• Published 25th Feb 2012
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The Wandering Physicist Adventures - WanderingPhysicist

Scientist, nerd, mystery. Ponyville's newest resident has a lot of secrets to share with new friend

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Get Well Soon

Main Characters: TWP, Rei, Nurse Redheart
Cameos: Del, Colgate, Fluttershy
Original Start Date: August 28, 2012

A steady beeping greets Rei as she slowly opens her eyes. Her whole body really hurts. She tries rubbing her head, but her right foreleg is immobilized in a cast. Rei groans and looks around. A pink mare with a purple and white mane stands at a doorway.

‘You’re finally up!’ the mare gasps. ‘I’ll get the doctor right away.’

The mare gallops away. Rei tries moving, but once again she is limited to just her left foreleg. Everything feels sore.

‘Don’t strain yourself. You still have a long way to go.’

Rei looks towards the door. A white mare with a pale pink mane trots into the room. She takes Rei’s free hoof and gives it a gentle squeeze before she starts checking the filly’s vitals. An orange unicorn stallion trots into the room.

‘Good to see you awake, kiddo,’ the doctor greets. ‘We have a lot of tests to run, and I want to get them started before...’


The filly perks up at the sound of the voice. The nurse moves out of the way as a stallion gallops into the room. The Concerned Parent wraps Rei in a large hug. He rubs his face against hers, their joyful tears mixing. The stallion has a slight beard, and he looks fatigued.

‘I knew you would come back to us, Full Moon. I knew you would.’

Magic wraps the stallion and pulls him back.

‘Mr Wanderer, I know you are happy to see your daughter awake, but there are a lot of tests we need to run to determine her condition.’

James reaches for Rei. ‘She is my daughter. I need to be with my daughter!’

Rei tries reaching, but she can barely lift her foreleg. Nurse Redheart holds the filly’s hoof again.

‘Let me go!’ James shouts as the doctor tries levitating him from the room.

The stallion catches the doorframe and tries pulling himself back in the room. A large dark brown stallion gallops up behind the parent and aids in dragging him from the room. Rei whimpers.

Redheart comforts the filly. ‘Don’t worry. Everything will be fine. You’ll be together soon enough.’

The next day. Nurse Redheart is washing Rei’s face and mane for the filly. The water is getting red from all the blood still coming out of Rei’s mane. The mare eventually sets down the washcloth and sighs.

‘There. I got a lot of it. It is hard to do with that bad gash behind your ear like that.’

Rei whines.

‘Come on. Cheer up. It is almost visiting hours. I got you all pretty for...’

The clock ticks to the top of the hour. Instantly, the door bursts open, and James gallops across the room to hug Rei.

‘There’s my darling Full Moon. I never want to let you go.’

‘Daddy...’ Rei sobs as she tries returning the hug.

Redheart smiles and takes a step back. She tries leaving, but Twilight Sparkle trots in the doorway. The princess smiles and sighs.

‘Thank you for your help,’ Twilight says to the nurse.

‘Rei is a sweet girl. It is my pleasure to help her,’ Redheart replies before leaving.

James gives Rei a kiss on the cheek. ‘I am so happy to see your smiling face. I’ve been so worried.’

‘He isn’t the only one,’ Twilight adds. ‘A lot of the town has just shut down because we were worried for you.’

‘You were worried for Rei-chan?’ the filly asks.

‘Your father has barely eaten since he brought you here. I highly doubt he has slept the whole time.’

‘Oh, daddy...’

‘Flitter has been trying to run the store without you, but she has been too upset to do a good job of it, and she has to close up early for her weather patrol duties. Daring even sent a message that she will be returning from her adventure early to check on you.’

‘Silly Daring-sama.’

‘Lucas hasn’t been showing up to work. The Crystals have been worried sick. They have been watching Del while your father was here. Silver was around for awhile, but she had to get back to work. You probably didn’t notice, but Luna came by every night, and Cadence asked about you.’

Rei smiles. ‘Luna is best princess.’

‘Right.’ Twilight rolls her eyes. ‘Lyra has been so upset that she has basically shut off and stopped teaching, although after that week with her, I can't tell the difference.’

Rei giggles.

‘I hope you are really hungry,’ James sighs. ‘Pinkie wants to throw you the biggest party once you are better. She and Stormy are already ordering the best ingredients... That is if I weren’t here all the time.’


James mimics his TARDIS powering up. Rei giggles again.

‘Oh!’ Twilight remembers. ‘Rainbow offered to get the best physical therapist in Cloudsdale if you need it.’

‘Mommy can do better, right, Rei-chan? Use her connection to the Wonderbolts to get their trainers.’

‘I hope mommy isn’t too worried,’ Rei whines.

Fluttershy is doing her best to pretend otherwise,’ Twilight answers, ‘but she has been taking care of every animal in town to distract her mind. She even took the skunks to the spa...’

Rei smiles. She nuzzles her dad to wipe away her tears. ‘What about..?’ she whispers.

James looks at Twilight and nods. An aura forms around her horn, and James steps aside. Inkie is teleported beside Rei. The two young mares stare for a moment before Inkie wraps her forelegs around Rei. The pegasus tries returning the hug while burying her muzzle in Inkie’s mane.

‘I am so happy you are all right,’ Inkie sobs.

‘I’m sorry for upsetting you, Inkie-chan.’

‘I love you, Rei.’

‘I love you, too, Inkie.’

The two young mares share a kiss. James breathes a sigh of relief as he stands next to Twilight. Redheart smiles to herself as she peeks into the room.

Several hours later, James is the only pony in the room with Rei. They are just holding hooves as she rests. Nurse Redheart enters the room and looks back.

‘You’re going to have to...’

‘I’m staying. She needs me,’ James interrupts.

‘I understand your wish, but the doctor is coming with security again. I don’t want this to be hard for any of you.’

‘I am not leaving my daughter’s side. I can take care of her.’

‘Mr Wanderer... I...’ Redheart tries to think of the best words. She takes a deep breath and sighs, ‘I wish I could help more.’

The doctor enters the room. Two security guards wait outside. James stands between the doctor and Rei.

‘Mr Wanderer, it is time to go,’ the doctor states. ‘We have given you too many exceptions already.’

‘She is my daughter, and I am going to take care of her,’ The Defensive Parent growls. ‘You are going to have to break your Hippocratic Oath to get me to leave her side.’

The doctor lifts James with his magic again. ‘This is the last time we will go easy on you. If we are forced to remove you again, you will not be allowed back in the hospital.’

James catches the end of Rei’s bed as he is levitated out of the room. The guards enter the room and grab the defiant stallion.

‘Let go of me! I have to care for her! Rei! I have to take care of Rei-chan!’


‘Rei! Full Moon!’

The guards force James loose and carry him from the room.

‘Hang in there, Full Moon!’ James shouts. ‘I’ll be back for you! Hang in there!’

‘Daddy! Bring back daddy!’

‘Calm down, Rei,’ the doctor sighs. ‘You need your rest.’

‘I need my daddy! Give him back!’

Rei flinches in pain as she charges her electric affinity on her free hoof. Her monitoring equipment shorts out and alarms sound as she fires a weak electrical burst that hits the wall behind the doctor. The exhausted filly falls back in her bed.

The doctor calmly trots over and puts a hoof on Rei’s forehead. ‘If you are quite through...’

Rei lunges forward and bites the doctor’s leg. He screams and draws it back, a few drops of blood falling to the ground. Nurse Redheart gasps in shock.

‘I didn’t want to do this, but we have to sedate her,’ the doctor growls, bandaging his leg.

He limps from the room. Redheart nervously approaches Rei.

‘I want my daddy,’ the filly snorts.

‘I’m really sorry.’

‘Daddy! I want my daddy!’

‘I’m sorry, Rei.’


Redheart winces from the yell and quickly backs away.

The doctor buries his head under his hooves in his office.


The screaming has not let up since he last checked on the patient. He looks up at Nurse Redheart.


‘This is getting insane,’ the doctor moans. ‘Can we give her more sedatives?’

‘We have already given her the safe maximum dose. Safe maximum daily dose.’

‘She was practically in a coma just over a day ago. How can she have this much energy?’


The doctor groans and rubs his temples. ‘She is starting to scare patients on other floors.’

‘Doctor, don’t you think...’

‘She needs proper care and attention. He can’t be there for her constantly.’

‘We could ask one of the staff to assist him.’


The scream shakes the walls, knocking a picture to the floor.

‘Who can we find that would be willing to take care of her after tonight?’

Redheart bites her lip.

Rei sighs contentedly as she is settled into her bed for the first time in over a week. It feels as if her father made it extra comfy for her return home. James looks up from adjusting the monitoring equipment and gives his daughter a nuzzle.

‘I did,’ he whispers.

‘Did what?’ Redheart asks.

‘Nothing,’ the stallion laughs. ‘Thanks for helping out. I really owe you.’

The nurse sighs. ‘Even though she should be in the hospital still, I think it would have done her more harm to keep you two separated.’

Redheart preps a needle for the antibiotic drip. Rei whimpers and flinches at the sight of the needle.

‘Don’t worry. It will only hurt for a moment,’ the nurse assures.

‘Or not at all.’

James takes the tube, removes the needle and puts a small cap over the end. He returns the tube to the nurse.

‘Subcutaneous injector?’ Redheart asks.

‘More or less.’ James shrugs. ‘You know I have some fancy equipment at my disposal.’

Redheart attaches the device to Rei’s exposed leg. ‘There. You are all set.’

‘If you need anything, yell and all of us will come running.’ James looks up. ‘Right, Del?’

Redheart looks up then jumps back in shock as she sees the dark blue filly standing on the ceiling, her bright red mane hanging down. Del flaps her wings a bit for balance.

‘Del, we have a guest. How do we behave?’

The filly drops to the ground, landing on all four legs. ‘Sorry. Del will act like a normal pony now.’

‘Very good. Would you mind getting us some drinks?’

Del nods and trots from the room. James laughs. He sits by Rei and strokes her mane. She sighs and settles into her bed.

‘Don’t worry. We’ll get all of the blood out,’ James assures his daughter.


‘Del will be back with your drink in a moment. Once you are done, I want you to get some sleep.’

‘Hai, daddy.’

‘Good girl.’ James gets up and kisses Rei on the forehead. ‘I’ll get something to get rid of the scars, too.’

Rei sighs. James trots to the door. He motions for Redheart to follow. She looks at her patient then trots out of the room.

‘Shouldn’t we be watching her?’ the nurse asks.

‘She’ll be fine. We’re near enough in case she needs something. She is just happy to be home.’

James takes a drink as Del passes with a tray on her head. The filly waits for Redheart to take a drink before continuing to Rei’s room. James takes his drink and lays on the couch. He looks at the nurse.

‘I gave you a room. It is the last door.’ He motions down the hall. ‘If you need anything from your home, I can arrange it.’

Redheart groans and sits by the stallion. ‘Right. Don’t really have much there I can’t live without. I’m usually too busy to go home most days.’

‘You don’t have a lucky stallion or mare waiting for you?’

‘No, I don’t have a stallion waiting for me, mom. At this rate, I probably never will.’

‘I’m sure you’ll find somepony.’ His stomach gives a loud growl. ‘Oh dear Sagan. Not eating for the past week is finally catching up to me. I’ll have to go out and pick us up something soon.’ He smiles. ‘All of her favorites. Oh! And yours, too. You are our guest.’

Redheart sighs and sips her drink, wondering what this assignment will bring.

Redheart is taking Rei’s temperature. The filly groans as the nurse checks the thermometer in Rei’s mouth.

‘Oh, calm down. This isn’t so bad,’ Redheart assures.

‘But it is so boring.’

‘Hey. Just be glad your lower half is in a cast or I would give you the option of getting your temperature taken the fun way.’

Rei squeaks and tries covering her face.

Redheart laughs and removes the thermometer. ‘You’re looking fine. No sign of infection, and your bones are healing nicely.’ She smiles and goes to the door. ‘Do you need any of us to get you anything?’

Rei shakes her head. ‘No thanks.’

‘We are right out here if you...’



‘Um... How long was I asleep?’

‘Just now or...’ Rei whimpers at the nurse. Redheart sighs. ‘From the time your father brought you in to when you woke up, eight and a half days. We never saw injuries as bad as yours. A lot of us think it is a miracle you survived at all.’

‘I dreamt...’ Rei looks down at her bed and takes a deep breath. ‘I dreamt I was back at my original home with my mother and siblings. I dreamt of a life that seems so foreign yet somehow the same. But something was missing. Something important. When I saw my dad and Twilight and Inkie...’

Rei starts crying. Redheart goes to her and strokes the filly’s mane.

‘Just seeing your reaction when you awoke and being here for you now, I can assure you that you are home. We may not know each other too well, but I can tell you are home. I am certain your birth family would be so happy to see you safe and loved here with your real family.’

‘Arigato, Redheart-sensei.’

‘Why are you calling me that?’

‘Sensei? That is what we call doctors, right?’

‘But I am not a doctor.’

‘You’re better than a doctor.’

Redheart sighs and laughs. ‘You are a sweet filly.’

The nurse stokes Rei’s mane one last time and leaves the room. She is stopped just outside by James.

‘Thank you. I seriously mean it.’

‘I’m just doing my job.’

‘I will repay you. Believe me.’

‘It is not...’

James shakes his head. ‘You are helping my daughter become herself again. That must be repaid.’

Redheart nods. ‘There are rumors of your generosity. Good to see they are true.’

James peeks into the room at Rei making faces at a ceiling-walking Del. ‘Quick question...’


‘As long as she is still bandaged like this, how hard would it be to completely immobilize her?’

‘What do you have in mind?’

‘Something she has needed for a long time...’

Rei screams and tries struggling as her father and Nurse Redheart tie her to the bed.

‘NO! I don’t wanna!’ the filly yells.

‘You have to!’ James commands. ‘You haven’t since you got here. You are long overdue.’

‘No! Mommy! Save me!’ Rei shrieks.

‘Fluttershy agrees with me. She even asked me about it when she lived here.’

‘No! Yamatte!’

‘Mr Wanderer, I don’t think this will work if she keeps struggling like this,’ Redheart warns.

‘Don’t worry. It will work. I called a specialist.’

There is a knock on the door. The ponies look over to see a blue unicorn with a blue-striped mane standing in the doorway.

‘Brushie, brushie,’ Colgate says with a smile, levitating several toothbrushes at once.

Rei screams again and tries to free herself.

Hours later. Colgate comes from Rei’s room. Sobbing can be heard from within. The unicorn trots over to where James is standing.

‘Thanks for doing this,’ the stallion says. ‘She was way overdue for a cleaning.’

‘I’ll say,’ Colgate agrees. ‘Not even Rainbow Dash lets her teeth go that bad.’

‘How much do I owe you?’

Colgate looks around. Redheart is still with Rei. Del is with them, observing everything to do with the fallout from the cleaning.

‘Can we talk about it on the way out?’

James nods and leads Colgate out of the residence.

‘Been a while,’ Colgate states.

‘I was in for my cleaning right on schedule,’ the stallion defends.

‘Not what I meant.’

‘I know.’ James sighs. ‘How long has it been since Canterlot?’

‘Right. It was back then... It must have been only a couple months for you, but it was centuries for me.’

‘That long? I’m sorry. When I saw you here...’

‘You, me, The Doctor. We’re all that is left. There are rumors of... Never mind.’

‘If you don’t mind me asking, how long have you been a dentist? I mean, I heard tales of you actually going back to school here.’

‘Ah yes. You hid by not travelling. The Doctor jumped right to the thick of it. I regressed to a much younger age. Becoming really young or really old was one of the few ways to hide.’

‘So you and Rarity...’

Colgate nods.

‘And Bon Bon, too?’

‘Yep. I am currently single if you are getting to that.’

‘No. It is not that. It is just... I had a crush on you back at the academy. I guess it would have been a waste of my time.’

‘James, please. You know our kind don’t think of romance in terms of gender, species or number of partners. To be honest, I might have been a bit flattered back then.’ She looks away slightly. ‘I might be a bit jealous right now...’

The stallion groans. ‘Just what I need. It is hard enough with Applejack still fancying me.’

‘Not the only thing she keeps hard on you,’ the mare snickers.

‘Hey! Low blow!’

‘Not the only low... OW!’ the unicorn shouts when she gets her horn flicked. She growls and glares at the stallion before sighing and shaking her head. ‘Anyway, since we have a moment alone like this, I just want to say I am sorry.’

‘For what?’

‘I was mean to you when we were growing up. I have heard about your... Well, I am sorry for causing my share of it. If I had known....’

James shakes his head. ‘You were one of the good ones. You were nicer to me more often than you were mean. I appreciate your apology, even if I don’t feel you need to.’

Colgate looks at the stallion again and sighs. ‘Twilight is really lucky to have you. There are far too few stallions as good as you.’ She leans in and kisses James on the cheek. ‘As always, the cleaning is on the house. Anything for you and your family.’

The unicorn trots out The Power Block’s back exit. James watches her for a moment before following.

‘Wait! Uh... Roma... Er, Col...’

Colgate smiles. ‘I go by Minuette now, but Colgate works as a nickname.’

‘Right. Uh... I just wanted to say we can be friends or whatever. Make up for old times.’

‘I would love that.’ Colgate smiles wider, exposing her perfect teeth. ‘I’ll see you around, James.’

‘I look forward to it, Colgate.’

The two ponies wave and go back about their business.

James sits behind Rei and runs a device over her head. Redheart watches them from beside the bed.

‘Just about done here,’ the stallion comments.

‘What are you doing?’ Redheart asks.

‘Just removing the scars and stimulating follicle growth. She’ll look just like she did before her crash.’

‘Is that really necessary?’

‘I don’t mind either way about the scars,’ Rei replies, ‘but would hate to have a patchy mane.’

‘I never thought of you as so vain.’

‘I like to look pretty, too!’ the filly defends. ‘We can’t all look as nice as you all the time.’

The nurse blushes. ‘I’m not that good-looking.’

‘Daddy, Redheart-sensei is being silly again.’

‘Done.’ The father kisses his daughter behind the ear and climbs off her bed. ‘You look good as new now.’

‘Does that mean I can remove these stupid casts yet?’

James turns to Redheart. ‘What do you say, sensei?’

‘We’d have to take her in for x-rays first...’

James tosses the nurse a small device. ‘Guess again. And no, that is not how I am paying you back.’

Redheart examines the device. It slips around a foreleg. A light shoots out and covers Rei. A readout appears on the device.

‘A medical scanner?’ the nurse asks, getting a nod in reply. ‘Hmm. Looks like her right foreleg is healed. We can take her in to...’

James pulls out his sonic screwdriver and runs it over the cast. The cast splits and falls to the floor. Rei laughs and stretches her free limb, wincing a little when she overextends it a bit.

‘You have to be gentle,’ Redheart warns. ‘I’ll start you on some light exercises to rebuild your muscles.’

‘I’ll be fine,’ Rei assures. ‘Just gotta let me out of the bed for a bit.’

The nurse checks her scanner. ‘At the rate you are healing, you should be walking again soon enough. A bit longer for flying. Your wings were mangled pretty badly.’

‘Can we at least remove my lower bandages? It feels like forever since I last cl...’ Rei notices her father beside her and blushes bright red. ‘Since I last stretched my tail?’

James groans and ruffles Rei’s mane. ‘You’re sounding healthier already.’ He looks at the nurse. ‘There is a cure for that, right?’

Redheart blushes. ‘It is healthy for a filly her age to do that. There are many physical and psychological benefits as well. How often..?’

‘Two or three times...’ Rei answers.

‘That is not so...’

‘...a day.’

Redheart’s blush increases. ‘Oh. Well. Uh....’

‘Now you know why she flies everywhere.’


‘I-I-I think that is something for the two of you to work out on your own. I-I’ll be outside if you need me.’

Redheart hurries out of the room. James and Rei giggle and high hoof. The father then hits his daughter on the back of the head.

‘I can’t believe you brought that up with a stranger.’

‘What? She is a nurse. She can handle it.’

James snorts. ‘Del isn’t the only one that needs to learn proper pony behaviour.’

‘You can always sign me up for Rarity’s class again.’

‘I know about her video collection, no. You’re just going to have to work double shifts at the shop so you will be too tired to do that.’

‘Oh! So that is how you get out of...’

‘Don’t tell Twilight!’

Rei grins. ‘Well, if I don’t have to work double shifts...’

James groans and hugs Rei. ‘You are definitely my daughter.’

Redheart sighs as she settles into a warm bath. One of the benefits of this assignment is actually being able to relax once and awhile. It feels good letting the mane down and turning off the brain for a bit. The nurse sighs again and looks around the room. A small, dark blue filly that was not there previously is sitting by the bath.

‘Mr Wanderer is dead,’ Del plainly states.

Redheart stares at the filly for a moment. ‘What?’

‘He just fell over. Del thinks he is dead.’

Redheart sits in shock for a few seconds before her instincts kick, and she leaps from the tub to attend to her host. She immediately slips and lands hard on the washroom floor, her neck, chest and jaw taking most of the damage.

‘No. He was more sideways falling,’ Del corrects.

The nurse swears under her breath and gallops out of the washroom. James is laying in the middle of the kitchen. He can be heard wheezing as he lays there. Redheart gallops to his side and begins her examination.

‘He’s not dead...’

‘Told you, Del,’ The Wheezing Physicist gasps.

The filly frowns and sticks her tongue out.

‘But, he is definitely out of sorts.’ The nurse glares at the stallion. ‘Somepony probably picked up a bug from a week of not eating or sleeping and hanging around the hospital everyday.’

‘I’m fine. Just make sure Rei is okay.’

‘Del, is Rei okay?’

‘She is still sleeping.’

Redheart turns to James. ‘See. She’s fine. Let’s get you to bed.’

The mare does her best to lift the stallion on her back and drag him to his bedroom. She leaves a trail of water from her soaking mane and tail.

‘I won’t tell Twilight you’re wet for me if you don’t.’

The nurse briefly considers dropping her new patient out the window. ‘See, you’re not in bed yet, and you’re already getting back to normal.’

After getting James to bed, Redheart uses her medical scanner to diagnose her new patient. Del stands to the side watching the nurse work.

‘I’m fine,’ James groans. ‘I’m a mighty alien. Your puny bugs are no match for me.’

‘Shouldn’t that make you more susceptible since you wouldn’t have the built-in immunities we do?’

The stallion forces his eyes open to glare at the nurse. ‘Shut up with your logic.’

Redheart sighs and puts her scanner away. ‘Looks like a light case of pony pox. A few days in bed, plenty of fluids and making sure you actually eat and sleep will have you healthy as a horse in no time.’

‘If I give you the key, will you get something from my closet for me?’

‘If you are going to have me get some alien cure for something that is as common as a cold and that everypony should get at least once in their lives, think again. A little bed rest will do you well, mister.’

‘Then can you at least find Twilight and tell her this for me?’ James gives Redheart a pad of paper. The nurse reads the paper and growls. ‘Try and do it in a really sexy voice, too.’

Redheart drops the pad and trots from the room. ‘Del, make sure he stays in bed. I’m going to make them a healthy meal for once in their lives.’

‘NOOOO!’ both father and daughter moan from their rooms.

Redheart is in the living room watching a program. She makes sure to keep it low enough so she can hear her patients. The screen starts changing and eventually goes blank. She sighs and goes to James’ room. The stallion is holding his sonic to the wall.

‘About time,’ James rasps. ‘Rei needs a juice box.’

‘If she needs help, she can call me.’

‘Also, she has been playing with her wings again and one of the splints came loose. Pain medicine is...’

‘I know where it is.’ The nurse takes the sonic and forces her patient into his bed. ‘I know you are worried, but you need to get some rest, too.’

‘I can sleep when she is better.’

‘Sleep now, or I will make you sleep.’

Redheart turns and trots away, using her tail to whip her patient’s cheek. She goes to the couch and turns her program on again. After a moment, the nurse moans and gets up. She trots to Rei’s room.

‘Everything okay in here?’ Redheart asks.

‘My wing hurts,’ Rei whimpers.

The nurse groans and goes to the bed. ‘Okay. Let me see.’ She turns to her side. ‘Del, while I do this, get Rei a juice box. Also, get me that bottle of pills on the kitchen counter.’

The filly nods and trots away. Redheart climbs on the bed and leans Rei to one side. She starts adjusting the splint keeping Rei’s wings in place. The young mare flinches with every adjustment. Soon, the nurse finishes her task and gets off the bed. She carefully leans Rei back down as Del returns.

‘Now, stop messing with your wings if you ever want them to get better,’ Redheart warns while giving Rei her drink and pain medication.

Rei nods as she sips her juice. ‘Daddy needs his hoofheld with the latest Pokemon game.’

‘Oh geez.’

‘Also, he is having a tough time sleeping. If you can bring him his mobile with a call to Twilight...’

‘What is it with you two? You’re supposed to be focusing on your recovery, but you spend all of your time worrying about each other.’

Rei stares and blinks. ‘We’re ohana. Well, we are now. We never really had family before recently so I guess we worry more than we should. I know mommy is worried, too. I wish she would come by...’

‘If I knew who you were referring to, I could ask her for you.’

‘You know, mommy. She was married to daddy for about a month. Well, fake married, but she is still mommy.’

‘You mean Fluttershy?’ Rei nods in reply. ‘But, I’ve seen your genetic scan. I know that...’ The nurse sighs. ‘Anypony ever tell you you’re weird?’

Rei smirks. ‘They never really stop.’ She tosses Redheart her mobile. ‘You can call mommy on my mobile since you need to get daddy his.’

The nurse sighs and trots out of the room. Rei laughs, then reaches back and fiddles with her wing.

The first thing James sees when he wakes is a yellow and pink blur hovering over his face. He reaches for his glasses and puts them on.

‘Pony pox is what gets you?’ Fluttershy snorts. ‘Really, James?’

‘Thanks for coming. Rei has really been missing you,’ The Sick Physicist replies.

‘I’m sorry for not coming sooner. I was just so scared that she would be upset because of her injuries or that she would be horribly scarred or...’

‘We took care of the scarring. She will look just like she did before her crash,’ James assures. ‘I think she was more upset about missing her mother than her accident.’

Fluttershy blushes and hides behind her mane. ‘Do you have to word it like that? It is embarrassing enough when she does it.’

‘If anything happens to me, I want you to raise her.’

‘You only have the pony pox. You’ll be fine in a matter of days.’

‘I just want Rei to be happy.’

Fluttershy sighs and holds James’ hoof. ‘Even if it wasn’t real, we are a family, just like I feel about all my friends. Now get some rest. I left a nice healthy soup for you with Nurse Redheart.’

James groans.

‘It will make you better faster. You will drink it, and you will like it.’

‘Yes, dear.’

‘Good.’ Fluttershy smiles. ‘I’ll check with you later in the week just to make sure you’re both still okay.’

Fluttershy happily trots out of the bedroom. James groans and leans back in bed. He hears a throat cleared beside him. His mobile is showing a live video of Twilight Sparkle.

`What do you mean “dear”?' the alicorn demands.

‘Didn’t I go to sleep three hours ago?’

Twilight blushes. `I haven’t been watching you the whole time!`

James laughs and kisses the screen. ‘I love you, too.’ He wipes the screen clean, accidentally switching videos to a stream of Pinkie glaring at him. ‘Love you, too, too.’

With both of her patients resting, Redheart is taking a moment to finally relax. She has made a large bowl of popcorn and is enjoying her favorite movie. Del hobbles towards the couch.

‘Miss Redheart, Del does not feel well.’

The filly then vomits on the floor and falls in her mess. The nurse groans and gets up to tend to her new charge.

Redheart has Del in her bed. The filly moans as she curls into a ball.

‘Del is dying,’ the pegasus groans.

‘Seems like you just have a stomach bug or maybe you got Mr Wanderer’s pony pox,’ the nurse notes. ‘Anyway, it gives me a chance to use my scanner again.’ Redheart aims her scanner at Del. She gasps at the readout. ‘Del, you’re a...’

Del’s disguise is dropped as she leans over the side of her bed. Redheart barely gets a bin under the changeling before she vomits again.

‘Don’t tell Del’s queen of her weakness. Del would be eaten alive.’

‘I hope you don’t mean literally.’ Before Del can answer, Redheart interrupts. ‘Anyway! Just a stomach flu. I’ll keep a clear path to the washroom and bring you plenty of fluids. You’ll be back on your hooves or whatever in no time.’

‘Del’s stomach hurts, but she doesn’t feel like she will vomit.’

‘Washroom! Now!’

Del falls out of bed and gallops away as fast as she can. Redheart groans. She trots from the room, stopping to scrub her hooves, all four of them, thoroughly at the kitchen sink. She passes the washroom and knocks on the door.

‘Del, stay in there until I get back.’

Redheart trots downstairs. She does not go out the back, instead passing through The Power Block. The store is empty, except for Lucas laying on the counter.

‘Dear Celestia. Not you, too.’

Lucas looks up. ‘Not me what?’

‘Thank Celestia. I thought you were sick, too.’

‘Nah. Just really bored. It has been so slow recently! Why? What’s up?’

‘Well, aside from Rei...’

‘Does she need cuddles! I can do that!’

‘Her muscles and bones are still sensitive.’

Lucas frowns.

Redheart groans, ‘Anyway! Rei is still stuck in bed. Your boss has pony pox.’

‘Eek!’ Lucas squirts antibacterial soap on his hooves.

‘Right. And now Del has a stomach bug. Does he at least pay you?’

‘Three hundred bits a week with benefits.’

Redheart facehooves. ‘A freaking shop clerk makes more than me...’

‘Actually, most of that is because, uh, well...’

‘Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh?’

‘Spot on.’

The nurse groans and goes to the door. ‘I am going out to pick up supplies from the hospital. Go up there and don’t let any of them leave the rooms I have put them in.’

Redheart trots away. Lucas watches her leave. He starts tilting his head a bit, but she turns back and glares. The unicorn sighs and looks at the ceiling.

‘But they don’t listen to me...’

James drinks a bottle of medicine. Redheart stands nearby to make sure he drinks it all. The stallion lowers the bottle.

‘Ugh. This tastes like the washroom after a shower,’ James groans. ‘Speaking of which, I am going to need a helping hoof. Well, just one to the washroom. I can think of at least three Elements of Harmony and two former Elements of Harmony that would be very upset if you helped in the washroom. Although, you are a nurse so they might understand...’

‘You might have to wait a bit on using the washroom. Del has a bit of a stomach flu, but she made it there in time... barely.’

Del gallops past the room as fast as a changeling can gallop.

‘Go to the panel by the closet. Hit “C” then pick which room you want cleaned. Everything inside will be refreshed to near-clean room conditions instantly. That’s why Rei won’t catch what I have since I put quarantine fields up in our rooms.’

‘Wait. What?’

‘There is an electrostatic field in each room that traps and removes potential contagens. I set them up in our rooms, and one to track you around the house. Don’t want our caretaker getting sick.’

‘You could have told me that before I got both of you medicine to prevent Del’s stomach flu!’

‘Oh. Sorry. I’ll pay you back.’

Redheart sighs. ‘It is all right. We have kept plenty of medicine on hoof since the baked bads incident.’

‘By the way, Rei needs the latest issue of her favorite magazine. You might need to pick it up from the store across the street. Also, her yuri comics she ordered without me knowing should have arrived, too.’

‘Don’t tell her that!’ Rei shouts from her room.

The nurse groans. ‘So, when I go in there to get her bottle of medicine, what is it that you need that you’re not telling me?’

‘I’m fine. Perfectly fine.’

Redhearts groans again and trots out of the room. Del starts hobbling past before turning and dashing to the washroom again.

James stands next to Rei’s bed and holds her hoof. Redheart runs the sonic screwdriver over the young mare’s remaining leg casts. The casts crack and fall off.

‘Yatta!’ Rei cheers stretching her free legs. ‘I can’t wait to be moving again!’

The pegasus rolls off the bed and immediately screams in pain as her legs give out. The adults groan and help her into bed.

‘Your muscles are a little atrophied,’ Redheart explains. ‘Let me get your father back to bed, and we can start exercising them again.’

‘Take all the time you need,’ Rei replies. ‘There might be something I need to take care of first.’ She glances down then up at her dad. ‘Nothing!’

James snorts and grumbles, ‘You just got out of your casts, and your first thought is doing that?’

Rei looks down and squeaks.

‘Rei, you have to give yourself some time to heal first. You have done a marvelous job resisting so far. I am sure you can wait until you are fully healed.’

The young mare sighs,’ Yes, daddy.’

‘Good. Now, be gentle on your legs until Nurse Redheart returns. You don’t want to injure them again so soon.’

Rei nods in agreement then lays back in bed, stretching her hind legs under the covers a bit. Redheart moves beside James and gives him somepony to lean on as they return to his room. When they get to his bed, the stallion lets out a big groan.

‘I just don’t get what is wrong with her.’

‘Mr Wanderer, it is fine for her to do those sorts of things, even now. There is no reason she should have to hold back.’

‘I have walked in on her more than ten times since she started living here. She didn't even stop...’

Redheart gasps, ‘Oh, my.’

‘Even though it is normal behaviour, just knowing she does that is more than I want to know. Redheart, it has been well over two weeks since she first left on the adventure that caused her accident. I know she doesn’t do that around her friends, so it has been well over two weeks since she last did that. I know she found time for herself while we were in Neighpon. Most of us found time for various activities. So, according to what I have heard from her birth parents, this has been the longest time since she was a young filly that she hasn’t clopped. I just hope that delaying the inevitable will get her to do it a lot less.’

The nurse stares at her patient. She growls and narrows her eyes. ‘You’re not really sick, are you?’

‘I have been feeling fine since this morning,’ James laughs. ‘Even with Time Lord diseases, I get over them a lot quicker than I should.’

‘You could have told me before I carried you around the house.’

‘You never asked.’

‘Jerk,’ Redheart snorts. ‘Anyway, I think the cold turkey approach might help her get those urges under control. It is really something the two of you should talk about yourselves.’

‘We have. We have several times.’ The stallion hangs his head. ‘I have asked every female authority in her life to to help me, but even they couldn’t get her to cut back. Please. You and Daring are the only mares I know that were raised without mothers, just like Rei is now. Please, Miss Redheart. Any advice would be incredibly helpful.’

The nurse takes a deep breath. She looks at the stallion in front of her. He appears to be on the verge of tears.

‘I am guessing you have more questions than just how to keep her hooves from between her legs.’ James nods in response. ‘And you have questions about Del, too?’ She gets another nod. Redheart sighs. ‘I’m going to help Rei with her exercises and see if Del needs anything. You think of every question you can, and we’ll start with those once I am done.’ The nurse turns to leave. ‘And since you are feeling better, I made a list of things I was hoping to pick up for dinner. Just make sure you wear a mask in case you are still contagious, Mr Wanderer.’

‘You know, you can call me James, Miss Redheart.’

‘Susan. Susan Redheart. Tell anypony, and you’ll be the one in the casts next.’

James laughs and follows Redheart out before they go to their tasks.

James trots out of his room when he hears several ponies scampering up the stairs. He smiles and laughs when he sees the Cutie Mark Crusaders, as well as Applejack and Rarity, trot into his home.

‘So great to see all of you!’ the stallion greets, hugging the two mares. ‘How can I help you?’

‘We’re actually here fer the youngins,’ Applejack replies.

‘We wanted to make Rei a gift since she got hurt,’ Sweetie Belle starts.

‘But then we heard ‘bout Del gettin’ sick,’ Apple Bloom continues.

‘So we had to make something for her, too,’ Scootaloo finishes.

James laughs. ‘Well, you can go see Rei. She can’t walk much yet, but I know she’ll be happy for the visitors. As for Del... She’s a bit of a mess right now. Her stomach bug is hitting her worse than expected. Remember: Don’t eat pizza left on the ground for a week.’

The fillies nod in agreement while the mares facehoof. The fillies look at each other, nod and gallop to Rei’s room.

‘Are you sure it is safe letting them loose while Del is still ill?’ Rarity asks.

‘No worries. We are in full quarantine mode. If I were still sick with the pony pox, I could lick your face and you wouldn’t get sick.’ James pauses for a moment before turning to Applejack. ‘No.’

Rarity snickers.

‘Ah didn’ say nothin’!’ Applejack looks at Rarity. ‘And y’all stop thinkin’ thoughts ya shouldn’ have!’

Before they can argue more, Redheart comes out of Del’s room. She looks very angry.

‘How do you miss a bin that big? Seriously!’ The nurse stomps over to James. ‘If this keeps up, I am going to have to quit being a nurse and become a clerk. Three hundred bits a week sounds really good right now.’

‘I take it Little Del isn’t doing too well,’ Rarity guesses.

‘Three hundred a week?!’ Applejack is aghast. ‘Ah might have t’ get out o’ the Apple business.’

‘Most of that is to keep Lucas silent about certain secrets I have shared with only my friends.’

‘I wouldn’t mind three hundred a week to be your friend,’ Rarity states.

‘Sweetie Belle still thinks it is a “kissing game”, right?’

‘Then again, some friendships are priceless.’

Redheart groans and hangs her head. ‘I am not washing her again. I don’t know how you shave a changeling, but I am willing to find out.’

‘She knows!’ Rarity gasps.

‘Hard not to find out when she passes out right in front of you in a pile of her own mess!’ The nurse nods towards James. ‘He might claim there is an quarantine field, but I recommend bathing in disinfectant just in case.’

‘She can’t be that bad. Ah remember one time Apple Bloom had...’

‘I was working that night. She’s worse.’

‘What about the time Sweetie found the cat food?’

Redheart shakes her head. ‘Once her stomach was pumped, it was done. Del must have a black hole in her or something.’

‘Quasar,’ The Wandering Physicist corrects.

Redheart turns and stares at the stallion with an intense ferocity. ‘You are taking care of them for the rest of the day. I am taking a bath and staying there!’

The frustrated mare grumbles to herself as she trots to the washroom and slams the door. Nopony knows how to react.

‘I’m going to check on the kids,’ Rarity quickly states before dashing away.

James and Applejack stand nervously together.’

‘So, uh...’ Applejack starts.

‘I am not going to lick your face.’

‘Ah wasn’ gonna ask that!’

‘Almost there, Rei! You can do it!’ Fluttershy cheers.

Rei struggles and takes a step up the stairs leading to her home. Behind her, James is ready to catch the unsteady pegasus if she falls, and Fluttershy is flying above to support and cheer her on. Rei reaches the top of the stairs and immediately sits down.

‘No more for now,’ the young mare pants. ‘I need a break.’

‘Are your legs getting sore?’ Fluttershy worries. ‘Are we upsetting your wings? Oh, no! We are upsetting your wings, and they won’t heal properly.’

‘No,’ Rei laughs, ‘we have just been climbing all day, and I am tired. I want to lay down for a bit.’

‘You definitely earned it,’ James agrees. ‘I think we have earned a break for now.’

‘That was the biggest workout you got in months, isn’t James?’ Fluttershy teases.

‘Too tired to respond.’

Rei stands and trots to her room. ‘Will you lay with me, mommy?’

Fluttershy blushes and flies after Rei. James groans and trots to the couch. Redheart trots from Del’s room and sits by her host.

‘Well, she hates me now,’ the nurse comments.

‘You actually cut her mane?’

‘Just a bit so that it doesn’t get in the way, but those fangs are looking really sharp.’

‘Average span of a stomach bug is coming to an end soon. It is only for a bit.’

Redheart groans. ‘Right. And how is my original patient?’

‘She is taking a break. She is getting tired of the stairs, though.’

‘It is the perfect workout to get her muscles back to full strength. If she wants to change it up a bit, take her out tomorrow for a walk around the district. I am sure her friends will be excited to see her alive and well.’

‘Speaking of which...’

‘I am scanning her wings every night. Maybe after her walk, if her trainer is available. I don’t want her out there flying on her own.’

‘She will be. Don’t worry,’ James assures. ‘And if all else fails, we have Rainbow Dash.’

Redheart rolls her eyes. ‘Scootaloo or Pound Cake first, then Rainbow Dash.’

Fluttershy giggles as she trots from Rei’s room. ‘I heard that.’

‘Ready for round two?’ James asks.

‘No, I think she is done for today,’ Fluttershy replies. ‘I’m just getting her a drink.’

‘Fluttershy, would you mind staying for the night?’ Redheart asks. ‘Rei really perks up when you are around.’

The pegasus blushes and tries hiding behind her mane. ‘I don’t know. I don’t want to be in the way.’

‘You know there is always room for you,’ James says with a smile.

Fluttershy smiles back. ‘Well, if that is the case...’

The pegasus giggles again and goes to the kitchen.

‘Hell of a surprise,’ James comments.

‘I am ready to give Rei a talk tonight. Fluttershy can help keep her calm enough to listen.’

James nods in agreement. ‘I’ll notify your next of kin.’

‘Right,’ Redheart groans. ‘Just got to find a way to make you hate me, and I’ll have hit the jackpot.’

‘Rei is a little stubborn, but she is also logical. She’ll come around. She did with Full Moon.’ James hops up. ‘Anyway! Fluttershy had the right idea. One large glass of carrot juice coming right up.’

‘About time you eat right,’ Redheart and a passing Fluttershy grumble.

‘Actually, it is for Del. If she didn’t need so-called “healthy” fluids, it would have been thrown out so fast, it would have covered Rei’s shop.’

The two mares groan at the stallion and silently agree to give him a lecture, too.

Rei happily trots up the stairs of The Power Block after a day out visiting her friends. Fluttershy and Lucas were so nice in helping her get around. Redheart’s promise that her wing casts will come off when she gets home made the decision to stay out or come back early a tough one. Rei is ready to get her casts off and finally...


Rei screams and jumps backwards, landing on Fluttershy.

‘Surprise!’ Pinkie shouts a second later. ‘Ah shoot!’

‘I did warn you that Pinkie and Stormy wanted to throw you a party,’ James laughs.

‘We used your dad’s magic box to set up while you were out,’ Pinkie explains. ‘Pretty sneaky, right?’

Rei looks around at the decorations, the treats, all of her friends. She smiles, trots to Stormy and Pinkie and gives them a big hug.

‘I love you guys so much.’

With her wings free and a party in her honor, Rei is having a blast. On the other hoof, Redheart is taking a break from the celebration to check on Del. The young changeling is able to keep down the punch and cake and is curled up to try to sleep. The nurse gets up to leave, but the door is blocked.

James motions to follow. ‘Come with me.’

The two ponies make their way around the party to the TARDIS. James starts inputting commands on the console.

‘So, I promised you a gift for helping me out.’

‘You don’t have to take me anywhere,’ the nurse sighs. ‘Really.’

‘I’m not taking you anywhere. I am putting you somewhere.’

‘Great,’ Redheart groans. She sees a bag sitting on a nearby chair. ‘What’s that?’

‘Oh. I’ll be dropping that in your home on my way back. Consider it a tip for all of the hard work you put in.’

Redheart opens the bag. It is full of bits. ‘That is more than I make in year!’

‘Nurses are one of the most underrated professions.’


‘Don’t thank me yet.’

James stops the TARDIS and opens the doors to a nightclub. A lone earth pony stallion is watching the crowds while he sips a drink.

‘His name is Pascal H Perl. He works as a freelance programmer for a firm in Canterlot so he has very flexible hours. He enjoys stargazing, rainy afternoons, and pink manes get his back leg thumpin’.’

Redheart stares out of the TARDIS at the stallion.

‘Go get him, Sus.’

James gives Redheart a bump out of the time machine. She turns back to growl, but there is nothing behind her. She takes a deep breath and trots up to the table.

‘Mind if I join you?’ Redheart asks, putting on her best smile.

Pascal looks up. His eyes go wide and his hind leg starts tapping his seat.

‘I take that as a “yes”,’ Redheart laughs as she sits.

Bonus Scene

Author's Note:

Story Timeline: First full appearance of Nurse Redheart. Rei's clop habits start getting curbed.

Story Event: I know Rei took a quicker to heal than she should realistically, but Rainbow Dash was in bed for a few days when she busted her wing. To balance that, Del was sick for the appropriate time for her illness. You can chalk Rei's healing up as another gift from her parents as well.

Sad Fact: If you see me using the phrase 'I'm fine. I'm perfectly fine.' anywhere...

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