• Published 25th Feb 2012
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The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

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The Ultimate Question

Main Characters: TWP, Twilight
Cameos: All of their friends
Original Start Date: March 03, 2013

James trots around The Power Block as he gets ready for a trip. Del watches her father from the couch. The stallion quickly ducks into the changeling’s room before joining his daughter.

‘Are you going to be okay alone until Rei gets off work?’ James asks.

Del nods. ‘Inkie is coming over soon, and I can play with her.’

‘That’s good.’

Del rubs against her father. ‘Daddy, will, um, this make her my mommy?’

James takes a deep breath and thinks. ‘It doesn’t work like that exactly. It is sort of like how Rei’s legal mommy is Fluttershy or how Rei and Chrysalis are both your big sister.’

‘Oh... Okay.’

‘Would you want her as your mommy?’

‘I guess. I mean... It might be nice.’

James kisses his daughter on the forehead. ‘We can talk to her about it. I’m sure it will work out.’

Del giggles and watches her father leave. He exits the building through the main shop. Lucas rests at the counter while Mimi is out.

‘You two have the store?’ James asks.

‘We got it. You have fun with your fillyfriend.’ Lucas smiles. ‘Though I get the feeling she won’t be for much longer.’

‘I-it had to be special. S-sh-she has to be treated like a princess.’

Lucas shakes his head. ‘You just had to ask, Boss. It was that simple with Mimi. It would have been that simple for you.’

‘But I have to show off for her somehow.’

‘You two will literally live in happiness together forever. You’re overthinking it.’

‘I guess...’

‘Speaking of which, what is going to happen? Is she moving in with you? You going to the library? Both of you requisitioning a castle somewhere and starting a nerd-topia?’

‘Ooo. That last one sounds fun, but no. We’re still figuring that out.’

‘Wait. What?’

James smiles and trots out of the shop. ‘A lot more was said and done than just playing video games during Trixie’s illusion.’

The stallion heads across the street to Neighponese Imports. When Daring sees the stallion enter she quickly heads to the back room.

‘Konichiwa, otoosan!’ Rei greets.

‘Hey, Rei. Where’d Daring go?’

The pegasus shrugs. ‘Don’t know. Probably jealous that I will have three mommies by the end of the night.’

‘She hasn’t said “yes” yet...’

‘PFFT! That is just a stupid word to an obvious question. If I didn’t know better I would have thought you were married since before October twenty-third, two years ago.’

‘And from my standpoint, the way you talked, it only took sixty years for you to get off your plot and ask her,’ Daring adds, trotting in with a large box on her back. ‘Had to get my gift for the birthday mare. Thought she’d appreciate some signed first editions complete with author’s notes.’

James stares in shock at the box he will be forced to carry.

Daring rounds the counter and heads back to work, stopping only to kiss the stallion on the cheek. ‘Tell the wife I send my love.’

Twilight brushes her mane in her parents home in Canterlot. Her coat is clean and shiny and her wings are perfectly preened. Her father trots into the room and smiles at his daughter.

‘You know, you don’t have to stay with us every time you visit,’ Night Light says. ‘You can always stay at the palace, your highness.’

‘Dad, quit it,’ Twilight chides. ‘I don’t mind staying here.’

‘I know, but all of your business is usually at the palace. Not to mention your party tonight.’

‘But I like staying with you and mom. It is not like I have my own place in town.’

‘M-maybe you should. That way you and James could have some place private for your family.’

Twilight spins around and stares at her father in shock. Night Light looks away in embarrassment and coughs.

‘There are at least two things unusual about what you said,’ the princess infers. ‘One, you never refer to James by his name. Two, you seem to imply we are a family.’

The stallion coughs again. ‘I am not opposed to the two of you being together. I mean, it is not like I don’t expect to give you away to him or anything...’

Twilight tackles her father in a big hug. ‘Thank you, daddy! That makes me so happy to hear you say that.’ She lets her father free. ‘He just has to ask me first...’

Night Light smiles and laughs. ‘I am certain he will. He’ll have me to deal with if he breaks your heart.’ He looks at his daughter. ‘Although, I do have a small concern.’

‘What is it?’

‘It is the same one your mother and I have for your brother’s marriage. Given the longevity of your tribe, you are going to outl-’

‘Oh! That’s okay.’ Twilight giggles. ‘He’s a near immortal alien. He’s already three hundred years old, which is still considered a child for his race.’

Night Light stares in shock. ‘An alien?’ He takes a long, slow breath. ‘Well, that begins to explain his daughters.’

‘Oh. They’re not aliens.’

‘That a reli-’

‘Rei is the daughter of James and Luna from another universe, and Del is a changeling and the adopted princess to Queen Chrysalis.’

‘Another... universe... and a... changeling?’ Night Light takes another long, slow breath. He trots over and kisses his daughter on the forehead. ‘When you are ready to leave, I’ll be in my study with a empty bottle of scotch.’

‘Why an empty one?’

‘It will be full when I get there.’

The stallion lets out a loud moan as he trots from the room.

Twilight Velvet watches her husband pass as she enters her daughter’s room. ‘I take it you told him about your future family.’

James sits in the kitchen of a dining car and watches the chef at work. Stormy calmly operates all the stoves and ovens at once.

‘Not often a pony books his ticket in the dining car,’ James comments.

‘You wanted something special for your wife,’ Stormy counters. ‘I needed time to make it. Easiest way was getting this car.’

‘She’s not my...’

‘Just had to tell them I am the son of Blackberry Sorbet, and he was willing to cover the bill. Just promise not to name the first kid after me. It is still weird having my mom’s friends call you “Strawberry” too.’

‘Well, um, I haven’t... I mean, we aren’t... Not yet anyway...’

Stormy sits beside his mentor. ‘Mr Wanderer, if you have taught me anything, it is that you overthink everything. Both of you. I bet you don’t even have a plan for the honeymoon.’

‘Two thoughts. One, there is a moon that is literally made of honey. Two, there is a moon that is literally on a honeymoon with an asteroid.’

The young stallion sighs. ‘Still overthinking everything. You have a frakking time machine. The entire universe is your playground. I know it is probably not my place, but why don’t you two take some time to yourselves?’

‘That might be nice.’

‘Is Spike going to live with you? Or what is going to happen? Does he get his own room at the shop?’

‘What if I move to the library?’

Stormy shakes his head. ‘You’re not moving to the library. You want to keep an eye on Daring, not to mention you are a quick trot from Sugarcube Corner and equally far from Fluttershy’s cottage and Sweet Apple Acres.’

James stares at a stove for several seconds. ‘What if I move to the library?’

‘And how hard would it have been for you to Portal or TARDIS to Canterlot instead of taking the long train ride?’

James stares at a stove for several seconds. ‘What if I move to the library?’

Stormy laughs and gets back to work.

Spike rides Twilight as she trots through Canterlot Castle. Pinkie has claimed a section of the palace to set up for Twilight’s party. The princess smiles as she trots past the guards surrounding the future site of the party on her way to picking up a new dress from Rarity. A sky blue unicorn and light red earth pony colt try to sneak past the guards as Twilight passes.

Spike is deep in thought. ‘Twilight, I’ve been wondering something. Am I still going to live with you after..?’

Twilight giggles. ‘I would still need my number one assistant.’

‘But you would have Rei and Del and...’

‘And they have their own destinies. As do you. If James and I end up travelling around the universe for five hundred years, I am sure everything back home will work out.’

‘You would just’ -- the dragon chokes back a tear -- ‘leave me?’

‘I would never abandon you!’ Twilight gasps. ‘I’m just saying that if something happened, you would have a much larger family to rely upon besides just me.’

Spike moans and hugs Twilight’s neck. They enter a room.

‘Spike, before I was made a princess, I was just a normal unicorn. You were going to outlive me by dozens of lifetimes. There would have been a time when you had to carry on without me. If there comes a time where you have to be on your own, James and I and everypony else will support you as best we can.’

Spike is levitated from Twilight’s back. Rarity rubs her cheek against the dragon's.

‘Is my lovely Spikey wikey worried about Twilight growing up?’ the unicorn coos. ‘Growing up and finding a wonderful stallion before me. Planning on abandoning me (and the rest of her friends) alone and loveless.’

Spike whimpers and grabs Rarity for comfort.

Twilight facehoofs. ‘I was just convincing him that everything would be okay.’

‘Well, of course everything is going to be okay.’ Rarity comforts Spike. ‘We would never let anything bad happen to you.’

‘But what if Twilight leaves me?’

‘Well, I haven’t given it much thought, but I would love another assistant at my shop.’

‘You... would really have me, Rarity?’

‘Why of course! I’ve seen how well you care for Twilight. I wouldn’t mind your service one single bit.’ She looks around hastily. ‘It would only be until Twilight returns, of course.’

Twilight rolls her eyes then wraps Spike in a hug. ‘I think if the time ever did come, you should be allowed to pick the path you want, and I would be proud and supportive of you no matter what.’

‘Thanks, Twilight. Thanks, Rarity. I am certain I’ll be dragon enough to live up your expectations.’

‘I know you will,’ Rarity agrees. She turns to her friend. ‘Now! Let’s get you dressed. Are you going to be wearing your regalia up or down tonight?’

‘Actually, I was going to not wear it at all,’ Twilight replies.

Rarity swoons and faints. The others groan and fan the unicorn.

‘Spike, if I ever leave, you have to take care of her.’

Spike blushes, laughs and nods in agreement.

James trots through the palace grounds. The burden of Daring’s huge gift has been relieved by a companion. Discord carries the box as they walk together.

‘Thanks for the help,’ James says. ‘I think Daring was out to break my back with that gift.’

‘What better reason to have you trapped in bed with no entertainment,’ Discord laughs. ‘She just has to sneak in when her boss lets her in.’

James shakes his head. ‘I really need to stop Rei from doing that.’

‘Oh, once you and the wife are together, I am sure she’ll ease up’ -- he grins evilly -- ‘or join in the fun.’

‘Yeah,’ the stallion groans. ‘Twilight will love that.’

‘Well, I admit she is no Pinkie Pie or Luna, but she does have her charms.’ Discord laughs to himself. ‘You and I both know that yellow pegasi can be quite fun.’

‘Okay! One, I never want to compare Fluttershy and Daring in that way again. And two, why the hell are we talking my sex life?’

The draconequus shrugs. ‘Isn’t that what scientists do? Brag about what we can?’ He smirks. ‘Though, you seemed to imply something about Daring and yourself.’

James growls. ‘She is just a neighbor. Your birthday present to me should have told you that.’

‘And Applejack is just a neighbor too.’

‘Was she your neighbor too?’

Discord takes a deep breath. ‘I had never thought of her that way when I was you. It was always just me, Twilight, Pinkie and Luna.’ He smiles. ‘I teased Octavia almost as well as you do, but... But, we never saw each other in that way.’ He sighs and looks away. ‘She... She and I...’ He looks down at his alternate universe, pre-regeneration self. ‘She is going to play the wedding, right?’

‘Twilight and I have talked about it. Vinyl played the last royal wedding, and Octy does owe me a few favors.’

Discord balances the box on his tail and crosses his arms. ‘Luna was going to officiate for us. I assume Celestia will want to do the job for you.’ He grins. ‘Though the last wedding she spoke at was interrupted by the real bride.’

‘I am more concerned with possible extraterrestrial interventions.’

‘Have no fear. I will keep an extra eye out for them.’ Discord poses dramatically. He instantly scowls. ‘We have unfinished business together.’

‘No genocide,’ James warns.

‘Right. You claimed that right already.’

‘I did no such thing,’ The Angry Physicist growls.

Discord chuckles to himself. ‘Anyway, I’ll place this with other presents. Just don’t forget me when sending out the invitations.’

‘Are you kidding? You’re coming no matter what.’

‘Excellent! I can’t wait to go to a wedding where I’m not killed or locked in the garden the whole time.’

‘Yeah. I heard you were pretty stoned that last time.’

Discord snorts at his friend. James laughs and gallops off to meet up with the others.

Twilight trots into the throne room. Princesses Celestia and Luna wait by the throne. The younger princess bows to the older ones.

‘You wanted to see me, princesses?’ Twilight asks.

‘We have, Twilight Sparkle,’ Celestia replies. ‘We would like to talk to you about your royal duties.’

The young princess pales. ‘Am I doing a bad job? I’m sorry! I can do better!’

Celestia shakes her head. ‘No, no. You have been performing quite admirably. We have just decided to expand your role and add one more responsibility. Consider it an early birthday present.’

Twilight beams brightly. ‘My body is ready.’

Luna rolls her eyes. ‘Told you they were perfect for the job.’

Celestia laughs and clears her throat. ‘Princess Twilight Sparkle, with the power vested in me as co-ruler of Equestria, I hereby appoint you the Official Royal Ambassador for Equestria.’

Luna applauds beside her sister.

‘Ambassador to what exactly?’ Twilight asks incredulously.

‘With your impending marriage,’ Luna begins.

‘He hasn’t...’

‘We determined that you will be our official ambassador to wherever the two of you end up in your travels.’

Celestia sighs. ‘Off-world celebrations are always so entertaining. Do pick me up if you two go to one.’

‘But, James and I... I mean, he hasn’t... We aren’t...’

‘You have been on far more trips with him than either of us,’ Luna says. ‘Even if, for some unforeseeable reason, he does not make your dreams come true, you are still the most likely to be in his travelling party.’ She glances away. ‘Not that we are jealous or anything.’

‘Is that the royal we...?’

‘So! Twilight Sparkle, how do you feel about your new position?’

‘We do look forward to your highly detailed accounts of your travels,’ Celestia adds.

‘But, princesses, are you sure you want to trust me with this? You are making assumptions about our relationship that I am not comfortable with.’

Celestia sighs and shakes her head. ‘Twilight Sparkle. When will you learn to trust in your destiny and that..?’

‘Did James take you to the future and show you my entire timeline?’

The princesses gasp in unison.

‘He would never dare cross his own timeline!’ Luna states.

‘That would be very irresponsible of me I did that,’ Celestia gapes. ‘These are all events that have been foretold for...’

‘The Doctor told you. Didn’t he?’

The sisters clam up and look away.

Twilight’s groan echoes off the walls, and she storms away. ‘What is wrong with those ponies?’

‘They’re aliens!’ Celestia calls.

‘I meant you, too! I'm over a thousand years younger than you, but you're the children.’

The older princesses look ashamed as the young princess slams the throne room doors behind her.

‘You started it,’ Celestia mumbles.

‘Nu-uh!’ Luna shouts, ‘Twilight! She's picking on me!’

‘Act your age!’ is shouted back.

Pinkie gallops around a ballroom as she sets up her friend’s party. Applejack trots out of a kitchen with a tray on her head. James stares at the treats as they are placed behind a pair of Lunar Guards.

‘Damn you and your coltfriend,’ James curses.

‘If y’all didn’ try eatin’ everythin’ befer the party, Ah wouldn’ need them.’

‘That’s why Stormy and I always let him have one before we start,’ Pinkie says, tossing a cupcake to the stallion. ‘Just a little taste to keep him coming back and not duck out early.’

‘HMPF!’ Applejack snorts. ‘Ah ain’t never had that problem gettin’ ‘im t’ stick around with mah cookin’.’

James groans, tossing the cupcake wrapper over his shoulder. ‘Why do I feel like I had this conversation with Discord earlier tonight?’

The mares turn their attention to the stallion. An older, pale yellow mare grumbles to herself as she picks up the wrapper.

‘Y’all saw Discord earlier?’

‘Is he coming to the party? Do I have to make extra? Why doesn’t anypony tell me these things!’

‘And what was that about yer conversation?’

James purses his lips and looks away. ‘I didn’t say anything.’

‘Probably talking about how much you wave your tail in front of him even though he is dating Twilight and you are supposedly dating Sunshine,’ Pinkie accuses.

The bat ponies guarding the treats whisper to amongst themselves.

Applejack blushes. ‘Well, uh, that’s... What about y’all? Yer always gettin’ between them t’.’

Pinkie turns her nose up. ‘Hmpf! It is okay. Besides, I’m holding out for the Twinkie ending.’

‘The what?’

‘I don’t even think TwiJack would even work.’

Applejack turns to James. ‘Can ya tell me what she’s talkin’ ‘bout?’

The stallion leans in and whispers the the mare. She gets redder and redder as he continues. She pulls away quickly.

James shrugs. ‘Though, I personally think that AppleDash is way overplayed.’

Applejack shoves her hat over the stallion’s muzzle. ‘Shut up!’

The bat ponies laugh at the conversation. The mare turns and snorts at them, getting them to instantly snap to attention.

‘Still, I believe a good point was raised,’ James says, removing the hat. ‘I love the apple blossom you use for your mane.’

Applejack snatchs her hat back and covers her face. The Lunar Guards openly laugh.

‘That better not have been it,’ the embarrassed mare snarls.

‘No, but it is true.’ James sighs. ‘I wouldn’t want to upset Twilight if she didn’t think I was going to take marriage seriously.’

Pinkie salutes. ‘Got ya! No nookie if she is around unless she joins in to!’

‘Actually, I mean none at all.’ He turns to Applejack. ‘None.’

Applejack motions a Pinkie Promise. ‘Ah swear that Ah’ll not mess with yer marriage. ‘Sides, Ah don’ wanna hurt Sunshine.’

Pinkie glares at her friend. ‘I promise too. I’ll even stop trying to cuddle Twilight without her permission. Do you think we should ask Flutters too?’

‘We’ve already talked about it,’ James replies. His expression to Applejack intensifies. ‘Are you sure you can control yourself? We haven’t had the best record when you are...’

‘Ah’ll do mah part! This is the biggest promise Ah’ll ever make!’

James puts a leg around Pinkie’s shoulders. ‘We’ll hold you to it.’

Pinkie nods and snorts. A thought occurs. She turns to James. ‘Wait. Does mean you are going to..?’

The stallion smiles and winks.

‘OH MY..!’ The mare starts bouncing around the room. She stops in front of James. ‘Can I see the ring? Is it made of space material?’

James smiles and sits, waiting for the party to start.

Worried moans come from a dressing room. Twilight stands in front of a mirror applying makeup. She groans, wipes her face and starts reapplying it. Fluttershy hears the grumbling and looks in. She sees her friend, enters and immediately wipes Twilight’s face. The princess yells.

‘You and I both know that he prefers our natural beauty to shine,’ the older pony scolds.

‘Right. Thanks for reminding me,’ Twilight sighs.

Fluttershy finishes cleaning her friend and smiles. ‘You look great. Do you think..?’

‘Maybe. I don’t know.’ She looks away and blushes. ‘We have begun preparing for when he does.’

The pegasus does not know how to react. She settles for a happy squeal and hugging her friend. ‘That is great to hear.’ She backs away and smiles at her friend. ‘If you ever need advice on what it is like being his wife...’

‘Thanks. I wouldn’t mind some pointers and your waffle recipe, Mrs Wanderer.’

‘Of course.’ Fluttershy giggles and hugs Twilight again. Her grip becomes progressively tighter. ‘One of your future tasks will be taking care of Rei. She and James allowed me to be her legal guardian. If you do anything to hurt her, I don’t care if you are a princess or a master of magic, you won’t find a safe place to hide.’

Twilight breaks free and shakes her head. ‘I know Rei is your daughter. I won’t get between the two of you. I am quite happy that she has such a good role model as you. I would never want her to lose the pony she considers to be her mother.’

Fluttershy blushes. ‘I think New Fluttershy is still overprotective of her family. Sorry.’

‘It is perfectly fine.’ Twilight hugs her friend. ‘Come on. We have a party to get to.’

The friends trot to the door together. They smirk and lean in close. Twilight kicks a wall. There is a scream and a rainbow streak passes the doorway. They giggle at their eavesdropping friend.

Twilight has a blast at her party. She plays games with her friends and snacks on all the delicious treats. After playing, dancing and snacking, the birthday mare is taking a break to open her presents before returning to the festivities. She looks through the books Daring gave her before looking around.

‘That looks like all of them,’ the princess comments.

A throat is cleared. ‘Not all of them,’ James says.

Twilight’s heart skips several beats as the stallion steps forward. All of her friends try to contain their excitement. Celestia and Luna smile at the younger princess. Night Light hugs his wife to calm his nerves. Shining Armor can barely contain his liquid pride.

‘I’ve been looking for the right moment to ask this. It is something I have been meaning to ask for a while now. I’ve just been too scared. I’m sorry for waiting so long.’ James bows down and holds up a small purple box with a shining, horn-sized ring inside. ‘Twilight Sparkle, will you marry me?’

Author's Note:

Spoiler: Twilight says,

[bonus art made by Ask Corn Silk and Sugar Craze] (artist here)

Chapter idea inspired by sfs

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