• Published 25th Feb 2012
  • 4,909 Views, 568 Comments

The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

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Full Moon LIVE!

Main Characters: Chrysalis/Full Moon, Rei, Lucas, Mimi, Del, Shining Armor
Cameos: TWP, Featherweight, Twilight
Original Start Date: November 17, 2012

Shining Armor and a large squadron of soldiers surround an airship. The prince scowls as a gangplank is placed between the ship and the dock. The ship’s door slides open, and a tall white pegasus with a long purple mane steps out. She smiles, with a long fang showing, at the angry prince.

‘It has been a while, hasn’t it, my prince?’ Full Moon asks.

‘Not long enough,’ Shining fumes.

Full Moon’s smile grows. ‘I hear you have been placed in charge of my security while I am in your land. Pretty ironic since the last time I stepped hoof in Canterlot you ejected me with violent force.’

‘The assignment is from Princess Celestia. I was chosen since I will keep your identity secret. And that means a tight schedule and staying with you constantly.’

‘Almost as if we were married.’

Shining growls and turns away. Full Moon laughs and follows. Full Moon’s entourage enlists some of the soldiers in unloading her equipment. Shining stops near a number of waiting carriages. He watches the heavy equipment being moved around.

‘Are they all..?’

Full Moon smiles at her crew. ‘Yes. They are some of my most loyal and dear subjects. It was tough choosing the few that would accompany me.’

‘Bad enough having just you here. I hope you can keep them in line.’

‘There will be no trouble. As I said, they are some of my most loyal subjects. They are well assimilated to pony culture. You have no need to worry.’

‘With you around, I always worry.’

‘You can trust me.’ Full Moon looks at one of the waiting guards. ‘Isn’t that correct?’

Shining turns towards the guard. He looks back and forth from his captain to the pop idol before saluting.

‘Yes, my queen,’ the guard replies.

Shining’s jaw drops. Full Moon smirks. The guard fidgets nervously.

The prince regains his composure and stands over the guard. ‘Feel free to drop the disguise any time.’

The guard looks down. A green flame surrounds him as he reverts back to changeling form. The skinny changeling is weighted down under the bulky pegasus armor. The other guards back off a step and look to their commander for instruction.

‘That armor is a little cumbersome. Report to the royal armorer and have them craft you a suit that better fits and adapts to your ability to change form.’

The changeling looks up, confused. ‘Sir?’

‘You are a brave and loyal soldier. You had my back when we were fighting those rogue Diamond Dog bandits a couple weeks ago. Why would I abandon somepony I trust?’

‘Y-yes, sir.’

‘Now, get new armor. I don’t want you reporting for duty until you are properly equipped.’

The changeling salutes and runs off to the armory. Shining turns back to Full Moon, a smug grin on his face.

‘As you can see, I do not dislike your kind as much as you may think.’

‘Yet you dislike me. I feel as though we lost the bond we once shared.’

‘There was never a bond between us, and there never will be.’

Full Moon sighs, ‘I can see this jealousy is really getting to you.’

‘What jealousy? I am married to a princess.’

‘And you could have married a queen. A queen that makes more in a month than you do in a year.’

‘I love Cadance very much. Money has nothing to...’

‘Two hundred thousand bits for this little trip to your country,’ Full Moon interrupts. ‘Not including the accommodations, royal bodyguards and all the other perks of being the biggest pop star on the planet. You missed out.’

Shining glares at the pony he is charged with protecting.

Full Moon smirks and climbs into a carriage. ‘Mimi! Let’s go over my itinerary once more. I cannot wait until we arrive in Ponyville.’

A pale yellow earth pony breaks from loading the equipment and trots to the carriage.

‘Ponyville? I don’t remember hearing anything about a Ponyville stop,’ Shining snorts.

‘Well, the real Full Moon is a tough negotiator. I almost had to say “yes” the instant she asked me.’

‘Full Moon?’

Full Moon laughs, baring her fangs again. ‘Your lover’s child.’ She giggles a bit. ‘Well, the one lover I let you keep who I approve of.’

‘My... Oh, no.’ Shining turns white at the realization.

James trots downstairs into The Power Block. Lucas relaxes at the counter. A stack of mail, freshly delivered by the mail mare currently browsing Wii U games, rests by the lazing unicorn. James looks at the two other ponies and clears his throat.

‘Rei is giving out tickets to a secret Full Moon concert coming in a few weeks,’ the stallion announces. ‘Just gotta...’

There is a loud crash as Lucas jumps through the front window towards Neighponese Imports.

‘Just gotta wait until she is out of school...’ James facehooves. ‘He is so lucky we have full healthcare.’

‘Full healthcare? Need a replacement assistant now that Lucas is dead?’ Derpy asks.

The two ponies look out of the shop. A bloody Lucas drags himself to the door of the other shop. Flitter looks out at the bloody unicorn then across the street at the neighbor. James shrugs. Flitter rolls her eyes and goes back to work. Lucas reaches for the door.

‘Replacing the window is coming out of your paycheque!’ James shouts before getting to work.

Full Moon trots outs of the shower and falls on her bed. She drops her illusion, allowing Queen Chrysalis to stretch her true form. She flaps her insectoid wings, spraying water everywhere. Shining Armor enters the room and groans.

‘Full Moon, we need to talk about security for the Ponyville trip.’

Chrysalis groans. ‘You may call me by my real name.’

‘I prefer thinking of you as somepony else, lest my true feelings come forth.’

‘Then if you need me to help relax you...’ Chrysalis changes to look like Princess Cadance. ‘Maybe this form will do the job.’

‘Enough fooling around! I want to talk seriously.’

Chrysalis groans and reverts to her normal form. ‘Very well.’ She glares at the prince. ‘You could take one moment to relax.’ She leans toward the door. ‘Mimi! Can you come in here?’

The pale yellow earth pony trots into the room and bows. ‘Yes, my queen?’

‘Our handsome prince here wants to go over security for our upcoming Ponyville show. Please help me convince him that his concerns are foolish.’

‘You are reducing the number of soldiers to just myself and two others and only bringing two of your personal guards,’ Shining states.

‘Are you concerned about my security or about my secret?’

‘Our queen has been able to handle both issues before with great success, with less assistance than we have given her,’ Mimi adds.

‘I couldn’t care less about your secret,’ the prince snorts. ‘If the truth came out, it would mean a quicker end to this silly tour.’

‘And yet, you would still be honor bound to protect me. Delicious.’

‘Listen,’ Shining growls, ‘if the mobs of fans are anything to go by, you will need more security than you are bringing. You need protection.’

‘That is not what you said the night before our wedding,’ Chrysalis teases.

Shining snarls and stomps the floor.

Chrysalis sighs and sits up. ‘From what I have heard, Ponyville is small and relatively safe. Between our guards, we should have no trouble. The real Full Moon has assured me of the greatest security she can manage in addition to having your sister and her friends on hoof. Or do you doubt the powers of the Elements of Harmony?’

‘You would use my sister as a conscripted guard?’

‘No, but I would doubt she would let something happen to a famous celebrity.’

‘That is true...’

‘And if what Mimi told me is true, I might have a diehard fan willing to protect us at any cost just waiting to be called upon.’

‘What was that, my queen?’

Chrysalis smiles. ‘I do believe you described a romantic encounter with a silver unicorn who was quite fond of me.’ Mimi squeaks in reply. ‘He just so happens to work for the one looking after Del for me.’

Mimi blushes. ‘He lives there!’

‘Don’t pretend you haven’t felt it,’ the queen laughs. ‘I have felt the bond of love growing from you every step closer to Ponyville we have taken. I know what your intent is and I approve.’

Mimi smiles and giggles.

‘Though it is odd that the bond of love has not grown from you, my sweet prince.’

‘Probably because there is no love to be had between us,’ Shining snarls.

‘I meant towards your Ponyville lover.’

Shining shudders. ‘There is even less love there.’

Chrysalis cackles and lays back on her bed. 'I'll allow you two more soldiers. If your petty concerns are alleviated, I believe I am due a post-show feast.’ She grins up at Shining. ‘Shall I change back to your princess for a special meal?’

Shining growls and storms from the room. Chrysalis cackles again as Mimi brings in the meal.

A pair of royal guards patrol the embarkation ramp at Ponyville station. Another pair of guards clear a path to a waiting carriage. Rei and a black pegasus fly above as they watch patrol the sky. A massive crowd mobs the ramp. Either unseen or ignored, Featherweight climbs the roof of the train station to get a better vantage point.

‘Sheesh. All of this for a celebrity?’ Twilight grumbles. ‘I haven’t gotten this much attention since my coronation.’

‘We did get a cheery send-off after saving the Crystal Empire,’ Rarity notes. ‘But it does seem as though saving the world has gotten a lot less glamorous than it once was.’

‘Shoot,’ Applejack snorts. ‘Only y’all can make helpin’ others sound bad.’

‘Isn’t it enough fun just knowing you did the right thing?’ Pinkie adds.

‘The Doctor saves the world all the time and almost nopony ever thanks him,’ James notes.

‘See!’ Applejack and Pinkie chide.

The three earth ponies stick their tongues out at their friends. The two mages roll their eyes.

‘Yeah, I think we deserve another parade or two,’ Rainbow Dash comments. ‘Right, Fluttershy?’

‘Oh, uh.’ The pegasus tries to hide behind her mane. ‘I wouldn’t mind being out of the spotlight more.’

The other pegasus groans. A train whistle sounds. Rei lands and helps with crowd control, notably threatening Lucas to stand back. The train comes to a stop. Several members of the waiting crowd hold up signs. The train door opens. Mimi steps out, followed by two of Full Moon’s guards. Lucas gasps in shock when he sees Mimi. Finally, Full Moon steps onto the platform, followed by Shining Armor. The crowd screams at the sight of their idol. Fluttershy shouts so loud she nearly passes out, as does Rainbow Dash from the volume of the scream. A pair of boxers lands by Full Moon. She laughs and looks around. James shakes his head and points at Shining. The unicorn stallion groans and magically sweeps the article under the platform. He smiles as his sister hits her coltfriend in the gut. Full Moon trots to her waiting carriage, stopping to sign a few autographs along the way. Her guards stay with her the whole way. She waves to her fans before boarding the carriage and riding away. The crowd slowly start to disperse. James waves Rei over.

‘Can we get some medical attention?’ the stallion asks.

‘It was just a light tap,’ Twilight groans.

‘Not me. I think Lucas had a heart attack.’

Rei giggles. ‘One electroshock, coming up.’

The pegasus charges a light current on a hoof and taps her friend. The unicorn jumps as he comes to his senses. He looks around excitedly.

‘Did you see her! That was the pony I slept with,’ The excited stallion exclaims.

‘Like Full Moon would ever go for you,’ Rei moans.

‘You got my Shining! You’re fired for real this time!’ James shouts, earning another kick to the stomach from Twilight.

‘No, the assistant. I saved her on the train, and we spent the night together.’

‘Are you sure it was her? Could be a common disguise,’ James comments as he trots away.

‘Disguise? What?’ Lucas shakes off the thought. ‘Rei, you’re working with Full Moon. Can you see if the mare was her?’

‘Sure. Anything for my Lucas-kun.’

Rei flies off to her next assignment. Lucas takes a moment to collect himself before teleporting away. Featherweight bounces off a passing mare as he ‘climbs’ down from his perch.

Full Moon trots into her suite followed by Shining, Mimi and her guards. The royal guards stay outside of the room, with two standing on the balcony. Full Moon nods. Her personal guards start sweeping the room and closing the shades. The pegasus drops her spell, reverting to her changeling self. Shining snorts at the change in form.

‘So what needs to be done...’ Chrysalis wonders. ‘For starters, I want to hold a meeting with Del and Mr and Mrs Wanderer.’

‘Mrs Wanderer?’ Shining asks.

‘What? He is mating with your sister, is he not?’

The unicorn shudders. ‘He is, but that does not mean they are married.’

Chrysalis smirks. ‘You ponies and your different levels of bonding. We at least know the act means we are close, does it not?’

‘We did not mate,’ Shining snarls.

‘Which one of us was under a mind control spell?’ Chrysalis cackles. ‘Anyway, other tasks... Find out whether the real Full Moon’s shop or the music shop is bigger. I know I will be needed for sound checks, but I want to spend at least one day signing autographs. Also, find something for me to give the real Full Moon. She deserves something special.’

‘I hear there is a great spa in town,’ Mimi offers.

‘Ooo! A private spa date with the Full Moons and our burly and handsome bodyguard. I like the sound of that idea.’

‘Mr Wanderer will have your head if you try anything with his daughter,’ Shining groans.

‘I can always say it was your idea, and he would go after yours... not that he isn’t already.’

Shining groans even louder. Chrysalis smiles and trots around the room. She plants herself on a couch, beside an overflowing fruit basket containing mostly apples. She picks up an apple and takes a bite.

‘We must also find a place to eat,’ the queen notes. ‘I heard there was a Diamond Dog eatery near here. We should see if we can get some meat. Covertly, of course.’

‘Yes, my queen,’ one of the guards replies, as he leaves.

‘You would steal your food?’ Shining balks.

‘Of course not,’ Chrysalis snorts. ‘We know the taboo your type has towards “more exotic” foods. We would buy openly if we could take their form. Since we cannot, we leave more than enough compensation for our “purchases”. And it is not like they would serve anything that you would find too shocking. Just the standard snakes and fish and fowl and such. I haven’t eaten something that could talk back to me since before we met.’

‘And I bet it begged for its life the whole time.’

‘Hmm. On the subject of begging and eating, maybe I should do like your princess and make the same offer she did to my grandmother.’ Chrysalis changes form to appear as Celestia. She levitates a banana from the basket and offers it to Shining. ‘Do you like mmmm-bananas?’

Shining shakes his head. ‘That is just a silly rumor. An ancient rumor at that.’

‘My grandmother was but a... well, you would call her a filly when she and her hive were banished to the moon. So weak was she that her own regent tried usurping power for herself.’


‘Not really. The hard part was living in isolation for so long, or so I was told.’ Chrysalis reverts to normal and sighs. ‘Though she had no way of doing it for herself, Nightmare Moon kindly returned my mother to the remnants of a hive. She spent the rest of her life trying to build the hive and live peacefully in our own little corner of the globe. That is, until...’

‘Until what?’ Shining asks, sitting across from the changeling.

‘He was much like you. Quite the strapping captain of the guard. A pegasus. The bravest of the brave. Just the kind to put a spear through the back of my mother’s neck while she was tending her brood. I lost many potential brothers and sisters that day.’

‘I am sorry to hear that.’

‘Don’t be. Well, not too much. Some comfort is appreciated. I saw a statue of him as I posed as your fiancee. Respectable likeness. I wanted to add a part after “Disappeared in parts unknown” that read “Tasted delicious”. Before you judge the hideousness of my actions all those countless years ago, keep in mind what I might have been going through.’

‘You just witnessed your family killed. I cannot begin to imagine what that feels like, but I can understand your justification and your hatred towards my kind.’

‘As luck would have it, it was only a matter of centuries before fate presented me with a captain of the guard ripe for the plucking.’ She grins. ‘Among other similar-sounding words.’

‘We did not do anything!’

‘Keep telling yourself that.’

Chrysalis turns to Mimi and holds her hooves up a distance from each other. The earth pony blushes and giggles.

‘You don’t know that! How could you!’

Chrysalis cackles and stands. ‘I think I have tortured our dear prince here enough. Let us go elsewhere so I can torture him there instead.’

Shining groans and hold his head. ‘This is by far my worst assignment ever.’

Chrysalis goes to the door and changes into her Full Moon disguise. Her entourage follows. Full Moon stops Mimi.

‘I believe you have some assignments. Once they are complete, feel free to take some personal time.’

Mimi smiles and bows. Full Moon nods to her assistant before heading out. Shining groans and forms up the guards around their charge.

Lucas lazes on his bed and uses his magic to control his computer. He cannot shake the thought of seeing one of his favorite pop idols and her lovely assistant. The unicorn sighs and starts an episode of his current anime. There is a gentle knock on the door. Lucas groans and stops the show.

‘Coming,’ he grumbles.

Lucas opens the door and stops in his tracks. Mimi smiles up at him. The unicorn is lost in the earth pony’s pink eyes.

‘Nice to finally meet you, hero-kun,’ Mimi greets.

Lucas just mumbles and nods his head in response.

‘May I come in?’

Lucas nods and backs up a few steps to allow Mimi to enter. The mare smiles as she takes in the apartment.

‘You have a lovely place.’

‘Th-thank you.’

‘Oh! Where are my manners? My name is Mimi,’ Mimi introduces. ‘I am sorry we didn’t get a chance to talk like this during our last meeting.’

‘M-me t-too. M-my name is Lucas.’

‘Lucas... What a nice name.’ Mimi sighs and looks around again. She quickly turns and kisses Lucas on the lips. ‘I know it might seem as though I feel this way because of the excitement of our first encounter,’ she says, backing down, ‘but I truly feel a connection to you. I believe I am in love. I... can sort of sense it.’

‘You are quite special as well. Can you sense a connection because you are a crystal pony or something like that?’

‘Actually, it is because...’

Mimi frowns and looks away. She looks up at Lucas’ curious and smiling face. She closes her eyes and drops her disguise. In a bright green flash, Mimi changes from a pale yellow earth pony with a sky blue mane to a changeling with a pale yellow chitin and sky blue hair. The changeling slowly opens her bright pink eyes to see Lucas staring at her in shock. Mimi’s frown intensifies, and she shrinks away.

‘I am sorry,’ Mimi apologizes. ‘I understand if you hate me now. I’ll leave.’

Before Mimi can turn, Lucas catches her leg. ‘You’re beautiful. I thought you were pretty before, but now...’

‘You... don’t mind that I am a changeling.’

‘That doesn’t cross my mind.’

‘You really mean it?’

Lucas pulls Mimi in and kisses her as hard as he can, cutting his lips a bit as Mimi’s fangs slide against them. They back away panting and staring into each other’s eyes. Mimi wipes the couple drops of blood that come from Lucas’ lips. She frowns again, knowing she hurt him. Lucas kisses Mimi’s horn, getting her to make a small jump.

‘I hate to hide your beauty,’ Lucas says, ‘but let’s go out. My boss pays me very well. We can go to the fanciest place in town.’

Mimi smiles. ‘I believe my boss is there right now. How about we stay in and get to know each other better? I would love to know more about my hero.’

‘Anything for the beautiful Mimi.’

Lucas leads Mimi to his bed. They get comfortable together as the unicorn levitates his mobile to order dinner. The changeling coos softly as she cuddles in close.

The next morning, James and Del trot through Ponyville. Both yawn.

‘Where are you taking Del?’

‘Full Moon wanted to meet us at Twilight’s.’

‘Full Moon was still in bed, where I should be,’ the filly grumbles.

‘The other Full Moon.’

Del’s eyes go wide, and she picks up her pace. They reach the library and head in. Before they can even announce their arrival, Spike hands James a cup of coffee.

‘Here,’ the dragon offers. ‘Figured you’d need it.’

‘Thanks, Spike. Twilight is lucky to have you around.’

‘She and’ -- Spike sighs lovingly -- ‘Full M♥♥n are waiting downstairs.’

‘Thanks again.’

James trots towards the basement door. Del stops and licks Spike’s face.

‘Silly, dragon,’ Del laughs. ‘You know that emeralds give you gas.’

‘How did you..?’

Del giggles and follows James downstairs. The door magically locks behind them as soon as they enter. Twilight and Full Moon are waiting in the middle of the laboratory. One of the changeling guards, disguised as an earth pony, is examining the scientific equipment.

James gives Twilight a kiss and waves to Full Moon. ‘So, what is going on here?’

Chrysalis drops her disguise. ‘Del has been most telling with her reports back to me about the treatment you have been giving her. I am very pleased to hear she is doing well.’

‘We try to care for her as much as we can,’ James replies.

‘I am also pleased that Miss Sparkle is taking the chance to learn about our kind. Maybe you will see us as less of the monsters we are.’

‘I would like to learn more,’ Twilight adds. ‘I know Del is a data outlier from the norm.’

‘Which is just why I wished to meet like this,’ Chrysalis notes. ‘I wanted you to witness a very special ritual. One that is performed very rarely. I have only done it a couple times in my considerable lifetime.’

‘I am honored,’ James says, bowing.

Twilight scribbles notes on a nearby pad. ‘Wait. How old did you you say you are?’

Chrysalis smirks. ‘Old enough to know that the Great Canterlot Food Riot was started by a pie striking your princess in the face.’ She turns to James. ‘Somepony has good aim but should learn to duck better.’

Twilight glares at her coltfriend. ‘You started the food riot three hundred years ago.’

‘To be fair...’ James looks around for ways to escape. ‘It was a custard, not a pie. I slipped on banana peel (big surprise who leaves those around) which allowed her to get a lucky shot in. And she was the one that ended up pelting the prime minister’s house with eggs. I was only the middlepony in that case.’

Twilight grumbles and writes a reminder to reprimand her coltfriend and mentor later. Chrysalis laughs at the ponies.

‘If you are ready, I would like to begin,’ the changeling says.

‘Go ahead.’ Twilight nods.

‘She’ll be okay, right?’ James asks.

‘Del will be perfectly fine,’ Chrysalis assures. ‘I only ask that you do not interfere. The ritual is a little dangerous. I would hate for you to get hurt. Del, are you ready?’

The filly jumps when she hears her name. She comes over from following the guard and stands before Chrysalis. The larger changeling nods. Del drops her disguise. She looks up at her queen.

‘This may hurt a bit, but I have your best interests at heart,’ Chrysalis promises. ‘Do not be afraid.’

Del nervously looks around. She sees Twilight writing everything down while James worries beside her. She smiles at her caretaker.

‘Del’s b... My body. My body is ready.’

Chrysalis licks her lips. ‘That is good to hear.’

In one swift motion, the changeling queen lunges down and bites Del in the neck.

‘Del!’ James shouts and tries to jump forward.

Twilight catches the stallion with her magic. ‘No. We cannot interfere!’

‘She is hurting her!’

‘Please stay back, Miste...’ Del rasps before going limp.

Chrysalis releases. She tilts her head back and drinks the remaining blood on her fangs. Del collapses to the ground. The queen lays down beside the fallen changeling and lifts her up. She directs Del to a spot on her neck. Del leans in as best as she can and bites. Chrysalis winces as her skin is pierced. Del drinks as much as she can before she gasps for air. Chrysalis coats a hoof with blood and holds it out. Del licks up as much as she can before collapsing again. Chrysalis smiles and holds the small changeling in her forelegs.

‘Very good. We are family now,’ the queen says as she nuzzles Del. She looks up. ‘I think it would be wise to get your nurse,’ she tells James. ‘We both could use a little tending to.’

‘You don’t have to tell me twice.’

James gallops out of the basement as fast as he can. Twilight continues scribbling notes.

‘This is amazing!’ the pony princess exclaims. ‘Was that some sort of coming-of-age ritual or a rite of passage of some sort?’

Chrysalis laughs. ‘Far from it. The closest description would be... a royal adoption.’

‘So, are you saying Del is like your daughter now?’

The queen looks down and licks Del’s wound a little. ‘Not exactly. Though she is without a formal family unit, what I have done is more like accepting her into my home. She would be considered a sister and potential queen. Princess Del.’

‘Fascinating. Is this how all changeling queens are made?’

‘I was born to my mother, the former queen, thank you very much,’ Chrysalis snorts. ‘I am holding off on creating a brood of my own. I am waiting for a world where my kind can be free to do as we please. I originally thought it would be when your kind was subjugated as our food source. Now... My reason for holding back is the same, but my methods have changed.’

Del lets out a loud whine. Chrysalis casts a spell on the small changeling’s neck. Twilight writes even faster as she analyzes the spell.

‘What did you just do?’ the unicorn gapes.

‘Just a simple anesthetic spell. The same one I used on your brother.’


‘Are you really so surprised? I really did treat his migraines while he was under my spell. Though my wording will come off as cruel, any good farmer can tell you that you have to maintain the fields for good crops. We do not like our sources of love to run dry or our illusions to wear off, so we do care for our victims. If you hadn’t shown up, your brother probably could have released his spell on his own instead of having it shattered. The pain of magical feedback is unpleasant.’

‘I know that too well,’ Twilight sighs. ‘Thank you for telling me so much about yourself and your kind. I am sorry we haven’t had a chance to learn from each other in our past encounters.’

‘As am I, but a girl has to feed, you know.’

‘Please don’t say it like that.’

Chrysalis laughs. ‘While you have the chance, what else would you wish to know? By the way, ask your brother about what we discussed last night. He might have some interesting stories to tell.’

‘Thank you. I will.’ Twilight starts flipping through her notes. ‘Now, where do I begin?’

‘Ohayo, Lucas-kun!’

Lucas and Mimi trot into Neighponese Imports. They go right to Rei as she happily waves to her guests. Daring trots out from the back rooms.

‘How can I help you today?’ Rei asks. ‘More yuri? More joso? More hen-”

Lucas shoves his hoof in his friend’s mouth. He nervously looks at Mimi. ‘I don’t watch any of that. I swear.’

Mimi giggles. ‘Actually, I am wondering if you had an answer for our inquiry last night.’

Rei looks at Daring then back to Mimi. ‘Right now, we are leaning towards using the music store. Although, Kaeko did make this shop very modular. If Flitter can make it, we will rearrange the shelves to give you plenty of space.’

‘If labor is an issue, I can arrange it,’ Mimi offers.

‘Anything for Rei and Mimi,’ Lucas adds.

‘I meant Full Moon’s guards.’

Rei giggles. ‘If it is her head guard, daddy will come too.’

Everypony laughs at the joke.

‘Lucas...’ Rei stares at her friend’s neck. ‘How did you hurt yourself?’

Lucas touches a small bandage. ‘Oh, uh, it is just a love bite.’

Mimi blushes and giggles.

‘Thought so,’ Daring comments. She pulls down her shirt a bit, revealing two puncture marks. ‘Chryssy snuck out last night too.’

‘Just remember, only one of you is allowed to copy me,’ Rei growls. ‘If I find out you have been looking like me...’

‘That’s enough.’ Lucas nuzzles Mimi. ‘I’m sorry about that.’

‘It is fine.’ Mimi sighs, ‘We know we are walking a fine line when we take a form. Most of us in pony lands try to avoid directly copying an actual pony.’

‘Wait, does that mean there are changelings in non-pony countries?’ Lucas asks.

‘Well, yeah, but it takes a lot of ski...’

‘Can you be a griffin!’ Rei grins at Mimi excitedly.

‘I can try... but I need a referen...’

Daring drops a copy of Daring Do and the Griffin’s Gobblet on the counter. Mimi groans. She steps away from the front windows so she will not be noticed. In a flash of green fire, Mimi changes from an earth pony to a yellow griffin with blue feathers. She sits back as her head spins. Rei falls over laughing at the oddly-colored griffin in her shop.

‘That is great!’ the pegasus chortles. ‘You look really cool.’

‘You really do look pretty good,’ Daring compliments, giving Mimi a Neighponese drink.

‘Thanks,’ the tired griffin pants. ‘Can I go back to normal now?’

‘Sure,’ Rei replies. ‘Gotta keep Lucas’ wings down somehow.’

Mimi looks at Lucas and squeaks. He has the same expression as when she revealed her true form. She quickly changes back to her earth pony form. The pegasi giggle at the couple.

Del moans and opens her eyes. The first thing she sees is James smiling at her.

‘My neck hurts,’ the changeling wimpers.

James laughs. ‘I would think so.’

‘What happened to me?’

‘What is the last thing you remember?’

‘I was in Sparkly’s lab. My queen was there. And then...’ Del winces and touches her bandaged neck.

‘Twilight or your queen can better explain it to you, but the short version is that you have a big sister now, and she is very proud of you.’

Del smiles. ‘That makes Del happy.’

‘Nurse Redheart says your wounds aren’t too bad. If you are feeling better later, I would like to take you out to celebrate. I already asked the Cakes to make you something special for dessert.’

‘I would like that. Del would also like...’

James holds up a juice box. Del squeals and starts drinking. James laughs and kisses Del on the forehead before leaving.

‘That’s my Del.’

‘Thank you, Mr Wanderer.’

‘Get some rest. If you need anything, just make some noise.’

‘I will.’ Del takes a long sip. ‘I... love you, Mr Wanderer.’

James smiles. ‘I love you too, Del.’

The stallion leaves the changeling to rest and enjoy her drink. Del leans back in her bed and looks around her room. She notices a new shelf on her wall with a box sitting on it. Del sets down her juice box and flies over to investigate. The shelf is labeled ‘Chrysalis’. After careful examination of the box, Del opens it to find a small black crown topped with light blue orbs. She giggles and puts it on before returning to bed.

Rei sits and waits in the lobby of the day spa. She is ready for her afternoon with Chrysalis. Lotus and Aloe, however, have no idea why the young mare is waiting so patiently. It is Rei’s first visit to their spa, and they are worried about her wild behaviour. The one consolation is that their guest is wearing her own yukata.

‘Miss, may we help you?’ Aloe asks for the third time.

‘I’m just waiting. Thank you,’ Rei replies.

Lotus takes her sister aside. ‘She is Fluttershy’s kid or some such nonsense. Maybe she is just waiting for her mother and Rarity to arrive.’

‘I hope so. She is starting to creep me out.’

The bell above the door rings. The spa sisters sigh in relief that they will finally have a real customer. They turn back to the lobby, and their hopes soar when they see Shining Armor looking around the shop.

The stallion turns back outside. ‘You two wait here. You two, check the shop for any hidden entrances we may have missed.’ The stallion looks around the spa and waves to Rei. ‘It is clear.’

Full Moon’s guards step past the unicorn. The royal guards wait outside. Shining steps aside to allow Full Moon to enter. Lotus nearly faints at the arrival of their new guest.

‘Hi, Full Moon!’ Rei greets.

‘Miss Full Moon,’ Full Moon replies, bowing.

The two pegasi giggle at the greeting while Shining goes to the counter. One of the guards returns from the spa area.

‘All clear,’ the guard reports.

‘Very good,’ Full Moon replies. She joins Shining. ‘We would like to use your facility. Privately.’

‘We are a place of business, madame,’ Lotus replies. ‘We cannot close down just because a pop star asks us to.’

Chrysalis drops her disguise. ‘How about for a queen?’

The spa ponies stare at the changeling queen in terror.

Shining groans. ‘For trying to keep your secret, you sure broadcast it a lot.’

Aloe nervously comes around the counter. She trots up to Chrysalis. The taller queen looks down at the pony. Aloe reaches out and pokes Chrysalis’ chitin.

‘So... interesting. Unique texture.’

‘A little higher if you wish to reach my stress centers,’ the changeling suggests.

Aloe turns and nods to her sister. Lotus goes to the stairs to the spa.

‘This way, mesdames,’ the spa ponies say in unison.

Rei and Chrysalis sigh contentedly as the spa ponies massage their clients. Shining Armor grumbles to himself as he patrols the room.

‘Lighten up,’ Chrysalis encourages. ‘You need as much relaxation as we do.’

‘I am fine,’ Shining snorts.

‘You do not sound fine, monsieur,’ Aloe comments.

Shining turns and growls at the masseuse.

Lotus backs away from Rei. ‘All done.’

‘I feel great,’ Rei comments, lazily flapping her wings. ‘Your turn!’

‘What!’ Lotus screams as she is flipped onto the table.

‘Just showing you what a real massage is like.’

Lotus screams as Rei presses hard on her sides. Chrysalis laughs then moans in pleasure as Aloe starts working on her hindquarters.

‘I am taking you back to Neighpon with me,’ the queen sighs. ‘Their massages are too rough on my delicate body.’

Lotus screams again as Rei climbs onto the table and steps on her back. Chrysalis laughs again as Aloe gives her sister a concerned look. Shining sighs and continues his patrol. He stops near the stairs and looks around. The unicorn turns back to the spa. A small shimmer from the changing room catches his eye. Shining stomps over to the changing room and throws open the door. A tiny pegasus colt with a camera almost as big as he is smiles up at the angry royal guard.

Shining magically lifts Featherweight to look at him eye to eye. ‘What do you think you are doing?’

‘I-I was just wanting to get a scoop on Full Moon. I didn’t mean to...’

‘Mean to what? Violate imperial security and obtain classified knowledge? You’ll be lucky to get out of prison by the time you are my age.’

‘Set him down,’ Chrysalis groans. ‘He is just a kid.’

‘He broke in while you are out of your disguise.’

‘Yes, I was revealed by choice. The security matter is your fault. Now, set him down so I may speak with him.’

Shining growls and sets the small pegasus down. Featherweight sheepishly grins up at the unicorn before trotting over to face the changeling. She smiles, knowing the young pegasus is focused on the large fangs in front of him.

‘So, you wanted to get a scoop on Full Moon,’ Chrysalis says, her grin growing slightly. ‘Too bad you found the queen of the changelings in a moment of repose. What do you have to say to that?’

Featherweight looks down and kicks at the ground.

‘Don’t be afraid, little one. We won’t hurt you.’

‘I-I just wanted a couple pictures and maybe a quote for the school paper,’ Featherweight wimpers. ‘I didn’t mean...’

Lotus screams as Rei helps her from the table. The earth pony jerks as she tries trotting away.

‘Now...’ Chrysalis muses, ‘how should we handle your little transgression?’

‘I have a few ideas,’ Shining grumbles as he steps up behind Featherweight.

‘Oh, behave,’ the queen snaps. She levitates Featherweight’s camera and starts flipping through the photos. ‘You are quite talented. Would you like a place on my staff?’

‘WHAT!’ both males shout, one excitedly, one furiously.

‘Well, I assume this young one wishes to be some sort of journalist. I would like him to chronicle my visit to this wonderful town, complete with an interview, leaving out some important details, of course.’

‘I-I’ll do my best!’ Featherweight replies.

‘Is this wise? Trusting this foal?’ Shining asks.

‘He seems trustworthy to me. Not to mention...’ Chrysalis stretches her mouth wide a few times before stopping and smiling. ‘I think he will fit if he reveals my secrets to anypony.’

Featherweight immediately stops his celebration. Shining smirks a little before returning an upset glare to Chrysalis.

‘Fine. If that is your wish, then so be it.’ Shining towers over the skinny Featherweight. ‘You better do a good job. I’ll be watching you.’

Featherweight shakes where he stands and nods. Chrysalis laughs. She looks around the room. Rei and Aloe are helping Lotus into a mineral bath to help soothe her muscles after her impromptu shiatsu massage. The changeling laughs again and gets ready for her next treatment.

The next morning, Full Moon is in Neighponese Imports for her signing. The store is filled with ponies wanting to meet the idol. Full Moon takes a picture with a young unicorn. She gives the young stallion a kiss on the cheek before he trots away. Shining rolls his eyes as Full Moon watches her fan and licks her lips. The pegasus’ smile quickly turns to a scowl when shes sees her next fan. A tall white unicorn with a flowing pink mane and wearing a jeweled necklace trots up, levitating a CD.

‘OH MY M-CELESTIA!’ Amy exclaims. ‘I can’t believe it is you! I love you so much!’ [If you thought I was not going to keep my eye on you, you have another thing coming.]

‘Thank you!’ Full Moon replies. ‘I am happy to meet such a devoted fan.’ [I have done nothing wrong. Your persistent pestering is quite shrill.]

‘Your singing is so the best. You are way better than anything we regularly get in Equestria.’ [If you think your little charade is fooling anypony, you are sadly mistaken.]

‘You have some talented artists. Don’t sell your homeland short.’ [I beat you and your precious Elements before. It was only a fluke your boy toy and his pesky sister beat me those times.]

‘Thank you! You are the greatest.’ [Come at me, bro.]

‘I was honored to meet you.’ [Go buck yourself with your own horn.]

Amy and Full Moon share a smile that strains the definition of ‘friendly’. A midnight blue pegasus wearing thick glasses steps up.

Selene sets a CD in front of Full Moon and groans, ‘I am sorry about my sister.’ [I am sorry about my sister. She is an idiot.]

Del shows the Cutie Mark Crusaders the scar on her neck. The friends gawk at the puncture wounds while the young pegasus tries showing off her new crown, magically disguised as well. James laughs as he turns back to a meeting with Lucas and Mimi.

‘So, boss, what do you say?’ Lucas asks. ‘Can she have a job?’

‘I have no problem taking on a new employee, but there will be a few conditions that are subject to change,’ the employer replies.

‘I will do what I can,’ Mimi says, bowing. ‘As long as I can be with Lucas, I’ll be happy.’

‘Good. Good. Because I have a few before you can even start.’

‘Yes, sir.’

‘For one, I don’t think it would be good to abandon your current employer in the middle of her trek across a land that, quite frankly, would like to see her hanged if she were revealed. She will still need your help.’

‘Of course.’

‘Not to mention, you will need her permission to leave her employ.’

‘I will ask her right away.’

Del trots over and pulls on James’ tail. ‘Can I go play with my friends?’ the filly asks.

‘Go ahead, Del. Have fun.’

‘Thank you! I promise to be back to help out later.’

Del hops up to set her crown on the counter before galloping off with her friends.

James turns back to Mimi. ‘You will also help out with Del, just in case I have any changeling questions.’

‘Of course.’ Mimi nods. ‘She does seem very pony for a changeling.’

James laughs. ‘Well, that is why your queen sent her, or do you want Princess Del to fail in her mission?’

‘Right. Princess Del,’ Mimi groans. ‘That just sounds so weird.’

‘Really? Coming from you? Your name is one letter from the most obvious changeling pun and once Lucas realizes the Super Paper Mare-io reference...’

Lucas thinks for a few moments then screams.

James trots away to work. ‘Yep. Even your fillyfriend is a gaming reference. Once you’re done with your aneurysm, I need your help unpacking our last restock before Hearths Warming.’

Taking a break from his duties, Shining Armor is visiting his sister for dinner. They and Spike are having a great time catching up with their recent adventures. Shining rubs his temple as he tries to make sense of Twilight’s tale.

‘So let me get this straight...’ the male unicorn huffs, ‘Discord is really him from Rei’s universe, and her real father is the fused body and mind of the two of you?’

‘Yeah,’ Twilight sighs. ‘Makes you wonder how many other ghosts are really more of her siblings that hit their heads.’

The siblings laugh at the joke.

‘You have a lot of fun adventures,’ Shining laments. ‘I get stuck guarding an enemy of the state while she is encouraged to tour the country she is determined to eat whole.’

‘She really isn’t that bad, is she?’

‘Well, since I don’t know what her real feeding looks like, it is really more putting up with her constant teasing and goading. I cannot tell you how often she acts like we are the ones really married and not me and Cadance.’

‘Well, technically, we didn’t show up until after Celestia performed the ceremony...’

Shining groans. ‘Twilly...’

‘See,’ Twilight snorts. ‘That is probably why she does it. She knows you will overreact. If she is anything like James, you just have to go along with it until another distraction comes along.’

‘At least he is behaving himself for once. That’s cause for celebration right there.’

‘Hey,’ Spike speaks up, ‘speaking of celebrating, when are we having your bachelor party?’

The siblings stare at the dragon incredulously. Spike snorts and goes back to his dinner.

‘Anyway, you have the performance tomorrow then you are off to the next city. This will all be over by Hearths Warming.’

‘None too soon...’ Shining grumbles. He pokes at his meal a bit before looking up with a smile. ‘Speaking of which, somepony hasn’t told me what they want for Hearths Warming.’

Twilight opens her mouth to speak.

‘Same thing I want every year,’ Spike interrupts, ‘gems. Or a date with’ -- sigh -- ‘Rarity.’

Twilight laughs. ‘As for me, anything you get is fine. You don’t have to make it special.’

‘Oh, yeah? What is it you really want?’

‘Well, I haven’t really...’ Twilight pokes at her dinner.

Shining takes a deep breath. ‘He is stupid if he doesn’t come around.’

‘Thanks. What about you? What do you want?’

‘You don’t have to get me anything.’


The younger sister glares at her older brother. Shining looks around for an escape.

‘Just say a book,’ Spike says, ‘because that is what she will get you anyway.’


Shining laughs as his sister scolds their adopted brother.

Del explores the backstage area of Full Moon’s show. The filly is enthralled by everypony galloping back and forth as the show plays. A flash goes off. Del turns around to see Featherweight flitting about taking pictures. The young colt turns to take another picture but runs into his classmate.

‘You’re Scootacoltfriend, aren’t you?’ Del asks.

Featherweight fumbles with the camera hanging around his neck. ‘I wouldn’t word it like that...’

‘What are you doing back here? Did your parents get you a backstage pass?’

‘Not exactly. Full Moon asked me to document the show for her.’

‘That’s fun. My sister is really nice. Do a good job, or she’ll bite your face off.’

‘Your si...’ Featherweight gasps. ‘Del are you a...’ He mimes fangs with his hooves.

Del smiles, revealing her fangs. ‘Tell anypony, and I’ll bite your face off too.’

Featherweight pales and nods in agreement. Del goes behind her friend and starts pushing him.

‘Come on! Let me show you around.’

At the concert, Full Moon takes a break. She trots around the stage for a she drink of water. Fluttershy and Selene scream for the idol. Amy glares at the stage while Twilight has her ire fixed on her coltfriend who is watching Full Moon’s offstage security. Rarity and Stormy critique the costumes. Applejack tries to keep the Cutie Mark Crusaders in their seats. Full Moon takes one last drink before returning.

‘You’re a great audience,’ Full Moon says. ‘Next, I have a special treat for you.’ She turns to the back. ‘Come on out.’

Rei trots onto stage. The audience, save one dark blue unicorn in the back, cheers for her

‘Konbanwa! Genki desu?’ Rei says to the audience.

‘Glad to have somepony else who can sing in Neighponese with me,’ Full Moon greets.

‘Minna-san suki da!’ Rei blows a kiss. She giggles. ‘Sorry. If you’re a fan, I hope you understood.’

‘We love you too, Rei!’ an audience member shouts.

Rei blushes and waves.

Full Moon laughs. ‘I hope you brushed up on the new album,’ the idol warns. ‘I brought you out for something special.’

Duet of the Full Moons?’ Rei asks.

Full Moon smiles as the music starts playing.

Back at Full Moon’s suite, Shining Armor checks with the changeling guards as they finish their final patrol of the night. The knight goes to the door while the changelings go to their rooms. Outside, the two royal guards wait with a guest.

‘Just make sure they get to brunch. My treat,’ James tells Shining.

‘Will, do.’ Shining salutes out of instinct. ‘But, we won’t have too long before our train.’

‘Don’t worry. And I’ll make sure they have all of the equipment sent right away.’

‘Thank you, sir.’

The two ponies salute before Shining returns to the suite. He makes one last pass before returning to his room. Featherweight is passed out on a couch. In Full Moon’s room, the idol is curled in bed with Rei and Del. Shining yawns and turns to leave.

‘Not going to give your wife a goodnight kiss?’ Full Moon asks.

Shining grumbles to himself as he trots away. The pegasus smiles and yawns while snuggling down.

Full Moon lays across a bench as the train from Ponyville starts leaving. Even with a massive brunch hosted by James and the other Nerd District shop owners, the idol is still exhausted from her show. On the other hoof, Shining Armor, Mimi and the guards are full of energy.

‘Keep it down,’ Full Moon groans. ‘I gave away too much love last night.’

Shining laughs and gets out his mobile. ‘I am so telling Mr Wanderer on you.’

‘Not like that, pervert.’

Mimi trots over and puts a hoof on her employer’s forehead, transferring some energy between them. ‘Just be happy Lucas is willing to share. You will have a busy day once we reach Baltimare. After the welcoming party, you have a meeting at the music college and a benefit with the city’s elites. And tomorrow...’

Full Moon groans again.

Shining laughs. ‘Look at it this way: at least all of your screaming fans don’t pretend you are married to them or something crazy like that.’

A seat cushion hits the stallion the face.

‘I want a divorce,’ Full Moon huffs.

Shining laughs and settles in for the train ride.

Author's Note:

Story Timeline: Chrysalis returns (briefly) to Equestria. Lucas reunites with Mimi. Chrysalis adopts Del as a princess.

Story Event: Notice that after the ritual, Del's speech patterns take a turn for the pronoun.

Fun fact: Parts of Chrysalis' story about her grandmother and mother were adapted from Woonastuck and Princess Chrysalis Tumblrs.

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