics and soil science. A tiny pebble like that is nothing to a good kick.’

Inkie leads the party through the hole, Applejack gaping around the rock. The Wandering Cloud examines the rock and the remains of the avalanche as he passes. He nods to himself and gets a slight smile.

Spike, Pinkie and Rainbow Dash are fighting off a horde of Locust. Their machine gun fire cuts down a large wave of attackers, allowing them to advance to the next covered position. Suddenly, a squad of Locust burst through a wall behind the group. Before the group can turn and fire, the sounds of a revved up Lancer falls from the sky and Kaeko slices through the attackers in a matter of seconds, all without firing a shot. Her work complete, Kaeko places the Lancer on her back and readies to take to the skies again.

‘You know, you can actually shoot your gun too,’ Rainbow Dash comments.

Kaeko turns and stares at Rainbow Dash. The cyan pegasus shrinks away. Kaeko nods and goes back to her covering position in the sky.

‘Ooo! She’s spooky!’ Pinkie says.

Spike does some math on a wall. ‘Just two more waves, and we should be at a place where we can rest for a bit.’ Spike raises his gun. ‘Let’s go!’

[Author’s note: I know I am screwing up Mother 3 continuity, but the scene needs to be this way for story continuity. If you figured out the trick to the illusions yet, you know that I didn’t mess up. Anyway! Recommended listening - Smashing Song of Praise - from this battle - from SSBB]

Lucas, Trixie, Stormy and Boney are battling a giant cyborg ape. The three unicorns are shooting spells at the Steel Mechorilla while Boney bites the creature on the leg. Stormy falls back and winces from overusing his magic. He moans and holds his horn. Trixie moves to protect Stormy, but Lucas stops her.

‘Don’t worry about him. Just keep up the attacking.’

‘Agreed. I am fine,’ Stormy adds.

The Steel Mechorilla smashes the ground in front of the group. It raises its armored fist and prepares to bring it down on the weakened pony.

‘Screw this!’ Trixie shouts.

Trixie closes her eyes and focuses on a spell. She opens her eyes, and they are glowing with magical energies. A massive lightning bolt comes from Trixie’s horn and strikes the Steel Mechorilla’s fist. It roars and freezes in place. Trixie falls back and sits. Her head is spinning as the magical energy dissipates.

Trixie laughs nervously. ‘And that, ladies and gentleponies, is why they call me Great and Powerful.’

‘You idiot!’ Lucas shouts.

‘What’s the big deal?’ Stormy asks. ‘It is weak to lightning.’

‘Yes, and it can send it into a rage too.’

Trixie shakes off the remaining haze. ‘Do what?’

The Steel Mechorilla roars and come to life again. Its robotic parts start steaming and it swings wildly. Lucas and Trixie are able to raise magical shields in time and are only pushed back with minimal damage, but Stormy takes a hit and goes flying into the mountains surrounding the battlefield.

‘Stormy!’ Trixie cries.

‘Idiots!’ Lucas shouts.

Lucas charges a spell and shoots a series of small fireballs at the Steel Mechorilla. They explode on contact. The Steel Mechorilla’s mechanical parts shatter, and the beast collapses and dies. Trixie rushes over to Stormy’s side.

‘Stormy!’ Trixie cries. ‘Are you you okay? Stormy!’

‘Don’t forget to apologize for causing him to get hurt,’ Lucas sneers.

‘Shut up!’ Trixie shouts back with tears streaming down her face. ‘Just use your healing magic to help him!’

Lucas sighs and readies a spell, but Stormy coughs and groans. He looks up and sees Trixie crying over him.

Stormy smiles. ‘I should get my ass whooped more often. I keep getting pretty ladies caring for me when I wake up.’

Trixie smiles and hugs Stormy. ‘Idiot.’

Lucas sighs. ‘Come on. Let’s just advance the plot. You two will have plenty more times to be idiots along the way.’

Lucas trots away with Boney following. Trixie helps Stormy up, and they follow Lucas together.

[Recommended listening - Agata Forest]

Rarity trots into a forest with Issun riding on her horn. She is taking in all of the sights and sounds.

‘For not really being my thing, this game has some wonderful art direction,’ Rarity comments. I’ll have to have Stormy show me it once we are free.’

Rarity’s ears prick up, and she looks around. Issun jumps to attention.

‘What is it, Rary?’

Rarity growls and looks to the trees. An odd flute music fills the air. In the tree branches, an oddly dressed pegasus steps out with flute in hoof.

‘Bonjour, ma cherie.’ the pegasus greets.

‘What do you want? Who are you?’ Issun shouts while hopping on Rarity’s horn.

‘My business is not with you, my little friend,’ the pegasus answers. ‘My business is with your mangy friend there.’

‘MANGY!’ Rarity roars.

Adult Derpy looks up in the middle a wooded temple. Fluttershy flies around looking for what caught Derpy’s attention.

‘Did... you just hear Rarity yelling?’ Derpy asks.

Fluttershy shrugs.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders and Bon Bon are making their way through a swampy area. The Crusaders are all fighting to see who can beat the game without dying the most. Bon Bon is just hanging back and watching the fillies battling it out. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are battling for the lead while Bon Bon and Scootaloo hold back.

‘Um... Miss Bon Bon... Can I ask you something?’ Scootaloo says.

‘Go ahead.’

‘Well, uh, you and Miss Lyra are...’ Scootaloo looks away.

‘It is nothing to be embarrassed about. We’re married.’

‘Right...’ Scootaloo bites her lip. ‘Um... Let’s say there is a somepony you like, but you don’t think she, I mean, the somepony might not like you like that... How do you go about asking her, I mean, that somepony about that?’

Bon Bon laughs at the question. She looks ahead at the other two fillies. ‘You just have to talk to her. If she is not interested, then it is disappointing but there are plenty of other great fillies out there who would like you as much as you like them.’

Scootaloo blushes and looks away. ‘I guess I wasn’t too subtle with my question.’

Bon Bon laughs. ‘You should have seen Lyra and me when we first met. She chased me like crazy until I went out with her, so don’t give up.’

Scootaloo nods. ‘Gotcha!’

Bon Bon leans in and whispers, ‘Plus I think Apple Bloom likes you too.’

Scootaloo blushes all over and stops in her tracks, her wings sticking straight up. Bon Bon giggles and gallops up to the others.

Lyra sneaks through the town back to The Power Block. She follows Alphonse to a meeting where Maxie and the other unicorns are maintaining the illusions on The Wandering Physicist, Rei and Trixie. The Wandering Physicist and Trixie are at the kitchen table while Rei is in her room. An unicorn is with each of the trapped ponies, though the one near Rei’s room seems to be weakening. Maxie is maintaining his spell while talking with his father.

‘It is working,’ Maxie says. ‘He is almost at the point where he will have to sacrifice the one he loves or surrender Trixie.’

‘Hmpf,’ Alphonse snorts. ‘If it didn’t require this spell, we should have just broke in here and taken Trixie by force. It is very convenient that so many targets are here.’

‘More than convenient,’ a new voice adds. ‘It is quite delicious.’

Lyra shifts her position and catches a glimpse of Oatmeal standing over The Wandering Physicist. It seems to be drawing energy from the prone pony.

‘So much anger. So much hate. So much loneliness.’ Oatmeal grins. ‘The pink one has nothing on him.’

‘Ugh. Disgusting beast,’ Alphonse sneers. ‘If we didn’t need your help, I would just be rid of you.’

Oatmeal stops his magic. ‘Stick with me, kid, and I’ll get you to the top of the pony world.’

‘Then kill me, most likely.’ Alphonse sighs. ‘Let’s just keep this one deal at a time, okay?’

‘Who said I was talking to you?’ Oatmeal smiles a toothy grin.

The troll looks over and Alphonse follows to watch as Maxie focuses on his magic once more.

The Wandering Cloud’s group enters a town with a large space rocket at the center. They have added Image to the party as well as a stuffed cat riding a stuffed goblin. Image is dressed in a long red cape and has a pair of pistols at his side. Applejack is now at the back of the party with everypony and Red XIII and the stuffed animals in front of her.

‘Any bets on who plays Cid?’ The Wandering Cloud asks.

Inkie thinks. ‘I guess Kaeko since she seems like a spear user.’

‘I think it is Rainbow.’ Twilight guesses. ‘She seems foul-mouthed enough.’

‘If we’re talkin’ ‘bout a foul-mouthed pegasus with attitude problems, then Scoot’s dad is a good bet,’ Applejack says.

Everypony who knows Scootaloo’s father shudders. The group reaches a house with a small airplane out front and stops.

‘They’re here!’ is shouted from inside. ‘It’s James, too!’

The Wandering Cloud leads the party into the house. Inside, Marvel Crystal sits at a table. He glares at the party as they enter.

‘Dad!’ Image cries when he enters.

‘Ha ha! That’s my son!’ Marvel cheers. ‘I knew you would be safe.’ He leans towards the back of the house. ‘Hey! Image is Vincent!’

DC comes out of the back with a tray with cups of tea. ‘Image! Great to see you. How is everypony?’

Everypony mumbles in response.

‘I’m doing pretty good,’ Inkie answers.

The rest of the party looks at Inkie.

Inkie tries hiding behind her mane. ‘Well, uh, considering I am trapped in an illusory video game, of course.’

Marvel scans the party. He stops when he sees Twilight. ‘Don’t worry. I am sure we can think of something before the time comes.’

Twilight blushes. ‘Uh, thank you. I-I am trying not to think about it.’


‘How do you know it is her?’ DC asks.

Marvel turns to DC. ‘Hon, you focused more on the story. I focused on the art direction. In fact, I remember you calling that scene stupid for not having any dialogue.’

Image facehooves. ‘Sheesh, mom. That is exactly what I am talking about.’

DC sits back and crosses her forelegs. ‘HMPF! And which one of you was tapped to assist on a screenplay of the comic you wrote for?’

Marvel and Image moan and roll their eyes. There is a rumble from outside and armed ponies start filling the streets.

‘What the hell?’ Marvel says. ‘I thought we had to activate more things in the cutscene first.’

‘Maybe if y’all didn’ waste yer time talkin’ ‘bout comic books...’ Applejack groans.

Marvel runs to a back room and returns with a spear. ‘Let’s do this!’

Marvel gallops out into the battle. Cait Sith and Red join in the battle. The Wandering Cloud sighs and heads out to join the fight with Twilight, Inkie, and Image following. Applejack groans and trots out.

‘And will somepony tell me why everypony with fancy weapons ain’t a pony that can actually use the weapon proper like!’

Derpy is deep within the Fire Temple. She is locked in combat against the fearsome Volvagia. Fluttershy is hiding beside the door, waiting for the battle to cease. Derpy leaps and slashes the scales of the dragon with her sword. Volvagia roars and breathes a gout of fire. Derpy shields herself, but Volvagia charges through the flame and rams into Derpy. Derpy is knocked to the ground, and the Master Sword lands far from the prone pegasus. Derpy tries to recover, but Volvagia lands above her, ready to strike. Volvagia raises a claw and slashes. Derpy tries shielding herself with her forelegs, but the attack never comes. Derpy looks to see a small pink light in front of Volvagia’s face.

Fluttershy Stares into Volvagia’s eyes. ‘Hey! Listen! Don’t you go hurting my friend! She is only trying to save the poor Goron people you were planning to eat. That is not a very nice thing to do, you Mister Meanie Pants! How would you like it if somepony wanted to eat you?’

‘But... But... Ganon made me do it,’ Volvagia stutters.

‘And if Ganon told you to jump off a cliff, would you?’

Volvagia looks away, ashamed.

‘Now, I know you are not really a big meanie dragon, but you should have expected somepony to stand against you when you started hurting innocent ponies. What would your mommy think if she found out you were being a big bully and picking on smaller creatures?’

‘I’m sorry,’ Volvagia mumbles.

‘What was that?’

‘I’m sorry!’ Volvagia shouts with enough force to send Fluttershy spiraling away.

Fluttershy flies back over. ‘There, there. The Gorons are free. Derpy will stop attacking you and apologize. If you can remove the curse from Death Mountain and help us fight against Ganondiscord, I know that everypony will forgive you.’

‘You really think so?’

Fluttershy smiles and nods. ‘I know so.’

‘Thank you!’

Volvagia looks up and bellows with enough force to lift the dark clouds surrounding Death Mountain. He even helps Derpy up. After exchanging apologies and saying goodbye, Derpy and Fluttershy make their way out of the temple.

‘Fluttershy! That was amazing! Thank you!’ Derpy congradulates.

Fluttershy blushes. ‘Well, not everypony can be as brave as me.

Derpy accidentally drops the Master Sword as they make their way back into Goron City. It lands with a loud ‘clang!’ Fluttershy gives a small ‘eep’ and faints to the ground.

[Recommended listening - Words Drowned by Fireworks]

The Wandering Cloud’s party is back at Gold Saucer. They are resting and getting ready to head out to the Ancient Temple. During the night, The Wandering Cloud and Twilight activate the date event. They have just entered the gondola and are about to see the park. The gondola starts, and the two ponies start taking in the sights. After a couple moments, Twilight looks over at The Wandering Cloud and starts crying.

‘It is almost over,’ Twilight sobs. ‘We are almost at the part where I leave and then...’

The Wandering Cloud goes over and takes Twilight in his forelegs. ‘It is okay, Twilight. Everything will be fine.’

‘They are going to kill me, James! I am going to die!’

‘You are not going to die!’

‘Yes, I am! I doubt Maxie or any of the others are kind enough to accept any of the Lifestream theories. I am going to get killed and die!’

‘Twilight! I know it looks bleak, but trust me. You will live to see this illusion fail. I promise you that.’ He holds Twilight’s crying face up to his own. ‘I swear with all my heart that I will not let you die. I will keep you by my side forever.’

Twilight blinks through the tears. ‘James...’

She leans in and presses her lips to The Wandering Cloud’s, their tears falling together. As they kiss, fireworks are shot off around the amusement park.

Lucas, Trixie, Stormy and Boney wash up on a sandy beach at the edge of a swamp. Lucas picks himself up and shakes the sand from his muzzle. He looks over the rest of his party. He spies the next part of the game up ahead.

‘I am not looking forward to this part...’ Lucas starts shaking Stormy. ‘Wakey wakey. Time for some yummy mushrooms.’

Stormy and the others wake up. Stormy sees what is in store for him and groans.

‘Dear Luna. This is going to suck big time.’

‘I’ll take a grande double shot blend with extra foam...’ Trixie moans. ‘...and one of those non-fat macaroons. Girl’s got to watch her figure.’

‘Wake up!’ Lucas shouts.

Trixie curls into a ball. ‘I don’t wanna! I wanna be at a Ponybucks right now with a giant coffee and a plate of confections and a good book! I don’t want this stupid game anymore! I want to go home!’

‘Then you should have thought of that before you came here!’ Lucas shouts. ‘Now get up and eat these drug trip mushrooms!’

‘Wow,’ Stormy groans. ‘At least when Rei tricked me into eating the mushroom, she was a lot more coy about it. You... You’re just a dick. I don’t know what she sees in you.’

‘Shut up, fruitcake!’ Lucas shouts. ‘I just want to get this bucking game over with so that this...’ He growls at Trixie. ‘This tramp will leave.’ He levitates a set of mushrooms over. ‘Now eat up or I will make you eat it!’

Stormy rolls his eyes and takes a bite of mushroom. ‘If you are this bad now, I hate to see how you are when these things kick in.’

The full party of The Wandering Cloud, Twilight, Inkie, Marvel and Image Crystal, Tim, Red XIII, Cait Sith, and Applejack bringing up the rear arrive on a forested island. A large temple is in the distance. Twilight moves closer to The Wandering Cloud. The Wandering Cloud stares ahead at the temple.

‘Well, let’s do this.’

Author's Note:

TWP vs The World: The Game Arc 2

Fun fact: With the exception of the Gears of War series, almost everything represented are favorite games. Mother 3 is beautiful. I was a huge FF VII addict in the day. NSMBW is one of favorite Mario games. And Fluttershy as Navi? Come on. How funny is that? Oh. And if you have never played Okami, you fail at life. You can get it on both the Wii and PS2!

Have fun guessing where the title is from. Lots of good games there too.

Post Maud Pie: So Inkie's scene versus the rock... I guess she learned that from her sister.

This chapter was written about a year and a half before that scene from the show!

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